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Danger Zone: The True Lives of the Magnificent Maniacs

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Danger Zone: The True Lives of the Magnificent Maniacs

and now presenting, live on PPV, the merriest, most jolliest ****ing hardcore event of the year



This is Danger






This is Violence






This is Extreme






This is DaVE... Christmas With The Devil





And with that the official opening video plays over the theme music of tonight's event, "Running With The Devil". At ringside, Mitch Naess and Alex Braun introduce us to the final PPV event of the year as we are welcomed back to one of DaVE's longtime stomping grounds; Plum Park. The crowd is rapid and ready for some violence.






Mitch Naess: "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the merriest event in the DaVE canon. This is Christmas With the Devil and Oh My God do we have an amazing line up tonight!"


Alex Braun: "Too true, Mitch. This main event has been brewing since May when Bryan Holmes shocked the world and dethroned Nemesis for the Unified title and tonight Nemesis claims he is a 'changed man' and will regain his title."


Mitch Naess: "For our West Coast viewers that haven't been able to keep up with Danger Zone TV in recent months, here's the rundown. After his shocking loss to Bryan Holmes, Nemesis disappeared from DaVE until just this past month when he returned. I don't know what happened to Nemesis during his sabbatical but he's claimed to have found God and he's almost unrecognizable from the DaVE Icon we've always known!"


Alex Braun: "No one knows what's going on in Nemesis' mind but the man himself. Tonight, we'll find out if he's changed enough to beat Bryan Holmes. Until then, let's get to some action."



- - - - - -



Holiday music begins to play and Carl Batch emerges from the backstage area in a very poor Santa costume, accompanied by his 'elves' Easy Emma and Cat Jemson who are adorned in the most scantily clad outfits allowed on PPV. It doesn't leave much to the imagination. The crowd boo's Carl vociferously.





Ho Ho Ho, or should I say "Ho's Ho's Ho's"! Come on, y'all!







*ahem* Okay, well I can see that my people's in the audience aren't in the Holiday mood quite yet so I brought you gifts! Gifts for everyone!



That gets the crowd's attention




Yeah, tonight I brought y'all the biggest, baddest, best gift you'll ever see under the tree and in fact, I brought two of them. The Peak Brothers! And tonight you will all get to witness the Christmas Holiday Moment of the year when my boys win the Tag Titles from those... JIVE TURKEY. HONKEY ASS.




Carl seems very proud of himself for his proclamation and the crowd jeers as the elves also seem disappointed with his lack of gifts. The atmosphere changes instantly when the familiar chords of Johnny Martin's music begin to play. The crowd is going nuts and Carl Batch looks about ready to wet himself as the DaVE Icon emerges from the back wielding his signature kendo stick and smelling like a brewery. Johnny quickly gets lost on his way to the ring, but luckily this happens all the time and someone was already stationed to point him in the right direction.








Johnny decides that words aren't the best course of action here and instead chooses to beat down "Santa" with his kendo stick. Carl hightails it with elves in tow as Johnny gets in some sickening licks before returning to the ring.




Merry somethin' bring more elfs



The crowd goes wild.



Mitch Naess: "Hopefully Johnny's done drinking for the night. He's got a big six-man tag match with the School of Tradition tonight."


Alex Braun: "I've been around DaVE for a while, Mitch, and the first thing I learned is that Johnny Martin is NEVER done drinking."



- - - - - -






A fairly uneventful match other than the crowds undying hatred of Tatsukichi. "You Can't Wrestle!" chants ring throughout the match and Kurt doesn't take long to put his Easterner foe away with a Switchblade Powerslam.






- - - - - -





Much to the crowd's delight, Santa's Helpers Easy Emma and Cat Jemson return to ringside with gift bags and begin distributing DaVE merch to lucky fans. Emma returns to the backstage area while Cat remains at ringside.



Mitch Naess: "As expected, Cat remains at ringside to watch Shawn Gonzalez compete. I think she's in love, Alex."


Alex Braun: "Cat's got eyes for Shawn, JD's got eyes for Cat, Shawn's got eyes for... I'm not really sure. It's a strange love triangle for sure."



