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WCW Slamboree 2002 - The card so far

(no predictions yet, card not yet finalized)





WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Shawn Michaels © vs. Diamond Dallas Page


Sting vs. Kevin Nash


WCW Tag Team Championship

The Impact Players © vs. Sons Of The South

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After a bit of a delay I finally got around to going over last month's prediction contest results and they are as follows;


The winner of last month's contest is.....


Beejus with 25 hits.


Congratulations to Beejus who, once again, managed to win, but it was once again very close.


Henderson and Mackem both had 24 hits.


The Lloyd had 20 hits.


All four predicted on all five shows during the past month, so thank you all for that! :)


Crackerjack had 19 hits.


Thebest2127 had 5 hits



Thanks to all of you for taking part in this, as always I really appreciate it.


Beejus will be receiving his prize for winning the contest within the next few days, and considering how close it was this time around I have decided that Henderson, Mackem and The Lloyd all will be receiving bonus prizes as well since they all predicted on all five shows. Expect them within the next few days as well.

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Monday Nitro Card




Diamond Dallas Page vs. Sting


Two on one handicap match

The Outsiders vs. Kanyon


Shane Douglas vs. Rey Misterio Jr.


John Cena vs. Dusty Rhodes


Sons of the South vs. The Natural Born Thrillers (Mark Jindrak and Shawn Stasiak)

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Yay for prizes!!


Monday Nitro Card


Diamond Dallas Page vs. Sting

- Draw. The NWO gets involved and Sting & DDP team together.


Two on one handicap match

The Outsiders vs. Kanyon


Shane Douglas vs. Rey Misterio Jr.

- On his way to fighting Kidman at the PPV


John Cena vs. Dusty Rhodes

- His stablemates help him out.


Sons of the South vs. The Natural Born Thrillers (Mark Jindrak and Shawn Stasiak)

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YESSS!!!! Love a prize :D thanks man :D


Diamond Dallas Page vs. Sting


Two on one handicap match

The Outsiders vs. Kanyon


Shane Douglas vs. Rey Misterio Jr.


John Cena vs. Dusty Rhodes


Sons of the South vs. The Natural Born Thrillers (Mark Jindrak and Shawn Stasiak)

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Very cool to see you gain a new record for your rating! That must mean you're doing things right! :D


Diamond Dallas Page vs. Sting

nWo to attack both men, causing a no contest.


Two on one handicap match

The Outsiders vs. Kanyon

Wow, can really tell that Uncle Eric is back in charge!


Shane Douglas vs. Rey Misterio Jr.

Rey is just treading water, while Shane has just started a really interesting storyline.


John Cena vs. Dusty Rhodes


Sons of the South vs. The Natural Born Thrillers (Mark Jindrak and Shawn Stasiak)

As much as I do like Jindrak, Stasiak is chaff.

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Week 2, May, 2002

Live from Moby Arena in Fort Collins, Colorado

Attendance: 8.745 (sellout)









As Monday Nitro hits the air we do so with WCW owner Eric Bischoff already standing in the ring with a mic in his hand. He says that ever since the card for tonight's show was announced he has heard nothing but people complaining about him being biased and favoring the nWo, but the only thing he favors is what's best for WCW and right now the numbers simply don't lie; the nWo is what's best for WCW. TV ratings and attendance, pay per view buys and attendance....the numbers are up across the board because people want to see the nWo and they want to see the greatest wrestler alive today; the reigning WCW World Heavyweight Champion Shawn Michaels. Bischoff says that tonight is all about making sure that people understand that bad things happens when you cross the boss. Diamond Dallas Page, Sting and Kanyon are in the situation they are in tonight because of their own actions and their own choices. And when all it said and done tonight, Bischoff is confident that they will all have realized the error of their ways. (C+)




As Bischoff's music hits and the owner of WCW leaves the ring, we head to the announce table and Tony Schiavone and Mike Tenay.









