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Revolution Pro Wrestling (a cornellverse diary)

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Revolution Pro Wrestling

a customized cornellverse diary



1. i'm sorry, Wil... my God, I'm so sorry...

2. what he was offering me was legitimacy

3. you destroying your company... has left it for me to rebuild

4. today's fans want a revolution in pro wrestling, I guarantee you.

5. more than Nero had ever done...

6. we can make this the best wrestling company in the world

7. TV Debut Press Release. (first episode prediction contest.)


R-Pro Championship - VACANT

R-Pro Hardcore - VACANT

R-Pro Tag Team - VACANT






Acid II

Amazing Fire Fly


Arthur Dexter Bradley


Bradley Blaze


Chucky Dorrance

Cowboy Buck Winchester

de Sade

El Mitico Jr

Ernest Youngman

Kentucky Bill



Richie Riggins

Shady K

Steven Parker


Xavier Reckless

Zak Attack



Non Wrestlers

Alex Braun

Allison Addison

BJ O'Neill

David Poker

Eric Tyler

Hailey Booke

Haley Buck

Isabella Encanta

Mayhem Midden

Nicole Kiss

Remmington Remus

Rob L Miskovsky

Venus Angeletti

Wilson Carlisle



this post will be editted as the game progressed.

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"i'm sorry, Wil. My God, I'm so sorry..."


Running my hand through my hair, I was puzzled by the voicemail that I found blinking on my phone as I woke. That was all it said, just "I'm sorry, Wil. My God, I'm so sorry..."


I stared at the clock for a second before dialing my boss' number to see what in the hell he was talking about but it went straight to voicemail. No rings at all.


"Nero, it's Wilson," I started. "Listen, call me back. Is everything okay?"


"What's going on?" my wife asked, sitting up in bed. Apparently, I woke her as I left the message. "What time is it?"


"It's 11, babe," I said. "Nothing, just got a weird message."


"Only 11?" she asked, as she fell back down onto the mattress. "Shit, my head hurts..."


"Me too, babe," I told her, preoccupied by the message on my phone.


Little did I know, as I had spent last night drinking and partying with friends, counting down the minutes to 2013, my boss 'Professor' Mycraft Nero, was also drinking, but unlike me, he was alone in his barren apartment, guilt stricken over a business decision he hadn't let me in on.


Not knowing what to do, I dialed the number of the only other coworker who's number I had, 'Kentucky' Bill Williams.


You're probably wondering what's with all these nicknames, aren't you?


Before I get to the phone call with Bill, let me explain quick.


I'm in the professional wrestling industry. As are Nero and Bill. We all work, or I guess worked for a company called Rhode Island Pro Wrestling.


I'm sure you've heard of the Supreme Wrestling Federation, haven't you?


Well, RIPW is where the SWF sends their guys before they get on the main roster.


Nero's the owner, I'm the booker, and Bill is the star.


Anyway, I called up Bill, not sure if he'd be up yet, after only leaving our party six hours earlier.


"So you heard?" his voice carried across the phone cables, and it was clear he knew something I didn't.


"No," I told him. "I haven't heard anything. That's why I'm calling you."


"Nero call you?"


"Yeah, but he didn't say much. Is he okay?"


"He's fine," Bill said. "It's the two of us who are screwed. Pull up TEWdotcom."


Finally getting out of bed, I walked to the computer in the office and booted it up.


"What am I looking for?" I asked, as I cycled through articles about Champagne Lover's pay, Rahmel Goode's physique, and Joanne Rodriquez's looks.


"You'll know what you see it," he replied.


And then I saw it.


Supreme Wrestling Federation opts out of developmental contract with Rhode Island Pro Wrestling

After 40 years in the business, Richard Eisen is looking to step down and hand the reigns of SWF to his son Jerry Eisen who, possibly motivated by younger brother Eric, feels that the state of professional wrestling in North America is shifting to a more realistic focus than the traditional style offered by Rhode Island Pro Wrestling and has made an executive decision not to renew the developmental contract with the small, New England company. Instead, it was announced this morning that Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling, a hardcore promotion in the veins of DAVE, will take up the mantle of the official development territory of the SWF effective immediately.


"Son of a bitch..." I muttered under my breath.


"Yep," Bill said. "After all these years, he finally screwed us, like they always said he would."


"So what do we do?" I asked.


"What do you mean? It's obvious, isn't it?" Bill said, dumbfounded by my question. "I mean, all of our sponsors are going to walk, Wil. And hell, the majority of our workers are gone, all of our champions are gone. We can't come back from this, there's no way."


"Just bear with me a minute," I said. "Who do we still have on roster?"


"On roster?" he asked. "There's me, Richie, and Buck."


