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[C-Verse 97] [HGC/DaVE] Everybody Knows

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“Like it or not,” Teddy Flame begins, “you never cross your booker. See, Valentine understands how this business works. Someone humiliates you, you got three options. Shoot on them, shoot them – only available in Puerto Rico – or show them how to work the business.


“Valentine's not gonna shoot on a Stone, and for all the rumours it wasn't McFly he had problems with. And they weren't in Puerto Rico. So he gives the girl what she wants. There's a new dance theme. There's some nods to them wrestling. She gets a win.


“And she has to dress up in a nurse outfit.


“Valentine's happy. The company owner's sixteen years old, hormonal, and happy as a pig in s**t. Who's not happy? Duane. Probably Victoria. But s**t flows downhill, not uphill.


“You never cross your booker. We didn't get the big final title reign before our split, and we live with that, because you don't... you get the picture. People talk about backstage politics, and it kind of is, but making politics work for you is like trying to win Chinese Whispers. You have to think in terms of your end goal and be subtle.


“The theory was that the tag division and singles were equal, but you've just got to look at how the PPV divided up. So many more singles titles, for a start. By April we figured Sam was winning the war, that he'd known he was going to from the start, and that Dread hauling off on him was about the only problem he had.”


He laughs. “So... that turned out to be a pile of crap.”



The Human Arsenal chuckles at a memory. “Just should clarify, really. People saw me looking injured. When that turned out not to be a storyline... well, I've been asked for years.


“All it was was a running joke us 'also rans' had – me, Gilmore, Troy, a couple of the others. We were just trying to get in shot for backstage stuff more than anyone else. See if anyone noticed.


“People only really did if we were doing something weird enough, but then you end up answering trivia questions on internet videos.” He shrugs. “Funny, really. Once the egos got thinned out, look how many of the background boys started to get over big...”



Seated comfortably in an armchair in her kitchen, her husband in back of shot chopping vegetables, Marilyn Stardust takes a reflective sip of her white wine and shakes her head. “I got the call, I think, a week before the PPV,” she says. “The Peak boys were always trouble – one of the reasons I was asked to ride with them was to ride herd on them, keep 'em from ribbing too many folks. But I got the job as part of a rib.


“Eddie had ribbed John-Boy Tucker while he was in LSW, and ribbed him pretty good. I never heard the full story, but I know it had to do with a bottle of pure cap and some coffee. Word got up the line that he needed punishing, but at the same time John-Boy felt he was ready to play someone green and deadly at least. That clearly came at the right time, so...” She shrugs.


“Anyway, they decided the best punishment would be to rib them back, so I became their momma – which is hilarious if you consider the part I played in Trent's marriage.” She shrugs, while in the background her husband turns to look at her, his expression intrigued, cautious. “It did take me away from being a creative consultant at Carl Batch's company – the Vegas strippers one, you know? BSC?


“Which I think is why Carl threatened LSW with war. He had a tendency to fly off the handle, always, and he'd only just gotten started when I left.


“It was a strange time...”

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Phantom Stranger" data-cite="Phantom Stranger" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36122" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Still... I feel like I'm finding my stride now. Which is good.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I think you found your stride the instant you clicked New Thread and set fingers to keys.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="White Dolphin" data-cite="White Dolphin" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36122" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I think you found your stride the instant you clicked New Thread and set fingers to keys.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I have an ear for more people's promos, now. That's important to me. At the start I basically had Charlie Homicide and, to an extent, Monty Walker.</p><p> </p><p> Who are easily my OOC favourite characters in this right now.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Phantom Stranger" data-cite="Phantom Stranger" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36122" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I have an ear for more people's promos, now. That's important to me. At the start I basically had Charlie Homicide and, to an extent, Monty Walker.<p> </p><p> Who are easily my OOC favourite characters in this right now.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Homicide's my favourite so far. There is just something about him that puts him above Strong, Dread, Chord etc. just now.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="MichiganHero" data-cite="MichiganHero" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36122" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Homicide's my favourite so far. There is just something about him that puts him above Strong, Dread, Chord etc. just now.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I was really psyched to see him get the Monthly Spotlight nomination and he's been doing well with it. My twin goals with Homicide are to create a creepy cult leader who isn't Bray Wyatt or Raven and to get creepier each time. I'm wondering how far it can go...</p>
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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><a href="http://s293.photobucket.com/user/trenchcoatbrigand/media/Everybody%20Knows/HGC%20Guys/HGC_zps9a894c88.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Everybody%20Knows/HGC%20Guys/HGC_zps9a894c88.jpg</span></a></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

