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WCW: The Quest For The Lost Glory

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The prediction contest results for this month are as follows;


Beejus wins it again with a total of 22 hits


The Lloyd finished second with 14 hits


And third place went to CPBHBK with 8 hits.


Henderson, Hitman74, delv213 and #Heel also predicted on a show each.


A huge thank you goes out to all seven of you for predicting, and congratulations to Beejus for picking up another win!


Prizes will be sent out to those who have won at some point during the next 24 hours or so, and the card for Monday Nitro will be up shortly.

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Monday Nitro Preview



SuperBrawl is in the books and it turned out to be a huge event that saw a new World Heavyweight Champion crowned in Diamond Dallas Page, three successful title defenses, Rey Misterio Jr. finally defeating Scott Hall, only to have Eric Bischoff show up and save Scott Hall from unemployment despite the fact that Hall's WCW contract was supposed to be on the line, the surprising debut of the group calling themselves "The Three", and the HUGE and historic debut of one of the greatest wrestlers in the history of the business in Shawn Michaels.


On this week's edition of Monday Nitro we will not only hear from the new World Heavyweight Champion, DDP, but we will also see Shawn Michaels make his first ever appearance on Monday Nitro. What will Shawn Michaels have to say on the night after his shocking debut? What will Diamond Dallas Page have to say about his victory in the War Games match? And what does he think about Shawn Michaels and the nWo stealing his spotlight? How will Rey Misterio Jr. react to Eric Bischoff's controversial decision to not enforce the mutually agreed upon stipulation and keep Scott Hall around?


And as if that wasn't enough, we will also see new number one contenders crowned for both the WCW World Heavyweight Championship and the United States Championship, Rey Misterio Jr. will face off against his former best friend, and the man who stabbed him in the back at Uncensored, Konnan, in one on one action, and Sean O'Haire looks to bounce back after his main event loss at SuperBrawl as he faces the veteran Marty Jannetty.


All of this, and much, much more on this week's edition of WCW Monday Nitro!





Monday Nitro Card


WCW World Heavyweight Championship Number One Contenders Match

Ric Flair vs. Booker T vs. Scott Steiner vs. Sting


WCW United States Championship Number One Contenders Match

Rick Steiner vs. Ernest Miller vs. Hugh Morrus vs. Vampiro


Konnan vs. Rey Misterio Jr.


Sean O'Haire vs. Marty Jannetty

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Nice show and definitely a rating you needed. I'm a bit disappointed to see DDP get the title again, as he's probably in time decline in your game, as he was in mine (he retired a couple of years into the game for me). But it was a good way to get the belt off Goldberg without having him take the loss, and opens up other avenues for you with Goldberg and the world title (which, I assume, now includes HBK). I would have preferred to see Sting or Flair get the belt.


Our games continue to be quite similar. I was also able to pick up HBK and had great luck with him. He's still on my roster. I also just recently moved from Cult to National, which only took 3.5 years game time - Hopefully yours doesn't take quite that long!! I was able to add a few other guys to my roster over the years that really put me over the edge, hopefully you'll be able to do the same. However, it does come with quite the price tag, just to warn you! On with predictions!


Monday Nitro Card


WCW World Heavyweight Championship Number One Contenders Match

Ric Flair vs. Booker T vs. Scott Steiner vs. Sting

- I hope you don't overlook Flair as a contender, because he is for sure a hidden gem (if you weeiilllllllll - ala Dusty Rhodes). I'd prefer to go with Sting, but I don't see you going with a Face/Face feud. Steiner seems to be the logical choice. FYI - Flair as champ will definitely help you with popularity in those Southern regions ;)


WCW United States Championship Number One Contenders Match

Rick Steiner vs. Ernest Miller vs. Hugh Morrus vs. Vampiro

- I'm not crazy about any of the choices, really.


Konnan vs. Rey Misterio Jr.

- If you're going to keep Konnan on your roster, he should be nothing more than an Upper Midcard jobber.


Sean O'Haire vs. Marty Jannetty

- Jannetty's a good worker and should provide O'Haire with a good match, but unfortunately he's not going to be a title holder or main contender.

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Okay, so Shawn coming in is KIND OF a big deal..... you know, as understatements go, because HBK in WCW is a HUGE FRIGGIN DEAL!! The nWo is now the Clique plus two, and with this in mind, they may take over WCW as we know it! TUNE IN TOMORROW NIGHT ON NITRO!

Otherwise, a solid SuperBrawl with a surprising finish in the WarGames. DDP makes sense though as he could be used to pass the title to one of the nWo now; something that Goldberg would not look right doing. Like Henderson said, this was a good way to get the title from Goldberg without him technically losing it, which is something that he can use in the future. Feeling excited for the big debut of The Three, I guess a.k.a. UPW Invasion :p


WCW World Heavyweight Championship Number One Contenders Match

Ric Flair vs. Booker T vs. Scott Steiner vs. Sting

As first World title contenders go, you can never go wrong with Naitch.


WCW United States Championship Number One Contenders Match

Rick Steiner vs. Ernest Miller vs. Hugh Morrus vs. Vampiro

Kanyon defeating Steiner can give him a nice little boost.


Konnan vs. Rey Misterio Jr.

Rey gets his revenge.


Sean O'Haire vs. Marty Jannetty

Out of curiosity, are you still getting negative crowd notes for O'Haire?

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Nice show and definitely a rating you needed. I'm a bit disappointed to see DDP get the title again, as he's probably in time decline in your game, as he was in mine (he retired a couple of years into the game for me). But it was a good way to get the belt off Goldberg without having him take the loss, and opens up other avenues for you with Goldberg and the world title (which, I assume, now includes HBK). I would have preferred to see Sting or Flair get the belt.


DDP actually isn't in time decline--in fact, he skills are slowly improving. As for him winning the belt, I knew I wanted/needed to get the title off Goldberg since his run wasn't working out like I had hoped (he was originally scheduled to hold the title until The Great American Bash), but I didn't want him to lose his undefeated streak. DDP's momentum just kinda shot through the roof during his brief mini feud with Roddy Piper, so I made the call to put the belt on him.


Okay, so Shawn coming in is KIND OF a big deal..... you know, as understatements go, because HBK in WCW is a HUGE FRIGGIN DEAL!! The nWo is now the Clique plus two, and with this in mind, they may take over WCW as we know it! TUNE IN TOMORROW NIGHT ON NITRO!

