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Ring of Honor 2006

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Full card for The Champions Challenge

Title vs Title

Ring of Honor World Champion Bryan Danielson vs Ring of Honor Pure Champion Alex Shelley I know it's the unlikely winner but I see something big with Shelley that way he has been pushed


Austin Aries vs Roderick Strong Draw


Christopher Daniels and Samoa Joe vs Ricky Reyes and Rocky Romero


Four Corner Survival

Nigel McGuinness vs Ring of Honor World Tag Team Champion Jay Briscoe vs Doug Williams vs Jerry Lynn


Robert Roodevs Charlie Haas


$10,000 Challenge Match

Jimmy Rave, Jimmy Jacobs and Adam Pearce vs Colt Cabana, Ace Steel and BJ Whitmer


Homicide vs Davey Richards


Taiji Ishimori vs Ring of Honor World Tag Team Champion Mark Briscoe


Irish Airborne vs Dunn and Marcos

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Hello everyone. It has been quite sometime since I have posted in this thread. There has been so much that has happened in my personal life and in my work career. I am finally at a place where I think I can FINALLY continue on with this diary. I am going to use this as a focal point to keep myself busy and sane as the closing stages of my divorce happens. I am a little farther ahead in the game then when we left off. Give me a little time and I will post what I have done and we will go from there. I am very excited about starting this back up again and getting back into playing this game!
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The Champion's Challenge - November 3, 2006 Braintree, MA


Irish Airborne def. Dunn and Marcos

Nigel McGuiness def. Doug Williams, Jerry Lynn, and ROH World Tag Team Champion Jay Briscoe

Homicide def. Davey Richards

Jimmy Jacobs, Jimmy Rave, and Adam Pearce def. Colt Cabana, Ace Steel, and BJ Whitmer

ROH World Tag Team Champion Mark Briscoe def. Taiji Ishimori

Samoa Joe and Christopher Daniels def. Ricky Reyes and Rocky Romero

Charlie Haas def. Robert Roode

Roderick Strong def. Austin Aries by referee stoppage

ROH World Champion Bryan Danielson and ROH Pure Wrestling Champion battled to a 60-Minute Time Limit


Validaton - November 4, 2006 Philadelphia, PA


Davey Richards and Taiji Ishimori def. Ricky Reyes an Rocky Romero

Robert Roode def. Jerry Lynn

Christopher Daniels def. Roderick Strong by DQ

Charlie Haas def. Doug Williams

Jay and Mark Briscoe def. Kevin Steen and Claudio Castagnolli to retain the ROH World Tag Team Titles

Austin Aries def. Samoa Joe, Alex Shelley and Matt Sydal

Bryan Danielson def. Nigel McGuinness to retain the ROH World Heavyweight Championship


Boston Massacre – November 24, 2006 Long Island, NY


Tyler Black and Erick Stevens def. Dunn and Marcos

Chris Sabin def. Jerry Lynn and Delirious

Alex Shelley and Nigel McGuinness battled to a 30-Minute Time Limit for the ROH Pure Wrestling Championship

Claudio Castagnolli def. Samoa Joe, Robert Roode and Charlie Haas

Chrisopher Daniels def. Homicide

Davey Richards and Taiji Ishimori def. The Irish Airborne

Jay and Mark Briscoe def. Ricky Reyes and Rocky Romero to retain the ROH World Tag Team Championship

Bryan Danielson def. Matt Sydal to retain the ROH World Heavyweight Championship

BJ Whitmer and Colt Cabana def. Jimmy Jacobs and Jimmy Rave in a Boston Massacre Match

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Bryan Danielson has been Ring of Honor World Heavyweight Champion since September 17, 2006 and defended against all comers in ROH, Japan, England, etc. He has put on classic contests with Samoa Joe, Austin Aries, Nigel McGuinness and a match of the year candidate with KENTA in Tokyo at the famous Budoken Hall. As 2006 comes to a close, Bryan Danielson has a rough schedule. He has a No DQ Match with Samoa Joe coming up at Black Friday Fight Night, and (if he is still World Champion) will be challenged by 2006 Survival of the Fittest winner Homicide. Will he make it to 2007 still with the World Title? Or will someone be able to finally end the reign of "The Best in the World"?




Jay and Mark Briscoe are the reigning and 3-time ROH World Tag Team Champions after winning the titles in a tournament after an injury sidelined Chris Hero. They have recently sent out open contracts to AAA, NOAH, Dragon Gate, and a whole host of other promotions throughout North America to prove that they are the best tag team in the world. They have sent the message out to the tag teams in the world to 'man up' as they look to solidify their position as the best tag team of all time.




Alex Shelley has been an outstanding Ring of Honor Pure Wrestling Champion since winning the title in a tournament. Shelley has learned to adapt his style of wrestling in order to retain the Pure Title, at times in less than honorable ways. Regardless, Shelley has been one of the breakout stars in ROH in 2006 and is looking to continue his rise in the company.




Taiji Ishimori joined ROH from AJPW middle of the year and, despite a less than favorable record, has put on one outstanding performance after another against the likes of Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, and KENTA. He has recently been teaming up with Davey Richards under the tutelage of KENTA, and the two of them have been putting on great tag team affairs. They two of them are looking to get into tag team title contention and are making a great case for a shot.




Lacey has come into a nice inheritance from a family member, and has used that money to attain contracts of various wrestlers on the ROH roster. Jimmy Jacobs, Jimmy Rave, The Irish Airborne, and Adam Pearce have all been brought into Lacey's Angels. They are embedded in a bitter war against Colt Cabana (whom they whipped mercilessly with leather straps back at Testing the Limit II), BJ Whitmer (who had his ankle broken at Honor Invades Japan), and Delirious (who has been brutally beaten on a number of occasions). The '$10,000 Challenge' Lacey has set forth in 6-Man Tag Team matches, has seen her men dominate and help her retain her money.

In a small twist of fate, Jimmy Jacobs (whose love for Lacey burns deep) has become very angry with Lacey taking notice of Jimmy Rave. This has led to a small hint of jealousy coming from the young deranged man. Lacey has tried to explain to Jacobs that everything about Lacey's Angels is business, but one can tell there is a bit of affection from Lacey towards Jimmy Rave.




Since returning to Ring of Honor back at the 100th Show, Chris Hero has been involved in the feud of the year with Samoa Joe (which culminated in a Steel Cage Match at Glory By Honor V), formed his own faction with Claudio Castagnolli, Kevin Steen, and the Necro Bucher called 'The Kingdom'. Hero and Castagnolli won the ROH World Tag Team titles before Hero tore his rotator cuff in the cage match with Joe. His a little under a month away from recovering and has made it known that he is looking to win the ROH World Title and crown himself the 'King of Ring of Honor'.


ROH Commissioner Shane Richards would personally like to let everyone know of the FULL CARD for our next show, Black Friday Fight Night! Samoa Joe is looking for one more shot at the ROH World Title and can prove himself by beating Danielson in a No DQ Match, in which there must be a winner this Friday Night! Lacey will once more put up $10,000 in a 6-man tag team match against Delirious and ROH World Tag Team Champions Jay and Mark Briscoe.


Main Event-Non-Title No DQ Match

Bryan Danielson vs Samoa Joe


Match-The Briscoes and Delirious vs Jimmy Jacobs, Jimmy Rave, and Adam Pearce


Match-Ring of Honor Pure Wrestling Championship Match

Alex Shelley© vs Charlie Haas


Match-Christopher Daniels vs Bobby Roode


Match-Tyler Black vs Delirious


Match-6-Man Mayham

Erick Stevens vs Jerry Lynn vs Taiji Ishimori vs Matt Sydal vs Kevin Steen vs Nigel McGuinness


Match-Claudio Castagnolli and Necro Butcher vs Dunn and Marcos


Match-Homicide vs Chris Sabin


Final Battle 2006 is quickly approaching. Homicide will be challenging for the ROH World Title on that night, regardless of who the World Champion is. But before we get there we have a MASSIVE double shot coming up in Chicago, the Chicago Spectacular. We will have more for those events following the events of this weekend, but we can let you in on a secret, The Briscoes will be defending the World Tag Team Titles on both nights!


OOC: Well here I am again, trying to get this back up and running. I am hoping to have Black Friday Fight Night up within the next couple days and begin my preparations from the Chicago Spectacular and Final Battle. I am very excited as I am finally able to start seeing where my ideas are going, especially ideas surrounding the World Title. Thanks everyone.

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Black Friday Fight Night

Edison, NJ

November 25, 2006


6 Man Mayhem Match


Erick Stevens vs Jerry Lynn vs Taiji Ishimori vs Matt Sydal vs Nigel McGuinness vs Kevin Steen


Six men, all with aspirations on either moving up the card or getting back into title contention, all took to the ring with the sole purpose of having their hand raised at the end of the match. Erick Stevens used his immense strength to bully around every other competitor in the match, suplexing and powerbombing his way to an early advantage. He dominated for a good five minutes before Kevin Steen surprisingly stood up and took the fight right back to him. At one point, the fans were solidly behind every strike Steen was able to land. What brought the fans to their feet was the exchange between the high flying Sydal and the damaging strikes from Ishimori. Ishimori tried to land strike after strike but the flexible Sydal did all that he could to avoid them. Ishimori thought he had the match one when he dropped Sydal with his Hermosillo (Double underhook piledriver). Before he could make the cover, Lynn set him up for the Cradle 2 the Grave Piledriver, but before he could finish Ishimori off, Nigel nearly took his head off an emphatic Lariat! Stevens swiftly put Nigel out of commission with a Gutwrench Powerbomb, but found himself on the receiving end of a devastating Superkick! Ishimori began to cover Stevens, but the Kingdom’s Kevin Steen once more made his presence known and got the pinfall victory over Ishimori with a brutal Package Piledriver!


Kevin Steen wins by pinfall in 15:01


Claudio Castagnolli and Necro Butcher w/ Chris Hero vs Dunn and Marcos


This one had squash written all over it…although Dunn and Marcos did all they could to keep up with their much larger opponents. There wasn’t much resemblance of a tag team match as Todd Sinclair lost control of it within the first two minutes. The downfall for Dunn and Marcos was right after the stereo stage dives onto Castagnolli and Necro on the outside. The Kingdom grabbed hold of the advantage when Claudio grabbed Marcos by the legs and gave the first big ‘holy sh*t’ moment when he gave him the Giant Swing right into the guardrail! Dunn could only look on in horror. The Kingdom got their second win of the night after Claudio knocked Dunn silly with a European Uppercut, right into the Necro Bomb! Hero got into the ring, arm still in a sling, and celebrated with his fellow Kingdom members.


