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WWF '96: Here Comes the Money!

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Titan Towers: May 1996


The recent departures of Scott Hall and Kevin Nash have thrown all of the future plans Vince McMahon had out the window. An emergency meeting is being held to determine the direction the company is going to take. Included in the meeting are head of talent relations Jim Ross, the members of the booking team, Pat Patterson and Gerald Brisco, head booker Vince Russo, and WWF loyalist and ring veteran Gorilla Monsoon. Not officially apart of the meeting is Shane McMahon, who was simply around when his father called the meeting.


Vince McMahon: Thank you all for coming in on such short notice. Gentlemen, you all know my son Shane. I asked him here to see how I handle things in the event I ever need him to fill in for me. Now then, we need to decide what we are going to do about this dip in ratings we have received over the last few weeks. On top of that, we have to figure what is to be done about the loss of Hall and Nash. We planned on putting the world championship around Hall's waist so now we need to figure out a back up plan. Ideas?


Vince Russo: Vince for the last few years we have slowly been shifting toward an edgier product, why not use the loss of Razor and Diesel to bring in some females we can parade around as eye candy? I mean, look at how well the audience has responded to Sunny. Could you imagine the reaction when there are several more hot babes like her around. I hear Mero's wife is quite the looker and he already expressed interest in bringing her in so there is one right there. Can you see it now Vince. Bikini contest, wet t-shirt "accidents" and matches that require clothes to be ripped off. The teen boys will eat it up!


Vince McMahon: Interesting idea, this might actually increase ratings, but what should be done about the world title?


Vince Russo: We could get some celebrity to come in and win the belt. Imagine all the mainstream press we'll get.


Vince McMahon: That's the stupidest idea I ever heard of. Thank God you don't have complete control of the booking. Any other ideas?


Jim Ross: If I may. What we need to do is build up Shawn Michaels as the boy living his childhood dream, so when Brett returns you can have him turn that dream into a nightmare. I see these guys trading wins and the title back and forth for the better part of the year. Then, at WrestleMania you can have the match to settle the score. Imagine it, a one hour long Iron Man Match.


Vince McMahon: Sounds good Jim, but I doubt either one will go for it. Those two really don't get along and if either of them decided they didn't want to lose the title, then I would really be in a bind. I've heard of owners "screwing" guys in matches before, but I just couldn't see myself doing that to either of them. Especially not to Brett. Besides, do you really think the audience will sit through such a long match? I don't.


Gerald Brisco: Why not build up The Undertaker? We could do a whole religious angle and maybe even involve your daughter Stephanie as one of Undertaker's victims. We could have Taker form his own church with followers, no Acolytes. It could be big money Vince. We could even have Taker hint at a higher power only to reveal it as...you!


Vince McMahon: Are you crazy [/b]Gerry[/b]? A religious angle after what I was put through for the steroid scandal! And as far as involving Stephanie, well she is never getting near this business again. I made that mistake once and I won't do it again! Besides, what sense does it make for me to be the "higher power"?


Pat Patterson: Forget that nonsense Vince I have the perfect plan. Rocky Johnson's kid down in USWA, I hear good things about him. He goes by the name, Flex Kavanagh or something stupid like that, anyway, they say the kid is a real natural. Maybe we could turn him into the next Hogan. Build the whole company around him, maybe even name a show after him or something.


Vince McMahon: I don't need another problem like Hogan. Pat even if I wanted to make this kid the next Hogan we don't have the time to pull it off. Come on people, you need to think bigger.


Gorilla Monsoon: I got an idea I've been kicking around for some time. How about a NWA invasion! We could build it up as the NWA wanting to destroy you for breaking away all those years ago. We could even drop hints that WCW is involved. I know Ron Simmons and Barry Windham need jobs, so we could bring them in as the muscle early on. Then, we have Cornette turn on Owen and Davey and introduce a new Midnight Express. After that we could just sort of make it up as we go along. Who knows, we may even get a chance to steal Sting or Flair from those saps down south.


Vince McMahon: A NWA invasion? Who would believe that one company could invade another in this day and age? Maybe back when my father ran the company, but now a days...good luck. If there are no other ideas, then I guess we'll go with Russo's...


Shane McMahon: I got an idea pop.


Vince McMahon: I must say I didn't expect that, but let's hear it Shane.


Shane McMahon: The biggest match in WWF history is Hogan/Andre, not because we used cheap gimmicks or fake tits. The match was great because we had captured the hearts of the audience. We don't need to find a quick fix gentlemen, because we have everything we need already. Our company is filled with great talent, hungry workers wanting to be the best. We just need to tap into that energy and let our guys carry the company to the top. This company can be great again, you just have to believe in it as much as I do.


Vince McMahon: God damn boy! You got my vote. Gentlemen I believe the course of action is clear. Now if you will excuse me, I need to discuss some legal matters with the new head booker of WWF...Shane McMahon!


Shane McMahon: I won't let you down pop. I just need to talk to you about getting my own booking committee....


The booking team leaves with more than a little anger across their faces. Vince Russo mutters to himself, "Stupid punk ass kid," as he leaves.


Shane McMahon: Look pop, I know these are your guys, but I need my own team. Guys willing to listen to my ideas and take orders from me.


Vince McMahon: Okay Shane, who did you have in mind...

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WWF Champion Roll Call


World Championship


Current Champion




Past Title Holders{In this Dynasty}

Shawn Michaels [Monday of week 1 May - Sunday of week 4 May]


Intercontinental Championship


Current Champion


Roddy Piper


Past Title Holders{In this Dynasty}

Goldust [Monday of week 1 May - Sunday of week 4 May]


Tag Team Championship


Current Champions


Western Justice {Tatanka and Justin Bradshaw}


Past Title Holders{In this Dynasty}

The Bodydonnas [Monday of week 1 May - Monday of week 4 May]


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Current Roster


Main Eventers


Bob Backlund {H}

Dave Boy Smith {H}

Dustin Rhodes {H}

Jerry Lawler {H}

Kokina(Yokozuna) {F}

Mankind {H}

Owen Hart {H}

Tatanka {H}

The Undertaker {F}

Vader {H}


Upper Midcard


Baron Helmsley {H}

Bart Gunn {F}

Billy Gunn {F}

Eddy Guerrero {H}

Mabel {H}

Marty Jannetty {F}

Savio Vega {F}

Sir Ahmed Johnson {H}

Syxx {H}

The Ringmaster {H}




Avatar {F}

Barry Horrowitz {F}

Bob Holly {F}

Chris Candido {H}

Duke Droese {F}

Henry O. Godwinn {F}

Jesse James {H}

Justin Bradshaw {H}

Kama {H}

Marc Mero {F}

Mike Awesome {H}

Mo {H}

Phatu {F}

Phineas I. Godwinn {F}

Tom Pritchard {H}


Lower Midcard


Aldo Montoya {F}

Big Ron Studd {H}

Brooklyn Brawler {H}

Little Puppet(Rey Misterio Jr.) {H}

Loco(Pscosis) {H}

Rad Radford {H}

Sleepy(Juvi) {H}




Adam Cage(Edge) {H}

Adam Pearce {H}}

Jeff Hardy {F}

Steve Blackman {F}

Terry Gerin(Rhyno) {H}


Enhancements Talent


Christian Cage {H}

Smiley(Homicide) {H}


Occasional Workers


Bushwhacker Butch {F}

Bushwhacker Luke {F]

Jake Roberts {F}

Roddy Piper {F]


On Hiatus/Contract Not Active Yet


Bret Hart {F}

Cain {H}

Shawn Michaels {F}



Manager & Clients plus Stables


Hillbilly Jim {F} manages Henry and Phineas Godwinn

Jim Cornette {H} manages Vader, Owen Hart, and Dave Boy Smith collectively known as Camp Cornette

Marlena {H} manages Dustin Rhodes

Mr. Fuji {H} manages Bob Backlund and Big Ron Studd

Paul Bearer {F} manages The Undertaker

Paul Ellering {H} manages Mike Awesome and Terry Gerin

Sable {F} manages Marc Mero

Sunny {H} manages Skip and Zip

Ted DiBiase {H} manages The Ringmaster and the 1-2-3 Kid collectively known as The Million Dollar Corporation


