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United States Pro Wrestling: The Ties That Bind

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I love how the characters have evolved - really freshens up Alicia & Raven's characters.


I've been trying to build the character changes gradually -- Alicia has HUGE heat as a heel, (as of Thanksgiving Thunder) Alicia had 100 momentum. I'm hoping this will take Women's Wrestling to the next level in USPW -- Alicia is still way more over than anyone else.

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Standings after November, Week 4 Wednesday:

MidnightNick 33/53

flaviooooo 29/40

Hitman74 29/40

mistaken 28/59

Dusty Guns 20/32

3rdStringPG 4/6

Thanksgiving Thunder is in the books... and the counter on the "shows left" in this thread has gone down to three -- two weeks and one PPV. If you predict all three -- it's the perfect number to get in on the prediction contest. I was looking forward to writing this show, hope people liked it.



Live From The V Thompson Arena in Sacramento, California! It's USPW American Wrestling!

Billy Russell vs. Justice Jolson

The Cold Warriors vs. The Robots

The Force vs. Teddy Powell

Lily & Rose (Debbie Rose & Kate Lilly) vs. The A-List (Demelza Wade & Nadia Snow)

The Future vs. Madman Boone

Alicia Strong & Connie Morris vs. The Dream Team (Joanne Rodriguez & Raven Robinson)

The Main Event

Enygma & Bobbie Beau vs. Justice & The Real American

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Did you sign Edward Cornell to play a Tommy Cornell gimmick? That would be pretty cool. Also, who is Tokyo Princess? And is Justice a full fledged heel now? You mention him as a face in that ending, but he hasn't been very face-ish starting with the title win.
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Did you sign Edward Cornell to play a Tommy Cornell gimmick? That would be pretty cool. Also, who is Tokyo Princess? And is Justice a full fledged heel now? You mention him as a face in that ending, but he hasn't been very face-ish starting with the title win.


Justice has a "Tommy Cornell" gimmick, but it is a bit subtle -- Tommy Cornell has a nickname of "Rough Justice", and I'm modelling Justice's character after Phantom Stranger's portrayal of Cornell in his dynasty TCW: A Quiet Retirement. The Neutron-Plex (which will be renamed for Justice) is Sam Keith's finisher, who was the 'surprise member' of the Syndicate at 2007's edition of Total Mayhem.


Justice is still face, for now, and I plan on making that clear during the next few weeks as I flesh out the new "Justice" character. I think I've written him a bit too much as a tweener, I'm going to try to provide clarity to Justice's character in the next two-four episodes.


Tokyo Princess is Laura Flame, a rookie trained by former USPW star Hell Monkey, who will play a bigger role long-term alongside Alicia.

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Gil Thomas Residence, Week 4 Monday November 2014

It was just as subtle as I planned it. However, the attack was clear, and Tommy was infuriated.


"Larry, did you see the dirtsheets? Tommy says he's coming for you!"
stated Gil. Gil was clearly nervous about the subject. Larry could care less.


"Tommy can gimmick himself to ****"
stated Larry. He laughed the threat off, not worried about the jibs Tommy Cornell made on his most recent PPV. Imitation, after all, was flattering to Vessey.

He could see it clearly had gotten to Tommy. In
A Little South of Sanity
Tommy did respond. A "texas bullrope match" between Tommy Cornell, wearing a cowboy hat and stensons facing the Big Texan Ricky Dale Johnson made clear jabs at USPW -- particularly in the rundown, where the "bullrope match" was ripped from a defunct promotion, the "American Wrestling League" where Tommy had originate as a jobber. Tommy's entrance was over the top, the man entering on a loudly colored but pedestrian looking motorcycle humming at high speeds, him lighting a comedy gag cigar, which promptly exploded on screen.


Screencap of "Ye Old Texas Bullrope Fight", promoted at A Little South of Sanity.

Irony lies within Cornell's use of the Bullrope Fight Stipulation Match. Tommy, in his rant on gimmicks and age, put over his oldest and gimmick-laded talent on his entire roster, Ricky Dale Johnson, who is partnered with the Heavyweight Champion, Joey Minnesota. This wasn't the only title change on the roster. The tag team titles changed hands to a makeshift team in Rick Law and Aaron Andrews, who defeated and split The New Wave. There have been no hints at an extended push for either Guide or Scout.

Joel Bryant has received industry-wide praise as TCW Head Booker, and his footprints have been all over TCW's continued success despite losing many luminaries to Supreme. Tommy has, over the last month, begun to panic, putting these gains at risk for short term solutions, and his errs could cost TCW dearly.

The Dirt Sheets state several companies, notably CGC and SWF, have considered offering Bryant head booking positions. Tommy should be careful to entice Bryant to stay with his decisions.

It may be time for him to take a backseat in booking. Vessey hoped, against all odds, that Tommy would break away from his recent HCG mentality before it was too late.

Maybe he knew Rough Justice too well.


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USPW Presents American Wrestling

Live From Sacramento, California!


Brock Cornish:"Welcome citizens of the greatest country on God's Green Earth, Americans, to the national pastime, AMERICAN WRESTLING! This is Brock Cornish with the loathsome lothario, Ernie Turner, and the Round Mound of Ground Pound, Rock Downpour, here to present an exciting night of grappling and punching!"

Ernie Turner: I want to set the record straight, I am not "loathsome."