The Kingdom defeat Dunn and Marcos by pinfall in 7:37


Homicide vs Chris Sabin


As Survival of the Fittest winner, Homicide was guaranteed a World Title shot at Final Battle, but still was looking to keep up his momentum heading into the event in New York City. Sabin was looking to ignite a good run in ROH, and victory over Homicide would surely lead to an eventual World Title shot. Sabin was out of the gates in a flash and tried to end the match early with a couple of quick pinfall attempts. The two began to put on a classic catch as catch can style of wrestling, allowing Homicide to showcase how versatile he is as a professional wrestler. Sabin was able to keep up however, and show that he could hang with the best that Ring of Honor has to offer. It wasn’t long though before the Notorious 187 was in firm control of the match. Try as he might, Sabin tried to mount a comeback, but it was a Lariat and Cop Killa that found their mark and continued Homicide’s momentum as he looked forward to Final Battle 2006!


Homicide defeats Chris Sabin by pinfall in 15:43


Tyler Black vs Delirious


Black and Stevens had been working very well as tag team partners, so ROH officials decided to see how Black would do on his own in singles competition. Delirious had the experience edge over his opponent, and his unorthodox style of offense helped him in the early exchanges of the match. Despite this, it was Black who would ultimately get what many believe to be an upset victory in his young career in Ring of Honor. Delirious tried to fight and not give in, but after three massive superkicks, Black ended the match with a God’s Last Gift! He stood over Delirious and as Paul Turner tried to raise his hand, Black pulled it away and sat his foot on Delirious’ chest.


Tyler Black defeats Delirious by pinfall in 11:20


Robert Roode vs Christopher Daniels


Robert Roode debuted at Glory By Honor V in a losing effort against Daniels, but was looking to get his win back tonight. Roode had not had the best of starts to his ROH career in terms of wins and losses, but was still putting in great performance after great performance. And this match was no exception. Having the strength advantage over ‘The Fallen Angel’, helped Roode to an early advantage. He smartly worked on the legs of Daniels, to hinder his use of the Best Moonsault Ever and even getting the proper lift he would need for the Angels Wings. Everytime it seemed like Daniels was making a comeback, Roode chop blocked or would go right back to working on the legs of his opponent. Daniels rocked his opponent with a wicked Palm Strike to the side of the head, and then had him reeling when he delivered a second Palm Strike. Despite having his leg worked on, Daniels was able to move about the ring with a great fluidity and grace and seemed like he was going to be able to repeat his victory over Roode, but Robert stopped his momentum with a Spinebuster and a Pay Off! Roode made the cover, but Daniels was somehow able to get his shoulder up at the last second. Roode went nuts and tried to explain to the referee that the count was too slow. This gave Daniels all the time he needed to recover and roll up Roode with a School Boy pin. While the ref was counting, Daniels grabbed Roode’s tights as the referee made the three count!

Daniels left the ring, having outsmarted his younger opponent, leaving Roode in the ring, pissed off. He grabbed the referee and tried to plead his case and explain that his tights were pulled. After a trying to explain himself, Roode put the referee down with a Pay Off and the left the ring amidst a chorus of boos.


Christopher Daniels defeats Robert Roode by pinfall in 18:03


Ring of Honor Pure Wrestling Championship Match


Alex Shelley© vs Charlie Haas


The self-proclaimed “World’s Greatest Athlete” was in for a tough task as he stepped into the ring with a wrestler who was making his way into ROH lore by being a dominant and rampant Pure Wrestling Champion. Despite some of the ways in which he retained the Pure Title, Shelley had been an admirable and fighting champion, who was putting the title on the line against all comers. The bout started off as a technical masterclass, with both men showing their wrestling acumen with a variety of submission holds and stretches. But it was the champion who gained the first real advantage and caused Haas to use two quick rope breaks early on in the match. Haas quickly learned his away around the Pure Wrestling rules and began to use them just as Shelley was earlier in the match. Late on in the match, but men had lost all three of their rope breaks, and were desperate to put an end to what had been and exciting and exhilarating contest. In the end, it was yet another unconventional way for Shelley to gain a victory over a would be challenger, and he was able to wrap up Haas’ legs in the ropes and lock him in the Stretch Muffler. And with nowhere to go, Haas did not want to risk a major injury and would be forced to tap out.


Alex Shelley defeats Charlie Haas by submission in 18:27


Lacey’s $10,000 Challenge


Delirious and The Briscoes vs Jimmy Jacobs, Jimmy Rave and Adam Pearce

Lacey was once again up to the challenge of putting her own money up against any 3-man combination to beat her Angels. They were up against the World Tag Team Champions, and a man who had already wrestled earlier in the night. Jay and Mark did what they could to protect an already beaten down Delirious and did most of the work themselves, once again affirming their status as the best tag team in the world. Lacey was shocked to see her three men being ripped apart by the champions, before she inserted herself into the match by tripping Mark when the Briscoes were going to an early Doomsday Device. This shift in momentum was not what the Briscoes and Delirious needed, all things considered, but they were able to man up and withstand the assault from Lacey’s Angels. Delirious tried to help his team, but his match earlier in the night continuously made him the weak link in the team and Jay was forced to tag himself back into the match, only to be given a Pedigree from Jimmy Rave, and the man from Lacey’s Angels pinned one half of the World Tag Team Champions!

Lacey made her way into the ring and, much to the chagrin of Jimmy Jacobs, she embraced Jimmy Rave and kissed his cheek for his efforts. Jacobs left the ring shaking his head, disgusted at what he had seen, and left his employer in the ring.


Lacey’s Angels win by pinfall in 17:53


No Disqualification Match; There Must Be a Winner


An interesting encounter to say the least, Joe came to the ring with his hands heavily taped, while Danielson had a look on his face that not many had seen in many, many months. Despite his title not being on the line, he knew that this was a crucial match in his ongoing rivalry with Samoa Joe. The stipulation had been set; if Joe won, he was going to receive a World Title shot at the Chicago Spectacular, and if Danielson won, Joe would not receive a title shot as long as Danielson had the belt around his waist. Neither man hesitated in the beginning of the match, trading kicks and chops and strikes that sent shivers up the spines of the announce team and those fans in attendance. Danielson realized that he couldn’t outstrike Joe, and when his attempts to make the match a ‘wrestling’ contest failed, the World Champion introduced a chair into the match, and used it to his advantage. Joe was at the mercy of the American Dragon for a few moments as the chair was used to choke and punish the big Samoan. As the match wore one, Joe introduced a Kendo Stick into the match, and lit up the champion’s back, and the fans could see the welts and marks from just how hard Joe was hitting him. Neither man was backing down from the other, and both of their bodies were beaten broken more and the more the match wore one, the more bruises and welts the fans could see. Danielson looked to end the match when he had Joe on his knees and he was peppering him with vicious kicks to the chest. Little did he know Joe had grabbed the kendo stick Danielson had introduced. Joe dodged one of the kicks and cracked Danielson upside the head with the stick not once, but twice and then hit a home run shot right between the legs of Danielson. With his nemesis prone on the match, Joe laid the chair down on the mat and sat Danielson on the top rope. He hooked Danielson and dropped him down hard onto the steel chair! Joe covered Danielson and was able to score the pinfall and another World Title shot!

Samoa Joe wins by pinfall in 22:03


Quick Results


Kevin Steen won a 6-Man Mayhem ©

Claudio Castagnolli and Necro Butcher def. Dunn and Marcos ©

Homicide def. Chris Sabin (C+)

Tyler Black def. Delirious ©

Christopher Daniels def. Robert Roode (B-)

Alex Shelley def. Charlie Haas to retain the ROH Pure Wrestling Title (B) *Match of the Night

Lacey’s Angels def. Jay and Mark Briscoe and Delirious ©

Samoa Joe def. Bryan Danielson (B-)

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What a brutal, BRUTAL match between Ring of Honor World Champion Bryan Danielson and Samoa Joe! The two titans in Ring of Honor went toe-to-toe in one of the stiffest contests in recent history. Both men laid in all on the line and left it in the ring, but it was Samoa Joe who won the contest and the right to challenge for the World Championship at the very next show in Chicago, The Chicago Spectacular Night 1! Will Samoa Joe be the man to end the reign of the World Champion and become the first 2-Time World Champion? Or will Bryan Danielson continue his run with the title and continue his quest to finish out 2006 with the belt around his waist? And with this being the last World Title defense until Final Battle 2006, who will be the man that Homicide will challenge for the World Heavyweight Championship?


Despite both men not being in Edison this weekend for Black Friday Fight Night, former Generatin Next members Roderick Strong and Austin Aries still have a score to settle with one another. It was Roderick who turned on Aries when he cost Aries the opportunity to become a 2-time World Champion. They will be taking part in a classic Triple Threat Match with another former Generation Next Member Matt Sydal in a match that could possibly steal the show.


As we mentioned before, the Ring of Honor World Tag Team Titles will be defended on both shows in Chicago, and on Night One they will be defending them against a duo calling themselves the ‘Young Dragons’, Davey Richards and Taiji Ishimori! It should be a thrilling encounter between a hot young tag team, and The Briscoes who have been dominate tag team champions since winning them for a third time back in October. And speaking of the Briscoes, they are not happy about losing in the 6-Man Tag Match this past weekend, and have vowed to get their win back against Lacey’s Angels.


Even though ROH officials hate to speak about the spoiled little brat, Lacey and her crew will be I Chicago, looking to add to the momentum they’ve gained in the recent weeks. On Night One, Jimmy Jacobs will be taking on the crazy masked man Delirious, and Adam Pearce will be teaming with the man whom Lacey have been showing a lot of affection towards in the past couple of months, Jimmy Rave as she looks to try and end he feud with Colt Cabana and BJ Whitmer.


We would like to end this newswire with some interesting news for our fans. KENTA and Naomichi Marufuji have signed contracts with Ring of Honor and will be splitting their time between us and Pro Wrestling NOAH! We are delighted to have two of the best wrestlers in the world sign long term contracts with us and will be showcasing them both nights in Chicago AND in New York City for Final Battle 2006! We can confirm that at Final Battle, Naomichi Marufuji will go one-on-one with Claudio Castagnolli in a truly international affair deep in NYC!


With Final Battle on our minds, there is one personal issue that will come to what we hope will be an end to their issue at the event. Back at Testing The Limit II in August, Jimmy Rave (along with help from the Angels) whipped Colt Cabana with Leather Straps while he was handcuffed to the ring ropes. This left Cabana bruised, beaten, and broken. For weeks, Cabana has been begging officials to let him get his hands on Jimmy Rave, and due to the volatile at the time, we did not feel comfortable at the time allowing these two to get in the ring with one another. But we can confirm that Cabana WILL be getting his revenge at Final Battle when he takes on Jimmy Rave. The match will be a Leather Strap Match! The rules will be simple; both men will attached at the wrist by a leather strap, and the only way to win the contest will be by pinfall or submission. There must be a winner, and we will make sure that no one from Lacey’s Angels, or anyone who is friends with Colt Cabana will not banned from ringside, so we can finally have a clear cut winner!


