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The Crippler and The Carnie - a RTG Story

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"Happy birthday, kid!"


"Thanks, Ray,"i I said entered the house of the legendary Ray Kingman. I still marked out a bit every time I saw him. Me and Ray had know each other for over two years now, talked for countless hours and I had even been to his house for dinner numerous times but he was still the "Crippler Ray Kingman!"




"The big 1-8, huh? It's been a while since I hit that mark but I remember it like it was yesterday. You get anything good this year?"


"Eh, not really." It was technically true since I hadn't really received anything. Donavan's Circus had just closed up shop in and was ready to move on to the next stop on their tour that day so I hadn't had much time to celebrate. Not that I really would have anyway, only a few of us had been picked up to continue with the tour when my old troupe had been gutted by Donavan's, so the only people I really knew were a couple of racist clowns and a handful of the Oddities, neither of which made for great company. I had decided to spend what little time I had to myself visiting Ray before I left town.


"What? That's ridiculous; you need to have a great present on your eighteenth birthday! I knew mine was gonna outshine them all, but I didn't know it was gonna be this easy," The old man said as he did a half wheeze, half laugh sort of thing. "Come this way I got something to show you!"


"Ray, if you got me a stripper one of us is going to have to leave!" I joked following the old man as he excitedly hurried into the other room. On the dining room table was a box wrapped in vintage TCW Rip Chord wrapping paper, the old man had a sense of humor. "Rip Chord, really?"


"**** 'em! Just open the damn thing!" Ray told me as he sat down. I didn't trust the gleam in his eye which I had only ever seen before shine whenever we were talking about the old territory days. He was so excited you think he was the one getting the present. I tore into the wrapping and was immediately taken back by what was shinning back at me.


"Ray, what the f...?"


"Ha!" The old man exclaimed, clapping his hands and leaping to his feet. "Bought it off a collector about a month ago. Guy almost seemed happy to sell it me."


"You sure it's legit?"


"I carried the damn thing for over a year, trust me that's the genuine article!"


"You're right, this was one hell of a present!" I said tearing off the last off remnants of Rip Chord's visage from Ray's gift.


"Oh, heh heh, that's not the present," Ray said now grinning ear to ear. "That's just something we're gonna need if we are gonna make your present last."


"Huh?" I asked. Ray could sometimes be a little off from all the blows to the head throughout the years, but today he seemed more lucid than ever. Ray reached over and grabbed the twelve pounds of gold from me. Even after almost forty years he still held it like it was made to be worn by no other.


"Kid, you and me are putting the APWF back together."



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<p><em>“The APWF?! As in American Pro Wrestling Federation? As in the company that has been dead for like 30 years?”</em></p><p> </p><p>

<em>“Well, more like 40 years, but who is counting?”</em> Ray replied, that twinkle still glittering in his eyes.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>“It’s finally happened; you’ve completely lost your mind, huh?”</em> Ray just chucked to himself as he ducked into the next room. <em>“Yeah, that laugh is totally not convincing me otherwise!”</em></p><p> </p><p>

<em>“Oh yeah?”</em> Ray said as he appeared, throwing a manila folder stuffed with papers on the table among the fragments of torn Rip Chord wrapping paper.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>“What is that?”</em></p><p> </p><p>

<em>“All the copyrights to the old APWF; the name, the logo, and even the damn eagle! All mine, signed and paid for! Can you believe that idiot Terry Lambert let all this get away from him? The guy was a damn moron, but I never knew he was that stupid.”</em></p><p> </p><p>

<em>“It’s so nice to see that you don’t hold grudges.”</em></p><p> </p><p>

Ray glared at me. This was actually the first time I had ever heard the former APWF owners name mentioned without there being a string of profanity attached to it, but to be perfectly fair Ray seemed to be that way about a lot of people.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>“Ok Ray, I’ll play along. You’ve got your old belt, you’ve got all the rights, what’s your next step in your master plan?”</em></p><p> </p><p>

<em>“We start running shows obviously. We need to find a territory, I’m thinking after the fall of DaVE New York is wide open. NYCW is as boring as watching paint dry and PSW is nothing but garbage without Vibert or Nemesis running things. We can slide right in using a more refined version of what DaVE was doing, combined the cult image with good old fashion wrestling. All we need is a decent roster and it should be easy.”</em></p><p> </p><p>

<em>“That doesn’t sound over simplified at all.”</em></p><p> </p><p>

<em>“I try to keep it that way for you, kid. I know how your generation has a problem with their attention spans.”</em></p><p> </p><p>

<em>“Funny. Seems like you got it all figured out, so what exactly do you need me for?”</em></p><p> </p><p>

<em>“Glad you asked,”</em> Ray said with a smile starting to form across his wrinkled face. <em>“I’m going to need a good booker and that’s where you come in.”</em></p>

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<p><em>“You have got to be kidding me. You want me to be the booker? I’ve never even worked on a wrestling show before!”</em></p><p> </p><p>

<em>“Kid, I’ve been in this business for almost half a century. I’ve met easily tens of thousands of “wrestlers” and probably only a handful of them understood the business as good as you. You’re a prodigy kid, plain and simple.”</em></p><p> </p><p>

<em>“Ray, I’m barely 18, I have absolutely no experience in wrestling other than watching it on TV. Whose even gonna listen to me?”</em></p><p> </p><p>

<em>“The people that want to work for me, that’s who! Besides kid, you've got charisma and I've seen you talk circles around people over by the tents at Donavan’s. As long as you don’t act like a complete jackass and start putting yourself over people will listen to you.” </em></p><p> </p><p>

I raised an eyebrow at the last statement.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>“What, you don’t wanna be in the ring? You’re athletic enough to do all those Mexican moves and I can teach you the basics. We’ll put you in tag matches for the first few shows so we can hide how green you are. Besides its one less guy we need to pay.”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

“Ever the business man, huh Ray?”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