Brock Cornish: Whatever Ernie Turner said. Last week on Thanksgiving Thunder, Justice did the unthinkable: he engaged in a disturbing act of unwelcome aggression before removing Baine from USPW.

Rock Downpour: After how Baine blatantly disrespected the referees, personnel and commissioner of USPW, he should be thankful to get off easy. I would've taken his consciousness instead of his hair!

Ernie Turner: That was no way to treat the ruler of a sovereign territory. Such disrespect shown to the emporer by the United States Embassy. Truly embarrassing.

Brock Cornish: With that, let's bring it down to ringside, and get on with the show!


Ride The Snake plays as The Enygma enters the ring. "Jussssticccce..." states Enygma "congrats on banishing the Deeeemmmon... but I believe a more IMPORTANT challenge awaits for you..."

Wanted Dead or Alive begins playing, and the sound of a Harley begins to rip, as Justice rides down to the ring on his big black bike. "You have to earn your spot as Champion of American Wrestling. In the last two months you've lost to me and the Demon Baine in #1 contender matches. Why do you deserve to hold the belt?"


Commisioner Doom makes his way down the entrance way. Justice immediately notices the old commissioner, helping him into the ring by lifting up the rope. Commissioner Doom is unmoved by the polite gesture. "Justice, Enygma is the most accomplished contender on this roster, and has beaten you twice on Television in Tag Team matches. He deserves the title match, and will do what is within my power to give it to him."

Justice thinks for a minute on his response, holding his breath.

"Mr. Commissioner, I respect your opinion. This title, and what it means to the fans of our sport, demands the same respect. Enygma, I will give you your title match, if you can beat me in the crown jewel of this sport -- The Texas Justice Match, the test of manhood in the Texas Wrestling League."

Enygma is perplexed. "I have no idea what obscure redneck pastime you just asked me to compete in, but on any field you choose, I will showcase my superiority!"

This statement gets a lot of heat, as the Texas Justice Match was the most prestigious match in TWL's storied history, made famous by several outings of the Texas Outlaws stable.

Justice concludes enthusiastically "Then it's settled. I'll meet you in the ring, with three of the greatest wrestlers alive at USPW Presents BORN IN THE USA!"

Enygma is visibly confused at how to process this information.


Brock Cornish: Ernie, can you explain the rules of aTexas Justice match as an alum of the Texas Wrestling League?

Ernie Turner: It's a four on four match on a special tavern set with barstolls and small tables. The goal is to force all four members of the opposing team out of the ring. I participated in a few back in my TWL days.

Brock Cornish: That sounds very straightforward, and it should be fun to watch at the PPV. Alright, let's get back to the action!


Brand Nubian's "Punks Jump up To Get Beat Down" booms through the speakers. Billy Russell enters for the opening match against Justice Jolson. The two engage in a wild brawl, with Justice able to hold his own to his superior weight, before Billy Russell took down Justice and applied a leg bar. The bigger man tapped out in just over five minutes.


The Robots face off against the The Cold Warriors in the next match. Petr Novak faces off against A Robot first. The Robot outperforms his opponent, with Novak gassing early, and the two making a double tag. The Robot comes in against Krusher Karloff, who struggles to keep up with deft opponent, before catching the hulking russian with the Ace in The Hole, and covering for a pinfall victory.


The Force was up against Teddy Powell in the next match. The Force sells decently for the cruiserweight, but the natural clash of styles leads to a dysfunctional bout. Teddy Powell put The Force away with the Motion Censor five minutes in.


Alicia Strong enters the ring equipped with a microphone. "Last week, at Thanksgiving Thunder, I showcased my unique style of fighting, and proved it superior. Tonight, I want to generously give any member of the roster the chance to learn under my grandiose wings." Alicia stretches her arms. "As my partner in a match against the unsightly team lead by Raven Robinson, you will learn great things from the master of women's wrestling. If you can secure a pinfall, I will allow you to study the Strong Style under my tutelage."


The A-List entered to Save Ferris' Come On Eileen, followed by sniveling manager Shane Sneer, who slowly trailed his two clients. Debbie Rose was up against Demelza Wade to start the match. Wade dominated Rose, knocking her into the ropes with a Super Kick, before Debbie Rose tagged in her partner Kate Lilly. Lilly makes a bit of a comeback, being able to dodge Demelza's vicious strikes, hitting a backflip before slamming into the ropes and knocking Wade back with a hard elbow. Demelza Wade tags in Nadia Snow, and her partner looks dangerous, spearing Lilly out of the gate and working over her opponent with several strikes, before transitioning to a roll-up pin, and getting a clean pinfall for the A-List.


The Madman entered the ring to much fanfare against "The Man from the Future". He's wearing a red headband marking his membership in Dangerous Violent and Extreme individuals. Madman Boone comes out swinging, throwing his opponent off his feet, forcing his opponent into the corner. The Future dodges out of the corner, stumbling into center ring, deftly avoiding the harder strikes. The Future got in very little offense, focusing on surviving the harder blows of his opponent, occasionally trying to take his opponent off his feet. The Future manages to spear Madman, throwing him towards the corner, but Madman slams his elbows viciously into The Futures' chin, and the smaller Future stumbles towards the right ring post.


