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WWF 1998 (Aftermath of Montreal)

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><em><strong>Monday Night Raw: February Week 1 </strong></em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Pre-Show: <strong>Taka Michinoku</strong> vs Al Snow (D-)</p><p>

Pre-Show: <strong>Bob Holly</strong> vs Scott Taylor (E+)</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Announcers Hype the Appearance from “Iron” Mike Tyson by playing a video package of Mike Tyson moments. The announcers also mention D-Generation X is in the building which is never good. (B)</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

10 Man Battle Royal to Crown the #1 Contender for the European Title: (D)</p><p>

<strong>Savio Vega wins </strong>the match and will face Triple H at No Way Out. After defending the title twice in one week Commissioner Slaughter has decided to pick Triple H’s next challenger for his title in a different way, the more wrestling way in a Battle Royal. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Shawn Michaels, Chyna, & Triple H are shown backstage in the locker room doing a skit from a movie they must have just seen. (C+)</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Road Warriors</strong> vs The New Blackjacks (C-) </p><p>

The Warriors look to get back on the winning track after a surprising loss to the New Age Outlaws at the Royal Rumble. LOD wants those belts and we saw it at the Rumble but now they need to get back to the front of the line. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Kane</strong> vs Truth Commission in a Handicap Match (D-)</p><p>

Short and Simple, Kane has dominated everyone on the WWF roster thus far now WWF management decided to stack the odds. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Mankind & Chainsaw Charlie cut a short promo on the New Age Outlaws. Funk starts saying “I might be 53 years old and fact is that I can’t continue doing this forever if I could I would. But looking at the WWF Roster right now, and the attitude that most of them young talents make me think if I leave this industry will die with the people leading it right now.” Mankind adds “Road Dogg you and your “partner” Billy Gunn will soon find out in one way or another that though me & Terry are older, we are still not to be taken lightly.” (B-)</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Intercontinental Championship Match:</p><p>

<strong>© The Rock </strong>vs Honky Tonk Man (C-)</p><p>

In his pursuit to become to the Greatest Intercontinental Champion, he is touching all the bases fighting another former Intercontinental Champion. </p><p> </p><p>

Post Match: Owen Hart shows up on the stage, he has a microphone and asks for The Rock’s attention once he gets it. Owen continues to say “Rocky you want to prove you’re the Greatest Intercontinental Champion so bad how about you fight me, but this time try beating me without the brass knuckles you used last time. I know I am good but your cheating to beat me only proves that you can’t beat without help Rocky, think I am lying prove it fight me at the next PPV for that Title.” ©</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Sable T-Shirt Spot (C+)</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Owen Hart </strong>vs Steve Blackman (C+)</p><p>

Two of the top technical wrestlers in the Wrestling world lock horns in this one. Can “The Black Heart” overcome “The Lethal Weapon?” </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Backstage: “Iron” Mike Tyson’s limo is shown arriving into the arena right now. The door opens and Mike Tyson get out to a loud pop from the audience. (C-)</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Shawn Michaels comes to the ring and grabs and microphone and says “Since last week, all I have heard is who are you scared of more The Undertaker or Steve Austin. The answer is…. I am not afraid of either of them because I am not scared of anyone including the Dead Man and my Wrestlemania opponent. I have a message to give to The Undertaker which is you may think you have against me but you will end up just like everyone else has and that is being a victim of the Sweet Chin Music.” (B+)</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>© Shawn Michaels</strong> vs Goldust (Non-Title) ©</p><p>

Shawn Michaels competing in his first non-title singles match. Let’s see what HBK can show us as his match vs Undertaker draws near. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Mr. McMahon walks to the ring with a microphone in hand and says “At the Royal Rumble, I made an announcement saying the WWF was working on a signing that would shake the very foundation of the Wrestling World. Now I can finally say it is done and it is official the WWF has signed Mike Tyson to appear at Wrestlemania. Without further delay let me introduce the “Baddest man on the Planet”……. “Iron” Mike Tyson” (B-)</p><p> </p><p>