“Damn straight!”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

“So that’s it? Just quit Donavan’s and come help you on your crazy scheme? Ray, you can’t be serious about this.”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em>Ray crossed the room and put his hand on my shoulder.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>“I am, and you should. What does that circus have to offer you, a lifetime of cleaning elephant droppings? Kid, I’m telling you, you can be a star at this. Between you and me we can turn this into something big, I can feel it.”</em></p><p> </p><p>

I took a long deep breath and looked around the room. Covering the walls were accolades Ray had earned during his prime. Photos of him during one of his reigns as the CPW Champion, another with him standing with the legendary Canadian Superstar as the CWF tag champions surrounded his 1988 Wrestler of the Year award.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>“You know what Ray? I’m in.”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

“HAHA! That’s great!” </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

“Besides, not like I can be worse than Terry Lambert,”</em> I said smirking at Ray as the old man began to unleash a masterful string of profanity.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="BHK1978" data-cite="BHK1978" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36139" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Great to see you starting this up, I can't wait to see your roster.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> quoted for now!</p>
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<p><em>“The show starts at 7, so I’m thinking we should start passing out flyers around 5:30? Sound good guys?”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

“Sure thing, Dave. Once me and Ray get the copies made and then I’ll meet you outside Riverside.” </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

“Awesome,”</em> Dave said as he headed towards the door. <em>“Maybe we’ll run into Bryan Vessey while were out there. I’d love for him to tell his brother about this, should really piss that asshole off.” </em></p><p> </p><p>

The three of us laughed as Dave waved before exiting the door. Dazzling Dave Diamond was technically the first wrestler we had hired as he had almost immediately shown up at our door after Ray and I had set up shop in a tiny office in Jersey. I had to give it the guy, he was dedicated to the cause. He had even agreed to help me flyer a TCW’s Total Wrestling Show tonight. However I think his motivation was more to stick it to his old employer Larry Vessey then to any great love for APWF. Revenge can be a powerful motivator. Thinking about how Dave had come to us made me think about my entire roster.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i1350.photobucket.com/albums/p762/frobro122/APWF/DazzlingDaveDiamond_zps5d6234d9.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Dave was easily our most popular guy and I planned to use that for his gimmick. It was easy to imagine him strutting around like he owned the place. He was going to be extremely useful in helping to get our top babyfaces over. </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i1350.photobucket.com/albums/p762/frobro122/APWF/AcidII_zpsa7a9a714.jpg</span><span>http://i1350.photobucket.com/albums/p762/frobro122/APWF/AmazingFireFly_zps92a16a6c.jpg</span><span>http://i1350.photobucket.com/albums/p762/frobro122/APWF/ElMiacutetico_zps55921fc9.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Acid II, Amazing Fire Fly and El Mitico; collectively known as “Los Rudos” would be our stable of heels. Acid and AFF would be the tag team and Mitico would be the leader driven be his legacy to be the best wrestler in the world. His natural skill and having the other two Rudos behind him should be enough to give Mitico a big initial push. As for AFF, since he was so small and such a good high-flier I picture him kind of like a sidekick to the other two leaving a possible face turn in the future in case he ever decided to turn against his abusive partners.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i1350.photobucket.com/albums/p762/frobro122/APWF/HighFlyinHawaiian_zpse4427902.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

I brought in James Adams a.k.a the High Flying Hawaiian to team with me to be the foil to the Rudos tag team. Between the four of us we should be able to produce some decent high-flying action to start off the tag division and be a decent way to get the crowd going. As for James himself I figured slapping a surfer gimmick on him would be a decent way to play off his appearance and natural attitude.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i1350.photobucket.com/albums/p762/frobro122/APWF/RileyMcManus_zpsfecacba2.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Riley McManus was someone Ray had suggested. They were both Georgia guys and Riley had done decent work in RIPW not to long ago. I figured I would just give the guy an American flag to wave around and see if that could give people enough to get behind him to actually warrant a decent push.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i1350.photobucket.com/albums/p762/frobro122/APWF/ThomasMorgan_zps115c90b3.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Another skilled technical wrestler we were bringing in was Thomas Morgan. Morgan had quietly been putting on good matches for the last two decades on indy shows but for whatever reason not really been picked up by anyone on a full time basis. With all this on his back, he should have enough to play the role of the bitter veteran pretty easily.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i1350.photobucket.com/albums/p762/frobro122/APWF/JoffyLaine_zps5066c77d.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Joffy Laine had come to my attention when I just happened to stumble upon his Youtube channel. The guy was pretty funny and could actually cut a good promo. When I found out he wasn’t just a charismatic mark and had actually gone to the Piledriver I figured, ‘hell, slap a cowboy hat on him and the New York fans will eat him up!’</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i1350.photobucket.com/albums/p762/frobro122/APWF/ErnestYoungman_zpsa627f545.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Another guy Ray had discovered was a guy named Ernest Youngman, The guy looked like a brick house and was absolutely amazing in the ring from the couple of matches I had seen of him. He was easily gonna end up being one of our top heels.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i1350.photobucket.com/albums/p762/frobro122/APWF/ElijahHarris_zps1796e155.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

The last guy we had brought in was “The Soul Man” Elijah Harris. Harris was another Georgia guy who has been around longer than most of our roster has been alive so hopefully he can kind of take a leadership role back in the locker room. We will probably use him in the same vain as Dave, a more established guy to put over our younger talent. </p><p> </p><p>

<em>“You know, Ray, I think we are going to need another guy.”</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

“I was just thinking the same thing. Great minds, huh?”</em></p><p> </p><p>

I think we were both purposefully ignoring the elephant in the room, we had not talked about it since the idea of starting APWF a couple months ago. Now it seemed it had gotten too big to continue to ignore what was staring us both in the face.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>“So… what about Barry?”</em></p><p> </p><p>

