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Ring of Honor 2006

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I think it could mean that Irish Airborne or Colt Cobana are on her side and not Whitmer's, or that they aren't willing to their bodies on the line to help him. I smell interference at Budoken Hall and nobody will come to Whitmer's aid.


P.S. It's a cool idea to get immersed in your game more.

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OOC: So heres the thing guys. I had this great write up for Budokan Hall, something that a show of this magnitude deserverd. But unfortunately I had drill this weekend and of course my wife (who need I remind you is leaving me) kind of erased what I had written up. So here is the show, really half as good as what I would have wanted it. I am so sorry everyone. Please, please, please find it in your hearts to forgive me.




Honor Invades Japan

Tokyo, Japan

August 13, 2006


2 out of 3 Falls


Matt Sydal vs Davey Richards


For the third show in the last few months, two of the brightest and youngest stars in ROH started off the show and what a great idea it was to put this show on first. Davey took the first fall in roughly 7 minutes after delivering a massive kick to the side of the head of Sydal. The tide slowly changed though when Davey missed Matt and went shoulder first into the ringpost. Matt began to work over Davey’s shoulder and attempted many submission attempts. He was able to level the match up with an emphatic Here It Is Driver! The last fall was possibly the most intense of the three, with both men involved doing everything they could to get the third and decisive fall. Sydal thought he had the match won when he scaled to the top rope and looked for the Shooting Star Press. He leapt off but all he found was canvas! Davey quickly used a short adrenaline burst and capitalized with a DR-Driver to put him away and win the contest!


After the match, Davey waited for Matt to get to his feet to shake his hand and follow the code of honor. Matt got to his feet and reluctantly shook Davey’s hand, clearly frustrated at losing the match.


Davey Richards wins by 2 Falls to 1 in 16:41


Christopher Daniels vs Taiji Ishimori


The young hometown hero had it all to fight for in this match, going against one of the founding fathers of ROH and arguably one of the best singles workers in ROH to have NEVER won a singles title. That didn’t stop Ishimori from charging right out of the gates and taking the match straight to the Fallen Angel, catching him completely off guard. His youth and agility were paying off and in the early minutes of the match he was able to gain a couple of near falls. Daniels, to his credit, used his knowledge and experience to finally gain the upperhand in the match and control Ishimori. Ishimori, and the rest of Budokan Hall, thought he had the match won when he was able to put Daniels down with a Hammerlock Cradle DDT! He hooked the leg and was very close to getting the decision, but Daniels got his shoulder up! Ishimori went for a second Hammerlock DDT, but Daniels was able to reverse it and hit him with a Last Rites! Instead of going for the pin, Daniels went to the turnbuckle, jumped up on it, and delivered the Best Moonsault Ever! He pinned Ishimori for the 3-count!


Christopher Daniels wins by pinfall in 14:27


Falls Count Anywhere


BJ Whitmer vs Jimmy Jacobs


BJ Whitmer was at a disadvantage from the beginning as he was noticeably limping after the assault on his ankle by Jimmy Rave last week. Just as expected though, this match had EVERYTHING, and it even started in the backstage area of Budokan Hall and at one point it spilled out onto the sidewalks of Tokyo! There was a scary moment when Jimmy Jacobs threatened to throw a bloody BJ Whitmer into oncoming traffic…but thankfully BJ was able to counter it and ram Jimmy head first into a light pole! They got back into the arena and they used spikes, tables, barbed wire bats, chairs, and trash can lids and unleashed hell on one another. BJ was set to win the match with an Exploder Suplex from the top rope, but once again was distracted by Lacey. Before BJ could put Jimmy away, the other Jimmy (Jimmy Rave) hopped the guard rail with a lead pipe in hand and whacked BJ in the ankle with it! BJ fell back and clutched at his ankle. Rave did not let up and continued his assault on BJs ankle! He finished it off with a Pedigree onto a chair! That was not the ending Lacey foresaw though. Rave put BJ on a table on the outside while Jacobs climbed to the top rope. Lacey yelled “Do it!” as Jimmy leapt from the top rope and came crashing down with a seated Senton through the table and through BJ! Todd Sinclair crawled outside and counted the 1…2...3!


Medics quickly came down to check on both men, but Lacey and Rave pulled Jacobs away. The medics checked on BJ’s ankle, which was clearly causing him much pain.


Jimmy Jacobs wins by pinfall in 13:16


Samoa Joe and Homicide vs The Havana Pitbulls

Being the more experience tag team, many thought the Pitbulls were going to have the advantage, but Joe and Homicide made for very formidable opponets. It wasn’t a very technically sound tag team match, but there was hard hitting action and a crazy brawl in the middle of the match was spilled out into the fans of the arena. When the action got back into the ring though, Reyes and Romero were able to cut off the ring and keep Homicide in their corner and control the match. The pace was slowed down and both men applied various submission holds on Homicide, looking to wear him down and get the win. Finally though, Homicide was able to make the tag to Samoa Joe and business picked up. He rushed in and took out both men with strikes and kicks and massive suplexes. After another set of tags, Joe took Reyes outside and made him a non-factor with an Ole Ole Kick! This allowed Homicide to put down Rocky Romero with a Cop Killa to get the win!


Homicide and Samoa Joe win by pinfall in 15:47


Ring of Honor Tag Team Championship


Austin Aries and Roderick Strong© vs Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnolli w/Kevin Steen and Necro Butcher


ROH officials knew it was imperative for the tag team champions to win this match and not allow the Kings of Wrestling to win the belts. But the Kings were unlike many opponents that the tag team champions had faced already. It was tag team wrestling at its finest and a clear indication that the tag team division in ROH is not only on the rise, but it houses many of the top indie tag teams. At the beginning, there was a little minor interference from Kevin Steen and the Necro Butcher, but the combined efforts of Aries and Strong and some great refereeing from Paul Turner led to the other members of the Kingdom being ejected from ringside. Roderick was the man cut off from Aries for a good 7 minutes, allowing the Kings to focus primarily on him and take a big advantage. Roderick was able to ‘chop away’ the best that he could at the big men, but most of the advances he made to tag in Aries were cut off by either Hero or Castagnolli. Strong was able to finally break free after a sick enziguri to the side of the head of Castagnolli and he tagged in Aries, who shot out of the corner like bat out of hell and brought an emphatic amount of offense to the match! Paul Turner lost all control of the match towards the end and all four men were in the ring doing their best to get the win for their team. Aries and Strong showcased their double team moves and Roderick laid out Claudio with a back breaker as Aries climbed to the top rope for an attempt at the 450 splash! Before he could come off the top, Hero shoved him from the top and he went crashing down hard onto the floor below! Strong brought Hero into the ring and chopped away at his chest, looking for a bit of revenge. But the numbers game was too much. Claudio leveled Roderick with a European Uppercut, and that led to a Big Swing/Dropkick Combo! They covered 1…2…but Aries broke it up! Aries did his best to fight off his opponents but Yakuza Kick into a European Uppercut allowed the Kings to hit Aries with the KRS-1! 1…..2……3!!!!


The Kings celebrated wildly as they were given the belts and realized THEY just won the newly christened Ring of Honor WORLD Tag Team Championship!


Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnolli win by pinfall in 21:07 to WIN the ROH World Tag Team Championship


Dream Match


Low Ki vs Naomichi Marufuji


It was junior and technical wrestling at its finest in this contest! Low Ki and Marufuji were two of the best juniors in the world and showcased their skills and abilities in front of a crowd who could truly appreciate their styles. Both men brought a knowledge of hard hitting chops and strikes and kicks and each of them had welts and bruises and red chests when this match was over. Marufuji was obviously the favorite amongst not only the fans of his own nation, but the fans of ROH, who were quite frankly tired of seeing how he would disrespect the fans, his opponent, and more importantly the company. He thought he had the match won when he hit Marufuji with a Ki Crusher ’99, but Marufuji kicked out and brought all of the fans to their feet, hoping that their man would get the win. Marufuji fought back and even went for the Shirunui, but Low Ki was able to put the brakes on and block it. Marufuji continued to go for it but Ki was able to block it every time. FINALLY, at the 5th time of asking however, Marufuji finally put Low Ki down with his signature move 1…2…thr…NO! Low Ki kicked out of it somehow and kept his own hopes of winning the match alive. Both men traded big moves, one more emphatic than the one before. Marufuji put Low Ki up top and went for a Superplex, but Low Ki blocked it. He hooked him and hit a Ki Crusher from the second rope! He covered him 1…2...3!


Low Ki wins by pinfall in 24:57


Ring of Honor World Heavyweight Championship


Bryan Danielson© vs KENTA


KENTA was on a hot streak in his short time with ROH, getting two pinfall victories already over the ROH World Champion, and embedding himself in a little rivalry with the Briscoes. Taiji Ishimori was in his corner, and for that matter, so was the rest of the Japanese nation as he looked to become the first ever Japanese worker to hold a Ring of Honor Championship. Danielson, was not fazed at all by the crowd being against him and as per the usual, he brought his ‘A’ game. The two started off slowly, feeling each other out and seeing what kind of pace this match would be wrestled at. It was the first time in ROH that the two of them faced off in singles match and there was definitely a good amount of nerves on the part of both men. Dragon, to his credit, tried to end the match early as a show of how dangerous he knew KENTA was. He attempted various flash pinfalls and roll ups to try and catch his opponent off guard. This also included getting KENTA locked into Cattle Mutilation 8 minutes into the match, but KENTA was able to get to the ropes before he was in the hold for too long. The match went back and forth for over half an hour, with both men giving their 100% and more into it. KENTA took a page from the book of moves of the World Champion when he dumped him over the guard rail and got back into the ring. KENTA hopped onto the top rope and leaped into the crowd and landed on top of Danielson. KENTA brought the match back into the ring and put Danielson on his shoulders, going for the Go To Sleep, but Danielson was able to fight back with MMA elbows to the side of the head of KENTA and reverse it into a Crossface Chicken Wing (the same move he used to win the World Title)! This caught KENTA and many of the fans off guard as no one saw this move coming at all. KENTA did all that he could to fight it and not be taken to the mat and he eventually made it to the ropes to break the hold. Danielson was frustrated and this allowed KENTA to use that against him. KENTA himself began to attempt flash pinfall attempts and roll ups but Danielson was able to kick out of all of them. This allowed KENTA to catch Danielson off guard and pick him up on his shoulders for the Go To Sleep…and this time he got it! He covered Danielson 1….2….NO! Danielson was able to get his shoulder up and kick out of the Go To Sleep! The crowd and KENTA were all stunned. KENTA picked him up and put him on his shoulder to attempt a second Go To Sleep, but Danielson once again was able to beat KENTA in the side of the head with those MMA Elbows and get off of KENTA’s shoulders. He hooked KENTA and planted him with a perfect Regal Plex 1…2…, but this time KENTA was able to kick out! Dragon got up and put KENTA on his shoulders this time and began to spin around performing an Airplane Spin. The fans counted the amount of revolutions Danielson did, and once he thought he had done enough, he put KENTA down. He stumbled to the top rope and was shaky as he stood there for a moment. He leapt off, looking for a Diving Headbutt, but KENTA moved out of the way! KENTA got his feet and waited patiently for Danielson to get back to his feet. He charged, looking for a Running Knee, but Danielson moved and KENTA crashed into the turnbuckle. KENTA got to his knees and Danielson measured him and kicked him in the side of the head! He pushed KENTA down and dragged him into the middle of the ring and applied Cattle Mutilation once more! KENTA was in trouble and locked in the middle of the ring, with nowhere to go. After being locked in the hold for a few minutes, KENTA had no choice but to tap out.

