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WCW 1997 - Putting the ship right

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From: Young Arena, Waterloo, Iowa

Attendance: 3,000







http://i881.photobucket.com/albums/ac19/solidliquid777/Roster/Glacier.jpg vs. http://i881.photobucket.com/albums/ac19/solidliquid777/Roster/Lance_Storm.jpg


Glacier vs. Lance Storm


We open up Saturday Night with a match with men who love to kick and lots what we get, lots of kicking. Storm pulls out some more impressive moves but Glacier struggles out there. Storm finishes him off with Superkick


Winner: Lance Storm by pinfall at 4:48

Grade: D-



We get a mysterious video next. In the background, we hear the distorted sounds of carnage. What sounds like a medley of wrestling action and real life carnage. A caption appears on screen. "Destruction is coming ... soon." The final shot as we fade to black is of an abandoned warehouse in the distance.

Grade: D


http://i881.photobucket.com/albums/ac19/solidliquid777/Roster/Bobby_Eaton.jpg vs. http://i881.photobucket.com/albums/ac19/solidliquid777/Roster/Lenny_Lane.jpg

Bobby Eaton vs. Lenny Lane


Bobby Eaton was keen to sustain his recent run of good momentum, as he set out to prove he was still a top level competitor despite his senior age. He had a plucky young rookie in the form of Lenny Lane to prove his recent claims that he deserves better. He certainly put on a good showing completely outwrestling Lane and controlling the match putting on a technical showpiece before finishing him off with an Alabama Jam.


Winner: Bobby Eaton by pinfall at 4:54

Grade: D-



We cut back to ringside and Schiavone and Heenan, who hype the man we are going to see in the next match. Acclaiming him to be one of the top free agents in professional wrestling and having recently been wrestling in Japan. Heenan asks who is this man and Schiavone says his name is Rob... Van... Dam.




Grade: D+


http://i881.photobucket.com/albums/ac19/solidliquid777/Roster/Steve_McMichael.jpg vs. http://i881.photobucket.com/albums/ac19/solidliquid777/Roster/Rob_Van_Dam.jpg


Steve McMichael vs. Rob Van Dam


Poor Mongo, he was clearly unprepared for the debuting Van Dam. Tenay talked up RVD's credentials, mentioning his international matches and in particular his amazing blur of martial arts and high-flying. RVD was eagerly showing off what he could do hitting a few of his signature spots before culminating with a picture perfect Frog Splash for the three count. This was a good showing for the debutant against a limited opponent and was even rated as a better match than the one between Mongo and Goldberg.


Winner: Rob Van Dam by pinfall at 6:43

Grade: D



WCW World Television Championship


http://i881.photobucket.com/albums/ac19/solidliquid777/Roster/Fit_Finlay.jpg vs. http://i881.photobucket.com/albums/ac19/solidliquid777/Roster/Steven_Regal.jpg

Fit Finlay vs. Steven Regal [c]


The first of two title matches on a packed card showing why WCW Saturday Night is the second best wrestling show on TV right now (after WCW Nitro of course). The champion and Regal put on a solid showing utilising the full range of the European style. Regal however was the man who exited the match with the Television title still around his waist, following an amazing exploder suplex and a pin.


Winner: Steven Regal by pinfall at 7:43

Steven Regal makes defence number 4 of his Television Championship

Grade: C-



We cut backstage to the office of JJ Dillon as the door bursts open. Chris Jericho enters the office and points at the TV monitor showing Regal celebrating with his WCW TV title. Jericho claims that he should be TV champion and Dillon knows it. He was screwed at Souled Out when Regal cheated to retain his title. He calls Dillon old and out of touch, claiming he barely knows half the wrestlers and got him and Benoit mixed up earlier. This was borderline heelish Jericho but it was clearly just the passion in his quest to show that Cruiserweights can hang with the big boys. Dillon eventually states Jericho can have a title match for the WCW TV Title at Superbrawl VIII. Jericho smiles at this but Dillon continues if... he beats Buff Bagwell tonight, and there match is up next! Jericho leaves Dillon's office to head towards the ring.

Grade: D+



The camera follows Jericho for a while until the sounds of arguing can be heard. The camera finds the source of the commotion is Eddy Guerrero and Rey Misterio Jr. The two are heard arguing in Spanish with Eddy getting in Rey's face. Our commentators don't translate their choice words but giving the censoring its safe to assume these two don't get alone. Guerrero slaps Misterio and the two get into a brawl which is quickly pulled apart by a swarm of security lead by Doug Dillinger. These two are still mouthing off to each other as they are dragged apart.