We look forward to seeing all of you in Chicago as the road to what looks like becoming one of the biggest shows of the year continues to become clearer!


Confirmed Matches for Chicago Spectacular Night One


Ring of Honor World Heavyweight Championship Match

Bryan Danielson© vs Samoa Joe


Austin Aries vs Roderick Strong vs Matt Sydal


Jimmy Jacobs vs Delirious


Jimmy Rave and Adam Pearce vs Colt Cabana and Adam Pearce


Ring of Honor World Tag Team Championship Match

Jay and Mark Briscoe© vs Davey Richards and Taiji Ishimori


Tentative Card for Final Battle 2006


Ring of Honor World Heavyweight Championship Match

Winner of Danielson/Joe vs Homicide


Naomichi Marufuji vs Claudio Castagnolli


Leather Strap Match

Colt Cabana vs Jimmy Rave











I really enjoyed the name for Castagnolli and Necro Butcher has a tag team, by the way. I think we may have to use that from here on out

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Haha awesome, glad to contribute!


Ring of Honor World Heavyweight Championship Match

Bryan Danielson© vs Samoa Joe

Though I'm hoping Joe comes up with the win, I think Danielson will pull it off.


Austin Aries vs Roderick Strong vs Matt Sydal


Jimmy Jacobs vs Delirious


Jimmy Rave and Adam Pearce vs Colt Cabana and BJ Whitmer

At first, BJ Whitmer's name was Adam Pearce. Don't think he can face himself. :p


Ring of Honor World Tag Team Championship Match

Jay and Mark Briscoe© vs Davey Richards and Taiji Ishimori

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ROH Newswire November 29, 2006




We are happy to announce that the night before Final Battle 2006, Ring of Honor will present Global Warfare! The Hammerstein Ballroom will now host Ring of Honor for back-to-back nights, and there will be wrestling of the highest order on both nights.


At Global Warfare, KENTA and Naomichi Marufuji will be on the card, as well as three other top stars from Japan. Two of the men will be from the Dragon Gate organization and will be challenging for the Ring of Honor World Tag Team Titles. Shingo Takagi and CIMA will make their way to Ring of Honor and challenge The Briscoes! This is a big opportunity for both teams, especially the Briscoes who are out to prove they are truly the best tag team in the world today.


After making appearances for ROH back at the 100th Show and at Budoken Hall when we invaded Japan, Ricky Marvin will be returning for one night back to Ring of Honor. This time, he will be battling ROH founding father Christopher Daniels!


The final two shows of 2006 are shaping up to be two of the hottest shows of, not only this year, but of our near five year history. We will be back in a few days with the rest of the matches for the Chicago Spectacular! Continue checking back with rohwrestling.com for more details!

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ROH Newswire November 29, 2006




As mentioned the other day, we are here to finalize the rest of the card for Chicago Spectacular Night One! Three more matches to was seems like an already stacked card. A third championship bout has been set and it will be for the Ring of Honor Pure Wrestling Championship. Alex Shelley is on course to match the reign of his challenger in Chicago Nigel McGuiness. Nigel held the title for a little over 8 months, and Shelley is on course to match and pass that record. The two had a classic 30-minute draw back at Boston Massacre and this time the two will lock horn once more. It will be Shelley's dominate reign against the know how of the Pure Wrestling rules of Nigel McGuiness.


KENTA and Naomichi Marufuji, as mentioned earlier, will be with us for the foreseeable future, and will face a stern test against a break out tag team in The Irish Airborne. The Airborne have been on a roll since turning on Colt Cabana and joining up with Lacey's Angels. This will be the biggest test that the young tag team has had to face in their careers and they undoubtedly be more than willing to step up to the plate.


The final match of the night will pit Kingdom member Claudio Castagnolli against veteran Jerry Lynn. With Chris Hero still sidelined with his injury, Castagnolli will be looking to help continue the momentum he and Kevin Steen started last time out at Black Friday Fight Night.


So the first night's card is set, and it looks like it will be a hell of a night. We will let you know the card for night two once we have the final few matches signed, sealed, and delivered. Until then, we look forward to seeing everyone in Chicago for the Chicago Spectacular! Bell time at 7:00 pm!


Full Card for the Chicago Spectacular Night One


Ring of Honor World Heavyweight Championship Match

Bryan Danielson© vs Samoa Joe


Austin Aries vs Roderick Strong vs Matt Sydal


Jimmy Jacobs vs Delirious


Jimmy Rave and Adam Pearce vs Colt Cabana and BJ Whitmer


Ring of Honor World Tag Team Championship Match

Jay and Mark Briscoe© vs Davey Richards and Taiji Ishimori


Jerry Lynn vs Claudio Castagnolli


Ring of Honor Pure Wrestling Championship Match

Alex Shelley© vs Nigel McGuinness


KENTA and Naomichi Marufuji vs Jake and Dave Crist

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Ring of Honor World Heavyweight Championship Match

Bryan Danielson© vs Samoa Joe



Austin Aries vs Roderick Strong vs Matt Sydal


Jimmy Jacobs vs Delirious


Jimmy Rave and Adam Pearce vs Colt Cabana and Adam Pearce


Ring of Honor World Tag Team Championship Match

Jay and Mark Briscoe© vs Davey Richards and Taiji Ishimori


Jerry Lynn vs Claudio Castagnolli


Ring of Honor Pure Wrestling Championship Match

Alex Shelley© vs Nigel McGuinness

KENTA and Naomichi Marufuji vs Jake and Dave Crist

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the Chicago Spectacular Night One


Ring of Honor World Heavyweight Championship Match

Bryan Danielson© vs Samoa Joe


Austin Aries vs Roderick Strong vs Matt Sydal


Jimmy Jacobs vs Delirious


Jimmy Rave and Adam Pearce vs Colt Cabana and Adam Pearce - So Jimmy Rave & colt Cabana have the same teammate?


Ring of Honor World Tag Team Championship Match

Jay and Mark Briscoe© vs Davey Richards and Taiji Ishimori


Jerry Lynn vs Claudio Castagnolli


Ring of Honor Pure Wrestling Championship Match

Alex Shelley© vs Nigel McGuinness

KENTA and Naomichi Marufuji vs Jake and Dave Crist

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the Chicago Spectacular Night One


Ring of Honor World Heavyweight Championship Match

Bryan Danielson© vs Samoa Joe


Austin Aries vs Roderick Strong vs Matt Sydal


Jimmy Jacobs vs Delirious


Jimmy Rave and Adam Pearce vs Colt Cabana and Adam Pearce - So Jimmy Rave & colt Cabana have the same teammate?


Ring of Honor World Tag Team Championship Match

Jay and Mark Briscoe© vs Davey Richards and Taiji Ishimori


Jerry Lynn vs Claudio Castagnolli


Ring of Honor Pure Wrestling Championship Match

Alex Shelley© vs Nigel McGuinness

KENTA and Naomichi Marufuji vs Jake and Dave Crist


Wow, I really love that gif. Kevin Spacey is one of my favorite actors, so that gif worked perfectly. And I never noticed that I put Adam Pearce twice. It will be amended so I don't continue on looking like an idiot. Should have the show up tonight or tomorrow night.

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OOC: What I may start doing is having smaller write up for certain matches, but during matches wherein my storylines are concerned or big matches, or title matches may have longer write-ups. We will see how it goes. But I am looking forward to the Chicago shows, and the double shot to end 2006. IF my plans hold true, 2007 is shaping up to be a big and fun year for ROH.




The Chicago Spectacular Night One

Chicago Ridge, IL

December 8, 2006


Colt Cabana and BJ Whitmer vs Jimmy Rave and Adam Pearce w/ Lacey

Despite their Leather Strap Match having been announced for Final Battle 2006, Rave and Cabana held nothing back in front of a volatile Chicago fans that were clearly behind Whitmer and Cabana. Ring of Honor Commissioner came down to the ring before the match and told referee Paul Turner to relax the rules and use his judgment when it came to disqualifications. And with the rules being relaxed, the competitors used that to their full advantage. Rave and Cabana began their portion of the brawl in the ring and ended up in the audience and even spilled out to the merchandise table. Everyone knew the ad blood between the two and they were proving that they could tear the house down. Whitmer and Pearce traded blows in the ring and outside of the ring. Lacey tried to get involved in the match but before she could use her high heel to try and take out the eye of Whitmer, Daizee Haze made her surprise return! She hadn’t been seen since taking the Irish Curse at the hands of the Irish Airborne back at Glory By Honor V. She speared Lacey and they two rolled round the ring until Jimmy Rave had made his way back to the ring and grabbed ‘The Haze’ by the hair and set her up for a Pedigree! Making his way back to the ring, Cabana used the namesake weapon for their match at Final Battle, and wrapped a leather strap around the face of Rave! The fans went nuts hoping that finally Rave would get his comeuppance. Much to the shock of the fans though, the deranged Jimmy Jacobs darted to the ring and delivered a Contra Code to Cabana! Pearce held back Whitmer as Rave covered Cabana to get the win for his team.

Lacey checked on the face of Rave before going to try and thank Jacobs for coming to their aid. He didn’t accept her thankfulness and quickly left the ring and walked back to the locker room area, leaving everyone to wonder what was going on in the head of Jimmy Jacobs.


Jimmy Rave and Adam Pearce win by pinfall in 13:23


Claudio Castagnolli vs Jerry Lynn


No strangers to each other, Lynn and Castagnolli had wrestled each other a couple of times already in 2006 with both men getting wins over the other, making this the rubber match. Lynn used his experience and quickness to gain the early advantage over Claudio. And he extended his dominance over the Swiss by slowing it down and working on the legs of his opponent, making moves like ‘The Big Swing’ and ‘The Riccola Bomb’. Claudio was able to finally force his way into the match when he caught Lynn off guard with a massive European Uppercut. The finish to the match came when Lynn attempted a Tornado DDT, only for Claudio to use his impressive strength to simply throw him across the ring. A hat-trick of European Uppercuts was followed by the Riccola Bomb, and a three count!