- - - - - -






This match has been in the makings for the past month. Cat Jemson has developed an unrequited love interest in Shawn Gonzalez, however when JD Morgan tried to force himself on her the "Lone Wolf" refused to just stand by leading to this intense match. Both men are skilled technicians and while DaVE crowds will always love violence, they also have immense respect for the 'art' of wrestling providing several respectful cheers and 'woops' for the skill level of these two competitors.


In the end Gonzalez's relentless attack proved to be too much for the Brit, and he capped a series of counters with his Latino Crab to put the match away.






- - - - - -



In the parking lot, a furious Carl Batch stands with Doug Peak waiting. Carl still has his Santa get up on, although it's now ripped and torn all over, and Doug is staring vacantly off into space. Finally an armored truck pulls in front of them and the "Hardcore Assassin" Eddie Peak is led out by heavily equipped guards, locked in a straight jacket, with a protective mask covering the bottom half of his face. Eddie looks at Carl for directions.





Kill. Honkies.



Without a further word the Peak Brothers are led away.



Mitch Naess: "There is perhaps no more frightening an individual in all of wrestling than Eddie Peak."


Alex Braun: "I've been in the ring with Eddie, and I second that."



- - - - - -









DaVE Fan's always anticipate showdowns between these two teams because of the guaranteed brutality. The action commenced immediately when Eddie Peak was released from his straight jacket and launched himself at The Wolverine. The referee quickly decides there's no hope in enforcing tag outs, so it's tornado rules. The four men brawl all over the arena, with the action spilling into the crowd as well.


The highlight of the match saw Big Cat Brandon launch both Peak Brothers through a table stacked in the corner with a devastating Big Cat Pounce. Even despite that, Eddie Peak managed a kick out to keep the match alive. Finally the Animalz were able to subdue Eddie on the outside allowing Brandon to finish off the weaker Peak with another Big Cat Pounce for the successful title defense.






After the match, Eddie quickly tends to his fallen brother.



Mitch Naess: "Not to beat a dead horse, but it's become clearer and clearer that Doug Peak is the weak link of this tag team."


Alex Braun: "Yeah, and I've been in the ring with Doug as well and I'll just come out and say it. There is something not right with Doug Peak and I'm not sure what it is."



- - - - - -



DaNGer Profile: Valkyrie Vibert




Phil Vibert is the most powerful man in DaVE. The architect of it all, the owner, the boss, the dictator. Phil has acquired wealth, power, fame, the adoration of millions. And in the mid-90's during the heat of the Tri-State Wars, he also acquired a trophy wife. Valkyrie Vibert (Valkyrie is her third legal name. She was born Allison, changed to Fantasia on her 16th Birthday, and finally Valkyrie shortly before arriving in DaVE last month) is the quintesential daddy's girl. She has accomplished nothing of note yet continues to gain power as a result of her family. She comes from a wealthy family of diplomats that funnel her money for any of her whims, whether it be buying a yacht or destroying her ex-husband's wrestling company.



Valkyrie's intentions were made clear shortly after her arrival. She wants to destroy DaVE. Valkyrie's ugly divorce with her husband built a bitter hatred between the two. Valkyrie will never forgive her husband for being the one to serve her divorce papers shortly after finding out she planned to divorce him. She has seemingly unlimited funds to accomplish her goals. She also has a

tramp stamp and lots of bird tattoos.



- - - - - -







Mitch Naess: "As usual, the Japanese technician is accompanied to the ring by his entourage of, erm, shady businessman?"


Alex Braun: "The rumors have never been confirmed, but I'd be shocked if this guy wasn't actually Yakuza like they say. Look at the goons he's ALWAYS with for Christ's sake."



As mentioned Kunomasu is led to the ring by several Japanese men in extremely expensive suits. Some of them are scribbling away at notepads, while others talk on cell phones. Kunomasu seems completely ambivalent to everything around him. Vin Tanner receives a warm welcome upon his arrival but the fans know what's in store for him: pain. As soon as the bell rings Kunomasu goes to work stretching Tanner out in all kinds of unholy holds some of which even stump the commentators for names.


Vin Tanner mounts a rally after a while but doesn't get far before being forced to submit to the vicious Kunomasu Vice.






Alex Braun: "Make no mistake, that is the most dangerous hold in this sport. Thank God I don't have to be put in that ever again."



- - - - - -





Backstage "The Traditionalist" Eric Tyler is seen carefully counting out a stack of money. He catches sight of the camera man and shoves him out of the room.