Violence and Danger hit the ring, laying out The Future, and all three present members of Danger, Violence and Extreme proceed to triple-team the Man From Tomorrow, forcing Ref Baby Jamie to call for the bell, awarding the match to The Future by Disqualification. The cowardly referee quickly ducks out of the ring as the three members take out their anger on The Future...


Riders of The Storm plays as Savage Fury rush the ring. Java blindsides Violence, and the leader of the Dangerous and Violent individuals falls down after one swift punch. Madman Boone and Danger grab their fallen comrade and quickly retreat from the ring, as Savage Fury tend to a wounded Future. The Future rests for a few seconds but is able to leave under his own power.


Bradford Pevrell starts this match with a forthcoming assault on his smaller opponent. D.C. Rayne manages to spear his opponent, knocking Pevrell to the ground, and transitions into several holds and pinfall, putting his heavier opponent in a vicious Boston Crab, which Peverall is able to get out of with a rope break. D.C. Rayne focuses on his solid ground game, allowing few opportunities for his opponent to damage him with his stiff, hard strikes. Pevrell breaks out of ankle lock, and is able to get to the ropes, but a sly D.C Rayne clocks him with a lariat, and signals for The Storm Damage. He slams into a prone Bradford Pevrell with the maneuver who sells it well. D.C. covers Bradford for the pinfall victory.


Heart of Glass plays as Alicia Strong and her student, Connie Morris, make their way down to the ring. "Holy Diver" plays, as Joanne Rodriguez and Raven Robinson rush the ring, sliding in, and ambushing their opponents, with Raven Robinson blindsiding Alicia with the axe handle. Referee Baby Jamie restores order, with Alicia and Raven Robinson facing off against each other first. The two grapplers run the ropes, with the swifter Alicia getting the upper hand, clotheslining her opponent, slamming Robinson into the mat. Raven makes a quick tag to her partner, Joanne Rodriguez, who blindsides Alicia with a flying crossbody from the top ropes, and proceeds to make a comeback, hitting the knee on Alicia and signaling for the J-Rocker, but Alicia rolls out of the way, and tags in Connie Morris.

Morris goes for a hard brawling style, using her size in an attempt to bully Joanne, but the smaller Rodriguez manages to deftly dodge her larger opponent, hitting a super kick that knocks off her feet. As the heel struggles to her feet, Raven signals for the Night Faller, and Joanne tags her partner in. Raven slams into a disoriented Connie Morris, and covers for a pinfall victory in just over eight minutes.


Alicia Strong eviscerates her partner. "Connie Morris, you contributed NOTHING except take the pinfall and discredit both the STRONG STYLE of wrestling and bring dishonor to the name STRONG! Get out of my sight!" Connie Morris skulks into the locker room.


Brock Cornish: That was... interesting. Up next, we have a preview of the Texas Justice Match at BORN IN THE USA! The second men for both TEAM JUSTICE and TEAM SNAKE will be in the match!

Rock Downpour: I'm looking forward to this match. Justice will destroy the SNAKE, who loses more often than he wins!

Ernie Turner: The Enygma is the sssssuperior worker. And tonight, he will prove it.

Rock Downpour: Ernie, quit that nonsense! It's bad enough when Enygma tortures us with it.

Ernie Turner: Rock, you are ssssimply sssssmitten with my sssssstupendous sssss....

Rock Downpour: See what I have to put up with?


"Real American" plays as Justice and The Real American enter the ring to outstanding applause. "Ride The Snake" plays as The Enygma enters with his client and partner Bobbie Beau. The Enymga and The Real American face off first. The deft Enygma is quick to the upper hand, forcing the brawler to concentrate on his weaker ground game, with The Enymga stretching his opponent with a vicious leglock, with The Real American making a hot tag to Justice. Justice batters his opponent, relying on a straight brawling to outsize Enygma, and breaking out of submission attempts.

Enygma tags in Bobbie Beau, who is subject to a particularly rough set of punches. Beau does his best to block the barrage, but Justice is able to get the best of him with a leg sweep, and hits an elbow drop on his grounded opponent. Beau is able to struggle to his feet, but Justice catches him with an arm drag, throwing him to the ropes, before using the momentum to hit a Liberation Slam on Bobbie Beau. James Justice covers Bobbie Beau for the pinfall victory.

USPW.com Quick Results

Billy Russell d. Justice Jolson

The Robots d. The Cold Warriors

Teddy Powell d. The Force

The Future d. Madman Boone by disqualification

The A-List (Demelza Wade & Nadia Snow) d. Lily & Rose (Debbie Rose & Kate Lilly)

D.C. Rayne d. Bradford Pevrell

The Dream Team (Joanne Rodriguez & Nightfall Raven) d. Alicia Strong & Connie Morris

Justice & The Real American d. Bobbie Beau & The Enygma
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Standings after December, Week 1 Wednesday:

MidnightNick 33/53

flaviooooo 29/40

Hitman74 29/40

mistaken 28/59

Dusty Guns 20/32

3rdStringPG 4/6

This is the go home show for both the diary, The Ties That Bind, and for USPW Presents Born in The USA. Held in Puerto Rico, the Final Battle between Billy Russell and Puerto Rican Power will occur on this episode. Plus, Enygma reveals the rest of Team Snake AND Justice reveals Team Justice for the Texas Justice Match at BORN IN THE USA! Tune in 8PM on Wednesday Week 2, December to find out who will be on the PPV!



