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WCW Rise to the Top (CVerse)

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“So, give me something,” said Archie Judge. He leaned back into his chair looking rather impatient. “I can't stand amateurs. What have you got?”


I still couldn't believe it. Only a month ago I was slugging my guts out working long hours for minimum wage in England. Now, here I was in Seattle speaking to the legend that was Archie Judge. The legend, I might add, who was working for me. God bless rich dead relatives.


“Hello,” Judge waved his hand in front of my face. “I see the lights on. Is anybody home?”


“Sorry,” I said. “Let's get to work. Characters. I've gone over the roster and spoken to the other wrestlers. I've got their gimmicks in the bag. I just need some work on my own character.” I passed Judge three sheets of paper, each filled with a description of the three gimmicks I could work.


The most versatile character was Caraclla Harris. He was a hired heavy; enforcer kind of guy. Personally I found him the least interesting. Judge was adamant that I should use this character until I had more experience. Archie Judge! Who was I to argue?


My personal favourite – and Archie's (which I was so happy to hear) – was a guy called Charles Minister. He was a traditionalist. In his promos he would promote the athletic grappling virtues of “proper wrestling.” In the ring, however, he would result to cheating and underhand tactics to further his cause, often claiming his victories as victories for his cause. Judge and I both agreed I wasn't ready for that just yet.


And then there was the monster; the black sheep of the family: HardKore Harris. The name spoke for itself. A psychotic, unhinged freak who would do anything to win. Simple, but effective. Judge wasn't a fan.


“I'll train you,” Judge said. “In time you'll be a great wrestler. In my opinion go with Caracalla Harris for now and get some experience under you're belt. You're very green.”


Archie Judge! I was sitting opposite Archie Judge. What a legend!


"Next on the agenda," I said "feuds."

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The Karnage Kids vs. Murder Inc. - The Karnage Kids win F+





CURRAN – Good evening wrestle fans and welcome to World Championship Wrestling's first ever show here at Club X. I am your host Samuel Curran.


SMITH – And, I'm Mac Smith. G'day. We got a great show for you tonight haven't we, Sam?”


CURRAN - Indeed we have, Mac. I can't wait.


SMITH - We've already had one match play out this evening with Acid II and Phobia beating Caracalla Harris and The Silencer by pinfall as the crowds arrived.


CURRAN - For those who follow Japanese wrestling...


SMITH - … or remember DAVE.


CURRAN - Indeed. Acid II is the protege of the original Acid, Tayler Morton.


SMITH - He should achieve great things. He's a promising young lad.


CURRAN - That he is, Mac. Let's hope we see more of him in the future.


SMITH - I hear music, Samuel. Good ol' Australian music. Someone's on their way to the ring.



CURRAN - That would be the pride of Stockholm, Anders Thunder.


SMITH - He's a big lad.


Anders Thunder steps in to the ring. The small crowd of forty cheering him on. “THUNDER! THUNDER!”



It is interrupted by the jarring sound of space and time tearing apart. An excitable man steps out onto the ramp.


SMITH - Who is that?


CURRAN - I have no idea.


OTTO - I am Melvin Otto. I am from what you would call the future. And I have been given a mission.


Thunder shrugs his shoulders as if to say, “What do you want me to do about?”


OTTO - In my time you, Anders Thunder, are a plague on the League of Doom. I am it's prophet. I have given myself the blessed task of destroying you.


Thunder invites him to bring it on.


CURRAN - And, it looks like we have our first official match of the evening.


Anders Thunder defeated Melvin Otto by pinfall. E


CURRAN - What a great match to start the show! Anders Thunder certainly put Melvin Otto in his place.


SMITH - Thunder was lucky. I wonder what heinous crimes he is guilty of in the future. Otto should get some help. I bet there are plenty of dude's who'd be willing to help him in his crusade at the WCW.


CURRAN - I think you may have this the wrong way round.


SMITH - We'll see. Maybe he's killed someone. Maybe he kills you. Peace and quiet. That would be nice.


CURRAN - Our next match is the first match of a tournament for the United States Championship. Up tonight we have Cerberus against Cip Conduit.