Iron Mike walks down the ramp with his entourage following right behind him and he enters the ring to exchange a friendly embrace with Mr. McMahon. Before and words can be said the goings on are interrupted by the sound of “Glass Breaking” and Steve Austin makes his way to the ring as Austin enters the ring a host of agents & referees enter the ring right after. </p><p> </p><p>

Austin grabs Vince’s Microphone and says “Vince knock that smug look off of your face before I do it for you, you dumb SOB. The “Baddest Man on the Planet” that might be the case when you’re in a boxing ring but when you’re in this ring “Stone Cold’s Ring” you got your little beady eyes locked on the eyes of the “Toughest SOB on God’s Green Earth.” If you don’t understand what I am saying I always go a little bit of sign language so here’s to yah.” (Austin shoots Tyson the bird and Tyson gets pissed) However, before anything can happen loads of agents, Tyson’s entourage, and referees jump in between Tyson & Austin stopping a brawl from happening. (B) </p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

We are two weeks away from No Way Out!!!!</p>

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<p><em><strong>Prediction Contest Update: </strong></em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

1. CPBHBK (30)</p><p> </p><p>

2. Satyr24 (30)</p><p> </p><p>

3. Beejus (21)</p><p> </p><p>

4. RKOwnage (18)</p><p> </p><p>

5. KnowYourEnemy (7)</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Thanks everyone that continues to predict for this. I really appreciate it!!!</p>

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<p><strong><em>Monday Night Raw Preview:</em></strong> February Week 2 </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Pre-Show: Honky Tonk Man vs Bart Gunn</p><p>

Pre-Show: Savio Vega vs Prince Albert </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Ahmed Johnson vs Taka Michinoku </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Marc Mero vs D'Lo Brown </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Owen Hart vs Faarooq vs Bill Eadie</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Steve Blackman vs Mosh</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Sid Vicious vs Terry Funk </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

D-Generation X vs Road Warriors </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><em>Get Your Predictions in Now!!!!!</em></strong></p>

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<p>Pre-Show: <strong>Honky Tonk Man</strong> vs Bart Gunn</p><p>

Pre-Show: <strong>Savio Vega</strong> vs Prince Albert </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Ahmed Johnson</strong> vs Taka Michinoku </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Marc Mero</strong> vs D'Lo Brown </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Owen Hart</strong> vs Faarooq vs Bill Eadie</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Steve Blackman</strong> vs Mosh</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Sid Vicious</strong> vs Terry Funk </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>D-Generation X</strong> vs Road Warriors</p>

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<p>Pre-Show: Honky Tonk Man vs <strong>Bart Gunn</strong></p><p>

Pre-Show<strong>: Savio Vega</strong> vs Prince Albert </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Ahmed Johnson</strong> vs Taka Michinoku </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Marc Mero </strong>vs D'Lo Brown </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Owen Hart</strong> vs Faarooq vs Bill Eadie</p><p> </p><p>


Steve Blackma</strong>n vs Mosh</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Sid Vicious </strong>vs Terry Funk </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>D-Generation X </strong>vs Road Warriors</p>

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<p>Over the course of the last few weeks I have seen some what of a lull when it comes to predictions and stuff for this dynasty and I think I know why. People think that this dynasty is predictable so they don't like it. Well all I have to say is stick around till Wrestlemania, because things will get better after Mania it's just been hard planning some matches for the big event. I have a couple of big feuds planned for post Mania and hopefully some unexpected things as well. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

So please stay tuned things are going to get better as not only Wrestlemania draws closer but after Wrestlemania as well. Thanks and I hope you all enjoy the ride.</p>

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Over the course of the last few weeks I have seen some what of a lull when it comes to predictions and stuff for this dynasty and I think I know why. People think that this dynasty is predictable so they don't like it. Well all I have to say is stick around till Wrestlemania, because things will get better after Mania it's just been hard planning some matches for the big event. I have a couple of big feuds planned for post Mania and hopefully some unexpected things as well.




So please stay tuned things are going to get better as not only Wrestlemania draws closer but after Wrestlemania as well. Thanks and I hope you all enjoy the ride.


Roddy Piper - "Just when they think they have all the answers, I change the questions"


Do you

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Over the course of the last few weeks I have seen some what of a lull when it comes to predictions and stuff for this dynasty and I think I know why. People think that this dynasty is predictable so they don't like it. Well all I have to say is stick around till Wrestlemania, because things will get better after Mania it's just been hard planning some matches for the big event. I have a couple of big feuds planned for post Mania and hopefully some unexpected things as well.