What a night Sunday was - and what a night this is going to be. We've got a packed schedule of matches, <strong>Shane Sneer</strong> has promised to unveil his solution to the <strong>Strong/Dread</strong> war, and we hope to hear from many of the other stars of HollyWeird!</p><p> </p><p>

In the opening contest of the night, <strong>Dark EAGLE</strong> must face up against <strong>Teddy Flame</strong>. Flame has set the wrestling world talking, but equally, he hasn't notched up many wins lately. Will solo wrestling change that?</p><p> </p><p>

A man who hasn't often made it to Pay-Per-View, <strong>Whistler</strong> is especially familiar to Philadelphia fans - but he expects to be familiar to more of you soon, and he looks to demonstrate why against fellow Philly alum <strong>Ramon Paez</strong>, a high-flier denied his chance at the Cruiserweight Championship by Romeo Heartthrob.</p><p> </p><p>

The <strong>Young Blood</strong> - Liberty's new charges - are hoping to demonstrate their skills as they currently stand, facing off against a new tag team. Calling themselves <strong>Streets Run Red</strong>, Dusty Streets and Giant Redwood have aligned in what could be a very dangerous tandem.</p><p> </p><p>

Rounding out the first hour is<strong> Dread</strong>, who's been scheduled to do battle with proud Texan<strong> Liberty</strong>. The shadow of fear is in for a tremendous fight, especially as Liberty will want to prove himself to Young Blood.</p><p> </p><p>

His archrival has taken a different tack helping his proteges. <strong>Rip Chord and the Stardusts</strong> will face the skill of international grapplers <strong>Black Cobra and the Next Generation</strong>.</p><p> </p><p>

And just before the main event, the <strong>Cruiserweight Championship</strong> will be defended in a WAFTT rematch - <strong>Mr Lucha</strong> once again defending against <strong>Romeo Heartthrob</strong>.</p><p> </p><p>

The main event itself will be sure to keep wrestling fans riveted to their seats! The <strong>Black Serpent Cult</strong> clash with the <strong>Tag Team Specialists</strong> and the <strong>Vessey Brothers</strong>. Whoever wins here is likely to enter serious contention against the Powers of Hell.</p><p> </p><p>

Prediction Key:</p><p>

Dark EAGLE vs. Teddy Flame</p><p> </p><p>

Ramon Paez vs. Whistler</p><p> </p><p>

Streets Run Red (Dusty Streets & Giant Redwood) vs. Young Blood (Paul & Richard Blood) w/ Liberty</p><p> </p><p>

Dread vs. Liberty</p><p> </p><p>

Black Cobra & the Next Generation (Brent Hill & Bryan Holmes) vs. Rip Chord & the Stardusts (Doug & Eddie Stardust) w/ Marilyn Stardust</p><p> </p><p>

HGC Cruiserweight Championship</p><p>

Mr Lucha © vs. Romeo Heartthrob w/ Rocky Constantino</p><p> </p><p>

The Black Serpent Cult (Cobra & Viper) vs. the Tag Team Specialists (Joel Bryant & Robert Oxford) vs. the Vessey Brothers (Bryan & Larry Vessey) w/ Coach Dick Pangrazzio</p>

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Love the alternate history thing you got playing out here. With the non-canon '97 additions, that's the direction I always wanted to go with a diary. It's not Tommy Cornell who becomes a big star, it's John Anderson, etc.


Dark EAGLE vs. Teddy Flame


Ramon Paez vs. Whistler


Streets Run Red (Dusty Streets & Giant Redwood) vs. Young Blood (Paul & Richard Blood) w/ Liberty


Dread vs. Liberty


Black Cobra & the Next Generation (Brent Hill & Bryan Holmes) vs. Rip Chord & the Stardusts (Doug & Eddie Stardust) w/ Marilyn Stardust


HGC Cruiserweight Championship

Mr Lucha © vs. Romeo Heartthrob w/ Rocky Constantino


The Black Serpent Cult (Cobra & Viper) vs. the Tag Team Specialists (Joel Bryant & Robert Oxford) vs. the Vessey Brothers (Bryan & Larry Vessey) w/ Coach Dick Pangrazzio

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Dark EAGLE vs. Teddy Flame - Flame on.


Ramon Paez vs. Whistler - Paez is a jobber, Whistler is a glorified jobber. Interesting match.