Otherwise, a solid SuperBrawl with a surprising finish in the WarGames. DDP makes sense though as he could be used to pass the title to one of the nWo now; something that Goldberg would not look right doing. Like Henderson said, this was a good way to get the title from Goldberg without him technically losing it, which is something that he can use in the future. Feeling excited for the big debut of The Three, I guess a.k.a. UPW Invasion :p


Out of curiosity, are you still getting negative crowd notes for O'Haire?


I was absolutely thrilled, and quite surprised, when I got Shawn to sign. I had been trying to negotiate with him on and off pretty much since the start of the game, but he kept refusing me. Finally got him to sign :)


Glad to see I'm not the only one who is excited about The Three, though I admit I'm still not entirely sure I picked the right name for them. I'm really hoping they will become a big thing as I have big plans for them, and I've got the first part of their run all planned out already.


As for O'Haire, I'm not getting the negative crowd reaction for him anymore. His stint in development before I brougt him back to the roster as a part of The Elite took care of that problem as he improved his skills quite a bit.



And thanks to both of your for the feedback! It's much appreciated.

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I hear you about Goldberg. I've had the same issue with him each time I put the title on him. He totally flops every time.


Sounds like you had with DDP what I've had within the last few game months with Flair. Not a bad deal if his skills continue to improve and his momentum/popularity go through the roof.


Within my last year of game time, I was able to sign Eddie Guerrero in May 2003. At the time, Booker was champ and I knew I wanted to put those two together. I put the US title on Eddie and started a feud with them around September. Their feud got red hot - I mean the hottest feud I've ever had in game. They were constantly getting 100 ratings in angles and upper 80's, into the 90's on match ratings. It's now translated into a Flair/Guerrero feud which has also skyrocketed and their popularity has gone through the roof. Hopefully you're able to get that kind of similar feud to really put you over.


I think my main problem was I didn't really find my niche in booking the mod until about 2003 just before signing Guerrero. He was literally the equivalent of Hulk Hogan signing for WCW in 1994. Everything came together after that. Hopefully it doesn't take you quite as long to find your stride, and so far it doesn't look like it will.

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Monday Nitro Card


WCW World Heavyweight Championship Number One Contenders Match

Ric Flair vs. Booker T vs. Scott Steiner vs. Sting

WOW! Huge match! Kinda think it'll be Stiener so he can lose to DDP... but we'll go with Sting I think.


WCW United States Championship Number One Contenders Match

Rick Steiner vs. Ernest Miller vs. Hugh Morrus vs. Vampiro


Konnan vs. Rey Misterio Jr.


Sean O'Haire vs. Marty Jannetty


I like the look of this card. I like the sound of The Three... I did a similar thing in an older game with Joe, Cena and Batista. They were HUGE!!! Mr. Kennedy I used as an announcer as I signed him with zero popularity. Interesting to see what happens with HBK now too... Future looks bright for you, but if like Henderson, you sign Eddie, your diary will become MUST READ!!! :D

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Monday Nitro Card


I like the look of this card. I like the sound of The Three... I did a similar thing in an older game with Joe, Cena and Batista. They were HUGE!!! Mr. Kennedy I used as an announcer as I signed him with zero popularity. Interesting to see what happens with HBK now too... Future looks bright for you, but if like Henderson, you sign Eddie, your diary will become MUST READ!!! :D


Believe me, if I get the chance to sign Eddie, I'm definitely there :)


As for The Three, they're all starting off with very little popularity, which is going to be a challenge since WCW is rated more on popularity than performance, but I do have a, in my opinion, solid plan in mind for how to push them, so hopefully they'll catch on.

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WCW Presents; Greed




WCW's upcoming pay per view will be named "Greed" and shortly before Monday Nitro goes on the air, WCW owner Eric Bischoff has made a huge announcement regarding WCW's next pay per view. At Greed there is going to be two "Big Risk, Big Reward" Ladder matches, one for the main eventers and one for everyone else. The concept of these matches is that six men will compete in a ladder match with no less than six briefcases hanging high above the ring. Three of these briefcases will contain prizes, two of the briefcases will contain punishments, and one of the briefcases will contain...a pink slip.


The owner of WCW also made the first announcements in regards to the participants and prizes that will be up for grabs in these matches;



Main Eventers Big Risk, Big Reward Competitors


1:Scott Hall








Prizes And Punishments


1: Owner For a Month (winner gets full control of booking for one full month)









Midcarders Big Risk, Big Reward Competitors


1: Shane Helms








Prizes and Punishments


1:Immunity (cannot be fired from WCW for one full year)









The rest of the competitors, prizes and punishments will slowly get filled out over the course of the next month as we approach what could be a legendary and history making pay per view.


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Week 1, March, 2002

Live from the Bisentennial Center in Salina, Kansas

Attendance: 7.583 (sellout)












This week's edition of WCW Monday Nitro starts off with a bang, pun intended, as "Self High Five" plays throughout the arena and the new WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Diamond Dallas Page, makes his way down to the ring, with the World Title belt wrapped around his waist, to a great ovation from the crowd. Tony Schiavone welcomes everyone to Monday Nitro, saying that we are less than 24 hours removed from last night's SuperBrawl pay per view that saw DDP win the War Games match to become the new champion, but which also saw the shocking debut of Shawn Michaels in WCW. Tony says that we will hear from Shawn Michaels at some point later in the show, but right now they are about to hear from the man who surprised the world last night by winning War Games, the new World Heavyweight Champion, Diamond Dallas Page.


Once in the ring, DDP gets on the mic and says that he cannot even begin to describe the feeling that is running through his body right now as he stands there, listening to the great WCW fans. He says that last night at SuperBrawl he went through hell in that War Games match, but at the end of the day, he proved, once again, that anything is possible in this business, and in this world, if you are willing to put in the work. He says that nobody ever thought he would be able to make it in this business, and yet here he is, standing in front of everyone watching, as a four time WCW World Heavyweight Champion!