Tag Teams


Blue Collar Heroes - Barry Horowitz & Duke Droese

Brawl Bros. - Chris Candido and Tom Pritchard

Bushwhackers - Bushwhacker Butch & Bushwhacker Luke

Camp Cornette - Owen Hart & Dave Boy Smith

Godwinns - Henry O. & Phineas I. Godwinn

Island Boys - Kokina & Phatu

Masked Fury - Avatar & Aldo Montoya

Men on a Mission - Mo & Mabel

Royal Guard - Sir Ahmed & Baron Helmsley

Royal Pain - Jerry Lawler & Baron Helmsley

Slob Squad - Brooklyn Brawler & Rad Radford

Smokin' Gunns - Billy & Bart Gunn

Western Justice - Justin Bradshaw & Tatanka

Xtreme Dominance - Mike Awesome & Terry Gerin


Raw Announcers


Jim Ross {F}

Shane McMahon {F}

Michael Hayes {H}


Pre/Post Show Announcers

Carlo Cabrera {F}

Hugo Savinovich {H}




Howard Finkel

Todd Pettengill


Authority Figure


President Gorilla Monsoon


Talk Shows


The Love Shack hosted by Brother Love


Booking Team

Head Booker Shane McMahon

Ted DiBiase

Michael Hayes

Jim Cornette

Bruce Pritchard

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WWF.Com Monday Night Raw Preview


1-2-3 Kid with Ted DiBiase Vs. Savio Vega

The 1-2-3 Kid is looking to prove he is worth every penny the Million Dollar Man paid for his contract. Savio Vega is coming off a huge win against the 1995 King of the Ring winner Mabel and is looking to keep his momentum going. What will happen when these two hungry young workers face off?


The Island Boys Vs. The Slob Squad

The former Yokozuna teams up with his cousin Phatu to take on the Slob Squad and prove he really is a changed man. Rad Radford looks to get advice from the Brooklyn Brawler despite their losing ways. Will Kokina find redemption in his Samoan roots or will The Slob Squad finally manage a win?


The Undertaker with Paul Bearer Vs. Isaac Yankem DDS

The Undertaker is looking to prove he deserves a title shot, but he will have to look over his shoulder to be sure the mysterious Mankind isn't going to spoil his win. Meanwhile, Isaac Yankem is looking to score a huge upset over the dominant deadman of the WWF. Will the Undertaker add another win to his record or will Isaac Yankem prove more than a match? Will Mankind show up and just what is his agenda?


Roddy Piper is the guest at The Chapel of Love

The always opinionated Rowdy Roddy Piper makes an appearance at the Chapel of Love and he is sure to stir things up. Will Piper vent his anger on the world at large or a single golden superstar he has been speaking out against?


The Smokin' Gunns Vs. The Bodydonnas with Sunny

The Gunns are looking to get a non title win over the reigning champs in hopes of a title match in the near future. The Bodydonnas are looking to continue their dominance over the tag division and keep the title away from the Gunns. Will the Gunns win and earn a title shot or will the Bodydonnas knock the Gunns out of title contention?


The Ringmaster with Ted DiBiase Vs. Marty Jannetty

Ted DiBiase's star pupil is looking to live up to his name and climb up the ladder of success with a win over the World Champions former partner. Marty Jannetty is looking to prove he is every bit as good as Shawn Michaels. Will the former Rocker get the big W or will Steve Austin prove he truly is a Ringmaster?


Masked Fury Vs. Western Justice

Aldo Montoya and Avatar have joined forces and are looking to become a real threat in the tag division. Tatanka and Justin Bradshaw joined forces to deal out their own brand of justice. Will Masked Fury make their mark on the tag scene or will Western Justice prove the power of cowboys and Native Americans working together?


Goldust with Marlena Vs. Ahmed Johnson

Goldust is looking to prove his talent despite the strange behavior he has been exhibiting. Ahmed Johnson is looking to avenge his loss to Goldust from last week. Will the IC Champ continue his winning ways or will Ahmed get payback?


Shawn Micheals Vs. Vader with Jim Cornette

The World Champion Shawn Michaels looks to prove that his world title reign is the real thing. Vader is looking to prove that Michaels is nothing more than a bug on his windshield. Will Michaels overcome the huge weight difference or will Vader squash Shawn like a grape?


Super Fun Prediction Time


1-2-3 Kid Vs. Savio Vega



The Island Boys Vs. The Slob Squad



The Undertaker Vs. Isaac Yankem DDS



The Smokin' Gunns Vs. The Bodydonnas



The Ringmaster Vs. Marty Jannetty



Masked Fury Vs. Western Justice



Goldust Vs. Ahmed Johnson



Shawn Michaels Vs. Vader


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1-2-3 Kid Vs. Savio Vega



The Island Boys Vs. The Slob Squad

Comment: The Jobber Tag is not winning.


The Undertaker Vs. Isaac Yankem DDS

Comment: Jacobs is not Kane yet, so he's not beating The Undertaker.


The Smokin' Gunns Vs. The Bodydonnas

Comment: Just don't like the Bodydonnas' Tag Team...but i like you-know-who ;)


The Ringmaster Vs. Marty Jannetty

Comment: A personal choice here.


Masked Fury Vs. Western Justice

Comment: Like the Western Justice idea, it builds Bradshaw up as he teams with a experienced partner.


Goldust Vs. Ahmed Johnson

Comment: As Goldust is champ, i don't see him losing to Ahmed.


Shawn Michaels Vs. Vader

Comment: Maybe by DQ or something like that?


Good luck, gonna be reading.

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Interested! I'll be following. That staff meeting was great :p


1-2-3 Kid Vs. Savio Vega

Comment: Kid seems to be on his way out, but I always liked him and I love DiBiase.


The Island Boys Vs. The Slob Squad

Comment: Yokozuna is the man.


The Undertaker Vs. Isaac Yankem DDS

Comment: Undertaker over Kane.


The Smokin' Gunns Vs. The Bodydonnas

Comment: Get the titles off the Bodydonnas please lol.


The Ringmaster Vs. Marty Jannetty

Comment: No chance Jannetty beats Austin.


Masked Fury Vs. Western Justice

Comment: This is a weird team, but I sorta like it.


Goldust Vs. Ahmed Johnson

Comment: IIRC Ahmed won the IC title this year, he should pick up some momentum over the champ.


Shawn Michaels Vs. Vader

Comment: Something sketchy.

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Titan Towers:2 Days after the 1st Monday Night Raw of May 1996


Shane McMahon has gathered his new booking committee together to discuss the future plans for the WWF. Bruce Pritchard, Jim Cornette, Michael Hayes, and Ted DiBiase look around nervously. This week's Raw was good, but it was by no means great. They each know that if the company continues to decline it won't be Shane who receives the brunt of Vince's anger. After all, would you blame your only son when several expendable employees are around. Shane writes a list of names on the dry erase board in the room. Above the list of names are the words “Future Hires.” Shane then turns to the group and speaks.


Shane McMahon: I just went over the numbers and we improved...slightly. Now, before you all go patting yourselves on the back lets talk about the show. First and foremost I would like to note that Raw will remain 2 hours from now on. I don't feel like we can get enough done in 90 minutes and after talking to the networks they have agreed to allow us to remain 2 hours long from here on out. Another change that will remain is myself, Michael Hayes, and Jim Ross will remain on commentary for all the events and shows . I feel this will help create a flow between the three of us and allow us to call the shows that much better. Lastly, we will be ditching the In Your House PPVs and instead create unique shows to fill the gap their absence creates. My goal would be to create a line up that sees all 12 PPVs as legendary as Wrestlemania. Now then, you all have printouts with detailed bullet points on Raw, so let's go over the show and discuss what worked and what didn't...


WWF Monday Night Raw Results


Camp Cornette In-Ring Promo

> Jim Cornette came out with Vader, Davey Boy Smith, and Owen Hart to big boos.

> Cornette referenced the finish of April's In Your House and called HBK a “lucky punk.”

> Cornette declared that tonight Vader would squash HBK like a bug.

> Vader kept quiet, but looked very menacing.

> Owen and Davey looked tough but a little bored.


This segment went over very well with both the live audience and the at home one. Cornette put Vader over well, making him seem like a beast. Owen and Davey seemed a little bored at being little more than muscle for Cornette. We should work on getting Owen and Davey something a little more substantial to do. This built up both the Main Event of Raw and the HBK/Vader feud. A wonderful start to the show.