Ray took a long pause. Barry was far from an estranged son but it always seemed to me Ray had wanted to stay out of his son’s career. I was never sure if Ray felt responsible for Barry’s apparent lack of success in the business. By no means bad, Barry had the bad luck of forever being in Ray’s enormous shadow. I had also begun to wonder, if people saw me as Ray’s protégé would I be stuck in the same shadow?</p><p> </p><p>

<em>“No.”</em> Ray finally said with a grim determination. <em>“Barry is busy doing his own thing in Japan. I doubt he’d have time to split between there and here and I don’t want him taking time away from what he’s doing because he thinks that we need his help.”</em></p><p> </p><p>

<em>“Makes sense, but who then? We’ve been big leagued by Paul Steadyfast, Fumihiro Ota, and Clark Alexander. Apparently they are enjoying the unemployment line to much to work for someone our size. We could try grabbing some guys from NYCW of PSW…”</em></p><p> </p><p>

Our conversation was interrupted by a knock on the door. At first I thought it was Dave returning but he never knocked. Ray and I exchanged puzzled looks before I crossed the room and opened the door. To say I was shocked at who stood in front of me would be an understatement. It’s not every day a former TCW World Champion stops by your office.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>“I’m looking for Ray Kingman,”</em> said Joey Minnesota.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i1350.photobucket.com/albums/p762/frobro122/APWF/JoeyMinnesota_zpsa8772b92.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p>

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Sometimes the dirt sheets just get it right, Joey Minnesota really is a jerk.




After spotting Ray over my shoulder he forced his way around be and made a bee line for the veteran. He immediately shook Ray’s hand before getting straight to the point.

“I heard you guys are starting something up here in New York, I think I might be able to help you out.”


“What, Tommy finally get sick of you and tell you finally take a walk.” Ray chided at the former TCW Champion.


“Please, they need me if they even have a hope of catching up to SWF. Anyway, as you probably know, before I became TCW’s top dog I was a New York legend. I single handedly made NYCW and I would have taken DaVE to the next level if they hadn’t already gone bankrupt by the time I got there. I got the stroke out here to either make or break this place.”


“So what exactly are you offering?” I asked.


Minnesota shot me a quick glance, not so much to acknowledge my question but rather to show disdain that I had actually spoken to him. He turned back to Ray and continued to toot his own horn.


“Like I was saying, I can help you guys out. Now my contract prohibits me from doing anything directly, but I’m going to let you guys in on something. I’ve been training this kid, name of KC Glenn, and I’m letting you guys first crack at him. He’s got it, probably gonna be one of the best in a few years. And I guarantee he’s a better worker then anyone you got on the payroll.”


“So why us, why not try taking to NYCW since you were so big there, or even get Tommy to sign him?” Ray asked.

“Please, Vessey wouldn’t know what to do with this much talent and Cornell and Bryant are too worried about competing with SWF to bring in someone new who isn’t already established. Their loss, your gain. Look, I’m telling you this kid is a lock, he can work the mat, he can take off from the ropes, and everything in between. I personally trained him, you’d basically be getting a younger version of me and a fraction of the price.”


“So we are basically getting a version of you just without the drawing power? Sound like a pretty crappy deal.”

Without even looking in my direction Minnesota barked back at me.

“Alright, I don’t know who you are, but you really need to learn to shut your mouth when important people are talking.”


“You wanna know who I am? I’m the guy who controls whether or not your guy gets a job that’s who I am so how about you start showing some respect before I throw you out of my office?” I snapped back.


I definitely had his full attention now. He stood up to his full height and glared at me doing his best to look intimidating. I had dealt with my fair share of his type at Donavon’s, just another diva who felt like just because he was talented the world owed him something. That was not gonna fly in APWF.


After what felt like a several minutes Minnestoa broke his gaze with me to glance back at Ray who smirked at the TCW star as if to say “the kid’s got you.” This must have broke Minnesota’s spirit as his shoulders seemed to slump a little before he spoke again.

“Ok, I’ll level with you guys. Truth is, I know what people think about me. Personally I think I get a bad rap because people are jealous, but it is what it is. Between Whistler and the heat I got with Vessey’s brother, NYCW is not an option. Naess and Braun over in PSW aren’t returning my calls, same thing with Vibert in CGC and Keith in MAW. And like I said before all the big guys are too busy competing with each other to make their own stars. KC is too good to dragged down because of his association with me. Despite what people may think of me, he’s a good, humble kid and he deserves a chance. He’s gonna be great, I can promise you that.”


His eyes were almost on the verge of being pleading. I looked over his shoulder to Ray who gave me a curt nod and I felt the tension run out of my body. Ray had a way of having that calming effect on people.

“Fine, send us something with his work on it and we will give it a look over and get back to you, sound fair?”


Minnesota gave me a slight smile and nodded at Ray before walking to the door, his ego still obviously bruised. When he reached the door he stopped and turned looking me over one more time before extended his hand.


“Thanks, you won’t regret this. By the way what was your name again?”


“My name?” I said returning then handshake.



”Its Renny. Renny O’Reilly”

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“Ok, I think its safe now.”


Ray motioned for us to follow him back into locker with had recently been mad uninhabitable due to Elijah Harris letting loose the nastiest smell I had ever encountered. And this is coming from a guy whose job used to involve cleaning up elephant droppings.




“Like you fellas never smelled a post burrito bomb before,” Harris said slapping Acid II on the back. “I know this guy knows what I’m talking about. Arriba, right little guy, hahaha!”




“I’m from Boston you jackass.” Acid II muttered under his breath quickly moving away from the veteran.


Elijah Harris hadn’t quite set himself up as a leader as I had previously hoped. Despite having been in the business longer than most of our roster had been alive, he acted more like some immature teenager. It was only our first show, but if this behavior continued Ray or I would probably have to do something. My concentration was broken when my tag partner James Adams came jogging over trying to get my attention.