The expression on DDP's face then turns a little bit more serious as he says that, despite winning the World Title, not everything that happened last night made him happy. He is talking, of course, about the debut of Shawn Michaels, the mention of which receives a few boo's, but mostly cheers. Page says that he agrees with the fans, he actually WANTS to cheer, he WANTS to be happy that Shawn Michaels has arrived in WCW, but no matter how much he wants to, he just can't because Shawn Michaels debuted in the nWo's black and white colors, and if he is riding with Nash, Hall, and the rest of the nWo, then Shawn Michaels is not interested in helping WCW--he is interested in helping himself!


DDP continues by saying that a lot of people have asked him how he feels about the nWo stealing his spotlight following his War Games win, but Page says that he wasn't surprised by the nWo's antics. He was surprised to see Shawn Michaels, of course, but he wasn't surprised that the nWo picked that exact moment to make their big reveal because that is what the nWo is all about; they only think about themselves. But Page doesn't want to talk about the nWo, he would much rather talk about the kind of champion that he is going to be; a fighting champion, a champion that the fans of WCW can be proud to call their World Heavyweight Champion. And if anybody's got a problem with that, like maybe the nWo, they are more than welcome to step up to the plate, but if they do...they better be prepared to feel...the...BANG!!!! (B-)


"Self High Five" plays again and DDP makes his way to the back as the big screen flickers to life.








The three young men who made their debut appearance last night during SuperBrawl calling themselves, rather appropriately, "The Three", are standing in front of the camera again, much like we saw them do last night. They all look intense and focused as they appear to be ready to deliver another message. It is once again the dark haired man who does the talking, about he informs everyone that they are there to talk about none other than the man called Sting, the so called "Conscience of WCW". He says that Sting has been in WCW for almost as long as anyone can remember, yet he really hasn't changed anything about the company at all. Sting talks a good game, but when it comes down to actually backing up his words, Sting always seems to come up way short. For all of his good intentions, Sting has failed WCW time and time again, and when "The Three" finally arrives, guys like Sting will no longer be needed, and they are going to make sure that he gets that message because "The Three" are coming, and change is coming with them! (E+)




As The Three's message comes to an end, we cut back to ringside for our first match of the night.








The opening bout of the night saw the veteran Marty Jannetty face off against the man who retired Lex Luger at Starrcade, Sean O'Haire, in what was a very solid match. Both men got a good amount of offense in, but in the end it was O'Haire who picked up the win after hitting his Widow Maker finisher for the pinfall.



Sean O'Haire defeated Marty Jannetty at 8.08 by pinfall with a Widow Maker ©









We cut to Eric Bischoff's office where the owner of WCW is on the phone with...well, someone, and Bischoff neither looks nor sounds particularly happy.


"Yes.....no....no....what?!? You have got to be kidding me!...not the World Title...no, absolutely not....yes...no, I understand...yes....fine!"


Bischoff then angrily hangs up the phone, muttering to himself that he "cannot believe this crap". (C+)








As if Bischoff's mood wasn't bad enough as it was, in walks none other than "The Man" himself, Goldberg, much to Bischoff's displeasure. Goldberg is angry about not being booked in the main event number one contenders match later tonight, especially since he lost the title even though his team actually won War Games. Bischoff says that after what Goldberg has done to him, it will be a cold day in hell before he gets another opportunity at the World Title. Goldberg takes a step toward Bischoff's desk and stares at him menacingly, then states firmly that he deserves a shot at the title, and Bischoff knows it. Bischoff replies that this is exactly the kind of behavior he is talking about, and he won't tolerate Goldberg going around threatening him. Bischoff tells Goldberg to get the hell out of his office, and Goldberg does so, but only after informing Bischoff that he WILL get another shot at the World Title, one way...or another. Bischoff squirms in his chair as Goldberg turns and leaves the office. (B)



We then cut back to ringside as our second match of the night is about to get under way.








The second match of the night was a deeply personal one between former best friends Rey Misterio Jr. and Konnan, who turned on Rey at Uncensored and joined the nWo. Konnan was out alone for this one, and Tony, Mike and Dusty all speculated that the rest of the nWo was probably backstage with Shawn Michaels, preparing for his big debut later tonight. This was another solid match on a night that was just full of them, and both Konnan and Rey got a good amount of offense in, in this very even, back and forth matchup. The finish came when Rey, after making an impressive comeback following a spell of dominance by Konnan, finished his rally off by hitting a picture perfect Springboard Hurricanrana, which was enough for the three count and the revenge win.



Rey Misterio Jr. defeated Konnan at 9.24 by pinfall with a Springboard Hurricanrana ©










As Rey Misterio Jr. celebrates his redemption victory in the ring, WCW owner Eric Bischoff suddenly makes his way out onto the stage with a mic in his hand.








Bischoff congratulates Rey Misterio on his win, albeit it does sound somewhat disingenuous. Bischoff says that he is going to cut right to the chase, and says that all day long he has been...."encouraged"....by several of his top investors to make it up to Rey after the decision he made last night to go back on the agreement to release Scott Hall from his WCW contract. Because of this, Bischoff is officially adding Rey Misterio Jr. to the midcard Big Risk, Big Reward Ladder match at Greed. Bischoff obviously isn't too happy about this, but the crowd loves it as they cheer even more for Rey which, in turn, only makes Bischoff even less happy about it. (D+)









As Rey Misterio Jr. leaves the ring, we cut to the announce table and Tony, Mike and Dusty. Tony says that tonight has already been huge as we heard from our new World Heavyweight Champion, DDP, Rey Misterio Jr. finally got his revenge on Konnan, and now we also know that Rey will be part of the midcard Big Risk, Big Reward Ladder match at Greed. Mike says that he is glad that the investors stepped up and forced Eric Bischoff to make it up to Rey after Bischoff went back on his word last night. Mike says that Rey deserved something extra, and he's happy to see him get it. Dusty fully agrees with Mike, and Tony then reminds everyone that we still have two huge matches coming up tonight as we will crown new number one contenders for both the US Championship and the World Heavyweight Championship, AND we will see Shawn Michaels make his very first appearance ever on Monday Nitro!






WCW United States Championship Number One Contenders Match





Back in the ring it was time to crown a new number one contender to Kanyon's United States Championship as Rick Steiner, Ernest Miller, Hugh Morrus and Vampiro face off in four way action. Hugh Morrus looked good early on, clearing house and imposing his will on his opponents, but after that initial flurry of dominance the rest of the match was yet another solid, even, back and forth matchup. As had been the trend all night long, all four men got a decent amount of offense in, but in the end it was Vampiro who, following a timely distraction from Daffney and Aries, hit the Nail In The Coffin on Rick Steiner for the win.



