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Intense Combat Eruption - The Rolls of Fate

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Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the inaugural show of Intense Combat Eruption.




I'm Melanie Florence, and I will be commentating for you this evening, and this is Darren Haynes, owner and announcer here in ICE.


We might call it ICE, but things are hotting up here in the Sweat Box, where the crowd is packed and ready to watch the show.


Lets not keep them waiting too long, we've got a big card for them tonight, and a lot of people wanting to make a name for themselves from the outset.


We start tonight with a match between Nighthawk, the lightweight Australian, and a man more than double his size, Gary Gourmand.


A real David vs Goliath battle, but who knows, if Nighthawk can get Gary Gourmand down on the mat, he might be able to keep him there.


Lets find out, here on Intense Combat Eruption.


Match 1:




In a match which was blessedly short, Nighthawk began on the offensive, looking for any way he could to bring down Gary Gourmand. Nighthawk's attempts at hit and run tactics were shortlived, when Gary Gourmand managed to grab him, toss him to the ground, and finish him with a Gutbuster (Standing Splash to the torso). 1, 2, 3, this one is over.


Match Time: 3:20


Match Rating: 12






After the match finishes, Gary Gourmand drags Nighthawk in to the corner of the ring, before leaning him up, sitting against the ring post. Laughing evilly as he does so, he turns, and repetedly slams his massive sweaty posterior in to the face of Nighthawk, who looks as though he is going to vomit. Gary Gourmand, feeling as though he has sufficiently humiliated his opponent, makes a slow walk out of the ring, to the boos of the crowd.

Angle Rating: 21




I feel sick just watching that. Poor Nighthawk.




The size difference was just too much for him to handle. And I doubt anyone will be happy to take on Gary Gourmand after how he treats his defeated foes.


Moving on though, next up tonight, Amazing Fire Fly fights Byron Noble Esquire. A more even match perhaps?


We can only hope.


Match 2:




In a rather more even match-up, it's Amazing Fire Fly who gets off the blocks quickest, with some amazing aerial moves. Byron Noble Esq tries to keep up, but can't match the speed on show by Fire Fly, the highlight of which involves a top rope leap in to a modified Hurricanrana. However, the deviousness of Noble is on display, where out of sight of referee Jez McArthuer, he catches Fire Fly with a rake to the eyes. Blinded, Fire Fly can't defend himself from a Dynasty Driver (Snap DDT), executes the roll-up, and with a handful of tights, gets the 3 count.

Match Time: 6:55


Match Rating: 20




After the match, Byron Noble Esquire exits the ring, and makes his way towards the commentary desk. He has eyes only for Melanie Florence, ignoring Darren Haynes completely.




My dear, I am charmed to meet you.


His accent is strong, an upper-class british accent, dripping with pomposity.




The pleasure is all yours, I'm sure.


Ah, looks and a delightful sense of humour. What perfect combination, you must dine with me tonight.


Thank you, but definately no thanks. You're certainly not my type.


Now come dear, I saw how your eyes were mesmerized by me during my match. Us Brits must stick together you know, in this land of educationally challenged plebs.


Definately no thanks.


Suit yourself, I'm sure many of the fine ladies in the audience will be willing to dine with someone with royal blood, such as I. It's a shame I shall have to endure their accents, but those are the prices one pays for being so gifted.


Byron leaves, and Melanie looks more than a little relieved to be without his company.


Angle Rating: 21




Ugh, my skin is crawling.




He certainly is rather full of himself, but at least in the ring he showed he deserved to be, despite the manner of his victory.


Amazing Fire Fly was very impressive though, I can't recall the last time I saw someone move so quickly.


He sure is, and...


Darren is interrupted by some entrance music.


It looks like our next competitors are anxious to get started! Jamie Atherton and Damian Dastardly are making their way to the ring, in advance of their match teaming against SubUrban Legend and Fro Sure


Angle 3:




Ladies and Gentlemen, we do apologise for the quality of the previous match-ups. And of course for the rest of the card, because we know you only came here tonight for one reason, and that is to see us.