"So Justin and Raphael are gone? And Stan and Ryan?"


"Yep, they all signed up with SWF, never with us."


"So I guess this means the end of Rhode Island Pro Wrestling then, doesn't it?" I asked, upset as I said it.


"This is the end, Wil," Bill told me. "I'm sorry, brother."


And with that, he hung up the phone. Three months ago, I'd been working for a small women's company in Baltimore, B-Wild, when Nero found me and brought me into RIPW as head booker. I sold my house, my wife found a new job here in Providence. If the bastard would have told me this was temporary, I never would made the move. Or he could have at least brought me with him to Pittsburgh.


How was I going to tell my wife that Rhode Island Pro Wrestling was done, that my job was done? We had to rely solely on her pay from her call center job?


There had to be a way to keep RIPW alive, I just had to find it.

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what he was offering me was legitimacy


6 days had passed since Bill filled me on the news about RIPW. 6 days of uncertainty, gnawing away at my gut, as I still wasn't able to tell my wife the news. I mean, I only got paid once a month at the event, but Nero looked out for me then and it was enough to bring us through to the next month. Now though, I wasn't sure if there would be an event next month.


Even with the time that passed, I still found myself furious with Nero. It wasn't because the development territory moved to Pittsburgh, that wasn't his fault, but it was because he didn't fight to take me with him, or even tell me it was happening.


I had completely uprooted my life for this wonderful opportunity Nero had presented to me, and now I find it wasn't nearly as golden as he had made it sound.


I think it was that fury that led me to book a flight from Providence to Pittsburgh for today and buy a ticket online to Thou Shall Not, Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling's show tomorrow. Their first show since stealing my roster. I'd invited Bill, but he had reminded me RIPW was dead, and declined my offer.


I was planning to, no, I was going to go backstage, find Nero and confront. I was going to call him a liar, a hypocrite, I was going to tell him all the admiration that had been shed upon him over the last thirty years in this industry were unwarranted.


I had told my wife that I was scouting talent for RIPW so she wouldn't be upset about me taking a few days away, a comment which ended up being more true than I could have imagined.


After getting off my plane, I took a cab over to the Renaissance Hotel on 6th Street and checked into my room. Turning on The Mentalist on my TV, I climbed into bed and started getting ready to sleep, having a long day ahead of me. However, it wasn't more than ten minutes that I had laid down that my phone rang.


"Hey, baby, what's up?" I asked, assuming the caller to be my wife, the only person I'd given this number to.


"I'm sorry, Mr. Carlisle, but this is Duane at the front desk," responded the man on the other end, surprising me. "Is this a bad time?"


"No," I said, sitting up. "What's up?"


"I'm sorry for the hour, sir, but you have a visitor."


"A visitor?" I asked, stupidly. No one knew I was here, who could be visiting?


"Yes sir, there is a man here to see you," the man repeated. "Should I send him up?"


"Yeah," I said, flustered. "Go ahead."


I hung up the phone and quickly jumped up, changing out of my pajamas and into the suit I was wearing earlier in the day. Soon, there was a knock out my door and I crossed the room to answer it. Standing before me, was a very familiar face.


"Mr. Carlisle," spoke the bald man. "I hope I haven't disturbed you. My name is Eric-"


"Tyler," I interrupted, feeling rude while doing so. "Eric Tyler, right?"


"You're familiar with my work?" he asked with a smile.


'Familiar?' I wanted to ask. 'I idolized you growing up. The decade you spent in DAVE, your world famous feud with the DeColt family, even your return CGC, it was all brilliant. You're brilliant!'


But I didn't say that.


"I've heard of you, yeah," is what I did say. "What can I help you with? Do you want to sit down?"


"You may know that right now I'm working for Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling," he started, to which I nodded my head as he sat down. "Well, with the recent, ahem, influx to the PSW roster, there a lot of spots that seem to be on the chopping block."


I smiled, sensing where this conversation was headed.


"Obviously, Eisen isn't going to cut his guys, he's going to go for mine first. So what I'm thinking, what I'm proposing, is that my guys have a walkout. They no show tomorrow's event, and then migrate over to your roster. After losing, no offense, every credible star in your company-"


"Hey, what about Bill?" I said, interrupting him, offended.


"Sorry, every relevant star..." he said, looking at me to gauge my reaction. I stayed dead pan. "You'll need established workers to get momentum back in your favor, right?"


"I suppose you can see it that way."


"Can you see it any other way?" he asked, rudely. "Exactly. So. You give my workers guaranteed contracts at 115% of what PSW is paying them, and I'll ensure that your roster is populated with marketable workers. Do we have an agreement?"