Claudio Castagnolli wins by pinfall in 11:57


Jimmy Jacobs vs Delirious


The ballad of the Jacobs/Lacey/Rave love triangle was turning out to be as confusing for the rest of the ROH locker room as it was for Jimmy Jacobs. He came out the ring alone, wanting to prove to Lacey that he could win her heart over by delivering the good against the crazy masked Delirious. 2006 had been a roller coaster year for Delirious, who had been on the wrong end of beatdown after beatdown by Lacey’s Angels for some months now. However, he was able to gain a small amount of revenge when he able to force Jimmy Jacobs to tap out to the Cobra Stretch.

After Todd Sinclair raised the hands of Delirious, Jimmy Jacobs snapped. He assaulted Delirious from behind and laid the boots to him. Sinclair tried to pull Jimmy off of Delirious and found himself on the receiving end of a Contra Code! Jimmy pulled out of his boot the railroad spike and quickly went to work on tearing into the mask of Delirious and trying to pull the mask itself off. The fans pelted Jimmy with boos, but that only seemed to fuel his rage. He left the ring and grabbed a chair and measure Delirious and connected with a sick and vile chair shot! Jimmy got a wobbly Delirious back to his feet and once more clobbered him with the chair. When Jimmy started to put the chair around the neck of Delirious, Matt Sydal, a former tag team partner and longtime friend of Delirious ran down to the ring and ran off Jimmy Jacobs. Cabana and Whitmer were close behind to make sure that rest of the Angels were not going to be far behind.


Delirious wins by submission in 12:45


Austin Aries vs Matt Sydal vs Roderick Strong


By far, this was one of the more intriguing matches of the night. Billed at the ‘Battle of Gen Next’, all three men went out with a point to prove, although Sydal seemed to be in more a supporting role in the early moments when Aries and Strong went at each other’s throats. This only made him more eager to make his mark in the match. Unfortunately for him, he was made into a non-factor when he was found to be on the receiving end of Roderck Strong’s new found aggression and mean streak. After having his head rammed into the ring post twice, Sydal was forced to be taken to the back to get medical attention when Roderick gave him a Gibson Driver onto one of the parts of the barricade he had taken apart! Now Strong and Aries had each other right where they wanted each other. It would be Aries who would claim the victory on this occasion over his former World Tag Team Championship partner when Roderick was made to tap out to the Horns of Aries!

The fans made it a point to jeer Roderick with chants of ‘You tapped out’, to let him know just how they felt about him.


Austin Aries wins by submission in 17:14


Ring of Honor Pure Wrestling Championship Match


Alex Shelley© vs Nigel McGuinesss


Alex Shelley may have been the reigning Pure Champion, but Nigel had never technically been beaten for the Pure Title, and this made for a very intriguing Pure Wrestling contest. Both men were very hesitant in the beginning, trading holds with one another, not allowing their opponent to get the advantage. Shelley began to work on Nigel’s legs, to try and cut down his much taller opponent, but the ever versatile McGuinness continued to find new ways to take the match to Shelley. While Shelley was focusing on the legs of Nigel, Nigel began to work on the arms and shoulders of the champion, hoping to set him up for the London Dungeon. This caused Shelley to start working a much slower and more methodical pace to the match, and try to keep Nigel at bay. Shelley began to leave the ring and try to get the feeling back into his arm, but Nigel was persistent and wanted to get back what he considered his Pure Wrestling Title. Ever cognoscente of the refs counts though, Nigel kept trying to roll Shelley back into the ring to break the 20 count, but Shelley kept trying to evade his challenger. Shelley finally got back into the ring before Nigel, and once Nigel got into the ring, Shelley assaulted Nigel’s leg. He forced Nigel to use two of his three rope breaks by putting him in various submission holds right by the ring ropes. The tide of the match finally turned back into Nigel’s favor when he caught Shelley with a halfhearted Lariat. Nigel attempted the cover, but was only able to get a two count out of it. Nigel was finally able to lock in the London Dungeon and forced the champion to use his third and final rope break, leaving Shelley at a huge disadvantage. Nigel backed Shelley into the corner with open hand strikes (all legal under Pure Wrestling rules), exerting his physical dominance over the champion. Nigel ran to the opposite corner and went up to the second rope to try and get momentum for his deadly Corner Lariat. As he came rushing in though, Shelley moved out of the way and Nigel crashed into the corner. Shelley rolled Nigel up and grabbed a handful of his tights as the referee made the 3 count!

The fan booed as Shelley quickly left the ring and grabbed the Pure title. He knew that he had been taken to the limit and did not want to wait around for the wrath of Nigel to be taken out on him.


Alex Shelley retain the ROH Pure Wrestling Championship by pinfall in 21:19


The Irish Airborne vs KENTA and Naomichi Marufuji


Just a couple weeks after signing long term deals with KENTA and Marufuji were signed to take on arguably one of the breakout tag teams of 2006 in Jake and Dave Crist. At 22 and 24, Jake and Dave (respectfully) were almost guaranteed elongated careers in pro wrestling, and a good outing against two of Pro-Wrestling NOAHs top stars would go a long way for that. Early on, it was the Japanese stars that dominated proceedings, using their Strong Style of wrestling to suplex and strike their way into the advantage. Dave’s chest was red and the blood vessels were beginning to pop and small trickles of blood were on his chest. The Airborne, despite some underhanded tactics, finally took the advantage. KENTA was the one kept in their corner as they pulled out all of the stops to try and get the victory that would surely propel them into the upper tier of tag team wrestling. The finish of the match came when The Airborne attempted to put down Marufuji with the Irish Curse (Double Stomp Spike Tombstone Piledriver). KENTA was able to knock Jake off of the top rope, allowing Marufuji to reverse Dave and deliver a Tombstone Piledriver. He picked him up and, along with KENTA, they delivered Double Superkicks before Marufuji delivered the Shiranui for the win!


KENTA and Marufuji win by pinfall in 20:35


Ring of Honor World Tag Team Championship Match


Jay and Mark Briscoe© vs Davey Richards and Taiji Ishimori


Along with the Airborne, Richards and Ishimori were another one of the breakout teams for 2006. They were up to the challenge of going after the Tag Team Titles and took the match to the Briscoes from the beginning and had the champions on the back foot from the opening bell. Ishimori was looking to have a better outing than when he took the fall in the fall in the Six Man Mayhem at the last show. Richards and Ishimori worked well together throughout the whole of the match, coming close to winning the tag titles on a couple of occasions. Mark was able to make the hot tag to Jay, and the math was turned completely on its head by the older Briscoe. In typical tag team match fashion, all four men were in the ring and Paul Turner lost all control of who was the legal man. All four men were hitting their biggest and best moves to try and win the match for their respective team. Mark stood on the outside of the ring and Davey delivered a thunderous field goal kick right to his chest. Jay was able to get a little revenge for his younger brother and caught Jay with a massive Yakuza Kick, knocking Davey outside of the ring and into the steel barricade. Ishimori hooked Jay’s arms and attempted a Tiger Suplex. Jay was able to block the hold and get out of it. He shoved Taiji to the ropes and Mark caught him with a knee to the back. Jay set him up for the J-Driller. When he did, Mark hopped onto the top rope and the pair delivered a Spike J-Driller! Jay covered him and picked up the victory for his team.

Jay and Mark waited till Davey got into the ring and aided his partner, and once they got to their feet, the Briscoes shook their hands and showed them a great sign of respect.


Jay and Mark retain the Ring of Honor World Tag Team Titles by pinfall in 18:21


Ring of Honor World Heavyweight Championship Match


Bryan Danielson© vs Samoa Joe


This was the final confrontation between Bryan Danielson and Samoa Joe with the World Championship on the line. Danielson was cautious, and Joe went from 0-60 at the opening bell, catching him with kicks and strikes and backing him into a corner. Danielson tried to pull a page out of CM Punk’s playbook and tried to rope-a-dope, but Joe drug him out of the corner and took the champion down to the ground. From there, the ground and pound began and Danielson had nowhere to go. Todd Sinclair tried to pull Joe off of the champion but Joe shoved him away and went right back to trying to knock out Danielson. Sinclair threatened to throw the match out and DQ Joe. This was all the incentive Joe needed to halt his assault. Both competitors traded the advantage for the first 10 minutes of the match, and they cancelled the other out as well. They had wrestled so many times since Ring of Honor first began and this caused each other to have their opposite number well scouted. Strikes and kicks were traded, leaving both men battered and bruised. Both of their chests were left red from the chops they inflicted on each other. Danielson began to work on the legs of Joe, and even at one point rammed Joe’s legs into the ringpost multiple times, and applied a Figure Four Leg Lock around the ring post. It was Danielson’s turn to be remonstrated by Todd Sinclair, although he would have rather been disqualified then continue to risk his title against Joe. He finally let the hold go but the damage had been done. Danielson kept up the assault on Joe’s knees, but Joe did his best use his power to keep the champion at bay. Danielson looked certain to make Joe submit when he locked in a traditional Figure Four in the middle of the ring! Joe had nowhere to go, and Danielson knew he had Joe right where he wanted him. Joe tried to roll the hold over and apply the pressure on the World Champion, but Danielson kept him from doing so. When he did finally roll the hold over, Danielson was too close to the ropes and was able to have the hold broken up by the referee. Danielson waited for Joe to get to his feet…and that was a mistake. Danielson walked over to him and Joe caught him upside the head with an Enziguri! Joe picked him up and sat him on the top rope and delivered a very powerful palm strike to the side of the champion’s head. Joe went for the Muscle Buster to look and end the match and finally end the reign of Bryan Danielson. Dragon was able to wriggle his way out of the hold and slip down Joe’s back and quickly rolled him up and grabbed a handful of tights! Sinclair didn’t see the blatant cheating when he began to administer the count….only for Joe to kick out at 2! Both competitors quickly got to their feet and began to once again exchange hard strikes and kicks. Joe’s kicks were a little subdued from the damage he had taken throughout the match. Joe did get the upper hand thought after a couple of stiff forearms knocked Danielson off his tracks. Danielson quickly countered by kicking away at Joe’s leg and knocking the big Samoan down to one knee. Danielson began to unleash a flurry of stiff kicks across the chest of his challenger, and although Joe tried to block them, many of them were hitting the target. Joe was finally able to catch Bryan’s leg. He got back to his feet and peppered Danielson with a couple slaps across the face. Ever the quick thinking man, Danielson was able to spin himself, grab Joe’s legs and roll Joe up and there was nothing he could do as Sinclair’s hand crashed to the mat for the damning three count!

The crowd booed as Danielson confirmed with the ref that it was indeed three and tried to take in his victory while Sinclair handed him the championship belt. Joe could only shake his head as he got to one knee. Danielson clutched the title to his chest and thanked the wrestling gods that he was able to leave Chicago as the World Champion. Joe tried to walk over and shake the champion’s hand, but Danielson was able to slither out of the ring and back up the ramp way, and never gave a look back.