Grade: D



Buff Bagwell vs. Chris Jericho


Chris Jericho had a lot to prove in this match Bagwell was a topped rated WCW talent before jumping ship to the nWo who have since ditched him. Jericho obviously has a big task ahead of him in this one. The Lionheart fought valiantly against a much more experienced opponent, with Bagwell being in control for most of the match. The finish came when Jericho dodged an attempted Buff Blockbuster and then hit a Lionsault on the prone Bagwell for the three. Jericho was clearly happy with his win as he headed to the back.


Winner: Chris Jericho by pinfall at 7:38

Grade: C



We cut backstage to the newest nWo member Scott Steiner. He cuts a rambling but intriguing promo on his brother Rick Steiner and Davey Boy Smith. Promising that he will prove why he is genetically "superious" to little Ricky. He calls Davey a runt of a tag team too. His wrath then turns to his nWo alumnus Curt Hennig. He says regardless of their friendship The Big Bad Booty Daddy only cares for one thing and that's The Big Bad Booty Daddy. So if it comes down to just Scott and Hennig, The Superior Steiner will win his first solo title.

Grade: C


http://i881.photobucket.com/albums/ac19/solidliquid777/Roster/Davey_Boy_Smith.jpg vs. http://i881.photobucket.com/albums/ac19/solidliquid777/Roster/Disco_Inferno.jpg

Davey Boy Smith vs. Disco Inferno


Davey Boy picked up a decent win here tonight. In a short match he had some decent action against Disco Enthusiast Disco Inferno, who broke a couple of dance moves at the start of the contest. Unfortunately, he was swiftly decked by Smith who dominated most of the match eventually winning with a Running Powerslam.


Winner: Davey Boy Smith by pinfall at 6:50

Grade: C-



We get a hype video for the WCW rising star Bill Goldberg. It highlights him laying waste to the likes of Mortis, Buff Bagwell and Alex Wright. It finishes with Goldberg's face snarling menacingly "Who's Next?"

Grade: B


. http://i881.photobucket.com/albums/ac19/solidliquid777/Roster/Dean_Malenko.jpg vs. http://i881.photobucket.com/albums/ac19/solidliquid777/Roster/Scott_Steiner2.jpg

Dean Malenko vs. Scott Steiner


Our semi-main event tonight was a match filled with solid in ring action. Malenko as expected used his technical experitise to try and out wrestle Steiner and Steiner clobbered him repeatedly. Despite Malenko's best efforts he was unable to build up the mommentum to beat Steiner. The Big Bad Booty Daddy finished him off with a release German Suplex and a pin.


Winner: Scott Steiner by pinfall at 8:09

Grade: C+



Post match we cut backstage to Rick Steiner watching his brother's match on a monitor. He turns to the camera and cuts a promo on his brother, saying they were still family but Rick is going to beat Scott's traitor ass all over Miami, Florida and not only that he'll win the United States Title too.

Grade: C-


WCW United States Heavyweight Championship



http://i881.photobucket.com/albums/ac19/solidliquid777/Roster/Chris_Benoit.jpg vs. http://i881.photobucket.com/albums/ac19/solidliquid777/Roster/Curt_Hennig.jpg w/http://i881.photobucket.com/albums/ac19/solidliquid777/Roster/Rick_Rude.jpg


Chris Benoit vs. Curt Hennig [c] w/ Rick Rude


WCW Saturday Night concludes with a blockbuster Championship defence. The US Champion is currently the longest reigning champion in WCW having held the belt since September last year. These men are two of the top technicians in WCW today and put on a real barnburner. Despite not really "clicking" in the ring both men had the ability to put on a great match. Benoit gained the upperhand eventually hitting a tiger suplex. He climbed the ropes to attempt his diving headbutt but was distracted by someone at ringside.




It's RAVEN! The sinister Flock leader stares down the Wolverine. Benoit starts snarling at Raven, who stands emotionless. He proves enough of a distraction as Hennig shakes the ropes crotching Benoit. He then follows up with an amazing Super Hennig Plex. It was academic that Hennig got the three and picked up the win after that. Tenay points out Raven and his flock have cost Benoit two titles in two weeks.