"I haven't even decided that there is a Rhode Island Pro Wrestling, Eric," I told him, sighing. "I can't promise these guys contracts if there's no company to back them."


"I promise you, with the workers I can bring to you, you won't have any trouble establishing this company."


That was a bold claim, and I was intrigued.


"I'm not just going to agree to something without a little more detail," I said, sitting forward, playing my bluff.


"Fair enough," Eric said. "What do you want to know?"


"Which workers are we talking about?"


"Well, for starters, Xavier Reckless and Antix are both fed up with the tag division. Vendetta knows he doesn't fit the SWF mold. A couple valets are willing to go..." he started.


And then he told me the others.


These were main event players in Pittsburgh, not just some curtain jerkers who got trained at the PSW gym and got an obligatory job. Men with wrestling running through the bloodlines, resumes flourished with tours of Japan and titles in SWF. He was offering me men who could help me run this company, who could make it a real opposition to the big three, more than Nero ever could.


What he was offering me was legitamacy.


"Eric, what you're offering me sounds pretty good," I said. "If you can help me get this company running again, I will guarantee your men the contracts."


"So we have a deal?" he asked, reaching his hand forward.


"We do," I said, accepting it.


"Well, I'll see myself out then... partner," he said, standing, as he pressed the ruffles out of his suit. "I have your number. I'll be in touch."


And with that he began walking to the door.


"Wait, Eric," I said, as he turned the doorknob.




"How did you know I was here?"


"Your friend told me," he said, without turning to face me. "Bill."


"Williams?" I said, surprised.


"Yeah, 'Kentucky' Bill Williams."


And with that he walked from my room and out of the hotel.


So Bill, the man who told me RIPW was dead, had sent Eric Tyler to resurrect the company? Something didn't quite add up.

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you destroying your company... has left it for me to rebuild


I woke up the next morning around 8:30 and smiled in a way I hadn't done in a week. I was no longer unemployed. I now, along with pro wrestling legend Eric Tyler, ran a professional wrestling company. I was the head booker that Nero had been grooming me to be and my company was going to be rife with marketable workers.


Picking up my cell phone off the nightstand, I dialed my wife's number knowing she'd be at work.


"Hey baby," I said, unsurprised that she hadn't answered. "I have some big news to tell you, a lot of good and a little bad. Call me when you get this."


I thought about calling Bill but decided to put the phone down instead. I didn't know what to say to him yet. I didn't get what his angle was with this whole situation.


It was nice to spend a day to myself, relaxing, and taking in a foreign scenario. Pittsburgh was pretty similar to my hometown of Baltimore but was very different from what I'd grown acquinted with in Rhode Island. I took in a hockey game, got lunch at a highly recomended restaurant, and spent a fair amount of time just strolling along the riverbank.


Through all this time, it hadn't occurred to me that I'd left my cell phone on my nightstand in the hotel.


As the sun started setting, I jumped in my rented card and started driving to the Court Time Sports Center in the Pittsburgh suburb Elizabeth, Pennsylvania, the venue of tonight's PSW show. I didn't know what to expect, but I was fairly certain it would be a colossal failure for the company.


Did I feel bad about sabotaging the company? No. I'm sure Eisen didn't feel bad about sabotaging mine so I don't give two shits about his.


The show started off with our former Jebediah beating PSW's The Wolverine. The matches continued with former RIPW workers defeated PSW's non developmental talent.


The show was headlined by the last RIPW Champion, Lassana Makutsi defeated PSW's Teddy Powell to win the PSW National title, which was their secondary title. It was hands down the best match on the card, and I'm far from surprised. Makutsi was always the best performer on the RIPW roster, and rather being upset that my company was missing out on these 5 star matches, I was simply happy for him that he was continuing to show Eisen what he was known for.


After the show ended, I tried to make my way backstage but was surprised to find none of the former RIPW workers would let me through the curtain. With the exception of Bill, no one on the RIPW roster respected me. They felt I came in to the company and too quickly was at the helm, and many felt Bill deserved the second in comand spot that I held. Even Bill telling them otherwise changed nothing.


Accepting that I wasn't going backstage, I made my way to the parking lot where I realized my car was parked next to the car of none other than Professor Mycroft Nero. Sitting in my driver seat, I decided to wait and it wasn't more than a half hour that I saw the elderly man hobbling towards his car his body showing the wear and tear of a 40 year career.


"Nero," I called out, stepping out of my car as he stopped in his tracks.


"Wilson," he said, hesitantly. "What are you doing here?"


If he would have asked me that question 24 hours earlier, I would have shouted at the man, telling him I was here because he jeopardized my career, but something occurred to me.


This is professional wrestling: nothing is permanent.


