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TCW Total Breakdown with Shawn Doakes

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Doakes: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to another edition of TCW's Total Breakdown! For those of you who are unfamiliar with the show, this is where we break down all the important stories for you as we head into TCW's most popular Pay-Per-Views! Now with that out of the way let's see what we have in story as we had into....



Doakes: It's been an exciting new year for TCW that brought with it a change in leadership. The TCW execs had grown tired of the chaos of 2012 so they decided it was time to bring in a real powerhouse to steer the ship and they did not disappoint with "Man They Called Dread," Mr. Donald Redd! It wasn't long before Mr Redd left his stamp on TCW issuing a change to the All-Action Title Belt. Starting tonight the title changes names to the Television Title, but this change is more then cosmetic. The TV title is open to all weight classes and must be defended on every TV show that TCW runs! What's more the title can, get this, change hands on a count-out or DQ as long as no outside interference is involved! CRAZY!!! And how will we be deciding the "first" TV champion? With a six-man title scramble! Giant Tana, Aaron Andrews, Chance Fourtune, Edd Stone, and Freddy Huggins will all join Flying Jimmy Foxx as they try to win this new prize. Oh, and there's one more thing! Being the holder of the All-Action title Foxx will already enter with a one pin-fall advantage. Will this be enough for Foxx to maintain the gold or will the TV title find another waist to wrap itself around. We'll find out Sunday!



Flying Jimmy Foxx© vs. Aaron Andrews vs. Edd Stone vs. Chance Fortune vs. Freddy Huggins vs Giant Tana


Doakes: One the first episode of Total Wrestling of the year The New Wave were able to score a count out victory over the current Tag Teams champions Texas Buffalo and the champs have not let them live it down yet! After numerous run ins and attacks back stage the New Wave will get another shot at the gold and there will be no count outs this time as these four will be locked inside a steel cage! What role will Floyd Goldwerthy play on the outside? I don't know, folks, but this one is not to be missed!



The New Wave vs. Texas-Buffalo©


Doakes: Eddie Peak thought he had found the next big thing when he revealed his new protege Killer Shark to the world. Shark's debut was less impressive then Peak had hope though as he was defeated in his first outing by Joshua Taylor. Peak and KS have had it out for Taylor ever since even harassing Taylor's girlfriend Tracy Brendon! However Peak will be forced to see if he can hold his own against Taylor Sunday as the two collide and Killer Shark is BANNED from ringside. Will Peak fare better then his protege or will Taylor again emerge triumphant?


Eddie Peak vs Joshua Taylor

w/ Killer Shark Banned From Ringside


Doakes: Sometimes it's just about a pretty girl, am I right folks? That has been the case with Danny Fonzarelli and Troy Tornado who have both been after the, ahem, services of Krissy Angelle since her debut here in TCW. If you ask me the two have just been making fools of themselves but we will see how things play out Sunday. Who will win the contracted services of TCW's newest manager extraordinaire? You'll have to order to find out!


Troy Tornado vs Danny Fonzarelli


Doakes: It all started at Psycho Circus last year with handcuffs and its ending Sunday with a night stick! Every since his lose last year Rick Law has had his sights set on Joey Minnesota and the former world champion has not backed down! Despite being severely beaten with a night stick two weeks ago on Total Wrestling Minnesota is defying doctors orders and appearing Sunday to quote, "Shove that night stick straight up Law's" well you know. Law has tried to maintain his cool lawman's demeanor but he was visibly shaken at Minnesota's appearance on the last episode of Total Wrestling? Has the lawman bitten off more then he can chew or will Joey Minnesota just be another not so tough doughnut for Rick Law? Hehe, doughnut.


Night Stick on A Pole Match

Rick Law vs Joey Minnesota


Doakes: It was just another battle of the big dogs until a new face emerged from the wrestling world, Sleezy Saunders! Saunders quickly sided with the Bad-Ass Bryan Vessey in his war against Ricky Dale Johnson recruiting the ever dangerous tag team of the Machines to help them. But one person who was able to look past the charismatic mastermind was Joel Bryant. Bryant refused the invitation into the new alliance despite the Machines helping him gain the International Title as a showing of good-will. Bryant has also enlisted the Asian Sensation, Koshiro Ino to help him and RDJ battle this new sinister coalition. This battle has resulted in two matches at Malice at Wonderland as the Ino and Bryant team up to take on the Machines and Vessey battles it out with RDJ. Will Saunders new team win out or will justice prevail? Will find out Sunday, folks!