Streets Run Red (Dusty Streets & Giant Redwood) vs. Young Blood (Paul & Richard Blood) w/ Liberty - Against any other team, bar the tag champs or the Vesseys, this is in the bag for Young Blood. Clearly though, this isn't. Plus, Nemesis sticking it to Sam Strong. Epic.


Dread vs. Liberty - One is going for a title, the other is in a hot feud with Rip.


Black Cobra & the Next Generation (Brent Hill & Bryan Holmes) vs. Rip Chord & the Stardusts (Doug & Eddie Stardust) w/ Marilyn Stardust - Next.


HGC Cruiserweight Championship

Mr Lucha © vs. Romeo Heartthrob w/ Rocky Constantino - Yep. I'm going to predict Romeo again.


The Black Serpent Cult (Cobra & Viper) vs. the Tag Team Specialists (Joel Bryant & Robert Oxford) vs. the Vessey Brothers (Bryan & Larry Vessey) w/ Coach Dick Pangrazzio - Because, why not? Odds are the Vesseys will win, but seeing BSC vs. Powers would be an interesting twist.

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Dark EAGLE vs. Teddy Flame


Ramon Paez vs. Whistler


Streets Run Red (Dusty Streets & Giant Redwood) vs. Young Blood (Paul & Richard Blood) w/ Liberty

Dread vs. Liberty


Black Cobra & the Next Generation (Brent Hill & Bryan Holmes) vs. Rip Chord & the Stardusts (Doug & Eddie Stardust) w/ Marilyn Stardust


HGC Cruiserweight Championship

Mr Lucha © vs. Romeo Heartthrob w/ Rocky Constantino


The Black Serpent Cult (Cobra & Viper) vs. the Tag Team Specialists (Joel Bryant & Robert Oxford) vs. the Vessey Brothers (Bryan & Larry Vessey) w/ Coach Dick Pangrazzio

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<p>Dark EAGLE vs. <strong>Teddy Flame</strong></p><p>

<em>- Oops. I thought it was the stale face flame, not the blazing heel flame. Flame and Fame!</em></p><p> </p><p>

Ramon Paez vs. <strong>Whistler</strong></p><p>

<em>- Because I have no idea who Paez is, even though I've read some of his match write-ups.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Streets Run Red (Dusty Streets & Giant Redwood)</strong> vs. Young Blood (Paul & Richard Blood) w/ Liberty</p><p>

<em>- Such a bad name for such an awful team. Poor Dusty! Still, Young Blood has some dues to pay. And Dick Blood? I don't know what to make of the name.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Dread</strong> vs. Liberty</p><p>

<em>- Even the sun can be eclipsed by the Shadow of Fear.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Black Cobra & the Next Generation (Brent Hill & Bryan Holmes) vs. <strong>Rip Chord & the Stardusts (Doug & Eddie Stardust)</strong> w/ Marilyn Stardust</p><p>

<em>- Rip Chord and the Stardusts. Playing soon in the Lido Lounge of your Princess Cruise Lines. Who WOULDN'T go to that show?</em></p><p> </p><p>

HGC Cruiserweight Championship</p><p>

Mr Lucha © vs. <strong>Romeo Heartthrob</strong> w/ Rocky Constantino</p><p>

<em>- Because, dammit, I want Heartthrob on top. I mean. Ewwww. Mr. Lucha should put this rivalry to bed and move on.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Black Serpent Cult (Cobra & Viper)</strong> vs. the Tag Team Specialists (Joel Bryant & Robert Oxford) vs. the Vessey Brothers (Bryan & Larry Vessey) w/ Coach Dick Pangrazzio</p><p>

<em>- Fresh challengers for the Powers of Hell. Not credible threats but it lets the Vesseys rebuild and rearm themselves.</em></p>

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<p>Dark EAGLE vs. <strong>Teddy Flame</strong></p><p>

<em>Heel turn = victory!</em></p><p> </p><p>

Ramon Paez vs. <strong>Whistler</strong></p><p>

<em>JOBBER!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Streets Run Red (Dusty Streets & Giant Redwood)</strong> vs. Young Blood (Paul & Richard Blood) w/ Liberty</p><p>

<em>Young? Talented? JOBBERS!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Dread</strong> vs. Liberty</p><p>

<em>The Shadow Of Fear falls everywhere.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Black Cobra & the Next Generation (Brent Hill & Bryan Holmes) vs. <strong>Rip Chord & the Stardusts (Doug & Eddie Stardust)</strong> w/ Marilyn Stardust</p><p>

