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NYCW Rush Hour 2013

Sunday, Week 4, January 2013

From the The Ministry, Tri-State Area, New York City

Attendance: 726


The arrival of the legacy as noted above, which also makes two tag matches for later and gets all of The Legacy involved in some action. (D)


The Southern Stars defeated The Boys From The Yukon in 5:48 when Animal Harker defeated Howlin' Mad Mort by pinfall with a Texas Meat-Grinder. (E+) Apparently Howlin' Mad Mort was off his game. I guess jobbing in the opening match will do that to a lumberjack. Not entirely convinced by either of these teams.


The Ring Generals defeated The Legacy (Greg Keith/Casey Valentine), Monty Trescarde and Andrew Harper and The New York Doll and Black Hat Bailey in 9:49. (D-) Not the most startling start to the NYCW careers of Casey and Matthew, but job done and debut in the books. I'm sure better things were round the corner, notably my ability to chose the correct winning team from a drop-down box. In other notes Trescarde & Harper have zero chemistry. That doesn't bode well for my plans for them.


Sammy Cipriani comes out to demand a title shot and The Masked Mauler lumbers out to tell him to "Shut up and fight!" (D)


Sammy Cipriani defeated The Masked Mauler in 10:01 by pinfall with an Ace In The Hole. (E+) I like Mauler more than he probably deserves, but I couldn't justify him holding my secondary title for any amount of time, so Sammy gets his record third title reign. Seriously if you love NYCW, you've gotta love Sammy.


Roger Cage defeated Rick Sanders in 10:10 by pinfall after both men were attacked by The Legacy. (D-)


Cage gets to his feet and grabs a mic, challenging Vessey to a singles match, and in order to get it he says that he'll put his title on the line in the match. ©


Bulldozer Brandon Smith defeated Honest Frank in 10:03 by disqualification after the ref spotted Frank's brass knuckles. (D)


The Legacy (Cameron Vessey/Matthew Keith) draw with Steve Flash and Whistler in 22:38. Both teams were counted out after a 4-man brawl fell to the outside and we saw interference from Greg Keith, Casey Valentine and latterly Roger Cage. (D)


After the match, The Legacy beat the faces down the aisle and then stand tall in the ring as the crowd... well not boo, whatever a more apathetic version of that is. Perhaps grumble quietly? (E+)


Final Rating: D (Improved reputation)

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With the success, and i use that term loosely of Rush Hour, I look into finances. If Larry wants us to grow then we are going to need get out of our comfort zone. Having made a profit of $10,000 in the last month, I reckon there might be some leeway in terms of running new shows. So I'll run 2 a month, the first 'Welcome to New York City' will continue our rise in popularity in Tri-State, while "Traditional Tour' will take us on to a second area and thus expand our influence, but which area? I'll have to think about that. These two shows will build toward one big show every two months. Spring Slam was set for March and we already had a main event with Vessey vs. Cage for the title, but we'd need a decent undercard with it.


In other news Japanese giants BHOTWG and PGHW have been scouting the US indys for workers and are both sniffing around the Keith brothers. I'd have to find out which days they'd be unavailable and I could really do with them not leaving us altogether. Andrew Harper's contract came up for negotiation too, he wanted a $20 raise and I was feeling generous. It's not that he's particularly talented, but I have a strange feeling about him. There's something there and I'm not willing to give up on him just yet.


Anyway on to the first ever Welcome to New York card.


NYCW Welcome to New York

Monday, Week 2, February 2013

From the The Ministry, Tri-State Area, New York City

Attendance: 883


The Southern Stars defeated The Boys From The Yukon in 10:27 when Animal Harker defeated Howlin' Mad Mort by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage. (E+) This marks the second match that Tennessee William was off his game. I got no problem with ring rust but twice for the weaker member of my already fairly weak tag team champions. I’d keep an eye, and probably quickly forget all about it.


Sammy Cipriani cuts a promo to tell everyone he’s an old school NYCWer and he wants Casey Valentine 1-on-1 at Spring Smash so he can teach him all about the traditions of New York. (D-)


Sammy Cipriani makes short work of Monty Trescarde in 6:34 by pinfall with an Ace In The Hole. (E+) I quite like Monty and his look/gimmick, but not enough for an upset win over the champ.


Rick Sanders and The Masked Mauler are in the ring with microphones. They claim that they’re back together and stronger than ever. They issue an open challenge to anyone in the back. The Southern Stars accept (because they’re idiots) and the match is set for Spring Smash. (E+)


Old School Principals defeated Steve Flash and Whistler in 12:54 when Rick Sanders rolls up Whistler following a distraction from Matthew Keith and Casey Valentine. (D-)


Roger Cage hypes his main event title defence against Black Hat Bailey. (C-)


Roger Cage defeated Black Hat Bailey in 24:44 by pinfall with a Cage Rage. (D-)


Rating: D- (Improved Popularity)


Well that sucked pretty badly. I’m going to quickly shift Black Hat out of the main event after that. The only other news of note is that Steve Flash and Whistler have been getting on well backstage. Good for them. With Traditional Tour coming up, I decided that New England was about to get a dose of tradition from us. They’d love it. Probably.

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NYCW Traditional Tour

Monday, Week 4, February 2013

From Biker’s Paradise, New England area

Attendance: 89 (I’d get more than that for a party at my house)


The Ring Generals defeated Honest Frank and Andrew Harper in 9:51 when Dean Waldorf defeated Andrew Harper by pinfall with a Walforf Salad Toss. (D) I was secretly hoping for some chemistry between Frank and Harper. Ho hum, decent opener.


Honest Frank comes out and says that he’s seen Bulldozer Brandon Smith walking round backstage like he owns the place. This isn’t his yard, it’s Frank’s and at Spring Smash he’ll teach him a lesson in manners. (E+) That’s right, it’s the feud that nobody wanted.


Bulldozer Brandon Smith defeated The New York Doll in 3:38 by pinfall with a Backdrop Driver. (D) Because he’s the bulldozer… Bitch!


The Legacy (Greg Keith/Casey Valentine) defeated The Southern Stars in 9:37 via DQ after Greg used a steel chair to cave in Tennessee’s skull. (E+) Tennessee was off his game again. I’m watching you honky tonk!


Cameron Vessey cuts a promo hyping up his upcoming match with Roger Cage. (C-)


Cameron Vessey defeated Whistler in 12:34 by pinfall after using a foreign object. (E+) Wow both Vessey and Whistler were off their game and Whistler was tiring, I must try and remember that he’s a little past his prime… and terrible at wrestling.


The Keith Brothers then come out and say that they’re extending an open challenge at Spring Smash to Flash and Whistler. (D-) I wonder if the twin wrestling Gods can get a good match out of Whistler?


Steve Flash defeated Matthew Keith in 25:09 via DQ after Greg came out and clocked the former Empire Champion with a chair. (C-) That’s more like it, I’ll have to milk their individual feud for some goodness in the coming weeks.


Rating: D+ (I’ll do you a deal, I’ll stop mentioning that our popularity improved until it doesn’t happen)


Following the show, I got the news that TCW had fallen to cult. Ouch. Time to keep an eye out for talent being let go.

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NYCW Welcome to New York

Monday, Week 2, March 2013

From The Ministry, Tri-State Area, New York City

Attendance: 721


The Southern Stars defeated The Boys From The Yukon in 8:19 via pinfall (E+) Yup, we’re going to milk this easy mini-feud for all its low-quality goodness.


Cameron Vessey and Roger Cage are out and decide that tonight will be a ‘pick your poison’ tag team match. Cage chooses Bulldozer Brandon Smith, so Vessey goes for Honest Frank “Not all legends are useless.” (D+) How deliciously contrived a segment that is to push forward two feuds at the same time.


Whistler defeated Black Hat Bailey in 12:54 via pinfall with a Rebel Yell. After the match Greg Keith runs in and attacks Whistler with a chair. (E) Wow, a match between two upper-card workers that got that low a rating. I wonder which of them is to blame for that monstrosity.


Sammy Cipriani comes out to defend Whistler and then demands a match… right now. The ref rings the bell and it’s an impromptu title match (D). Sammy Cipriani defeated Greg Keith in 13:27 by pinfall with a chair shot hidden from the ref. (D+) Sammy then gets on the mic and tells Greg “That’s what happens when you mess with a NYCW original.” (D)


Cameron Vessey and Honest Frank draw with Roger Cage and Bulldozer Brandon Smith in 24:55 following a brawl that spills to the outside and results in a double count out. (D+) Apparently Cage and Bulldozer have bad chemistry when teaming together. Of course they do, well there goes Bulldozer’s chance at getting near the main event scene for a while. I like him, but I can’t risk putting him in matches that might suck at this stage in his development.


Rating: D


We get a message telling us that The New York Doll’s contract is up for renewal. After a brief look at his talents and potential we decide that at such a low cost he is worth re-signing. He appears to have quite a cool look and might be worth giving a mini-push too. Alternatively, we’ll probably forget about him and end up jobbing him out for months in a variety of opening matches.


Regardless it’s time for the go-home show before Spring Smash, as we try desperately to get people to care about anything other than the main event.


NYCW Traditional Tour

Monday, Week 4, March 2013

From Biker’s Paradise somewhere in New England

Attendance: 56 (I’m sure most of these people are here for the Bat Mitzvah after the show, let’s see if we can win them over in the meantime)


The Ring Generals defeated Black Hat Bailey and Andrew Harper in 8:20 via pinfall after the most devastating of finishers… the backbreaker. (D-) I like the idea of the Ring Generals, but gimmick-wise they’re not exactly setting the world on fire. Perhaps I should dress them as clowns or something.