Tony welcomes everyone to the show and says that Nitro is already off to a hot start with Eric Bischoff's message. Tony then asks Mike his thoughts about Bischoff's statement and Mike Tenay says that Bischoff just confirmed what they already suspected; that he is firmly in the corner of the nWo. Tony and Mike both discuss what that will mean for WCW going forward, especially for guys like DDP, Sting and Kanyon, but also for the rest of the locker room in general and both men agree that Bischoff's bias toward the nWo, contrary to Bischoff's own words, is not going to be what is best for WCW. We then head back to the ring for the first match of the night.







The opening contest saw the number one contenders for the Tag Team Titles, Sons of the South, taking on two members of the Natural Born Thrillers in Mark Jindrak and Shawn Stasiak, who came down to the ring alone. Jindrak and Stasiak held their own in this one as it was an even match, but in the end Sons of the South shoved why they are the ones getting a shot at the Tag Team Titles at Slamboree as Dustin Rhodes pinned Shawn Stasiak for the win following a Flying Lariat.



Sons of the South defeated Mark Jindrak and Shawn Stasiak at 9.39 by pinfall when Rhodes pinned Stasiak following a Flying Lariat (D+)






Dustin Rhodes and BG James are celebrating their win in the ring as Tony and Mike talk about the big win the team just picked up on their way to getting another shot at the Impact Players at Slamboree. But then....






Lance Storm and Mike Awesome suddenly hits the ring and they ambush Rhodes and James before they have time to react. The Tag Team Champions beats the number one contenders down, and then Ted DiBiase makes his way down to the ring carrying the Tag Team Title belts. DiBiase hands one title to Lance Storm and the other to Mike Awesome and then the Impact Players stand tall in the ring, having once again used the element of surprise to their advantage. Ted DiBiase smiles at the camera and says that "you are looking at the greatest tag team in the business today" while the sell-out crowd in attendance shovers the champions with boos. (C-)








In the back, "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair is with the Natural Born Thrillers minus Mark Jindrak and Shawn Stasiak. Naitch is in the middle of giving them a peptalk as he talks about how they are all future stars in this business and how nothing and nobody can stand in their way as long as they keep listening to him and learning from him. He says that Jindrak and Stasiak may have lost to Sons of the South tonight, but it is only a matter of time before it is the Thrillers who will be challenging for the Tag Team Titles. Flair promises them all that there is going to be big things in their future, all they have to do is trust him. (D)









Elsewhere in the back we see Dusty Rhodes walking down a hallway as Tony Schiavone informs us that Dusty's match against John Cena will be coming up shortly. Tony and Mike both agree that Eric Bischoff was out of line when he made this match since Dusty is no longer an active wrestler, and that the match, just like Kanyon's handicap match later tonight, is nothing but a punishment.






Dusty is suddenly stopped by none other than his own son, Dustin Rhodes, who still looks a bit worse for wear following the attack earlier by the Impact Players. Dustin tries to discourage Dusty from competing in the ring tonight, but Dusty says he has no choice and that the last thing he wants is for Dustin to put himself at odds with Eric Bischoff. Dustin seems to want to continue the discussion, but Dusty tells him not to worry and that his "old man" can take care of himself. Dusty then walks off, leaving Dustin with a look of concern on his face. (D+)







This one started off with Dusty and Cena both standing in the ring waiting for the bell to sound, but then....






Eric Bischoff's music suddenly hit and the owner walked out from the back to boos from the crowd. Bischoff said that he'd had a last minute change of heart and that he couldn't possibly allow this match to go on like this...after all, it was hardly fair to the other members of "The Three" that John Cena should get to have all the fun! Bischoff then announced that he was officially turning the match into a three on one handicap match!






It was always going to be a tough night for Dusty Rhodes, but with the match being turned into a handicap match this was nothing more than a three on one beatdown that mercifully ended rather quickly as "The Three" put Dusty away with a spike piledriver for the win.