<em>Everyone's a JOBBER to Rip Chord.</em></p><p> </p><p>

HGC Cruiserweight Championship</p><p>

Mr Lucha © vs. <strong>Romeo Heartthrob</strong> w/ Rocky Constantino</p><p>

<em>Still predicting it.</em></p><p> </p><p>

The Black Serpent Cult (Cobra & Viper) vs. the Tag Team Specialists (Joel Bryant & Robert Oxford) vs. <strong>the Vessey Brothers (Bryan & Larry Vessey)</strong> w/ Coach Dick Pangrazzio</p><p>

<em>Because they're cool.</em></p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Novacain" data-cite="Novacain" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36122" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Just wanted to drop in with 2 things.<p> </p><p> 1. This is fantastic, one of my favorite diaries going</p><p> </p><p> 2. Can someone PLEASE point me in the direction of this mod, because my curiosity is peaked.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Here ya go:</p><p> </p><p> <a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=523828" rel="external nofollow">http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=523828</a></p><p> </p><p> And thanks to everyone, by the way, for all your kind words.</p>
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<p>Dark EAGLE vs. <strong>Teddy Flame</strong></p><p>

<em>I figure that Teddy picks up the win here since Dark EAGLE haven´t done much so far.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Ramon Paez vs. <strong>Whistler</strong></p><p>

<em>Just going with the guy who I know better.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Streets Run Red (Dusty Streets & Giant Redwood)</strong> vs. Young Blood (Paul & Richard Blood) w/ Liberty</p><p>

<em>As much as it hurts for me to pick Redwood, Young Blood, at this point, are just too new and green to go over established talent like Dusty.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Dread</strong> vs. Liberty</p><p>

<em>Liberty is good but not this good.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Black Cobra & the Next Generation (Brent Hill & Bryan Holmes) vs. <strong>Rip Chord & the Stardusts (Doug & Eddie Stardust) w/ Marilyn Stardust</strong></p><p>

<em>I just don´t see Chord losing this one.</em></p><p> </p><p>

HGC Cruiserweight Championship</p><p>

<strong>Mr Lucha ©</strong> vs. Romeo Heartthrob w/ Rocky Constantino</p><p>

<em>The outcome will be the same than in previous matches between these two,</em></p><p> </p><p>

The Black Serpent Cult (Cobra & Viper) vs. the Tag Team Specialists (Joel Bryant & Robert Oxford) vs. <strong>the Vessey Brothers (Bryan & Larry Vessey) w/ Coach Dick Pangrazzio</strong></p><p>

<em>Vessey´s pick a win after they lost their tag titles. </em></p>

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<p>Dark EAGLE vs. <strong>Teddy Flame</strong></p><p>

<em>Dirty win to solidify his recent heel turn.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Ramon Paez vs. <strong>Whistler</strong></p><p>

<em>No Whistler fan but Paez is a jabroni.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Streets Run Red (Dusty Streets & Giant Redwood)</strong> vs. Young Blood (Paul & Richard Blood) w/ Liberty</p><p>

<em>It's Rich Money. With a worker obviously based on Ricky Steamboat, complete with the Dragon's birth name. Redwood's on the other team. But then again...he's tagging with Dusty Streets! I never thought I'd be doing this, but I'm going for the team with Giant f'n' Redwood!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Dread</strong> vs. Liberty</p><p>

<em>Dread's on a roll so I don't see him getting upset by Liberty.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Black Cobra & the Next Generation (Brent Hill & Bryan Holmes) vs. <strong>Rip Chord & the Stardusts (Doug & Eddie Stardust)</strong> w/ Marilyn Stardust</p><p>

<em>Rip Chord is all the difference-maker this match needs.</em></p><p> </p><p>

HGC Cruiserweight Championship</p><p>

<strong>Mr Lucha ©</strong> vs. Romeo Heartthrob w/ Rocky Constantino</p><p>

<em>I'd say Lucha wins and this feud blows over.</em></p><p> </p><p>

The Black Serpent Cult (Cobra & Viper) vs. the Tag Team Specialists (Joel Bryant & Robert Oxford) vs. <strong>the Vessey Brothers (Bryan & Larry Vessey)</strong> w/ Coach Dick Pangrazzio</p><p>

<em>The Vesseys are mad after losing their belts, which should help them walk away with the win here.</em></p>

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HGC Hollyweird TV


Tuesday Week 1 May 1997


Live on Access West Coast, American Central, Maple Leaf Sports, TV Puerto Rico, Delayed on Hawaii 50 (Total Rating: 3.82)


Held at the V. Thompson Arena


Attendance: 9,130





Kyle Rhodes – Jason Azaria


The dancing begins as always – but the lineup seems to have changed, at least a little, from the typical standbys...