Live From The V Thompson Arena in Sacramento, California! It's USPW American Wrestling!

Melody vs. Nadia Snow

Men of Tomorrow (The Future & The Robot) vs. Death Row (Shady K & Knuckles)

Bradford Pevrell vs. Clark Alexander

Demelza Wade vs. Nightfall Raven

Billy Russell vs. Puerto Rican Power

Main Event Ladder Match

Mr. Amazing & Ishmael vs. Andre Jones & D.C. Rayne

Bonus Question:
Who will be the other two members of Team Snake (2 pts per Correct Answer)?

Bonus Question:
Who will be the other two members of Team Justice (2 pts per Correct Answer)?

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USPW Bus, Hangar, December Wednesday Night, Week 1


Larry sat at his workdesk on the USPW Tour Bus after the great episode of UPSW Presents American Wrestling. He pawed through the various talents assigned to USPW’s new developmental promotion.

Gil Thomas was sitting next to them. He poured scotch on the rocks for both.
"A Toast?"
asked Gil. Larry obliged, as Gil swallowed the shot with reckless abandon.

"Well, you said you had somethin' to show me, Larry. What is it?"

"I got word from Samurai and Geordie on the promotion. They've got it set up here in the states after working out the legal issues. I've got some spectacular talent to show you."


USPW Developmental Promotion: Ring of Fire Wrestling

Larry had set up video slides of the several wrestlers. First was British Samurai's pick as the inaugural ROF champion: TCW Product Elliot Thomas.


Elliot Thomas

"Robert likes Thomas' skillset. He thinks Thomas has a bright future, and a solid technical base.
" Larry continues.

The video of the ROF Champion's victory over Aces High showcases the athletic style of the young blonde cruiserweight. He fluidly outmaneuvers the larger Aces High, and counters several strikes from the large brawler, forcing him into the corner.

"He's the best prospect we have in development. I've got high hopes for the kid, but he's a few months away from the big show."


Houston Handley

A young woman with a cowboy hat flickers onto the video screen. It's Houston Handley and she is facing USPW alum Tiffany Jade in an opening match.

"Houston Handley has really stood out. She's spent five years learning from the masters at QAW before coming over here. Houston should fit right into the USPW environment. She can really captivate a crowd."
states Larry Vessey.

Gil Thomas continues.
"She is... captivating"
stated Thomas. Larry was uncomfortable with this creepy gesture by his boss.


Cali Slick

Larry continues.
"That is Terry Roundtree alias Cali Slick."
The brawler is seen pushing around a larger Kip Keenan in a losing effort.
"He's been in the GSW/IPW the last few years. The guy knows how to throw his weight around, but doesn't quite have the technical skills as a wrestler. He can cut a mean promo according to Robert Brown. He's a long term project but could very well pay off."

Cali Slick sells magnificently for an Ax Handle delivered in the ring, eliciting a response from the small crowd.


Yellow Flash

Larry switches footage, and we're greeting to voices speaking Spanish at a high pace.
"Where'd you find this guy, sure is a departure from ROF's venue."
stated Gil. He was right. The venue seated around 10,000, and the match had three other participants.

"Pay attention to the man in yellow"
stated Vessey
"that is the lovable underdog Yellow Flash."
The Yellow Flash hits a springboard 460 splash on his opponent, grabbing the leg to signal for a pin, only to be broken up by an interfering member of the other team.
"He's had five years working for SOTBPW, the biggest company in Mexico, but was let go. At 23, his career is in front of him, and Robert thinks he's a great prospect, albeit not a sure thing."

Gil looks at the wrestler for a few seconds.
"Flash looks like a spot monkey."
Gil states.
"How do you think he'll fit in on the USPW Roster?"

Larry thinks for a minute.
"Flash is young and still growing his skillset. It's unlikely he'll remain a spot monkey for the rest of his career. Odds are, he'll switch to a cruiserweight style or a entertainer style in the next few years. I'm not worried about it."

Gil seems satisfied with the answer. He leaves the trailer, leaving Larry to sift through the proverbial pile of talent in development.


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USPW Presents American Wrestling!

Live From San Juan, Puerto Rico Week 2 Wednesday


Corona plays over the loudspeaker. It's the theme song for Puerto Rican Power, who strolls down to the ring, and grabs a microphone. "Billy, why don't you grace us with your presence!" Punks Jump Up To Get Beat Down plays as Billy Russell walks down to ring. "Power, we've done this dance so many times for this amazing crowd of Puerto Rican Nationals. Why don't we do it one more time, tonight, in the squared circle?"

Power smiles. "I'd be honored to be your sparring partner." The two laugh and then embrace.


There is an opening contest for the Diva's division. Melody is up against the Sneer corporation's Nadia Snow. Snow uses superior speed to easily outwork the former Womens' Champion, forcing Melody to the ground and rolling her up with the snow ball for the pinfall victory.


A backstage vignette is shown. D.C. Rayne is pestering Commissioner Doom. "As I said last week, I'm ready to hold that title on Televison!" yelled Rayne. Doom takes a minute to calm down. "Rayne, you can have the match with Ishmael --- if you can defeat Mr. Amazing tonight! Whoever can grab the suspended contract will face Ishmael at Made in America!" Mr. Amazing walks in soon after. He is mum.