The Three defeated Dusty Rhodes at 3.34 by pinfall following a spike piledriver (E+)




The match is over and Tony and Mike both complain passionately about what their usual broadcast partner Dusty Rhodes just went through in the ring, with Tony asking out loud if Eric Bischoff is now proud of himself? We the head to the back where Joey Styles is standing by with "The Cat" Ernest Miller.








Joey talks about the war that has raged during the past weeks between "The Cat" and Hugh Morrus and he asks "The Cat" about his thoughts on the brutality. "The Cat" refers to Hugh Morrus as an overgrown ape and says that he doesn't care how unhappy Morrus is about his bad luck at Greed because Morrus knew the rules of the match going in just like everybody else did. "The Cat" says that luck was on his side at Greed and Hugh Morrus just needs to get over that.






Hugh Morrus then suddenly comes flying into the camera's view, attacking "The Cat" yet again and the two proceed to brawl around the backstage area again until they are finally forced apart by a large number of staff members as Tony is heard remarking that the situation between these two men is entirely out of control. (D+)








Elsewhere in the back Goldberg, who missed last week's Nitro due to the after effects of his battle against El Mesías at Spring Stampede, is seen entering Eric Bischoff's office. The owner of WCW is not alone however as...






Both Scott Steiner and Jeff Jarrett are there as well, but that doesn't even seem to faze Goldberg in the slightest. Goldberg makes it clear that he wants another match against El Mesías, and Bischoff says that, while he would normally be disinclined to give Goldberg anything that he actually wanted, he is tempted to make an exception this time as he would love nothing more than to see Mesías finish what he started at Spring Stampede. Bischoff says that he will give Goldberg his rematch at Slamboree, but this time it is not going to end is a silly disqualification because it is going to be a no holds barred, everything goes kind of a match that can only end by pinfall and submission. This also doesn't seem to faze Goldberg, who actually seems happy with the decision, but as Goldberg leaves, Bischoff turns to Steiner and Jarrett and starts whispering instructions to them but the camera cuts away before we can actually hear what he says. (B-)







Back in the ring Rey Misterio Jr. faced off against Shane Douglas in one on one action. It was a solid match and both men got their share of offense in as the momentum swung back and forth throughout, but the longer the match went on the more frustrated Shane Douglas seemed to become as he was desperate to put an end to his losing streak.






Billy Kidman and Torrie Wilson suddenly made their way down to ringside to watch the match and cheer Rey Misterio on, and that served as a huge distraction for Shane Douglas. So much so that it eventually helped Rey pick up the win as he caught Douglas with a surprise rollup while Douglas' attention was on Kidman and Torrie at ringside.



Rey Misterio Jr. defeated Shane Douglas at 9.46 by pinfall with a surprise rollup while Douglas was distracted by Kidman and Torrie (C-)




Shane Douglas cannot believe what just happened and Billy Kidman and Torrie Wilson are all smiles as they head to the back along with Rey Misterio Jr. Tony and Mike wonders how Shane Douglas will react to this, especially given his recently expressed desire to have Torrie as a manager again. We then head to the back where there is apparently some kind of commotion....







The "commotion" turns out to be Scott Steiner and Jeff Jarrett attacking Goldberg as Tony and Mike quickly agree that this was what Eric Bischoff instructed them to do earlier. Goldberg is fighting with everything he's got, but he is outnumbered and still feeling the effects of his match against El Mesías at Spring Stampede, and Steiner and Jarrett eventually gain the upper hand. They beat Goldberg down and finish off the attack by driving Goldberg back first in the wall several times until he finally stops trying to get back to his feet. As Steiner and Jarrett walks off, Tony and Mike wonder how long it will take for Bischoff to finally let go of the grudge he has against Goldberg because, quite frankly, it is getting out of hand to the point of ridiculousness. (B)







Elsewhere in the back, the two men who will be facing each other in tonight's main event, Sting and Diamond Dallas Page, are seen talking. They both agree that they are going to go out there and have a great match tonight, but they also agree to have each other's back no matter what because they are both convinced that the nWo is going to show up at some point. Sting says that right now they can only really trust each other and Kanyon, so they need to stick together. DDP agrees, saying that he knows the nWo will do anything and everything to gain an advantage heading into Slamboree, and it is up to them to make sure they are ready for them. (B)




As we cut back to ringside we do so to the sound of the nWo theme blasting through the speakers.