The intercut vignettes of them wrestling, however, remain.

As the dancing ends Cowboy Ricky Dale becomes just the latest HGC star to come out into the middle of the posing HollyWeird Girls, strolling down the entry ramp, mic in hand, high-fiving some of the younger fans. He climbs into the ring.


“I'm gonna keep things quick,” he says. “I know I ain't the only person here who wants to get to the wrestlin'. I know there's close on ten thousand of us.


“Peter Valentine, you kept your ridin' partner close, an' you used him against me after I said that wouldn't be happening.


“Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice...” He grins. “That doesn't happen. So let's talk rematch, right? Total Mayhem's coming up, and I want you there in the ring against me. And I want Charlie Thatcher out of-”


Heartbreaker by Led Zeppelin hits, heralding the arrival of Peter Valentine. As ever, the Licenced Cougar Hunter Charlie Thatcher is close behind, giving Valentine the courage to go nose to nose with Dale in the ring.


“Want, want, want,” Valentine begins. “Of course you want things, cowboy. We all do. But do you deserve what you want? I mean, sure, you could get it – but Sean can't, can he?”


The Cowboy pales.


“Yeah,” Valentine grins. “I know all about Sean, cowboy. You want something? What you want is to ask yourself how you can live with that. How you can live with what you did.”


And with that, he turns and walks out. Thatcher lingers, giving Dale the stinkeye before following his employer.


"That's IT," Jason Azaria says. "I'm sick of not being able to tell our fans what's going on. I'm going to have to start learning these people's entire lives."


A bit of an unusual high-flyer match as Flame seems more interested in slams. He's clearly trying some of them out for the first time, even, and can be seen shaking his head after delivering a pumphandle powerslam.


By the end, though, Teddy's somewhat back to his old style. He hits a fairly wild suplex, then finishes the EAGLE with the Flame On.

Teddy Flame defeated Dark EAGLE

Rating: C-


Paez has been a surprisingly plucky undercard man for some time, but he remains winless. His opponent has only an indifferent record – here. Azaria makes great store out of Whistler's PPPW wins, talking him up as the kind of undiscovered talent that HGC is bringing proudly out of obscurity.


The two keep the crowd's attention fairly nicely, particularly when Whistler catches Paez on a cross-body, turning it into a twisting powerslam. He doesn't give the nefarious Paez much ground after that, ultimately nailing a Rebel Yell for the victory.

Whistler defeated Ramon Paez

Rating: D+

Monty Walker, the Hype, and Miss Mexico are shooting hoops in an indoor basketball court elsewhere in the arena. It looks – as she steals off Hype and 'runs' three paces up the wall before making a perfect shot – as if Miss Mexico might be the best of them at this other sport, but they at least all seem to be enjoying themselves.


The ball is collected on the rebound by a suit-clad man who, by the immaculate coiffeur he's sporting, hasn't been part of the game. Frankie Future smiles as Walker approaches.


“Wondered where you were,” he says.


“Didn't think you were here to play,” Walker says, holding out his hand for the ball.


“I'm not sure I'd want to play with you, Monty. If that's even your real name.”


Walker blinks. “The hell?”


“Just being frank,” Future says, smiling smugly. “You cheated, Monty, cheated to retain your title.


“And that's dishonest. I hoped you were better than that.”


He lofts the ball over Walker's head. The Hype snatches it, runs, and dunks as Future walks away. “Why'd you do it, Monty?” he calls as he leaves the room. Walker stands there, jaw open in astonishment.


“Didn't he hit you in the balls, too?” Mexico asks, curious.


Young Blood do their best, but they're outsized, outgunned, and evidently nowhere near as angry as their opponents, who frankly maul them despite some interesting innovative double-teams – a dropkick from Paul sending Redwood into a superkick from Richard at one point, for example.


Dusty ultimately isolates Richard, hitting him with a frankly brutal looking Dust-Off as a finale.

Streets Run Red defeated Young Blood

Rating: D


Liberty climbs into the ring and speaks quietly with Young Blood, the three's heads bowed. The laidback Texan is gesturing, however, and it's clear he's making some points on how the match went. Paul and Richard nod, slap palms with Liberty and leave the ring, taking up seats at ringside ahead of Liberty's contest with Dread.