So instead, I approached the older man, who stood, almost trembling, unsure of what I would do to him as I wrapped my hands out one of his, shaking it in a mock sign of respect.


"I'm here to thank you, Nero," I said. "I'm here to thank you for destroying the company that you built. The company that has now fallen on my shoulders to rebuild. And I know it wasn't your decision, I know it was Eisen's, but it was your decision not to tell me, not to tell anyone. Bill, Richie, Buck. They all could have found work elsewhere if they were told but you left them flat on their backs, Nero. And you promised me the world, and you left me flat on my back. But you know what, Nero? I'm thanking you because you destroying your company... has left it for me to rebuild. And by God, I'm going to rebuild it better than you could ever imagine it was going to be."


Nero said nothing, he was too shocked to even think.


"Okay, good talk," I said, shaking his hand again before walking over and opening his car door and gesturing him in. After I drove away, I felt more accomplished, more confident for telling off Nero than I had in the months I'd spent working under him.


Once I'd got back to the hotel, I saw on my cell phone that I had a voicemail and a text message. The voicemail was from my wife, asking me what the good and bad news was, but I texted her telling I'd talk to her after I got off the flight the next day and the text was from Bill asking me 'what's going on, dude?'


What is going on?

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Today's fans want a revolution in pro wrestling, I guarantee you.

As my plane touched down Tuesday afternoon, I was surprised to find my wife waiting for me at the airport. Thinking she would be at work, I kissed her, happy to find her there. She quickly asked me about the good news and bad news I mentioned in the voicemail so sitting down at a local diner we both liked, I broke the news to her.


I told her that I'd been unemployed for a week, but my trip to Pittsburgh saw a business oppurtunity present itself that put me back into work.


She was, naturally, unsure about the reliability of work, but I promised her that with the roster that I'd be working with, success was inevitable. It took a little more work to get past her belief that I'd lied to her for a week about work that I didn't have, but eventually she forgave me.


However, the big news from that day wasn't that my wife forgave me, but rather a phone call that came at around 6:30 that evening. When a called rang through with a 724 number, I assumed it was Eric Tyler, knowing that 724 was a Pittsburgh area code, but was surprised to hear the voice of another 'legend' of indepedent wrestling.


"Eric?" I asked, answering the call.


"No," replied the voice. "It's Alex."




"Alex Braun?" the man said. "Your business partner?"


"Oh, right," I said, taken aback. Tyler hadn't mentioned that THE Alex Braun would be involved in the promotion too. "What's up, Alex?"


"I just had a couple ideas I wanted to go over with you for our company. I've already talked to Eric but he thinks you should be involved in the decision making process too," Alex said.


At least someone thought the owner[/] should be making decisions, right? Thanks Eric!


"Alright, shoot then," I said.


"Alright, here are my ideas," Alex said. "I think you reach out to any former RIPW talents you can find and offer them a spot on the roster."


"Makes sense," I said, and immediately guys like Steel and Jerry Martin came to mind. "What else?"


"Let me ask you something," he said. "How pissed are you at Eisen?"


"Uh, pretty pissed," I said. "Why?"


"Well, listen to this idea," he said. "Hiring Rhode Island guys makes sense for the local popularity. But how about people who have been fired from Supreme? We bring in their popularity to help sell our tickets, and we fire the first bullet in the war against Eisen."


"Wait, wait, what?" I asked. "The war against Eisen?


"Yeah, I figured you want to take down Supreme, don't you?"


"I mean, yeah, I want to be the top wrestling company in the world," I said. "But do you really think a company our size can take on a company as big as Supreme?"


"Maybe not Rhode Island Pro Wrestling," Alex said, surprising me with his response. "But Revolution Pro Wrestling could."


"Revolution Pro Wrestling?" I asked. "What's that?"


"That's our company. It was your guy Bill's idea. Rhode Island Pro Wrestling is dead. It was on life support for years, only sustained by the wallets of the Eisen Family. But Revolution Pro Wrestling is going to appeal to a different market, and it's going to go places that Rhode Island never could."


"You've talked to Bill?" I asked.


"I haven't," Alex said. "But Eric has. He's not a fan of him, but they've been talking about the company a lot the last few days."


"And you guys think a name change is going to help the company?"


"It's not just a name change, Wilson. We're going to completely change the product. Stop promoting this good vs evil, comedy, soap opera bullshit. It's not what people want to see anymore, I guarantee you. They want to see edgy, hardcore, alternative. They want lucha. They want pureso. They want guys doing flips and blood in the ring. Today's fans want a revolution in pro wrestling, I guarantee you."


Whether I agreed with him or not, Alex sure did know how to convince you of something. The man was an old fashioned promoter who could sell ice to an eskimo.