Mitch Naess: "Hmm..."


Alex Braun: "I can't say I like the looks of that. Eric Tyler is always a step ahead of the competition. Johnny, Chris, and Henry better be on their toes tonight."



- - - - - -







This match was always going to be a mess. Much like the earlier Tag Team title match, the referee never even tries to enforce tag out rules and these guys just went to war. Johnny Martin, clearly even drunker than he was earlier, swings his kendo stick around like a mad man, hitting everyone in sight including opponents, the ref, and even fans who encourage him to hit them again. Tyler and the New Wave have the chemistry however and effectively regroup and regather each time it seems like one of the Icons is on the verge of securing a pinfall.


Chris Caulfield, living up to his "Man Made of Steel" moniker, dives off the top of a ladder wielding his signature steel chair, taking out all three of his foes with a sickening thud. The crowd is in a frenzy "Holy Shit! Holy Shit!" chants quickly give way to the DaVE specific "DAN-GER! DAN-GER! DAN-GER!" chants and yet there's still more violence to come ass the battered combatants begin to recover.


Finally, Carl Batch makes his presence known at ringside clueing the commentators and audience in on what the previous segment was all about. Johnny Martin has cleaned house and stands tall in the ring, kendo stick in hand, shouting for "more elfs" before catching Batch red handed sneaking behind him. Johnny wags his finger disapprovingly at the makeshift Santa but just as he is about to unload, Eric Tyler sneaks up from behind and takes him out with the Tradition Lift.






- - - - - -



Backstage we get our first look of the night at DaVE Unified Champion Bryan Holmes and he isn't looking well. Bryan's face is a sickly green color and he is staring at the title like he'd rather have anything else in the world in his hands. Sitting with him, fruitlessly trying to console his nerves is Easy Emma

who is wearing significantly more clothes than earlier.





Just calm down, Bryan. You've beat him before. There's no way out of this, you have to fight.




What do you mean no way out? There's always a way out. I'm not medically cleared to compete. I have "can't get into a ring-itis" look at my legs? I'm in no condition to fight



Bryan's legs are shaking and quivering uncontrollably. Emma sighs heavily

before patting him on the back and leaving.




Just believe in yourself Bryan. I'll see you out there.



- - - - - -



The most mysterious and dangerous man in DaVE today is now shown in the darkest most dreary location in the bowels of the arena. His pure white clothes are thrown into stark contrast with the surroundings. His hair is dark red, as if dyed by blood, and his face is lined with numerous scars from countless battles in the Danger Zone. Nemesis is the most dominant wrestler to ever enter DaVE. He is a four time Unified Champion, a former Extreme Champion, the only man to ever stand up to Richard Eisen and live to tell of it.



Nemesis' fourth reign as Unified Champion came to a stunning end in May when he was upset by the seemingly star struck Bryan Holmes. He never had a rematch for the title, instead entering a self-imposed sabbatical that would eventually last nearly seven months. Upon his return, everything has been different about Nemesis. He wears pearly white clothes, he carries a bible in hand everywhere he goes, he prays before matches, he claims he is "a changed man" doing God's work.



And tonight, after seven long months he has come back for the Unified Championship. With an abnormally large bible tucked under his arm.







Bryan Holmes, how I pity you who hasn't seen His way, who hasn't seen His light, who hasn't entered His grace. You cling to the Chamionship as if it will bring you salvation. You hide behind the skirts of women, as if it will save you from His fury. You are a foolish man, Bryan. You are a sinful man. When I was away from this place, where I was... not even I can say for I had yet to have opened my eyes. All I can say for certain is that in the darkness of the world, He came to me and expunged me of all sins exactly as was promised. His anger was horrible, yet merciful and now I stand before you not only still alive, but as His humble servant. His only loyal servant.



You can continue to fear me as you wish. It is foolish. I am not the one who is to be feared. You can hold possession of the Championship, but it is not yours the same as it is not mine. You can cower behind awomen, but they will scorn you for the coward you are. Tonight is not about Championships, it's not about you, it's not about me. Tonight is about Him. I am not here for the Championship. I am here for His will.



For when the Lord arrives, His wrath will devour you all.



- - - - - -








Mitch Naess: "The rematch seven months in the making. I can't understand a word of Nemesis' psycho babble, but I've got goose bumps. This crowd is electric!"


