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UWF 1987: Changing History

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Bill Watts ordered me to book an arena show despite my protest that it wasn't cost effective. I mean, if we have to pay everyone per appearance then we should stick to the TV show so we get the most bang for our buck, but Bill was adamant. Since I realized only our hometown audience would see the show we shouldn't give anything good away, so I booked a pretty lackluster card. The fans loved it anyway, so Bill was happy and we got to save our stories for TV.


UWF Arena Show in the Dodge City Civic Center

Sell out crowd of 2500

Announcers: Jim Ross, Boyd Pierce, and JT Sweet


The Fabulous Freebirds(Gordy/Roberts) def. Chavo Guerrero and Brazo de Oro

Sheik Skandor Akbar hyped up Hyperion

Hyperion def. Joe Savoldi

Eddie Gilbert def. Shane Douglas

"Wild" Bill Irwin def. Brad Armstrong

Ted DiBiase gloated about his win over Jerry Lawler

Michael "P.S." Hayes def. "Gentleman" Chris Adams

Ted DiBiase def. Terry Taylor


UWF Power Pro Wrestling March 1987 Week 4


UWF Universal Championship Cage Match

UWF Champion Ted DiBiase VS. Jerry Lawler


Rick Steiner VS. Terry Gordy

One Man Gang VS. Shane Douglas


Michael "P.S." Hayes speaks out!

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<p>UWF Universal Championship Cage Match</p><p>

<strong>UWF Champion Ted DiBiase </strong>VS. Jerry Lawler</p><p>


Rick Steiner VS. <strong>Terry Gordy</strong></p><p>

One Man Gang VS. <strong>Shane Douglas</strong></p><p>


Michael "P.S." Hayes speaks out!</p>

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Jim Ross

Welcome ladies and gentlemen to another exciting episode of Power Pro Wrestling. We have a great show for you today because Jerry Lawler is going to get his hands on Ted DiBiase inside of a steel cage! If that wasn't great by itself the UWF Championship is on the line so you just know both men will be giving it their all.


JT Sweet

Lawler may have a chance to become champion yet again, but how could he be in any condition to fight after taking that massive slam move from Hyperion.


Boyd Pierce

I have no idea, but at least we know Hyperion will not be able to interfere thanks to 15 feet of steel cage.


Jim Ross

I don't know either, but maybe Lawler himself will tell us himself since he seems to be coming down to the ring right now.



Jerry Lawler

I have to hand it to you Teddy boy, I did not think you would stoop so low as to throw your lot in with that crazy camel rider Sheik Skandor Akbar! Sheik, as soon as I win that championship belt you better believe I'm going to slap your face with it! Speaking of the championship, I guarantee that I will win the title tonight or you will never see me in UWF again! That's right. If I can't beat little Teddy tonight, then I will walk out of this building and never step foot in UWF again!


Jim Ross

My God folks! Jerry Lawler guarantees a win here tonight or he will leave UWF forever! Can things get any crazier?


JT Sweet

I think it can, because we are seeing the return of the One Man Gang! Word from the back is the One Man Gang is mad as all heck having been injured when the title was stripped from his possession. He is looking to prove a point tonight and I would hate to be Shane Douglas.



One Man Gang VS. Shane Douglas

Shane Douglas comes out to a collective sigh. Shane seems agitated by the lack of response and tries to incite the crowd but to no avail. The One Man Gang then comes out to some cheers mixed with boos. The One Man Gang gets in the ring and attacks Shane immediately. The bell ring as One Man Gang slams Shane down. One Man Gang then rebounds off the ropes and lands a huge splash on Shane.

Winner: One Man Gang!


Jim Ross

Huge win by One Man Gang! Shane Douglas looks like he was hit by a runaway train! One Man Gang came here to prove a point and I think he has.


JT Sweet

Indeed he has and if you ask me it is only a matter of time before he gets that UWF belt around his waist once again. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if Ted allows Jerry to win just so Lawler has to face One man Gang.


Jim Ross

That does sound like the underhanded tactics DiBiase is known for, but I doubt the fans will let him leave the arena if he doesn't put on a good show tonight. However, we have Rick Steiner taking on Terry Gordy after the break.


:::Commercial Break:::



Rick Steiner VS. Terry Gordy

Terry and Rick are already trading blows when Power Pro Wrestling returns. Rick lands a huge right and takes Terry off his feet. Rick tries to go in for a pin but Terry lands a huge boot to the knee that drops Rick to one knee. Terry got up and grabs Rick by the head and lands a huge bulldog. Terry then lifted Rick to his feet and nails Rick with a DDT. Terry makes the pin, but somehow Rick kicks out. Terry seems frustrated and he lets Rick have it with a hard left that bust Rick wide open causing the ref to call for the bell.

