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WWF Attitude Era 1998-???

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a small bit of advice would be to slow down on your posts a bit. It's hard for folks to give any advice or feedback when links to other sites, cards, and then results in posted the same day.


ok Thank you, I will slow down my posts.

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Sunday Night Heat


Arena: MD Knott Arena 2,593


Pre-Show Thrasher v.s. Brian Christopher (Rated 46)

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Thrasher defeated Brian Christopher in 7:17 by pinfall with a Stage Dive.


Pre-Show Aguila v.s. Bart Gunn (Rated 38)

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, Bart Gunn defeated Aguila in 7:08 by pinfall with a Power Bomb.


Vader v.s. Marc Mero (Rated 65)


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Vader defeated Marc Mero in 6:31 by pinfall with a Power Bomb after Sable Interfered.


Sable makes an announcement to Marc Mero. (Rated 55)


Sable "Marc if you don't like what I do that makes these people happy than I don't want to be with you."


Sable strips to your Thong and Bra




D.O.A v.s. Cactus and Chainsaw (Rated 66)

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Cactus Jack & Charlie defeated Disciples of Apocalypse in 6:31 when Chainsaw Charlie defeated 8-Ball by pinfall with a Piledriver.


Mabel Vignette


"He's big, he's bad and he love kicking ass. Mabel is a man on a mission, and that mission is to take the WWF by storm."




Stone Cold Promo


Stone Cold "Shawn Michaels, you stand out here looking all pretty, thinking your a sexy boy. Shawn after I'm done with you you'll be as much of a guy as Chyna... Wait that's a mistake on my part, I forgot Chyna isn't a woman.

Now Shawn you keep this in the back of your mind, the title your holding on to now won't be with you long, I will win the Royal Rumble and go to Wrestlemania and give you the ass kicking you deserve. Now let me ask you this, If you want to see Shawn Michaels get his ass whooped by Stone Cold, give me hell yeah."


Fans "HELL YEAH!!!!"


Sgt Slaughter comes out


Slaughter "Mr. Austin you and DX both need to learn your manners, so to teach them to you tommorrow night on RAW you and Shawn Michaels will face Undertaker and Kane."


Steve Austin "Well honestly Slaughter, I don't really give a crap who I face. All I know is I will kick Undertaker and Kanes ass then I'll kick Shawn Michaels ass. But right I'll kick your ass."


Michael Cole "Stunner Stunner" (Rated 89)


The Rock Interview with Kevin Kelly


Kevin Kelly "Six days ago on Raw you faced Ahmed Johnson in an Intercontinental Title Match, now Ken Shamrock interfered to cost Ahmed the title but he then continued to beat you down. What do you have to say to the Nation considering they didn't come to your aid?"


The Rock "Faarooq I know you kept the Nation in the locker room and you did that because your jealous of me. Jealous of what I've accomplished in a short time in WWF and you thought the beating Ken Shamrock gave me was rightfully deserved. So Faarooq if you want to teach me a lesson then try on RAW tomorrow because I call you out. If you Smell what the Rock is Cooking" (Rated 70)


Marty Janetty V.S. The Rock (Rated 51)

The Rock won in 8:56 after hitting Rock Bottom.


Final Rating 68

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