Vampiro defeated Rick Steiner, Ernest Miller and Hugh Morrus at 11.43 by pinfall after hitting the Nail In The Coffin on Steiner. Vampiro earns a shot at the WCW United States Championship ©








We cut to the back where a, still visibly frustrated, Goldberg is walking through the backstage area when he is suddenly blasted with a guitar shot by....








Well, yeah, "The Chosen One" Jeff Jarrett, of course! The guitar shatters into a hundred pieces, and Double J stands above Goldberg and tells him that this is Eric Bischoff's company, he is in charge, and what Bischoff says, goes, and Goldberg better remember that. Jarrett says that Bischoff said that there would be no title shot for Goldberg, and that's the way it's going to be. Now choke on that, slapnuts! Jarrett then walks off as Tony, Mike and Dusty all voice their disapproval of Jeff Jarrett's ambush on Goldberg. (B-)




We then cut back to ringside for our main event of the evening, the fatal four way matchup to determine who will face Diamond Dallas Page at Greed for the World Heavyweight Championship.






WCW World Heavyweight Championship Number One Contenders Match






The fans were red hot for this one as they knew they witnessing a truly huge and special main event live on Monday Nitro as four of the biggest stars in the company squared off with a World Title shot on the line. The match started off looking more like a tornado tag team match than anything else, as the, now former, Elite members, Steiner and Flair, worked side by side against Sting and Booker T who, in turn, also seemed to work together. This continued for about the first five minutes of the match, but then "The Dirtiest Player In the Game" turnen on Scott Steiner, hit a low blow, and rolled him up looking for the win. Steiner kicked out, and the alliance was out the window from that point on.


This match continued the streak of even, back and forth matches, and all four men in this one scored at least one near fall during the course of the match, and both Ric Flair and Sting had their favorite submission holds broken just seconds before seemingly picking up a submission victory. The match continued to be so even that the announcers were even talking about whether this match would ever end because every time someone tried to win it, someone else would be there to break up the pin or submission attempt. But then shortly after the match passed the ten minute mark.....








The Natural Born Thrillers suddenly made their way down to the ring, much to the displeasure of, well, pretty much everyone in the building. Tony, Mike and Dusty all wondered what the Thrillers were doing out there, but they wouldn't have to wait long for the answer to that as all four members of The Thrillers immediately went after Sting, ganging up on him and beating him down in a vicious four on one assault. Sanders, Palumbo, Stasiak and Jindrak then proceeded to drag Sting out of the ring and literally beat him back up the ramp, effectively taking him out of the equation in the World Title number one contenders match, while the announcers wondered why The Thrillers had targeted Sting.


Meanwhile, back in the ring, it was now a three way matchup between Steiner, Booker T and Ric Flair. The match continued to be back and forth for a few minutes between these three, and then Booker T suddenly caught "The Nature Boy" with a Bookend from out of nowhere, but before Booker T could cover, Steiner grabbed him from behind, spun him around, and nailed him with a Steiner Flatliner. Steiner then applied the Steiner Recliner on Booker T, after a brave and valiant fight, had no choice but to tap out to Freakzilla.



Scott Steiner defeated Booker T, Ric Flair and Sting at 15.15 by submission when Booker T tapped out to the Steiner Recliner. Scott Steiner earns a shot at the WCW World Heavyweight Championship (B)




Following the match we once again join Tony, Mike and Dusty at the announce table.









Tony says that whether you like Scott Steiner or not, he earned his shot at the World Championship, even though Tony would have liked to see how the match would have played out if Sting hadn't been taken out of the equation by the Thrillers. Mike agrees, and wonders again what could have motivated The Thrillers to take Sting out here tonight, and Dusty adds that, whatever their reason, it looks like The Thrillers are going to have a major issue with Sting now. Tony then informs us all that it is finally time for what everyone has been waiting all night for; the Monday Nitro debut of Shawn Michaels is coming up next!










<iframe width="300" height="300" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/i1A6dkR0szc?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>









With the nWo music blasting throughout the arena, Shawn Michaels makes his way out from the back with a smile on his face, and he receives a huge ovation by the fans in attendance who, at least for the time being, seems to be more excited about Shawn Michael's arrival in WCW, than they are disappointed by his affiliation with the nWo. But Shawn doesn't come out alone...









And more and more of the cheers turns into boos as the entire rest of the nWo follows Michaels out from the back. The nWo makes their way to the ring, and once in the ring, Nash and Hall takes up position on each side of Shawn Michaels, and points to Shawn as he does his classic Shawn Michaels pose in the middle of the ring. After a few more poses, and some playing around, Michaels waits for the crowd to quiet down a bit before finally grabbing a mic, ready to speak his first words ever on a WCW broadcast.


Shawn says that he has to admit, it feels pretty damn good to be standing next to his buddies in a WCW ring. The crowd pops, and Shawn then says that a lot of people are probably wondering why he made the decision to come to WCW. Well, the way Shawn see's it, when he knew that he was going to return to the wrestling business he had two choices; WWF, or WCW. Now, he could have gone back to the WWF, continued his storied career there, and gone down in history as one of the greatest wrestlers of all time.

ONE OF the greatest, not THE greatest. And that was what helped him to make his decision right there. Shawn says that he doesn't want to go down in history as one of the greatest of all time, he wants to go down in history as THE single greatest wrestler of all time. He wants to prove that the best of the best, the greatest of the greatest, is not...Hulk Hogan...it's not...Steve Austin....it's certainly not...Bret Hart...it's not...Ric Flair....it's not....Sting. He wants to prove that Shawn Michaels is better than all of them, and the only place he can do that is right here in World Championship Wrestling.


Shawn says that what he is going to do, is that take this company, put it on his back, and carry it all the way to the top of the mountain, to the top of the business. And by doing that, by making WCW the number one wrestling company in the world again, he will secure his legacy as the single greatest wrestler of all time. He says that in 1996 the nWo changed the face of professional wrestling forever, and now, in 2002, the nWo will once again revolutionize the business of professional wrestling, and they are going to be even more dominant than the nWo of the past was. Shawn says that they are going to rule WCW, and if anybody stands in their way...they're gonna get knocked down. And as far as Diamond Dallas Page is concerned, Shawn says that if he's got a problem with him and the nWo, then he's got two words for him;....bring it!