Bryan Danielson retains the Ring of Honor World Heavyweight Championship by pinfall in 37:11


Quick Results

Jimmy Rave and Adam Pearce def. Colt Cabana and BJ Whitmer (C-)

Claudio Castagnolli def. Jerry Lynn (C+)

Delirious def. Jimmy Jacobs (C-)

Austin Aries won a Triple Threat Match (C+)

Alex Shelley def. Nigel McGuiness to retain the Pure Title (C+)

KENTA and Naomichi Marufuji def. The Irish Airborne (C+)

The Briscoes def. Davey Richards and Taiji Ishimori to retain the World Tag Team Titles (B)

Bryan Danielson def. Samoa Joe to retain the World Title (B+)


Very happy with the overall rating of a B+ with this show. Of course the write-ups always tend to make every match seem like Dave Metzer would give it five stars. But the second night of the spectacular will be up in a couple days. I will post the card either tomorrow afternoon or Tuesday evening. Thanks guys.

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With the first night of the Chicago Spectacular in the books, night two is shaping up to be yet another epic evening in the lore of Ring of Honor. We do have a medical update on Matt Sydal after the heinous Gibson Driver he took onto the steel barricade courtesy of Roderick Strong. Sydal suffered a minor concussion along with a small case of whiplash. Matt was scheduled to team with Delirious against the Irish Airborne tonight, but that match will need to be rescheduled for a later show. We wish Matt a speedy recovery and look forward to having him back in the ring soon.


The main event of the evening will be for the richest prize in tag team wrestling, the Ring of Honor World Tag Team Championship. Jay and Mark were part of the 6-Man Tag Team match back at Black Friday Fight Night that lost to Lacey’s Angels, when Jay ate the pinfall against Jimmy Rave. Rave will be teaming with Adam Pearce to try and wrestle away the Briscoes and finally fulfill Lacey’s plans of lining her Angels in gold.


BJ Whitmer has been begging to get his hands once again on Jimmy Jacobs for some time now, and due to the volatile nature of this situation, ROH officials and ROH commissioner Shane Richards have tried their best to keep them apart. But in Chicago, they will finally be able to get their hands on one another. They had an excellent Falls Count Anywhere match back in Tokyo in August, but there will be rules set in place and they will be confined to a standard wrestling match in Chicago. Daizee Haze has already been scheduled to be in Whitmer’s corner to cancel out the threat of Lacey. All of the ROH officials will be working to come to find a way for Whitmer and Jacobs to bring an end to this violent feud.


KENTA and Naomichi Marufjui put out yet another great outing against when they defeated the Irish Airborne. But their next challenge could prove to be even more dangerous as the pair from Lacey’s Angels. The NOAH duo will be taking on the challenge of Davey Richards and Taiji Ishimori! It promises to be an incredible strong style match, in which all four competitors like to use very stiff strikes and kicks to try and subdue their opponents.


ROH World Champion Bryan Danielson will be teaming up with ROH Pure Wrestling Champion Alex Shelley when they take on World Title #1 Contender Homicide, and his hand-picked partner of The Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels. A very interesting contest to say the least, with both Danielson and Homicide looking to get an advantage over the other before they World Title clash coming up at Final Battle!


Austin Aries will be taking on veteran competitor Jerry Lynn in a battle of two fan favorite’s here in Ring of Honor. Aries will be looking to capitalize on his big submission victory over Roderick Strong just 24 hours before.

• Kingdom member Claudio Castagnolli will be looking forward to the return of Chris Hero to in ring action in less than a week, but before he can reunite with his former tag team championship partner, he will be taking on the challenge of former Pure Champion Nigel McGuinness. The two had many great battles when Nigel was Pure Champion, but with no title on the line and only pride, look for each man to do what they could and get one over on the other.

• The final contest for the evening will see ’Mr ROH’ Samoa Joe will be looking to deal out some corporal punishment for the attack on Matt Sydal when takes on Roderick Strong! This will be another opportunity for Roderick Strong to claim another huge scalp in ROH and get himself back into World Title contention.


Full Card for The Chicago Spectacular Night Two


Ring of Honor World Tag Team Championship

Jay and Mark Briscoe© vs Jimmy Rave and Adam Pearce


KENTA and Naomichi Marufuji vs Davey Richards and Taiji Ishimori


Homicide and Christopher Daniels vs Bryan Danielson and Alex Shelley


BJ Whitmer w/ Daizee Haze vs Jimmy Jacobs w/ Lacey


Austin Aries vs Jerry Lynn


Roderick Strong vs Samoa Joe


Nigel McGuiness vs Claudio Castagnolli

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Very well-done! Looking forward to the next night.


Ring of Honor World Tag Team Championship

Jay and Mark Briscoe© vs Jimmy Rave and Adam Pearce

Huge Rave fan though.


KENTA and Naomichi Marufuji vs Davey Richards and Taiji Ishimori


Homicide and Christopher Daniels vs Bryan Danielson and Alex Shelley


BJ Whitmer w/ Daizee Haze vs Jimmy Jacobs w/ Lacey


Austin Aries vs Jerry Lynn


Roderick Strong vs Samoa Joe


Nigel McGuiness vs Claudio Castagnolli

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The Chicago Spectacular Night Two