So please stay tuned things are going to get better as not only Wrestlemania draws closer but after Wrestlemania as well. Thanks and I hope you all enjoy the ride.


Haven't missed a prediction yet don't plan to :D

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Over the course of the last few weeks I have seen some what of a lull when it comes to predictions and stuff for this dynasty and I think I know why. People think that this dynasty is predictable so they don't like it. Well all I have to say is stick around till Wrestlemania, because things will get better after Mania it's just been hard planning some matches for the big event. I have a couple of big feuds planned for post Mania and hopefully some unexpected things as well.




So please stay tuned things are going to get better as not only Wrestlemania draws closer but after Wrestlemania as well. Thanks and I hope you all enjoy the ride.


I'm still following! Nothing to do with predictability, I could care less if things are predictable as long as they're good :D

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WWF Monday Night Raw: (February Week 2)



Pre-Show: Honky Tonk Man vs Bart Gunn (D)

Pre-Show: Savio Vega vs Prince Albert (D-)



Owen Hart walks down to the ring with a microphone and begins saying "I have grow up in this business, and the one thing my dad taught me about this business was respect is key. For my entire career I have shown respect to everyone that deserved it. Especially to the veterans of this business because they paved the way for me to be doing this. Now that I am a veteran I deserve to have respect, but a certain upstart champion thinks he can push everyone around because of who he knows. Well Rocky that's.........

(Just as Owen tries to continue he is cut of by the music of the boss Vince McMahon.)

Vince grabs a microphone and says "Owen, Owen! Your not getting the respect you think you deserve because of your name. Your not respected because you proudly display last remnants of a fallen family name. (Owen is pissed and is ready to whack Vince) Hit Me!!! Hit Me Owen and you'll be unemployed just like the rest of your family. Now then Owen, you should know that if you want respect all you have to do is earn back." (B-)



Ahmed Johnson vs Taka Michinoku (C-)



Backstage: Marc Mero and Sable are walking down the hall and pass D'Lo Brown. Mero catches D'Lo looking at Sable, Mero gets pissed off at D'Lo and challenges him to a match next. (D+)


Marc Mero w/ Sable vs D'Lo Brown (D+)

After catching D'Lo looking at Sable in the back Mero challenged him to a match and got the better of the youngster.



A video plays showing the events that took place last week between Mike Tyson & Steve Austin. (B+)



Owen Hart vs Faarooq vs Bill Eadie ©

After his encounter with the boss earlier tonight, Owen looks to start his road to earning respect in the WWF.


Post Match: Owen grabs a microphone and says "I know you people heard from me earlier tonight. But I have something to say right now, and that Vince your right. My family is gone right now and I am the only one left to defend my family name and resurrect the name that once meant so much to this company. My families name has been dragged through the mud by this company for to long and Rocky, I am sick of entitled peaces of crap like you think you can walk in here and be given everything. I will teach you that in the WWF nothing is given and everything is earned." (B-)



Steve Blackman vs Mosh (C-)

An easy win for the "Lethal Weapon" against one-half of the Headbanger's.



Sid Vicious vs Terry Funk (C-)

A big debut tonight from the "Master & Ruler of the World" Big Sid Vicious is back in the WWF.



Vince walks back out to the ring (to a course of boos from the people) with a microphone and he starts but is cut off from the boos. Vince then yells "Shut Up, I am Vince McMahon damn it!!!!! I own this company and you people will show me Respect!!!!! I guess you people are big fans of what happened last week between Mike Tyson & "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. Well I didn't enjoy it because that was suppose to be the biggest night in the history of the company, but Mr. Austin ruined it. Mr. Austin crossed the line and he regret ever crossing a McMahon." (B-)



D-Generation X vs Road Warriors (B)

By far two of the top teams in the WWF at the moment. One team is one of the most legendary teams in the history of a wrestling. The other is by far the most controversial tag team in the history of the WWF.