Rick Sanders defeated Tennessee William in 6:05 via submission with a Figure Four Leglock. (E+) I’m sorry Tennessee, you were off your game again?!? The Eye of Sauron moves in his general direction.


Whistler cuts a promo challenging the “Young whippersnapper” Casey Valentine to a match. (D+) I see a good future for Whistler as a manager or colour commentator, but for now I’m hoping his last bad match was more Black Hat Bailey than him.


Animal Harker defeated The Masked Mauler in 5:44 via pinfall. (E+) Actually a little better than I expected. Even though they’re both idiots, I’m warming to both these guys a bit.


Casey Valentine out to accept the challenge of the “Has-been” Whistler. (D)


Whistler defeated Casey Valentine in 12:40 by disqualification after Valentine was caught hitting him with the ring bell. (E+) Hmmm, I’m starting to think that Black Hat might have been innocent in the blame for the bad match on the last show.


Matthew Keith cuts a promo hyping up his upcoming rematch with Steve Flash. (C-)


Matthew Keith defeated Steve Flash in 24:46 by submission with a Proton Lock. (D+)


Rating: D


Main event was decent, although not as good as their first and not enough to raise the profile of the show above a D. Still, it’s a new area so it’s still a decent bump in popularity. It might be worth just throwing out matches involving cheap workers to save money on these shows working on the basis that anything above an E in rating will improve our popularity.


One of the crappy hardcore promotions on the West Coast GSW have made an offer for our colour commentator Ernie Taylor. He's decent enough, but seems quite expensive. In fact if he wasn't good friends with one half of our tag team champions I'd probably fire him. That being said Tennessee William better get his head in the game soon because his usefulness is fast running out and if he doesn’t I might just send the two friends packing.

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Welcome to New York City… Where we decide to further rip-off the awesome work of other writers, by stealing their opening lines.


NYCW Spring Smash 2013

Sunday, Week 4, March 2013

From The Ministry, Tri-State Area, New York City

Attendance: 634


Our first match sees The Ring Generals defeated The Boys From The Yukon, Power & Filth (Andrew Harper/New York Doll) and The Entitled Ones (Black Hat Bailey and Monty Trescarde) in 9:44 to become number 1 contenders to the tag team titles (E+) Two of those teams had bad chemistry. Brilliant. I wish I hadn’t bothered naming them now.


Tag Team Titles: Old School Principals defeated The Southern Stars in 9:54 via submission to The Mauler’s THE IRON CLAW!?! (D-) I seriously am loving this guys’ old school nonsense, what next? A Big Swing? A Sleeper? Brilliant stuff. Hey Tennessee, how’s your job stability looking now that you’re not champion?


Bulldozer Brandon Smith has an interview in which he taunts Honest Frank ahead of their epic showdown that literally their own mothers don’t care about. (D+)


Honest Frank defeated Bulldozer Brandon Smith in 13:02 via pinfall while using the ropes for leverage. (D-) How deliciously in-keeping with this most mediocre of feuds, decent but forgettable.


Casey Valentine cuts a promo on his opponent Sammy Cipriani. (D)


Tri-State Title: Sammy Cipriani defeated Casey Valentine in 13:01 via pinfall with an Ace In The Hole. (D)


Sammy Cipriani grabs a microphone and sends a warning to the rest of The Legacy saying the “We NYCW Originals are not going to simply lay-down and die.” (D)


The Keith Brothers defeated Steve Flash and Whistler in 15:08 via submission (D-) Whistler’s deteriorating fast. His matches are just death, especially when the actual twin brothers he’s facing apparently don’t click. Sure why would they? They’ve only grown up together, trained together and wrestled together all their lives! Time to shuffle the deck on the Legacy vs. Originals feud methinks.


Main event title match hype. (D)


Empire Title: Roger Cage defeated Cameron Vessey in 24:55 by pinfall with a Cage Rage following interference from Sammy Cipriani. After the match a huge brawl erupts and eventually The Originals are left in the ring to celebrate. (C-)


Rating: D+


Well that main event certainly delivered in spades and it needed to after the shambles that was every other match on the card (except the opener in fairness). I think the sensible money is to keep the feud between Vessey and Cage going and work toward a rematch, but first things first, our next event is Gang Wars. Normally it's 3 vs. 3 matches, but with three… what’s the opposite of red-hot? Blue-cold? Yeah, so with three blue-cold feuds building, can we possible resist running The Legacy vs. The Old Schoolers in a giant 4 vs. 4 match? Or is our fear of Whistler’s albatross-like performance levels enough to dissuade us?


After the quality of the main event I spent a bit of time looking at our future franchise player Cameron Vessey. It seems he is just as popular in Sam Keith's Mid Atlantic Wrestling. He recently beat Citizen X in the main event of Super Showdown to retain his Championship. He's also won his third Rip Chord Invitational tournament, which makes him the most prominent member of their roster. Smart guy that Sam Keith, although not smart enough to bring in his own kids, so yeah. Dumb guy that Sam Keith.

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Welcome to New York City… Where we’re a lot of fun to read, but no fun to watch.


We roll into April and... WOAH! Ok so by running 3 events in March we've managed to financially cripple ourselves. Somehow we lost $35,000, which is over a third of all our money. We needed to start making money then before worrying so much about expansion. That being said, we've only got two shows this month, so perhaps we might be able to make a small profit based on our increasing popularity. Or we'll slide closer to being fired. At this stage I’m not sure which option I’d prefer.


Anyway, with no big event this month, it was time to start building toward Gang Wars in May and see if we couldn’t inject some life into a series of beleaguered feuds.


Welcome to New York

Sunday, Week 2, April 2013

From The Ministry, Tri-State Area, New York City

Attendance: 703


Tag Team Titles: Old School Principals defeated The Southern Stars in 7:59 when The Mauler makes Tennessee William submit with a BEARHUG! (D-) I’m going to enjoy this new twist for one half of our tag team champions.


Cameron Vessey is out “Last night it took two men to beat me. It’s not fair! I’m the future of the business dammit! Now I made a promise to usher in a new era and I’ll be damned if some nobody Shark character is going to deprive me. I know you all want to see The Legacy destroy the old guard in a huge match, but this isn’t about what YOU want. It’s about what’s best for business. So Cage, I want my rematch at Gang Wars. One on one. No interefernce!” (D+)


Bulldozer Brandon Smith defeated Black Hat Bailey in 11:48 via count out after Honest Frank interfered and accidently knocked Black Hat out. (D-) Whoops. That is not the finish I was actually going for as you may imagine as this feud becomes more laughable by the second.


Bulldozer Brandon Smith gets on the mic and rather confusingly blames Honest Frank for the win, demanding a rematch. Although he doesn’t actually specify when as I forget to pre-book any details. (D-) *Sigh*


Casey Valentine drew with Whistler in 12:45 following a double disqualification. (E+) Hmmm, Whistler, while important to the main story is really staring to worry me. I think keeping him in tag team matches might be the only way to salvage any dignity.


Sammy Cipriani has an interview in which he taunts The Legacy and wants to show another member just what being an NYCWer is all about. (D)


Sammy Cipriani defeated Honest Frank in 12:58 via pinfall with an Ace In The Hole following interference from Bulldozer Brandon Smith. (E+) Oh come on!!!! I suppose at least the right person won this time, although the Bulldozer/Frank story is now actively affecting other performers.


Roger Cage is shown backstage with a big grin on his face. “Hey Vessey man, you want to go again? Sure why not, I haven’t got anything else to do. In the meantime can’t wait for our tag match man. Awesome times.” (D) God he’s cool.


Cameron Vessey and Matthew Keith defeated Roger Cage and Steve Flash in 25:21 via pinfall after the originals were distracted by Valentine and Greg spotting Sammy heading to the ring and taking him out. (D+)


Rating: D+


And of course Cage and Flash have absolutely zero chemistry as tag team partners. Did we already know that? No we didn't. The reason it sounded familiar is that Cage also has terrible chemistry teaming with Bulldozer. Clearly he doesn't play well with others, which makes our choice for Gang Wars all the more sensible. It'll be Vessey/Cage II.


Another mediocre show saved somewhat by a decent main event. I wonder whether my roster is big enough for all the storylines I've currently got running. We've got Cage/Vessey, Keiths/Whistler/Flash, Valentine/Sammy, Ring Generals/Old School Principals and Bulldozer/Honest. Ah well, we've started them now and we'll just have to hope not to burn through all the match combinations too quickly. Whereas we seem to have no problem burning through our crowd in New York and it’s currently shrinking. Are we running too many shows? Probably. Will we stop? Hell no.


Then came some rather big news, and it's news that anyone who watched the last show might have seen coming. After a dreadful performance, Whistler has announced that he will retire from active in-ring performing in 3 months. Seems about right, but we'd have to give the old boy a fitting send-off as well as rejigging our roster when that moment happens.

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Welcome to New York City… Where old wrestlers learn the importance of making new friends, while younger wrestlers don’t.


Black Hat bailey has taken young Cameron Vessey under his wing as a protege. Smart man that Black Hat, knowing that I wouldn't potentially upset one of my franchise players by firing his friends. I wonder if Tennessee William will figure out that he needs more important friends than our overpriced colour commentator.