Ring of Honor World Tag Team Championship

Jay and Mark Briscoe© vs Jimmy Rave and Adam Pearce


KENTA and Naomichi Marufuji vs Davey Richards and Taiji Ishimori


Homicide and Christopher Daniels vs Bryan Danielson and Alex Shelley


BJ Whitmer w/ Daizee Haze vs Jimmy Jacobs w/ Lacey


Austin Aries vs Jerry Lynn


Roderick Strong vs Samoa Joe


Nigel McGuiness vs Claudio Castagnolli

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Kijar" data-cite="Kijar" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38081" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Very well-done! Looking forward to the next night.<p> </p><p> <strong>Jay and Mark Briscoe©</strong> vs Jimmy Rave and Adam Pearce</p><p> Huge Rave fan though.</p><p> </p><p> I really am liking how the booking of Rave is going in my diary. I feel like he was underutilized in both Ring of Honor (post Embassy) and of course in TNA. So maybe this is the push he should have gotten. Lacey having romantic feelings towards him also makes the entire Jimmy and BJ storyline that much more interesting. I really like incorporating other members of the roster, much like ECW did with Dreamer and Raven.</p><p> Ring of Honor World Tag Team Championship</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <a href="http://s751.photobucket.com/user/tcox88/media/ROH1.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i751.photobucket.com/albums/xx157/tcox88/ROH1.jpg</span></a></p><p> </p><p> <strong>The Chicago Spectacular Night Two</strong></p><p><strong> Chicago Ridge, IL</strong></p><p><strong> December 9, 2006</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38081" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>BJ Whitmer – “Jimmy Jacobs, for nearly a year now you and I have been at each other’s throats and done everything we could to damn near kill each other. And to think, I called you my tag team partner Jimmy. But your sick and twisted infatuation with that bitch Lacey has brought us to this point. Well Jimmy, I am going to make this proposal to you. In February, Ring of Honor turns 5 years old. I can’t think of a better gift to give this company and its fans, but a finale to us. I am sick of seeing you everywhere I turn and I want to end it. Just the two of us, man-to-man.”</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Samoa Joe vs Roderick Strong</p><p> </p><p> Joe was looking to serve up a little bit of justice after what Roderick did to Matt Sydal a little less than 24 hours before. And from the beginning, he took the match right to Strong. Roderick did his best to try and avoid everything that Joe was throwing at him, but the big Samoan was hell bent on destroying Strong. Roderick did make it an interesting and close contest, showcasing his strength and power by suplexing and even lifting the big man on his shoulders for his Double Knee Gut Buster. As much as Roderick was showcasing his strength, Joe showcased the resiliency that made his the greatest champion in ROH history by kicking out of a massive Gibson Driver. Roderick found himself on the receiving end of not one, not two, not three, but FOUR massive Ole Ole Kicks! Joe ended the match with a Muscle Buster and locking Roderick in The Choke! Roderick was out at this point and the result was merely a formality.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Samoa Joe wins by knockout in 15:31</strong></p><p> </p><p> Jerry Lynn vs Austin Aries</p><p> </p><p> A great match between two fan favorites in Ring of Honor, and two men who were looking to get into the serious hunt for singles championships as 2006 drew to a close, and 2007 was about to begin. The two had a very scientific and very cautious match in the opening exchanges, with neither man willing to back down or tip their hand and try to land a big move right out of the gates. Austin Aries was able to land the first big blow when he caught Lynn with a Roaring Forearm. The shot caught Lynn off guard and gave Aries the first prolonged advantage of the match. Lynn was able to rebound on several occasion, albeit momentarily, but seemed very groggy after Aries’ forearm shot. It took a lot of heart and resilience but Lynn found his way back into the match and nearly had Aries beaten when he connected with his finisher, the Cradle Piledriver. It was Aries turn to show resilience and kicked out of the ensuing pin attempt. Aries finally was able to secure what Lynn could not when hit Lynn with two huge Brainbusters! A 450 Splash followed and Aries was able to get some momentum as 2006 was drawing closer and closer to a close.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Austin Aries wins by pinfall in 17:55</strong></p><p> </p><p> Claudio Castagnolli vs Nigel McGuinness</p><p> Almost a year ago, Nigel was Pure Champion and Claudio was chasing after him. Now Claudio was part of the Kingdom and looking to take over Ring of Honor for their ‘king’ the injured Chris Hero. Nigel was not about to have this new ‘monarchy’ trying to reign over the company he was growing very fondly of in the past few years. And from the very beginning, Nigel took the match to Claudio…just like Samoa Joe had done to Roderick Strong earlier in the night. Unlike their other matches, this was not a technical showdown between two men who could wrestle a very European Style match, but very reminiscent of a southern/Texas brawl. Neither man would back down or give an inch, and they knew that it would take something extra special to put down their opponent. McGuinness would eventually wind up with his hand held up high in victory after it took two Rebound Lariats to put the Swiss Man down.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Nigel McGuinness wins by pinfall in 13:47</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38081" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>DVD Exclusive<p> Lacey – “This is it! Tonight is the night that all of the hard work of Lacey’s Angels will finally pay off. The World Tag Team Titles will be around the waist of ‘Scrap Iron’ Adam Pearce, and the hottest property in Ring of Honor, Jimmy Rave. My men will bring home a big victory for us, and what all does that mean? Money, money, money. With my men as tag team champions, they will be the envy of the wrestling world and everyone will want them to come and defend those titles. And as far as BJ Whitmer goes, I am so sick of seeing his inbred, hillbilly ass in Ring of Honor. I am sick of seeing this man in <em>my</em> company. And now this little bitch Daizee Haze wants to get herself involved? That’s fine, Jimmy Jacobs will deal with BJ tonight and soon enough I will get my hands on little Daizee Haze.”</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> ROH World Champion Bryan Danielson and ROH Pure Champion Alex Shelley vs Homicide and Christopher Daniels</p><p> </p><p> The glaring storyline behind this match was #1 Contender Homicide and World Champion Bryan Danielson. Daniels and Shelley seemed like merely co-stars in this particular drama, but did remind the fans why they were in the match to begin with. Shelley tested Homicide’s wrestling ability and Homicide proved why he is one of the more versatile wrestlers on the roster and matched the Pure Champion hold for hold, but eventually succumbed to a double team attack. Daniels made the early hot tag and the match began to pick up the pace. As the match wore on, all four men exchanged blows in the middle of the ring. Homicide was squaring off with the World Champion and Daniels with Shelley. Homicide did something most men couldn’t do and made the World Champion a non-factor with a vicious lariat that nearly twisted him inside out. After disposing of Danielson, Homicide was able to blindside the Pure Champion by grabbing him and putting him down with a Cop Killa! Daniels went to the top rope and delivered the Best Moonsault Ever to ensure a huge win for two of Ring of Honor’s founding fathers.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Homicide and Christopher Daniels win by pinfall in 20:11</strong></p><p> </p><p> BJ Whitmer w/ Daizee Haze vs Jimmy Jacobs w/ Lacey</p><p> </p><p> Whitmer and Jacobs never even waited for the opening bell before charging towards each other and exchanging right hand after right hand. Todd Sinclair tried to break up the two, but was unable to get them to break up. Lacey and Daizee cheered on their respective man as the match finally began to resemble some nuance of a wrestling match. Despite being the smaller of the two, Jimmy was able to take control of his opponent and began to work on the ankle that Jimmy Rave injured back at Honor Invades Tokyo. BJ tried to fight back, but Jimmy was able to dominate him with a brutal assault that culminated in Jimmy slamming BJ’s ankle against the ring post on multiple occasions. BJ showed a lot of heart and began to fight back. He hobbled around the ring and most of his repertoire was hindered due to his injured ankle. Jimmy looked set for a disqualification when he pulled out the railroad spike from his boot! He held it over his head, but before he could strike, Daizee took the spike from his hand. Jimmy grabbed her by the back of her head while Lacey got into the ring and told Jimmy to let go. Daizee dropped the spike as Lacey speared her to the mat and the two began to roll around the ring. Jimmy finally had enough of seeing ‘his lady’ fight and grabbed Daizee once more by the back of the head. He hooker her and delivered a Conra Code to her! Lacey yelled “Yes!” over and over. BJ got to his feet and hooked Lacey for an Exploder Suplex! Jimmy got to his knees and tried to beg BJ not to hurt her. BJ gave him the finger and delivered an emphatic Exploder Suplex! Jimmy charged and went for a Spear, but BJ moved and Jimmy went between the turnbuckle pads and into the ring post. Whitmer pulled him out and one Exploder Suplex later, BJ had his hand raised after a three count.</p><p> BJ picked Daizee picked Daizee up and escorted her to the back as Jimmy checked on Lacey.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>BJ Whitmer wins by pinfall in 15:20</strong></p><p> </p><p> Davey Richards and Taiji Ishimori vs KENTA and Naomichi Marufuji</p><p> </p><p> Quite arguably, this was one of the more hyped and highly anticipated matches on the card. The fans expected nothing less than stellar from the four men involved and they were treated to the match of the night. It was easily the best outing that Ishimori has had in his young Ring of Honor career, and the fans were solidly behind him the entire time. He and Davey once again surprised their opponents and took the match to the more experienced duo from Pro Wrestling NOAH. KENTA and Marufuji finally got into their gear and cut the ring off when they had Davey in the ring, away from his partner. Davey did his best to try and fight back, but Team NOAH were proving to be too much for him. Davey was able to snap off a DR-Driver on Marufuji and made the tag to Ishimori, who blazed into the ring and began to assert himself into the match. He got near fall after near fall on Marufuji and was agonizingly close to winning the match for his team on several occasions. It was youth who prevailed however, but the experience of the NOAH duo. With KENTA and Davey the legal men in the match, Marufuji made Ishimori irrelevant with a Shiranui onto the ring apron! Davey could do nothing about it and fell victim to a Go 2 Sleep from the originator of that move and finally succumbed to the three count!</p><p> KENTA and Marufuji waited for their opponents to rise back to their feet and showed them the utmost respect by extending the hand of friendship and raising the losers hands out of respect. The fans were on their feet applauding for the spectacle they had just seen.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>KENTA and Naomichi Marufuji win by pinfall in 23:34</strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Ring of Honor World Tag Team Championship Match</strong></p><p> </p><p> Jay and Mark Briscoe© vs Jimmy Rave and Adam Pearce</p><p> </p><p> After falling victim to the Exploder Suplex earlier in the night, Lacey was nowhere to be seen at ringside, and that allowed this World Tag Team Title Match to be contested the way it should have been. Jay was obviously and understandably more fired up than Mark after Jay was pinned at the last show, and he used that to his advantage in the early exchanges. This wasn’t your normal good guys vs bad guys match, it was bad guys vs the Briscoes, and the Briscoes were out to kick some ass. Their over eagerness cost them dearly when Mark went for a dive to the outside and missed both of his opponents. Rave added insult to injury with a Pedigree onto the mat on the outside! Jay checked on his brother, but the damage had already been done. The fans in Chicago were beginning to think that they were going to see new Tag Team Champions crowned, but Jay was able to keep himself in the fight and keep away the challengers for the time being. The two on one assault was starting to become too much for the older Briscoe, but the sight of his younger brother start to get back to the ring apron gave him the extra added incentive to keep fighting. The biggest turning point of the match came when Pearce was aiming for Jay, but only got Rave with a huge Lariat! Jay put Pearce down with a Yakuza Kick before turning his attention back to Rave. Mark tagged himself back in…and a J-Driller was followed by a Shooting Star Press and the Briscoes holding on to the World Tag Titles.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Jay and Mark Briscoe retain the World Tag Team Titles by pinfall in 19:41</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38081" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Quick Results<p> Samoa Joe def. Roderick Strong (B-)</p><p> Austin Aries def. Jerry Lynn (C+)</p><p> Nigel McGuinness def. Claudio Castagnolli (C+)</p><p> Homicide and Christopher Daniels def. Bryan Danielson and Alex Shelley (C+)</p><p> BJ Whitmer def. Jimmy Jacobs (C-)</p><p> KENTA and Naomichi Marufuji def. Davey Richards and Taiji Ishimori (B) * Match of the Night</p><p> The Briscoes def. Jimmy Rave and Adam Pearce to retain the ROH World Tag Team Titles (B-)</p></div></blockquote><p> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38081" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Another good show, I am very happy with how the weekend turned out. As for the match of the night, I don’t think there was ever going to be any other match that it could have been. I have noticed that Ishimori has been on a losing streak in ROH…but it is nothing compared to his 4-22 record in AJPW. Not too good for someone who would end up being the longest reigning GHC Junior Heavyweight Champion in real life. Up next is Global Warfare and then <strong>Final Battle</strong></div></blockquote></div><p></p><p></p>
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OOC: Keep in mind, which Im sure you will, the title reigns and what have you that will be discussed, are IN-GAME reigns, and of course do not reflect at all real life. I shouldn’t have to make this disclaimer, but something inside of me is saying ‘go ahead Tyler, tell them’.



We are just a couple of day removed from a great weekend in Chicago, and all of us here at Ring of Honor would like to thank all of you who came out for both shows. We will be back in Chicago in February for part of the Anniversary Tour…but that’s another story for another time.


What we do have coming up in less than two weeks is the final two shows of the year. Global Warfare and Final Battle 2006! We know the way that the year will end at Final Battle, but there will still be a huge show with many international implications surrounding it. KENTA has been a dominant GHC Junior Heavyweight Champion, having won the title on July 18th, 2005 from Yoshinobu Kanemaru, and even had that classic match against Naomichi Marufuji back at the 100th Show with the title on the line. ROH and NOAH have come to an agreement and once again the GHC Junior Heavyweight Title will be defended on American soil here in ROH when KENTA defends it against ROH Pure Champion Alex Shelley. ONLY the GHC Jr. Heavyweight Title will be defended and not the Pure Wrestling Championship. This has all the makings for a match that could be a Match of the Year Contender!


ROH World Tag Team Champions Jay and Mark Briscoe will defend the World Tag Titles like we reported a few weeks ago against representatives from the Dragon Gate Organization when they take on the challenge of CIMA and Shingo Takagi! Jay and Mark are out to prove that they are indeed the best tag team in the world, and Dragon Gate was able to get ahold of one of the many open contracts that ROH and the Briscoes sent out. Can they continue their impressive reign? Or will the Dragon Gate duo be able to do what no tag team as done since Jay and Mark won the titles back in October?


With his World Title showdown against Homicide looming ROH World Champion Bryan Danielson will be teaming up with one Roderick Strong as they take on the duo of Davey Richards and Taiji Ishimori. The Young Dragons continue to put on impressive display after impressive display and will be looking to impress against the World Champion. And speaking of Homicide, the #1 Contender finds himself in tag team action as well as he teams up with Samoa Joe to take on The Irish Airborne.


Making his return to ROH, Ricky Marvin will be taking one of the biggest challenges of his career when he takes on Christopher Daniels. No doubt that another great performance here from Marvin could possibly see him joining the ROH roster either on a full time or given an extended stay with the company.


• Two men who got big wins on the final night of the Chicago Spectacular, Austin Aries and Nigel McGuinness are set to battle it out in a match that could go a long way in determining a new # 1 contender for the World Title, as we enter 2007.

Claudio Castagnolli may have found himself on the losing end against Nigel McGuiness on Night 2 in Chicago, but he will look for a little bit of redemption when he takes on another Englishmen Doug Williams!

Naomichi Marufuji looks set to give a young member of the ROH roster a BIG run for his money he gets in the ring against Lacey’s own Jimmy Rave! Will Jimmy be able to get a massive win under his belt? Or will Marufuji be able to shut Jimmy and Lacey up?