1-2-3 Kid with Ted DiBiase def. Savio Vega

> The 1-2-3 Kid looked good tonight.

> Savio Vega was a step behind and he looked a little lost.

> The size difference hurt the matches credibility, the 1-2-3 Kid needs smaller opponents.

> The 1-2-3 Kid debuted a new submission finisher called the Buzz Kill that went over well.

> Ted DiBiase did some good work to rile the crowd up at ringside.


Despite the fast pace, I believe the audience is still accustomed to a larger type of athlete. The 1-2-3 Kid would do better to fight smaller opponents so when he takes control of the match the audience buys into it more. The new finisher the Kid debuted went over very well, and it will help to transition him away from cruiserweight type of wrestling. A decent opening match, but we can do better.


The Island Boys def. The Slob Squad

>Before the match the Island Boys did a short promo.

> Kokina explained that he was used by Mr. Fuji and made to play Yokozuna.

> Phatu told the audience he forgave his cousin and they should too.

> Kokina vowed that he would never forget his past again.

> Both men fumbled a bit but the audience was pretty forgiving.

> Rad Radford looked completely lost and out of his element, he needs to be protected better.

> Kokina and Phatu had a good crowd response, especially when Phatu and Kokina danced.

> The Brooklyn Brawler was a true pro and he will be a good teacher for Rad.

> The finish of a Huge Splash was executed greatly.


The transition from heel to face has done wonders for Yokozuna and he even lost some weight. In fact, Kokina looks to be in the best shape of his career. Phatu let the veteran do most of the talking which helped the segment out. The segment ran around 4 minutes and I think we let it go on a little too long for their level of entertainment skills. The Island Boys are a decent tag team and will be a good team to eventually challenge the tag champs. The Brawler is never going to be a star, but his insight should help Radford improve. Nothing much was expected from this match and we didn't get any surprises.


The Undertaker with Paul Bearer def. Isaac Yankem DDS

> The Undertaker came out to a huge pop, cementing his face status.

> Isaac Yankem held his own with Taker and could become a great talent in the future.

> Despite the height of Yankem the Taker was able to lift him up in some impressive slams.

> Mankind came out of the crowd during this match and distracted Taker mometarily.

> The Choke Slam finish was awesome and Yankem sold it pretty good.

> Mankind's after the match attack went over well.


The match lacked a little in selling, but what can you expect from the Taker? Isaac Yankem is a horrible gimmick and I believe we need to repackage Glen ASAP. My knee jerk idea is to make Glen into Taker's brother, but I doubt that would go over well. Mankind is playing his character well, and I believe he is starting to be seen as a real threat to Taker.


Roddy Piper is the guest at The Chapel of Love

> Roddy came out to a good pop, showing that the fans still love the old wrestlers.

> Roddy mentioned how he is used to hosting a show, not being a guest and got another pop.

> Roddy briefly mentioned that he was saddened by the behavior of Goldust.

> Piper went on to say that Goldust was a good wrestler and didn't need to act that way.

> Brother Love was overwhelmed by Piper, but who isn't?

This segment was great! The fans still love Piper and he could help build up a lot of workers in fans eyes. The hints at a Goldust/Piper feud went over well and I think it could do great ratings for us. Brother Love didn't look too could thanks to Piper being such a stron personality, so it might be better to have workers of less stature on his show. We will be keeping the show around along time.


The Bodydonnas with Sunny def. The Smokin' Gunns

> The Gunns didn't seem to get much reaction, perhaps we should break them up?

> Sunny seems to be a lot more popular than the Bodydonnas

> Skip and Zip are horrible gimmicks, we need to evolve them ASAP

> The match was decent, but the fans seemed too distracted by Sunny to notice.

> The Bodydonnas seem ready to drop the belts, we just need a good team to take them.


Both tams are nothing special, although each one has 1 worker who could go on to bigger and better things. Sunny for her part is a huge star in the making, but I'm afraid it may go to her head. When we break these teams up we may have to release the weaker links of each team.


Marty Jannetty def. The Ringmaster with Ted DiBiase

> Before the match Ted DiBiase and his Million Dollar Corporation came out to promo.

>Ted presented The Ringmaster with his Million Dollar Title

> The Ringmaster vowed to capture the World title in the near future.

> 1-2-3 Kid was a little jittery in the ring during the promo segment, too much coffee?

> The ringmaster took this loss in stride, which proves he is a team player

> Ted did great work at ringside and helped the match stay put together.

> Marty looked good and made me believe he could be a maineventer soon.

> The botched interference kept Ringmaster from looking weak.


The Ringmaster is going to be a champ very soon and I am so glad WCW screwed up and let us have him. For his part, Marty showed me why he should have gotten a push as big as Shawn's. I think a brief feud between these two will do wonders for both of their careers.


Jerry Lawler is walking around backstage

> Lawler was wandering backstage looking for the buffet table.

> Lawler commented that he wanted to find it before The Island Boys ate all the food.

> Lawler was pretty funny and the crowd was laughing at his jokes.


This will set up a feud with the Island Boys and help get Lawler on the TV more. Lawler is still a huge draw in Memphis and we need to get the most from that.


HBK gave an interview to Todd Pettengill

> HBK was very entertaining and had the audience eating his words.

> HBK told Vader that he was ready to beat him again.

> Todd Pettengill looked very awkward


HBK is a great promo guy and we need to give him plenty of screen time. The feud with Vader is building up nicely and the fans are still interested in it. This also helped build the main event which is always good. Todd needs to interview weaker guys as he didn't help the segment at all.


Western Justice def. Masked Fury

> Western Justice went over very well with the fans.

> Masked Fury is seen as jobbers, but they are so no big deal.

> Tatanka took control of the match and worked it like a pro.

> Bradshaw looked good and had moments were he looked like a future star.

> Although Aldo and Avatar are jobbers, they may turn into decent workers some day.


Not a terrible match, but not a good one either. Tatanka stood out as the star of the match and we expected as much. Hopefully Bradshaw will improve and this team can become a real tag team threat.


Goldust with Marlena def. Ahmed Johnson

> Before the match Goldust said he wanted to get his hands on something big and black!

> Goldust then mentioned how he was a huge Piper fan as a kid.

> Goldust told Piper he could wrestle him anytime he wanted...

> Goldust did a good job considering how bad Ahmed is in the ring.

> Ahmed is pushed too high up for his skill level, we should fix that.

> Marlena was a great presence at the ringside.


Goldust is a great character, but I don't think he will fit in with my vision. Maybe we could look to repackage him after his feud with Piper. Marlena did great work and she is someone we could build a stable around. Ahmed sucked and if he continues to suck he will find himself out of work.


Shawn Micheals DREW with Vader with Jim Cornette

> Shawn and Vader did great work and played the size difference well.

> Cornette was fantastic at ringside and he got the crowd into it.

> Vader looked like a monster and Shawn sold everything well.

> The double count out went over well.


This match proved there is still life to this feud. Shawn was willing to sell Vader's moves and he was pretty professional. He seems calmer now that his friends are in another company. I have some plans for his future and perhaps I can get a Michaels/Hart feud after all.


Shane McMahon: Good show guys. Not great, but we are getting there. I'm sorry I had to Fire the Ultimate Warrior but he tested my authority with his tasteless prank, and I needed to show my authority. Now anyone want to talk about the names on the board?


Micheal Hayes: Shane, I know you have a vision for the company, but there is no way your father will let us reach out to those guys. Take Steve Blackman for example. You may not know it but, we were extremely interested in him at one point. He was trained in the Hart Dungeon. He had a great look. He looked to be a real winner, but after he caught malaria he lost a ton of weight. You know how you're dad loves the big men and to be quite honest, Blackman doesn't fit into that mold anymore.


Shane McMahon: Exactly! Look, we don't want a company full of carbon copies. We want unique characters with interesting stories and backgrounds. Steve Blackman went from being a muscle bound goof to a lean mean fighting machine. The man has turned himself into a lethal weapon and that's how we are going to push him. He's going to be a silent, no nonsense, living breathing weapon.


