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PSW: One day at a time (a real time diary)

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(2/14/14) yes starting a diary on valentines day :)


1/10/10 - Game name :PSW

all game areas active

1 player

Playing as little mac

turned on

SHow stats as grades, perfect show theory, momentum, time limits for negotiations, industry and economy effects (everything else is turned off)


5 points to all user talents

as there are no owner goals, I am not going to play as the owner, I am going to be head booker of pitsburg steel wrestling


* took a look and saw I have no active events, we will need to get on schedualed sooner rather than latter


*Looked over the roster, and tag team line ups


* took a look at our finances and contract rates, I will probably do a quick show this friday to test the waters, see what I am dealing with, we will work out story lines and utilization from there. 100k is good amount but I need to know what budgeting I need to do to make this work.



(if you haven't got it yet, a real time diary means as I do it, I'm tracking it. every day of the game will be a post.)

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* title picture</p><p>

champ - Frankie Future</p><p>

national - Matthew keith</p><p>

tag - The wolverine & Punisher (Deadly alliance)</p><p> </p><p>

* Better create some cheap storylines</p><p>

1) Dead Rage & the deadly alliance tag title picture</p><p>

2) frankei future, steven parker & little bill, for the champ</p><p>

3) Mathew kieth, teddy powell & tank bradley National title hunt</p><p> </p><p>

a great second game day, tomorrow our first event gets a name and date <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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<p>1/3/10</p><p> </p><p>

*checked the availablity of several key wrestlers</p><p> </p><p>

* named our first event "Steel City Showdown", set it up to be numeralled and run the second friday of every January</p><p> </p><p>

* found the calendar button that shows all conflicts (yeah, less clicking)</p>

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<p>(2/15/14)</p><p> </p><p>

1/4/10</p><p> </p><p>

* assigned little mac to enhancement talent, and gave him a side kick gimmick</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

* time to pre-book some matches</p><p> </p><p>

Little bill vs tank bradley</p><p>

The Deadly alliance vs Dead Rage</p><p>

Mathew Keith vs teddy powell</p><p>

Frankie future vs Steven Parker (PSW title on the line)</p><p> </p><p>

now on to friday and our first show.</p>

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<p>Friday week 2, 2010</p><p> </p><p>

* went in and checked out the PSW product before starting my show, my take aways</p><p>

- 90% wrestling</p><p>

- tends hard core/ high risk</p><p>

- based more on popularity</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

The Show: Steel City Showdown I</p><p>

note: every one was avialble, but due to this being more of a feeling out show, we are sticking to our four matches in a one hour window.</p><p> </p><p>

as I expect a learning curve, we choose to hold the show at the Weston Gym.</p><p> </p><p>

E+ (3) The Show Opens with Steven Parker demanding a title match or he is walking.</p><p>

E- (12) -hard core match- Tank Bradley & Little Bill to a time limit draw (tank was unhappy with the finish)</p><p>

E (12) -ladder match- *Tag Title* The deadly Alliance over Dead Rage to retain</p><p>

E (3) Matthew Kieth tells every one he is not satisfied being JUST the national title holder</p><p>

D- (14) *National Title* Matthew Keith over Teddy Powel to retain</p><p>

D- (18) -tables match- *PSW Title* Frankie Future over Steven Parker to retain</p><p> </p><p>

Worker cost for the show $10,150</p><p> </p><p>

Final rating D-</p><p> </p><p>

not bad for a first show with a company of E+ overness</p>

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<p>Saturday week 2, 2010</p><p> </p><p>

sold $2400 in tickets to a sold out crowd of 300, even if the projected 600 people had packed a larger venue, we would have come up very short. we will have to see how much the sponsors kick in at the end of the month, or this could be a very short run.</p><p> </p><p>

we have choosen to auto advance to the end of the month.</p>

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Tuesday week 1, February 2010


looks like our next contract expiry isn't for 45 days, we will deal with that after the show. now to book the show. we made cold as steel 90 minutes instead of 60 so we can have more matches.


I'm thinking tag kick off, under card, national title match, main event. if we still make enough money we will move to 2 hours.