Winner by stoppage: Terry Gordy!


Jim Ross

Such brutality from Terry Gordy and Rick Steiner looks completely out of it. Hopefully Rick doesn't have a concussion because he could be out of action for a few weeks if he does.


Boyd Pierce

Concussion? Back in my time guys would get a concussion on Monday and wrestle 3 times on Tuesday!


JT Sweet

Perhaps Boyd, but that was back when wrestlers were paid 10 dollars a match. Rick is a finely tuned athlete and he gets paid like one. There is no way he will put his career on the line if he doesn't have to.


Jim Ross

True enough, but right now lets go to the ring because Michael "P.S." Hayes looks to be headed to the ring.



Michael "P.S." Hayes

What is up Kansas? Are you all staying as pretty and sexy as Michael Hayes? Now I am sure you all have been watching Power Pro Wrestling hoping to get a glimpse of this body, but each and every week you have been disappointed because I have been kept out of the ring....


Suddenly, Hyperion hits the ring and attacks Michael Hayes. Hyperion lifts Hayes up and slams him to the mat in a similar fashion he did to Jerry Lawler the previous week. Hyperion walks off leaving Hayes laid out in the ring.


Jim Ross

Hyperion lays out Michael Hayes with that sick looking slam he hit Lawler with last week. Can anything stop this monster?


JT Sweet

I don't know Jim, but I bet One Man Gang would be a great challenge for him.


Jim Ross

Interesting thought JT. Hopefully we will find out soon enough, but right now we have to take one last break before we get to our main event.


:::Commercial Break:::


UWF Universal Championship Match



Jerry Lawler VS. Ted DiBiase

Jerry Lawler walks out to a huge cheer. The crowd is clearly behind him and hoping he defeats DiBiase. Ted DiBiase comes out next to a loud boo. DiBiase walks slowly, soaking in every boo and jeer. When Ted gets to the ring he tells the ref to back Lawler up. Lawler back all the way up with his hands in the air begging DiBiase to step into the cage. Ted gets into the cage and the outside techs lock it up as the bell rings. Lawler kicks DiBiase and begins to rain clubbing blows on Ted's back. Lawler goes for a pin, but DiBiase gets a foot on the rope breaking the pin. The crowd boos as DiBiase gets up to his feet. Lawler comes at Ted but DiBiase stops him with a punch to the gut. DiBiase then lands a hard elbow to Lawler's head taking him down.


DiBiase the gets Lawler to his feet and walks him over to the cage. DiBiase slams Lawler's face into the cage busting him open. The ref backs DiBiase up and checks on Lawler. The ref begins to wave his hands but Lawler grabs his hand and tells him that he will continue. DiBiase pushes the ref and punches Lawler in the face causing blood to squirt out. DiBiase goes for another punch but Lawler blocks it and lands a huge left of his own. Lawler then grabs DiBiase's head and slams him into the cage busting DiBiase open. The crowd goes crazy as the ref checks on DiBiase.


The ref is going to call the match, but Lawler pushes him out of the way and punches DiBiase. Ted stumbles back and Lawler pulls down his straps to a huge pop. Lawler grabs Ted and puts him in the Piledriver position and tries to lift him up. Lawler tries, but the loss of blood has weakened him. DiBiase unhooks his head and punches Lawler in the face knocking Lawler down. DiBiase gets to his feet and rebounds off the ropes and lands a huge jumping fist drop on Lawler. DiBiase then pins Lawler...for a 2 count!


The crowd breathes a sigh of relief as Ted pounds the mat. Ted gets up and rebounds off the ropes again and tries a second jumping fist drop but Lawler rolls out of the way as the crowd goes wild! Lawler gets to his feet and lifts DiBiase to his feet. Lawler tries for a Piledriver only to have Ted hit Lawler in the bread basket with his head. Ted gets to his feet and lands a DDT on Lawler. Ted then flops his arm over Lawler as the ref makes the count...

Winner: Ted DiBiase!


Jim Ross

My God that was a war! Love him or hate him, Ted DiBiase is one heck of a wrestler and he has proven it tonight. Sadly, we may have just seen the last of Jerry Lawler in UWF. Until next week, I'm Jim Ross and this has been another Power Pro Wrestling!

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WWF holds record breaking Wrestlemania III!