"Okay," I said, convinced. "Okay, lets go with it, Alex. Is there anything else?"


"Yeah, there's just one more thing."


"What's that?"


"I don't want to hear any bullshit about nepotism, but Eric's daughter has a company up in Connecticut. She's running a little indy promotion. The guys are about 2 hours west of us, but Eric says if you push enough out of the bank, they'll be wearing to come east for the shows."


"So Eric wants me to buy his daughter's company out?"


"That's basically the way I'm hearing it. I've watched some videos and they seem good."


"A pro wrestling legend gives his seal of approval? Alright."




"Alright, I'll do it," I told him. "We'll buy them out."


"Okay, well that's everything we had on the list. Me and Eric will start meeting with everyone we know who left SWF. You meet with the RIPW guys and we'll talk later, okay?"


With that I hung up the phone, happy that in the last 48 hours, this little indie had gone from 4 guys to what seemed like a real company.


flaviooooo- Great backstory man, I'll be reading!

Thanks man! I've gotten a couple messages because people didn't want to comment, so it's good to see some people commenting on here :) I hope it lives up to your expectations!
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more than Nero had ever done.


In the days following my conversation with Alex, I went to the RIPW office for the first time since being told the company was essentially folding. It was eerie walking into the small office and not seeing Nero sitting at one of the two desks, racing through ideas for future shows, sliding notes to my desk to read over and give him my opinions.


The office seemed dead.

Dead like Rhode Island Pro Wrestling.


I was there for one reason, and that was to find the contact book that I knew Nero kept. Braun wanted me to get in touch with former Rhode Island talent, and this was the only way I could.


Unfortunately, since Rhode Island had been a development territory, most of the workers, like Aristocrat and Marshall Dillon, had been called up to the Supreme Wrestling Federation main roster, but a few had left for greener pastures on their own volition.


As I tore through the office, disregarding the possessions left behind by Nero, I found just about everything except the contact book. There were posters on the walls advertising past shows, all of the RIPW title belts were kept in a filing cabinet and in a backroom there were thousands of dollars worth of tee shirts, foam fingers, hats, all kinds of merchandise.


Unfortunately, by the time I found the contact book, many ex workers were hard to get in touch with, and most of those that I did reach, had various reasons to not want to come back. Cheetah Boy was afraid to burn any bridges with SWF, thinking that no company would overtake them as the top federation. Giant Brody was having a successful run in Mexico but was interested in coming in after his run ended. Lion Heart wasn't looking to work outside of Canada now after the birth of his twin sons and Mikey James currently held the CZCW Championship and wasn't willing to compromise that.


However, our former referee David Poker, though now booking Chivas LA, said he was willing to come in and work dates which was a huge relief too me. I wasn't sure if I'd be able to manage the backstage at shows if I was in the ring all night refereeing matches.


Great news came in the form of Rob L Miskovsky, our former lead announcer. He wasn't able to appear on screen due to a non compete with his current position, but could help us in an even better way. Miskovsky was working as a lead news anchor for WNAC, the Providence Fox affiliate and he told me that they were looking for some cheap local programming to fill a one hour graveyard slot that was open. He said he had pitched RIPW to management and they were sold on the product, but hadn't heard from Nero. I explained that Nero was no longer working with us, and that Rhode Island Pro Wrestling was no longer around. I said the graveyard slot would be filled by Revolution Pro Wrestling and requested that he send the contract over to my home.


Revolution Pro Wrestling was going to be on television. Granted, it was a local station, but it was a start and it was more than Nero had ever done.


But possibly the biggest news that came out of that week of calls came when I tried to call former RIPW Champion Atlas. He answered my call right away and told me he had been following the recent drama with the company.


"Let me get down to brass tacks," I said to him. "I'm trying to get the company back running and I'm looking for former talent who may be willing to come back for 6 months to a year in order to get the fans back in the seats."


"I'd love to, Wilson," Atlas told me. "I really would, but there's only one problem."


"Whats that?"


"I'm working for USPW. Didn't you know that?"


"That was... not in the notes..." I said.


"Yeah," he said. "I'm really sorry, man. I am."


I told him it was okay, as I hung up the phone, happy that I had gotten the offer from Miskovsky for TV time as I left the office.


It was several days later that my phone rang from an unknown number and after ignoring the ring, a voicemail came through. I opened the phone and dialed my voicemail, unsure what to expect.


"Carlisle," the gruff male voice said. "This is uh, this is Sam Strong. I'm calling you about my guy Atlas. Listen, call me back, and maybe we can come to some agreement."


I hurriedly called back the number, not even wanting to wait.


"Hello?" he answered, just as gruffly as his message was.


"Mr. Strong,"I said. "This is Wilson Carlisle. You called me. About Atlas."