“So, hey man, I was thinking we’re gonna need some real cool ring music”




“Ring music, man! That’s like the first impression you make on the crowd! They are judging you on your ring music before they even see you, man. Triple D’s got Love Gun by KISS, Riley is using Made in America by Toby Keith, ours has gotten be awesome!”


“Yeah, so what were you thinking about?”


James looked at me with all the confidence in the world, “Welcome to the Jungle.”


“Oh yeah? Sounds great!” I said trying to hold back a laugh. “Just do me a favor and run it by Ray first, you know just to make sure no one else is gonna use it.”


“Oh man, that would suck! I hope no one’s already using it!”


James rushed off and I could barely hold back my smile.


“Dave, Ernie, come here. You’re not going to want to miss this.”


Triple D and Ernest Youngman came over as I nodded toward an eager James heading over to where Ray was taking down everyone’s information. You could just see James bursting with pride as he pitched his idea to Ray, I didn’t last long. I think I have just pulled my first rib.






Ray turned his rage toward the entire locker room.

“OK, listen up, because I do not want this same shit going down twice. No one and I repeat no one is using Welcome to the ****ing Jungle on this show, ever! I swear if I have to hear that goddam I’m taking someone out! Every time I go to some indy show I see some no talent hack come out to Welcome to the Jungle or Rock Superstar or All I Do Is Win, or some *****y other uninspired bull-**** song they think will make them look cool, and you know what happens? They are the drizzling ****s! They come out in their black and red tights looking like they have never seen the inside of a gym in their life and then proceed to commit crime against wrestling! It’s crap, and I am not gonna see that in APWF, is that clear?!”


“But Ray, we’ve got fun and games,” I said from across the locker room.




“We got everything you want, we know the names,” Ernie chimed in grinning ear to ear.




“We are the people that can find whatever you may need,” said Riley McManus with a smile.




“If you got the money honey we got your disease,” Chloe Dean sang, and that’s when the half the locker room jumped in.


“In the jungle, welcome to the jungle, watch it bring your to your nay nay nay nay nay knees knees”


“It’s gonna bring you down!” I managed say right before the clipboard flew past my head.



I wanna thank everyone who has been following. I know its been awhile but we are ready for our first show! Here is the match up list for anyone that wants to do predictions.


http://i1350.photobucket.com/albums/p762/frobro122/APWF/HighFlyinHawaiian_zpse4427902.jpghttp://i1350.photobucket.com/albums/p762/frobro122/APWF/CVFP_WhiteMale_079_zps8929548f.jpg VS http://i1350.photobucket.com/albums/p762/frobro122/APWF/AcidII_zpsa7a9a714.jpghttp://i1350.photobucket.com/albums/p762/frobro122/APWF/AmazingFireFly_zps92a16a6c.jpg

James Adams & Renny O'Reilly vs. Los Rudos (Acid II and Amazing Fire Fly)

Best Of Three Series for APWF East Coast Tag Titles



First Round


http://i1350.photobucket.com/albums/p762/frobro122/APWF/KCGlenn_zps7ae0e155.jpg VS http://i1350.photobucket.com/albums/p762/frobro122/APWF/ThomasMorgan_zps115c90b3.jpg

KC Glenn vs Thomas Morgan


http://i1350.photobucket.com/albums/p762/frobro122/APWF/JoffyLaine_zps5066c77d.jpg VS http://i1350.photobucket.com/albums/p762/frobro122/APWF/ErnestYoungman_zpsa627f545.jpg

Joffy Laine vs Ernest Youngman


http://i1350.photobucket.com/albums/p762/frobro122/APWF/RileyMcManus_zpsfecacba2.jpg VS http://i1350.photobucket.com/albums/p762/frobro122/APWF/ElMiacutetico_zps55921fc9.jpg

Riley McManus vs El Mitico


http://i1350.photobucket.com/albums/p762/frobro122/APWF/ElijahHarris_zps1796e155.jpg VS http://i1350.photobucket.com/albums/p762/frobro122/APWF/DazzlingDaveDiamond_zps5d6234d9.jpg

Elijah Harris vs "Dazzling" Dave Diamond

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James Adams & Renny O'Reilly vs. Los Rudos (Acid II and Amazing Fire Fly)

Best Of Three Series for APWF East Coast Tag Titles



First Round



KC Glenn vs Thomas Morgan



Joffy Laine vs Ernest Youngman



Riley McManus vs El Mitico



Elijah Harris vs "Dazzling" Dave Diamond


I am not sure if you are doing the entire tournament in one night, if you are I will add my picks for the next round as well.

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James Adams & Renny O'Reilly vs. Los Rudos (Acid II and Amazing Fire Fly)

Best Of Three Series for APWF East Coast Tag Titles



First Round


KC Glenn vs Thomas Morgan


Joffy Laine vs Ernest Youngman

Riley McManus vs El Mitico


Elijah Harris vs "Dazzling" Dave Diamond

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James Adams & Renny O'Reilly vs. Los Rudos (Acid II and Amazing Fire Fly)

Best Of Three Series for APWF East Coast Tag Titles



First Round


KC Glenn vs Thomas Morgan


Joffy Laine vs Ernest Youngman

Riley McManus vs El Mitico


Elijah Harris vs "Dazzling" Dave Diamond

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Samuel Curran: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to a night that will undoubtedly a non-stop thrill ride as we welcome back the most exciting promotion on the face of the planet, the American Pro Wrestling Federation! To my left we have the APWF’s owner, general manager and most importantly my broadcast partner Ray “The Crippler” Kingman!


Ray Kingman: Thanks Sammy! We have a great line up tonight. First off we have a best of three series for the APWF East Coast Tag Titles between two teams of young high flyers. Renny O’Reilly will team with the “High Flying Hawaiian” James Adams to take on the protégé of one of the greatest workers around, Acid II, and his partner the little ball of fury, Amazing Fire Fly!


Curran: Not only that but we have first round action to crown a brand new APWF Champion! Ray you must be excited to see who will carry on your legacy.