The music video for Natural Born Killaz plays and the crowd begins to boo former SWF Tag Team Champions Death Row. The video continues through the match as both members of Death Row pose. They're confronted by Men of Tomorrow, with The Robot ironically in the ring first. Shady K is first in for Death Row. The bigger Shady K dominates his smaller opponent. Death Row hits a double clothesline on The Robot, who stumbles towards the ring, and tags in The Man of Tomorrow. Shady K manages to mitigate the solid technical work with hard, rough brawling, and the two engage in an even, but rough brawl. Shady signals for Knuckles to expose the turnbuckles. The Robot tries to confront Knuckles, but Knuckles catches him, and slams him with a DDT. Shady K uses an arm drag to slam The Future into the turnbuckle, who moves slowly from the left corner, before Shady K hits a jump kick, slamming the back of the The Futures' head into the exposed buckle. Shady K covers The Future for a pinfall victory.


Bradford Pevrell enters to great fanfare. The crowd love the local product with the fists of stone. His opponent is Clark Alexander. The two engage in a clash of styles, with Bradford relying on heavy strikes and his opponent engaging in mat wrestling, trying to force the brawler off his feet. Pevrell stays a step ahead of his opponent, knocking Alexander down with the Dream Left Hook and covering the "Ice Man" for the pinfall victory.


Alicia is sprinting down the hallway. She grabs the shoulder of Demelza, who is dressed for her match later. "Demelza, we both want the same thing -- to beat Nightfall. You don't have to do it alone..." Demelza looks up, smiles, as Alicia continues... "I'd be happy to assist you in this fight."


"Come on Eileen" plays as Demelza Wade enters the ring. Shane Sneer is close behind. The monitors light up as Raven Robinson speeds down to the ring accompanied by the metal riffs of Dio's Holy Diver. The bell rings. Demelza is the first to attack, launching a superkick at the face of Nightfall, who sells hard for the move. Demelza goes for an elbow drop, but the deft Nightfall moves out of the way, gets ready to hit a guillotine leg drop, only for Demelza to dodge the move. The two run the ropes, with Raven getting the upper hand, hitting Wade with a clothesline, flooring the Sneer Co. Associate.

Demelza struggles to her feet. Nightfall throws a wayward punch, Demelza reverse the maneuver, striking her opponent in the belly before forcing Raven off her feet with a leg sweep. Demelza tries to capitalize with an elbow drop, but Raven artfully dodges it, jumping to her feet, throwing herself into the ropes, and hitting a baseball slide on Demelza. Raven knees Demelza, signals for the Night Faller...


Nadia Snow and Alicia Strong arrive on the ring ramp. Raven Robinson hits the Night Faller, covering Demelza for the 3-count pinfall.

Nadia Snow and Alicia Strong rush into the ring, and begin to beat down on Raven. Demelza is quick to bail out of the ring, along with Sneer and Referee Baby Jamie. Alicia and Nadia Snow leave as quickly as they came, sprinting up the entrance ramp.


"How could you LINGER WITH THE ENEMY, DEMELZA?" states Shane Sneer from the entrance ramp. "You saw what happened to me at Thanksgiving Thunder. That... lady sent me to the hospital?"

Demelza slaps Sneer. "I can't... believe you'd have the gall to accuse me of mingling with.... her. It's like you think I... ran out with her to attack Raven after the match!" Demelza runs into the locker room, sobbing, leaving her boss looking aghast in the ring.


"Punks Jump Up To Get Beat Down" booms through the speaker as Billy Russell enters swaddled in the Puerto Rican Flag. He raises him arms up to the welcoming crowd. "Corona" plays as Puerto Rican Power enters to a huge applause. The two wrestlers shake hands in center ring before moving to the edge of the ring. Like many matches between the two before the match focused on technical prowess, and the two began by circling the ring to build suspense. Billy Russell is first to strike, going for a leglock, but Puerto Rican Power is quick to dodge the attempt, targeting the legs of his larger opponent. Billy Russell manages to transition power to an armlock, and the bigger wrestler manages a rope break and the two start the process over again.

Billy Russell is, again, the first to attack, trying for another armlock, but Power reverses him into the atomic full nelson. Billy, against all odds, manages to hit a leg sweep, forcing Power to lose his grip, and elbows his larger opponent. Billy slaps on the Twisting Armlock but Power is unable to get a rope break, and is forced to tap out!


A video promo begins. Justice is present, alongside Savage Fury and The Real American. "Enygma, welcome to YOUR Nightmare. You claim that you "haunt" AMERICAN WRESTLING. Well, this team is unbeatable, the very best wrestlers in the nation. We have the Tag Team Champions Savage Fury, The Patriotic Real American and myself, the WORLD Champion of Wrestling. On Tuesday at Made In America, TEAM JUSTICE will be victorious!"


Enyma is the focus of the next vignette. "Jusssssticce..." he states. "At Made in America, my team will reign SUPREME as we are the SUPERIOR talent. I don't care about those titles you've held... we've all held gold as some point, it'sssss a fleeting feeling, and believe me when the Superior team wins... the loss will haunt AMERICAN wrestling for years to come."