Hulk Hogan defeats Harley Race in the Main Event to retain the WWF Title!


Tempers Flare in UWF!


Don't forget...

UWF Power Pro Wrestling April 1987 Week 1


UWF Universal Championship Match

UWF Champion Ted DiBiase VS. ???


Terry Taylor VS. Michael "P.S." Hayes

Chavo Guerrero VS. Chris Adams

Hyperion VS. Brad Armstrong

Eddie Gilbert with Missy Hyatt VS. Buddy Roberts



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This was a little before my time, but it's one of the few diaries I follow. It's different and I like it. I'm guessing Lawler was purged by WWF or Crockett? Or was he on loan? That's the crazy part about booking territories and guys with open contracts, but I think you handled it well. Makes you think more and you have to be more creative in having guys ready to step up on short notice in case stuff like that happens. Which is why I just use WWF or WCW in mods. I remember using AWA in an '89 mod and things were going well until WWF and WCW started taking guys like Undertaker, Dustin Rhodes, and Arn Anderson. I lucked out and got Hennig and Steamboat, who were loyal to me, but even Larry f'n Zbyzsko(?) walked out when I had him drop the belt lol
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This was a little before my time, but it's one of the few diaries I follow. It's different and I like it. I'm guessing Lawler was purged by WWF or Crockett? Or was he on loan? That's the crazy part about booking territories and guys with open contracts, but I think you handled it well. Makes you think more and you have to be more creative in having guys ready to step up on short notice in case stuff like that happens. Which is why I just use WWF or WCW in mods. I remember using AWA in an '89 mod and things were going well until WWF and WCW started taking guys like Undertaker, Dustin Rhodes, and Arn Anderson. I lucked out and got Hennig and Steamboat, who were loyal to me, but even Larry f'n Zbyzsko(?) walked out when I had him drop the belt lol


Lawler was on loan...twice! First was a 1 day deal with Dory of AJPW, Curt and of AWA, and Arn from the JCP. I then grabbed Lawler for a 3 appearance deal which just ended.

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Live from the Dodge City Civic Center in Kansas

with a sell out attendance of 2,500! This is...

Power Pro Wrestling

April 1987 Week 1

with your Announcers

Jim Ross, Boyd Pierce, and JT Sweet


Buddy Robers def. Eddie Gilbert with Missy Hyatt

During the match we had Missy Hyatt inadvertently slap Eddie.

Roberts seemed a bit off his game tonight.

The finish came when Buddy Roberts landed a DDT after Eddie was slapped.

Eddie left the ring without Missy.


Hyperion def. Brad Armstrong

Hyperion dominated the match with his superior strength.

Hyperion landed his huge move, called the Power Bomb, for the finish.

After the math Hyperion continued his assault on Brad to the horror of the crowd.


Chavo Guerrero def. Chris Adams

Chavo took advantage early and kept Adams on the defensive for the entire match.

Adams tried to slow the match down several times, but Chavo kept the pressure on.

The finish came after Chavo landed a huge Flying Body Press off the top turnbuckle.


Michael Hayes came out to the ring with a mic.

Hayes challenged Hyperion to a match on next week's show.

Hayes also told DiBiase that he was coming for the title when he was done with Hyperion.

Hayes let Terry Taylor know he was looking forward to their match tonight.

Hayes finished up with a promise he will be “The Sexiest Champion in History!”

As Hayes finished up Terry Taylor came out for his match with Hayes.


Michael Hayes def. Terry Taylor

Hayes danced around a bit to Taylor's annoyance.

Taylor tried to take it to the air several times but Hayes cut him off repeatedly.

Hayes and Taylor went back and forth with multiple near falls.

The finish came after a huge Bulldog by Hayes on Taylor.


Ted DiBiase comes to the ring with a mic.

DiBiase says that he beat everyone in UWF and has no challenge left in the company.

Ted then says he made a few calls and got an up and coming star to face him tonight.

Ted DiBiase then introduces his opponent...Flyin' Brian Pillman!


Ted DiBiase def. Brian Pillman

Brian uses his speed to take control to Ted's shock.

DiBiase utilized a series of dirty tricks to regain control.

The finish came after Ted low blowed Brian and then landed a Jumping Fist Drop


Power Pro Wrestling

April 1987 Week 2


Ted DiBiase vs. ???

Eddie Gilbert vs. Flyin' Brian Pillman

Brazo de Oro vs. “One Man Gang” George Gray

Michael “P.S.” Hayes vs. Hyperion

Chavo Guerrero vs. Terry Taylor

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