Next Week is the go-home show before No Way Out. No Way Out's Card is shaping out like this so far:


WWF World Championship Match:

The Undertaker vs © Shawn Michaels



Will The Undertaker accept Paul Bearer's Challenge to face Kane



WWF Tag Team Title Match:

© New Age Outlaws vs The Godwin's



WWF European Title Match:

© Triple H vs Savio Vega

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WWF Monday Night Raw Preview: February Week 3



Pre-Show: Bart Gunn vs Savio Vega

Pre-Show: New Blackjacks vs Brian Christopher & Scott Taylor



Road Dogg vs Phinias I Godwin



Vader vs Bill Eadie



Goldust vs Kama Mustafa



Kane vs Honky Tonk Man



Owen Hart vs Taka Michinoku



Ken Shamrock vs Jeff Jarrett



Mankind vs The Rock







1. One person on this show will be wrestling his last match, Who?





Get Your Predictions in Now!!!!

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Breaking News



Recon, Kurrgan, & Mark Henry have all been sent to the WWF's developmental territory called OMEGA. Which was bought by McMahon from the Owners of the Hardy Brothers. Mr. McMahon believes that both The Truth Commission and Mark Henry still have a future in the WWF but if things don't work out Mr. McMahon might be as certain. Mr. McMahon currently has scouts on the independent scouting talents to get the privilege to learn from the best the WWF has to offer. Stay Tuned!!!



Also news coming from the desk of Mr. McMahon:


The WWF has officially come to terms with both Vince Russo and Don Callis (aka The Jackal). Keeping this short we here at the WWF would like to wish both Mr. Callis and Mr. Russo the very Best of Luck in all of their future endeavors.

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WWF Monday Night Raw Preview: February Week 3



Pre-Show: Bart Gunn vs Savio Vega

Pre-Show: New Blackjacks vs Brian Christopher & Scott Taylor



Road Dogg vs Phinias I Godwin



Vader vs Bill Eadie



Goldust vs Kama Mustafa



Kane vs Honky Tonk Man



Owen Hart vs Taka Michinoku



Ken Shamrock vs Jeff Jarrett



Mankind vs The Rock







1. One person on this show will be wrestling his last match, Who? Honky Tonk Man

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Direct from the desk of Mr. McMahon




As we approach the No Way Out PPV, it has been said that Mr. McMahon has finally decided what Mike Tyson will be doing at Wrestlemania 14. He has chosen to allow Mike Tyson to be the special ref for the WWF World Title Match between Steve Austin & the current WWF Champion Shawn Michaels. Bearing in mind if Shawn is able to defeat The Undertaker at the No Way Out PPV and keep his title for Wrestlemania. Also it should be interesting considering the tension he has developed with Austin over the last few weeks. Also keep in mind Mike Tyson has yet to encounter the Heartbreak Kid, if they bump into each prior to the big event how will that go. Things continue to change here in the WWF.


Main Event of Wrestlemania 14:


WWF World Title Match:

© ??? vs "Stone Cold" Steve Austin

with Mike Tyson as Special Ref




Note: Anyone still wanting to post predictions still has the opportunity to get them IN!!!!

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Pre-Show: Bart Gunn vs Savio Vega

Pre-Show: New Blackjacks vs Brian Christopher & Scott Taylor



Road Dogg vs Phinias I Godwin



Vader vs Bill Eadie



Goldust vs Kama Mustafa



Kane vs Honky Tonk Man



Owen Hart vs Taka Michinoku



Ken Shamrock vs Jeff Jarrett



Mankind vs The Rock







1. One person on this show will be wrestling his last match, Who? Bill Eadie

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Pre-Show: Bart Gunn vs Savio Vega

Pre-Show: New Blackjacks vs Brian Christopher & Scott Taylor



Road Dogg vs Phinias I Godwin



Vader vs Bill Eadie



Goldust vs Kama Mustafa



Kane vs Honky Tonk Man



Owen Hart vs Taka Michinoku



Ken Shamrock vs Jeff Jarrett



Mankind vs The Rock







1. One person on this show will be wrestling his last match, Who?- Honky Tonk Man

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Monday Night Raw: February Week 3



Pre-Show: Savio Vega vs Bart Gunn (D)