Shawn then drops the mic and the nWo music starts playing again, and the last thing that viewers of Monday Nitro see's.....








Is a shot of Shawn Michaels, Kevin Nash and Scott Hall standing side by side in the ring the nWo seems to be back and better than ever. (B+)





Final Show Rating: C+

TV Rating: 0.62 (new record)

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Loved Shawn's promo at the end of the show, a way to show why he's here. And the reason he's here is because........ ego. Haha I like it. The nWo is officially fresh again, despite having only seemed to be a group of hoodlums for the past few months while The Elite were taking charge of everything.


In other news, Scott vs DDP should be a fun World title match. I've always had trouble with chemistry between those two though, so watch out for that :)

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WCW Monday Nitro Preview





This weeks edition of Monday Nitro will be coming to you live from Rochester, New York, and will be headlined by two huge events; the contract signing for the World Heavyweight Championship match at Greed between Diamond Dallas Page and Scott Steiner, and a huge main event tag team match pitting Scott Steiner and Ric Flair against Sting and Booker T. With Steiner and Flair be able to work together after what happened during last week's main event? Will Booker T and Sting? Also, with the two huge Big Risk, Big Reward Ladder matches officially announced for Greed, you have to believe that every single match that takes place until the Greed pay per view could potentially be a great opportunity for someone to grab themselves a spot in one of these huge matches.


Shawn Michaels made his Monday Nitro debut last week, making it known to the world exactly why he has joined WCW, and also confirming what we already knew; that Shawn is, indeed, a part of the nWo. What will the nWo have up their sleeves now that they seem to be bigger and better than ever before? And what impact will it have on WCW as a company?


Goldberg made his opinion known that last that he was not happy about being excluding from the World Title picture, which only seemed to make his relationship with Eric Bischoff even worse than it already was. This week on Nitro, Goldberg faces off against Buff Bagwell, who will no doubt be looking to score some points with the owner by putting an end to Goldberg's streak. Will "Buff Daddy" succeed at ingratiating himself to the owner of WCW? Or will Goldberg's rampage continue as "The Man" continues to look for an opportunity to reclaim the World Title?


Last week on Monday Nitro, Vampiro became the number one contender for the United States Championship currently held by Kanyon. This week, the US Champion faces off against Vampiro's follower, Aries, in one on one action. Rey Misterio Jr. and Shane Helms, two men who have already secured spots in the Big Risk, Big Reward Ladder matches, teams up to take on 3 Count, and the Cruiserweight Champion, Chavo Guerrero Jr., takes on Marty Jannetty in a non title match.


All of this and much, much more on this week's edition of WCW Monday Nitro!





Monday Nitro Card




Sting and Booker T vs. Scott Steiner and Ric Flair


Goldberg vs. Buff Bagwell


Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs. Marty Jannetty


3 Count vs. Rey Misterio Jr. and Shane Helms


Aries vs. Kanyon

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WCW News And Notes





Shawn Michaels arrives in WCW







The shocking and surprising debut of Shawn Michaels at SuperBrawl seems to have caught pretty much everyone off guard--including WCW management. The word is that management had been in frequent contact with Shawn for months, trying to get him to sign, but without much luck. So, when Shawn was suddenly interested in talking with WCW management, it did come as a surprise, so much so that several of the things that were planned out had to be changed. The rumor is that, while Scott Hall was always slated to lose to Rey Misterio Jr. at SuperBrawl, the original plan called for Hall to be given a couple of months off after SuperBrawl to play up the angle of him being fired, but with Shawn Michaels coming in and joining the nWo, those plans were apparently changed as management felt it was important to have Scott Hall around to make the impact of Shawn joining the nWo as big and powerful as possible. It is also said that current plans calls for the nWo to be a major part of WCW storylines going forward.




Scott Hall mentoring Mark Jindrak?







Speaking of Scott Hall, WCW management is said to be very happy with Scott Hall. There was some initial concern when Hall was brought in about how he would conduct himself in the locker room, but word is that Hall has been staying out of trouble, and recently he has been seen spending quite a bit of time with Mark Jindrak prior to the shows, and a lot of people believe that Hall has actually taken Jindrak under his wings and is giving him pointers on his work both in and on the mic. Considering Scott Hall's impressive work both in the ring and on the mic during his career, this could potentially be a great situation for Mark Jindrak, who is said to be both willing and eager to learn.




A few other notes




Lance Storm and Mike Sanders have been getting along quite well backstage lately, and several people have noted that the two seem to have struck up a friendship.


Sean O'Haire and Shannon Moore are also said to have struck up a friendship as the two have been seen talking a lot to each other recently.


Marty Jannetty is said to have some heat with management right now after he showed up late to Monday Nitro two weeks in a row. Jannetty is said to have apologized both times, and indicated intent to do better, but management apparently told Jannetty that they expected better from him.





WWF News




The only real big news going on in WWF is that they crowned a new WWF Champion after Steve Austin's injury. The choice? The Big Show, who won the title in a match against....Rikishi. Show has since defended the title successfully against The Rock, Christian, Edge, Eddie Guerrero and Hulk Hogan.







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Sting and Booker T vs. Scott Steiner and Ric Flair

- It won't be clean, but Steiner will need his momentum boosted heading into his title match.


Goldberg vs. Buff Bagwell

- Squash as well as a bad match probably.


Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs. Marty Jannetty

- Unofficial punishment for showing up late.


3 Count vs. Rey Misterio Jr. and Shane Helms


Aries vs. Kanyon

- Vampiro will make his presence known.

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Week 2, March, 2002

Live from Main Street Armory in Rochester, New York

Attendance: 6.500 (sellout)











As Monday Nitro goes live and on the air we do so with the ring all decked out for the contract signing between the World Heavyweight Champion, Diamond Dallas Page, and the challenger, "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner, for their World Title match at Greed. The owner of WCW, Eric Bischoff, stands alone in the ring next to a large wooden table, holding a bunch of papers on one hand and a mic in the other. Bischoff starts off by welcoming everyone to another exciting edition of WCW Monday Nitro, and he then explains his purpose for being out there; to ensure that the contract is indeed signed, and that everything is set for the Greed pay per view. He then goes on to introduce the man who will challenge for the World Heavyweight Championship at Greed, "Big Poppa Pump", "The Genetic Freak", "Freakzilla" and, most importantly, the FUTURE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION--SCOTT STEINER!!!!