Full Card for Global Warfare 2006


Ring of Honor World Tag Team Championship Match

Jay and Mark Briscoe© vs CIMA and Naruki Doi


Jimmy Rave vs Naomichi Marufuji


GHC Junior Heavyweight Championship Match

KENTA© vs Alex Shelley


Bryan Danielson and Roderick Strong vs Davey Richards and Taiji Ishimori


Samoa Joe and Homicide vs The Irish Airborne


Nigel McGuinness vs Austin Aries


Claudio Castagnolli vs Doug Williams


Ricky Marvin vs Christopher Daniels

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<p>Ring of Honor World Tag Team Championship Match</p><p>

<strong>Jay and Mark Briscoe©</strong> vs CIMA and Naruki Doi</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jimmy Rave</strong> vs Naomichi Marufuji</p><p>

Marufuji is one of my absolute favorite Japanese stars, but I fckng love Jimmy Rave! Great roster for this show.</p><p> </p><p>

GHC Junior Heavyweight Championship Match</p><p>

<strong>KENTA©</strong> vs Alex Shelley</p><p>

Close call here.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Bryan Danielson and Roderick Strong</strong> vs Davey Richards and Taiji Ishimori</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Samoa Joe and Homicide</strong> vs The Irish Airborne</p><p> </p><p>

Nigel McGuinness vs <strong>Austin Aries</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Claudio Castagnolli</strong> vs Doug Williams</p><p>

Love both guys, each surpasses the other in different ways.</p><p> </p><p>

Ricky Marvin vs <strong>Christopher Daniels</strong></p>

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Global Warfare 2006


Ring of Honor World Tag Team Championship Match

Jay and Mark Briscoe© vs CIMA and Naruki Doi


Jimmy Rave vs Naomichi Marufuji


GHC Junior Heavyweight Championship Match

KENTA© vs Alex Shelley


Bryan Danielson and Roderick Strong vs Davey Richards and Taiji Ishimori


Samoa Joe and Homicide vs The Irish Airborne


Nigel McGuinness vs Austin Aries


Claudio Castagnolli vs Doug Williams


Ricky Marvin vs Christopher Daniels

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><a href="http://s751.photobucket.com/user/tcox88/media/ROH1.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i751.photobucket.com/albums/xx157/tcox88/ROH1.jpg</span></a><p> </p><p> <strong>Global Warfare 2006</strong></p><p><strong> Hartford, CT</strong></p><p><strong> December 22, 2006</strong></p><p> </p><p> Claudio Castagnolli vs Doug Williams</p><p> </p><p> An excellent opening contest between two men who were very skilled mat technicians and well versed in the European Style of wrestling, Claudio and Doug showed the Hartford crowd exactly what Ring of Honor wrestling is all about. The two exchanged holds and counter holds, and even found counter holds to the counter holds the other man was using. Claudio ended the match being a technical spectacle with thumb to the eyes on Williams and several straight right hands, followed by European Uppercuts. Both men were also able to showcase their uncanny strength, something which Claudio was in abundance of. It was that strength that led him to victory when, after a Big Swing, Claudio was able to get Williams into his clutches and deliver the Riccola Bomb for the win. </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Claudio Castagnolli wins by pinfall in 13:01</strong></p><p> </p><p> Christopher Daniels vs Ricky Marvin</p><p> </p><p> Ricky Marvin was looking to finally get his first win in three attempts in ROH, and if he could get a win against Christopher Daniels, his stock would surely rise. But beating one half of the first World Tag Team Champions was not going to be a walk in the park. The match as a whole was a very respectful match between the two men and they were both very hesitant in the early goings. Although Marvin had his spots to control the match, it was Daniels who would eventually prevail as the winner of this contest when he made is younger opponent tap out the Koji Clutch.</p><p> The ROH fans once again showed their appreciation for Marvin despite his losing effort. Once the two shook hands and Marvin had left the ring, Daniels asked for the microphone…</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38081" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Daniels – “So this is how I want to end 2006 for “The Fallen Angel”. Next week in NYC at the Manhattan Center is going to be Final Battle 2006. And I believe that since I am the last person to gain a pinfall victory over you Alex Shelley, I am extending to you tonight my official challenge for the Ring of Honor Pure Wrestling Title at Final Battle!” The fans cheered in approval. “Now you don’t have to come on out and accept my challenge now, I know you have a big match of your own a little later tonight. But I better get a response from you here soon. You know where to reach me at.”</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <strong>Christopher Daniels wins by submission in 16:42</strong></p><p> </p><p> The Irish Airborne w/ Lacey vs Homicide and Samoa Joe</p><p> </p><p> One of the biggest tests the two youngsters had to face as of yet in ROH, and it wasn’t going to be an easy exam. Joe was a former World Champion, and Homicide was the #1 contender to the current champion Bryan Danielson. But that was far from his mind. The Airborne surprised many people, has they had done all of 2006 and hung in there with the best that ROH had to offer. They did their best to double team and keep Homicide on their half of the ring as they knew Joe was the bigger man and would cause them the most problems. Once Homicide made the hot tag to Joe, the entire match was turned on its head. Joe slammed down both members of the Airborne hard to the match with a pair of STJoes and Homicide took Dave out of the equation with a near jaw breaking Lariat! Lacey tried to interfere in the match and got more than she bargained for when she tried to slap Samoa Joe. Joe grabbed her hand and gave the young woman a kiss on the lips before Pie Facing her off of the apron! Joe put the final nail in the coffin for the Airborne when Jake was planted by a Muscle Buster and covered for the three count fall.</p><p> As Joe and Homicide were making their way back to the locker room area, ROH World Champion Bryan Danielson jumped the guardrail with a chair in his hand and quick as he could, he hit Joe in the back of the head and quickly hit Homicide in the leg with it as well. Homicide went to the ground and before ROH officials and referees could get the chair from him, Danielson connected with four more sickening shots that would have made the toughest of men cry. Officials and ROH commissioner Shane Richards came out to break up the scuffle and get the champion back to the locker room area as the medical staff checked on Homicide.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Samoa Joe and Homicide win by pinfall in 9:01</strong></p><p> </p><p> Austin Aries vs Nigel McGuinness</p><p> </p><p> What began as a match with so much promise of an amazing athletic contest, ended up being remembered for the injury that Austin Aries would eventually sustain. Both men had fought hard and gave each other there best in what started out as a tightly contested affair. The turning point in the match (and for the health of Austin) was a hard tumble to the outside. Austin scaled the top rope, but Nigel went to shove his leg out from under him Aries fell onto the apron and then to the floor. Aries noticeably was holding his back and began to wrestle more defensive style of match before catching Nigel off guard with an Inside Cradle and held him there for the three count.</p><p> ROH officials and a couple of medics helped Aries to the back as the fans and Nigel had concerned looks on their faces what was a very real and worrisome moment for the former World Champion.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Austin Aries wins by pinfall in 15:29</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38081" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><em>Intermission</em><p> ROH Commissioner Shane Richards made his way out to the ring towards the end of intermission and quickly grabbed a microphone before addressing the fans.</p><p> </p><p> Shane Richards – “Everyone here knows the risk that each and every worker takes everytime they step into this ring. This is entertainment and there are no better wrestling fans in the world than the ones that follow and support Ring of Honor. Likewise, there are no better athletes in the world than those who work for Ring of Honor. They come out here every night and bust their asses to put on a show for all of you and to rise to the top of this company. Tonight though, there was an incident that was out of our control. During the Austin Aries/Nigel McGuinness match, Aries took a nasty fall off of the top rope and injured himself in the process. Aries was checked out by our medical staff before being sent to a local hospital for further evaluation. We received a phone call a few moments ago and we learned that Austin had suffered a slipped disk and will be missing from action for over a month. This means that he will not be competing until around February…”</p><p> Before he could finish his sentence, Roderick Strong made his way down to the ring and took another microphone.</p><p> </p><p> Roderick Strong – “Well, well, well…listen to what happened to Austin Aries, one of the ‘favorites’ here in Ring of Honor. How are you ever going to survive without him Shane? Giving him title shot after title shot, while I flounder around the mid card, being forced into matches with mediocre opponents. I am glad Austin is out, but I wish I could have been the one to do it, just like I did to little Matt Sydal.”</p><p> </p><p> Shane – “Funny thing that you should mention Matt Sydal there Roderick; I wasn’t too pleased with what I saw back in Chicago when you gave him a Gibson Driver onto one of the guard rails. And of course, Matt isn’t too happy about it either.”</p><p> </p><p> Roderick – “What’s your damn point?”</p><p> </p><p> Shane – “My point is this, next week is Final Battle and you are contractually obligated to be there as is Matt Sydal. I know he is looking for a fight and let’s face it…I’d like to see you get your ass kicked. So in New York, you will be facing Matt Sydal one-on-one.”</p><p> </p><p> Roderick – “Alright, alright. Well Mr. Commissioner I…” Roderick swiftly attacked Shane with a kick to the gut and went to set him up for a Gibson Driver, but Matt Sydal blazed into the ring and was able to chase Roderick away before any harm came to the commissioner.”</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Jimmy Rave w/ Lacey vs Naomichi Marufuji</p><p> </p><p> Rave was have an amazing renaissance to his Ring of Honor career since joining up with Lacey’s Angels, and it would have meant a big step for him if he was able to beat one of the best wrestlers in the world today in Naomichi Marufuji. Rave must have been napping when the opening bell sounded and was left still at the starting blocks, while Marufuji ran rampant in the early goings. Rave did his best to cover up from the onslaught the Japanese native came at him with, but Marufuji was proving to be too much for him. Once Jimmy finally woke up though, he began to work over one of his opponents ankles, hoping to set him up eventually for the Heel Hook submission hold that he had been using over the past few months. This also denied Marufuji the possibility to use the Shiranui, giving Rave that much more of an advantage over his opponent. However, when Naomichi got his second win, adrenaline kicked in and he forgot about all of the pain in his ankle and went right back to kicking the crap out of Rave. Marufuji mustered up all his strength and was able to plant Rave with the Shiranui…but Rave kicked out at two, much to the amazement of his opponent and the crowd. Marufuji went for it once more but Jimmy was able to slip his way out of the hold and lock the Heel Hook on in the middle of the ring! There was nowhere for Marufuji to go, so instead of risking permanent injury, he was forced to tap out and giving a HUGE win to Jimmy Rave.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Jimmy Rave wins by submission in 16:55</strong></p><p> </p><p> ROH World Champion Bryan Danielson and Roderick Strong vs Taiji Ishimori and Davey Richards</p><p> </p><p> Despite not having the best win/loss record in recent ROH matches, Ishimori and Richards were solid fan favorites in this match. And right from the opening bell, it was a stellar tag team affair. Ishimori and Richards took advantage of the over confidence of the World Champion and caught him off guard with some great tag team work. All four men brought a strong style type of wrestling to the match and everyone involved were left bruised and red chested from kicks and chops and opened handed strikes. They may not have been an actual tag team, but it was the experience of Danielson and Strong that ultimately proved to be the downfall of Ishimori and Richards. Roderick showed off this new sadistic side he had acquired over the last couple of weeks and eliminated Ishimori from the match with a Gibson Driver onto the metal entrance way! Davey was forced to watch on before Danielson latched on and began to deliver those hard MMA Elbows to the side of the head, and then rolling him over into Cattle Mutilation! Richards had no choice but to tap out.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Bryan Danielson and Roderick Strong win by submission in 18:23</strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong>GHC Junior Heavyweight Championship Match</strong></p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i751.photobucket.com/albums/xx157/tcox88/GHC%20Jr%20Heavyweight.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> KENTA© vs Alex Shelley</p><p> </p><p> Shelley proudly wore the Pure Wrestling Championship around his waist although it would not be on the line in this particular match. This was a first time ever encounter between the two men and it showed in the early going, with the pace of the match being slow and methodical and neither man trying to deliver the first big blow of the match. It was KENTA who delivered the first big blow when he nearly knocked out the Pure Wrestling Champion with a massive kick to the side of the head. Shelley was reeling for the next few moments and KENTA took full advantage. He turned up the pace and began to work over Shelley with big impact suplexes and strikes. Shelley did show that he was no push over though and valiantly fought back tried his best to wear down KENTA. Bobby Cruise continued to announce the time elapsed on the clock and the higher the time got, the more intense the match got. Shelley and KENTA traded chops and strikes and did their best to put their opponent down. KENTA looked to have had the match won when Shelley was up top and KENTA scaled the top rope and delivered an awesome Falcon Arrow from the top rope! He waited for Shelley to get up and measured him for the Busaiku Knee, but Shelley was able to step aside as KENTA crashed into the turnbuckle. Shelley quickly picked him up and delivered a devastating Shell Shock! He hooked the far leg and KENTA got his shoulder up at 2! Shelley couldn’t believe it. Everyone he had hit with that move had stayed down for the three count. He picked KENTA up and once more went for the Shell Shock, but KENTA was able to get out of the hold and lifted Shelley onto his shoulders and connected with the Go 2 Sleep! KENTA was slow to make the cover, but once he did…he was also able to only get a two count! Everyone in the audience was shocked that Alex was able to get his shoulder up. KENTA motioned for the Go 2 Sleep once more. He went to pick up Shelley but was caught by a surprise roll up! 1…2…..but KENTA somehow got his shoulder up! The two got back to their feet but it was KENTA who made the first move and attempted the Go 2 Sleep again. Alex was able to get out of it and take KENTA down and lock in the Border City Stretch! Bobby Cruise announced there was less than 30 seconds in the allotted 30 minute time limit for the match! Shelley pulled back in hopes of winning the GHC Jr Hvywt Title…but KENTA was just as determined to keep a hold of the title and would not give it in! Just when it looked like KENTA might give up, the time keeper rang the bell, signifying the match had come to a hard fought draw!</p><p> Both men got to their feet and were handed their respective championships. The two shook hands as the fans went to their feet and applauded the two competitors.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>KENTA and Alex Shelley went to a 30-Minute Time Limit Draw</strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Ring of Honor World Tag Team Championship Match</strong></p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i751.photobucket.com/albums/xx157/tcox88/rohtag.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> Jay and Mark Briscoe© vs CIMA and Shingo Takagi</p><p> </p><p> Once again wanting to prove that they were truly the best tag team in the world, Jay and Mark took on the challenge from two members of the Dragon Gate organization in Japan. This was a first time ever match in ROH, and after the Code of Honor was followed, four men went right after each other. Being the strongest of the four men in the match, Shingo used that to his advantage and was able to toss Jay and Mark around the ring. Jay finally had enough and decided to stand up to the big man. The two traded forearms and right hands, chops and shoulder tackles. Jay did get the upper hand and he and Mark cut the ring in half and kept Shingo in their half of the ring and had the first real advantage of the contest. Shingo was able to power his way out of their corner and make the tag team to CIMA, allowing the Dragon Gate tag team to finally have their share of the momentum. Mark Briscoe was the man who was now the victim of a double team, and CIMA and Takagi were making best use of the 5-count that was administered every time they made a tag. Try as he may, Mark was not able to get to make the tag to his brother…but he did not give up. Once he made the tag though, Jay came in like a house of fire and began to clear house. He dropped CIMA with a Yakuza Kick and then showcased his own strength by lifting the bigger Takagi onto his shoulders and dropped him with a Death Valley Driver! He made the cover but only got a two count. All four men were in the ring and Todd Sinclair quickly lost control. Shingo and CIMA dumped Jay over the top rope and once again double teamed Mark. The younger Briscoe fought valiantly however, and was able to lift up Shingo onto his shoulders and connect with a sick looking Cutthroat Suplex! CIMA was in trouble once Jay returned to the ring caught him with a Yakuza Kick. Jay lifted CIMA up on his shoulders as Mark scaled to the top rope and they were able to deliver the Doomsday Device! Mark covered CIMA and the champions retained their belts with a three count.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Jay and Mark Briscoe retain the ROH World Tag Team Championship by pinfall in 18:43</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38081" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Quick Results<p> Claudio Castagnolli def. Doug Williams (B-)</p><p> Christopher Daniels def. Ricky Marvin (C+)</p><p> Samoa Joe and Homicide def. The Irish Airbone ©</p><p> Austin Aries def. Nigel McGuinness (C+)</p><p> Jimmy Rave def. Naomichi Marufuji (C+)</p><p> ROH World Champion Bryan Danielson and Roderick Strong def. Davey Richards and Taiji Ishimori ©</p><p> KENTA def. ROH Pure Champion Alex Shelley to retain the GHC Junior Heavyweight Title (C+)</p><p> Jay and Mark Briscoe def. CIMA and Shingo Takagi to retain the ROH World Tag Team Titles (B) *Match of the Night</p></div></blockquote><p> </p></div><p></p><p></p>
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First and foremost, we here at Ring of Honor would like to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and the happiest of New Year’s. 2006 has been a very memorable year for our company, and we hope it has been for all of you as well. But there is still one more show for us here in 2006 and it promises to be the most memorable of them all!