Traditional Tour

Sunday, Week 4, April 2013

From Biker’s Paradise in New En-ger-land

Attendance: 68


Animal Harker defeated Monty Trescarde, Andrew Harper and The New York Doll in 7:37 via pinfall with a Stump Piledriver on The Doll. (E+) Just testing how Animal works as a singles wrestler. Not bad.


Sammy Cipriani is out and he again throws out an open challenge to anyone in The Legacy for a match tonight. He’ll even put the title on the line. (D)


The Ring Generals defeated The Boys From The Yukon in 9:33 via pinfall (E+)


Tri-State Title: Greg Keith defeated Sammy Cipriani in 13:30 via count out after Sammy got distracted fighting Matthew Keith at ringside. (D+) now we’re talking. Two young bucks smashing together. Take note Frank/Bulldozer.


Matthew Keith stays at ringside and calls out Steve Flash to finish their feud once and for all. (C-)


Steve Flash is making his entrance for the next match...but Matthew Keith attacks him in the aisle. A brutal attack leaves him hurt, and a crowd of officials come out to try and help him backstage for medical attention, but he refuses and heads to the ring for the main event. (D)


Matthew Keith drew with Steve Flash in 25:11 after the referee stopped the match due to both men fighting to exhaustion. (C-) Woo hoo!


Rating: C-


Well how is that for an impromptu ‘Best Card Ever.’ God bless the mighty Matthew Keith and Steve Flash. I think bonuses are in order for both men, they are my new best friends, I always knew they’d help me become a global company.


Then I notice something odd, how is it that Steve Flash now has two companies he works for, and who are PWC? Oh, they're a new company... owned by him. What! He's literally opened up a competing company in my backyard. I always knew he was no good. Do I punish him for such wreckless abandon, or do I ignore the tiny start-up on the basis that competition is good for the business? I’ll probably forget they exist until it bites me in the backside.


As April draws to a close we look into the finances and are pleased to see that we've only made a loss of around $250. With Gang Wars this month, we're going to postpone Traditional Tour and actually aim to try and turn a profit. Y'know, just to see if we can and definitely not because we don’t want to lose our jobs.


Also Sam Strong, the legend behind so much of the popularity in the US as well as the owner of USPW is retiring in a month. Oh I see, he gets one month, Whistler plans to stick around for three. Not that I’m bitter or anything. It'll be interesting to see who takes over though. I hear rumours that Dean Daniels might be the man. I might actually stick some money on it at the bookies. Always good to get the inside track.


Welcome to New York

Sunday, Week 2, May 2013

From The Ministry, New York City, New York

Attendance: 837


The Ring Generals defeated The Boys From The Yukon in 8:28 via pinfall after a Walforf Salad Toss. (D-)


Cameron Vessey is out to run down Roger Cage and let him know that at Gang Wars, the new era finally dawns for NYCW. (C-)


Honest Frank defeated Andrew Harper, Monty Trescarde and The New York Doll in 7:40 via pinfall. (E+)


Sammy Cipriani wants to let Matthew Keith know that at Gang Wars he’s gunning specifically for him. (D)


Tag Team Titles: Old School Principals defeated The Southern Stars in 10:12 after Tennessee William refused to tag in and then hit Animal Harker from behind. This allowed The Masked Mauler to finish with a BIG BOOT!?! (E+) Yup, decided to pull the trigger on a heel turn, which was very successful and please note that he no longer seems off his game. About time.


The Legacy are out to run down the old school and challenge them to a warm-up 4 vs. 4 match tonight. (D)


Bulldozer Brandon Smith defeated Black Hat Bailey in 12:55 via pinfall with a Backdrop Driver despite interference from Honest Frank. (D) Same result, but the rating improved. Could it be that the feud is picking up momentum?


Roger Cage tells Cameron Vessey to “Chill out man” and that he “doesn’t get why you’re so serious all the time.” © I wonder if Cage is single.


The Legacy (Cameron Vessey, Casey Valentine, Greg Keith and Matthew Keith) drew with Roger Cage, Steve Flash, Sammy Cipriani and Whistler in 26:07 via a double disqualification after the action broke down and the ref is forced to throw out the match. (D+) Turns out having 7 other men covering his ass means that Whistler doesn’t completely suck. Good to know.


Rating: D+


Steve Flash and his new company Phoenix Wrestling Company have signed up a lot of very good workers. Should I be worried yet? They've got Hollywood Bret Starr, Sammy the Shark, Findlay O'Farraday, Ant-Man, Dazzling Dave Diamond, Jack Griffith, Joffy Lane, Nelson Callum and Rudy Velasquez. Now I'm all for the boys getting experience elsewhere and raising their profiles in the Tri-State area, but with a momentum of A* and some of my workers on the card should I be worried? I could do with not getting into a war with them just know. Or maybe I should stamp them out now before they get too big and become a proper threat? Decisions.


In other news Professor Nero passed away at the age of 62, which leaves RIPW without an owner. That'll make 2 known US companies without owners once Sam Strong finally hangs up the boots.

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I wouldn't worry about PCW- I've played a few games and they never last out 2013.


Yeah they are going out of business considering the amount of top workers with huge salaries they have for a company their size. Findlay will probably open a company as well before 2014.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="1PWfan" data-cite="1PWfan" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="37535" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I wouldn't worry about PCW- I've played a few games and they never last out 2013.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> It's more the annoyance that they've taken one of my top stars in the most lame way possible. Still I opt to ignore them, which then comes back to bite me in the backside.</p>
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Welcome to New York City… Where we rearranged the date of a major show at the last minute because of issues with one wrestler.


NYCW Gang Wars 2013

Thursday!?!, Week 4, May 2013

From The Ministry, New York City, New York

Attendance: 727


The Boys From The Yukon defeated Monty Trescarde and The New York Doll in 6:15 via pinfall with the Tree-Feller. (E+) Finally they get a win on the board.


Cameron Vessey is out to tell Roger Cage that tonight is his destiny. (D+)


Tag Team Titles: Old School Principals defeated The Ring Generals in 12:40 via submission after The Masked Mauler locks Dean Waldorf in with a… CAMEL CLUTCH!?! (D-)


Roger Cage is backstage with sunglasses on and a martini in his hand “Oh hey they slugger, good to know you’re fired up for our match. I can’t wait either, because you may think I’m chilled, but I’m actually a burning ball of RAGE! YOU’VE INTERFERRED IN MY BUSINESS FOR TOO LONG AND TONIGHT, I’M GOING TO BEAT YOU TO YOUR KNEES AND KEEP YOU THERE! GAME OVER MAN, GAME OVER!” (C-)


Traditional Gang Wars Match: Bulldozer Brandon Smith, Animal Harker and Andrew Harper defeated Honest Frank, Tennessee William and Black Hat Bailey in 12:08 when Animal Harker defeated Tennessee William by pinfall with a Stump Piledriver. (E+) Hampered slightly there by the job squad getting involved. Poor Frank and Bulldozer.


After the match Frank attacks Bulldozer, leaving him a beaten and bruised mess. (D) That’s better.


Traditional Gang Wars Match: The Legacy (Casey Valentine, Greg Keith and Matthew Keith) defeated The Old School (Sammy Cipriani, Steve Flash and Whistler) in 17:18 when Greg Keith defeated Sammy Cipriani by submission with a Proton Lock. (D+)


Sammy is carried to the back after the match. (E+) Then a hype video for the main event plays (E+)


Empire Title: Cameron Vessey defeated Roger Cage in 25:16 via pinfall, illegally using the ropes for leverage. Cameron Vessey wins the NYCW Empire title. (C-)


Rating: D+


Hello Regional! Strangely I thought we were regional already, but still nice to have that confirmed. Now all I need to make sure is that we start turning a profit and have the right sized roster. I'm sure we'll be fine.


Dean Daniels has taken over RIPW. Well know I am interested in who USPW will hire as their new owner. It could literally be anyone. Well anyone except me.


So having risen to regional I made some calls about bringing in new workers. Nothing too specially, just some new low level workers and one upper midcard guy, but I had some big plans for him. No doubt that would end in misery somewhere down the line. In terms of financial management we'd made a profit of over $9,000 based on the two shows, so with the increase in prices to represent our new size, we could now afford to run popularity-boosting shows in New England while using the Tri-State to offset the cost. Beautiful.

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Welcome to New York… Where you should live once, but leave before it makes you too hard...


Welcome to New York

Monday, Week 2, June 2013

From The ‘SOLD-OUT’ Ministry, New York City, New York

Attendance: 1,000


We kick-off with a New Contract Match (winners get a full-time gig with NYCW):

Bradley Blaze and Ernest Youngman defeated The Young Stallions (KC Glenn and Joffy Laine) and Power and Glory (Ant-Man and Animal Harker – under a mask) in 10:29 via pinfall (D-) Well of an opening considering the participants, I’m already very happy with all of them and I may have found a role for Animal too.


Matthew Keith comes out and says that he will know prove that not only is Vessey better than Cage, but he is too. (D)


The Masked Mauler defeated Dean Waldorf in 7:38 via pinfall utilizing a… BIG SPLASH!?! (E+) Is it completely mental to consider turning Mauler face and giving him a run at the Empire Title? It probably is isn’t it?


Casey Valentine appears and says that since Matthew is busy with Cage, he’ll take on that other ‘little fella’ Sammy (D+)


Marv Statler defeated Rick Sanders in 8:22 via submission with a Figure Four Leglock after blatantly cheating. (D-) Decent match considering.


Sammy Cipriani defeated Casey Valentine in 12:37 via pinfall after using a foreign object. (D)


Roger Cage talks about his ‘sadness’ in losing the Empire Title, but “he’s cool” and he’ll just go win it back. (C-) He’s so dreamy.