Liberty himself heads to one corner and begins a leisurely warm-up routine, bouncing on his heels -


- and Takin' Care Of Business hits. Shane Sneer emerges, mic in hand.


“I'm going to applaud how ready you are, Liberty,” Sneer says. “For a guy doesn't like to admit anything ever bothers him you're a hard worker.


“But maybe you need to pay a bit more attention. You didn't check the latest runsheet, did you? Didn't bother to keep up to date.


“You're not wrestling Dread, Liberty.” He holds up a hand, forestalling comment – not that it's likely Liberty could make himself heard all the way up the entry ramp with the crowd rowdy in the background.


“Not my idea,” he says. “Matter of fact, I'm making sure you get paid for wrestling a match tonight anyway.” He nods briefly. “Under my watch, wrestlers get what's coming to 'em.


“Word came down, is all. You're not wrestling Dread. I don't know who started this one, but...


“Richie P, I hope you packed your wrestling gear. Please tell me you checked the runsheet...”


A few moments later Rebel Rebel, Richie Pangrazzio Jr's theme, begins to play, and the father and son head to the ring. Sneer lingers on the ramp, patting Liberty on the back in apparent consolation before the shadow of fear makes his presence felt.


“So who did this?” Rhodes asks, as the match begins. “Is this more scheming from the devil's only saint?”


Azaria doesn't have an answer for him – but why would he? Meanwhile, the match gets started, and after a short period in which Junior keeps his distance, feeling out his opponent carefully, trying to get a sense of what Dread's like, the two finally lock up.


Richie has been learning to take punishment and weather the storm these past few months, but Dread is something else again – and then Pangrazzio shocks everyone, scrambling back to his feet as Dread sets for the Dreadsault. Richie gets to the corner and comes away again with the shadow of fear in an electric chair hoist, though he only gets two paces out before his knees buckle and he has to collapse backward into the drop.


It rattles Dread, and Richie looks for a submission – but the shadow of fear powers out, levelling Richie once both are back to their feet with a lariat. And from there, finally, it's not long before Dread pins his opponent – but after a surprisingly strong showing from Richie Junior.

Dread defeated Richie Pangrazzio Jr

Rating: C+


The camera is backstage, pointed sharply upward. We can see Shane Sneer standing above us from about the knees up, but the angle makes it clear that he's much higher up than our viewpoint.


“Dread, I hope you're still watching,” he begins, and a quick cutaway shows the shadow of fear watching the big screen from the centre of the ring.


“And Sam, I know you'll be paying attention. I promised you last month I had a way to end your war; I just needed a little more time.


“I've got the time now. I've also got two and a half tonnes of steel. Take a look.”


The camera pulls back; we can now see that Shane is stood on the edge of a chain-link cube, sixteen feet on each side, with a full roof.


“I call this the Test of Steel,” he says. “Nobody gets in. Nobody gets out. The match goes until it ends. You cannot possibly screw this one up, and not even Dread – not even Sam Strong – can get two and a half tonnes of steel out of their way.


“But I'm going to warn you both...


“I've spent this afternoon getting to know this bad boy.” He reaches into his suit jacket and pulls out a short black length of metal piping. He brings it down, three times, on the roof, letting the sound echo around.


“I've got half a mind to book you both hospital beds if you accept this. You put each other through hell in just a cage. This Test could break you. You hit hard... steel hits harder. The combination could break bones. Cause concussions. Crack your skull or your spine.


“You two are so fixated on each other that I built the ultimate finale for your grudge. But personally, I hope this is a wake-up call.


“I don't want you both retired. I want you both healthy and wrestling for HGC. And I think the fans do too.


“So please... wake up. Don't do this.”




Black Cobra & the Next Generation


http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Everybody%20Knows/HGC%20Guys/RipChord_zpsa22d8f99.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Everybody%20Knows/HGC%20Guys/DougPeak_jhd20LE_zpsc896edd5.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Everybody%20Knows/HGC%20Guys/EddiePeak_jhdPH2-1_zps8ff4c7cd.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Everybody%20Knows/HGC%20Guys/MarilynStardust_zps8b00cb16.jpg

Rip Chord & the Stardusts w/ Marilyn Stardust

A big-league debut for the Stardusts, and they hold their own, working according to a clear game plan. Chord barks out numbers from the ringpost and they execute blocks and counter attacks tailored to their opponents – until such time as the Cobra begins to work out the code.