As Kevin Nash and Scott Hall makes their way down to the ring, Tony and Mike talk about the upcoming handicap match which Eric Bischoff booked solely because Kanyon decided to help Sting and Diamond Dallas Page last week on Monday Nitro and once again, just like with Dusty Rhodes earlier, this match is nothing but a punishment for Kanyon. Once the Outsiders are in the ring, Kevin Nash gets on the mic. Nash says that he has a little message for Kanyon, but he'd much rather give it to him in person so he tells Kanyon to come on down to the ring.








The United States Champion comes down to the ring to a great reaction from the crowd, something which Nash and Hall chooses simply to mock. Kanyon enters the ring without hesitation, despite the bad odds he is facing, which Tony and Mike compliment him on, saying that Kanyon is the kind of guy who doesn't back down from anyone or anything. With Kanyon in the ring, Nash says that he's got a message from Bischoff; if Kanyon loses the match tonight, he will be banned from engaging in any kind of physical contact with any member of the nWo outside of a match situation. Also, if Kanyon loses tonight, he'll be defending his United States Championship next week on Nitro as well. Nash then drops the mic and Tony and Mike quickly discuss the announcements just made by "Big Sexy", saying that this is simply Bischoff and the nWo trying to stack the deck in their favor; right now it's Michaels, Nash and Hall for the nWo, and DDP, Sting and Kanyon on the other side. But if Kanyon loses tonight, the nWo will have a three on two advantage in the war, which is, of course, exactly what they want to happen. (C+)







As soon as the bell sounded in this one Kanyon was on the offensive, catching the Outsiders off guard with his early aggression. Kanyon looked great for a while, but the numbers game eventually caught up with him and the Outsiders began to dominate the match, taking their time and even toying with Kanyon at times. The Outsiders' cockiness almost became their downfall on more than one occasion, however, as Kanyon never stopped fighting and every time he saw an opening he went for it. In the end, despite a heroic effort from the United States Champion, it was the Outsiders who picked up the win after Kanyon almost stole it by catching Scott Hall off guard in a rollup for a near fall, but a Jackknife Powerbomb from Kevin Nash put the final nail in the coffin for Kanyon in this one.



The Outsiders defeated Kanyon at 12.08 by pinfall when Nash pinned Kanyon following a Jackknife Powerbomb (B)



With the match over, Mike and Tony quickly remind everyone of what the result of the match means; not only is Kanyon now unable to engage in any kind of physical contact with the nWo outside of a match situation, meaning that he can't fight them unless it is in a match, but he also has to defend his US Title next week on Nitro against a yet to be announced opponent. Tony and Mike both agree that it is a "damn shame" that Kanyon is being punished like this simply for doing the right thing last week on Nitro, and then Nitro cuts to commercials.








As Nitro returns from commercials we do so with Eric Bischoff standing at the top of the ramp, ready to make another surprise announcement. Bischoff says that the main event is coming up next, but first he would like to introduce the man he has handpicked to be the special guest referee for the match....








Shawn Michaels!!!! As Michaels makes his way down to the ring wearing a referee shirt, Tony Schiavone is heard saying that "this is absolutely ridiculous", and Mike Tenay is quick to agree with that statement. (B-)







Neither Sting nor Diamond Dallas Page seemed particularly happy with Shawn Michaels being named the guest referee, but at the same time neither man seemed particularly surprised either. The match itself was just as good as you would expect it to be when you put two of WCW's top stars in the ring against each other. It all started off with a handshake and from that point on these two men showed the world what a main event between two competitors who had nothing but respect for each other looked like. The match went back and forth throughout, and despite Shawn Michaels' best efforts to influence the match he really was not much of a factor at all because neither Sting nor DDP had any interest in screwing each other over. The longer the match went on, the more apparent that became and the more annoying Shawn Michaels seemed to become. What happened in the end, however, came as a surprise to pretty much no one in the building as....