Kingman: That I am! Let me tell you I would be proud to see any of these guys hoist that title!


Curran: With that said, let’s get this started with some tag team action!



http://i1350.photobucket.com/albums/p762/frobro122/APWF/AcidII_zpsa7a9a714.jpghttp://i1350.photobucket.com/albums/p762/frobro122/APWF/AmazingFireFly_zps92a16a6c.jpg VS http://i1350.photobucket.com/albums/p762/frobro122/APWF/CVFP_WhiteMale_079_zps8929548f.jpghttp://i1350.photobucket.com/albums/p762/frobro122/APWF/HighFlyinHawaiian_zpse4427902.jpg

Acid II & Amazing Fire Fly vs Renny O’Reilly & James Adams

-Being the veterans, Adams and AFF start out the match and Adams gains the early advantage.

-After some quick tags featuring some high spot double teams, O’Reilly lets the opposition gain the advantage and the two masked men start turning up the heat.

-After a few near falls, O’Reilly is able to avoid the Acid Rain Drop and gets the hot tag to the High Flying Hawaiian.

-While the ref is busy trying to break up AFF and O’Reilly brawling on the outside, Adams sets Acid up for the Pacific Crush not noticing El Mitico, Jr. running out from the back.

-Mitico nails the distracted Adams with a low blow leaving him open to the Acid Rain Drop and the three count.


Acid II & AFF defeat O’Reilly and Adams


Ray’s Notes: Not bad for a first match, kid. Some impressive high spots from all the guys, but you and AFF seemed off your game. I’ll chalk it up to first show jitters, but I know both of you can do better. I give the match a D-.

Curran: El Mitico helps Acid II and AFF gain the early advantage in the Tag Titles series and are one win away from being crowned champions!


Kingman: I can’t believe El Mitico came out here, what does he have to do with all this!?


Curran: The three of them are still in the ring as O’Reilly helps his partner to the back. Oh and Mitico looks like he is demanding a mic.


El Mitico: Este es el primer paso en lo que probar nuestro dominio. Estos dos pronto se capturan los títulos de la etiqueta y esta noche es mi primer paso para cumplir con mi destino para convertirse en el campeón de la APWF. Por mucho que repugna a todos a estar en un lugar que se enorgullece de su auto en ser "americano" le mostraremos que los mejores wresters nacen en México! Puede llamarnos Rudos, pero pronto sabrán todos nosotros como campeones!


Curran: Did you get any of that, Ray?


Kingman: I may not be able to speak the language but the message is clear, these three mean business! What does this mean for Mitico’s opponent Riley McManus? I guess we will find out later tonight.


Curran: That’s right, McManus will have a real up-hill battle if he has to deal with the rest of those “Rudos” lurking around. But that’s then and this now, and now means the beginning the APWF tournament!


Kingman: Youth versus experience as KC Glenn takes on the Trademark Thomas Morgan.




Thomas Morgan vs KC Glenn

-Glenn does a good job of warming the crowd before losing the advantage to Morgan.

-The two continue a great back and forth of mat wrestling until Morgan is able to slap on the Trademark STF.

-Glenn looks trapped but is able to roll over and put Morgan in a pinning situation and Morgan breaks the hold.

-Morgan is still able to keep the advantage and gets a near fall off a roll-up and a hand full of tights. Morgan begins to argue with the ref and turns his back on Glenn with proves fatal as he turns around and gets a face full of foot via the Sunshine Super Kick and it’s all over!


KC Glenn defeats Thomas Morgan

Ray’s Notes: Minnesota may be an ass, but he was right about his boy, the kid can go! He really is someone that may be able to carry the company not just someday, but soon. Morgan may not be a future start, but he can make the younger talent look good. The only problem is neither of them are over, a solid “D.”


Kingman: When you are in that ring, your focus needs to be on your opponent 100% and a veteran like Thomas Morgan should know that.


Curran: Seems like it was the veteran that made a rookie mistake and it cost him a chance at the APWF title as Glenn advances.


Kingman: Inexcusable, but that’s what separates champions and chumps.


Curran: If anyone here knows what it takes to be a champion it would be you Ray. Let’s see if either of these next also have what it takes as well.


Kingman: Nice segue, Sammy!


Curran: That’s what you pay me for, Ray. Haha!


Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy starts blaring as Joffy Laine comes down to the ring slapping fan’s hands as he goes. He graps a mic before getting in the ring.




Laine: You know, I am a good ol’ Texas boy but I sure do love coming up here to the Tri-State area to smack some people in the mouth. And luckily Mr. Kingman over there decided to give me a call and invite me up here to do just that. Now I’m gonna make Mr. Kingman proud by smack people in the mouth better than anyone and carrying on the proud tradition of APWF World title!



Joffy Laine vs Ernest Youngman

-Youngman takes advantage of Joffy playing to the crowd and attacks the cowboy from behind.

-It’s all heat as Youngman lays into the charismatic Texan who only manages minimal offense.

-Youngman starts to get cocky as he taunts Laine and the crowd which allows Laine to begin mounting a comeback.

-Youngman is in serious trouble as Laine is now on fire nailing him with move after move and it looks like the end is near.

-Laine sets up Youngman in the Death Spiral but plays to the crowd too much and Youngman is able to counter into an inside cradle for the three count!


Youngman defeats Laine.

Ray’s Notes: Laine may not be amazing in the ring but he’s got charisma to spare and Youngman is able to pull decent matches out of nearly anyone. I would love to see Youngman in there with someone who can match his skills. “D-”


Curran: Well, Ray, another advancement in the APWF title tournament, thoughts?


Kingman: Laine really impressed with that comeback, but Youngman was too able to pull out the win in the end. Again we see someone who did not have his full attention on the match and it ended up costing him. Kids these days.


Curran: Only you can refer to a 38 year old man as a Kid, Ray.

Kingman: Careful, don’t forget who signs your checks.

Curran: Haha, just kidding. Let’s just move on to our next match.