Before we get to the lineup for Final Battle 2006, we have some very sad news coming out of Global Warfare 2006. Austin Aries suffered a slipped disk during his match against Nigel McGuinness. He is projected to be out until mid to end February, possibly missing out on the 5th Year Anniversary Tour. We will keep all of you updated on his condition as you know more. All of us here wish Austin a speedy recovery.


The biggest match on the Final Battle Card is going to be for the richest prize in our company…the Ring of Honor World Heavyweight Championship. Bryan Danielson has been more than dominate during his 15 month reign as ROH World Champion. AJ Styles, KENTA, Samoa Joe, Austin Aries, and Naomichi Marufuji are just some on a long list of names that have stepped up to challenge the World Champion. And now Homicide will once again step up to the plate and challenge for the belt. Homicide lost to Danielson back on 6-3 at Ring of Homicide in East Windsor, CT but since winning the Survival of the Fittest, has been on a roll. Now he is looking to capture his first championship in near five year stay with the company. Bryan Danielson is looking to do something that no other World Champion in ROH has done and that is go a full calendar year as champion. Something has to give on the 29th, because there MUST BE A WINNER!


Jay and Mark Briscoe were able to successfully defend the ROH World Tag Titles last night against CIMA and Shingo Takagi. At Final Battle, they will be defending the belts against a Lacey led team in The Irish Airborne. Lacey was able to get her hands on one of the open contracts that the Briscoes have sent out and she is once again making an attempt at finally getting some gold around the waist of one of the wrestlers contracted to her. The Airborne have been a breakout tag team in 2006 and can they cap off what has been a great year for them with World Tag Team Title gold?


At Global Warfare, a challenge was made by ”The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels to the reigning ROH Pure Wrestling Champion Alex Shelley, and that challenge has been accepted. Shelley is looking to get his win back after being pinned by Daniels back at The Chicago Spectacular Night 2. Shelley has been a great Pure Wrestling Champion in 2006, and has been another wrestler whose career has been revitalized here in ROH this year. He defeated Christopher Daniels once before, and can he do it again? Or will Daniels finally realize his goals win his first piece of singles gold in ROH?


During their extended stay with ROH, KENTA and Naomichi Marufuji have been promised some of the best matches against the top talent that ROH has to offer. And at Final Battle, they will get exactly that. KENTA will be going one-on-one against ”Mr. ROH” Samoa Joe! Both men are well versed in the strong style of wrestling and it promises to be a very hard hitting affair. Marufuji will also have his hands full as he takes on Kingdom member Claudio Castagnolli. In what will truly again be a global war, it’s the Swiss vs the Japanese in what has the potential to be a show stealer.


In recent months, Colt Cabana has been a thorn in the side of Lacey and her Angels. Cabana has been bloodied, betrayed, and beaten with leather straps by her crew and this weekend in New York City, he finally has the chance he has been looking for to get some much needed revenge. Cabana is scheduled to face Lacey’s boy toy Jimmy Rave in a Leather Strap Match! This will NOT be a match where the winner is decided by who can touch all four corners, it will be decided by who can keep their opponent down for a three count! This is finally the moment Colt has been waiting for, and will he be able to get the revenge he is seeking…or will Jimmy Rave’s stock continue to rise if he gets a huge win this weekend?


Delirious and BJ Whitmer are the other two men still on Lacey’s radar, and she will be hoping that her men Adam Pearce and Jimmy Jacobs will be looking to get another win and possibly some momentum in this war that has raged in ROH for many months.

• Has was mentioned at Global Warfare by ROH Commission Shane Richards, Roderick Strong will be in action and it won’t be against Austin Aries, but it will be against Matt Sydal. Sydal is looking to get some revenge on Strong after he took a Gibson Driver onto the steel barricade.

Davey Richards and Taiji Ishimori will be looking to end 2006 on a high note, but they will have a tall task in front of them when they take on Nigel McGuinness and Doug Williams. It promises to be another possible show stealer on another great show put on by Ring of Honor


Full Card for Final Battle 2006


Ring of Honor World Heavyweight Championship Match

Bryan Danielson© vs Homicide


Ring of Honor World Tag Team Championship Match

Jay and Mark Briscoe© vs The Irish Airborne


Ring of Honor Pure Wrestling Championship Match

Alex Shelley© vs Christopher Daniels


Samoa Joe vs KENTA


Leather Strap Match

Colt Cabana vs Jimmy Rave


Naomichi Marufuji vs Claudio Castagnolli


Doug Williams and Nigel McGuinness vs Davey Richards and Taiji Ishimori


Matt Sydal vs Roderick Strong


BJ Whitmer and Delirious vs Jimmy Jacobs and Adam Pearce

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