Scott Steiner walks out from the back to great heat from the crowd who, in addition to not liking Steiner, was probably also turned off by the enthusiatic introduction "Big Poppa Pump" received from Eric Bischoff. Steiner slowly makes his way down to the ring, stopping a few times along the way to argue with some fans at ringside, and when Steiner finally does enter the ring, Bischoff is actually applauding him. Bischoff hands Steiner the mic, and Steiner says that last week he proved his dominance and superiority in the ring when he defeated three other men to earn the right to challenge for the World Title at Greed. He says that he will stop at nothing to reclaim the World Heavyweight Championship, he started it last week, he will continue this week, and his journey will end at Greed when he defeats DDP and once again becomes the World Heavyweight Champion. Steiner then hands the mic back to Bischoff, who asks that Diamond Dallas Page join then in the ring--no special hype, or even a decent introduction, for the reigning World Heavyweight Champion from the owner of the company, though.








The lacklustre introduction doesn't keep the fans from cheering for the World Champion, however, as Diamond Dallas Page makes his way down to the ring. Smart enough to bring his own mic, Page says that Steiner may have won the number one contenders match last week, but he is celebrating a little early if he thinks he's already got the match at Greed in the bag. Page says that he went through hell at SuperBrawl to win War Games and become the World Heavyweight Champion, and he's not about to let anyone take it from him, especially not a monkey like Scott Steiner! Steiner tries to get in Page's face, but Page isn't having any of it, saying that Steiner can try as hard as he wants, but he's not going to intimidate him, so they might as well sign the damn contract already.


Eric Bischoff steps in and reminds both men that they are there to sign the contract, not to fight, and he won't allow things to get out of control. Bischoff puts the contract down on the table and demands that both men sign them. Steiner and DDP takes a seat on opposite sides of the table, ready to sign the contract, but then....






<iframe width="200" height="200" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/c5MsNPqf8_M?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>






The nWo music suddenly and unexpectedly starts playing throughout the arena and Shawn Michaels, Kevin Nash and Scott Hall makes their way out from the back. The trio takes their time as they slowly make their way toward the ring where Bischoff, Page and Steiner all seem to be either puzzled, annoyed, or downright pissed off by the nWo's arrival. Scott Hall gets on the mic first...."Hey Yo!"--huge pop from the crowd. Hall proceeds to inform everyone that it is survey time; Is everybody in Rochester, New York, here to see Diamond Dallas Page and Scott Steiner?"--mixed reaction from the crowd, cheers for Page and boos for Steiner. "Or is everybody here at Monday Nitro to see the n...W...o?"--another mixed reaction as the crowd seems split down the middle on whether to cheer or boo the nWo, which leads Hall to conclude "One more for the good guys!". Hall hands the mic to Kevin Nash, who says that they were sitting in the back, watching Page and Steiner talk the ratings into the toilet, and they decided to come out here before too much damage was done. Nash then tells everyone to shut up and listen, because the nWo has a message to deliver. Nash then hands the mic to Shawn Michaels who, after waiting a few moments for the cheers to die down, says that it barely even matters whether DDP or Scott Steiner wins the match at Greed because no matter who wins...that person is just keeping the belt warm for the nWo, and if anybody thinks any differently then they are kidding themselves. Shawn says that he didn't come out of retirement just to stand on the sidelines and watch other people compete for the World Title, especially not people who he knows he can beat any day of the week, and it is not a matter of IF he is going to become World Champion, but WHEN he is going to become World Champion. Shawn tells them to go ahead, sign their contract, have fun beating the hell out of each other at Greed, but know that he will be waiting for whoever wins that match. Shawn then finishes off the promo by making the huge reveal that one of the demands he made before signing his contract--a demand that Eric Bischoff accepted--was that he would receive a guaranteed shot at the World Heavyweight Championship at the time of his choosing, and he's gonna want that title shot pretty damned soon. Shawn then, rather disingenuously, wishes both DDP and Steiner good luck, and the nWo leaves the ring and walks back up the ramp as all three men in the ring seems stunned by Shawn's announcement.


With the nWo out of the ring, Eric Bischoff gets the contract signing back on track and both men sign the contract without incident, with the exception of trading a few insults back and forth. With the contract signed and the World Title match official, we cut to the announce table and Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay and Dusty Rhodes. (B-)








Tony officially welcomes everyone to the show, but then immediately transitions into talking about what we all just witnessed; the nWo interrupting the contract signing between Diamond Dallas Page and Scott Steiner, making it all about them rather than about Page and Steiner. Tenay agrees, saying that what the nWo did was the same thing they did at SuperBrawl; they stole the spotlight from the people who deserved it, namely the World Champion, DDP. Dusty agrees as well, and adds that, with the reveal of Shawn Michaels having a guaranteed World Title shot written into his contract, the nWo will no doubt be looking to make their presence known in the coming weeks.








The first match of the night saw the United States Champion, Kanyon, take on Vampiro's follower/lackey/whatever you want to call it, Aries. With Vampiro set to challenge Kanyon for the US Title at Greed, Aries was looking to weaken the champion and set the table for Vampiro at Greed. Things didn't quite turn out that way, and Kanyon ended up picking up the win, but Aries showed a lot of potential in this one as he managed to put up a solid fight against the United States Champion. In the end, Kanyon won it with the Kanyon Cutter.



Kanyon defeated Aries at 6.11 by pinfall with a Kanyon Cutter (C-)








The referee barely has time to raise Kanyon's hand in victory before the US Champion is jumped from behind by Vampiro. As Daffney screams out her approval--we think--at ringside, Vampiro beats Kanyon down with a swift viciousness, finishing the attack off by planting Kanyon with the Nail In The Coffin. With Kanyon down, Aries and Daffney joins Vampiro in the ring, with Daffney providing Vampiro with a mic. Vampiro kneels down next to Kanyon and says that while Kanyon may have had a good little run, it is quickly coming to an end. He says that his family of misfits and freaks are going to run rampant throughout WCW and nothing and nobody is going to stand in there way. He says that it is time for Kanyon, as well as the rest of WCW, to find out first hand about all of the things that lurks in the darkest shadows of this world, and at Greed...Kanyon is going to become the first of many who will fall victim to the darkness that he brings. Vampiro then drops the mic and he, Aries and Daffney leaves the ring as officials run down to check on Kanyon. (D)





With that still going on in the ring, the big screen suddenly flickers to life...