Winner: Curt Hennig by pinfall at 16:29

Curt Hennig makes defence number 19! of his WCW United States Championship

Grade: C+ Note Benoit and Hennig had awful chemistry!




  • Jushin Liger leaves NJPW ending a protracted discussion on his future in both WCW and NJPW. It is believed that this saga has been the cause of Liger's poor showing in WCW.
  • The notable influx of cruiserweight talent is a result of Dutch Mantell believing the cruiserweight division needs reinforcing, particularly as some of the earlier cruiserweight champions move up the card.


Quick Results

  • Lance Storm d. Glacier
  • Bobby Eaton d. Lenny Lane
  • Rob Van Dam d. Steve McMichael
  • Steven Regal [c] d. Fit Finlay
  • Chris Jericho d. Buff Bagwell
  • Davey Boy Smith d. Disco Inferno
  • Scott Steiner d. Dean Malenko
  • Curt Hennig [c] d. Chris Benoit


Overall Grade: C+


WCW Superbrawl VIII *


*card subject to change


WCW World Heavyweight Championship

"Nature Boy" Ric Flair vs. Sting [c]


Elimination Four Way Dance for the WCW United States Championship

British Bulldog vs. Curt Hennig [c] w/ Rick Rude vs. Rick Steiner vs. Scott Steiner


WCW World Tag Team Championship

Harlem Heat[c] vs. The Winning Combination


WCW Crusierweight Championship

Eddy Guerrero [c] vs. Rey Misterio Jnr.


WCW World Television Championship

Chris Jericho vs. Champion [c]


Piper's Open Challenge

Roddy Piper vs. ???


Diamond Dallas Page vs. Randy Savage


Bret "Hitman" Hart vs. "The Bad Guy" Scott Hall w/Eric Bischoff


Battle of the Giants 3: Large and in Charge

"Big Sexy" Kevin Nash vs. The Giant


Raven's Rules - The Flock are Banned from interfering

Chris Benoit vs. Raven


Plus more to be confirmed...


WCW Nitro Preview



WCW all stars face off against the best of the nWo as its The Outsiders vs. Ric Flair & Sting in your main event.


In your semi-main, one half of the tag champions Booker T faces off against a man with many championship reigns to his name, Lex Luger


Also in action: Roddy Piper, Stevie Ray, The Giant, Ray Traylor and Steven Regal defends his WCW World Television Championship with Chris Jericho facing the winner in 6 days time. Also what will Ken Shamrock's response to the challenge laid down by the nWo. Tune in to Nitro, Monday Nights on TNT to find out!



Let me know what you think of the lite preview format. Personally, I kinda like it. Also, I'll be posting the No Way Out of Texas card ran by WWF next and some notes on WWF as a whole

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WWF No Way Out of Texas: In Your House




WWF Title


Shawn Michaels [c] d. Steve Austin - B


Jeff Jarrett d. Mankind - C+


WWF IC Title


The Rock [c] d. Hawk - C-


WWF EU Title


Triple H [c] d. D'Lo Brown, Kama Mustafa and Ahmed Johnson - C+


WWF Light Heavyweight


TAKA Michinoku d. Flash Funk [c] - D


Jacques d. Al Snow - D


ANGLE: Brawl between Undertaker and Kane - B-


Chainz d. Tiger Ali Singh - D-


ANGLE: Brawl between Steve Austin and Triple H - B


Recon d. Scott Taylor - E+


Rikishi d. Brian Christopher & 8-Ball - D+


Aguila d. Norman Smiley - D-


Pre-Show Mark Henry d. Michelle Starr - E-


Pre-Show Barry Horowitz d. Prince Albert - E


Overall Grade: B-



For the third straight PPV WWF has had a decline in overall grade. Things aren't looking good up north with Michaels vs. Austin which at one point was rumoured to be the Wrestlemania XIV Main Event only drawinga B Rating. Notably several top talents were missing from this show including the winner of the 1998 Royal Rumble Vader, Owen Hart and the tag team champions, New Age Outlaws! And Tiger Ali Singh was booked again :mad:


Of there late December signing spree One Man Gang & Brian Knobbs redebuted in the Royal Rumble with One Man Gang being repackaged to Akeem! Norman Smiley challenged for the European title on his WWF debut, probably due to his Britishness. Jake Roberts has yet to even debut in a WWF ring. Samu and Rikishi (formerly Fatu) have also reformed The Samoan Swat Team, so its not all bad. And most importantly Barry Horowitz has won one match out of four since his return.

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