The Machines vs Koshiro Ino and Joel Bryant


Bryan Vessey vs Ricky Dale Johnson


Doakes: And of course who could forget our main even of the night, folks!? Rocky Golden has sworn to get his belt back from the cocky youth Wolf Hawkins, but how much of a chance will he have with Tommy Cornell sneaking around outside the ring. Cornell and Hawkins have been on edge ever since losing a tag match against Golden and Benny Benson and miscues between the Syndicate allowed Golden to pin Cornell leading up to this Sunday's big match. Some have even speculated that Cornell is growing tired of being in the shadow of his former student. When asked to comment on those rumors Cornell laughed them off and said he guaranteed the better man would walk out of Malice in Wonderland as the champion. Anything's possible and then only way to find out is to order Malice in Wonderland this Sunday!


TCW World Championship Match

Rocky Golden vs Wolf Hawkins © w/ Tommy Cornell


Doakes: I am Shawn Doakes and this has been TCW's Total Breakdown, join us on Monday's live podcast as we bring you the results for those foolish enough to have missed...




Other Matches

Jay Chord vs Sammy Bach

Tommy Cornell vs Steve Flash

Donnie J vs Pistol Pete Hall vs Spazz vs The Masked Hombre

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By Jasmine "The Dream" Saunders


Hello all you TCW Maniacs out there in the great wide yonder of Cyber Space and in case you've been living under a rock, or perhaps not ventured out of your parents' basement in a while, TCW has seen some major changes lately. I know for you're little minds all this change can be kinda hard to process but no fear my little Maniacs, your own personal dream, Jasmine Saunders, is here to help. I now present you a list of major roster moves we've seen in TCW lately.




Donald Redd

"The Man They Called Dread" can now call himself "The Man They Call Boss" as he has been given the keys to the TCW Kingdom, a job that should have gone to yours truly if I do say so myself. I mean honestly, who in their right minds would be against Rocky Golden and Wolf Hawkins fighting for the title in a Tuxedo Match? YUM! Anyway here he is the new boss man in all his former champion glory, blah blah blah.


Pistol Pete Hall

Another geezer that TCW brought in who is apparently big in Japan. I don't really know much about what goes on in Japan other then they have Godzilla. He looks old enough to have been the guy in the Godzilla costume.


The Masked Hombre

I don't know much about this guy but @ShawnFolks said he's been around for awhile. Anyway apparently him and that Pistol Pete guy formed a tag team called Tex-Mex which is so racist I don't know where to begin. Side note, this guy tried to talk to me backstage one time and was like "Hey, my name is Bob Casey" and I was all like "Eww, get away! You smell like beans."


Donnie J

Ok, this guy I know. He used to show up every once and awhile whenever we were running shows in Cali, btw love Cali! Anyway he used to be part of this tag team that was pretty big here and I think there are trying to put that back together but the other guy isn't available so they brought in this next guy.


Steve Flash

Yeah this guy is coming in with Donnie J and they are forming "The New Fly Boys" and I'm like, "um you both are old, why are you calling yourself boys," but no one listens to me, so whatever, do what you want. Anyway this guy is like some big time good wrestler and has been around for like ever.


Dharma Gregg

This girl is pretty cool in that laid back hippie way. She was brought in to help manage the "New Fly Boys" but I think she should be doing something better then parading out two old guys that wanna act like boys. Although she does kinda smell like patchouli.



So this guy I know nothing about and I mean nothing. He just showed up one day and I ask one of the guys, "Who's that guy in the mask and the fro" and they were all like "Don't worry about it" and I was like "Rude much?" Anyway everyone seems super high on him so I think we can expect big things.


Krissy Angelle

Ok, this girl is total skank city. Everyone keeps acting like she is so hot and she looks totally fake. Whatever, all I know is that she is a manager and Danny Dorkelli and Troy Tornado have been acting like idiots trying to get her to sign with one of them. Whatever... skank.


Sleezy Saunders

This guy just appeared out of nowhere and is just as his name says SLEEZY! He is actually a pretty good addition if you ask me since he can talk almost as good as moi. He's working as a manager for Bryan Vessey and the Machines now and has promised to take them all the way to the top.


Mac Glenn

Some chubby Australian who better not be after my job! Like I have to worry, I'm irreplaceable around here. He somehow talked his way into replacing @ShawnFolks at the desk for one one show and hasn't been seen since. Anyway @Azaria1000 told me he hates working with him.


And in case you've been missing Elliot Thomas, Jeremy Courtney, Might Mo (seriously? Terrible name) and Harry Allen, well first question is "Why?" and secondly they've all been sent away so they can not suck so much. Well, Maniacs, that is all for now and remember, I'm Jasmine and it will only happen in your dreams!