Roger Cage drew with Matthew Keith in 24:32 when the referee lost control and stopped the match. (C-)


Rating: D+


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ahem…


Well the results of Gang Wars were fortuitous it seems as the former Empire champion Roger Cage wastes no time in signing a written deal with the DeColt family of Canada and their Canadian Golden Combat promotion. Sell-out! I should wish him well for his future...




I'll do what any right-minded booker would do and put him in a farewell match against a mystery opponent. He’ll learn to love us in the end, one way or another.


In news that I currently couldn’t give two hoots about, USPW has found a new owner and it is... Wanda Fish AKA Belle Bryden. So there it is. I wonder if Roger might come back one day?


“The Roger Cage Farewell Show”

Monday, Week 4, June 2013

From The ‘NOT SOLD-OUT’ Biker’s Pllllease DON’T GO, in New England

Attendance: 77


Cameron Vessey appears and says that he hears Roger Cage is off to some Canadian wasteland and he wouldn't feel right not sending him off without a match. He'll even put the title on the line in his first defence and then he’ll be the first to wish him a happy GET LOST! (C-)


‘Test Your Metal’ Rookie Match: The New York Doll and Monty Trescarde defeated KC Glenn and Ernest Youngman, Bradley Blaze and Ant-Man in 10:25 via pinfall (D-) Just thought I’d check for some hidden chemistry, and I found some. Blaze and Ant-Man shall never team together again.


Bulldozer Brandon Smith defeated Black Hat Bailey in 7:46 by pinfall with a Backdrop Driver despite Honest Frank interference. (D-) Is this the third consecutive exactly the same result? Probably, but I don’t like Black Hat that much.


Tri-State Title: Sammy Cipriani defeated Honest Frank in 9:40 by pinfall with an Ace In The Hole following interference from Bulldozer Brandon Smith. (E+) Ouch, was secretly hoping for a little better considering momentum and recent results.


Steve Flash and Whistler drew with Greg Keith and Casey Valentine in 13:23 following a double disqualification. (D) in your semi-main event/filler match. Reducing the number of people protecting Whistler hurts the rating again. Thank God he’s retiring, although he is kinda cool.


Roger Cage comes out to thank the fans for their support and how he’ll “Never forget them.” © He does not go on to say that he’ll miss me. I’m crushed.


Empire Title: Cameron Vessey defeated Roger Cage in 24:32 via pinfall with a Vessey Driver. (D)


After the match, the two men shake hands and Vessey leaves the ring to allow the great man to soak up the atmosphere as a single tear forms in my eye from the announce table. Then, out of nowhere, an enormous masked man slides into the ring followed by a referee. He’s got a microphone. Cage spins round and the masked man says “OBLIVION IS HERE!” (D+)


The assault is quick and brutal, and leaves Cage completely destroyed. Oblivion defeated Roger Cage in 1:59 by pinfall with a sitdown powerbomb. (D) Hey I love the guy more than anyone, but this is business and the show must go on. Imagine what I’ll do to Tennessee William if he ever decides to leave. Actually I’d probably shake his hand and show him the door without a fuss.


Rating: D


Sometimes story is more important than ratings. I'll keep saying that while I blindly push ahead and hope for the best. So tonight we lose Roger Cage, a man responsible for so many great matches and we job him out twice in a night, once to our champ and then in mere minutes to our new masked monster Oblivion. Take note locker room, nobody is above the company. As for our masked monster, I could tell you who it is, but it's more fun if you don't know. Probably.


June draws to a close with a profit of $5,000, which continues a nice trend. With our big show Empire City Showdown in 4 weeks and no matches actually announced, we'd have to have a pretty good setup show in New York in 2 weeks time to make it anything other than dreadful.


Then we received news through the trades. Something that we may have suspected, but forgotten about. It had been left unattended and now we were going to reap what our inaction had sown and an old face from New York's past was going to make this a very difficult time. We were not in good shape to win it, but like the relentless march of time nothing could stop the inevitable from happening.


War was coming.

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Welcome to New York City… Where war is not so much a way of life, but a daily grind.


So the month ended and my business planners informed me that we were now locked in a 3-way war for the attention of wrestling fans in the Tri-State area and for this month we were putting on the worst shows. PSW we know enough about already, it’s a hardcore product, which surely is ‘too 1999’ to ever really get anywhere? So who are the new guys who have sparked this battle?


Rising from the ashes of the East Coast war, Phoenix Wrestling Company comes out of Philly and offers a hardcore product aimed squarely at the 18-30 male demographic, just like their predecessors like XFW and RPW. Steve Flash, former NYCW Empire champion and current locker room leader is the founder and he’s gathered quite the array of talent.


Main workers: Findlay O'Farraday, Dazzling Dave Diamond, Frantic Ali, Fro Sure, Hollywood Bret Starr, Jack Griffith, Joffy Lane, Nelson Callum, Sammy the Shark and Steve Flash. Now common sense in these situations suggests that we sign-up their top workers on short-term contracts and use our higher drawing ability to book shows on the same day as them as a way of gutting their roster and burying their top stars at the same time. But this would be problematic for a number of reasons. Flash would always choose his company, a lot of their roster have problems with the law, or with drugs or are generally locker room cancers and to make matters worse, their current champion is Dazzling Dave Diamond, who Larry Vessey hates and refuses to work with.


With that in mind, I decided that I’d win this war the old-fashioned way, by hard work and great booking. What could possibly go wrong?


My planners also let me know that The New York Doll was in fine form backstage telling road stories while The Masked Mauler and Marv Statler have bonded. This brought to my attention just how positive my backstage is. We’re like a big family with a cranky, immature uncle at the head of it.


I decided to take a wander backstage to see this positivity for myself and made the following notes:


Positive: Black Hat, Greg Keith, Tennessee William

Very Positive: Ernest Youngman

Extremely Positive: Bradley Blaze, The Masked Mauler, The New York Doll

Locker room Leader: Steve Flash


On top of that, Cameron Vessey is Black Hat's protégé and obviously related to the owner. Ernie Turner is best friends with Tennessee William, which is a positive for now, but if Tennessee is ‘off his game’ one more time, this could become a problem. The Keiths are obviously related, while Flash and Whistler are fast friends, something else that may become an issue if the latest rumours are to be believed.


Anyway I had a show to book and looking at the build toward Empire City Showdown, I noticed that it was never going to be a success with no planning, so I popped along to our finance department:


“I’m thinking of moving Empire Showdown to November and turning this months event into Summer in the City, but I don’t want to irritate people who have already booked tickets. How many have we sold?”

“Errr none.”

“Well that doesn’t fill me with confidence. Tell marketing to change the campaign as I suggested then.”

“Do you mean get Sophie to print out some new flyers?”

“… yes.”

“Right away boss.”

“I hate this business.”


Welcome to New York

Thursday, Week 1, July 2013

From The ‘SOLD-OUT’ Ministry, New York City, New York

Attendance: 1,000


Cameron Vessey is out and he’s happy to have run-off Cage, so now he is the undisputed champion of New York and the originals are a man short, so he’s issuing an open challenge to anyone from the roster for a title match. Oblivion comes out and stands face-to-face with him. The two men smile and shake hands before Vessey adds “But beware of Oblivion, he’s got my back.” ©


Oblivion defeated Ant-Man, Joffy Laine, Monty Trescarde, The New York Doll and Andrew Harper in an Elimination match in 10:27 having eliminated every man in the match. (E+)


The Southern Stars Explode: Tennessee William defeated Animal Harker in 5:48 via pinfall, illegally using the ropes for leverage. (E+) HOW CAN YOU POSSIBLY BE OFF YOUR GAME AGAIN. I EVEN GAVE YOU THE WIN!!! I SWEAR TO GOD, ONE MORE STRIKE AND YOU ARE OUT OF HERE!”


Backstage Steve Flash walks into Vessey and accepts the challenge for tonight. (D-)


Old School Principals and The Boys From The Yukon defeated Bradley Blaze, Ernest Youngman and The Ring Generals in 7:51 when The Masked Mauler defeated Bradley Blaze via pinfall with a SIDE SLAM!?! (E+)


Bulldozer Brandon Smith defeated Honest Frank in 9:43 via pinfall with an Inverted Piledriver. (D-)


The Legacy cut a promo saying that Whistler and Sammy C are next to leave New York, but they’ll be leaving in an ambulance. (C-)


Greg Keith defeated KC Glenn in 8:25 by submission with a Proton Lock after interference from Matthew Keith. (D) Thought I’d see what all the fuss was about and the results were pretty good. I quite like this KC Glenn character, he needs a manager though.


Casey Valentine and Matthew Keith defeated Whistler and Sammy Cipriani in 8:30 via submission. (D+) Whistler and Sammy don't click, of course they don’t. The NYCW originals really are falling apart at the seams and becoming less useful by the second. Might be time to end the story for good.


Empire Title: Cameron Vessey defeated Steve Flash in 19:45 by pinfall with a Vessey Driver after Oblivion interferes and hits a Reality Bomb on the outside. (D+)


After the match Oblivion continues to destroy Flash until Bulldozer Brandon Smith makes the save. As Vessey and Oblivion retreat, Bulldozer motions for the belt. (D)


Rating: D


That’s right, with a distinct lack of top-tier faces, we’re forced to roll Bulldozer into a main event programme. In fairness to him, he’s a decent worker with good all round capabilities and I’m sure Vessey can help make the matches seem worthy. If not we’d dress him as a clown and job him out of town.