Both men were applauded by the fans and shook each other’s hand out of respect. And to further show respect to his opponent, KENTA raised Danielson’s hand and bowed to him, leaving the ring for the World Champion to enjoy his victory.


Bryan Danielson wins by submission in 34:41 to retain the ROH World Heavyweight Championship


Quick Results


Davey Richards def. Matt Sydal in a 2/3 Falls Match (C-)


Christopher Daniels def. Taiji Ishimori (C+)


Jimmy Jacobs def. BJ Whitmer in a Falls Count Anywhere Match (D+)


Samoa Joe and Homicide def. Ricky Reyes and Rocky Romero ©


Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnolli def. Austin Aries and Roderick Strong to WIN the ROH World Tag Team Titles ©


Low Ki def. Naomichi Marufuji (B-)


Bryan Danielson def. KENTA to retain the ROH World Title (A)*Match of the Night…and thus far, Match of the Year in ROH


OOC: Mootinie, I REALLY thought about giving KENTA the title, believe me I did. But I have ideas for the next 2 or 3 ROH Champions and KENTA doesn’t fall into my plans.

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There's nothing to apologise for, the show was good. I love how you held the show in Japan but had all the Japanese guys lose LOL, that's WWE level of guys losing in their hometown :p


KENTA winning the belt would have been very unpredictable, part of me thought that the show being in Japan, crowning the first Japanese ROH Champion would have been a very appropriate spectacle but yes, logical long-term booking prevailed. How many defences does Danielson have now?

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There's nothing to apologise for, the show was good. I love how you held the show in Japan but had all the Japanese guys lose LOL, that's WWE level of guys losing in their hometown :p


Yeah I didn't even realize that when I made the show. I do have some plans for a serious of matches with Ishimori/Daniels, much like Daniels and Sydal in '06. And yeah like you said, Ki/Homicide is going somewhere. But its funny, I am booking a company that is an alternative to WWE and like you said, I pulled some WWE crap. Ugh, I bet my guys all look like Cena lol


KENTA winning the belt would have been very unpredictable, part of me thought that the show being in Japan, crowning the first Japanese ROH Champion would have been a very appropriate spectacle but yes, logical long-term booking prevailed. How many defences does Danielson have now?


I will be bringing KENTA and Marufuji back. I wouldn't rule out the possibility of either of them having ROH gold at any point. Just not sure right now as far as booking goes. Thanks for still reading man. Two more shows till Glory By Honor 5. And Danielson is up to 26, 3 behind Joe's record at the time and 12 behind what he eventually got to with his reign.

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I forgot how many title defenses Bryan Danielson had during that 14 month reign. 38 defenses today would make you some kind of god of wrestling. I am shocked by one thing and that is Aries & Strong vs. KOW match! How that match got a C surprise me. All in all a great show with a fantastic match ending the show. KENTA and Bryan Danielson have some of the best chemistry in wrestling today.
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I forgot how many title defenses Bryan Danielson had during that 14 month reign. 38 defenses today would make you some kind of god of wrestling. I am shocked by one thing and that is Aries & Strong vs. KOW match! How that match got a C surprise me. All in all a great show with a fantastic match ending the show. KENTA and Bryan Danielson have some of the best chemistry in wrestling today.


I too was surprised about the Tag Title match grade, maybe Aries and Strong half assed it because they knew they were gonna drop the belts lol. And as far as Danielsons reign goes, when I got heavy into ROH was the Summer of Punk/Danielson's reign, so it is a nice bit of nostalgia for me. He is probably my favorite ROH wrestler of that era and all time. The reign may not have gone the length of Joe or Nigel, but the matches he put on were awesome. I mean three one hour draws in August (a month he also wrestled three times in England) and suffering that should injury and still putting on great performances. I know I just got on my soap box for a second, but it just proves how good he is and the commitment those guys in ROH have for that damn company

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ROH Newswire August 15, 2006


From the bottom of our hearts here in ROH, we want to thank all of the fans who made the long journey and those who came out to the “Honor Invades Japan” event in Tokyo this past weekend. It was an incredible night of action all up and down the card and it is only getting us closer to Glory By Honor 5 in a few weeks time. But first we have a double shot in St. Paul, MN and Chicago Ridge, IL.


Bryan Danielson retained the World Championship in an instant classic against KENTA, in a match that many are calling the Match of the Year in Ring of Honor. This weekend though, there are two men who are looking to get rematches against the World Champion, two men who pushed him to the limit. In St. Paul, Austin Aries will be challenging Bryan Danielson in a Non-Title 30-Minute Iron Man. Danielson has said that he would gladly face Aries again in a World Title Match…only if Aries defeats him this weekend.


The NEW Ring of Honor WORLD Tag Team Champions Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnolli have told ROH officials that they will defend the titles this weekend, but against opponents of their own choosing. And they have chosen as their opponents, in their own words, the ‘stiff challenge’ of The Ring Crew Express, Dunn and Marcos. ROH officials are wishing all the best to the RCE and will hope that they can bring the tag belts back from the Kingdom.


This is going to be a very emotional weekend for ROH and one AJ Styles as he looks to finish up his ROH tenure with two block buster matches on the cards this weekend. AJ has extended the challenge to a man he hasn’t beaten in ROH, in fact it’s the same man who pinned him back at the ‘Better Than Out Best’ event in a Four Corner Survival, Samoa Joe! Joe has accepted and we are anticipating a very athletic contest between two of the best in ROH. Samoa Joe has told ROH officials that he is glad to be one of the last opponents for AJ in his last few days in ROH.


BJ Whitmer has suffered a damning ankle injury at the hands of Lacey and Jimmy Rave. In St. Paul, Lacey’s Angels (Rave, Jacobs, Pearce) will be taking on the trio team of Colt Cabana and the Irish Airborne. Without BJ in attendance, will the ‘Anti-Lacey Coalition’ be able to come away with a win? Or will Lacey and her crew continue their dominance over members of the ROH roster?


ROH Pure Wrestling Champion Alex Shelley will be defending his coveted Pure Championship against the crazy masked man Delirious! ROH officials sat down with Delirious to make sure he understood the rules of a Pure Wrestling Match…and the only words he was able to offer up in response was ‘tap, tap, tap’.


Jay and Mark Briscoe are looking to continue on the road to the World Tag Titles, as they will wrestle two of the other four members of The Kingdom, Kevin Steen and the Necro Butcher. The Briscoes are still owed a World Tag Title match due to their win over Strong and Evans and couple of months back, and ROH officials will be granting them that shot at a later date.

Davey Richards and Christopher Daniels both came off of very impressive victories in Tokyo and now ROH officials will be putting the two of them in a match against one another. It will be another case of a young and hungry competitor against the vastly experience Fallen Angel. But will Daniels be able to come away with the victory this time, or will Davey continue his rise in Ring of Honor?

Low Ki and Homicide will continue their feud this weekend in a very interesting manor. Homicide and Low Ki will take part in what could be a very hard hitting Four Corner Survival that will also include Jerry Lynn and former ROH World Tag Team Champion Roderick Strong. We will let everyone know what Ki and Homicide will be involved in at the Chicago show at a later time.


Full Card for Iron Man Challenge


30 Minute Non-Title Iron Man Match

Bryan Danielson vs Austin Aries


AJ Styles vs Samoa Joe


Davey Richards vs Christopher Daniels


Ring of Honor World Tag Team Championship

Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnolli© vs Dunn and Marcos


Ring of Honor Pure Wrestling Championship

Alex Shelley© vs Delirious


Four Corner Survival

Low Ki vs Jerry Lynn vs Homicide vs Roderick Strong


Colt Cabana and The Irish Airborne vs Jimmy Rave, Jimmy Jacobs, and Adam Pearce


Jay and Mark Briscoe vs Kevin Steen and The Necro Butcher

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Full Card for Iron Man Challenge


30 Minute Non-Title Iron Man Match

Bryan Danielson vs Austin Aries

Aries winning makes sense to set up a number one contender.


AJ Styles vs Samoa Joe

AJ is leaving, I'm not 100% sure that him beating Joe is the right move.


Davey Richards vs Christopher Daniels

This should be a really good match and this could make Davey a star.


Ring of Honor World Tag Team Championship

Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnolli© vs Dunn and Marcos

The Kings Of Wrestling!


Ring of Honor Pure Wrestling Championship

Alex Shelley© vs Delirious

I like Shelley as the Pure Wrestling champion, he's never been much of a singles wrestler in real life but I'm enjoying his run here.


Four Corner Survival

Low Ki vs Jerry Lynn vs Homicide vs Roderick Strong

It's pretty safe to assume the final two will be Homicide & Low Ki, which should be an interesting encounter.


Colt Cabana and The Irish Airborne vs Jimmy Rave, Jimmy Jacobs, and Adam Pearce



Jay and Mark Briscoe vs Kevin Steen and The Necro Butcher

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Iron Man Challenge


30 Minute Non-Title Iron Man Match

Bryan Danielson vs Austin Aries - No Testing The Limit II?


AJ Styles vs Samoa Joe


Davey Richards vs Christopher Daniels


Ring of Honor World Tag Team Championship

Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnolli© vs Dunn and Marcos


Ring of Honor Pure Wrestling Championship

Alex Shelley© vs Delirious


Four Corner Survival

Low Ki vs Jerry Lynn vs Homicide vs Roderick Strong


Colt Cabana and The Irish Airborne vs Jimmy Rave, Jimmy Jacobs, and Adam Pearce


Jay and Mark Briscoe vs Kevin Steen and The Necro Butcher

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Iron Man Challenge


30 Minute Non-Title Iron Man Match

Bryan Danielson vs Austin Aries - No Testing The Limit II?


Only for you Wolfman, will the show name be changed. Not ONCE did the name of Testing The Limit II come to my mind. But it will now be used as the official name of the show. Thank you.

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Cool jeff3xtreme :). I feel like I have a lot of power now and with that new power comes great responsibility. I remember that first match between Aries and Danielson and still can't believe it went 1 hour and 30 minutes.


Yet another reason Danielson is one of my favorites.




Testing The Limit II

St. Paul, MN

August 25, 2006


Jay and Mark Briscoe vs Kevin Steen and The Necro Butcher


The Briscoes were looking to stay hot on the trails of the ROH World Tag Team Champions and what a better way to do it then by defeating members of the Kingdom. Jay and Mark were quite content cutting the ring in half and using their superior tag team experience to dominate the match, but Steen and Butcher turned the match into a wild brawl and a great way to kick off the show. Steen and Necro showed that they could work as a cohesive unit and kept Jay in their corner and nowhere near able to make a tag to little brother Mark. After Jay was finally able to get free from them and make the tag to Mark, the match completely changed. Mark came in like a house of fire, taking both men down with his very unique style of offense. Jay was able to recover and nearly take the head off of the Necro Butcher with a stiff looking Yakuza Kick! This left Kevin Steen all alone with the former tag champions. A double shoulder tackle, a flurry of double team chops in the corner, and one Doomsday Device later and the Briscoes were able to get a big win to keep them nipping at the heels of the top teams in ROH.