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Breaking Down the Changes in TCW

By Jason Rodgers


What you must be saying if you caught any of TCW in the new year is, "What is going on here?" The reason for that is that things have been spun around and flipped upside down backstage in TCW as of late. Changes have been coming in leaps and bounds and even the staff here at the best darn wrestling magazine in the world are trying to keep up with them. Here is just a few things that we have uncovered.


Joel Bryant Fired?


We are not sure what exactly the reasoning is but it has been confirmed that Tommy Cornell has brought in Sleezy Saunders to be the top booker replacing the long standing Joel Bryant. There have been many conflicting stories as to what has caused this ranging from Cornell not being happy with how Bryant had allowed the locker room to get out of control to Bryant requesting to step down and be allowed take a smaller role in the company. Evidence would lean toward the latter opinion since he has recently been named the head trainer of the TCW School of Pro-Wrestling and been given the International Title and is now heavily involved in one of the top feuds in the company.


The Opening of UCW

One of the first actions TCW took after Saunders gained control was to counter SWF's formation of RIPW with their own creation Ultimate Championship Wrestling based in the Tri-State area. Immediately Harry Allen, Mighty Mo, Elliot Thomas, and Jeremy Courtney were sent down and developmental contracts were set out to a large number of young and experienced talent. Some of the young talent signed includes Cameron Vessey, Jacob Jett, The Good Ol’ Boys (Thimbleby Langton and Wooten Fitzpaine) and Edward Cornell, cousin of TCW owner Tommy Cornell. Former SWF tag-team star Kid Toma has also been seen on UCW events surprisingly without partner Akima Brave who has turned up in MAW and is rumored to have a touring contract for a unnamed company in Japan. Other talent appearing on UCW shows is Ox Mastodon of FCW fame, a noted protege of new on-screen general manager Dread and KC Glenn who is said to be personally trained be Joey Minnesota. Former TCW star Clark Alexander was signed on as a trainer and given the top belt at the first show. Lee Wright and Eric Tyler were also brought in on non-wrestling capacities to help progress the roster of TCW hopefuls. There is also been rumors that the company has made developmental contract offers to Casey Valentine, Hell's Bouncer, both Keith brothers, Bart Starr and Joss Thompson however none of those individuals have appeared to have accepted.


Women's Division on the Horizon?

Most people are familiar with Tracey Brandon as Joshua Taylor's on-screen girlfriend playing the damsel in distress but there are two things you may not know. First, the two are actually married and second, she is actually a fairly skilled in-ring competitor in her own right. That along with the number of female wrestlers showing up in UCW including Joanne Rodriquez, Grace Harper, Foxxy LaRue, Suzanne Brazzle, Sara Marie York and Zoe Ammis. It appears that TCW is gearing up to set up a women's division sometime in the near future, but the only question is "What are they waiting for?"