The group nods in agreement. They almost seem to be buying into Shane's vision and why wouldn't they? Shane handpicked this group because he knew they were desperate to book the WWF and would be easy to get behind his vision. Bruce Pritchard AKA Brother Love speaks up next.


Bruce Pritchard: What about Charles Wright? Do you really plan on bringing back Papa Shango? I mean, the character was cool, but I don't think the fans will buy into it anymore.


Shane McMahon: I agree Bruce, which is why he isn't coming back as Papa Shango. Allow me to introduce you all to...Kama, the Supreme Fighting Machine! He isn't just another wrestler, but a man who has trained his whole life to master every known fighting style, creating the ultimate hybrid style. He trained with everyone from the monks of Tibet to world champion boxers. His whole life has been dedicated to fighting and it is all he knows. The other names are special projects we will discuss later. That's all for now gentlemen. I want all of you to come up with ideas for Isaac Yankem's new character ready to discuss at the next meeting. I'll see you all after Superstars.

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Shane: Isaac Yankem is a horrible gimmick and I believe we need to repackage Glen ASAP. My knee jerk idea is to make Glen into Taker's brother, but I doubt that would go over well..............I want all of you to come up with ideas for Isaac Yankem's new character ready to discuss at the next meeting. I'll see you all after Superstars.


NO Shane NO! Make him Taker's brother, put him with Paul! It'll work, trust in Bearer...he made 'Taker get over, he can make, uhm..... KANE! get over!

[pats self on shoulder for potentially saving "Isaac Yankem" from a terrible gimmick like.... I don't know, the Spirit Squad?]


Random Thoughts: I like the way you wrote up your show and the staff meeting.


Random Sign: My doctor is Yankem...Isaac Yankem!

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WWF.Com Superstars Preview


Men on a Mission Vs. The Smokin' Gunns

The Gunns are coming off a loss to the tag champs and are looking to stay relevant. Men on a Mission have just recently reunited and are trying to get back into title contention. Which team will prove they want it more and earn a win?


Owen Hart with Jim Cornette Vs. Steve Blackman

Owen is looking to be more than just another member of Camp Cornette. Steve Blackman is looking to debut with a win over an established star. Will the newcomer be successful or will Owen use his experience to earn another win?


The Blue Collar Heroes Vs. Western Justice

The Blue Collar Heroes are ready to quit their day jobs and prove they belong in the WWF. Western Justice is looking to impress the championship committee and earn a title shot. Will the Blue Collar heroes earn their paychecks or will Western Justice put them out to pasture?


Hunter Hearst Helmsley is the guest at The Chapel of Love

Hunter is looking to shed some light on his tag team with Jerry Lawler. Chances are good Brother Love will ask about Lawler's comments on The Island Boys. Will Hunter defend his partner or distance himself from Jerry Lawler?


The 1-2-3 Kid with Ted DiBiase Vs. Bob Holly

The 1-2-3 Kid is coming off a win over Savio Vega and is looking to keep the momentum up. Bob Holly is looking to just get out of the losing streak he is on. Will Holly finally get a win or will The 1-2-3 Kid live up to his name and get a win?


The Ringmaster with Ted DiBiase Vs. Marc Mero with Sable

Ted DiBiase's star pupil is putting his Million Dollar Championship on the line against the Wild Man Marc Mero. Marc Mero promises his new manager will change everything, including his ability to get the ever elusive win. Will The Ringmaster give Mero a Million Dollar Dream or will Marc's new manager help him earn a win?


Isaac Yankem DDS Vs. Savio Vega

Isaac Yankem lost to the Undertaker, but now he faces a much smaller opponent. Savio is also coming off a loss, but to a much smaller opponent. Only one of these two can come out on top, but who will it be?


The Bodydonnas with Sunny Vs. The Island Boys

The Tag Champs have been running through the competition, but they have never faced opponents as big as The Island Boys. The Island Boys may be fun out of the ring, but inside they are all business. Can Sunny's team overcome their greatest challenge yet or will the Island Boys get a win over the reigning champs?



Super Fun Prediction Time


Men on a Mission Vs. The Smokin' Gunns



Owen Hart Vs. Steve Blackman



The Blue Collar Heroes Vs. Western Justice



The 1-2-3 Kid Vs. Bob Holly



The Ringmaster Vs. Marc Mero



Isaac Yankem DDS Vs. Savio Vega



The Bodydonnas Vs. The Island Boys


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Men on a Mission Vs. The Smokin' Gunns

Comment: Mo and Mabel are garbage. Billy and Bart are solid workers.


Owen Hart Vs. Steve Blackman

Comment: Not sure on this one, but Blackman should debut strong.


The Blue Collar Heroes Vs. Western Justice

Comment: Blue Collar Heroes are jobbers. I like Western Justice to take the titles off the next face champions if they continue to succeed.


The 1-2-3 Kid Vs. Bob Holly



The Ringmaster Vs. Marc Mero

Comment: Get him some momentum after the loss to Jannetty.


Isaac Yankem DDS Vs. Savio Vega

Comment: Keep his popularity up for his eventual repackage.


The Bodydonnas Vs. The Island Boys

Comment: Starts the rivalry!

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Titan Towers the Night after WWF Superstars has aired


Shane McMahon looks around the room. The members of his booking team avoid eye contact, unsure if Shane is upset or pleased with the latest episode of WWF Superstars.


Shane McMahon: Relax gentlemen, I am very pleased with the latest Superstars show. The numbers are a big improvement over what we typically get for our “B” show and I think it has a lot to do with how well Raw went over with the fans. Let's go over the show notes I prepared for you and discuss just what went on.


The Smokin' Gunns def. Men on a Mission

> Bart Gunn strained himself to slam Mabel, it looked good but might not be worth the risk.

> Mo is a decent worker, but may be better suited to a manager role.

> Billy Gunn needs more time to develop into a better worker.

> The Texas Bronco Buster(twisting Bulldog) Bart Gunn debuted look great.


Mabel completely stunk the ring up. I don't know why my father ever wanted to push that moron. If Mabel didn't have a decent amount of experience teaming up with Mo I wouldn't have him in any matches period. I received a memo from my father saying he wanted me to try to improve Bart Gunn's momentum in the fan's eyes, so hopefully this goes a little way toward that. I pretty throw away match overall, but at least being on Superstars the fans won't complain.


Owen Hart with Jim Cornette def. Steve Blackman

> Steve was able to keep pace with the more experienced Owen.

> Owen took the match very seriously, and the fans loved his performance.

> Owen and Cornette work well together.

> Owen kept Blackman looking strong even though Owen won.


This match was a lot better than I expected it to be. Steve Blackman looked dangerous and a credible threat. Owen Hart looked great and he may very well have earned himself a shot at the world championship. The fans didn't seem too into Blackman's gimmick, but I think we can get them to come around.


Shawn Michaels cuts a promo

> Shawn insisted to be unscripted, but floundered a bit.

> Michaels challenged Vader to a rematch on Monday Night Raw

> Shawn ended the promo with a quick pose “for the ladies”


I'm not sure if we should keep giving in to Shawn's demand to go unscripted. Every time we allow him to do it we're taking a huge gamble as he seems to be hit or big miss. I don't want to lose Shawn to WCW, but I really don't want to deal with his attitude either. I may just have to knock him down a few pegs after all. I do realize I was praising his professionalism from Raw earlier in the week, but his showing at Superstars was a huge pain in my ass.


Western Justice def. Blue Collar Heroes

> Tatanka and Justin Bradshaw seem to be getting used to working together.

> Brawler and Rad may be jobbers, but they are good at their job.

> Western Justice are gearing up to earn a shot at the titles, when the titles fall to some baby face duo.

> Bradshaw looked pretty impressive, and he owes a lot to Brawler for selling things so well.


I can't get enough of Western Justice. These two gimmicks mesh so well it is a wonder no one was planning this team up. Brawler is never going to be more than a jobber, but he is a valuable one and we nee to keep him happy. I should have Pat Patterson talk to him since those two seem very close. This was another match that wouldn't fly on Raw, but it worked well here.


The 1-2-3 Kid with Ted DiBiase def. Bob Holly

> The 1-2-3 Kid needs to bulk up if the fans are going to take him serious.

> Bob Holly sold the Kid's moves well, he could be a solid jobber...the next Brooklyn Brawler???