Jay and Mark Briscoe win by pinfall in 13:21


Four Corner Survival


Roderick Strong vs Low Ki vs Homicide vs Jerry Lynn


Four top guys in ROH were looking to make a statement in this Four Corner Survival, but all very different statements. Lynn was making his return after a small absence, Strong was needing a win after losing the tag belts with Austin Aries, and Low Ki and Homicide were ready to tear each other apart at a moment’s notice. And right from the word go, that is what happened. Low Ki turned to face Homicide after jawing off with a fan and Homicide charged and tackled him through the ropes and out to the floor. Lynn and Strong took this opportunity to dive out to the floor onto their other two opponents. It was a crazy way to begin a staple of ROH Wrestling but the match finally settled itself into a traditional FCS. Towards the end, all four men were tired and beaten and looking for ways to end the match in their favor. Low Ki wrapped Jerry Lynn on the top rope and quickly made him a non factor with the sick Tree of Woe Ghetto Stomp right onto the chest of Lynn, causing his head to hit the canvas. Homicide reversed a Gibson Driver into an Ace Krusher and could have won the match had Ki not broken up the pin. Ki and Homicide then got into each other’s face and had a staredown of epic proportions. They then began to exchange chops and rights and lefts with neither man standing down from the other. Despite being a former friend of Low Ki’s, Julius Smokes got involved after Low Ki looked to finish off Homicide with a Ki Crusher. Low Ki grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and threatened to kill him if he got involved again. Homicide quickly got back to his feet and grabbed Low Ki from behind and nailed him with a Cop Killa! He covered the first ROH Champion and got a three count!


Homicide was a Four Corner Survival in 15:38


Ring of Honor Pure Wrestling Championship Match


Alex Shelley© vs Delirious


Alex Shelley had been a great and defending Pure Wrestling Champion since winning the belt back on May 13, a little over three and half months ago. He had already put down four former title holders in ROH, including former World Champion Austin Aries. Delirious had taken Nigel McGuiness to the limit back at Weekend of Champions Nt 1 when the Pure Title was on the line, and his recent performances against Lacey’s Angels warranted ROH officials giving him a title shot. Once the bell rang and Delirious erupted in the ring in what has become his traditional pre-match exercise, he took the match to Alex Shelley, catching the Pure Champion off guard with his unorthodox style of wrestling. Both men did well to hold on to their rope breaks early on, with Shelley showing has he continued to evolve his game while being Pure Champion. After both men lost all of their rope breaks, they did their best to try and get the other in submission attempts in the ropes. Delirious went to the top rope while Shelley was on the ground and went for a Shadows Over Hell. Shelley quickly rolled out of the way however, and Delirious crashed onto the ground stomach first. Shelley snatched him up from the canvas and delivered an emphatic Shellshock! He hooked Delirious’ leg and successfully retained the Pure Title once more.


Alex Shelley retains the ROH Pure Wrestling Championship by pinfall in 14:01


Colt Cabana and The Irish Airborne vs Jimmy Rave, Jimmy Jacobs, and Adam Pearce w/Lacey


After having taken out BJ Whitmer, Lacey and her Angels were feeling pretty good about themselves going into this 6-Man tag match. Cabana did his best to coach up the younger tag team of Jake and Dave Crist and get them both motivated. But they needed less motivation from him when Lacey walked up to both of them and slapped them across the face. And after that, it was on! All 6 men paired off with one another, with Cabana specifically targeting Jimmy Rave for what he did to BJ Whitmer. At one point, Cabana even had Jimmy Rave bleeding from the mouth after a big lariat caught him off guard. Cabana was caught in the corner of Lacey’s Angles and her team began to triple team him. The Airborne tried to enter the ring but Paul Turner got in front of them and did not allow them to get in. Cabana finally was able to get free and rolled to his team’s corner. Before he could make the tag, the Airborne jumped into the ring and ran towards the other team’s corner and Lacey’s Angels jumped off the apron. Cabana got to his feet and turned around…..only to be given a Superkick from both Jake and Dave! Lacey jumped up and down screaming “It worked” over and over. The Airborne picked Cabana up and dropped him on his head with an Irish Curse! The fans booed the Airborne and Lacey’s Angels as Jimmy Jacobs rolled into the ring and pinned Cabana to win the match.


The assault did not end when the bell rang however. The Airborne held Cabana as Jimmy Rave was handed a leather strap from Lacey that she got out of a purse, something she never brought to ringside…until tonight. She entered the ring with a microphone and began to taunt Cabana.


Lacey – “Colt, Colt, Colt. You had your chance, just like BJ Whitmer did. You could have walked away from all of this, but you decided that you had to be the hero. And look where it has gotten you! Dave and Jake learned, they know the power of money. They realized that they weren’t going to anywhere siding with you and that bum BJ Whitmer. Now you are going to get exactly what you deserve!”


Jimmy Jacobs walked in front of Cabana and swiftly field goal kicked him right in the groin, sending him to the ground. He pulled the railroad spike out of his boot as the Airborne picked him up one more time. Jacobs measured him and caught him in the forehead with spike half a dozen times! Jimmy took the blood from Cabana’s head and wiped it on his face and a little bit on his chest, almost as a badge of honor.


Lacey – “Your turn Jimmy Rave.”


Rave grinned and slapped Cabana across the back with the strap! Cabana rolled to his back and arched it to try and mitigate the pain. The Airborne and Pearce took Cabana’s straps down to expose his bare back and leaned him chest first against the ropes. Lacey got back into the purse she brought down to the ring and gave each of them a pair of handcuffs. They handcuffed a bloody Cabana to the ropes and left him at the mercy of Jimmy Rave. Before he stared whipping him, Lacey got out of the ring and pointed her nailed painted finger into his face and taunted him repeatedly.


Rave reared back a second time and cracked the belt against Cabana’s back, and then did it a third time! The fans could already see red welts starting to form on his back. Colt hollered out in pain with blood pouring down from his forehead. Rave quickly unleashed a flurry of strikes with the belt on Colt’s back, each one stinging more and more than the one before it. Small trickles of blood began to come down his back as the welts got bigger and brighter.

Before the assault could get any worse than what it had been already, the cavalry arrived to save Cabana from further punishment. Delirious, Matt Sydal, Dunn and Marcos, and ACE STEEL ran to the ring from the back and chased away Lacey Angel’s. Officials came down to the ring with bolt cutters to try and free Cabana from the handcuffs, but the picture in the ring spoke a thousand words. Lacey and her Angels had made a statement. And that statement was not to f*** with them….in anyway.


Lacey’s Angels win by pinfall in 13:46


Ring of Honor World Tag Team Championship Match


Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnolli© vs Dunn and Marcos


Everyone in ROH, except for the Ring Crew Express, knew that Hero and Castagnolli were making a complete mockery of their first defense of the World Tag Team Titles. Hero and Claudio taunted the RCE but that didn’t stop them from opening the match up with a flurry and chasing the champions from the ring and out to the floor. Hero and Castagnolli escaped to the outside and tried to recoop after being surprisingly blown away by their challengers. Dunn and Marcos scaled to the top rope and did stereo Stage Dives from the top rope out onto the champions! They were fired up and the fans ate up their enthusiasm and energy and drive to shock the world and become tag champs. Eventually though, the bigger team of the Kings of Wrestling took control of the contest and really showed that they had what it takes to be the champs. Try as they may, the RCE made one last attempt to get the win for ROH but Hero and Claudio proved to be too much. Dunn was knocked silly by Roaring Elbow from Chris Hero and Marcos was planted firmly into the mat with a Riccola Bomb from Castagnolli to end the match, 1…2…3!


The Kings of Wrestling retain the ROH World Tag Team Championship by pinfall in 10:08


Christopher Daniels vs Davey Richards


Both men were coming off victories and were looking to get a streak going, heading into the fall. Davey had been on an incredible roll in ROH, getting some big wins under his belt. For the Fallen Angel, the last year had been very good, getting big wins here and there, and finding himself siding alongside of Samoa Joe in his feud against Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnolli. But all of that was on the back of both men’s minds as they shook hands and began a match that had many fans licking their lips. Davey didn’t let the vast experience of Daniels get to him and he showed that he wasn’t scared of him at all. They both showcased a great mat game and knowledge of technical wrestling, but Davey took it up a notch by unloading vicious kicks to the chest and thighs of Daniels. Daniels’ chest began to turn red and Davey kept the heat on him chop after chop. The beating must have awoken something inside the head of the Fallen Angel and he came at Davey like a house of fire and took control of the match with a well-placed Palm Strike to the side of Davey’s head. Davey showed an amazing amount of resiliency by kicking out of the Fall From Grace (leaving a look of shock on the face of Christopher Daniels) and fighting for his life in the Koji Clutch! Davey thought about tapping at one point, but he was able to crawl his way to the ropes and force Daniels to break the hold. The Fallen Angel laid Davey in front of the turnbuckle and called for the BME! He leapt up the ropes and vaulted off, only to get a face full of canvas! Davey got to his feet, bounced off the ropes, and caught Daniels in the side of the head with a ferocious Running Knee! He picked him up and delivered a devastating DR-Driver! He hooked Daniels’ far leg 1…2…3!

The crowd went crazy, not fully expecting the young Richards winning this match. Both men got to their feet and Daniels stared at Davey from across the ring. He nodded and walked over to him and shook his hand, showing respect to his opponent.


Davey Richards wins by pinfall in 17:01


Samoa Joe vs AJ Styles


Streamers filled the ring as the St Paul fans showed amazing respect for AJ, and realizing this was the final time they were going to see him in an ROH ring. Joe even showed AJ respect as well by giving him a short embrace before the match began. AJ was looking to avenge a couple of losses he had suffered at the hands of Samoa Joe and in the beginning, it was he who took the match to Joe in the early exchanges. Knowing that Joe was clearly the stronger of the two of them, AJ began working on the legs of Joe early on, applying various submission holds and performing a couple Dragon Screws to help slow the big man down. That wasn’t enough though to keep the big Samoan from coming at him with everything he had. Joe backed AJ into a corner and unleashed hell. A flurry of strikes and slaps to the head was finished off with a beautiful Pele Kick to the head of AJ. Joe covered him but only got a two count. AJ was able to shake the cobwebs out and began to wrestle more aggressive style of match, putting Joe at a disadvantage and on his heels for a few minutes. Joe whipped AJ to the ropes, but AJ countered it with a Springboard Reverse DDT. Instead of going for the pin, AJ went to the top rope and leapt off looking for a Spiral Tap! He nailed it and covered Joe 1…2.., but Joe kicked out at the last second! AJ looked shocked and went up to the top rope one more time. Joe quickly got to his feet and caught AJ with a kick to the side of the head! He put AJ on his shoulders and dropped him with a Muscle Buster! He bundled AJ up for a pin attempt 1…2…3!


Joe waited for Styles to get to his feet and shook his hand one more time. Joe left the ring and ROH president Cary Silkin and ROH Commissioner Shane Richards came out and embraced AJ and left the ring with him.