Traditional Tour

Thursday, Week 3, July 2013

From Biker’s Paradise, New England City, New England

Attendance: 62


Cameron Vessey comes out and says that because he’s bored and has beaten everyone else that he’d give Bulldozer his shot at Summer in the City, but tonight we’re going to have a tag match, so he better go pick a partner. (D)


Then Whistler comes out and says that he is soon to retire, but he wants one more match to see if he can still win. So he challenges Steve Flash to a ‘Loser Leaves Town’ match at Summer in the City. (D-)


KC Glenn drew with Greg Keith in 10:29 following a double disqualification. (C-) Well good grief, these guys are awesome. I smell a push.


Bulldozer Brandon Smith comes out and introduces the crowd to his partner for tonight, Steve Flash. (D-)


Tri-State Title: Sammy Cipriani defeated Casey Valentine in 13:38 by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage. (D)


Cameron Vessey Smith comes out and introduces the crowd to his partner for tonight, Oblivion. ©


Cameron Vessey and Oblivion defeated Bulldozer Brandon Smith and Steve Flash in 22:46 when Oblivion defeated Steve Flash by pinfall after a Reality Bomb. (D)


Rating: D


Well that main event certainly didn't live up to expectations. I’ll blame Flash and move on with my life. SPLITTER! So with only a few days until Summer in the City, let’s have a look at the competition. PSW pulled a D+ and PWC… also pulled a D+. Ooo, not such a good month for either of them. So I needed D+ minimum for the big show to stand a chance. Time to re-order the card and top-load it in hopes that he can pull it off.

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NYCW Summer in the City 2013

Thursday, Week 4, July 2013

From The Ministry, New York City, New York

Attendance: 1,000


Tag Team Titles: The Ring Generals defeated Old School Principals in 9:37 when The Masked Mauler was counted out while locking Dean Waldorf in a CROSSFACE CHICKENWING!?! (D)


Whistler is shown lacing up his boots backstage. He sees Flash and the two men stare at each other before both nodding. (D-)


The Boys From The Yukon defeated Bradley Blaze and Ernest Youngman and Honest Frank and Tennessee William in 8:20 (D-) SERIOUSLY!?! Tennessee William was off his game. FOR THE LAST TIME!


Casey Valentine defeated Animal Harker in 8:29 via pinfall with a Deep Impact. (D-)


Matthew Keith and Sammy Cirpriani hype their upcoming match. (C-)


Tri-State Title: Sammy Cipriani defeated Matthew Keith in 15:15 via pinfall by using underhanded tactics. (D+)


Whistler gets a pyro-heavy intro in what could be his last ever match. The old veteran slowly wanders down to the ring. Eagle-eyed fans will notice that he’s wearing the same attire that he wore on his first match all those years ago. It looks tight. (E+)


Loser Leaves Town Match: The match only lasts around 10 mintues with Flash carrying what’s left of Whistler to the finish. After 3 consecutive Flash Bang’s, Steve Flash goes to pin Whistler and end his career… only to by rolled up. 1-2-3. Whistler defeated Flash in 8:18 via pinfall. (E+) SWERVE!


While Whistler is celebrating, Flash looks shocked, he know has to leave town. Oblivion then sprints to the ring with a referee, who rings the bell. (D)


Oblivion defeated Whistler and Flash in 2:40 via pinfall with a reality bomb on both men. (D-)


Cameron Vessey comes out and informs the crowd that both Whistler and Steve Flash must now leave town, as The Legacy takes another step toward utter domination. Flash salutes his enormous colleague. (C-)


KC Glenn defeated Greg Keith in 10:20 via pinfall by grabbing two handfuls of tights and rolling him up for the flash pin. (C-)


Hype interview for the main event. (D+)


Empire Title: Cameron Vessey defeated Bulldozer Brandon Smith in 27:52 by pinfall with a Vessey Driver following interference from Oblivion. (C-)


Rating: C-


And that ladies and gentleman is how you top-load a card, clear out some deadwood, bring down the cost of future shows, win the monthly war and anger quite a few of your workers while decimating the backstage atmosphere and destroying the momentum of your only top level face.


Mixed bag really.


Being a man of my word, if not a people-pleaser we say bye bye to Tennessee William. As promised I shake his hand and wish him well. I also made sure to have Oblivion stand behind me while doing it and as he leaves I whisper ‘good riddance.’


Ernie Turner, being the great friend he is says that he’s upset with me for firing William… so I show him the door too. He costs too much and I don’t like him. I then go along to Steve Flash and explain that I will not tolerate having a man in my locker room who is actively trying to damage the company. Whistler stands up for his pal and just like Turner, we show him the door too. I actually didn’t want to do that, but I won’t have a non-wrestler bringing down the backstage area. Especially not when I’m doing such a good job of bumming everyone out anyway. Finally, while I'm house-cleaning I also release Andrew Harper, Monty Trescarde and The Boys from the Yukon because I simply do not think they have what it takes for the salary their commanding.


It may seem harsh, but in the last month we lost $16,500 despite selling out two shows, so this sort of trimming was necessary. Hopefully with some of the bigger wage packets of the roster gone, we could reduce the loss and perhaps even make a profit, but not just yet.


We wanted to build up to The King of New York show properly. So we’ll have a 32-man singles knockout, with preliminaries running on Welcome to New York. We’d also stay exclusively in Tri-State to off-set the huge cost of bringing in the finest independent talent. It will also be a good way of introducing new talent to see whether they fit in the company.


The winner decided at the event and given a shot at the Empire Title at Empire City Showdown. We’d also run an 8-team tournament to see who the best tag team on the independent circuit was too. Finally we we are extending invitations to all champions from other promotions, which if you’re still paying attention means… Dazzling Dave Diamond will be returning to NYCW.


Larry was going to hate me for this idea in more ways than one…

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Welcome to New York City... Where we go for broke on the single biggest independent tournament that could sink us without a trace.


So using our contacts in the Confederation of the Territories we signed a load of the best and brightest stars ready for the first annual King of New York tournament. We are running 4 shows this month which will make up the preliminary rounds of the tournament all building toward the semi-finals on the actual event.


Here’s the brackets as they look:


Greg Keith

Dazzling Dave Diamond (PWC)


American Elemental (CZCW)

Phoenix III (OLLIE)


Luis Montero Jr. (OLLIE)

Casey Valentine


Honest Frank

Mikey James (CZCW)


Bulldozer Brandon Smith

Hollywood Bret Starr (MAW)


Teddy Powell (PSW)

Jacob Jett (4C)


Puerto Rican Power (FCW)

Billy Russell (FCW)


Cameron Vessey (MAW)

The Masked Mauler


KC Glenn

Ash Campbell (PSW)


Fox Mask (CZCW)

Gino Montero (OLLIE)


Matthew Keith

Dragon Americano (OLLIE)


Antonio Del Veccio (4C)

Steven Parker (PSW)



Findlay O'Farraday (MAW)


Sayeed Ali (4C)

Sammy Cipriani


Madman Boone (PSW)

Mean Jean Cattley (MAW)


Frankie Perez (CZCW)

Davis Wayne Newton (4C)


Welcome to the King of New York Tour

Thursday Week 1, August 2013

The Ministry (1,000)


Larry Vessey is out in front of the sold-out Ministry crowd. "Welcome... to New York City. Tonight marks the beginning of the first ever King of New York tournament. We have invited representatives from all over the US, Canada and Mexico from promotions such as MAW, CZCW, OLLIE, 4C, PSW and... PWC" The crowd boos and Vessey smirks. " The winner of the tournament will go onto Empire City Showdown and face the Empire champion, whomever that may be."


With that Cameron Vessey joins his father in front of the crowd.


"Oh come on dad, it's obviously still gonna be me. I've run Whistler out of town. And Steve Flash. And Roger Cage.” Crowd boos again. “Now, as the current, reigning and defending Empire champion it is in my interest to see how this tourney plays out. However, in my role as Mid-Atlantic Champion, I also qualify for a spot. So I intend to enter the King of New York, win it and then sit back and watch others wrestle at the biggest show of the year as the undisputed Champion. So come on daddio, who am I against?"


Larry opens his book and grins before facing his son again. "Hahah, well you've got someone from right here in New York... THE MASKED MAULER!"


The Mauler comes out to a rapturous ovation and squares up to Cameron Vessey who looks very wary.

Larry, who can't stop smiling. "Now ladies and gentlemen, let's kick-off the show with a first round match: Greg Keith will take on the returning Dazzling Dave Diamond." (D-)


King of New York Round 1: Greg Keith comes out and awaits the return of Dazzling Dave Diamond. Some familiar music drops and the crowd are expectantly awaiting the return of the former tag team and Tri-State champion. The flowing blonde locks, the familiar toothy grin... Wait a minute, that''s not DDD. The New York Doll comes out dressed like a stereotypical cowboy, wearing a blonde wig. Greg Keith defeated The New York Doll in 5:47 via submission with a Proton Lock. (D) Yeah so I’m not quite brave enough to go against the boss just yet.


King of New York Round 1: Fox Mask (CZCW) defeated Gino Montero (OLLIE) in 10:09 via pinfall with a Foxhunter. (C-)


King of New York Round 1: KC Glenn defeated Ash Campbell (PSW) in 8:29 via pinfall with a Tune Up The Sunshine Band. (D)


King of New York Round 1: Casey Valentine defeated Luis Montero Jr. (OLLIE) in 8:07 via pinfall with a Deep Impact. (D-)


Steven Parker cuts a promo hyping up his upcoming match with Antonio Del Veccio. (D+)

King of New York Round 1: Steven Parker (PSW) defeated Antonio Del Veccio (4C) in 8:02 via pinfall with a Future Shock. (D)


Steven Parker stays in the ring ready for the first round of the tag team grand prix tournament.