Once again we find "The Three" standing in front of the camera, ready to deliver another message to World Championship Wrestling. Today's topic; Goldberg. They say that Goldberg embodies everything that is wrong with the business of professional wrestling today. Goldberg is selfish, he cares only about himself and that is exactly the kind of attitude that got WCW into problems in the first place; everybody looking out for number one. When "The Three" arrives, that kind of attitude isn't going to fly any longer. They won't let people like Goldberg advance himself and his own selfish ambitions at the expense of the company and everyone in it. As far as they are concerned, Goldberg's days are numbered, because "The Three" are coming...and change is coming with them! (E+)







The second match of the night saw Rey Misterio Jr. and Shane Helms team up to take on 3 Count. This was the shortest match of the night, and 3 Count seemed like they were a step behind for most of this one. They did manage some offense, but in the end the team of Misterio and Helms was just too much as Rey picked up the win after hitting the Springboard Hurricanrana on Evan Karagias for the win.



Rey Misterio Jr. and Shane Helms defeated 3 Count at 5.39 when Rey pinned Karagias following a Springboard Hurricanrana (C-)








Following the match we cut backstage to Eric Bischoff's office where Bischoff is in the middle of a conversation with "The Chosen One" Jeff Jarrett. Bischoff says that he was very pleased with how Jarrett handled the "Goldberg problem" last week on Nitro, and he wants to see more of that. In fact, Bischoff wants Jarrett to be the one to finally break Goldberg's undefeated streak and he wants him to do it at Greed. Jarrett seems somewhat reluctant to face Goldberg one on one in the ring, but Bischoff promises him that, if he does this for him, he will be well rewarded for his efforts. Double J wants to know how well rewarded, exactly, and Bischoff says that if he beats Goldberg at Greed, he'll be set for life in WCW--he'll make sure of it. Jarrett contemplates his options for a moment, and then he cracks a smile and shakes Bischoff's hand, promising that he will indeed end Goldberg's streak at Greed. Goldberg vs. Jeff Jarrett is officially on for Greed! C+)







Back in the ring it was time for our third match of the night as Chavo Guerrero faced off against Marty Jannetty in non-title action. In what was a decent, back and forth match, it was the Cruiserweight Champion who picked up the win after hitting the Gory Bomb on Jannetty for the pinfall victory, giving Chavo a rather rare clean win.



Chavo Guerrero Jr. defeated Marty Jannetty at 9.16 by pinfall with a Gory Bomb (D+)








Following the match Chavo Guerrero Jr. grabs a mic and says that he has proven time and time again that he is the greatest Cruiserweight in the world today, and that nobody in WCW is good enough to face him. Because of that, Chavo issues an open challenge to literally anyone in the world to face him at Greed, as Chavo hopes that maybe this way he can actually find himself some decent competition, although he is not holding his breath. Who will step up to face Chavo Guerrero Jr. for the Cruiserweight Championship at Greed?









We cut to the back where the World Heavyweight Champion, Diamond Dallas Page, is seen walking when he is suddenly approached by...








The entire nWo! The nWo surrounds DDP as Konnan and Brian Adams takes up a position behind Page, while Michaels, Nash and Hall stands in front of him. Page is keenly aware of the situation he is in, yet he doesn't flinch despite being outnumbered five to one. Shawn looks at the World Title belt that is strapped around DDP's waist, and he tells Page to enjoy it while he can, because that baby is coming home to the nWo before you know it. Page steps right up to Shawn and says that he is really disappointed. Shawn Michaels was one of the greatest wrestlers of all time, but now? Now he's just another nWo thug. Page says that he has never backed down from the nWo in the past, and he is not going to start backing down now. Page braces himself for what seems like an almost inevitable beatdown...but it never comes. Instead Shawn just laughs at Page's words, saying that they don't need him to back down because once they get him in the ring they will take care of him themselves. That is, of course, unless Page loses the title to Scott Steiner at Greed. The nWo then walks off, leaving Page, along with Tony, Mike, Dusty and all of the fans, wondering just what the nWo is up to. (C+)








The fourth match of the night saw Goldberg face off against Buff Bagwell. Few people gave Buff Daddy much of a chance going into this one, but Bagwell actually wrestled a very smart match, putting distance between himself and Goldberg every time Goldberg started to build momentum. The "run away" strategy did not score him many points with the fans, however, and, in the end, it was ultimately an unsuccessful strategy as Goldberg put Bagwell away with the Spear/Jackhammer combination.



Goldberg defeated Buff Bagwell at 12.25 by pinfall with the Spear/Jackhammer combination (C+)





The match is over, but just as Goldberg goes to leave the ring....









"The Chosen One" Jeff Jarrett pops up on the big screen. Jarrett says that he is there to inform Goldberg that he is going to end his streak at Greed and there is not a damn thing Goldberg can do about it. As Goldberg watches Jarrett on the big screen, someone is suddenly seen making their way through the crowd and the person slides into the ring behind Goldberg. It's....








Jeff Jarrett?!? The announcers are confused for a moment before coming to the conclusion that what Goldberg, and everyone else, is watching on the big screen is a recording. Goldberg is completely oblivious to Jarrett's presence in the ring and....CRACK!!! Jarrett levels Goldberg with a brutal guitar shot for the second week in a row! A smiling Jeff Jarrett poses above Goldberg, pointing to his head to indicate just how smart he thinks he is for getting the better of Goldberg, while Dusty Rhodes is heard saying that he would hate to be in Jarrett's shoes when Goldberg gets his hands on him, because it's not going to be pretty. (B-)





Following a brief commercial break, Monday Nitro returns and it is time for our main event of the evening.