Samoa Joe wins by pinfall in 21:09


Non-Title 30 Minute Iron Man Match


Bryan Danielson vs Austin Aries


Before the match took place, Nigel McGuiness took his headset off and moved his chair away from the broadcast position and decided to watch this match as a fan. The match was the scientific chess match that all ROH fans knew it was going to be. Danielson used the time clock to his advantage many times during the match, leaving the ring to try and let the clock drain down as much as he could. But Aries, to his credit, tried to keep the match in the ring the best that he could. They exchanged various wrestling holds and submission attempts, trying to get a feel for one another and find a weakness in the other’s game. Danielson tried to catch Aries off guard on a couple of occasions with roll ups and Inside Cradles, but Aries was able to get out of every one of them. Aries began to target the arms and shoulders of Danielson, setting him up potentially for the Horns of Aries submission hold that he liked to use so much. Aries had a chip on his shoulder after losing the tag titles a couple weeks ago and took out his frustration on the World Champion. At the 15 minute mark Danielson took control of Aries and started to focus on his neck. He grabbed it and locked it in a Crevat on numerous occasions and tried to get him in position for the MMA elbows he has used so well over the past few months, Aries was wise to it every time Danielson tried. Danielson then pulled out a move that no one, especially Aries, saw coming when he extended Aries arm and applied a Triangle Choke! Aries kicked and flailed around on the mat but he did not give up at all! Danielson let go but kept Aries head between his legs and rolled over. He then began to beat Aries head into the mat repeatedly! Todd Sinclair checked on him continuously, but Aries was not knocked out nor would he give up. Dragon abandoned the hold and looked around, frustrated that he could not find a way to put Aries away. The time was ticking down and Danielson knew that he was in control and decided to hold out for a draw. He kept Aries at bay and even went so far as to apply a very basic headlock to keep Aries on the mat and still apply damage to his neck. When Aries head the time keep announce that there was 1 minute left, he kicked it up another gear and got a burst of adrenaline. He fought back and eventually got Danielson down to the mat and locked him in the Horns of Aries! Danielson was not in the hold long though and the time limit had once again expired on the two men in the ring.


The fans began to boo at the way the match had ended and even Nigel McGuiness was disgusted at the result. Before the fans could begin to shuffle out of the arena though, ROH commission Shane Richards came out and walked to the time keepers table and spoke to Bobby Cruise. Danielson grabbed the World Title and began to walk away from the ring.


Bobby Cruise – “Ladies and gentlemen, Ring of Honor Commissioner Shane Richards has informed me that you, the Ring of Honor fans deserve a winner to this match. Therefore, the match will continue with an extra 15-Minute period!”


Danielson was furious and went to leave the ringside area anyways. That was when Nigel grabbed him from behind and rolled him back into the ring. Danielson got up and began to trade insults with the injured Englishmen. Sinclair grabbed the World Title and turned his back and handed it back to Bobby Cruise on the outside. Before he had the bell rung though, Danielson walked over to Aries and kicked him in the crotch! The bell rang and he covered him as Sinclair turned around. Nigel was livid as he watched Sinclair count the 1…2…thr….NO! Aries kicked out at literally the last possible second! Bryan could not believe it and covered him again 1….2…., but Aries kicked out a second time! Dragon rolled him to a seated position and began to unleash those deadly MMA style elbows raining down on the head and neck of Aries. Sinclair continuously checked in on Aries, but he would not give it up. The fans urged Aries to get back to his feet and that is exactly what he did. He fought back and forced his way to his feet and forearmed Danielson in the face and backed him into a corner. Aries bounced off the ropes and caught Danielson with a beautiful dropkick. Danielson fell the mat and this allowed Aries to recover for a second and regain his bearings. He went to pick Danielson up but was caught with an Inside Cradle 1….2…, but Aries was able to kick out again! Aries ducked a Roaring Elbow and gave Danielson one of his own, and it rocked the champion to his core! Aries grabbed him and delivered a vicious Brainbuster! He floated over and covered him 1….2…, but now it was Danielson’s turn to kick out of a big move! The fans were wondering if they were ever going to see a pinfall between these two as the extra 15 minute period came dangerously close to expiring. Aries lifted Danielson up off of the match again and went for a second Brainbuster. He lifted him up but Danielson was able to catch him in the head with a knee. Aries lifted him up a second time and Danielson kneed him once more. Danielson backed up and came off the ropes, only be caught in an Arm Drag, that Aries was able to transition into the Horns of Aries! The fans beat the guardrails and taunted Danielson into tapping out. The pride of the World Champion kept him going, and it was that same pride that would not allow him to give up and admit defeat. Aries let go of the hold and got to his feet, but quickly kicked Danielson on the top of the head…the same kick he used when defeating Samoa Joe! He picked Danielson up and delivered a second Brainbuster! He didn’t go for the pin though scaled the top rope. He looked out to the fans and leapt off and connected with the 450 Splash! He hooked Danielson’s leg for the 1….2….3! Aries 1 – 0 Danielson. Two more minutes remained in the match and the wrestlers, and fans were completely drained from the emotional roller coaster that was this match. Danielson tried his best to get a pin on Aries, but the damage from the Horns of Aries and the Brainbuster was proving to be too much. The time limit eventually expired and Aries had defeated the World Champion, and earned another shot at the World Title!

Nigel got into the ring and helped Aries to his feet and shook his hand, showing Aries that he had a great deal of respect for him. Danielson favored his shoulder and took the World Title from Todd Sinclair. Before he left the ring, he held the title above his head and looked at Nigel and Aries before saying “Best, in the World!” He left the ring with the title, but he knew that his pride, above all else, was hurt.


Austin Aries wins by 1 – 0 in 45:00 after the intial 30:00 expired


Quick Results

Jay and Mark Briscoe def. Kevin Steen and Necro Butcher (C+)


Homicide won a Four Corner Survival (B-)


Alex Shelley def. Delirious to retain the ROH Pure Wrestling Title (B-)


Rave, Jacobs, and Pearce def. Cabana, and the Irish Airborne (C-)


Hero and Castagnolli def. Dunn and Marcos to retain the ROH World Tag Team Titles ©


Davey Richards def. Christopher Daniels (B-)


Samoa Joe def. AJ Styles (B-)


Austin Aries def. Bryan Danielson in a Non-Title Iron Man Match 1-0 (B)*Match of the Night


OOC: Overall, another ‘B’ rated show. Im pretty happy with how shows are turning out. Two things, 1) I was actually going to have Daniels go for the win…but Davey does have the longer career ahead of him 2) I hope you all don’t mind some of the matches having shorter write-ups than others. If that is something you all would like rectified please let me know. Thanks again guys. I am really enjoying this and using this as a break from my divorce. It has actually been pretty therapeutic.

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Me and Wolfman both got every result right haha, awesome. Good show, the Irish Airborne turning on Cabana was an interesting swerve and now I'm convinced that Aries will be winning the belt off Danielson.


Well then I guess you two will have to predict for the next show to break the tie. Let's say the winner will help with a stipulation for a match at Glory By Honor.


A promotion from my hometown had the Airborne as their top heel tag team, and I absolutely enjoyed it. They were cocky and arrogant pr*cks that the fans ate up. That was the real inspiration behind their turn. Plus I figure it would give them a different dynamic to their characters and Lacey's Angels as well.

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ROH Newswire August 25, 2006


One question that has been on the mind of the ROH fans over the past few months, is 'Who is the ace currently in ROH?' Many would say that is is the Ring of Honor World Heavyweight Champion Bryan Danielson. Others would say that is the house of fire that is Austin Aries. And we are convinced that the majority of the Ring of Honor fans would say that it is Samoa Joe! Well this weekend we will find out, because in Chicago, IL, there will be a Non-Title Triple Threat match to determine who the real ace of Ring of Honor is! Bryan Danielson vs Samoa Joe vs Austin Aries! Who do you, the ROH faithful, believe is the true Ace of Ring of Honor?


The show this weekend will be called "Phenomenal", to show the appreciation that the Ring of Honor staff has for the man who is leaving after this weekend, AJ Styles. He will be sorely missed. He is a former Ring of Honor World Tag Team Champion and one of the first Ring of Honor Pure Wrestling Champions. But he has laid out a challenge for his final match against 'The Fallen Angel' Christopher Daniels! This should be a very exciting main event for the show and will showcase why AJ and Chris Daniels are two of the absolute best in the business today.


Low Ki and Homicide will continue their feud this weekend with a 'Pick Your Poison' series of matches. Low Ki has hand picked Ring of Honor World Tag Team Champion Chris Hero to be the opponent for Homicide...and Homicide has pulled wild card out of his pocket for Low Ki's match. Low Ki will go one-on-one for the first time in ROH against Davey Richards! Everyone associated with Ring of Honor is looking forward to this series of matches.


We have an update on Colt Cabana after the severe beating he took last night at the hands of Lacey's Angels. Unfortunately, he will not be at the Chicago event due to the whippings that he received from Jimmy Rave. BUT, he has let ROH officials know that when he does come back to Ring of Honor competition, he will be looking to take down Jimmy Rave.


ROH is excited for two new signings that we have made in the last 24 hours! Both of these men will make their debuts at Glory By Honor V in huge ways! The first signing will take on Christopher Daniels, and that man is the young and highly rated Canadian wrestler Robert Roode! The big powerful man comes to us as a former NWA World Tag Team Champion, but will be looking to make an impact in the singles division. The second man that Ring of Honor has signed will debut in a match for the World Championship...and that man is the self proclaimed 'World Greatest Athlete' Charlie Haas! It should be a great contest between the World Champion and a veteran of the ring.


Before we reveal the rest of the card for 'Phenomenal', Samoa Joe has extended the challenge to Chris Hero for Glory By Honor V, and demanded that Hero meet him in the ring one more time to finally end this blood feud. Chris Hero has accepted the challenge and will let Samoa Joe and Ring of Honor know the stipulation this weekend in Chicago.


Jake and Dave Crist of the Irish Airborne, after their heinous and despicable actions last night when they turned on and aided in the assault on Colt Cabana, will take on the crowd favorite tag team of The Ring Crew Express.

Ring of Honor Pure Wrestling Champion Alex Shelley will have another stiff title defense on his hands when he takes on another man who he used to call friend, Roderick Strong. Will Roderick be the man to end the reign of Alex Shelley, or will Shelley continue his evolution as a pro wrestler and hold onto the belt for another day.

• With his partner in action later in the night, Tag Team Champion Claudio Castagnolli will wrestle one-on-one Jerry Lynn. Jerry Lynn has expressed that he wants to get back on track and one day challenge for the Ring of Honor World Title, and he can do that by getting a victory over one half of the tag team champions.

Lacey has extended a $10,000 challenge to any 3 man combination that believes they can topple her Angels in a 6 man tag match. Well Delirious, a man who does have an issue with Lacey, has enlisted Jay and Mark Briscoe to be his partners. The Briscoes had ROH officials listen to a voicemail that Delirious left, and all we could gather from what he said was the words 'man up', and that left big smiles on the face of the Briscoes.


Full Card for Phenomenal


AJ Styles Farewell Match

AJ Styles vs Christopher Daniels


Non-Title Triple Threat Match

Bryan Danielson vs Samoa Joe vs Austin Aries


Pick Your Poison Match

Low Ki vs Davey Richards


Pick Your Poison Match

Homicide vs Chris Hero


Irish Airborne vs Ring Crew Express


Lacey's $10,000 Challenge

Jimmy Rave, Jimmy Jacobs, Adam Pearce vs Delirious and The Briscoes


Jerry Lynn vs Claudio Castagnolli


Ring of Honor Pure Wrestling Championship

Alex Shelley© vs Roderick Strong


Just incase tiebreaker: Which match will be the match of the night?