Sam and Dave’s “Soul Man” blares as Elijah Harris dances his way down to the ring and address the crowd.



Harris: Hello my fine people of Weston, the SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUL MAN IS THE BUILDING! Now I know you people have seen some people running around hoping to one day be champion, but the problem is there is only one person in APWF with enough soul to hoist that belt! I’ve been at this here wrestling thing for a long time now and I know that no man who considers himself “Dazzling” is going to be a match for me. In fact where I come from if a man goes around calling himself “Dazzling” when then he tends to be doing a completely different type of wrestling! Now I ask you good people is that the kind a man you want to be your champion or would you rather it be the one and the only SOOOOOOOUL MAN ELIJAH HARRIS!?




Elijah Harris vs Dazzling Dave Diamond

-Triple D is not happy with the allegations about him and he and Elijah almost immediately start laying into each going blow for blow.

-After a pretty bland match Harris begins to gain momentum.

-Using his veteran cunning Diamond is able to position himself between Harris and the ref and pull out a diamond studded brass knuckles and lays out Harris. Diamond tucks the knuckles back in his tights and covers Harris for the easy three.


Diamond defeats Harris

Ray’s Notes: These two may be our top guys now, but that has to change soon. Harris can work the crowd and Diamond is over, but other than that there is not much to either. Best they stick to putting over the younger guys from now on. “D-“


Curren: What a dastardly trick!


Kingman: Say what you want but Triple D is one step closer the world title!


Curren: Which is more than you can say for Riley McManus. He has probably the most difficult match of the night as he is heading into a match against El Miticio, Jr.


Kingman: Not only is Mitico a crafty fourth generation wrestler he has Acid II and the Amazing Fire Fly lurking somewhere ready to do his dirty work. This will end up resembling more of a handicap message mark my words.




El Mitico, Jr. vs Riley McManus

-Mitico and McManus immediate lock-up and begin a fierce back and forth.

-Neither man maintains an advantage for very long but after a while McManus starts to get the upper hand. That’s when Mitico seems to make a motion to the back.

-Acid II runs out to distract the ref as AFF sneak ups to the top rope. AFF leaps at McManus but he’s ready for it and slams AFF into the mat.

-Mitico tries to capitalize on the distraction and charges McManus who moves and Mitico crashes into Acid II. McManus rushes him and drops Mitico with the Patriot Slam and the three comes easy.


McManus defeats El Mitico, Jr.

Ray’s Notes: Great idea to put this match on last. Lots of action and two great workers that have chemistry together. Both of these guys could be stars here! “D+”

Curran: WHAT A FINISH!! I don’t think anyone else could have overcome such odds. You got to admit McManus has to be the odds on favorite after that win!


Kingman: It would seem so, Sammy. The only way to find out is to come out next month as APWF presents Blaze of Glory.



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Great first show!


I really liked the interviews/promos. My favorite being Elijah Harris' promo. I do not recall anyone ever doing much with him in a diary so it is cool to see you given him some love here. Granted he will probably retire in a couple of months but it seems like you will make good use of him while you have him.

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I appreciate it, I felt kind of disappointing with myself after writing the promos personally. I felt like I could have done better, but I was feeling kinda of uninspired. Hopefully that will change as I get rolling.


As for Elijah, I do have some plans for him. Both him and Triple D are guys I've kind of gotten high on as I've been thinking about things. Hopefully Elijah can stick around until I'm done with him.


Thanks for everyone who predicted!

CageRage 5/5

BHK1978 4/5

mistaken 3/5

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It had been another late night as I was still trying to put the finishing touches on our next show. I still couldn’t believe we were even having one, we had only had seventeen people show up to the last show. If it wasn’t for Ray squeezing every last penny out of our sponsors we wouldn’t have been able to break even last month. I guess that was why Ray was the guy in charge of all the numbers.


Things had gone well last show, but not great. I had Chloe Dean come out with Riley McManus last show because it became clear that the two were “together” but that just wasn’t working. I hope the two are professional enough to handle an on-screen break-up, and an off-screen if that ever happens.


I had original planned on bringing in Harvey Manners instead of Samuel Curran and I’m glad Ray had talked me out of it. It would have saved a few dollars and Harvey was known in the area, but Sam is good, like TV quality good. He’ll be a great person to establish as the long-term “Voice of APWF,” something I don’t think Harvey could have managed. Plus it was obvious from watching the tape of the show that he and Ray played well off each other.


I looked over the card one last time.


Second Match in the Best of Three Series

Los Rudos vs Renny O’Reilly and James Adams


El Mitico, Jr. vs Elijah Harris


Thomas Morgan vs Joffy Laine


APWF Title Torunamnet Semi-Finals


Dazzling Dave Diamond vs Riley McManus


Ernest Youngman vs KC Gleen


I looked over the main event again. Ernie vs. KC, two of our best going at it in the ring. This is something we were banking on for APWF to succeed, these two guys and their rivalry really getting everyone’s attention. Both of these guys had future main event talent and would get there share or World title. We had really lucked into getting these two.


My train of thought was derailed by the ringing of my cell phone. I looked at the caller ID, speak of the devil.




“Renny, it’s KC. Um, are you doing anything important?”


“Not, really what’s up?”


“Um, well I have good news and bad news.”


“Let’s get it over with, what’s the bad news.”


“Um, yeah. I got another offer and it’s in Japan.”


**** me.

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Second Match in the Best of Three Series

Los Rudos vs Renny O’Reilly and James Adams


El Mitico, Jr. vs Elijah Harris


Thomas Morgan vs Joffy Laine


APWF Title Torunamnet Semi-Finals


Dazzling Dave Diamond vs Riley McManus


Ernest Youngman vs KC Gleen

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Second Match in the Best of Three Series

Los Rudos vs Renny O’Reilly and James Adams


I just can't see a clean sweep happening here.