There's no doubt of that mate, some real ugly blokes sitting around back stage. I swear that fat guy wanted to eat someone, and then there's that big freak with the mohawk and the glowing eyes. What a circus, and that's not even to mention that guy in the clown get-up!


Suffice to say, everyone here tonight is lucky we arrived to improve proceedings. But then they go and put us in a match against a couple of guys whose hair looks like it's been electrocuted or something.


Though lucky for them, it might cushion the blows as we slam them head first in to the mat. Poor guys don't know what's about to hit them.


Angle Rating: 27


Match 3:




Despite all the talk, it's Fro Sure who starts off in control of the match against Jamie Atherton, with the crowd beginning to get louder in their support for the talented brawler. He tags to his partner SubUrban Legend, who keeps up the momentum, despite him reaching the tag to Damian Dastardly. Jamie and Damian seem to be all over the place, and while they stage a brief comeback, it is quickly extinguished, as the team of Fro Sure and SubUrban Legend, with a combination of quick tags, stay fresh. Finally, SubUrban Legend hits his Legend Killer (Reverse STO), and 1, 2, 3.

Match Time: 9:12


Match Rating: 39


Angle 4:


After the match, Jamie and Damian argue amongst themselves, as Fro Sure and SubUrban Legend celebrate, pumping up the crowd.




I wouldn't get cocky if I were you, this one is far from over.


Jamie and Damian look ready to strike, but are interrupted by the approach of another wrestler.




Three on Two, I don't like your chances friends. Step away with some dignity will you.


With the arrival of D-Pod, and at a numerical disadvantage, Jamie and Damian make their way out of the ring. D-Pod joins in with Fro Sure and SubUrban Legend's celebrations.




Everyone, hey listen up, and I'll lay this one down for you.


You know me, the one known as Legendary, step up to me, and you end up in a cemetary.


We got my man Fro Sure, fo' sure he knows how it goes, with these sick flows.


And D-Pod, he's a hustler, drives you crazy, but you know you want him baby.


We're here, we are the Afro Alliance, and we accept no defiance from some blond fools. Or anybody for a matter of fact, we're here to entertain. What do you say everyone, are you entertained?


The crowd whoops and cheers. The three men meet in the centre of the ring, for one last celebration, and then Fro Sure and SubUrban Legend leave, leaving D-Pod on his own.


Angle Rating:32




Well conveniently, D-Pod is up next, taking on Crimson Crusher, a big guy with a crazy look from north of the border.




I saw him out there before the show. Those red eyes are freaky, gives me chills thinking about.


Match: 4




While D-Pod started off strong, with a range of quick strikes and counters, nothing he seemed to do shook Crimson Crusher. He seems almost impervious to pain, as he took the attacks to the face without flinching, before countering with a raw, physical assault. Heavy clotheslines, and a powerful suplex seemed to take the wind out of D-Pod. Powerbomb by Crimson Crusher. 1, 2, ... kickout! D-Pod shows resiliance, but before he can retreat and regroup, Crimson Crusher hits the Rivers of Red (Double Underhook Piledriver). 1, 2, 3. The bell rings.


Match Time: 6:13


Match Rating: 12


Angle 5:





Crimson Crusher looks down on his defeated opponent, a look of annoyance on his face. He picks him up by the throat, with one hand, and strikes him in the face.


He continues the assault, tossing D-Pod head first in to the ring post, before grabbing him again. Executing another Rivers of Red, D-Pod falls to the ground, barely conscious, and now bleeding. Looking satisfied, Crimson Crusher makes his way out of the ring, and out the exit.


Fro Sure and SubUrban Legend run down towards the ring, avoiding crossing paths with Crimson Crusher, and slowly help their comrade up, and help him walk out of the ring.


Angle Rating: 35




Well that was something, he didn't look happy to win, only to make D-Pod bleed.




After the Afro Alliance made such an impression, maybe we thought that D-Pod would continue their success tonight, but it was not to be. Crimson Crusher looks very, very dangerous.


I certainly wouldn't want to meet him in a dark alley. And speaking of that, another guy I would hate to bump in to is Magwitch, that psychotic clown. He's up against Anton Manning, coming up in a moment!


Coming soon... (took a bit longer than I thought to get this done, next part will be posted ASAP)

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