Early Card for Glory By Honor V


Samoa Joe vs Chris Hero


Ring of Honor World Heavyweight Championship

Bryan Danielson© vs 'World Greatest Athlete' Charlie Haas


Robert Roode vs 'Fallen Angel' Christopher Daniels

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Full Card for Phenomenal


AJ Styles Farewell Match

AJ Styles vs Christopher Daniels

Time Limit Draw


Non-Title Triple Threat Match

Bryan Danielson vs Samoa Joe vs Austin Aries


Pick Your Poison Match

Low Ki vs Davey Richards


Pick Your Poison Match

Homicide vs Chris Hero


Irish Airborne vs Ring Crew Express


Lacey's $10,000 Challenge

Jimmy Rave, Jimmy Jacobs, Adam Pearce vs Delirious and The Briscoes


Jerry Lynn vs Claudio Castagnolli


Ring of Honor Pure Wrestling Championship

Alex Shelley© vs Roderick Strong


Just incase tiebreaker: Which match will be the match of the night? AJ Styles vs Christopher Daniels

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Full Card for Phenomenal


AJ Styles Farewell Match

AJ Styles vs Christopher Daniels


Non-Title Triple Threat Match

Bryan Danielson vs Samoa Joe vs Austin Aries - Austin Aries has Bryan Danielson number!


Pick Your Poison Match

Low Ki vs Davey Richards - Low-Ki don't job!


Pick Your Poison Match

Homicide vs Chris Hero


Irish Airborne vs Ring Crew Express


Lacey's $10,000 Challenge

Jimmy Rave, Jimmy Jacobs, Adam Pearce vs Delirious and The Briscoes


Jerry Lynn vs Claudio Castagnolli


Ring of Honor Pure Wrestling Championship

Alex Shelley© vs Roderick Strong


Just incase tiebreaker: Which match will be the match of the night? AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels

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Chicago Ridge, IL

August 26, 2006


The Irish Airborne w/Lacey vs Dun and Marcos


The fans who heard the news filter through about the actions of the Irish Airborne last night pelted them with boos, middle fingers and ‘F yous’. They paid little attention to them and focused on their match with the RCE. Dunn and Marcos were not happy about not winning the World Tag Titles the night before and were looking to avenge that loss. They were able to use that anger to their advantage to get a hold of the match early on, but this new found aggression in the Irish Airborne made their life difficult. Not to mention Lacey was ever present outside the ring and even on the apron. Dave and Jake finished off Dunn with an Irish Curse, to help maintain the little bit of momentum that they have gotten over the last 24 hours.


Jake and Dave Crist win by pinfall in 8:11


Jerry Lynn vs Claudio Castagnolli


Surprisingly, Castagnolli made his way out to the ring by himself, no members of the Kingdom to accompany him to the ring. Of course, it made no difference to Lynn who was more than willing to jump start the match as soon as the bell rang. It was a contrast of styles throughout most of the match with Claudio using his size and strength and Lynn using his quickness, despite being much older than his opponent. Claudio did slow the pace of the match down to a tempo that was beter suited for him. Claudio showed why he was one half of the best tag team in ROH by surprising Lynn and kicking out of the Cradle Piledriver! No one in Chicago saw that coming…and Lynn didn’t see coming a European Uppercut that dropped him to the mat. Claudio picked him up and nailed a Riccola Bomb! He held on and got the 3 count to secure the win.


Claudio Castagnolli wins by pinfall in 12:47


Lacey’s $10,000 Challenge


Jimmy Rave, Jimmy Jacobs and Adam Pearce vs Delirious and Jay and Mark Brisoce


Once again flaunting the money that she had come into recently, Lacey challenged any three men to beat her Angels and she would give the winning team a grand total of $10,000! Delirious may not have cared much about the money, and the Briscoes were always up for a fight….but the money gave them a little extra motivation. Jimmy Rave continued where left off with Cabana the night before and showed the mean and aggressive streak that Lacey had unleashed in him. And this was rubbing off on Jimmy Jacobs, something that finally made Lacey happy with him. But there opponents had mean streaks of their own. Delirious still had an issue with Jacobs nearly taking his eye out with that railroad spike and did his best to inflict as much punishment on Jimmy as he could. The experienced team of Jay and Mark helped Delirious in controlling a majority of the match by making frequent tags and keeping their half of the ring cut off. Ultimately though, Lacey had too many tricks up her sleeves…and even in that purse she carried once again down to the ring. Adam Pearce was elated when she handed him brass knuckles, but his joy quickly left when Paul Turner took them from him. Jay and Mark eliminated him with a Double Yakuza kick. Jimmy Rave dropped Delirious in a truly scary moment with a Pedigree onto the floor on the outside, after he pulled the protective mat away from the ground. The Briscoes tried to steal the win as they went for a Spike J-Driller, but when Mark went to the top rope, Rave pulled his leg out from him and sent him crashing to the ring apron and then the floor. This allowed Jacobs to reverse the J-Driller into a Contra Code and a surprise 3-count of Jay Briscoe.


Lacey’s Angels win by pinfall in 14:09


Pick Your Poison


Homicide vs Chris Hero


Homicide did not need any incentive to beat Chris Hero tonight and prove to Low Ki that he was more than capable of beating him as well. But facing one half of the World tag champions was not going to be an easy task. Hero was the bigger of the two and stronger of the two, but Homicide showed that he could truly wrestle and perfect man forms of wrestling. The match was a great showcase of two truly great wrestling talents, and Chris Hero cut out the antics and taunting the crowd and took Homicide to the limit. Homicide showed great heart by kicking out of a Roaring Elbow and a Hero’s Welcome as well. Now Hero was frustrated and this led to him making a couple of small mistakes…and those mistakes led to Homicide ending the match with a vicious Cop Killa, 1…2…3!

After the match, Hero seemed to be favoring his shoulder a little after taking the Cop Killa.


Homicide wins by pinfall in 16:05


Ring of Honor Pure Wrestling Championship Match


Alex Shelley© vs Roderick Strong


Yet another former Generation Next stable mate of Alex Shelley looked to step up and dethrone the Pure Wrestling Champion. Roderick wasn’t too keen on wrestling a technically pure match as much as he was interesting simply beating Shelley into submission with chops, forearms, and devastating back breakers. To his credit though, Shelley took all of the punishment that Strong could ship out and slowed the contest down and did eventually make it into a mat match, something that he did have the advantage of over Roderick. Shelley had a beet red chest from the chops that Roderick was sending his way, but he was still not backing down at all. Shelley was forced to give up his last rope break when Roderick locked him in the Stronghold by the ropes, intentionally of course. At this point both men had used all three rope breaks. It was a rule that favored Shelley and was the downfall of Roderick. Shelley dropped him with a Shellshock and Strong landed right next to the ropes. Shelley covered him, and momentary lapse in concentration saw Roderick put his foot on the bottom rope as the referee counted 1…2…3!

Shelley realized what had happened and rolled out of the ring and grabbed the Pure Title. Roderick was livid and kicking himself for not realizing his mistake and was confirmed with the referee about what had happened.


Alex Shelley retains the ROH Pure Wrestling Title by pinfall in 17:37


Pick Your Poison Match


Arguably the most highly anticipated of the night matches saw two of the best strikers in the company. They were only separated by three years in age, but there was vast experience factor that the young Davey Richards had to overcome. It was a bruising encounter and Davey proved that he was up to the task. When the bell rang, Low Ki charged at his opponent lashing out with chops, kicks and strikes, but Davey was mindful and able to avoid every shot that Low Ki sent his way. It wasn’t long though until both men were exchanging shots in the middle of the ring, trying to find out which man was the tougher of the two. Low Ki would rear back and chop Davey’s chest, and Davey would psyche himself up and kick Ki in the thigh or in his chest. Both men delivered signature moves, the Ki Crusher and DR-Driver, but that wasn’t enough for either man to secure the pinfall. Low Ki even came close to caving in the chest of Davey with a Tree of Woe Ghetto Stomp, but once more the resiliency of Richards shone brightly and he was able to kick out. Low Ki would eventually put down Davey with a brace of kicks to the side of the head, and one last Ghetto Stomp from the top rope. He covered him for the 1…2..3!

Ki didn’t wait around to shake Davey’s hand, but after Todd Sinclair raised his, Low Ki looked down at his opponent with a slight look of bewilderment. He had been taken to the limit and he knew it.


Low Ki wins by pinfall in 21:06


Non-Title Triple Threat Match


Austin Aries vs Bryan Danielson vs Samoa Joe


There was so much history in this match, even the commentary team thought it best to let the action speak for itself, rather than go on a long tangent about who has beaten who and who needs the win more. There were times when two would team up on the unfortunate one like any triple threat match, but for the most part each man kept to himself and did all he could to get the win. Joe and Aries knew that if they got the decision then surely there could be another crack at the world title…while Danielson, if he won, could continue to let everyone know that he was the best wrestler in the world. Being the biggest man in the match meant that Joe could very easily dominate both of his opponents and that is exactly what he did. He would put either Aries or Danielson down and work on the other and vice versa. This did catch up with him though and Danielson and Aries finally began the longest truce in the contest and work over the legs of Joe, trying to keep his amazing striking abilities down to a minimum. Danielson would, naturally, be the man to turn on Aries and despite the two men having come off a 45 minute classic the night before, they didn’t show any signs of fatigue or slowing down. Samoa Joe dumped Danielson over the top rope, leaving him and Aries all alone in the ring. When he turned around, Aries caught him with a running forearm and then bounced off the ropes to deliver a brutal dropkick. Aries did try for the Brainbuster but Joe blocked it and slapped the taste right out of his mouth and knocked Aries backwards. He sat him up top and tried to lock in the Muscle Buster, but Aries was fighting it! He finally backed away with Aries haphazardly on his shoulders, and Aries turned it into a Crucifix Bomb and quickly transitioned it into a Crossface! Joe wasn’t in the hold long before rolling over, forcing Aries to let go or be pinned and lose the match. Aries went for a Discus Lariat but Joe moved and grabbed his head and locked in the Choke! Aries scrambled and tried to get away but the big man had it locked in tight! Before Joe could fall backwards and drop to the mat, Bryan Danielson got into the ring and shoved two men forward. Joe relinquished the hold and Aries went tumbling to the outside. Danielson smartly rolled Joe up and got a handful of tights! The fans lit up the arena with a chorus of boos as they watched Todd Sinclair’s hand hit the mat 1…2…3!

Danielson ducked out of the ring, having stolen yet another victory in ROH but before he could grab the World Title, he found it in the hands of Nigel McGuiness, who was not happy about the result. Danielson stopped in his tracks and stared down Nigel. After a moment, Nigel handed him the championship, but held on tightly before Danielson had to yank it from his grip.


Bryan Danielson wins by pinfall in 23:04


Before Samoa Joe could make it back to the backstage area, Kevin Steen and the Necro Butcher sauntered down to the ring, blocking off his exit. But this didn’t stop Joe from charging them and picking a fight he thought he could win. While he was doing his best to take down the two men in front of him, Castagnolli and Hero came out as well and grabbed Joe from behind, and the result was inevitable. The four-on-one attack made its way into the ring where they put boots and fists to the body of Samoa Joe. Hero grabbed a mic from the time keepers table and sat on the mat next to the beaten body of Samoa Joe.