Grand Prix Round 1: Steven Parker and Ash Campbell (PSW) defeated Los Monteros (OLLIE) in 9:31 via pinfall. (D)


Cameron Vessey cuts a promo hyping up his upcoming match with The Masked Mauler. ©


King of New York Round 1: Cameron Vessey drew with The Masked Mauler in 21:45 following a double count out after the Mauler dragged the Empire champion to the outside and locked in a LEG LOCK!?! But refused to let go while Michael Bull counted them out. (D+)


Rating: D+


Well apparently we used Luis Montero Jr. too much, that’s not really a problem seeing as he lost both his matches and his attitude meant that he would not be signed up permanently.


Then some disastrous news. While preparing the second show the Confederation of the Territories began blocking my approaches. I didn’t know there was a limit. Dammit. But I'm just mad enough not to let that deter me, so I start slinging out short-term contracts and ploughed right on ahead.


Welcome to the King of New York Tour

Thursday Week 2, August 2013

The Ministry (1,000)


King of New York Round 1: Oblivion defeated Findlay O'Farraday (MAW) in 3:51 via pinfall with a Reality Bomb (D) The crowd were shocked to see Oblivion looking a little off his game and he almost botched his own finisher.


Hollywood Bret Starr was out to say that he should be an honourary member of The Legacy, which brought out Oblivion to beat him down and shake his head. ©


King of New York Round 1: Sammy Cipriani defeated Sayeed Ali (4C) in 8:13 via pinfall with an Ace In The Hole. (D)


Grand Prix Round 1: The Mid-Atlantic Connection (Mean Jean Cattley/Hollywood Bret Starr) (MAW) defeated Puerto Rican Power and Billy Russell (FCW) in 10:21 via pinfall after Power and Russell turned on each other and started brawling. (D)


Sammy Cipriani is backstage and he talks about his destiny to become a New York City Wrestling Grand Slam winner. He’s so confident in fact that he’ll put his Tri-State Title on the line in every match he has in the King of New York tournament. (D)


King of New York Round 1: Mean Jean Cattley (MAW) defeated Madman Boone (PSW) in 9:45 via pinfall with a Mood Swing. (C-) that was an unexpectedly good match, I really like Mean Jean and think he might be a good fit for NYCW.


King of New York Round 1: Bulldozer Brandon Smith defeated Hollywood Bret Starr in 8:12 via pinfall with a Backdrop Driver. (D) Disappointing match and considering Bret Starr’s backstage reputation, I think he’s just wrestled himself out of a permanent spot in the company.


Billy Russell is in the ring. Out of nowhere, Puerto Rican Power hits the ring and attacks. The assault is quick and brutal, and leaves Russell completely destroyed. (D+)


King of New York Round 1: Puerto Rican Power defeated Billy Russell in 24:41 via pinfall with a San Juan Rush. (C-) A solid main event that delivers just as well in New York as it does in Puerto Rico.


Rating: D+

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Welcome to New York City… Where money is no object to those of us who can spend other people’s.


Slow news week, so we crack right on ahead with the next round of matches and we get perilously close to going into debt.


Welcome to the King of New York Tour

Thursday Week 3, August 2013

The Ministry (901) Hmmm, we may be burning through fans a little too quickly.


King of New York Round 1: Jacob Jett (4C) defeated Teddy Powell (PSW) in 5:39 via pinfall with an Emergency Landing. (D)


Teddy Powell cuts a backstage promo blaming his loss on the lack of support for the crowd. (E+) Oh dear, no job for the jobber here.


King of New York Round 1: Frankie Perez defeated Davis Wayne Newton in 8:05 via pinfall with a Perfect Parity. (D) Dammit I was really expecting better from these two.


King of New York Round 1: Matthew Keith defeated Dragón Americano in 11:32 via submission with a Proton Lock. (C-) Good performance here, although it was noted that it was almost all down to the future Hall of Famer Matthew Keith.


Matthew Keith talks about how he must be the favourite to win now. This brings out Cameron Vessey who tells him that when he wins, it’ll be Keith’s honour to lay down for him at Empire City Showdown. Keith doesn’t respond and just leaves the ring. ©


Grand Prix Round 1: The Cali Dragons (Mikey James/Frankie Perez) (CZCW) defeated Rush Hour (Jacob Jett/Davis Wayne Newton) (4C) in 9:43 via submission. (D)


King of New York Round 1: American Elemental defeated Ernest Youngman in 9:45 via pinfall with an Inferno Splash. (D+) A good showing from our young up-and-comer, plus American Elemental takes another step toward getting a full time contract.


Honest Frank cuts a promo telling the crowd that he’s tired of all these ‘foreigners’ coming into his beloved NYCW and he’s going to take out his frustrations on Mikey James. (D)


King of New York Round 1: Mikey James defeated Honest Frank in 15:03 by pinfall via a Scything Side Kick. (E+) So it seems they don’t click. That’s annoying.


Rating: D-


Not only did the main event suck, but we apparently overused Davis Wayne Newton. That’s the second time we’ve had that note and it’s because in a desperate attempt to save money, we’re doubling-up on talent working a show.


Apparently a lot of the regular NYCW roster were getting irritated at being left off shows in favour of new talent. I can understand that, so killing two birds with one stone we decide to replace the final show of the month with a Traditional Tour to appease our roster and slow the burnout in New York. We also note that Black Hat Bailey has taken another protégé in the form of Bradley Blaze, let’s team them up and see what happens.


Traditional Tour

Thursday Week 4, August 2013

Biker's Paradise (77)


KC Glenn defeated Animal Harker and Joffy Laine in 10:05 via pinfall (D)


Bailey and Blaze cut a backstage promo. (E)


The Black Hats (Black Hat Bailey/Bradley Blaze) defeated Ant-Man and Ernest Youngman in 10:27 when Black Hat Bailey defeated Ant-Man by submission with a Bailey Breaker after blatantly cheating. (D) After we found out they had excellent chemistry as we had hoped. A new team was born, plus it gave us something to do with Black Hat, the notorious whinger.


Joffy Laine cuts a promo saying that he’s getting tired of being mistreated and if it wasn’t corrected, he’d have to take matters into his own hands. (E+)


Tag Team Titles: The Ring Generals defeated Old School Principals in 9:46 via pinfall after The Masked Mauler and Rick Sanders argue about who should get the pin. (D-)


Cameron Vessey issues an open challenge for his Empire Title and Madman Boone accepts. ©


Empire Title: Cameron Vessey defeated Madman Boone in 24:35 via pinfall with a Vessey Driver. (D+)


Rating: D+


I was expecting a little better from that main event, and as such Madman had his bags packed and was sent back across town. Elsewhere in the wrestling world Dan Stone passed away. I thought this would mean a new owner for NOTBPW, but apparently he’s not the owner. Should I be worried that I have no idea about any promotion outside of the USA?


War update: We finished 2nd this month after PSW put on a C- show with Madman Boone defeated Johnny Martin to retain his title. Why he couldn’t do that for us was beyond me. Luckily we did beat PWC after the best they could come up with was D+ with Steve Flash and Dazzling Dave Diamond in the main event.


We saw a loss of $14,000 this month, which may be because of the Traditional Tour, but we must always look to be expanding and there's every chance we're going to go to the wire with regards the money aspect anyway, so let’s carry on regardless.


The King of New York tourney brackets now look like this:


Greg Keith

American Elemental (CZCW)


Casey Valentine

Mikey James (CZCW)


Bulldozer Brandon Smith

Jacob Jett (4C)


Puerto Rican Power (FCW)



KC Glenn

Fox Mask (CZCW)


Matthew Keith

Steven Parker (PSW)



Sammy Cipriani


Mean Jean Cattley (MAW)

Frankie Perez (CZCW)

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Welcome to New York City… Where you can arrive with a great reputation and leave with a headache.


A slow news week again, so we plough right-on ahead with the second round matches of the King of New York and the Semi Finals of the Grand Prix Tag Team Tournament.


Welcome to the King of New York Tour

Thursday Week 1, September 2013

The Ministry (783) The rot continues


Grand Prix Semi Final: The Ring Generals defeated Ash Campbell and Steven Parker (PSW) in 10:06 when Marv Statler defeated Ash Campbell via pinfall with a Backdrop Backbreaker. (D) Yeah so I’m biased, who cares.


King of New York Round 2: KC Glenn defeated Fox Mask (CZCW) in 9:59 via pinfall with a Tune Up The Sunshine Band. (D+) Decent match and Fox Mask does what he does best by putting over young talent. He was furious about it though, thus guaranteeing he wouldn’t be signed long-term. This actually made me a little bit sad as I was considering using him like CZCW do.


Cameron Vessey issues a challenge to the only man he hasn’t beaten… The Masked Mauler. Old School Principals comes out, but Rick Sanders accepts the challenge on his partners behalf, much to the chargin of the Mauler. (C-)


Empire Title: Cameron Vessey © defeated Rick Sanders in 12:47 via pinfall with a Vessey Driver after The Masked Mauler comes down and ‘accidently’ hits Sanders with a THREE-POINT CHARGE!?! (D)


The Masked Mauler stands over his fallen partner and picks him up and carries him to the back. (D)


King of New York Round 2: Greg Keith defeated American Elemental in 12:16 via submission with a Proton Lock. (C-) Another great match from American Elemental, but can we afford his services permanently?