Deadly Alliance vs The Good Ol'Boys

Teddy Powell vs Ash Campbell

Mathew Keith vs Tank Bradley for the national title

Frankie Future vs Little Bill for the psw title

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Friday week 2, February 2010 (night) (the show)


Live from the Ministry in queens


Cold as Steel


E (12) Deadly Alliance over The Good Ol'Boys

F (5) Dead Rage (the tag champs) Jump Deadly alliance

E (14)Teddy Powell over Ash Campbell (first blood match, because Teddy powel would not compete in a light tube match)

D- (13) Alex Braun over Steven Parker (weapon on pole)

E- (5) tank Jumps Matthew before the match up

D- (16)Mathew Keith over Tank Bradley to retain the national title (tables)

E- (5) Frankie opens a door right into Steven Parkers face

E+ (22)Frankie Future vs Little Bill for the psw title (hardcore)


Show E+

attd: 683


really need to get some better angles.


(well on to contract re negotiations and finding some people to fill our soon to be holes)

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<p>(2/22/14)</p><p> </p><p>

Thursday, week 3 February 2010</p><p> </p><p>

The hunt for talent beings today</p><p>

Filter (exclude unavailable, can work in us, psy > D, basics > D, male)</p><p>

produced way to many results adding (younger than 30)</p><p>

still to many adding (works for none)</p><p> </p><p>

reaching out to k-squared</p><p>

reaching out to roderick remus</p><p>

reaching out to dermot O'logical</p>

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<p>Wednesday, Week 4 February 2010</p><p> </p><p>

we were unable to reach terms with Johny martin, what he wanted as a down side and his PPA (and us not using him at all) did not make it worth our time to continue trying to hammer out a deal. we might sand bag him on his way out though. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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<p>Monday, Week 1 March 2010</p><p> </p><p>

It is time to announce our March event. "Blowin' Hard" will be held the second Friday of March.</p><p> </p><p>

we also checked in on our finances for February. We increased worker & venue costs, but the added ticket revenue made up for it, and we brought in almost 15K profit. this month we are definitely going to do a 2 hour show.</p>

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Tuesday, Week 1 March 2010


things to do

1) assign gimimcks and spots on the roster - done

2) we put k-squared under as mask and are pushing him as Kancer

3) a new tag team - Dermot O'logical & Kancer - Skin Kancer

4) a new story line as Steven Parker left, leaving a whole in our PSW title story line. (Frankie, ash & Alex should fill that nicely)

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Wednesday, Week 1 March 2010


Need to start planning out our next show


Good ol' boys vs Small Time (lazy joe & Little Bill)

Teddy Powel vs Nellson Callum

Dead Rage vs Skin Kancer

Deadly alliance vs Next Gen

Alex braun vs Jd Morgan

National title: Matthew Keith vs roderick remus

PSW title: Frankie vs Johny

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Friday, Week 2 March 2010 (night) (preshow incident)


Jd Morgan and Alex Braun had a back stage disagreement. Jd spread the word around that he was going to kick out of Alex's finisher every time, he was totally jocking but Alex didn't get it, and it led to major back stage heat.


I talked to Jd about respect, and what it would look like if he actually did something like that to a vet like Alex. Jd manned up and ever shook hands with Alex when he apologized for the whole thing.

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Friday, Week 2 March 2010 (night)


Blowin' Wind


Live from the ministry in Queens.


E+ (13) Good ol' boys over Small Time (lazy joe & Little Bill) (dog collar match)

E+ (15) Teddy Powel over Nellson Callum (strap)

E+ (10) Nicole Kiss & Krissy Angel in a bikini contest

E- (12) Tag Title: Dead Rage over Skin Kancer to retain (hardcore)

D- (15) Deadly alliance vs Next Gen

E (5) Frankie carries on about how great Martin is, but how he is still going to find a way to hold onto his title

D- (12) Alex braun over Jd Morgan (first blood)

E+ (20) National title: Matthew Keith over roderick remus to retain (ladder)

D (18) PSW title: Frankie over Johny martin to retain (casket)


Rating D-

attd 634

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Monday, Week 4 March 2010


Fabulous Frank is a toxic to our team, he brings a severly negative energy. we are going to start looking for a replacement.


As well TCW came knocking on Matthew Keiths door, so we might as well look for a replacement sooner rather than later.


we sent offers to Nick Adams, Hugh De Aske & Frankie Perez.


we may need an emergency show to get the belt off of Matthew, though.

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(and this is why I post each day before moving on to the next)


Tuesday, Week 4 March 2010


Well I will not cry at all, Fabulous Frank walked into my office this morning and announced that he has signed a written deal with TCW. I totally missed any notification that he was talking to TCW.


Frank you will not be missed.

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