"Superman" by Goldfinger plays as Mr. Amazing slides into the ring. Seeing no opponent is present, Mr. Amazing requests a microphone. "Rayne, I was told you wanted a #1 Contender's match tonight... I guess I'm mistaken--" Mr. Amazing is speared by Andre Jones, and DC Rayne comes charging into the ring. Cowardly referee Baby Jamie ducks out of the ring. The two lay into Mr. Amazing, with Andre and DC preparing twin crossbodys from adjacent ringposts. The two slam into one another as Ishamel pulls Mr. Amazing from the ring!


The Television Champ has the belt slung over his shoulder. He wags his figures at the two disobedient heels.


Mr. Amazing and Ishmael face off against DC Rayne and Andre in the main event. The ladder is still center stage, so the rules are the same as earlier assigned by the commissioner. Mr. Amazing is out of breath, leaving Ishmael the majority of the work. Andre is able to outmaneuver the Mr. Amazing, hitting an arm drag on Amazing into the ropes while nailing him with several punches. Ishmael has to bail Mr. Amazing out, and is hit with an Axe Handle by DC Rayne for his trouble.

Ishmael is slowly able to get the upper hand on Rayne, hitting him with a running bulldog that knocks Rayne to the corner. Andre manages to catch Mr Amazing with a low blow, before hitting a jump kick on the heavyweight. He rolls towards ringside and grabs the Television title, blindsiding the exhausted Television Champion. Rayne manages to regain his footing, and grabs the suspended title contract.


Ishmael is able to get up, throwing off Andre Jones and retrieving his title. He meets DC Rayne as the cowardly heel is trying to exit the ring. "Rayne" states Ishmael "you didn't earn a title shot. However, you have earned my ire, and proven yourself dangerous. I will grant you a shot at the Television Title, but only to teach you respect by beating you fair and square in the ring at USPW Presents Made in America."

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This is it! The last show of United States Pro Wrestling: The Ties That Bind! Don't worry, the next installment will be announced in the Diary Preview thread -- and that "Strong" Entertainment will return after a short hiatus!


Live From The Manhattan Center in New York, it's MADE IN AMERICA!

Madman Boone vs. Bradford Peverell

Teddy Powell & Matt Sparrow vs. The Robots

Freddie Datsun vs. The Future

Alicia Strong & ??? vs. The Dream Team (Joanne Rodriguez & The Nightfall Raven)

National Championship Ladder Match: D.C. Rayne vs. © Ishmael

Main Event

Texas Justice Match; if Team Snake wins Enygma is #1 Contender

Team Justice (Justice, The Real American & Savage Fury) vs. Team Snake (The Enygma, Andre Jones, Bobbie Beau & Garcia)

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Just popping in here to say that I've wrote up the preview (the first one) for the sequel to this here USPW diary.

The show is already written, and will be up at 10:00 PM tomorrow tonight. I will probably do a synopsis/aftermath for the diary. Glad to have all you along for the ride, especially thankful for the generous contributions of mistaken, CQI13, midnightnick and 3rdStringPG for supporting my diary habit throughout most of my work.




Madman Boone vs. Bradford Peverell

Teddy Powell & Matt Sparrow vs. The Robots

Freddie Datsun vs. The Future

Alicia Strong & ??? vs. The Dream Team (Joanne Rodriguez & The Nightfall Raven)

National Championship Defense:
D.C. Rayne vs. © Ishmael

Main Event

Texas Justice Match; if Team Snake wins Enygma is #1 Contender

Team Justice (Justice, The Real American & Savage Fury) vs. Team Snake (The Enygma, Andre Jones, Bobbie Beau & Garcia)

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MADE IN AMERICA... Live from the MANHATTAN CENTER in NY, NY. 29,000 screaming AMERICAN WRESTLING FANS on hand

“Wanted: Dead or Alive” by Jon Bon Jovi plays as Justice enters a Texas-themed Manhattan Center. He walks onto the ring apron, throws his cigar towards the crowd, waving towards the jubilant fans, and ducks under the ring rope, plugging in his texas-themed microphone.


“Tonight, I’ve assembled the best men this great nation can offer. Champions, Veterans, who earned their position through years of hard work and dedication, and stand alone at the top of the AMERICAN WRESTLING World.” Justice pauses for a minute. “Now, my opponent, he seems to think he deserves to stand with these men of honor, when he has lost both contender’s matches this year, once at my hands.”

“Enygma, without the Demon, you are not a match for Justice. Stay in your place.”


Ride The Snake echoes through the arena. It’s Enygma, who enters alone, walking smugly towards the ring. He snatches Justice’s personal microphone from him. Justice is miffed at this statement, crossing his arms in an act of defiance. “Jussssstice…. You don’t understand. I can’t be defined by this program alone, I’ve held gold with higher powers. Those that reject you, the SURPEME rulers of wrestling.”


Enygma attempts to slam Justice’s microphone. Justice intervenes, grabbing the wrist of Enygma, and the two lock eyes. Team America, The Masked Patriot and Savage Fury, run towards the ring and stand at ringside, seemingly taunting Enygma. Lips of an Angel plays, as The Supreme League enter, and stand on the opposite ring apron. Enygma considers action, but chooses instead to retreat, as the six other men seem intent on flooding the ring.


The Madman comes out to Caution by Operation Ivy in the initial match of the night. His opponent is the “Hand of Stone” Bradford Peverell. The Puerto Rican product goes after his smaller opponent, knocking Madman Boone towards the ropes, but the Extreme product hits a discreet low blow, and knocks Bradford back with a hard strike, and sweeps his opponent off balance. Boone has all the momentum for the rest of the match, hitting a Boone and Bust from the left turnbuckle, and covering Bradford Peverell for the pinfall victory.