El Mitico, Jr. vs Elijah Harris


Thomas Morgan vs Joffy Laine


APWF Title Torunamnet Semi-Finals


Dazzling Dave Diamond vs Riley McManus


Ernest Youngman vs KC Gleen

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I couldn’t believe what I has hearing. I felt like I was gonna be nauseous. This had to be some kind of joke.




“Well I’ve actually got two offers, one from Burning Hammer and one from Pride.”

Ok, this is definitely a joke. Burning Hammer of The Wrestling Gods and Pride Glory Honor Wrestling were two of the biggest companies in the world, the two biggest outside of America in fact. A few weeks KC was unknown, and after one show with us he was getting looks from Japan?


“I mean, I figure I have to choose between the two of them. They aren’t exactly on friendly terms you know?”


“You’re messing with me, right?”




“Look, KC, I know you’re good, but you actually expect me to believe you’re getting offers from Burning Hammer AND Pride? Maybe if you had said one or the other, or maybe had said it was GCG I would have bought it, but I think you're over extended yourself.”


“Um, I’m serious. I’m not ribbing you on this.” KC said with absolute conviction.


**** me.


“Well, I don’t know what to say, KC. Congrats I guess?”


I didn’t know what to say. Joey Minnesota had practically begged us to take KC on and now he was just going to walk out the door. I couldn’t believe it. And that’s when it hit me.


Minnesota had played us. He had walked in here giving me and Ray a sob story about how KC Glenn couldn’t get a job because of Minnesota’s reputation while he was shopping Glenn around in Japan. We had just been his back up, or maybe even a way to get some of the Japanese guys to look at his tape. Next time TCW was in town, I was gonna slash his tires, or perhaps get Dave to do it.


“So what did Joey have to say about all this?” I asked trying to get him to admit to Minnesota’s guilt.


“He was shocked! He couldn’t believe it when I first told him either.”


I was completely floored now. KC wouldn’t lie to me, and I doubt Minnesota would play his own protégé like that. What the hell was going on here?


“So do you even want to hear the good news?” KC blurted in completely breaking my train of thought.


“What? Oh yeah, sorry you kinda dropped a bomb shell on me.”


“They are willing to pay for me to fly back and forth. As long as you guys don’t schedule on the same day as them I should be able to make your shows.”


“What, really?” BHOTWG and Pride both ran two shows a week plus a monthly PPV. I couldn’t believe that they would be high enough on KC to be willing to fly him back and forth during the course of a few days just to make our shows. KC must have really worked hard to get this included in his contracts. Maybe he was dedicated to us after all. “Next time, lead off with you won’t be leaving the company. You almost gave me a heart attack.”


“Oh, sorry Renny. I didn’t mean to upset you.”


“Its ok, KC. Good luck with the decision. I see you in a few weeks at Blaze of Glory.”

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Curran: Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome the second show of the newly revived American Pro Wrestling Federation. We have an exciting line including the possibility of new Tag Team Champions!


Kingman: That along with the second round of the APWF World Champions tournament, we are gonna find out tonight which two competitors will fight for a chance for the gold.


Curran: That’s right, Ray. Now let’s get ready for our first match of the night which could feature new tag team champions! Los Rudos have the advantage going into this second match of a three match series.


Kingman: True, but those two had El Mitico helping out. Now that O’Reilly and Adams are prepared for him on the outside they might fare better.


Curran: We’ll see, Ray. We’ll see.



Los Rudos vs Renny O’Reilly and James Adams


-Adams and O’Reilly start off the match on top utilizing quick tags and double teams but the tide is quickly turned by the underhanded tactics of Acid II who blindsides O’Reilly as he sets AFF up for the Irish Cloverleaf. Los Rudos are in solid control now.


-Los Rudos pile on the hear but O’Reilly makes the hot tag and things really start to pick up as the young duo start hitting high flying move after high flying move.


-Adams is in full swing and has AFF on the ropes when Mitico comes out from the back. Charles Hapstander sees him and cuts him off at the ring apron, but the distraction works as Adams has hit the Pacific Crush and is covered AFF with no ref to make the count.


-O’Reilly dropkicks Mitico of the ring apron as Acid II grabs a chair enters the ring. Hapstander turns just in time to see the Acid II connect with the chair swing and calls for the bell.


O’Reilly and Adams defeat Los Rudos


Ray’s Notes: Everyone seemed to be clicking tonight and a better performance than last time, but I’d still like to see better. It’s a “D” for now and hopefully you can pull something out for in the rubber match.

Curran: Looks like the cheating ways of Los Rudos backfired this time.


Kingman: First rule of cheating is don’t get caught! We will which one of these two teams brings home the gold at our next show. We’ll see in Adams and O’Reilly can get their first clean win over Los Rudos, because I’m thinking of adding a little extra to the third match.


Curran: One of the perks of being the owner, huh? Any chance you can tell you favorite employee what that might be?


Kingman: I’d have to have a favorite employee first wouldn’t i?


Curran: Too funny, Ray, too funny.


Kingman: Flattery will get you now where. However a win for one of these next two wrestlers could be just what the doctor ordered.



Thomas Morgan vs Joffy Laine


-Thomas Morgan is warming up in the ring when Joffy Laine’s music starts playing. Laine come comes out mic in hand as he walks toward the ring.


Joffy Laine: Now everyone’s favorite Texan may have come up short last month in his opportunity to give ya’ll the APWF champion you truly deserve, but I swear on my horse that ain’t gonna happen tonight. In fact, I know I have it all over this Thomas Morgan character. Look at you man, you really think you have a chance against me? You can barely even dress yourself. And what is going on with that head there? Your momma still cut your hair or something? You look like..OW!


-Morgan has had enough of the insults and attacks Laine as he enters the ring.


-Morgan is putting on a clinic putting Laine on painful looking hold after painful looking hold, but the tough Texan refuses to tap.


-It looks like the end as Morgan slaps on the Trademark STF and Laine screams in pain, but is able to drag himself to the ropes.