Alex Braun: "I've known Nemesis a long time and I have no idea where his head is at right now. I just don't understand how a guy can go from being basically agnostic to a zealot seemingly over night."


Mitch Naess: "No doubt in my mind there is much more to this story than what we know right now"



The crowd is buzzing. This has the feel of a Heavyweight Title Fight's atmosphere. Many DaVE fans still haven't gotten over the shock of Bryan Holmes' upset and now Nemesis has finally returned for his long-awaited rematch. Easy Emma is the first one out to a big round of applause. She looks very concerned for her close friend Bryan Holmes, and many in the crowd seem to share that concern. No one knows what this 'new' Nemesis is capable of. The Unified Champion arrives next and if he looked bad backstage, he looks terrible now. Emma has to convince him to come to the ring one final time before he finally steels himself for the challenge ahead.



And then the most familiar music in DaVE history... doesn't play. Angelic choir rings throughout the arena and THE DaVE Icon arrives to a massive mixed reaction. He still has his oversized Bible tucked under his arms and looks around at the 15,000 die hard wrestling fans surrounding him with a mixture of disgust and disappointment. Bryan Holmes tries to seem like he's overcome his nerves by beckoning Nemesis to come meet him in the ring, but his shaky arms betray him and Nemesis smirks as he finally steps into the ring face to face with the Champion.



Phil Vibert has come out to do introductions but he is shoved aside by Nemesis who goes right to work pummeling Bryan Holmes into the corner and punching away with ham-sized fists to the face. Bryan tries to escape but Nemesis drags him back to the corner and continues to pound away busting Holmes wide open not even five minutes into the contest. The fans have finally chosen their allegiance trying to will the Champion back into the match with encouraging chants "HOLMES THE WARRIOR *clapclap clapclapclap*" "HOLMES THE WARRIOR *clapclap clapclapclap*" and finally Holmes battles back. What he lacks in confidence he makes up in technical mastery. He wrestles circles around Nemesis for several minutes before using his own weight against him and dumping him over the top rope.



Holmes wants to go high risk, but misses a suicide dive after Nemesis side steps at the last moment and blasts right into the barrier with a sickening thud. Nemesis rolls Holmes back into the ring and hits the Nemesis Arrow! It's Over!






But Nemesis doesn't go for the pinfall. The crowd is in complete confusion until Nemesis slowly turns his attention to ringside and Easy Emma who looks ready to die of fear. He exits the ring and slowly follows her as she races away but his attention was turned to long, Bryan Holmes flies over the top rope with an even higher risk suicide dive but this one pays off taking both men out. "HOLY SHIT" chants ring out as both men recover. Nemesis goes for a clothesline but it's ducked and he's met with knife edge chops, Nemesis swings and misses and is met with a clothesline that just fails to knock him off his feet, Holmes counters out of a powerslam and drives Nemesis into the mat with a reverse DDT.



The crowd is in a frenzy they believe that Holmes is about to do it again. He's feeding off their energy rising to his feet and signalling for the end, when Nemesis grabs him and tosses him like a rag doll through the commentary table. Holmes lays in a broken mess and isn't moving. An eery silence has fallen around the arena, yet Nemesis still hasn't gone for the pinfall. A weary Emma approaches Holmes, desperately trying to revive him in spite of Nemesis' presence. He approaches her and she stands covering her friend, suddenly the fear becomes to much and she faints. Nemesis picks up her fallen body and carries her around the ring and to the back leaving Holmes in a broken heap.



Trash is hurled into the ring as the show goes off the air leaving the Danger Zone in complete confusion.







Show Summary:

B- Rating

15k (Sell Out) Attendance

0.23 Buy Rate




PRE-SHOW: Teddy Powell def. Art Reed (C+)

PRE-SHOW: Mystery Man & Tank Bradley def. The McWades (C-)

Kurt Laramee def. Tatsukichi (D)

Shawn Gonzalez def. JD Morgan (C+)

The Animalz def. The Peak Brothers, retain Tag Titles (C+)

Eisaku Kunomasu def. Vin Tanner (C+)

Eric Tyler & New Wave def. Martin, Caulfield, & Lee ©

Nemesis and Bryan Holmes fought to a No Contest (C+)

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