Which is, of course, when Rip comes in. The ensuing technical display is frankly excellent and culminates in Rip hitting the DDT on Bryan Holmes; the Black Cobra makes the save, only for the Stardusts to grab him and hit something Azaria dubs the Comet Crash. Chord applies another DDT to Brent Hill, securing the pinfall amid a scene of total destruction.

Rip Chord & the Stardusts defeated Black Cobra & the Next Generation

Rating: C+

Once again, the cruiserweight and the 'cruiserweight' put on a fantastic show. The battle goes back and forth, but Lucha clearly has the edge on Heartthrob – which works well for him until Rocky Constantino grabs a rope as Lucha goes for the rebound.


He takes a spill to the outside, and while Heartthrob distracts Ryan Holland, Rocky hits the Conclusion – his implant DDT – onto the steel stairs before rolling the champion back in. Heartthrob covers to reclaim the championship!

Romeo Heartthrob defeated Mr Lucha

Rating: C+




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Everybody%20Knows/HGC%20Guys/Cobra_zps32619bb8.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Everybody%20Knows/HGC%20Guys/Viper_zps85b94dc4.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Everybody%20Knows/HGC%20Guys/JoelBryant_zps9ad5f3db.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Everybody%20Knows/HGC%20Guys/RobertOxford_alt5_zpsfd717e73.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Everybody%20Knows/HGC%20Guys/BryanVessey_alt2jt_zps7372f544.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Everybody%20Knows/HGC%20Guys/LarryVessey_alt2jt_zps24235830.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Everybody%20Knows/HGC%20Guys/CoachDickPangrazzio_zpse35a9061.jpg

Black Serpent Cult vs. Tag Team Specialists vs. Vessey Brothers w/ Coach Dick Pangrazzio

Two amazing tag teams with strong legacies and the Specialists – who stunningly don't look out of place hanging with them in a match that deserves to main event the show.


The Cult are out to make a point against either team. The Vesseys see the relative newcomers to tag team work, the Specialists, as obvious targets the trouncing of whom can prove a point. And the Specialists don't like either – and they're riding high, with Rhodes in particular giving their two victories last month credit for shattering the Flames apart.


Joel and Robert treat this almost as an exhibition match for the first ten minutes; they know they're targets and as Azaria points out they know that neither other team wants to fall to the comparative beginners; they simply strut their stuff, make it hard on their opponents, and demonstrate flashes of what can be.


It's not until Bryan Vessey misses a charge on Oxford and slams into the turnbuckle that they seem to wake up and realise there's a chance they could win, seeking to isolate Bryan, focusing an assault on him, in many ways looking to work him down and get the win.


Viper puts paid to that with a huge comeback, at one point hitting both Specialists with the same spinebuster. But it's Cobra, with Viper keeping Larry back, who gets a quick roll-up on Joel Bryant and scores the pinfall for the Cult.

Black Serpent Cult defeated the Tag Team Specialists and the Vessey Brothers

Rating: B


The arena is immediately plunged into darkness. “Welcome to hell,” Nemesis' voice growls over the speaker system, before The Beautiful People begins to play. The white illuminated bursts, however, this time don't show the Powers' arrival; they're already in the ring, and they're brawling with the Cult.


During the second flash we see that the Vesseys have worked this out, and they're joining the fray – and by the fourth flash the Demons of Rage are getting involved, too!


Jason Azaria sends it home as the lights continue to strobe through a brutal battle...


Show Rating: B

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“Just being frank,” Future says, smiling smugly.




“And that's dishonest. I hoped you were better than that.”




who frankly maul them


WHAT ARE YOU-oh, nevermind, that's not a pun. Also, second Blood's totally Ricky Steamboat.


hitting him with a frankly brutal looking Dust-Off as a finale.






Richie PanPizzaface is legit. That's...I've been liking him, I guess, and that's cool.




I was waiting for Sneer to fall. I guess I'll have to get the DVD for that blooper.


Oh, and they totally going through the cell.