> The Buzzkill finisher of the Kid's helped sell the match.

> Ted is great at ringside and we need to get him a few more workers.


The 1-2-3 Kid is a great worker but the fans are still doubting him based on his size. I am going to ask him to bulk up, hopefully he will agree to it. Bob Holly is a great seller, and we really need to look at him for the head of the next generation of WWF jobbers. Unlike other companies, we understand the need for jobbers, and as such we pay and treat the very well.


The Ringmaster with Ted DiBiase def. Marc Mero with Sable

> Prior to the match Ted DiBiase put The Ringmaster over.

> The Ringmaster said a few words himself, calling Mart Jannetty a fluke artist.

> The 1-2-3 Kid stayed at ringside for the promo and match, looking ready to fight some more.

> Sable's debut was a huge hit with the fans.

> Mero looked out of his league.


This match demonstrated that Steve Austin is definitely a future atar and Marc Mero is too far up the card. Mero's only contribution is his very attractive wife. Who knew a good idea would come from Russo. Not a terrible match, but only because Austin is such a professional.


I Savio Vega def. Isasc Yankem

> Savio looked good taking out a much bigger opponent.

> Isaac Yankem once again demonstrated his need for a better gimmick.

> A flash pin finish kept Isaac strong while letting Savio look good.


Savio needs to be lifted up the card ASAP. The rise in Latino fans will help us overcome the WCW and perhaps Savio could replace Razor Ramon as our cool Latino character. As I said at the last meeting we need a gimmick for Isaac and I hope you all have some good ideas.


Hunter Hearst Helmsley is the guest at The Chapel of Love

> Hunter let the audience know that he and Lawler are forming a team called, Royal Pain.

> Hunter told Brother Love that Lawler was'nt making fun of the Island Boys, he was just stating facts.

> Hunter went on to say the Island Boys are not worth his time to have a match with them.


Hunter performed well in this segment. I hope this slow build to a Royal Pain/Island Boys feud pays off. The lack of Lawler hurts the feud a bit. I really need to get him to leave USWA.


The Island Boys def. The Bodydonnas with Sunny

> The Island Boys once more got s nice reaction from the crowd.

> Sunny was the star of this match.

> The Bodydonnas may have wore there welcome out, as the fans were happy that they lost here.

> Hunter did a decent job “watching” from the entrance ramp.


The Island Boys looked great and just might be the team to beat the champs. Sunny looked great and we should really think about moving her to a better team. Zip is a decent worker, but I doubt he will ever be a star, sorry Bruce. A decent main event for Superstars, but we should try to do a little better to keep the fans tuning in.


Shane McMahon: Okay then, we are rolling along nicely. I've looked over all of your ideas for Yankem and I must say some of them are pretty wild. Bruce having him debut as the new Diesel is a terrible idea. That would never go over and suggesting Jim Ross turning heel to go with it is borderline retarded. Cornette the idea to have Yankem debut as Abel the “dead” brother of The Undertaker is fine, but I think the name needs to be worked on. I don't see Taker being the “evil” brother so the name should be Cain or something like that. Hayes your idea to turn him into some bad ass biker is something we could work with. We wouldn't need to hide the fact it is Yankem and perhaps we could even evolve him onscreen. Lastly, your idea Ted, it might be the one we go with. Shaving Glenn bald and saying he lost his license for being a sadist could work very well. We could change his name to something darker and perhaps team him up with Mankind as a S & M type of duo. Now then, I won't waste more of your time on a Superstars show so let's call it a day gentlemen.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:24px;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">WWF.Com Monday Night Raw Preview</span></span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>The Island Boys Vs. Camp Cornette with Jim Cornette</strong></span></p><p> <em>The Island Boys have picked up some good momentum last week after a huge win over The Bodydonnas. Camp Cornette is just looking to prove they are still a tag team threat. What will happen when these two teams collide on RAW? </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>Savio Vega Vs. Bob Backlund with Mr. Fuji</strong></span></p><p> <em>Savio Vega is quickly making his way up the roster in the WWF. Bob Backlund is a legend looking to prove the old school is still the best school. Will old school win or will Savio declare school's out?</em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>The Bodydonnas with Sunny Vs. The Godwinns with Hillbilly Jim </strong></span></p><p> <em>The Bodydonnas need a win to turn their fortunes around. The Godwinns want to capitalize on the recent loss of the Bodydonnas. Will their be Sunny Days or a ho down? </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>The Undertaker is the guest at The Chapel of Love</strong></span></p><p> <em>The Taker is looking to vent his frustration about Mankind jumping him on last week's Raw.</em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>Goldust with Marlena Vs. Steve Blackman</strong></span></p><p> <em>Goldust is looking to get Piper's attention and draw him into a match. Steve Blackman is looking to make a name for himself at the IC Champs expense. Will the strange one take the win or will Steve Black prove to be a true Lethal Weapon?</em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>Mankind Vs. Bob Holly</strong></span></p><p> <em>The twisted and deranged Mankind is looking to send a message to the Undertaker. Bob Holly is simply looking to get a win. Will Mankind's message include a battered Bob or will Holly snag a win from Mankind?</em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>The Smokin Gunns Vs. Western Justice</strong></span></p><p> <em>The Gunns are looking to keep their momentum going after a big win against Men on a Mission. Western Justice is looking to continue their slow climb up the tag mountain. Will a cowboy get the win or will the Native American get a much deserved victory?</em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>Hunter Hearst Helmsley Vs. Ahmed Johnson</strong></span></p><p> <em>Hunter is looking to put the commoner Ahmed in his place. Ahmed is simply looking to beat someone up. Will the nobleman defeat the commoner or will Hunter end up plunged in the Pearl River?</em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>Jake Roberts Vs. The Ringmaster</strong></span></p><p> <em>Jake is looking to prove he truly is a changed man and a win over the evil Ringmaster will go a long way toward that. The Ringmaster is looking to take out a legend. Will Jake overcome or will The Ringmaster put an end to all the John 3:16's?</em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>Shawn Micheals Vs. Vader with Jim Cornette</strong></span></p><p> <em>The World Champion Shawn Michaels issued this challenge and it looks like Vader has accepted. Vader just wants to end Shawn once and for all. Will we see a definitive winner or will there be more shenanigans?</em></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36238" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Super Fun Prediction Time<p> </p><p> Island Boys Vs. Camp Cornette</p><p> Comment:</p><p> </p><p> Savio Vega Vs. Bob Backlund</p><p> Comment:</p><p> </p><p> The Bodydonnas Vs. The Godwinns</p><p> Comment:</p><p> </p><p> Goldust Vs. Steve Blackman</p><p> Comment:</p><p> </p><p> Mankind Vs. Bob Holly</p><p> Comment:</p><p> </p><p> The Smokin' Gunns Vs. Western Justice</p><p> Comment:</p><p> </p><p> Hunter Hearst Helmsley Vs. Ahmed Johnson</p><p> Comment:</p><p> </p><p> Jake Roberts Vs. The Ringmaster</p><p> Comment:</p><p> </p><p> Shawn Michaels Vs. Vader</p><p> Comment:</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thanks for the comments, they are much appreciated. Now then, I think there is something we need to discuss...</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="infinitekillz" data-cite="infinitekillz" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36238" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Good stuff and i like the presentation and creative meeting stuff, especially the jokes and nods to history. I'm fine w Glen becoming Kane, but it'd be cool if you ran a prediction contest and gave the winner the chance to pick a gimmick for 1 of the lower card guys.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Let it be known I will not being doing this...BECAUSE the person with the highest prediction scores for <strong>This RAW and THE FOLLOWING SUPERSTARS</strong> will choose the new gimmick of Glenn Jacobs!</p><p> </p><p> The following 5 choices are what the winner gets to choose from...</p><p> </p><p> 1) Kane: Jacobs portrayed as he was in real life.</p><p> 2) Cain: The sadistic older brother of Taker who killed the family!</p><p> 3) Gentle Glenn: The slightly retarded underdog in the vein of Eugene.</p><p> 4) Glenn Jacobs American Bad Ass: Undertakers biker gimmick given to Glenn Jacobs.</p><p> 5) You submit 3 choices to me and I choose 1!</p>
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Island Boys Vs. Camp Cornette

Comment: Perhaps due to interference from Hunter or Lawler?