The match started off with Sting and Booker T cleaning house, which almost put an end to the extremely fragile alliance between Scott Steiner and Ric Flair right then and there as Steiner was obviously still pissed about Flair's actions during last week's main event. The two did manage to get somewhat on the same page, and from that point on the match was an extremely even, back and forth contest that the fans were hugely into. Sting and Booker T eventually took control of the match, isolated "The Nature Boy" from Steiner, who was quickly becoming increasingly frustrated on the apron. Flair would eventually fight his way back into the match using classic, tried and true "Nature Boy" moves like the old "thumb in the eye", and the always effective "kick below the belt when the referee isn't watching". Flair tagged in Steiner, and the momentum of the match shifted firmly in Steiner and Flair's favor.


The next several minutes of the match saw Steiner physically dominate first Booker T and then Sting, looking very much ready to challenge for the World Title. Sting eventually managed to shift the momentum back onto their side as he finally managed to slow "Big Poppa Pump" down and put an end to his rampage. It even looked like Sting was about to put Steiner away with the Scorpion Deathdrop, but Steiner managed to push Sting off, who accidentally collided with the referee, and then all hell broke loose as.....








For the second straight week The Natural Born Thrillers made their way down to the ring and, without hesitation, targeted Sting. The four on one assault was simply too much for Sting to fight off, and The Thrillers again forcibly removed Sting from the main event just like they did last week, leaving Booker T to fight Steiner and Flair on his own. With Sting being taken to the back by the Thrillers, Ric Flair nailed Booker T with a low blow, which Scott Steiner followed up with a Steiner Flatliner. Steiner then covered Booker while Flair revived the referee....1...2...3!



Scott Steiner and Ric Flair defeated Booker T and Sting at 15.38 when Steiner pinned Booker T following a Steiner Flatliner (B)





And with a shot of Scott Steiner and Ric Flair standing victorious in the ring, albeit under controversial circumstances, Monday Nitro comes to an end!





Final Show Rating: B-

TV Rating: 0.64 (new record)

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WCW Greed - The Card So Far

No predictions yet, card not yet finalized



WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Diamond Dallas Page © vs. Scott Steiner


Main Event Big Risk/Big Reward Ladder Match

Scott Hall vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. ??? vs.???


The Streak Is On The Line

Goldberg vs. Jeff Jarrett


WCW United States Championship

Kanyon © vs. Vampiro


WCW Cruiserweight Championship Open Challenge

Chavo Guerrero Jr. © vs. ???


Midcard Big Risk/Big Reward Ladder Match

Shane Helms vs. Rey Misterio Jr. vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. ??? vs.???

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Monday Nitro Preview





We are just two weeks away from Greed and this week's edition of Monday Nitro is very much about the Big Risk/Big Reward Ladder matches that will take place at Greed as three qualifying matches will take place on this week's show. The main event sees Booker T take on Sean O'Haire for a spot in the main event level Big Risk/Big Reward Ladder match, while "The British Bulldog" Davey Boy Smith faces off against "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair for a spot in that match as well, and Billy Kidman faces former heated rival Hugh Morrus for a spot in the midcard level Big Risk/Big Reward Ladder match.


Aside from these three important matches, the big talking points heading into Monday Nitro are the growing issues there seems to be between World Champion Diamond Dallas Page and the nWo. With Page set to defend his title against Scott Steiner at Greed, he cannot afford to let himself be distracted by the nWo, yet how can he not when the nWo keeps seeking him out? And speaking of Scott Steiner, "Big Poppa Pump" has looked better than ever lately, picking up back to back main event wins on the past two editions of Nitro. What will go down between these men this week? Only one way to find out.


Another major talking point is the heated rivalry between Goldberg and Jeff Jarrett. Jarrett, acting on orders from WCW owner Eric Bischoff, has left Goldberg laying on the ground two weeks in a row now, and you can be sure "The Man" will be looking to get his hands on "The Chosen One" as soon as possible rather than waiting for their one on one match at Greed.


For the past two weeks Sting has been the victim of an ambush by the Natural Born Thrillers, costing him two official defeats. This week Sting faces off against Thriller member Shawn Stastiak, but the question still remains; why has the Thrillers been targeting Sting? And will they streak of vicious attacks continue this week?


The WCW United States Champion, Kanyon, may have picked up a win against Aries last week on Nitro, but it was his challenger at Greed, Vampiro, who ended up standing tall after a brutal beatdown following the match. This week Kanyon faces the veteran Rick Steiner in a non title match, but you have to believe that the strange and, quite frankly, weird, Vampiro will have something up his sleeve for the United States Champion this week as well.


Also on the show; Sons Of The South faces off against Shane Douglas and Bam Bam Bigelow in tag team action. Will someone step up and accept Chavo Guerrero Jr.'s open challenge for a Cruiserweight Championship title match at Greed? Will we get another message from the group known only as "The Three"?


All of this and much, much more on this week's edition of WCW Monday Nitro!






Monday Nitro Card


Main Event Big Risk/Big Reward qualifier

Booker T vs. Sean O'Haire


Main Event Big Risk/Big Reward qualifier

Davey Boy Smith vs. Ric Flair


Shawn Stasiak vs. Sting


Midcard Big Risk/Big Reward qualifier

Billy Kidman vs. Hugh Morrus


Shane Douglas and Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Sons Of The South


Non Title Match

Kanyon vs. Rick Steiner

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Really enjoyed the latest Nitro,


Main Event Big Risk/Big Reward qualifier

Booker T vs. Sean O'Haire

I could see O'Haire getting into the match, but at the same time Booker would bring some serious star presence to it. So I go with him.


Main Event Big Risk/Big Reward qualifier

Davey Boy Smith vs. Ric Flair

Flair could be very fun in that.


Shawn Stasiak vs. Sting


Midcard Big Risk/Big Reward qualifier

Billy Kidman vs. Hugh Morrus

Kidman in a ladder match is money.


Shane Douglas and Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Sons Of The South

Double Threat should be on their way up the rankings.


Non Title Match

Kanyon vs. Rick Steiner

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Monday Nitro Card


Main Event Big Risk/Big Reward qualifier

Booker T vs. Sean O'Haire


Main Event Big Risk/Big Reward qualifier

Davey Boy Smith vs. Ric Flair


Shawn Stasiak vs. Sting


Midcard Big Risk/Big Reward qualifier

Billy Kidman vs. Hugh Morrus


Shane Douglas and Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Sons Of The South


Non Title Match

Kanyon vs. Rick Steiner

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