"Right," Strong said, uninterested. "Here's the offer. You can use Atlas whenever you want him as long as I can use Bill whenever I want him."


"Bill?" I asked. "Kentucky Bill? He doesn't work for me, Strong."


"That's not what he thinks," Strong said. "I've tried to sign him dozens of times in the last 7 years and he's always vowed his loyalty to Rhode Island."


"This isn't Rhode Island anymore," I told him. "Bill's been out of the company since the New Year."


"Well, when I talked to him four days ago, he thought otherwise," Strong said. "Hell, do you think I would have called you if I didn't think you had something to offer me?"


"I'm going to have to talk to Bill, Strong," I said. "Let me get back to you."


"Okay, but this offer only stands for a week. Call me back before the time passes."


As I hung up, I went over the list of things I needed to talk to Bill about. It seemed every time I found myself in an advantageous position, Bill was behind it. Eric Tyler, Sam Strong. I needed to here from him where he stands.


I typed an email from my iPhone to all R-Pro employees telling them that there was a staff meeting at the Den, Rhode Island Pro Wrestling's home base venue, on Monday which would let me find out where Bill stands and still get back in touch with Strong before the week ran out.


Glad to have you on board Crippler :) hopefully once the shows start, you like it still haha.

Also, the shows should start soon. I think this backstory's going a little too long, isn't it? Haha.

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It appears that my computer charger has picked the most inopportune

moment to crap out on me. I have a few shows booked that I can write up full

reports and try to post from the Surface, but I'm a) unsure if TEW can be run

from the surface on Windows 8 and b) if my girlfriend, who owns the surface,

would let me install the game on her tablet :p


For the time being, I'm going to keep posting what I have but if I run out, this

thread will lag until I find the 80 extra bucks for a laptop charger.

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we can make this the best wrestling company in the world

After the highs and lows of the previous few weeks, I'd spent the majority of the past week doing whatever I could not to think of Rhode Island Pro Wrestling, or Revolution Pro Wrestling, or whatever it was called. With the exception of a few hours spent on the 18th watching some videos that Eric Tyler mailed me of his daughter's company, I spent the seven days from the 14-21 cleaning the house, going grocery shopping, you know, things normal guys who don't work in the wrestling industry do.


But then, as I woke on the 21st, a notification on my iPhone reminded me of the meeting that afternoon at the Den, I realized my stress free vacation was off.


I was back to being the guy with the unenviable task of launching a professional wrestling company from the ground up in today's industry.


As I pulled up to the venue, I wasn't sure what I would find inside. In some moments, I was expecting a world class roster with a common goal, while at others I imagined the locker room to one of the low rate indies I'd worked in the past. A bunch of guys who were only there to get their pay. Walking through the door, I was surprised to find about 30 men and women assembled in the main section of the building, sorted into their own self assigned packs. Some were faces I'd worked with in the past, others I'd only seen at various iPPVs and indie shows, while some were completely foreign to me.


I saw Allison Addison sitting with Bradley Blaze, while the former PSW Tag Team Champions Xavier and Antix were hanging out with a young black man I didn't know. Chucky Dorrance and Isabella Encanta were sitting together, though I didn't recognize Isabelle out of gimmick at first. In another section, the three cruiserweights, Phobia, El Mitico Jr, and Amazing Fire Fly were talking with a fourth luchadore whom I didn't recognize. Richie Riggins was standing with a behometh of a man that I recognized from Tyler's tapes as Cerberus, and I immediately feared the two hitting it off. With the reputation I'd experienced from Riggins, I was moderately frightened of a man as big as Cerberus having the same attitude that Riggins did. Eric Tyler was walking amongst groups, seemingly as comfortable and welcome in one as in any other, even when he approached the all female group of Joanna Silver, Hailey Booke, Haley Buck and Venus Angeletti. Vendetta sat alone, wearing his trademark stone wash jeans and suspenders that I never saw him- in ring or out- without. Brooke Tyler was with Zak Attack expressing a familiarity that I initially mistook for companionship, while RIPW veterans Cowboy Buck Winchester, Remmington Remus, Mayhem Midden and Kentucky Bill caught up with returning referee David Poker, and CPW stand outs Irwin Gutmann and Ernest Youngman laughed about something. Sitting together, standoffishly, were a heavyweight pair of men, clad in leather, that I recognized as the former SWF Tag Team Champions Death Row, known individually as Knuckles and Shady K which surprised me, but not as much as I was surprised that the main event players that Alex Braun had promised me from Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling were lacking from the meeting.


Nearly as soon as I walked through the door, Alex made his way over to me with an attractive couple and reached his hand out to me.