Sweet show.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><a href="http://s293.photobucket.com/user/trenchcoatbrigand/media/Everybody%20Knows/HGC%20Guys/Nemisis_zps5d605fae.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Everybody%20Knows/HGC%20Guys/Nemisis_zps5d605fae.jpg</span></a></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

“Never assume you've completely gotten the better of Sam Strong,” Nemesis says. “And never assume you've seen all the downsides. The man is a better backstage politician than anyone not named Richard Eisen. You've just got to look at what happened after he left HGC to realise that.</p><p> </p><p>

“He palmed off Dusty on me, and he palmed off Redwood on me. And they had to be strong, because Dread was keeping an eye on Redwood now.</p><p> </p><p>

“And he couldn't go more than six minutes.</p><p> </p><p>

“But...” He sighs. “I went really deep on tag teams for a bunch of reasons. One was as a safety valve against that sort of BS. I had plenty of people they could stay strong against.</p><p> </p><p>

“And I kind of wanted to see if we could make Redwood useful. If he could go a while in the ring, then they might not be too bad, you know?”</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>–</p><p> </p><p>

<a href="http://s293.photobucket.com/user/trenchcoatbrigand/media/Everybody%20Knows/HGC%20Guys/PeterValentine_zps28746aab.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/Everybody%20Knows/HGC%20Guys/PeterValentine_zps28746aab.jpg</span></a></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Settled in an armchair, surrounded by framed photographs of family and colleagues, Peter Valentine grins. “I wasn't just booking the women back then,” he says. “And, by the way, the women's segments provided our highest rated quarter-hour not occupied by the main event, week in, week out, <em>thank</em> you very much.</p><p> </p><p>

“No, I was booking my feud with Ricky, too. Very important job, getting the next wave of stars over. Very important. And Sam gave it over to me. He gave Monty free reign with Frankie, too. And I think we know who did the better job, right?” He nods, as if that settles everything... then bursts out laughing.</p><p> </p><p>

“Is what you'd expect me to say. Let's face it, the girls were getting over on their assets,” he takes care to enunciate the T, “and all I had to do was pick the best way to showcase them every week. Monty and me were left to head chunks of our feud because Sam wasn't interested in the little details of a lot of stuff. And Ricky was always going to get over – that was why I'd pushed to work with him.”</p><p> </p><p>

He spreads his hands in an open gesture. “People act like politics is the most evil word in the world. It can be, you know. But Ricky had all the tools, but he was only over in Texas. I wanted to put on good matches, I wanted to get PPV bonuses. Ricky could help me deliver and Charlie could help me deliver. And I already had a name. Back then, before the Internet took off, I still had a good f**king name.” He looks sour for a moment.</p><p> </p><p>

“So that's what I brought to the table. I got people looking at Ricky and then what I had to do was hold up my end. For Ricky, for Charlie, and for Sean in the end, too.</p><p> </p><p>

“Which was my idea. We'd signed him at the start of the year, but he got his ankle broke in his last DaVE match.” He pauses. “Make of THAT what you will.</p><p> </p><p>

“I saw the potential to do something, but I've been... I was the mystery reveal a couple times in feuds with Sam and once as his ally. And that didn't fall flat 'cause of me. That fell flat 'cause of mistiming s**t.</p><p> </p><p>

“That's why it happened the way it happened, OK. You can believe that or you can believe I was spinning it out to make myself more money. Yeah, I've heard the questions.</p><p> </p><p>

“I'm not gonna convince you either f**king way. But believe me, Peter Valentine's not wrestling's f**king boogeyman.”</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Eidenhoek" data-cite="Eidenhoek" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36122" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> WHAT ARE YOU-oh, nevermind, that's not a pun. Also, second Blood's <em>totally</em> Ricky Steamboat.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Indeed, sometimes a gerund is just a gerund, and no amount of associative reading can change that.</p><p> </p><p> Also, yes. He's even Hawaiian.</p><p> </p><p> But he's not my creation.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Phantom Stranger" data-cite="Phantom Stranger" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36122" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> “I'm not gonna convince you either f**king way. But believe me, Peter Valentine's not wrestling's f**king boogeyman.”</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> This might be one of the best "shoot" quotes in the entire dynasty. It's one of those quotes that would be run in AMC commercials.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Blake Trask" data-cite="Blake Trask" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36122" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Sean.<p> </p><p> Sean Martyn</p><p> </p><p> Ohey Mr. DeBones.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> So you know how a chunk of AQR was me quietly rebooking bits of TNA storylines so they made more sense/worked as wrestling storylines?</p><p> </p><p> I may have moved on to the Federation.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Briskout" data-cite="Briskout" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36122" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>This might be one of the best "shoot" quotes in the entire dynasty. It's one of those quotes that would be run in AMC commercials.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Writing that, I instantly realised I need Peter Valentine to show up on JK's YouTube compilation more. He pretty much resolved into a person about two or three paragraphs in.</p>
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