Commissioner Doom is backstage with Alicia Strong. Tokyo Princess is behind them, holding a tray with a teapot on top. “Alicia, you have a match against the dream team tonight, and you still haven’t announced your partner. The people of AMERICA would like to know in advance the partner you have chosen. Why are you so stubborn?”

“Mr. Commish, I humbly deny your request. I have a partner chosen, and have for the week, but it isn’t in the best interest of the strong style school of fighting that I show the partner now. I cannot explain why.”

The commissioner is taken aback by this statement. “Listen, Alicia, AMERICA does not appreciate your unwillingness to choose a partner. The thousands of roaring, ROARING, fans would like to know, who will you walk down the ramp with tonight to face the DREAM TEAM of Joanne Rodriguez and The Nightfall Raven.”

Alicia Strong mulls the decision over. “I humbly decline to heed your request.” A furious commissioner gets noticeably angry. “Alright, but if you walk out there on your own, I’ll have a partner on call to make up numbers. No monkey business, here, you gremlin!”


Madman Boone remains at ringside as two more Dangerous and Violent Extremists enter for the next match. The pairing of Teddy Powell and Matt Sparrow was to face off against The Robots. A Robot was in the ring first with Teddy Powell. Teddy utilized his power game, getting in a majority of the offense, forcing A Robot to the ring corner three minutes in. A Robot ducks under a running shoulder block in a brief hope spot, and tags in his partner The Robot. Matt Sparrow convinces Teddy Powell to tag him in. Sparrow goes for the moonsault from the top rope. The cowardly The Robot tags in his prone opponent. Matt Sparrow hits an arm drag on A Robot, throwing him to the ropes, and catches A Robot with the Bird Brain Buster. Matt Sparrow covers A Robot for the pinfall victory.


“Danger” Freddie Datsun enters to “Caution” by Operation Ivy. His opponent, The Future, is engaged in a long-term feud with the Dangerous Violent Extremists. The two circle each other looking for a weakness. The Future is the first to strike. He tries to take out Datsun’s left leg, but the spry 45-year old manages to reverse the move, transitioning into a reverse chinlock. The Future manages a rope break, and the two run the ropes, with the veteran “Danger” Datsun hitting a baseball slide, knocking The Future to the ground. Freddie Datsun hits a vicious elbow drop on his opponent, and covers for a pinfall, but The Future throws him off, and run towards his opponent, who ducks under the time traveler’s lariat attempt. The two run the ropes again, with Datsun spearing The Future, and “Danger” laying several punches onto his prone opponent. Freddie Datsun hits a Patriot Press from the top rope and gets a pinfall victory over The Future.


“Holy Diver” plays as The Dream Team run down the entrance ramp and slide into the ring. Alicia Strong’s theme hits, but Nadia Snow comes out to Heart of Glass followed closely by the Daughter of Sam Strong. Nadia looks nervous, as if she was pressured into this match. Alicia is up against Raven Robinson first, and the two put on an excellent display, displaying amazing athleticism as they dance from rope to rope. Alicia hits a springboard jump kick from the left turnbuckle, sending her smaller opponent flying towards the corner. Joanne Rodriguez is tagged in, and the match descends into a bit of a punch kick affair, which the audience seems to love. The two run the ropes, twice, with J-Ro hitting a strong lariat on her opponent, knocking Mrs. Strong off her feet momentarily. There is a quick double-tag, with Nadia Snow facing off against Raven Robinson. Nadia looks unsure and nervous during the fight, and Raven locks in a particularly devastating armbar on her opponent, but Nadia is able to make a hot tag to a waiting Alicia, who hits the Angel Driver on Raven Robinson and rolls her up out of nowhere for a pinfall victory!

Television Title Match


The announcers recap the brief quest of DC Rayne to attain the Television Title. His opponent, Ishamel, enters first, Riders of the Storm blaring through the arena. The two have a mismatch of styles, with DC Rayne favoring a ground game and Ishmael relying on his heavier weight to throw off his opponent, but both go all out in this match to please the crowd. The crowd, sadly, wasn’t paying much attention to the match, rather uninterested in the individual wrestlers.

Ishmael is on top of his game as Television champion. He throws DC to the ropes, and tries to start a count, but the crowd isn’t enough into the match, so he powerbombs DC from the springboard position. Ishmael goes for a pinfall, but DC kicks out, and gets up too quickly, no-selling the move. The two go into a circling sequence, with Ishmael going for a shoulder tackle, but DC managing to duck out of the spot. DC manages to get Ishmael in a chinlock, and he tries to transition into a pin, but Ishmael breaks the hold, rolling to his feet, and bouncing off the ropes to hit a guillotine leg drop on DC. He signals for the spinebuster before picking up the limp challenger and executing the move. Ishmael covers DC for the pinfall victory.


The announcers redirect their attention from the construction of the special set to the entrance ramp, where Shane Sneer is standing with Nadia Snow.

“NADIA” screeches Sneer “How… could you… team with that MONSTRONSITY!” Sneer is angry at Nadia, face reddening with rage. “Give me one good reason to remain…. Your..” Sneer pauses, wondering what he does exactly for the lesser member of the A-List.. “YOUR PATRON!”