"Carlisle, it's good to finally meet," he said, before continuing with a smile. "I have, as promised, Steven Parker and Nicole Kiss, fresh from Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling."


"You do," I said, shaking his hand, as well as Parker's and Kiss's. "Welcome, welcome. But where are the others? Eric had named three or four other workers that I'm not seeing here."


"Oh, you mean..." he started. "Right, part of their conditions to sign with R-Pro was that they could have a few months off to rest their bodies, heal some injuries."


"Some time?" I asked. "How much time?"


"I don't know, Wilson, I figured March or April they should be ready to return."


"This is a trio of ownership, Braun. You, me, and Tyler all have equal stakes in this company. This is a decision that needs to go through more than just you."


"Eric agreed with me that thye deserved it. He knows how hard we push thsee men at Pittsburgh, moreso than you do at least."


I shut up. This argument wasn't worth compromising our relationship, at least now at this time. Instead I simply nodded my head, and said okay, before walking to the center of the room."


"Ladies and Gentleman, can I have you attention?" I said, as everyone turned to face me. I want to thank you all for coming out tonight to our first unofficial state of the union address for Revolution Pro Wrestling. We've all come together from different origins for one common purpose, right? To make Revolution Pro Wrestling the best company that it can possibly be. Some of you have defected from Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling, others have come from Connecticut Pro Wrestling, and others are from Supreme Wrestling Federation. But together, you form the roster for R-Pro, the company that is going to stop Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling and the company that's going to stop Supreme Wrestling Federation. I've been reviewing tapes, getting familiar with all of your styles, and I'm confident that together we'll be able to become the biggest wrestling promotion in the world, but I feel we'd be even stronger..."


At that point I was interrupted by the sound of the door opening and a pair of heels click-clacking into the room.


"I'm sorry I'm late," spoke a husky female voice. "What have I missed?"


I turned around, agitated, to find facing me none other than BJ O'Neill, a former Rhode Island Pro Wrestling manager and the current manager of the SWF Tag Team Champions The All Americans. As my back was turned, I heard a bustle behind me as Mayhem Midden stood and walked towards O'Neill who kissed him on the cheek, casually, as he stood next to her.


"Wilson, I'm sorry to interrupt," Mayhem said. "This, as I'm sure you all know, is BJ O'Neill. She worked for Rhode Island back in 2006 and has been working for SWF since '07. When I heard about what you and Tyler and Braun were planning, I called her up, thinking she'd fit in with what you guys were looking for. I told her to come down for an interview with you, I hope that's okay."


"That's fine," I said, sighing, "just, both of you sit down so I can finish the meeting."


As they sat, I saw co-owner Eric Tyler stand and approach me.


"Actually, Wil, while we're on the topic," Tyler said, as I sighed again. "I just wanted to take a quick moment to tell everyone that I've signed the protege of Acid to our burgeoning division of luchadores."


Tyler pointed out the man who I had seen talking with Phobia, El Mitico and Amazing Fire Fly.


"He was hand picked by the original Acid, who as you know was a notorious rival of mine in DAVE. I thougth his style would be a good fit in our company."


"Okay," I said, irritated. "Fine, good, now please, sit."


Tyler sat as I tried to remember where I was.


"Okay, like I was saying, I feel we'd be even stronger by bolstering our roster even further. Case in point, BJ O'Neill and Acid. So, if anyone has any suggestions for workers who can fill out our roster, feel free to toss them forward."


"I can see if my brother is available," Remmington Remus said, referring to his brother Roderick, one of the premiere indy wrestlers in North American.


"And I can see what my brothers are doing," said the black man I didn't recognize earlier.


"I'm sorry," I said. "But who exactly are you? Or your brothers?"


"I'm Arthur Dexter Bradley," said the man, a name I didn't recognize. "And my brothers are Rhino Umage and Akima Brave."


"Okay, well, welcome, and do that," I said. "If there is anyone else, feel free to reach out to them. We won't be having our first TV taping until the February 20, so that's a full month for interviews. If you can think of anyone, don't hesitate to send them my way. Remember, with everyone's 100% input, we can make this the best wrestling company in the world."


The meeting didn't continue much longer, it was more or less and oppurtunity for all the workers to meet each other and for the three owners to meet all the workers and within a half hour, the workers were shuffling out of the venue but I grabbed Bill by the shoulder before he could leave.


"We need to talk," I said. "Sit down."


"Okay, Carlisle," he said, sitting. "What's up?"


"I don't get you," I said.




"Three weeks ago you told me to move on, you said this company was dead."


"Did I?"


"You said we'd never come back from the damages Nero left on us."


"Well, I was wrong, obviously."


"You made yourself wrong," I said. "I know. I know you've been in cahoots with Tyler and with Braun the whole time. All I need to know is where you stand."