Sammy and Oblivion stand face-to-face and the big masked phenom gestures a title around his waste. (D+)


King of New York Round 2: Oblivion defeated Sammy Cipriani © in 24:29 via pinfall with a Reality Bomb (D+) Oblivion wins the Tri-State title and books a place in the quarter finals.


Rating: D+


So we offered American Elemental a new and rather pricey contract, but for the quality of matches he was turning out he was totally worth it. I just really hoped he’d sign without someone else stealing him. A new promotion had opened: The cutting edge Lethal Ring has opened in Hawaii, owned and operated by Rob Reynolds. I didn’t really know who he was and as it was based on an island, I didn’t really care.


Finally, in what must be the world’s worst piece of ‘Networking’ Hollywood Bret Starr picked a fight with... LARRY VESSEY. Oh wow. Well he joins a very prestigious list along with Dazzling Dave Diamond. There will definitely be no increase to The Legacy. He gave him a last warning, but we both knew he was gone after the show.


Welcome to the King of New York Tour

Thursday Week 2, September 2013

The Ministry (721)


King of New York Round 2: Bulldozer Brandon Smith defeated Jacob Jett (4C) in 9:39 via pinfall with an Inverted Piledriver. (C-) Cracking opener right there.


Cameron Vessey and Oblivion are out to mock Bulldozer’s chances in the King of New York. Vessey then says that if Oblivion wins, he’ll lay down for his boss. Oblivion responds in a gravely voice “What do you mean if?” ©


Tri-State Title: Oblivion © won a battle royal in 9:55. The other members of the 'final four' were Honest Frank, Black Hat Bailey and Animal Harker. (D+)


King of New York Round 2: Mean Jean Cattley (MAW) defeated Frankie Perez (CZCW) in 8:17 via pinfall by using underhanded tactics. (C-) Another good match and another step toward a full contract for both men.


Sammy Cipriani had an interview hyping his upcoming singles match with Bulldozer Brandon Smith. (D-)


Grand Prix Semi Final: The Cali Dragons (CZCW) defeated The Mid-Atlantic Connection (MAW) in 8:19 when Frankie Perez buried Hollywood Bret Starr by pinfall with a Perfect Parity. (D) Urgh, not quite the match I was hoping for there.


King of New York Round 2: Casey Valentine defeated Mikey James in 7:48 via pinfall after Cameron Vessey interfered. (D+)


Matthew Keith comes out to address Cameron Vessey “No offence champ, but WHEN I win the King of New York tournament, I will be cashing the title shot at Empire City Showdown and giving you the match of your life. You might convince the rest of The Legacy to do it, but not me. I may not win, but I will NOT lay down for anyone.” The crowd, used to booing the member of The Legacy appreciate his honesty. (C-)


King of New York Round 2: Matthew Keith defeated Steven Parker in 23:39 via submission with a Proton Lock. (D+)


Rating: D+


Buddy Garner returns from wrestling exile. Not sure who he is, but decide to offer him a contract, which he probably correctly turns down. KC Glenn and Bulldozer sign with FCW, which I don’t mind as it’ll give them both a lot more experience.


NYCW King of New York 2013 Card:

Quarter Finals: Greg Keith vs. Casey Valentine

Quarter Finals: Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. Puerto Rican Power (FCW)

Quarter Finals: KC Glenn vs. Matthew Keith

Quarter Finals: Oblivion vs. Mean Jean Cattley (MAW)

Grand Prix Final: The Ring Generals vs. The Cali Dragons (CZCW)

Loser Leaves Town: American Elemental vs. Sammy Cipriani

Empire Title Match: The Masked Mauler vs. Cameron Vessey ©

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Welcome to New York City… Where like flies to wanton boys, are we to the Gods. They kill us for their sport.


That’s right, a King Lear quote in a wrestling diary. What of it?


NYCW King of New York 2013

Wednesday Week 4, September 2013

The Ministry (1,000)


Cameron Vessey comes out to run-down The Masked Mauler for not being in his league, and he can’t wait to see which member of The Legacy will get to prove their loyalty to the ‘greater good.’ (D-)


King of New York Quarter Final: Greg Keith defeated Casey Valentine in 6:20 via submission with a Proton Lock after blatantly cheating. (D-) Disappointing, but then they are both heels I suppose.


King of New York Quarter Final: Oblivion defeated Mean Jean Cattley in 5:38 via pinfall after a Reality Bomb. (D+)


Cameron Vessey comes out to celebrate with the Tri-State champion Oblivion, but the behemoth gestures for a second title. Vessey looks worried. (C+)


Grand Prix Final: The Cali Dragons defeated The Ring Generals in 7:45 via pinfall with a Perfect Parity. (D+) I smell a feud.


American Elemental says that he’s only just got here and has no intention of letting Sammy Cipriani send him packing. (C-)


King of New York Quarter Final: Puerto Rican Power defeated Bulldozer Brandon Smith in 10:29 via disqualification after Cameron Vessey ran in and attacked Bulldozer. (D)


Loser Leaves Town: Sammy Cipriani loses to American Elemental in 8:30 via pinfall with an Inferno Splash. (D+)


Sammy Cipriani gets on the microphone and thanks the fans of New York for their support, but he’s moving to Canada and they won’t see him again. (D+)


King of New York Quarter Final: Matthew Keith defeated KC Glenn in 10:03 via submission with a Proton Lock. © What a great match. If ever there was any doubt in these two’s quality, let it be dispelled here.


Cameron Vessey, Greg Keith and Casey Valentine head out to the sold out crowd to celebrate with Mattherw Keith. Vessey wants assurances that tonight if Keith wins, he’ll ‘do the right thing’ and forgo the title shot ‘for the greater good.’ Matthew Keith eyes up his friends and in a tells them ‘Hell no!” When he wins tonight he’s going to Empire City Showdown and he will walk out champion. The Legacy attack, but Keith fights his way back and clears the ring. ©


King of New York Semi Final: Greg Keith defeated Puerto Rican Power in 7:05 via submission with a Proton Lock. (C-) The Keith brothers are absolutely crushing matches tonight.


King of New York Semi Final: Matthew Keith defeated Oblivion in 12:49 via DQ after Cameron Vessey comes out and lays a beatdown on Keith. Oblivion does not look impressed, but does follow Vessey to the back. © That’s two C-rated matches on one card for Matthew Keith.


Empire Title: Cameron Vessey defeated The Masked Mauler in 10:15 via pinfall while using the ropes for leverage. (D+)


Matthew Keith is out first and he grabs a microphone. He talks about growing up under the gaze of their dad and the number of times they’ve fought. He goes on to say that this is the first time it’s really meant anything and just like when they were younger, he’ll prove that he is true heir to the Keith family name. ©


King of New York Final: After 27 minutes of brutality and near-falls for both men, with the rest of The Legacy watching on, Greg Keith eventually succumbs to the Proton Lock of his brother Matthew, who wins the first annual King of New York tournament. (C+)


After the match the two brothers shake hands and Greg hands Matthew the trophy. But Oblivion, Casey Valentine and Cameron Vessey charge the ring and attack Matthew, beating him down with the King of New York trophy. Greg considers defending his brother, but eventually joins in the beatdown. (C-)


Rating: C


We have a new ‘Best Match Ever’ here in NYCW and it is of course Keith vs. Keith. If there was any doubt to the best two workers on the independent scene, this match has surely proven it. We’d have to build to a rematch at some point, but for now we had finished our epic tournament and booked our main event of Empire City Showdown in the process. This was a red-hot feud and we had officially turned Matthew Keith face to the delight of the crowd.


Sammy Cipriani is now friends with Joffy Laine and has decided to sign a written contract with Canadian Golden Combat. Dammit! I had plans to finally push him to the top and complete his Grand Slam. Oh well. On the plus side American Elemental had signed with us and would slot straight into Sammy’s spot.


We also ended the month having made only a $5,500 loss, which could’ve been much worse. That being said, we were very close to the big fat zero and would have to be a bit more considerate regarding costs of running shows. Although we had jumped in popularity in the Tri-State area to D-, which meant more fans. Our momentum had also increased to a solid C+, while our popularity in New England had increased to an F+.


I noticed that the only TV Station I was likely to get a show on was based in Quebec Canada, so once our popularity in New England had jumped to E-, I’d concentrate on boosting Quebec with a view to getting our very own TV show. Probably, although it seemed like I’d be destined never to make any serious money.


In the final piece of global news Buddy Garner signed for TCW. Sure reject us, but remember, we’re the company with the best young talent in the USA.

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Welcome to New York City... A place I actually just returned from.


With the first annual King of New York tournament in the books, we'd have to start building toward our big year-end show Empire City Showdown. We already had the main event Matthew Keith vs. Cameron Vessey for the Empire Title, so what else could we add?