Kevin Nash and Scott Hall made their way down to the ring and attacked both Sting and DDP, proving an unworthy ending to an otherwise great match.



No contest at 13.30 when the nWo interfered and attacked both men (B)







A huge brawl between the nWo and Sting and Diamond Dallas Page unfolds in the ring, and while DDP and Sting hold their own for a while, the numbers game eventually catches up with them and Tony and Mike both comment on the fact that this is exactly why Bischoff made the stipulation he did in Kanyon's match earlier tonight; to give the nWo the numbers advantage. With Kanyon out of the picture, and with Goldberg seemingly not interested, who is left to even the odds?



And with that very good question hanging in the air, Monday Nitro comes to an end.





Final Show Rating: B

TV Rating: 0.73 (new record)

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Well done, enjoyed Nitro, but I'll be happy when someone can give it back to the NWO. Interested to see who you have come to the aid of Sting, DDP, and Kanyon. Hopefully you also go a little more into Goldberg not helping out and possibly have a confrontation with him between DDP and Sting.
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Well done, enjoyed Nitro, but I'll be happy when someone can give it back to the NWO. Interested to see who you have come to the aid of Sting, DDP, and Kanyon. Hopefully you also go a little more into Goldberg not helping out and possibly have a confrontation with him between DDP and Sting.


Not going to go into too many details just yet but the Goldberg/DDP/Sting situation will definitely be addressed :)


Other than the Rey/Douglas match it was a very dark/heels on top episode of Nitro. Good building episode I thought.


I actually didn't even think about it until you brought it up, but it was indeed a bit heel heavy in terms of success. Glad you liked it though :)

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Monday Nitro Card




Diamond Dallas Page and Sting vs. KroniK


Ric Flair, Jeff Jarrett and Scott Steiner vs. Filthy Animals (Kidman and Misterio) and Ernest Miller


WCW United States Championship

Kanyon © vs. Vampiro


BG James vs. Mike Awesome


El Mesías vs. Jushin Thunder Liger

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Good writeup for Nitro, the Kliq World Order is in full swing as they take Kanyon out of the equation and leave the faces laying.


Diamond Dallas Page and Sting vs. KroniK


Ric Flair, Jeff Jarrett and Scott Steiner vs. Filthy Animals (Kidman and Misterio) and Ernest Miller


WCW United States Championship

Kanyon © vs. Vampiro

I would hope that you aren't just "done" with Kanyon. It's enough that he's out of the main storyline, but if he loses the title too, he could be on a serious downswing.


BG James vs. Mike Awesome


El Mesías vs. Jushin Thunder Liger

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Week 3, May, 2002

Live from the Norris-Penrose Stadium in Colorado Springs, Colorado

Attendance: 10.000 (sellout)





This week's edition of WCW Monday Nitro kicks off with a recap of last week's events with The Outsiders defeating Kanyon in a handicap match to ensure that Kanyon can now only put his hands on members of the nWo in a match situation, as well as the main event of last week's show when the nWo interrupted a great matchup between Diamond Dallas Page and Sting and left both men lying as the nWo stood tall to finish the show.








We then head to the announce table where Tony Schiavone and Mike Tenay are flying "solo" so to speak as Dusty Rhodes is at home recuperating following the three on one handicap match he was forced to participate in last week against "The Three" thanks to Eric Bischoff. Tony welcomes everyone to the show and talks about the major highlights of tonight's show, mainly the main event tag team match as Diamond Dallas Page and Sting teams up to take on the two time WCW Tag Team Champions, KroniK, and also about Kanyon's United States Championship title defense against Vampiro--a match that was booked as a direct result of Kanyon losing to the Outsiders last week on Nitro. We then head down to the ring for the opening match of the night.