-Completely stumped on how to put Laine away, Morgan whips Laine into the ropes but out of nowhere Laine comes back with a Death Spiral and the shocking three count.


Laine defeats Morgan

Rays Notes: Laine’s strength may not lie in the ring, but I was hoping Morgan would pull a decent match out of him. Pretty disappointed in both of them, “E+.”


Curran: I don’t know if that was Laine stealing a win or Morgan letting one get away, but one things for sure that’s one tough competitor.


Kingman: That’s true but I was really impressed with Morgan technical knowledge, you have to think that if that was anyone but Laine they would have tapped out!


Curran: I don’t know about that Ray, we have some pretty tough guys here in the APWF, including the man making his way down to the ring.

Elijah Harris entrance is much less spirited then the last show but he still decided to address the crowd before his match


Elijah Harris: I wanna thank everyone for their support after the Soul Man was robbed last month by this boy that runs around calling himself “Dazzling.” Now everyone except that fool ref saw that punk lay me out with some diamond brass knuckles. Diamond, I gotta tell you playa, I may hate you but right now I’m you biggest fan cause once this tournament is done I’m gonna get another shot at you. See playa, when we get back in the ring not only are you gonna go down in a blaze of glory, you will also be losing to the APWF title to the man who should be champion, the one, the only SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUL MAN!!!



Elijah Harris vs El Mitico, Jr


-Harris takes the early advantage having something to prove and doesn’t let up.


-Mitico is slowly able to turn the tide through a serious of less the honorable tactics and has the experienced Harris on the ropes.


-Mitico presses the advantage and has the Soul Man up for the Mistical Journey but Harris counters.


-Now back in control it looks like the Soul Man has it when KISS’s Love Gun starts playing and out comes Dazzling Dave Diamond. The Dazzling One begins taunting Harris from the entrance way causing the distraction. Mitico is able to roll up Harris form behind and, with the assistance of a handful of tights, grab the win.


El Mitico, Jr. defeats Harris.


Ray Notes: The Harris/Diamond storyline gets pushed, Harris has an excuse for losing, and Mitico gets a win. Three birds, one stone. Wish the in ring action could have been a little better though, “D-.”


Curran: Another disappointing loss for the Soul Man.


Kingman: No one to blame but himself, he’s a veteran and he should know that you never turn you back on you opponent, especially when they are on Mitico’s level.


Curran: Charles Hapstander seems to be having a time escorting Harris back to the locker room while Triple D stands around waiting for his match. Oh no, now D’s got a mic!



Dazzling Dave Diamond: Elijah Harris, as the song goes, you may have soul, but you aint no a soldier! You’re trying to talk to the future APWF World Champion? Man you haven’t even won a match yet! I on the other hand am undefeated and will continue to be after I put Riley McManus away tonight because no one, especially some washed up piece of garbage like you can hope to defeat the most Dazzling Man on The Planet!



Dazzling Dave Diamond vs Riley McManus


-What starts out as an even match turns as Triple D is more concerned with playing to the crowd then really laying the boots on McManus and the young man is able to quickly take the advantage.


-McManus whips Diamond into the corner and prepares for a splash but the veteran pulls the ref in the way. McManus goes to check on the damage he has caused and Diamond come in with the low blow.


-Pressing the advantage Diamond really begins pounding on the youngster, but McManus refuses to stay down for long. McManus eventually slaps on the crossface and Diamond quickly taps out, but there is no ref to see it. Frustrated McManus goes to revive Hapstander, but turns around to catch the diamond brass knuckles right in the face!


-Diamond quickly disposes of the foreign object and covers McManus as the ref crawls over for the three count.


Diamond defeats McManus


Ray’s Notes: Good match from two guys we need great matches from. McManus may never be a top guy, but he can still be a solid performer and Triple D makes a good top heel, for now. I give it a “D” but I wish it could be better.


Curran: So there it is, The Dazzling One will contend for the APWF World Title next month, but who will be his opponent?


Kingman: One of our two next competitors, both of whom are young, hunger, and more than ready to prove they belong among the elite in pro-wrestling. Mark my words Sammy boy, this next match is gonna be on one of those bio-videos one day when these two are big stars.


Curran: Awful lot of hype for two guys that are basically unproven, Ray.


Kingman: But well deserved. I heard KC Glenn has even been working shows with Burning Hammer!


Curran: That is impressive! But let’s see if that makes him championship material in our main event!



Ernest Youngman vs KC Glenn

-The two youngsters feel each other out slowly putting a clinic of wrestling moves, neither gaining the advantage. They are even a few near falls, but it is clear the ref is still sore from the last match.


-The back and forth continues until Glenn tries to get fancy with a springboard moonsault, but Youngman is able to dodge it, leaving Glenn down and out and Youngman is able to go to work.


-Youngman has the advantage and gets a couple of near falls, but is starting to get desperate as he puts Glenn on the top turnbuckle and sets him up for a superplex. Glenn pushes him off and then comes off with an impressive flying head scissors. Glenn continues to press his advantage.


-Glenn has the same problems as Youngman and is unable to put his opponent away. Glenn tries to whip Youngman for a backdrop, but telegraphs it and Youngman is able to drop to his and hit Glenn with the uppercut.


-Youngman is able to keep momentum and gets ready for his finish, but Glenn ducks under and gets the quick roll-up for the three count.


Glenn defeats Youngman


Ray’s Notes: Yes, yes, yes! This is the type of match I want to see in our main event. If these two had more momentum behind them, it probably would have brought the house down. Best match I have seen yet, “C-.“

Curran: Wow, what a main event!


Kingman: You said it, hopefully next month’s title match can match the intensity that these two competitors put forth here tonight.


Curran: That’s true either that man, KC Glenn or Dazzling Dave Diamond will be the next APWF Champion.


Kingman: Two men that more than deserve to carry that title.


Curran: We’ll find out who is more deserving next month at APWF Coronation!




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