"I mean, I'm here aren't I?"


"I need to know how committed you are. Because I have a promoter calling me asking if you can work for him and I don't feel I have the authority to make that call."


"This is the company I've lived and breathed for for the last seven years, Carlisle. I mean, it may be a different roster, a different name, different everything, but it's the same company. And the same loyalty I gave Nero, I'll give you, Tyler, and Braun. Whatever you think is best for the company, I'm going to do."


"So you're still on board then?"


"I am."


"Good. Well, pack your backs, you're flying to Memphis every Tuesday then."

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36240" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Revolution Pro Wrestling makes it's television debut. <p> </p><p> With a roster made up of regional talents and national stars, R-Pro intends to become the premiere wrestling promotion in the world and the first step begins on February 21 at 11:00 PM when R-Pro The Revolution debuts on WNAC!</p><p> </p><p> Tune in weekly to see established names like Antix, Eric Tyler, Nicole Kiss and Steven Parker, as well as the future stars of professional wrestling- men like de Sade, Vendetta, and Ernest Youngman compete for the World Championship, Tag Team Champion, and Hardcore Champion!</p><p> </p><p> Competition begins on the 21st when a special eight man tournament to crown the first R-Pro World Champion commences between the cocky, hot headed Ernest Youngman, 'Ravishing' Richie Riggins, former 2 time PSW National Champion Steven Parker (accompanied as always by the beautiful Nicole Kiss), former Rhode Island Pro Wrestling Champion Kentucky Bill and 4 special entrants that you'll have to tune in to see! These 8 will duke it out for six weeks with the first R-Pro World Champion being crowned at R-Pro The First Shot on Saturday, March 30, 2014. All events emanate from the Den, and tickets are available online at <a href="http://www.r-pro.org" rel="external nofollow">http://www.r-pro.org</a> or at the box office.</p><p> </p><p> The first episode is expected to be action packed when Kentucky Bill takes on a surprise opponent to advance in the World Title tournament in the main event, while the undercard sees cruiserweight action as Amazing Fire Fly, Arthur Dexter Bradley, El Mitico Jr and Phobia compete to win the first match in R-Pro history, Extreme Deluxe, Fearless Blue, Jerry Martin and Zak Attack compete in a Revolution Rules match, and the former Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling Tag Team Champions Reckless Antix (Xavier Reckless and Antix) take on the Royal Family (Cerberus and Chucky Dorrance, along with their manager Isabelle Encanta), in addition to a Ravishing Richie Riggins Pose Down Challenge.</p><p> </p><p> Be sure to tune in to WNAC every Thursday at 11:00 PM for R-Pro The Revolution.</p><p> </p><p> You never know who might show up!</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> Prediction Contest</p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Revolution Rules Match</strong></p><p> Extreme Deluxe</p><p> vs</p><p> Fearless Blue</p><p> vs</p><p> Jerry Martin</p><p> vs</p><p> Zak Attack</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Tag Team Match</strong></p><p> Reckless Antix</p><p> vs</p><p> The Royal Family</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Lucha Madness</strong></p><p> <em>Four Man Elimination Match</em></p><p> Amazing Fire Fly</p><p> vs</p><p> Arthur Dexter Bradley</p><p> vs</p><p> El Mitico</p><p> vs</p><p> Phobia</p><p> </p><p> <strong>R-Pro World Championship Tournament</strong></p><p> <em>First Round Matchup</em></p><p> Kentucky Bill</p><p> vs</p><p> Surprise Entrant</p></div><p></p><p></p>
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Revolution Rules Match

Extreme Deluxe


Fearless Blue


Jerry Martin


Zak Attack


Tag Team Match

Reckless Antix


The Royal Family


Lucha Madness

Four Man Elimination Match

Amazing Fire Fly


Arthur Dexter Bradley


El Mitico




R-Pro World Championship Tournament

First Round Matchup

Kentucky Bill


Surprise Entrant

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<p>Revolution Rules Match</p><p>

Extreme Deluxe</p><p>


Fearless Blue</p><p>


<strong>Jerry Martin</strong></p><p>


Zak Attack</p><p> </p><p>

Tag Team Match</p><p>

<strong>Reckless Antix</strong></p><p>


The Royal Family</p><p> </p><p>

Lucha Madness</p><p>

Four Man Elimination Match</p><p>

Amazing Fire Fly</p><p>


<strong>Arthur Dexter Bradley</strong></p><p>


El Mitico</p><p>


Phobia</p><p> </p><p>

R-Pro World Championship Tournament</p><p>

First Round Matchup</p><p>

<strong>Kentucky Bill</strong></p><p>


Surprise Entrant</p>

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