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<div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:18px;">TCW TOTAL BREAKDOWN</span></span></strong></p></div><p></p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><em><span style="font-size:14px;">With Shawn Doakes</span></em></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Doakes:</strong> Greetings folks, and welcome to this round-up addition of TCW Total Breakdown!! We saw a great show last night and hopefully you didn't miss the exciting action that TCW has become famous for! In case you did miss the action last night we are going to bring a recap everything that went down last night at...</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:18px;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">MALICE IN WONDERLAND</span></span></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Doakes:</strong> In pre-show matches that are still available on TWC.com <strong>Spazz defeated Donnie J, Pistol Pete Hall, and The Masked Hombre</strong> in an elimination match, <strong>Benny Benson defeated Genghis Rahn</strong> and <strong>Tommy Cornell submitted Steve Flash</strong> with the ever dangerous Guilt Trip. Make sure you check both of those matches out if you haven't already folks, they are spectacular!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Doakes:</strong> The actual broadcast started off with a match for the newest TCW title, the Television Title. Walking in as the holder of the now defunct All-Action title, Flying Jimmy Foxx was the odds on favorite since we was already given one fall in the championship scramble. However that Foxx would be unable to capitalize on this advantage and couldn't score another fall in the match. In a nail bitter Aaron Andrews and Freddy Huggins were tied with two falls a piece heading into the final minute of the contest. In what can only be described as a complete lack of sportsmanship Huggins and long time partner Edd Stone conspired to steal the victory when Stone tapped out to the loosest headlock I have ever seen applied by Huggins. The submission gave Huggins his third fall and crowned him the new Television champion.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Freddy Huggins defeated Aaron Andrews, Chance Fortune, Edd Stone, Flying Jimmy Foxx, and Giant Tana for the Television Title</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Doakes:</strong> Next up we had another championship on the line, the TCW World Tag Team Championship! The champions faced an up hill battle having the x-factor Floyd Goldwerthy locked outside of the steel cage. That would not deter the mastermind behind Texas Buffalo. After what seemed to be a even match Goldwerthy decided it was time to give his team a hand an tried to climb into the cage himself! The plan backfired as the New Wave whipped Texas Pete into the cage causing Goldwerthy to crash and burn on the outside. Distracted by the calamity befalling his friend American Buffalo fell easy pray to the Wave of Mutilation and the three count!</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">The New Wave defeated Texas Buffalo for the World Tag Titles</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Doakes:</strong> Joshua Taylor and Eddie Peak weren't fighting for any titles but that doesn't mean this match wasn't short on excitement! What started as a traditional match quickly broke down as all hell broke loose back stage! The cameras caught up with Killer Shark as he was tearing apart the backstage area chasing after Tracey Brendon! When she followed her out to the ringside area the presence not only caused the disqualification of Peak but also caused Taylor to be distracted long enough to slap a pair of handcuffs on Taylor trapping him on the ring ropes! With Taylor incapacitated Peak was able to kidnap Brendon and escape while Shark guarded Taylor. With the sight of his girlfriend being taken Taylor lost it ripping the ring ropes right off the turnbuckle and laying out Shark before chasing after Peak, ring rope in tow!</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Joshua Talyor Defeated Eddie Peak by DQ</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Doakes:</strong> Now here is where things went from weird to absolutely crazy folks! After Shark recovered the arena went completely out and when they came back on a monstrous figure as big as Shark was standing behind him. When Shark turned the mysterious figure grabbed Shark by the throat and began to say something before the lights went off and on again and both men were gone! Could this possibly be the work of Taylor or is something else going on. I don't know folks, but it is a mystery to say the least!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Doakes:</strong> The war of words between Jay Chord and Sammy Bach finally came to a head last night as the two brash wrestlers finally stepped into the ring together and they did not disappoint. In what was arguably the best match of the night the two future stars of this business put on a exhibition and just when it appeared that Jay Chord was about to hit the Cradle Piledriver for the win Bach was able to counter with the inside cradle to steal the victory.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Sammy Bach Defeated Jay Chord</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Doakes:</strong> Troy Tornado and Danny Fonzarelli have both been after the managerial services of Krissy Angelle since she appeared in TCW and it all boiled down to this match. The winner would walk away with a briefcase contacting a contract for the services of Miss Angelle. Krissy Angelle seemed indifferent to which wrestler would eventually win her services but that was anything but! Just as Danny seemed to having everything wrapped up she jumped up on the ring apron to call Danny over for a kiss good luck. The distraction allowed Tornado to gain the upper hand and the pinfall, not to mention the contract for Krissy Angelle! </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Troy Tornado Defeated Danny Fonzarelli</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Doakes:</strong> The powder keg that was the tension between the Machines and Koshiro Ino and Joel Bryant finally exploded last night. Ray Johnson had his hands full controlling all four competitors as well as Sleezy Saunders on the outside. Despite the advantage of Saunders on the outside Ino was able to slap on the Kobra Klutch on Brent Hill. However rather then allow his partner to embarrass the team by tapping out John Anderson took a steel chair to the back of Ino. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Koshiro Ino and Joel Bryant defeated The Machines by DQ</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Doakes:</strong> In what was as a brutal match as can be expected between these two RDJ and Bryan Vessey went to war with each other. Both men threw everything at the other but neither would yield. In the end it would be Sleezy Saunders who would turn the tide, but not as he intended! Distracting the ref, Saunders tried to pass a pair of brace knuckles to Vessey but they were intercepted by RDJ who leveled Vessey. When the ref finally broke free of Saunders it was all over but the three count!</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Ricky Dale Johnson defeated Bryan Vessey</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Doakes:</strong> This one was all we expected and more as Rocky Golden tried to win back his title from Wolf Hawkins. For the first time in weeks it seems Hawkins and his mentor Tommy Cornell were on the same page and were working effectively to pick away at the Golden one! Golden however was able to get the upper hand on Hawkins hitting him with the Rocky Road. Just as Sam Sparrow hand was about to slap the three count and crown Rocky as the new TCW champion Cornell pulled the ref from the ring and slammed him against the guard rail. Rocky began to jaw with Cornell on the outside of the ring as Hawkins recovered and nailed him with a low blow followed up by a Full Moon Rising! Ray Johnson then ran out from the back to make the three count and allow Hawkins to keep his title</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Wolf Hawkins defeated Rocky Golden to retain the World Title</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Doakes:</strong> Well that's everything folks. Make sure you tune in to Total Wrestling tomorrow to see all the fallout and don't forget to check us out next month when we break down TCW's The War to Settle the Score!</p>

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