Hero – “Joe…Joe…Joe…Joe…” He chanted mockingly. “Isnt that what these s*** fans chant? ‘Joe…Joe…Joe…Joe’! Well guess what, they wont be chanting your name much longer.” Hero got to his feet and stood over Joe. “You want to end this at Glory By Honor V? You got it Joe. But as I’ve said, I get to name stipulation, and it can be any match I want it to be. Fight Without Honor, Iron Man, I Quit….no no no, Joe, I want to go old school and settle this the way real men would settle a feud. You and me locked inside of a STEEL CAGE! And the only way that we can exit that cage, is if one of us pins the other. I want the door locked and exiting the cage being the farthest thing from your mind. See you then Joe.”


Hero slapped him across the face for good measure and the four members of the Kingdom raised their hands above their heads amidst a chorus of boos.


AJ Styles’ Final Ring of Honor Match


AJ Styles vs Christopher Daniels


Both men shook hands at the beginning of the match, something that Chris Daniels has been doing as of late, and AJ’s final match in ROH was finally here. It had been a long road for both of these men who have had many battles in the past with one another. The veterans set out at a slow pace, feeling each other out. AJ was aggressive in the beginning and looked to make his final match a victory, after having lost to Samoa Joe the night before. Daniels was on the back foot for a few moments as AJ did everything he could to try and end the match early. Daniels would fight back and the match got interesting when Daniels halted AJ’s momentum momentarily with a slap across the face. Pissed off, AJ fired away with about a dozen forearm shots to the face of Daniels and backed him into a corner. Daniels did his best to slow the match down and attempt to work AJ down into submission, but AJ was proving to be too fast and for him. Out of nowhere, Daniels caught AJ with a Last Rites! He covered him, but AJ was able to get his shoulder up before the referee could finish counting the fall! Daniels went to the turnbuckle and prepared to go for the BME. He leapt up and then off but just like last night, all he found was the canvas. AJ grabbed and quickly cradled him byt was only able to get a two count himself. The two competitors traded near fall and big moves to try and put the other down but they were not going to give the win to the other. Daniels put AJ on the top rope and went for a Hurricanrana, but AJ was able to block it! He hooked Daniels and gave him a Styles Clash from the top rope! AJ rolled over as Todd Sinclair counted 1…2…, but Daniels grabbed the bottom rope! AJ pulled Daniels to the middle of the ring and scaled the top rope himself. He went for a Spiral Tap but got nothing but canvas! Daniels grabbed him and put him down with the Angels Wings! He rolled him over and didn’t go for the pin though. He went back to the turnbuckle and went for the Best Moonsault Ever one more time. Daniels leapt up to the top and then through the air and crash landed onto AJ! He grabbed his leg, 1….2…..3!

The fans applauded both men for their efforts although everyone associated with ROH was sure they would have liked to see AJ pick up the win. Every fan attending the show was on their feet in appreciation for ‘The Phenomenal One’. He hugged Daniels, who grabbed AJ’s wrist and held his hand up for the fans.


Christopher Daniels wins by pinfall in 34:09


AJ took a microphone and gave one last final speech to the ROH fans, thanking them for their support and putting over the company and his opponent. The fans gave him a long chant of “Thank You AJ”, “Please Don’t Go”, and “Please Come Back”. It was an emotional farewell for one of the very best in pro wrestling today.


Quick Results

Irish Airborne def. Dunn and Marcos (D+)

Claudio Castagnolli def. Jerry Lynn (C-)

Lacey’s Angels def. The Briscoes and Delirious ©

Homicide def. Chris Hero (C+)

Alex Shelley def. Roderick Strong to retain the ROH Pure Wrestling Title (C+)

Low Ki def. Davey Richards

Bryan Danielson won a Non-Title Triple Threat Match (C+)

Christopher Daniels def. AJ Styles (B)


OOC: So another good outing I thought. I have just completed Glory By Honor in the game….and there is now a HUGE shake up in Ring of Honor. You will have to wait to see what it is, and there will be a ‘come to Jesus’ meeting to try and figure out how this will all get handled. But that is where you all will come in to play. I will poll you all to see what you all think we at Ring of Honor should do. Thanks guys 

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Hey gentlemen, just a quick update. I have he next newswire ready but I am going to be making my trip back home (cause ya know my wife wants the divorce lol) and it is a 16 hour drive home. But I will be trying to make the post tonight from my hotel and then working on the Glory By Honor V write up. Thanks again for everyone who reads and thanks for the patience as well.
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ROH Newswire September 1, 2006


Ring of Honor did say goodbye to AJ Styles this weekend, and we wish him all of the best in his future endeavors. He has been a great servant to Ring of Honor and put on many amazing performances since he walked into an ROH arena way back in 2002. He has big shoes to fill but we are sure that there will be someone in the future to be that man.


But, there is a big event coming up, GLORY BY HONOR V and Ring of Honor will be making its debut in the historic Manhattan Center in New York City, NY! All of us in Ring of Honor are very excited for what will be a very important night in the history of our great company and would like to, as always, thank you the ROH fans for helping us get this far.


As we mentioned a couple of Newswires ago, Ring of Honor World Heavyweight Champion Bryan Danielson will defend his World Title against the self-proclaimed ‘World’s Greatest Athlete’ Charlie Haas! Of these two men who proclaim themselves to be ‘world’s best’ or ‘best in the world’ only Danielson holds a World Championship around his waist. But that fact alone will give Haas all the motivation he needs to perform at a level only World Champions perform at. Will Haas win the World title on his first Ring of Honor show? Or will Danielson make it to the one year mark as the top dog in our great company?


One of the other big three matches going into Glory By Honor V is the match that will end the feud between Samoa Joe and Chris Hero! At ‘Phenomenal’, Chris Hero formally accepted the challenge laid out by Samoa Joe and took it up a step further by making the match a Steel Cage Match! The only way for either man to win this match will be by pinning their opponent. No escape. No way out. The only way be called the man who won this feud is to beat your opponent senseless. Will it be Joe or Hero at Glory By Honor V?


Low Ki and Homicide have had an issue since Ki returned at Ring of Homicide. All of their friends have been drug into this very personal conflict, and they will end it at one of the biggest events in the Ring of Honor calendar year. It will be a standard one-on-one wrestling match, but there has been one MASSIVE stipulation that will be added to this contest. Whichever man gets pinned or made to submit MUST leave Ring of Honor. Yes, you heard us correctly, either Homicide or Low Ki will no longer be competing for Ring of Honor after September 17th.


At the same time we mentioned that Charlie Haas would debut in Ring of Honor at Glory By Honor V, we also announced that Canadian Heavyweight Robert Roode would also be debuting with the company in a match with Christopher Daniels. Daniels is fresh off an emotional win over AJ Styles and will be looking to keep his momentum going. Of course, debuting in a new company will always make one want to perform at a very high level, and that is what we can expect from Robert Roode.


Lacey and her Angels have been on a tear in 6-Man Tag Team competition over the past couple of shows, and ROH officials have taken it upon themselves to assemble a 3 man team to challenge Lacey. Lacey will have Jimmy Rave, Jimmy Jacobs and Adam Pearce…and team ROH will be KENTA, Davey Richards and Taiji Ishimori! Lacey has reluctantly accepted the challenge and it will be, like the last match…a $10,000 Challenge!


Alex Shelley will round out what seems like it has been a challenge against the former Generation Next stable when he takes on Matt Sydal! Shelley has been a great Pure Champion and has really changed up his game to compete at the top level in defending the Pure Title.

• Former Ring of Honor World Tag Team Champions collide in a match that could go a long way in determining the top challengers to Hero and Castagnolli. Austin Aries and Roderick Strong will take on Jay and Mark Briscoe in a Ring of Homicide rematch. Jay and Mark have let Aries and Strong know that they will have to ‘man up’ in order to defeat them at Glory By HonorV.

Colt Cabana is back after his severe beating at the hands of Lacey’s Angels. But before he can get to them, he wants to get his hands on the men who turned their backs on him, The Irish Airborne! And for his partner, Colt has chosen someone that he knows well, Ace Steel! The Second City Saints reunite for Glory By Honor…will you be there to witness it?


Full card for Glory By Honor V


Ring of Honor World Heavyweight Championship

Bryan Danielson© vs Charlie Haas


Robert Roode vs Christopher Daniels


Ring of Honor Pure Wrestling Championship

Alex Shelley© vs Matt Sydal


Steel Cage Match

Chris Hero vs Samoa Joe


Loser Must Leave Ring of Honor

Homicide vs Low Ki


Austin Aries and Roderick Strong vs Jay and Mark Briscoe


Colt Cabana and Ace Steel vs Irish Airborne


Lacey’s $10,000 Challenge

Jimmy Rave, Jimmy Jacobs and Adam Pearce vs KENTA, Davey Richards and Taiji Ishimori


Upcoming Shows

10/06/2006 – Cleveland, OH

10/07/2006 – Detroit, MI

10/28/2006 – Chicago Ridge, IL Survival of the Fittest 2006

11/03/2006 – Braintree, MA

11/04/2006 – Philadelphia, PA

11/24/2006 – Long Island, NY

11/25/2006 – Edison, NJ

12/08/2006 – Chicago Ridge, IL

12/09/2006 – Chicago Ridge, IL

12/23/2006 – New York City, NY Final Battle 2006

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That's a very strong card, can't wait to read it.


Full card for Glory By Honor V


Ring of Honor World Heavyweight Championship

Bryan Danielson© vs Charlie Haas

Aries is the only man fit to take that belt off him. Haas is a great signing though.


Robert Roode vs Christopher Daniels

I figure one of the two debutants has to win.


Ring of Honor Pure Wrestling Championship

Alex Shelley© vs Matt Sydal


Steel Cage Match

Chris Hero vs Samoa Joe


Loser Must Leave Ring of Honor

Homicide vs Low Ki

I don't have a clue here, but I'ma go with Homicide since Low Ki has always been nothing but trouble in my TEW saves. :p


Austin Aries and Roderick Strong vs Jay and Mark Briscoe

I know Aries is in line for a shot at the World title, but The Briscoes should probably be challenging for the tag belts, a win here would do wonders for them.


Colt Cabana and Ace Steel vs Irish Airborne

Steel is there to eat a pinfall. Hopefully he sticks around though, he's a pretty decent hand in the ring.


Lacey’s $10,000 Challenge

Jimmy Rave, Jimmy Jacobs and Adam Pearce vs KENTA, Davey Richards and Taiji Ishimori

Wow, talk about a stacked team. KENTA, Davey & Ishimori, damnnnn! But the $10,000 challenge needs to built up a bit more before it's ended.

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Glory By Honor V


Ring of Honor World Heavyweight Championship

Bryan Danielson© vs Charlie Haas - I see a great technical match with Danielson picking up the win. One year on top for Bryan Danielson. Who's next for American Dragon?


Robert Roode vs Christopher Daniels


Ring of Honor Pure Wrestling Championship

Alex Shelley© vs Matt Sydal - I see a long reign as Pure champion for Alex Shelley.


Steel Cage Match

Chris Hero vs Samoa Joe Match of the night!


Loser Must Leave Ring of Honor

Homicide vs Low Ki - Low-Ki can't stay in one place forever.


Austin Aries and Roderick Strong vs Jay and Mark Briscoe - Runner-up match of the night!


Colt Cabana and Ace Steel vs Irish Airborne - Almost pick Colt and Ace but believe Irish Airborne goes over here because they just turned.


Lacey’s $10,000 Challenge

Jimmy Rave, Jimmy Jacobs and Adam Pearce vs KENTA, Davey Richards and Taiji Ishimori - Yeah what Mootinie said.