Cerberus w/ Jon Brown defeated Cip Conduit F-


SMITH - That Cerberus looks like he can handle himself.


CURRAN - He certainly likes to throw his weight around. Some of his methods were, at best, questionable.


SMITH - Questionable? Nothing wrong if they ref didn't see it.


CURRAN - Are you condoning illegal moves as long as people don't get caught.


SMITH - Something like that. Special mention should go out to his manger Jon Brown. What a class guy? Say, are you up to date on your taxes?


CURRAN - What has that got to do with anything?


SMITH - Oh, nothing...



CURRAN - Here comes our first contestant for our main event of the evening.


SMITH - I know this song. It's from that movie... what'sitcalled.... the one about the cats.


CURRAN - I think you'll find it's dogs.


SMITH - Here comes the hard-working, absolutely magnificent Quentin Queen and the oh-so-gorgeous Venus Angeletti. She is the best looking thing in this company after me.





Wes Revell w/ Duke Hazzard defeated Quentin Queen w/ Venus Angeletti by pinfall F


CURRAN - Oh, come on! What a bad loser! From behind, too. There's no need for that.


SMITH - He has to keep face in front of Venus. How will she ever respect a guy who got beaten by a cowboy?


Quentin Queen attacks Wes Revell from behind and beats him into the mat. The referee and Revell's manager, Duke Hazzard pull Queen off.


Queen and Venus head backstage. Before they get there Hazzard picks up the microphone.




HAZZARD - Hold it right there, b'hoy. Don't you go amputating your timber. Are you some kinda Addle-headed Acorn Calf? What sorta snapperhead gives a man a whaling afterclaps?If you're after a row we'll give you a row? Next week. What do you say?


Queen puts his arm around Venus and heads off backstage.


HAZZARD - Lily-livered nancy-boy!


SMITH - Queen can't leave us like that! What's the answer?


CURRAN - I guess we'll have to wait until next week.


SMITH - And, you're ok with that?


CURRAN - No, but there's not much I can do. That's it, folks. Until next week.


SMITH - Definitely cats.


CURRAN - What is?


SMITH - That film I was thinking of.


CURRAN - You mean Reservoir Dogs.


SMITH - No, that's not it. I'm certain it was cats. Quarry Cats? No... Storage Cats? No... I can't remember. This is going to bug me all week.



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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>AFTER SHOW MEETING</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i135.photobucket.com/albums/q138/yobnrok/TEW/CVFP_WhiteMale_021.jpg</span><span>http://i135.photobucket.com/albums/q138/yobnrok/TEW/ArchieJudge.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

“That was awesome!” I was pumped. I was bouncing off the walls congratulating everyone for putting together a great show. “You all worked hard out there. Great job.”</p><p> </p><p>

Judge remained silent.</p><p> </p><p>

Slowly people began to drift away, and soon I was alone with Judge.</p><p> </p><p>

“What the hell was that crap?” He rounded on me, stiff finger in my face. “How can you congratulate them for that piece of s**t? I was working for TCW two years ago, and now... and now I'm working for this amateur outfit.”</p><p> </p><p>

“It was our first show,” I said. “Sure, it was far from perfect, and there are things that need to be ironed out but, considering it was our first show I thought it was ok.”</p><p> </p><p>

Judge was silent for a moment, before he turned away. “I can't stand amateurs.”</p><p> </p><p>

Who did he think he was? Oh yeah, Archie Judge! Awesome!</p>

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i135.photobucket.com/albums/q138/yobnrok/TEW/Week1-1.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>


Anders Thunder vs The Silencer</p><p>

Leopard King vs. Melvin Otto </p><p>

Chucky Dorrance vs. Acid II - Round One WCW United States Championship Tournament</p><p>

Cerberus vs. Quentin Queen</p><p> </p><p>

Predictions welcome...</p>

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<p>nice show</p><p> </p><p>

Anders Thunder vs <strong>The Silencer</strong></p><p>

<strong>Leopard King</strong> vs. Melvin Otto</p><p>

Chucky Dorrance vs. <strong>Acid II</strong> - Round One WCW United States Championship Tournament</p><p>

<strong>Cerberus</strong> vs. Quentin Queen</p>

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