Pre-Show: Generic Promo by Taka Michinoku saying he wants the Light Heavyweight Title

Pre-Show: New Blackjacks vs Scott Taylor & Brian Christopher (E+)



Main Event is Announced: The Rock vs Mankind (Announcers are buzzing with excitement) ©


The Undertaker comes out and grabs a microphone he says “Since you arrived in the WWF, you have taunted and made threats to try and get in the ring with me. But I will not fight my brother no matter how much Paul Bearer wants me to. I don’t care what your threats are; I made a promise to our parents a long time ago that no matter what happened I wouldn’t fight you Kane. So do your worse Paul Bearer it doesn’t matter because nothing can or will change my mind.”

Shawn Michaels walks out on to the ramp and interrupts Undertaker he says “Dead man, you shouldn’t just concerned about the actions of your brother. Considering the fact that you will face me this Sunday for my WWF World Title, you should be more worried about losing to me then what your little brother might do.” Undertaker jumps in and says “Michaels this all started with you at Bad Blood in Hell in a Cell when my brother Kane gave you the win over me, but at No Way Out it will be different because I guarantee you will Rest in Peace!!!! (B+)


Road Dogg vs Phinias Godwin (D-)

With the Tag Title Match coming up this Sunday it’s only fitting that the team’s breakdown tonight in a one on one match.


Announcer’s Hype Appearance from Mr. Vince McMahon tonight (B)


Vader vs Bill Eadie (C-)

At one point two of the top brawlers in the World of Wrestling, now both men nearing the end of their career looking for just one more string of success


Hype Video runs promoting the feud between the New Age Outlaws vs Mankind & Terry Funk ©


Goldust vs Kama Mustafa (C-)

Goldust hasn’t won a match thus this year and is looking to get on the winning track when it comes actually having a win in his record.


Kane vs Honky Tonk Man (D+)

Kane is competing for the first time since Royal Rumble, will Honky be easy picking for the Demonic Kane.


Backstage: Paul Bearer with Kane is being interviewed and Paul is asked his thoughts on The Undertaker’s comments from earlier tonight. Paul answers “Undertaker (He Yells) I told you, I told you that you have until No Way Out this Sunday to make up your mind, but it seems as though you already have. I don’t go back on my word Undertaker you will regret choosing not to fight your brother and instead keeping the “promise” you made to your parents. Undertaker at No Way Out it’s not Shawn Michaels that will Rest in Peace. It will be YOU!! That indeed will Rest in Peace!!!” (C+)


Owen Hart vs Taka Michinoku (C-)

One of the top young stars in the WWF looking to prove himself against the Black Heart, the only remaining Hart. Owen Hart!!


Post Match: The Rock runs down to the ring and attacks Owen Hart, no doubt sending a message to Owen going into the Intercontinental Title Match on Sunday. Before The Rock leaves he plants Owen with a Rock Bottom and then poses over the fallen Hart with the Intercontinental Title held high over The Rock’s head. (B-)


Ken Shamrock vs Jeff Jarrett (B)

Shamrock looks to get back on the winning track after coming up short against the WWF Champion HBK back at the Royal Rumble.


Vince McMahon makes his way to the ring with a microphone in hand and he says “Two weeks ago on this program I came into this very ring, and made the announcement that “Iron” Mike Tyson would be a part of Wrestlemania 14. However, the celebration was rudely interrupted by that Redneck, Foul Mouthed, Beer Swelling, and SOB…… “Stone Cold” Steve Austin. Austin thinks he can just walk around here and do whatever he wants well he is dead wrong and he will be disciplined for his actions two weeks ago I guarantee it. The disciplinary actions I am taking will be banning Steve Austin from the arena This Sunday at No Way Out and Next Week on Raw. Also this is a message to Austin, don’t you ever cross a McMahon.” (B+)


Mankind vs The Rock (B-)

This match should be a classic between two guys who may go on to embody an era of the WWF. The future could become clearer when the rating of the match is seen.





1. One person on this show will be wrestling his last match, Who?- Honky Tonk Man






This is the last show before No Way Out. The preview for the PPV will be posted as soon as possible.