Welcome to New York City

Thursday Week 1, October 2013

Pennysylvania Park (1,888)


Old School Principals defeated The Black Hats in 10:10 when The Masked Mauler defeated Black Hat Bailey via pinfall following a HART ATTACK!?! (E+)


Cameron Vessey says he's so lacking in concern over Matthew Keith's challenge that he's going to focus on helping his bodyguard Oblivion defend his Tri-State Title. ©


Oblivion defeated Ernest Youngman in 5:59 via pinfall with a Reality Bomb. (D+)


Bulldozer Brandon Smith says he's not done with The Legacy and he wants a match with Vessey... TONIGHT. (C-)


Tag Team Titles: The Ring Generals defeated Honest Frank and The New York Doll in 9:56 when Dean Waldorf defeated The New York Doll via pinfall. (D)


KC Glenn defeated Casey Valentine in 9:54 via pinfall after Greg Keith tried to interfere and accidently hit Casey. (D+)


Casey Valentine gets on the mic and challenges KC Glenn to a rematch, but KC doesn't see the point. (D)


Empire Title: Cameron Vessey defeated Bulldozer Brandon Smith in 24:50 via pinfall with a Vessey Driver after Oblivion slipped in the ring and clobbered Smith with a chair right under the referee's nose. (C-)


Rating: C-


Our main event scene is really hotting up with everyone firing on all cylinders and helping to put on a load of great matches.


Slow news week, so we roll right on ahead.


Traditional Tour

Wednesday Week 3, October 2013

Biker's Paradise (148)


Tag Team Titles: The Ring Generals defeated The Black Hats in 9:52 via pinfall after interference from The Cali Dragons. (D-)


American Elemental challenges Greg Keith to an exhibition match. Apparently all he hears in Japan is how good Keith is and he wants to prove he's better. (D)


Greg Keith defeated American Elemental in 15:29 via submission with a Proton Lock. (C-)


Cameron Vessey cuts a promo hyping up his upcoming match with Matthew Keith. (C-)


Empire Title: Cameron Vessey defeated Frankie Perez in 24:49 via pinfall after Frankie getrs distracted by The Ring Generals who come to see the match. (C-)


Matthew Keith responds to Cameron Vessey's comments saying come Empire City Showdown he'll take the most important thing from him... The Empire title. But until then he wants to beat a Legacy member. (D+)


Matthew Keith defeated Casey Valentine in 12:48 via submission with a Proton Lock. ©


Rating: C-


And as October draws to a close, Phoenix Wrestling Company is on its deathbed. Poor Steve Flash, lost his spot in embarassing fashion and now is unemployed. They won the last regional battle though. There's a phrase about winning battles but losing wars that seems apt here.


We made a healthy $14,500 profit last month, which is great news, now we can splurge a bit in time for the big event.

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Welcome to New York City... Where we have the best talent on the indepndent scene and are not afraid to run them in to the ground physically.


After each event both Keith brothers, Cam Vessey and American Elemental all ask for time off to help recover. I make an executive decision to ignore them and continue to put on the best matches I possible can for as long as I can. It's just business.


Welcome to New York City

Thursday Week 1, November 2013

Pennysylvania Park (1,738)


Mean Jean Cattley comes out and declares that he has found a protege to help mold into the perfect tag team partner and future world champion and brings out Ant-Man. Together they are to be referred to as The Unforgiven and they're looking to recruit more people to their cause. (D)


The Unforgiven (Mean Jean Cattley and Ant-Man) defeated Ernest Youngman and Joffy Laine in 10:12 when Ant-Man defeated Joffy Laine via pinfall after Ernest turned on his partner and joined The Unforgiven. (D)


The Masked Mauler defeated Honest Frank in 10:26 via pinfall after hitting him with a... SMALL PACKAGE!?! (E+) Ouch, not a lot of heat or talent on display there.


Matthew Keith cuts a promo on Cameron Vessey. (C-)


Tag Team Titles: The Ring Generals © defeated The Black Hats in 10:15 via pinfall by using underhanded tactics. (D-)


Cameron Vessey brings out Oblivion and says that at Empire City Showdown his pet monster is challenging Bulldozer Brandon Smith and he's happy to put the Tri-State Title on the line. (C-)


American Elemental drew with Casey Valentine in 12:51 via double count out after Greg Gauge charged the ring and all 3 men started brawling. (D)


Cameron Vessey is out with Oblivion and Greg Keith and they're ready to destroy Bulldozer, Matthew Keith and KC Glenn. ©


Matthew Keith, KC Glenn and Bulldozer Brandon Smith drew with The Legacy (Cameron Vessey, Greg Keith and Oblivion) in 24:18 when a huge brawl erupted and the ref threw out the match. (C+)


Rating: C


Well Holy cow, where did that main event come from. I think I've accidently booked myself into an unstoppable position with all of my upper-midcarders and above really trying to outdo one another. For those keeping track, that is the second best match in our history after the Keith vs. Keith match at King of New York. I wonder if we can top it at Empire City Showdown.


Anyway, time for the go-home show before the big event.


Traditional Tour

Wednesday Week 3, November 2013

Biker's Paradise (143)


Rcik Sanders is out to say that he's had enough of The Masked Mauler stealing all the glory and he's going to prove that he's the real talent of Old School Principals. (E) I must check people's talents before sending them out there to die.


The Masked Mauler defeated Rick Sanders in 12:58 by submission with a CAMEL CLUTCH!?! (E+) I think Sanders usefulness might be running out.


Black Hat Bailey defeated Bradley Blaze in 13:16 via submission with a Bailey Breaker after blatantly cheating. (E+)


After the match Black Hat tells Bradley to train harder and one day he'll learn how to beat him. (E+)


Matthew Keith comes down to the ring and Cameron Vessey immediately interrupts. They're arguing until The Cali Dragons makes an appearance saying that as the top two performers in New York, they have to prove that they can work together to beat the best of Cali. Vessey and Keith reluctantly agree. (C-)


Cameron Vessey and Matthew Keith defeated The Cali Dragons in 27:52 when Matthew Keith defeated Mikey James by submission with a Proton Lock. (C-)


The two men are celebrating in the ring together when Vessey suddenly realises that they're enemies and attacks and beats him to a pulp. The Cali Dragons try to save him, and this brings out American Elemental too. The three men not in the main event agree to have a number one contenders match at Empire City Showdown. (C-) (D+)


Rating: D+


Well that event surely sucked and not even the main event could drag it up. I blame Rick Sanders for that one. Made $5,500 in profit, as I start thinking that our money troubles are over. Perhaps it's time to start investing in more talent.


Next time it's Empire City Showdown 2013.

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Empire City Showdown 2013

Wednesday Week 1, December 2013

SOLD OUT Pennsylvania Park (2,000)


Everyone not on the card Battle Royal: Mean Jean Cattley won in 10:13. The other members of the 'final four' were Casey Valentine, Black Hat Bailey and Ant-Man, with Casey Valentine being the final elimination. (D+)


The Ring Generals defeated Old School Principals in 9:44 when Dean Waldorf defeated The Masked Mauler by pinfall with a Walforf Salad Toss. The Ring Generals make defence number 6 of their NYCW Tag Team titles. (D-)


Cameron Vessey brings out Oblivion and gives him a pep-talk before his match. ©


Tri-State Title: Oblivion © defeated Bulldozer Brandon Smith in 14:43 via pinfall with a Reality Bomb. (C-) Good to know that these two have good chemistry, I'll be exploiting that like a wrong-un going forward.


Cameron Vessey cuts a promo on Matthew Keith. (C-)


KC Glenn defeated Greg Keith in 12:35 via pinfall with a qucik roll-up. (C-)


Greg Keith loses his temper with the loss and destroys KC Glenn. Eventually paramedics have to come out and carry him away. (D+)


No. 1 Contenders Triple Threat Match: Frankie Perez, American Elemental and Mikey James draw in 12:47 when Greg Keith attacks and destroys all three men. (C-) Now that's an interesting way to declare yourself the number one contender.


Matthew Keith cuts a promo hyping up his upcoming match with Cameron Vessey. (C-)


Empire Title: Matthew Keith defeated Cameron Vessey © in 25:13 via submission with a Proton Lock. (C+)


Rating: C


Hoo-rah! Third best match of all time closes what is a pretty good show all round. Matthew Keith, the man who can put on a great match with a broom is now the Empire Champion while his brother Greg is the de-facto number one contender. That's right, I can't resist a rematch between the two most talented independent workers in the world.


With help fromt he sell-out show and me deciding that I want to spend Christmas in the U, thus cancelling all further shows for the year and giving everyone on the roster a break we turn a very healthy $27,000 profit for December.


As 2013 draws to a close and with our momentum up to C+ we look back at what's been happening elsewhere to see what we're aioming for.


Top 10 Wrestlers in the Wrold:

1. Steve DeColt

2. Sean McFly

3. Duane Stone

4. Johnny Bloodstone

5. Dan Stone Jr.

6. Yoshimi Mushashibo

7. PRIDE Koiso

8. Champagne Lover

9. El Leon

10. Pablo Rodriguez


No former my generation NYCers in the top 100. Closest we got is American Elemental at #140. Next year we'll aim to get an active worker into the top 100.


Yearly Awards:

Tag Team - Duane Stone & Sean McFly

Young Wrestler - Bussho Makiguchi

Veteran - Ricky Dale Johnson

Female - Fuyuko Higa

Indy Wrestler - Man Mountain Cahill

Company - NOTBPW

Most Improved - WLW

MotY - Steve DeColt def Sean McFly NOTBPW Championship Wrestling

Card- NOTBPW Winter War 2013

Manager - Jennifer Heat

Announcer - Duane Fry

Colour - Emma Chase


So with 2014 spreading out ahead of us like some great unknown country and with the main event of Rush Hour already set it's time to consider how best to attack the year.


The big question relates to our potential for a TV show. In order to do that we would need to consider a Canadian tour. Perhaps introducing a 3rd unique show is the answer, plus this would slow the deterioration of our popularity in the Tri-State region.


Decisions, decisions.

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