Very few people have had any kind of success against El Mesías so far in WCW and even though Jushin Thunder Liger managed to make more of a fight of it than Sabu did two weeks ago, it was only a matter of time before El Mesías put Liger away with the Mesías Driver for another impressive and dominant victory.



El Mesías defeated Jushin Thunder Liger at 6.49 by pinfall with a Mesías Driver (D+)




As soon as the match is over we immediately head to the back where...









Goldberg is being restrained by a large number of security guards--by order of Eric Bischoff, of course. Goldberg is yelling that he wants to go out there and get his hands on Mesías, but Bischoff says that's not going to happen. After all, what kind of boss would he be if he just allowed his employees to brutally attack each other like that? The cocky, arrogant grin on the WCW owner's face just serves to infuriate Goldberg even more, but Bischoff warns him that if he causes trouble one more time tonight he will be thrown out of the building! The issue hardly seems to be solved here, but we still cut away to elsewhere in the back where.... (B-)








Sons of the South are seen walking up to "The Three". The five men stare at each other for a few moments before Dustin Rhodes puts them on notice that he saw what they did to his father, Dusty, last week on Nitro and he's not ever going to forget it--and he is going to make sure that "The Three" never forget it either. There is a long and intense staredown between the five men and for a moment it seems as though the situation is about to explode, but then John Cena, Samoa Joe and Ken Anderson all just turn and walk away, leaving Rhodes and James looking somewhat perplexed. James is then heard saying that he better head to the ring because his match is coming up next. (D-)








But before we head back to the ring we cut to yet another place in the backstage area where the WCW Cruiserweight Champion, Chavo Guerrero Jr., is standing by. With his Cruiserweight Championship proudly displayed on his left shoulder, Chavo says that he has beaten everyone there is to beat in the Cruiserweight division. Kidman, Helms, Liger, Sabu....he's beaten them all, and with the greatest of ease! Chavo once again proclaims himself to be the greatest cruiserweight in the business today, and proceeds to issue an open challenge to anyone in the world--not just WCW, but the entire world--to step up and face him at Slamboree with the Cruiserweight Championship on the line! Why? Because that is how confident he is in his own abilities. Chavo says he can't wait to see who, if any, has the guts to step up and face him. Not that it's going to matter in the end because no matter who it is they will come up short just like everyone else who has gone up against him. (D)







Back in the ring it was time for our second match of the night as BG James faced off against Mike Awesome. These two men will be facing off at Slamboree with the Tag Team Titles on the line and this was an excellent opportunity for one team to get the upper hand heading into the pay per view, but with both Lance Storm and Dustin Rhodes at ringside it seemed only a matter of time before things would break down--and they did. After a back and forth match where Awesome utilized his size and strength advantage to dominate early on, but where BG James made a spirited comeback towards the end of it, the match came to an end when Dustin Rhodes and Lance Storm were going at it at ringside while....






"The Three" made their way down to the ring. Ken Anderson distracted the referee while Samoa Joe entered the ring and hit a nasty looking Muscle Buster on BG James, making him easy pickings for Mike Awesome who followed up with an Awesome Bomb to pick up the win.



Mike Awesome defeated BG James at 10.57 by pinfall with an Awesome Bomb after "The Three" interfered ©




Following the match we head to the announce table where Tony and Mike are discussing what just took place in the ring. They both agree that the attack by "The Three" was no doubt caused by Dustin Rhodes and BG James confronting "The Three" earlier tonight, but they also agree that "The Three" had no business getting involved in the match. Tony is also heard wondering out loud what this will mean for Sons Of The South, who not only have to contend with The Impact Players, but with "The Three" as well apparently. We then to the backstage area....