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No Way Out Preview


Pre-Show: Brian Blair vs Prince Albert

Pre-Show: © Flash Funk vs Scott Taylor for the Light Heavyweight Title



Road Warriors vs Goldust & Jeff Jarrett




Tag Team Title Title Match:

© New Age Outlaws vs The Godwins




Championship Chase to Challenge for the European Title at Wrestlemania 14:

Ahmed Johnson vs Faarooq vs Steve Blackman vs Marc Mero




European Title Match:

Savio Vega vs © Triple H




Kane vs Kama Mustafa




Intercontinental Title Match:

Owen Hart vs © The Rock




WWF World Title Match:

The Undertaker vs © Shawn Michaels






1. Which Match on the card ends in a Draw?


2. Who gets pinned in the Championship Chase?



Get Your Predictions in Now!!!!!

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No Way Out Preview


Pre-Show: Brian Blair vs Prince Albert

Pre-Show: © Flash Funk vs Scott Taylor for the Light Heavyweight Title



Road Warriors vs Goldust & Jeff Jarrett




Tag Team Title Title Match:

© New Age Outlaws vs The Godwins

Comments: DRAW



Championship Chase to Challenge for the European Title at Wrestlemania 14:

Ahmed Johnson vs Faarooq vs Steve Blackman vs Marc Mero




European Title Match:

Savio Vega vs © Triple H




Kane vs Kama Mustafa




Intercontinental Title Match:

Owen Hart vs © The Rock




WWF World Title Match:

The Undertaker vs © Shawn Michaels






1. Which Match on the card ends in a Draw? Tag Title Match


2. Who gets pinned in the Championship Chase? Marc Mero

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Pre-Show: Brian Blair vs Prince Albert

Pre-Show: © Flash Funk vs Scott Taylor for the Light Heavyweight Title



Road Warriors vs Goldust & Jeff Jarrett




Tag Team Title Title Match:

© New Age Outlaws vs The Godwins




Championship Chase to Challenge for the European Title at Wrestlemania 14:

Ahmed Johnson vs Faarooq vs Steve Blackman vs Marc Mero




European Title Match:

Savio Vega vs © Triple H




Kane vs Kama Mustafa




Intercontinental Title Match:

Owen Hart vs © The Rock Draw




WWF World Title Match:

The Undertaker vs © Shawn Michaels






1. Which Match on the card ends in a Draw?

Hart vs Rock

2. Who gets pinned in the Championship Chase?


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Pre-Show: Brian Blair vs Prince Albert

Pre-Show: © Flash Funk vs Scott Taylor for the Light Heavyweight Title



Road Warriors vs Goldust & Jeff Jarrett




Tag Team Title Title Match:

© New Age Outlaws vs The Godwins




Championship Chase to Challenge for the European Title at Wrestlemania 14:

Ahmed Johnson vs Faarooq vs Steve Blackman vs Marc Mero




European Title Match:

Savio Vega vs © Triple H




Kane vs Kama Mustafa




Intercontinental Title Match:

Owen Hart vs © The Rock




WWF World Title Match:

The Undertaker vs © Shawn Michaels






1. Which Match on the card ends in a Draw?


2. Who gets pinned in the Championship Chase?


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Pre-Show: Brian Blair vs Prince Albert

One half of the mighty killer Bees BUZZ BUZZ BUZZ

Pre-Show: © Flash Funk vs Scott Taylor for the Light Heavyweight Title


Road Warriors vs Goldust & Jeff Jarrett



Tag Team Title Title Match:

© New Age Outlaws vs The Godwins

Comments: Where's Cactus Jack


Championship Chase to Challenge for the European Title at Wrestlemania 14:

Ahmed Johnson vs Faarooq vs Steve Blackman vs Marc Mero

Comments: I can see Ahmed taking the belt at wrestlemania to help HHH move on to bigger and better things


European Title Match:

Savio Vega vs © Triple H



Kane vs Kama Mustafa

Comments: Russo swerve this ones the draw :)


Intercontinental Title Match:

Owen Hart vs © The Rock

Comments: Draw to keep Owen strong


WWF World Title Match:

The Undertaker vs © Shawn Michaels




1. Which Match on the card ends in a Draw?


2. Who gets pinned in the Championship Chase?


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WWF No Way Out:



Pre-Show: Prince Albert vs Brian Blair (E+)

Pre-Show: © Flash Funk vs Scott Taylor for Light Heavyweight Title (E)



Goldust & Jeff Jarrett vs Road Warriors ©

attempting to expand the Tag division with a new team, a win here would make quite an impact in the large division. It’s all about if Jarrett & Goldust can click against the legendary team of Hawk & Animal.