Savio Vega Vs. Bob Backlund

Comment: In my 94 game, Time Decline has hit Backlund hard. Can't imagine you're doing anything productive with him.


The Bodydonnas Vs. The Godwinns

Comment: The Godwinns are one of my favorite New Gen tag teams (I don't really know why) but they are garbage in the ring.


Goldust Vs. Steve Blackman

Comment: Yes.


Mankind Vs. Bob Holly



The Smokin' Gunns Vs. Western Justice

Comment: Love the Gunns, but these guys keep rolling.


Hunter Hearst Helmsley Vs. Ahmed Johnson



Jake Roberts Vs. The Ringmaster



Shawn Michaels Vs. Vader


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<p>Been reading from the start, but got behind on predicting thus far. Here goes:</p><p> </p><p>

Island Boys Vs. <em>Camp Cornette</em></p><p>

Comment: <em>Not sure, I just like their chances.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Savio Vega</em> Vs. Bob Backlund</p><p>

Comment: <em>Given what you said about Savio, mostly. Bob being with Fuji is a very interesting pairing though, and I expect some comedic gold out of them.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<em>The Bodydonnas</em> Vs. The Godwinns</p><p>

Comment: <em>Because Chris Candido.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Goldust</em> Vs. Steve Blackman</p><p>

Comment: </p><p> </p><p>

<em>Mankind</em> Vs. Bob Holly</p><p>

Comment: <em>Holly sounds like your go-to jobber.</em></p><p> </p><p>

The Smokin' Gunns Vs. <em>Western Justice</em></p><p>

Comment: <em>LIVE FROM THE OK CORRAL!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Hunter Hearst Helmsley</em> Vs. Ahmed Johnson</p><p>

Comment: <em>I'm guessing you aren't as high on Ahmed as IRL was?</em></p><p> </p><p>

Jake Roberts Vs. <em>The Ringmaster</em></p><p>

Comment: <em>I don't figure Jake is much more than an occasional wrestler for you.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Shawn Michaels Vs. <em>Vader</em></p><p>

Comment: <em>Punishment for being such a drama queen?</em></p>

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<p><strong>Island Boys</strong> Vs. Camp Cornette</p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Savio Vega</strong> Vs. Bob Backlund</p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Bodydonnas</strong> Vs. The Godwinns</p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

Goldust Vs. <strong>Steve Blackman</strong></p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mankind</strong> Vs. Bob Holly</p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

The Smokin' Gunns Vs. <strong>Western Justice</strong></p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Hunter Hearst Helmsley</strong> Vs. Ahmed Johnson</p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

Jake Roberts Vs.<strong> The Ringmaster</strong></p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

Shawn Michaels Vs. <strong>Vader</strong></p><p>


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Camp Cornette - Cornette 4evah, baby.

Savio Vega - Backlund is better used as a gatekeeper on this era.

The Bodydonnas


Mankind - Big Foley fan here.

Western Justice - Like 'em.

Hunter Hearst Helmsley

The Ringmaster - Big Austin fan as well.

Vader - You shall punish HBK, it doesn't matter if he is a Main Eventer.

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<p><strong>Island Boys</strong> Vs. Camp Cornette</p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Savio Vega</strong> Vs. Bob Backlund</p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Bodydonnas</strong> Vs. The Godwinns</p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

Goldust Vs. <strong>Steve Blackman</strong></p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mankind</strong> Vs. Bob Holly</p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

The Smokin' Gunns Vs. <strong>Western Justice</strong></p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Hunter Hearst Helmsley</strong> Vs. Ahmed Johnson</p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