More specifically to the nWo locker room where all three nWo members are seen relaxing comfortably as they discuss Sting and DDP's match later tonight, all of them clearly pleased that they have the night off while Sting and DDP are once again forced to compete in the ring. The World Heavyweight Champion, Shawn Michaels, says that he wonders if Sting and DDP will ever learn. They get knocked down every single time they step up, and now that Kanyon has been taken care of there is nobody left to watch their backs. It's two of them and three of the nWo, and they are never going to be able to beat those odds. Kevin Nash says that he's known both men for years and, no, they probably won't ever learn, and Scott Hall adds that he kind of hopes that they don't because it's fun beating them like the chumps they are. As the nWo continues relaxing in their locker room, we head back to the ring as Tony informs us that it is time for the WCW United States Championship title match. (B-)





WCW United States Championship







As this one got underway Tony informed us that he had just been told that the winner of this match will go on to defend the United States Championship at Slamboree against the two other men who were involved in the US Title match at Spring Stampede, Rey Misterio Jr. and Sean O'Haire. This was also a one night only revival of the recent issues between Kanyon and Vampiro and Vampiro took control of the match early on, using a couple of well-timed distractions by Aries and Daffney at ringside to catch the champion off guard. In fact, Aries and Daffney were a constant source of distraction for Kanyon throughout this match, and every time it started to look like Kanyon was gaining the upper hand, Vampiro would capitalize on one of these distractions to regain control of the match. In the end Vampiro went to the well one too many times as an attempted distraction by Aries lulled Vampiro into a false sense of security--one that left him completely unprepared for the Kanyon Cutter that Kanyon pulled out from out of nowhere, connecting perfectly with the move and picking up the win.



Kanyon defeated Vampiro at 11.18 by pinfall with a Kanyon Cutter. Kanyon retains the WCW United States Championship ©







Following Kanyon's successful title defense we cut backstage where a frustrated looking Goldberg is seen pacing back and forth when....






Diamond Dallas Page and Sting suddenly walks up to him. Goldberg barely even acknowledges their presence, and DDP finally breaks the silence by saying that they could use Goldberg out there on the front lines. Sting says that Goldberg has as many issues with Eric Bischoff as they do, so it makes sense for them to watch each other's backs. Goldberg just scoffs and says that they just want him to help them win the World Title, but he's not on anybody's side by his own. DDP is about to say something but Goldberg cuts him off, saying that Page had no problem taking the World Heavyweight Championship from his own teammate at War Games and not once did he ever go to Eric Bischoff and ask to defend the title against him. As far as Goldberg is concerned, that says all he needs to know about DDP and his intentions. Sting says that Goldberg knows full well that Bischoff would never have agreed to give him a title match, but Goldberg just blows him off, saying that he'll take care of things on his own and he'll destroy anyone who gets in his way--no matter who it is....


An intense staredown the ensues between the three men as we head back to ringside. (B)







Back in the ring it was time for a huge six man tag team match as Scott Steiner, Ric Flair and Jeff Jarrett faced off against "The Cat" Ernest Miller, Billy Kidman and Rey Misterio Jr. It was a huge opportunity for "The Cat", Rey and Kidman to really send a message to the WCW locker room if they could manage to pick up a win here, and they came out swinging from the get go. The speed and quickness of Misterio and Kidman combined with the lethal kicks of "The Cat" made for an excellent combination that gave "The Chosen One" no shortage of problems early on in this one. Steiner, Jarrett and Flair would eventually fight their way back into the match, either by bending or breaking the rules, or simply by "Big Poppa Pump" overpowering his opponents. In the end this one broke down completely and all six men were going at it--and even Torrie and Cheerleader Melissa were going at it at ringside. But things would only get more chaotic as....






"The Franchise" Shane Douglas came down to the ring, apparently looking to help Torrie in her fight against Melissa as he attempted to seperate the pair. But while that was going on...






The insane Hugh Morrus made his way down to ringside as well and his intentions were anything but helpful as he immediately went after "The Cat", just as he has done so many times over the past month or so. With chaos everywhere and the referee having completely lost control, Jeff Jarrett ended up alone in the ring with Billy Kidman, who he put away with the Stroke for the win.