Backstage: Steve Austin is seen walking into the arena to a big pop from the audience. However, just as Steve gets to the arena door he is stopped by the police who are blocking the entrance to the arena. One officer says “We would like to apologize, Mr. Austin but we have instructed by Mr. McMahon to not allow you into this building tonight.” Austin looks around at the Officers and chooses to walk away from the building for tonight. (A)



WWF Tag Team Title Match:

© New Age Outlaws vs The Godwin’s (C-)

Two teams that are proficient brawlers in the ring and a thing or two about having a knock down drag em out brawl.



Backstage: The Undertaker is being interviewed about his match later tonight with HBK and he is asked if he is totally focused on Shawn Michaels or is he thinking about Kane as well. Undertaker answers “If Paul Bearer has proven one thing it is that you can in my head by taunting with my family. But, Kane I made a promise to our parents that no matter I would not strike down upon you and I intend on keeping that promise. Tonight, Shawn Michaels I am going to keep this short you Heartbreak Kid will Rest in Peace!!!!! (B+)



Championship Chase for a Shot at the European Title at Wrestlemania 14:

Steve Blackman vs Ahmed Johnson vs Faarooq vs Marc Mero ©

All of these four guys have been going in very different directions since this year began, but this series will bring one these men a chance at gold on the biggest stage of them all.



Triple H walks out to the ring with Chyna and holding a microphone in hand and he says “Just like at the Royal Rumble I have to defend my European Title. So few people are on the list to face me they chose the winner of a Battle Royal. Now instead me continuing to speak let’s bring on my next victim.” (B)


European Title Match:

© Triple H vs Savio Vega (C+)

This is just a bridge match for Triple H leading into his Wrestlemania match against the winner of the Championship Chase.



Kane vs Kama Mustafa (C-)

Though Kama is a big man, nobody has been able to derail the dominating streak that “The Big Red Monster” has been on.


Post Match: Paul Bearer gets a microphone and says “Dead man I made a promise to you that if you didn’t chose to fight your brother by tonight you would live to regret it. Like you Dead man, I will not go back on my promise “You will regret not making the right choice” I swear to you Undertaker you’ll regret it.” (C+)



Intercontinental Title Match:

Owen Hart vs © The Rock (C+)

This is a great re-match between two very talented workers that make the WWF talent roster so much better.



Backstage: Mankind & Terry Funk are being interviewed and are asked why they wanted this time. Funk answers “We wanted to lay down the challenge right away for Wrestlemania against Road Dogg & Billy Gunn for the Tag Team Titles. Because I can’t retire in peace unless I see that titles that have meant so much to many people over the years are not left in the hands of two very disrespectful, punks who need to be taught a lesson.” Mankind adds “We are just the two crazy maniacs to do it to them, Bang!! Bang!!!” ©



Vince McMahon walks to the ring with a microphone in his hand "I am going to keep this short. Austin, I told you that you were banned and I proved it tonight when I had Minnesota's finest at the entrance of this arena to stop you from entering. If you try to join us tomorrow on Raw the same thing will happen. Mr. Austin maybe this will teach you not to mess with a McMahon." (B)



WWF World Title Match:

The Undertaker vs © Shawn Michaels (B)

This match should be a classic between two guys who may go on to embody an era of the WWF. The future could become clearer when the rating of the match is seen.


Post Match: The lights go down in the arena and then out of nowhere both Kane and Paul Bearer appear on the stage and are face to face with The Undertaker who is standing in the ring looking back at them. Kane sets of his pyro from the corners on an unsuspecting Undertaker. The brothers just are staring at each other as No Way Out ends. (B+)



Overall Rating: B




1. Which Match on the card ends in a Draw? Owen Hart vs The Rock



2. Who gets pinned in the Championship Chase? Steve Blackman

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