Jake Roberts Vs. <strong>The Ringmaster</strong></p><p>

Comment:</p><p> </p><p>

Shawn Michaels Vs. <strong>Vader</strong></p><p>


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<p><span style="text-decoration:underline;">WWF Headquarters 1 day After RAW</span></p><p> </p><p> <em>The booking committee is once again gathered to discuss this week's RAW. They are more relaxed this week as they seem to have a handle on </em><em><strong>Shane's</strong></em><em> booking and leadership style. </em><em><strong>Bruce Pritchard</strong></em><em> is still in his </em><em><strong>Brother Love</strong></em><em> outfit, complete with red face, and the rest of the guys are ribbing him about it. </em><em><strong>Shane</strong></em><em> walks in and hands out the booking notes for the night. A few minutes later a tech wheels in a TV to the confusion of the team.</em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Shane McMahon:</strong> I see the looks on your faces so allow me to explain. I feel like we are missing the heart and soul of the promos being done by our superstars, so I have a tape of tonight's promos all set and ready to play in the TV that was just brought in. The ring work can be easily bullet pointed, but I feel we need to hear the promos so the meetings will be slightly longer from here on out. The way I see things, the stories and characters we create are what will keep us on top, not the ring work, fantastic as it may be sometimes. Now, we have a lot to discuss, so let's get to RAW so we can talk about some future plans.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Michael Hayes:</strong> Before we get to the show, shouldn't we discuss the <strong>Shawn Michaels'</strong> incident? He attacked <strong>Kokina</strong> unprovoked and if it wasn't for <strong>Phatu</strong> and <strong>Davey</strong> walking by we might have had a real serious problem on our hands.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Shane McMahon:</strong> I already fined <strong>Shawn</strong> and I even removed him from the main event of Raw. Shawn will fall in line guys or he will sit at home until the wrestling world forgets he even existed.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36238" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:24px;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">Monday Night Raw Results May week 2</span></span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>The Undertaker is the guest at The Chapel of Love</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Brother Love</strong> Weeeeeeeelcome to The Loooooooove Shack. I looooove you! Tonight I have a special treat for each and everyone because my former protege The Undertaker is coming out to talk about his recent Mankind problems.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>The Undertaker:</strong> Mankind...you think you can mess with the Deadman and get away with it? I've walked through the valley of the shadow of death and I fear no evil. You are nothing more than a gnat buzzing about the ear of a mighty elephant. You see, I have defeated a Ugandan Giant, an Immortal, The Madness, and even a shadow of myself. Just like them you will be planted into the mat with a Tombstone and you will Rest...In...Peace!</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Paul Bearer:</strong> Yes! Oh yes! My Undertaker destroy you Mankind and anyone else foolish enough to cross his path. That includes you Shawn Michaels! That world title will be my Undertaker's once again. Oh yes.</p><p> </p><p> <em><span style="color:#0000FF;">This promo was red hot. The Undertaker is great on the microphone and we may need to move Paul Bearer to a worker who could benefit more from Paul's help. The fans may resent the split, but if we do it correctly we could have Paul built up as some sort of Sinister Minister with a whole “church” or Ministry of Evil type stable. Be prepared to submit a list of names for such a stable. As I said before, we need to book less powerful personalities on The Love Shack. Bruce you were good, but you didn't add enough to justify your screen time. I don't blame you, I made the booking after all. I'll book you a better act next week.</span></em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>Camp Cornette with Jim Cornette def. The Island Boys</strong></span></p><p> > Kokina and Phatu are quickly becoming huge fan favorites.</p><p> > The crowd was amazed when Davey Boy slammed Phatu and then Kokina!</p><p> > Phatu is too big to properly play the “face in distress” role, we need a new spin on it.</p><p> > Lawler and Hunter provided a big distraction to Kokina, allowing Phatu to get pinned.</p><p> > The Royal Pain/Island Boy feud picked up a little heat in this match.</p><p> > Owen Hart may be too good to continue as a tag team wrestler.</p><p> </p><p> <em><span style="color:#0000FF;">Once again we had a lackluster opening match. We need to think bigger and better to keep people tuned in from the first minute to the last second of RAW. The match itself wasn't bad and it did move a feud along so it wasn't a complete waste.</span></em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>Savio Vega def. Bob Backlund with Mr. Fuji</strong></span></p><p> > The odd contrast of styles actually went over extremely well.</p><p> > Backlund and Mr. Fuji have excellent chemistry as client and manager.</p><p> > Bob's experience kept the match on track and Savio may have learned a bit from old Bob.</p><p> > Backlund took the <strong>Boricua Blast</strong>(spinning heel kick) well for a guy his age.</p><p> </p><p> <em><span style="color:#0000FF;">Savio is picking up steam and the fans seem to be getting on board. I think a IC Title run may be in his future, but he needs a few more “big” matches to test his viability as a champ. Backlund and Fuji are relics of the old days, but I for some odd reason they seem to be over with the fans. Maybe there is a certain nostalgia effect at play, but these two could find themselves employed for quite some time. Perhaps we could use them as the “crazy” mentors of an up and coming star.</span></em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>Todd Pettengill looks for Goldust, finds Shawn </strong></span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Shawn Michaels:</strong> Todd, am I glad to see you.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Todd Pettengill:</strong> You are?</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Shawn Michaels:</strong> Oh yeah buddy. You see, I got a few words for that jock strap on the face having Big Fat Vader. </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Todd Pettengill:</strong> I believe it's a mask Shawn...</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Shawn Michaels:</strong> As if you would know. Vader, you seem to think you're something special and I tend to agree. In fact, I'm sending the little yellow school bus to pick you up and make sure you get to the arena without hurting yourself. And as far as this title belt is concerned, there is no one who is going to take it away from me!</p><p> </p><p> <em><span style="color:#0000FF;">Shawn had the crowd in his hand, but some of his comments may get us in to hot water with the network. The meeting between us two needs to happen sooner rather than later. Todd is a decent mic stand, but he needs more experience if he is going to be the next Mean Gene. The Vader/Shawn feud is starting to boil over and we need a hook of some kind to extend it to the PPV. </span></em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>The Bodydonnas with Sunny def. The Godwinns with Hillbilly Jim </strong></span></p><p> > Sunny was once again the standout, her days as a manager for lower end guys are numbered.</p><p> > Hillbilly Jim did some nice work at ringside.</p><p> > Zip looks to be showing signs of slowing down due to age.</p><p> > The Godwinns are not well liked by the fans.</p><p> </p><p> <em><span style="color:#0000FF;">The Godwinns are a terrible team and we should try to unload them ASAP. Unfortunately for Hillbilly Jim, without the Godwinns we won't need him around. Zip may be on his last leg, so work on some ideas for a Skip solo run. Also, give me a list of names we could pair Sunny up with. She is too big an asset to waste on midcarders. </span></em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>Shawn Michaels is laid out! </strong></span></p><p> <em><span style="color:#0000FF;"> The announcers played this angle up very well. The wild speculation as to the identity of his attacker built the tension up. Removing Shawn from the Main Event may have dissapointed the fans, but this was needed. Shawn is going to learn who the boss is really quick!</span></em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>Goldust with Marlena def. Steve Blackman</strong></span></p><p> > Goldust sold the offense of Blackman well, keeping Steve looking strong.</p><p> > Steve still needs some polish, but he is showing signs of a decent worker.</p><p> > Marlena's presence at ringside was appreciated by the fans.</p><p> > The Shattered Dreams finisher went over very well.</p><p> </p><p> <em><span style="color:#0000FF;">Goldust is a great worker, but whoever invented this gimmick is a complete moron. Plans are already in motion to ditch the weirdness, but any ideas you have for Dustin afterword would be nice. Blackman has lost his first 2 matches here in the WWF, yet he looked deadly in both outings. I'm not sure if we should push Steve or not, but I'm not making a final judgment just yet.</span></em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>Goldust post match promo on Roddy Piper</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Goldust:</strong> Roddy Piper, you insult my life style and yet you are the one wearing the dress. A little...hypocritical of you. If you have such a problem with me why don't we settle things like all the big sweaty men do around here and have a quick roll in the ring. I'll be holding my breath in an....tic..a...pa..tion! The box office may not remember you, but you'll never forget the name...*sigh Goldust!</p><p> </p><p> <em><span style="color:#0000FF;">This promo moved the Piper/Goldust feud along and reinforced my disgust for the Goldust character. I'm not a homophobe, but we are pushing the envelope too far with this one. We may need to limit Goldust's mic time until he makes his gimmick change.</span></em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>Mankind def. Bob Holly</strong></span></p><p> > Mankind plays a disturbed man very well.</p><p> > Bob looked good and sold even better.</p><p> > The DQ win helped Bob look strong.</p><p> > The Undertaker attacking Mankind went over well, despite Undertaker being a face.</p><p> </p><p> <em><span style="color:#0000FF;">Mankind plays his gimmick almost too well. I see big things for Mankind in the near future and a feud with Shawn Micheals would be a good beauty and beast type of contrast. Bob Holly knows his role and delivers another solid performance. The Undertaker run in was well received and the follow up attack has escalated the feud between these two.</span></em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>Western Justice def. The Smokin' Gunns</strong></span></p><p> > Western Justice were a bit off their game tonight.</p><p> > Tatanka is really showing Bradshaw the ropes and both are improving their skills.</p><p> > The Gunns are getting better, but still need some work to be tag champion material.</p><p> </p><p> <em><span style="color:#0000FF;">Western Justice is getting good reactions from the crowd and I defeinatley se them as future tag champs. Some people were ready to write Tatanka off, but I think it is obvious those people were wrong. The Gunns are improving, but not as fast as I hoped. With the addition of several new teams in the coming months I wonder if they will be around much longer.</span></em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>Camp Cornette backstage promo</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Jim Cornette:</strong> First off let me state that in no way did myself or any of my clients have anythin to do with Shawn's unfortunate accident. Just look at Vader. Does he look like a man that needs his opponent taken out before their match? Frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if the whole thing was just some sham to get out of a match with Vader. After all, Shawn knows his luck was about to run out when Vader got him in the ring and made mincemeat out of him! Now, I have it on good authority that Vader will still be competing tonight against a man of WWF President Gorilla Monsoon's choosing, but let me make it clear that it doesn't matter who he chooses. Vader will destroy anybody foolish enough to get in the ring with him. </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Vader:</strong> Shawn Michaels...you may have dodged a bullet tonight, but soon it will be time. It will be Vader Time!