Jeff Jarrett, Scott Steiner and Ric Flair defeated Billy Kidman, Rey Misterio Jr. and Ernest Miller at 11.50 by pinfall when Jarrett pinned Kidman following the Stroke (C+)









While the chaotic scene gets sorted out in the ring, a brief video plays hyping up the Slamboree main event as Shawn Michaels defends the WCW World Heavyweight Championship against Diamond Dallas Page. Tony and Mike briefly talk about the match, saying that the two had such a tremendous match at Spring Stampede, but they can't help but think that Nash and Hall are going to get involved in someway, and that it is a shame that Michaels and DDP won't get to walk into this match on even terms because of Eric Bischoff's booking. (B)



Speaking of Eric Bischoff's booking, it is now time for tonight's main event!







As the main event got underway Tony and Mike talked about how KroniK was basically out there to do Eric Bischoff's and the nWo's dirty work, wearing down DDP and Sting before their matches against the nWo at Slamboree. On the other hand it was also a huge opportunity for KroniK as a win against Sting and DDP would do wonders for their careers, and the former two time tag team champions certainly came out motivated. It was obvious that DDP and Sting were looking to end this one early, but KroniK's tag team experience helped them deliver a strong effort here tonight against two of the biggest stars in the business as the momentum swung back and forth until KroniK managed to isolate DDP for several minutes, utilizing frequent tags to wear DDP down. Page would eventually fight back and make the hot tag to Sting, who came in hot and went to work. In the end, Diamond Dallas Page picked up the win for his team, hitting the Diamond Cutter on Bryan Clark to pick up the win while Sting ensured that Brian Adams wasn't able to break up the pin.



Diamond Dallas Page and Sting defeated KroniK at 13.06 by pinfall when DDP pinned Clark following a Diamond Cutter (B-)








Diamond Dallas Page and Sting stands victorious in the ring, having successfully overcome the most recent obstacle that Eric Bischoff has put in their path on their way to Slamboree, when the entire arena suddenly goes black and white and the nWo music starts blasting through the speakers....








As the nWo slowly makes their way out from the back and DDP and Sting readies themselves in the ring, Tony talks about a feeling of deja vu as this is exactly what happened last week on Nitro as well. The nWo stops at the top of the entrance ramp as Shawn Michaels, flanked by Nash and Hall, is handed a mic. Shawn says that Sting and DDP needs to take a good, long, hard look at what's coming for them right now. Not just one, not just two but THREE of the best and baddest people to ever set foot in a wrestling ring. He says that no matter how hard they fight and no matter how hard they try, the fact remains that Sting and DDP will never be able to change the fact that there's two of them...and three of the nWo. And when those three are Shawn Michaels, Kevin Nash and Scott Hall...then three will always prevail against two. Shawn then drops the mic and all three nWo members huddle together to, apparently, discuss strategy. A few seconds later they break the huddle and slowly start making their way toward the ring, where Sting and DDP looks more than ready for another fight with the nWo.


Michaels, Hall and Nash spread out to cover three of the four sides of the ring, making it impossible for Sting and DDP in the ring to cover all of them at once as Tony and Mike talk about how this is exactly what happened last week all over again. The three nWo members hit the ring at exactly the same time again and, just like last week, Sting and DDP are holding their own as DDP meets Shawn Michaels and Sting is on Nash before he can even enter the ring. But, also just like last week, the numbers game catches up to them again as Scott Hall attacks Sting from behind and from there it is all nWo again. The three on two beatdown continues for a while, and then Scott Hall hits the Outsiders Edge on DDP while Kevin Nash hits the Jackknife Powerbomb on Sting at the same time, and the nWo stands tall in the ring.


And with a shot of Nash and Hall doing the "nWo sideways point thing" toward Shawn Michaels as Shawn raises the WCW World Heavyweight Championship high above his head another edition of WCW Monday Nitro comes to an end! (B)




Final Show Rating: B-

TV Rating: 0.73

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