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CELEBRATE! This is the 100th post of the thread, and I am really happy that it is going to be Glory By Honor 5. Thanks for everyone who keeps reading this. Here is to another 100 posts!





Glory By Honor V

New York, NY

September 16, 2006


The Manhattan Center in New York was sold out and rocking! Chants of ‘ROH’ rang throughout the Center and the New York fans were ready for what was set up to be an amazing debut for Ring of Honor in this historic place. Before the event took place, ROH Commissioner Shane Richards made his way out to the ring and grabbed a microphone from the timekeepers table.


Richards – “New York City…this is Ring of Honor!” A chant of ROH once again rang throughout the Manhattan Center, louder than what it was before. “And, this is Glory By Honor V! Tonight should…no, no…tonight WILL be an amazing night of wrestling brought to you by the best d*** wrestling promotion in North America. Now, as much as I would love to continue to put over the product and our wrestlers who, let’s be honest, are the best wrestlers in the world today…I came out here to discuss someone who has been a pain the a** of many of the workers, of you the fans, and me, and that is Lacey. Now over the last few months we have seen Lacey’s Angels grow from Jimmy Jacobs and Adam Pearce to Jimmy Rave and now the Irish Airborne. This is a situation that is getting out of hand, and it is getting out of hand fast. I cannot allow the wrestlers of ROH to be taken out in the manner Lacey’s Angels have been doing it. But I do have news for you madam. The judge who ordered the restraining order on your behalf against BJ Whitmer saw what has transpired between your Angels and the workers of ROH, and he has decided to make that order no longer valid.” The fans cheered and chanted ‘F*** her up BJ, f*** her up!’ “BJ will be back in a couple of weeks and if I were you Lacey…id be scared right now. He is very, VERY pissed off. And now that I am done talking about Lacey and her band, New York City…Glory By Honor 5!”


Colt Cabana and Ace Steel vs The Irish Airborne w/Lacey


Despite being on the winning end against Dunn and Marcos last time out, the Airborne knew that Cabana and Steel were going to be a much bigger task. And in the beginning, the experience of Steel and Cabana made a massive difference. Cabana did what he could to get under their skin by using his unorthodox style of offense, and at one point paid a tribute to Rick Rude and swung his hips at Lacey like the great worker would have normally done. The Airborne did finally get into the match and, despite using many underhanded tactics, they were able to keep both Cabana and then Steel in their corner of the ring. Cabana made a tag to Ace Steel and he exploded into the ring and was able to turn the tide for their team and take on both of his opponents, and drag his team back into the match. Lacey got into the ring and had a stare down with Steel, threating to slap him and kick him in the groin. She took off her heels and told Steel that she would hit him with it too. Before she could though, Daizee Haze came down from the backstage area and speared Lacey to the mat. The two began to roll around the ring, trying to get one up on the other, and eventually fell out of the ring. Steel turned around and was caught but a huge Superkick from Dave Crist. Jake scaled to the top rope as Dave picked him up for a Tombstone Piledriver! Jake came off the top and they dropped Ace with an Irish Curse, and got the 3 count for the win!

Cabana tried to get into the ring but was stopped and beaten down by the Airborne and sent from the ring again. Lacey rolled Daizee Haze into the ring and she was grabbed by the Airborne. A look of horror came over her face wen Jake went to the top rope and Dave put her in his arms and she was given an Irish Curse! A chant of ‘Holy S***’ was sung by the fans as officials came down to check on Daizee. Lacey embraced both of her men as they left Daizee in a heap in the ring.


The Irish Airborne win by pinfall in 11:21


Ring of Honor Pure Wrestling Championship Match


Alex Shelley© vs Matt Sydal


Sydal had been in a roller coaster of a ride in terms of fortune in recent times, and was looking to slingshot his fortunes by defeating Pure Champion Alex Shelley. Not really known for his mat game, Sydal did his best to keep up with the champion, and even was able to throw in some trips to the top rope to keep Shelley off guard. But a basement dropkick to the knee and a Dragonscrew Led Whip, Shelley took advantage and grounded the high flyer. Sydal tried to keep him away from his leg, but Shelley was like a shark who sensed blood in the water and kept coming and working over his opponents leg. Sydal nearly surprised him when Shelley went for a Figure Four Leg Lock, and Sydal turned it into an Inside Cradle and got a two count. Sydal couldn’t grab the momentum though has Shelley dropped in with another dropkick to his leg. The crowd was able to help Sydal get into the match and give him the energy he needed to mount a comeback and fight despite the pain he was feeling in his leg. Sydal nearly snatched the title again when he put down Shelley with a Here It Is Driver! He covered him but once again Shelley was able to hold onto his title a little while longer. Shelley went to the top rope but was forced to climb slowly due to his leg being in pain. When he made it to the top,, Shelley met him up there and gave him a Dragonscrew from the top rope! Sydal clutched his leg and writhed in pain. At this point, Sydal was out of rope breaks, and Shelley put him in a Stretch Muffler, using the second rope for leverage. Sydal tried to fight it, but he had no choice but to tap out.


Alex Shelley retains the ROH Pure Wrestling Title by submission in 15:30


Lacey’s $10,000 Challenge


Jimmy Rave, Jimmy Jacobs, Adam Pearce vs KENTA, Davey Richards, Taiji Ishimori


KENTA learned of the challenge Lacey was setting forth and decided to grab two men that he had taken under his wings in Davey Richards and Taiji Ishimori, both of whom were already beginning to shine in ROH in recent months. KENTA took it upon himself to start out the match for his team and it was a decision that worked out well for them as he was able to dominate the match early on, taking the best that the other three men could throw at him and would not be put down by any of them. And when he tagged in both of his partners, they were able to turn it up a notch and bring another dimension to the match. All three had a very hard hitting style that they used to brutalize and wear down their opponents. For all of their dominance though, they were no match for the small things, like a thumb to the eye from Adam Pearce. Once he did that to Ishimori, Lacey’s Angels were able to take advantage and keep him away from his corner. They made frequent tags in and out and made a great deal of double and even triple team moves to try and ground Ishimori. He was able to fight back and make a tag to KENTA who, like he did earlier in the match, was able to clean house and give his team back the advantage. Both teams traded the advantage and once the match broke down into a chaotic mess, Lacey’s team was able to take advantage of the situation. Ishimori was left in the ring with Jimmy Rave, and his inexperience proved to be his downfall. Rave was able to move out of the way of a Running Knee that saw Ishimori crash into the turnbuckle. Rave pulled him into the middle of the ring and dropped him with a Pedigree to win the match for his team.

Lacey was stunned, and thrilled at the same time, to have been saved the embarrassment of not having to payout any money to her opponents. She embraced Jimmy Rave and planted a small kiss on his cheek, something that did not go unnoticed by Jimmy Jacobs.


Rave, Jacobs and Pearce win by pinfall in 17:01


Robert Roode vs Christopher Daniels


In his Ring of Honor debut, Robert Roode was looking to make an instant impact (no pun intended), but it would not be an easy task when he was facing one of the founding fathers in ROH. It was a very open match in the early going, with Robert Roode showing that he could hang with Daniels, and even out wrestle him in a couple of instances. This caused Daniels to rethink his strategy and wrestle a much more aggressive style of match. Being the stronger of the two, Roode was able to work over Daniels and gain the advantage. The fans were cheering and showing appreciate for both men, until Roode gouged the eyes on Daniels to ensure that he kept his advantage. A small pocket of fans booed him and Roode made it worse with a small crotch chop and a middle finger. Roode followed up his advantage with a very old school and basic Abdominal Stretch, which led the fans to chant ‘boring’…to which he told them, ‘it may be boring but its effective’. Their resentment of his moves led him to apply many more moves ie) a head lock, toe holds, and even a sleeper hold. Daniels would fight back and show how much he has evolved his game over the years. He caught Roode off guard with a Palm Strike to the side of the head, that sent him rocking. Daniels followed up his advantage and gave him the Last Rites! He covered him and was only able to get a two count. Daniels did not let up though and pressed on with the advantage. Roode caught him off guard with a Hangmans Neckbreaker and got a two count himself. He measure Daniels and stalked him, waiting to get him a Lariat. He charged and Daniels was able to reverse the attempt into a Koji Clutch! The fans were chanting tap, but Roode was quickly able to shift his body and get his feet on the bottom rope. Daniels let go and got back to his feet…but when he did Roode had gotten up as well and nearly took his head off with a Lariat! He hooked the far leg 1…2…, but Daniels kicked out! Roode couldn’t believe it. He set him on the top rope and went for a Superplex. Daniels blocked it, hooked Roodes arms and gave him an Angels Wings from the top rope! He rolled him over and got him 1…2…3!


Christopher Daniels wins by pinfall in 18:01


Austin Aries and Roderick Strong vs Jay and Mark Briscoe


The Briscoes were more than ready for this match, a rematch of their showdown back at Ring of Homicide. Neither team was able to gain an advantage in the beginning, with both teams cancelling each other out. It was a tight affair and finally the Briscoes were able to get the advantage and keep Aries away from Strong, much to the anger and disappointment of Strong. Try as he may, Aries was not able to get to his partner and the Briscoes kept their domination of the match, executing perfect double team moves and combinations. Strong didn’t make it any easier on his partner by trying to get in the ring and help him, but this only led to Paul Turner trying to get him back out of the ring and allowing the Briscoes to keep double teaming Aries. Finally though, the former World Champion was able to roll away and make the tag to Strong, and he lit up both Briscoes with Knife Edge Chops and his arsenal of back breakers. Roderick was on fire and dumped Mark out of the ring before turning his attention back to Jay. Aries got back to his feet and now it was their turn to double team the older Briscoe. They took a page out of the Briscoes’ book and held him in a corner and both of them unleashed a flurry of chops that turned Jay’s white chest beet red. Jay tried to fight back and shoved Aries aside and kept his attention on Roderick. Aries got back to his feet and went to take out Jay with a Roaring Elbow. Jay moved and Aries caught Roderick on the chin with the elbow, knocking his partner to the mat! Mark got back into the ring and grabbed Aries from behind and gave him a Cutthroat Driver! He looked at Jay as he picked up Roderick. Mark went to the apron as Jay put Roderick on his shoulders and they delivered a stiff Doomsday Device! Jay covered him 1…2…3!

The Briscoes left, victorious and the former champs got to their feet. Aries went to Roderick and tried to explain what had happened. Roderick seemed angry at first, but he seemed to shake it off and patted Aries on the back as the two left the ring side by side.