“…I… was just doing as you said… following orders…” states Nadia, clearly shaken from the hostile turn of conversation.

“YOU’RE…FIRRRRRRRRRRED!” Sneer states, loudly “I WANT NOTHING MORE TO DO WITH YOU!” Sneer leaves in a huff. Nadia Snow is slow to get up, but within a minute or two, has moved towards the exit.

Main Event Texas Justice Match

Team Justice vs. Team Snake

If Team Snake Wins, Enygma is #1 Contenderhttp://i1316.photobucket.com/albums/t602/SoulshineSeeker/United%20States%20of%20Pro%20Wrestling/Worker%20Photos/RoughJustice2_zpsffb97d97.pnghttp://i1316.photobucket.com/albums/t602/SoulshineSeeker/United%20States%20of%20Pro%20Wrestling/Worker%20Photos/Java_zps7d7b8def.pnghttp://i1316.photobucket.com/albums/t602/SoulshineSeeker/United%20States%20of%20Pro%20Wrestling/Worker%20Photos/TribalWarrior_zpsa8deeb86.pnghttp://i1316.photobucket.com/albums/t602/SoulshineSeeker/United%20States%20of%20Pro%20Wrestling/Worker%20Photos/TheRealAmerican_zps0dbb30cb.png



Team America all enter on motorbikes as "Wanted: Dead or Alive" booms through the arena. Savage Fury, noticeably, is not wearing facepaint, but neither announcer can seem to figure out if this is a temporary change. The team climbs into the ring, Justice pulling his brim over his eyes, as Ride The Snake hits, and Enygma and the Supreme Squad enter, moving slowly down the ring ramp.

The match is an old-school, chaotic southern brawl, with the barstools, and tables being used as weapons. Enygma attempted a splash from atop the bar, but Justice hit a lariat, knocking the face down, and proceeded to turn it over. He opens the cabinet, finding inside several good ol' fashioned beers. He pours a few on the floor, able to slip a running Garcia, who runs into a waiting The Real American, launching Garcia over the top rope!

Garcia is Eliminated

Savage Fury, Tribal Warrior and Java, band up, to go against Bobbie Beau and Andre Jones. The two execute several running moves, culminating with Andre's excellent springboard diving knee drop on Tribal Warrior off the bar. Bobbie Beau throws Andre Jones a bar stool, and Jones smashed Tribal Warrior over the head with it before transitioning and arm drag into a superkick that sends Tribal Warrior over the ropes!

Tribal Warrior is eliminated

Enygma and Justice engage in a back and forth battle, with both launching off the tables and using the bar as a launching point, with Justice ambushing the masked man with a flying axe handle, and wrenching him with a camel clutch, but Enygma breaks out and throws Justice into the bar! The Real American and Java face off against Beau and Jones. The sides have even odds, as Andre displays superior teamwork with Bobbie Beau, and the two heels outspeed their hulking opponents. Andre knocks Java into the ropes with a jump kick and proceeds to batter him with a barstool, while Bobbie Beau tries to exhaust The Real American with evasive maneuvers. Bobbie Beau goes for his murder on the dancefloor from a table, but The Real American rolls out of the way, and Beau knocks Andre into Java, and the two eliminate each other in a double spot!

Java is eliminated, Andre Jones is Eliminated

The barstool Andre was holding breaks over the head of The Real American who staggers around the ring, exhausted, barely able to keep up! Bobbie Beau tries for a Suplex, but Brandon Smith has just enough left in him to reverse the move, and launches Beau over the Suplex with a back body drop!

Bobbie Beau is eliminated

Enygma is clearly outnumbered, and Justice picks up his exhausted opponent, launching him towards the Real American, who hits a bulldozer powerbomb, slamming The Snake into the ground with a loud thud! Enygma struggles to his feet as Justice and The Real American run the ropes, and hit synchronized guillotine leg drops, before The Real American puts Enygma in a headlock, and drags him to the left top turnbuckle, holding him in place for Justice to hit a running axe handle on Enygma, who bumps onto the mat below!

Enygma is eliminated. Enygma is not the #1 Contender!

James Justice and The Real American Win Texas Justice! Team Justice is victorious!

USPW.com Quick Results

Madman Boone
d. Bradord Peverell

Matt Sparrow & Teddy Powell
d. The Robots (A Robot & The Robots)

Freddie Datsun
d. The Future

Alicia Strong & Nadia Snow d.
The Dream Team (Joanne Rodriguez & Nightfall Raven)

Ishmael d.
D.C Rayne. Ishmael makes his 7th defense of his USPW Television Title.

Main Event

Team Justice (Justice, The Real American & Savage Fury) d.
Team Snake (Andre Jones, Bobbie Beau, Enygma and Garcia) in a Texas Justice Match

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Final Prediction Contest Standings Week 3, Wednesday:

1. MidnightNick 33/53

2. flaviooooo 29/40

3. Hitman74 29/40

Mistaken 47.5% 28/59

Dusty Guns [mystery prize winner] -- 20/32 62.5%

3rdStringPG -- 4/6 [did not qualify]

Well, it's been a long ride but we've made it. It's the end of 2014, and time to dole out prediction prizes. The prizes will be included in the USPW Sequel in December, so I'll see you all there.

I'm going to start sending out PMs soon, starting with first place victor and movin' on down.

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