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WCW:1989 re-written

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Jim Crockett promotions have been a key promotion for the Mid-atlantic area since the early 1930's. Founded by Jim Crockett,sr out of Charlotte,NC and was ran by Mr.Crockett until his death in 1973 and his son Jim Crockett,jr took over. Some of wrestling Biggest stars came through the Mid-Atlantic area. Guys such as Ric Flair,The Andersons,Harley Race,Roddy Piper,Sgt. Slaughter, Ricky Steamboat as well as many others wrestler there during the 70's and mid 80's.


In the mid 80's wrestling would be changed as alot of the old Territories would die out and a big name company known as World Class Championship Wrestling would break away from the NWA. Jim Crockett Jr. Would then be named President of The National Wrestling Alliance (NWA) and decided to purchase some of the older NWA territories such as Georgia Championship Wrestling from Vince McMahon and then would buy out Mid-South and Championship wrestling from Florida. Jim Crockett then would expand what was once the Mid-Atlantic territory to wrestle under the banner of the National Wrestling Alliance.


In Late 1986 Magnum Ta who was groomed to be The next big Star in the NWA would see his promised career cut short in a car accident leaving him paralyzed. This is cut short what could have been one of the biggest feuds in wrestling history between him and Ric Flair. Sadly to say this would mark the beginning of the end for the company.


1987 saw the debuts of many new faces such as Barry Windham,Lex Luger,Sting,Mike Rotunda,Rick Steiner and The Fantastics. while the Four Horseman remained The Dominant group in the company.While 1987 was a good year for JCP and the NWA, Wrestling started to change as PPV entered the NWA on Thanksgiving Night for Starrcade 87 which Saw Ric Flair win the NWA world Title from Ronnie Garvin and Dusty Rhodes win the US Title from Lex Luger. Also former 4 time Tag Team Champions would, The Rock N Roll Express would leave the NWA shortly after Starrcade.


In 1988 JCP would take a turn for the worst The Crocketts would lose money and see stars like Tully Blanchard and Arn Anderson leave the company,Ivan Koloff retiring and Nikita Koloff leaving the NWA.In November of 1988 Jim Crockett sold the Promotion to Ted Turner remaning the Company World Championship Wrestling But still would be under the NWA Banner.Dusty Rhodes would soon leave the company after being fired as booker. While Losing some of their main stars, WCW still has some good talent in guys like Ric Flair Barry Windham,Sting,The Road Warriors, Midnight Express, along with return of Ricky Steamboat who looks like is getting ready to renew his legendary feud with Ric Flair.


What Will 1989 hold for the company??


Can the WCW Survive under Ted Turner and a new Booker??

Who will be brought in and who will leave??

Will one of these young stars end up being the next big Star for WCW??


Stay Tuned.

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January week 1 Monday


9:00 am meeting at CNN Center



Ted Turner

Ric Flair

Jim Cornette

James J. Dillon




Ted Turner: " I would like to thank all you guys for coming here today, as we are going to discuss the future plans of this company for this years. As you know, Dusty Rhodes has been fired as head booker and decided to leave the company last month. I would first Like to introduce to our new head booker, Mr. Jason Steele. Mr. Steele has been behind the scenes lately with some of the guys and has been learning how to run shows and from what I hear as some new fresh ideas for the company.Mr Steele, Introduce yourself."


Jason Steele:" My Name is Jason Steele and I am excited about being the new Head Booker for WCW. I have been working behind the scenes for the past year or so at shows learning alot about how the business has been run. I have took the time to get to know alot of the wrestlers. I am looking forward to a good year and I got alot of new Ideas I would like to pass along."


Ric Flairr: " What type of plan ideas do u have for this upcoming year for WCW."


Steele: " Right now Mr. Flair, I plan on having you and Ricky Steamboat in a year long feud for the NWA World title, switching a couple of times with you getting the feud coming to a halt at Starrcade.As you know recently we signed Curt Hennig who at the last minute decided to come work for us instead of WWF. I am thinking of where to put him. Thought about doing a program with him and Barry Windham. any suggestions you guys have in mind."


Flair: " Sounds great to me. Steamboat has always been a favorite of mine to work and I feel he deserves a chance at being World Champion. I feel Windham would be a good one to put in the title picture in the future.Great guy and wrestler as well.How bout putting me and hennig together with JJ dillon as out manager."


JJ Dillon: "Great Idea Ric"


Jim Cornette: " Me and Stan Lane have been talking recently and he wants to step out of the ring and become and a road agent and me personally I am wanting to take a break from managing and work backstage."


Steele: "Ok but what could I do with Bobby Eaton. I would like to keep him in the tag team picture, possibly with the US Tag Team Titles." Any Suggestions for a partner. I do Plan on putting Windham in the World Title Picture hopefully by the middle of next year. Great talent."


Cornette:" Eddie Gilbert or try to bring someone in new? Just keep a look out for guys who have been released by other companies or sign someone who is a good young talent to go along with bobby."



Turner: what about the tag team title picture? As you know we have the Clash of the Champions coming up and Chi-Town Rumble."


Flair: " Another guy I feel you need to look at is Sting. Great young talent and I am telling you he could be a huge star in the near Future. The Fans already Love him."


Cornette and Dillon: "Sting has a great future. We just got to build him up"


Turner: I really like Sting as could see him as a top face if he keeps going the way he is. By the way next time we meet we will introduce the new exect. Vice President which I will say most of you know who he is."


All: " sounds good"


Steele:" fri.would like for the booking team to get together and discuss the Clash of the Champions card. I want to use it to build for Chi-Town Rumble. I feel the Main Event at Chi-Rumble should be Ric Steamboat vs. Ric Flair. Also want to discuss our tag team picture once I get a chance to look at the roster."


Booking Team: " sounds good to me"


( Meeting closes)


Turner: "Mr. Steele, I am counting on you to make us some money and put us back on the map. Here is your copy of the roster."


Steele: Thanks, I will go over it now and think about what to do our two shows coming up this week.


Turner: "Ok, I will meet with you later this week"

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