</p><p> </p><p> <em><span style="color:#0000FF;">This keeps the feud with Shawn red hot while helping to establish Vader as a legitimate monster. Jim, you did an excellent job building Vader up. Camp Cornette might go through some changes in the coming months, but I will be counting on you to keep things together.</span></em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>Hunter Hearst Helmsley def. Ahmed Johnson</strong></span></p><p> > Ahmed looked pretty sloppy tonight.</p><p> > Hunter looked okay, but he needs better opponents to really shine.</p><p> > The Pedigree finisher looked great.</p><p> > Ahmed almost injured Hunter with a botched powerbomb.</p><p> </p><p> <em><span style="color:#0000FF;">This match sucked! Ahmed may have bought himself a one way ticket out of the WWF with this match. Hunter is a decent talent, but I doubt he will be a huge star. I mean, this match was set up to test his ability to carry a match and he failed to be quite honest.</span></em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>The Ringmaster with Ted DiBiase def. Jake roberts</strong></span></p><p> > Jake looked good for a former crack addict.</p><p> > The Ringmaster was able to carry Jake to a good match.</p><p> > Ted DiBiase was good at ringside and he got good heat with the fans.</p><p> > The Ringmaster was a bit too stiff, but Jake didn't complain.</p><p> </p><p> <em><span style="color:#0000FF;">Jake seems like a reformed man, but I think he has done too much damage to his body to ever be a top guy again. Jake is still useful as a gatekeeper or grizzled vet type of role and that is hoe we will utilize his talents. Austin is making big strides and it may be time to pull the trigger on a main event run for him. I hate to take away the best talent in the Million Dollar Corporation, but it can't be helped I suppose. Ted, I think I have a talent that can fill his shoes, so hang in there.</span></em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>The Ringmaster post match promo</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>The Ringmaster:</strong> Another day another win for the Ringmaster! Marty Jannetty, I know you think you're better than me after your fluke win, but just remember the sun shines on a dog's *ss every once in a while too. Next week, if you're man enough, I challenge you to a rematch. I'll even put my Million Dollar Belt on the line!</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Ted DiBiase:</strong> Marty, if you're a smart man you'll miss your flight and not show up to Raw next week. Since you're not, let me remind you just who I am. I am the Million Dollar Man and I buy and sell guys like you all day long. The Ringmaster was handpicked by me, so there is no way you will take that belt from him. I can pay off referees, ring techs, other wrestlers, or even the building owner to keep you from winning. There is no way for you to win, so why bother? Remember, everybody has a price, for the Million Dollar Man.</p><p> </p><p> <em><span style="color:#0000FF;">Ted, you need to keep a closer eye on Austin. His little slip up cost us $15,000 in fines from the FCC. With that said, it was a decent promo and did what it needed to. Your part of the promo was a little flat, and I think we need to freshen up the Million Dollar Man gimmick a bit. I know it's odd since I just said I was giving you a huge new worker to mold, but I think to two things will go hand in hand.</span></em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>Vader with Jim Cornette DREW WITH Marty Jannetty</strong></span></p><p> > The announcment of Jannetty as the hand picked opponet got a nice pop.</p><p> > Jannetty and Vader meshed well and it added to the match.</p><p> > The surprise attack from the GIANT mystery man went over well. </p><p> > Vader getting punched off the top rope by a man on the arena floor was a great visual!</p><p> > The crowd was in awe of the mystery man's power and the announcers sold it all well.</p><p> </p><p> <em><span style="color:#0000FF;">This match was interesting as it wasn't one we had scheduled before the night began. The original plan was for a Vader/Shawn match with a decisive victory, but Shawn's behavior put a stop to that. The “Giant Mystery Man” was not set to debut for a few months, but I felt we needed something to live them wanting more after not delivering on a scheduled match. We did a great job of booking on the fly and I think this was a real good test of our ability to function in case of an emergency. All in all, I felt like the main event went over well. The “Giant Mystery Man” is a little green Ted, but I am sure you will mold him into a great worker.</span></em></p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <strong>Shane McMahon:</strong> For what we dealt with, it was a great show. We can still improve, but this week wasn't our fault. We have moved a lot of feuds along and we are picking up some good momentum going into the PPV. I still haven't decided on <strong>Glenn's</strong> new gimmick, but I was told that <strong>The Undertaker</strong> debuted under the name <strong>Kane</strong>. Perhaps we should remind the fans of that bit of trivia. Anything from you guys before we discuss the plans for <strong>Xtreme Dominance</strong>? </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Jim Cornette:</strong> I have a few ideas I want to run by you <strong>Shane</strong>. I know you want to move <strong>Owen</strong> and <strong>Davey</strong> out of Camp Cornette, so I was thinking of a few workers who could fit into there places. I saw <strong>Scott Norton</strong> and <strong>Eddy Guerrero</strong> tem up in New Japan and I think they would be perfect. Plus, we would be stealing to great workers right out from under WCW's nose. </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Shane McMahon:</strong> I like that idea. See if you can make it happen. Anything else?</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Michael Hayes:</strong> There are these four young guys who would make great future stars for us. There names are <strong>Jeff</strong> and <strong>Matt Hardy</strong>, <strong>Adam Copeland</strong>, and <strong>Christian Cage</strong>.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Shane McMahon:</strong> Four guys...I think four is a little too much <strong>Michael</strong>. How about you contact three of them and work on turning them into a modern day Fabulous Freebirds group?</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Michael Hayes:</strong> Okay, which three?</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Shane McMahon:</strong> Get me tapes of all of them and I'll let you know my decision next week. Now then, let's talk about <strong>Xtreme Dominance</strong>. I want these guys to become the next Road Warriors. In fact I have already reached out to <strong>Paul Ellering</strong> and he has agreed to take them under his wing. What I need from you guys is a storyline that will really get the fans behind them. Work on that for next week's meeting. Now go home and get some rest, you all earned it.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36238" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p>Glenn Jacobs new gimmick Contest!</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> The following 5 choices are what the winner gets to choose from...</p><p> </p><p> 1) Kane: Jacobs portrayed as he was in real life.</p><p> 2) Cain: The sadistic older brother of Taker who killed the family!</p><p> 3) Gentle Glenn: The slightly retarded underdog in the vein of Eugene.</p><p> 4) Glenn Jacobs American Bad Ass: Undertakers biker gimmick given to Glenn Jacobs.</p><p> 5) You submit 3 choices to me and I choose 1</p><p> </p><p> And now the current scores...</p><p> </p><p> RKOwnage: 8 points!</p><p> Beejus: 8 points!</p><p> Infinitekillz: 6 points!</p><p> Smasher1311: 8 points!</p><p> Pakonruff: 6 points!</p><p> </p><p> Don't forget to participate in Superstars predictions to improve your score!</p></div></blockquote>
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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:24px;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">WWF.Com Superstars Preview</span></span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>Slob Squad Vs. The Smokin' Gunns</strong></span></p><p> <em>The Slob Squad is tired of ridicule and is looking for retribution.The Gunns are coming off a loss to Western Justice and are looking to bounce back. Will the Slob Squad pick up a huge win or will the Smokin' Gunns blow them away? </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>Ahmed Johnson Vs. Kama</strong></span></p><p> <em>Ahmed is still reeling after a loss to Hunter Hearst Helmsley. Kama is looking to debut strong. Will Ahmed turn his luck around or will the new comer debut with a win?</em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>The Bushwhackers Vs. Xtreme Dominance</strong></span></p><p> <em>The Bushwhackers are looking to prove they still got what it takes to be tag team champs in the WWF. Xtreme Dominance is looking to destroy anything in their way to the tag titles. Will the Bushwhackers out brawl the young Xtreme Dominance?</em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>Hunter Hearst Helmsley Vs. Savio Vega</strong></span></p><p> <em>Hunter is rolling along, picking up wins and making no friends in the WWF. Savio Vega is also on a winning streak, but the fans actually like him. Will Hunter become the hunted or will Savio end up another trophy for the nobleman?</em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>The Bodydonnas with Sunny Vs. Masked Fury</strong></span></p><p> <em>The Bodydonnas haven't met a team they couldn't defeat. Masked Fury is trying to prove that it isn't about looks, it's about skill. Will the Bodydonnas rack up another win or will Masked Fury get one over on the champs?</em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>The Ringmaster with Ted DiBiase Vs. Marc Mero with Sable</strong></span></p><p> <em>The Ringmaster puts his title on the line yet again and he hopes he can retain. Marc Mero just hopes Sable doesn't get hurt or hurt his chances at a win. Will the champ retain or will Mero finally catch a break?</em></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36238" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Super Fun Prediction Time<p> </p><p> The Slob Squad Vs. The Smokin' Gunns</p><p> Comment:</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Ahmed Johnson Vs. Kama</p><p> Comment:</p><p> </p><p> The Bushwhackers Vs. Xtreme Dominance</p><p> Comment:</p><p> </p><p> Hunter Hearst Helmsley Vs. Savio Vega</p><p> Comment:</p><p> </p><p> The Bodydonnas Vs. Masked Fury</p><p> Comment:</p><p> </p><p> The Ringmaster Vs. Marc Mero</p><p> Comment:</p><p> </p><p> For 2 BONUS POINTS Each! </p><p> </p><p> Guess the Main Event for next weeks Raw.</p><p> HINT: It's a match we haven't seen yet.</p><p> </p><p> Guess the name of the most recent signing!</p><p> Hint: He is a future NWA Champ in game and a former NWA World champion in RL.</p></div></blockquote>
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<p>Good stuff so far, I'm really interested as I like your writing style alot.</p><p> </p><p>

The Slob Squad Vs. <strong>The Smokin' Gunns</strong></p><p>

Comment: Get them some momentum back.</p><p> </p><p>

Ahmed Johnson Vs. <strong>Kama</strong></p><p>

Comment: He's gotta win his debut.</p><p> </p><p>

The Bushwhackers Vs. <strong>Xtreme Dominance</strong></p><p>

Comment: Strong debut.</p><p> </p><p>

Hunter Hearst Helmsley Vs. <strong>Savio Vega</strong></p><p>

Comment: IMO Savio needs this win to keep his momentum much more than HHH does.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Bodydonnas</strong> Vs. Masked Fury</p><p>

Comment: Champs pick up another victory.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Ringmaster</strong> Vs. Marc Mero</p><p>

Comment: The champ retains.</p><p> </p><p>

For 2 BONUS POINTS Each!</p><p> </p><p>

Guess the Main Event for next weeks Raw.</p><p>

<strong>Shawn Michaels vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley</strong> <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

Guess the name of the most recent signing!</p><p>

<strong>I peeked on the roster page before this preview so I won't say</strong> :x</p>

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