Jay and Mark Briscoe win by pinfall in 22:23


Loser MUST Leave Ring of Honor


Homicide vs Low Ki


The crowd was hot for this match, hotter than they had been for any other match up to this point. No Rottweilers or Julius Smokes came out to ringside for their respective man, leaving it the way it should be, Ki vs Homicide. They stood in the ring, face-to-face. The trash talking from Low Ki began and it ended when Homicide had enough and began to tee off on his former Rottweiler mate. The feud that began at Ring of Homicide was going to end and Homicide was going to make sure that. Todd Sinclair was the man in charge and, being Ring of Honor’s senior official, he knew the importance of this match and allowed the men to bend the rules slightly during the match. They brawled all around the Manhattan Center, in and out of the fans, and around the ringside area. Many thought Homicide would have had the advantage, but a swift kick to the groin from Low Ki helped give him the upper hand. Low Ki grabbed a fans chair and hit Homicide across the back with it. They made their way back to the ringside area and Low Ki rolled him into the ring. He pushed Dave Prazak out of his chair and threw it into the ring. Homicide was on all fours when Ki hit him across the back with the steel chair. Low Ki held the chair above his head and looked at the fans, taunting them all. He turned around and was tackled to the mat and Homicide unloaded rights and lefts on his former friend. While in a dominant position, Homicide pulled out the Ghetto Fork and tried to drive it into the forehead of Low Ki. Ki was able to fight it off for a moment, but finally Homicide was able to break his skin and let the claret flow. He gave him a few good shots to the head and when he was satisfied, he got up and stomped on the wound he opened up. He covered him and only got a two count. The blood loss did not stop Ki, and the two continued to beat down and try and work over the other. Towards the end, both men began to deliver their big signature moves to try and end the contest. Homicide kicked out of the Ki Crusher ’99, and Low Ki kicked out of an Ace Crusher from the top rope. Both men were broken and beaten but they were not willing to give up their position in the company so easily. Low Ki hung Homicide up in a Tree of Woe and looked to go for the Ghetto Stomp! He leapt up but Homicide laid back and Ki hit the mat and held both of his ankles. Homicide was able to get free and locked Low Ki for a Cop Killa and nailed it! He covered him 1….2….NO!!! The fans in New York were stunned, but no one was more stunned than Homicide. He grabbed the bloody Low Ki and hooked him a second time and gave him another Cop Killa! He didn’t go for a cover and instead he picked him back up and went for a third Cop Killa! He yelled “F*** You!” before delivering a third Cop Killa! He rolled him over and covered him, 1…..2…..3!

The fans went nuts for Homicide, but they also knew it was a little bitter sweet. Homicide was going to remain in the company but Low Ki would never be working for the company again. Homicide waited for Low Ki to get to his feet and after a few minutes of recuperating, Ki got to his feet. The fans stood and applauded him for what he has done for ROH over the company’s early years. Homicide walked over to him and extended a hand of friendship. Low Ki looked at his hand. Instead of being a class act, Ki spit on Homicide’s hand and gave him a double middle finger before rolling out of the ring and leaving the ringside area. The boos from the fans quickly became chants of ‘187’ as he stood and looked out at the fans and motioned his hands across his waist, signaling his intent for another shot at the ROH World Title.


Homicide wins by pinfall in 21:19


Ring of Honor World Heavyweight Championship Match


Bryan Danielson© vs Charlie Haas


The New York fans ate up the debut of Charlie Haas, and gave him a hero’s welcome into Ring of Honor. It seemed like the only man in the arena who seemed like he didn’t give a d*** who his opponent was. And judging by the way he had been defending the title as of late, there were a lot of opponents lining up to take on the World Champion. Once again, Nigel McGuinness took a big interest in the match and did little in ways of commentary, unless it was to tear down the World Champion. Haas started very brightly in the early goings and both men did what they could to try and out wrestle the other and show off their pure wrestling techniques. Everything the World Champion threw at Haas, he seemed to have a counter for and made sure that he made Danielson look foolish every chance he had. Frustrated, Danielson slapped Haas across the face. And when Haas came at him, Danielson used his over aggressiveness to finally gain control of the match. Danielson intentionally slowed the match down showed off his array of submission holds and stretches as a way to ‘welcome’ Haas to ROH. His arrogance would cost him as Haas worked his way back into the match with a variety of suplexs and throws that sent Danielson across the ring and hard onto the mat. He even took a page out of Danielson’s playbook and performed an Airplane Spin, something that Danielson is all too familiar with. Haas knew he needed to press the advantage and went for a Haastile Takeover, but Daneilson was able to reverse it and locked Haas in a Crossface Chicken Wing! Haas was able to fight out of it when he forced Danielson to the mat and had his shoulders pinned. Danielson broke the hold when Paul Turner began to count the nearfall. The pair got to their feet. Haas ducked a Roaring Forearm attempt and tried one more time for the Haastile Takeover….and this time he got it! He covered Danielson 1…2…, but the World Champion kicked out at two! Haas would not let up though and grabbed Danielson’s legs as if he was going to go for the Haas of Pain! Brian quickly grabbed him and rolled him up 1…2…, but this time the roll up would not give Danielson the victory he was looking for. The two got up and now it was Danielson’s turn to give Haas the Airplane Spin. Danielson spun and spun and spun until even he fell over from too many revolutions. He was able to somehow get to the top rope and stand up straight. Before he leapt off, he gave the fans the middle finger. The Dragon flew through the air and met only canvas as he went for a Diving Headbutt. Haas saw the opportunity to try again for the Haas of Pain and this time he was able to lock Danielson in his patented submission hold! The fans called for him to Danielson to tap out, but it was not going to be easy for the World Champion to just tap out. Haas put a great amount of strain and leverage on Danielson though and even the biggest Danielson supporter thought that surely this would be the end of his reign as champion. Haas torqued the hold a little too much though and Danielson was able to adjust himself and get out of the hold and roll outside. Irritated, Haas followed him, but Danielson knew exactly was he was doing. He used a little amount of energy and grabbed Haas and sent him head first into the ringpost! He rolled him back into the ring and started to unleash his fury in the forms of the MMA elbows! Before he could get too far into a good rhythm, Haas started to fight back, despite being slightly woozy and lightheaded. He was able to get back to his feet but Danielson put him down quickly with an emphatic Roaring Elbow! Danielson stalked him and waited till he got back to his feet and have him a second elbow, connecting right to the side of his head! Danielson picked him up and hooked him for a Tiger Suplex. Danielson lifted him and dropped him on the back of his head…but he rolled through and got back up with Haas still locked up. He gave him a second Tiger Suplex, this one as vicious as the first one! Danielson rolled through again but this time he rolled it over into Cattle Mutilation! Haas was on Dream Street but was not yet giving up this opportunity to win the World Championship. After a couple of minutes, Danielson abandoned the hold and went for the MMA elbows a second time. After a dozen of those he put Haas back in Cattle Mutilation and this time Haas tapped out.

Danielson laid on the mat as Paul Turner brought the World Title to him. He got to his feet and did something that he hadn’t done in a few matches and waited for Haas to get to his feet. He extended his hand and followed the Code of Honor with Charlie Haas. A chant of “Please Come Back” was extended to Haas by the ROH fans. He mouthed thank you to them and left the ring for the World Champion to revel in his victory. But that was all short lived when Nigel McGuinness got in the ring and looked at Danielson with a mic in hand.


Nigel – “Congratulations on your victory Bryan Danielson. Let me formally make my challenge for the Ring of Honor World Heavyweight Championship. Braintree, MA on 11/4. If you are still World Champion, I want my title shot.”


Danielson looked down at the World title and then slowly looked up Nigel. He smiled and extended his hand as a way of accepting the challenge. The two shared a couple of words, but what happened next spoke louder than any words Danielson could have spoken. He turned around as if he was going to leave the ring, but caught Nigel off guard ewith a swift kick to the groin! Nigel fell to the mat and Danielson held the title close to Nigel’s face. And before he left, he spoke these words to Nigel….“Best wrestler in the WORLD!”


Bryan Danielson wins by submission in 23:09 to retain the Ring of Honor World Heavyweight Championship


Steel Cage Match


Samoa Joe vs Chris Hero


The biggest feud of the summer was going to end at the event that made Samoa Joe famous. And he was looking to continue that tradition by getting another big win, this time over Chris Hero. Hero had spent the last few months degrading and mocking Samoa Joe, and now it was time for Joe to finally get his hands on Hero in the confines of the cage. Joe made his way to the ring first but was ambushed by Hero who was looking to make one last impact before the match even began. The assault began with a chair shot to the back of Joe. Joe went to the ground and Hero would not let up. He lifted the chair above his head and brought it down on the back of Joe once more. Hero put the chair in the ring and then rolled Joe in there himself. Hero got in as well and the door was locked by Todd Sinclair and the match was on. Hero stalked Joe and field goal kicked him in the ribs. He taunted Joe and turned his back on him to soak in the boos from the fans. Joe got to his feet and waited for Hero to turn around. And when he did, he was met in the cold stare of Joe. Hero put his hands up, begging Joe not to hurt him too much. Joe took a step closer and was given a thumb to the eyes, allowing Hero to take the advantage again. He grabbed the back of Joe’s head and slammed him into the side of the cage face first. Using the chair to his advantage, Hero was able to dominate Joe in the early goings and taunted him all along the way. Angry, Joe finally got his first bit of dominance in the match and had Hero on his knees once again, begging not to get hurt. This time Joe was not so lenient and kicked Hero right in the chest. He mounted Hero and began to pummel away at the face of Hero. He picked Hero up by his hair and slammed him into the cage for the first time. Joe didn’t let go and slammed him into the adjacent side of the cage. Relentless, Joe slammed him into the other two sides of the cage and dropped Hero in the middle of the ring. Hero was bleeding and Joe saw the blood and smiled. Joe rolled Hero on his back and drove a knee onto the open wound, causing more blood to come pour out. He sat Hero up on his backside and kicked him in the back multiple times and then once right across his chest. Joe bounced off the ropes and drove all of his weight across the chest of Hero. Before Joe could inflict anymore punishment, Hero low blowed him and DDTed him onto the steel chair. It took Hero a few moments to try and work Joe over anymore due to the blood loss. He picked up the chair and once more hit Joe across the back with the chair. Joe arched his back to try and mitigate the pain. The blood poured from the face of Hero as he stood over Joe. After setting the chair down, Hero picked him up and called for the Hero’s Welcome. Before he could execute it, Joe reversed it and picked him up for an Island Driver. But his counter was countered and Hero finally put Joe down with the Hero’s Welcome right onto the steel chair! He rolled Joe over, 1…2…, but Joe was able to kick out at two! Hero stood him up and grabbed the chair. He measured Joe and swung….but Joe moved. The chair ricocheted off the top rope and hit him in the face. Hero stumbled back and Joe gave him a vicious kick to the side of the head! It was Joe’s turn to pick up Hero and stand him up. Joe picked up the chair and measured Hero. Joe swung and violently drilled Hero in the head with the chair! Hero fell straight back after taking the shot. “One more time!” was the chants from the ROH fans. Joe smiled and picked up Hero once more and tried to keep him on his feet. Hero dropped to his knees and Joe said “f*** it”, and measured Hero once more and gave him a second shot right to the head! The fans chanted ‘holy s***’ as Joe held the chair above his head. He put it down and picked Hero up once more, looking to inflict more damage. He sat Hero up on the top rope and hooked him for the Muscle Buster. He brought Hero out of the corner and dropped him down hard! Joe rolled him over 1…2…3!

The fans applauded Joe as officials unlocked the door. Joe stepped out of the cage while officials and medics ran down to check on Hero. Joe celebrated with the fans at ringside as the show came to a close.


Samoa Joe wins by pinfall in 23:15


Quick Results


The Irish Airborne def. Colt Cabana and Ace Steel (C-)

Alex Shelley def. Matt Sydal to retain the ROH Pure Title (C+)

Lacey’s Angels def. KENTA, Davey Richards and Taiji Ishimori ©

Christopher Daniels def. Robert Roode (B-)

Jay and Mark Briscoe def. Austin Aries and Roderick Strong (B)*Co-Match of the Night

Homicide def. Low Ki (B-)

Bryan Danielson def. Charlie Haas to retain the ROH World Title (B)*Co-Match of the Night

Samoa Joe def. Chris Hero (C+)

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