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WWF 1998 (Aftermath of Montreal)

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Pre-Show: Savio Vega vs Al Snow



Faarooq vs Bob Holly




New Age Outlaws vs The New Blackjacks




Ahmed Johnson vs Flash Funk




Road Warriors vs Samoan Swat Team




Triple H vs Steve Blackman




WWF Intercontinental Title Match:

Ken Shamrock vs © Owen Hart

Comments: I dont think Owen will lose the title right away






1. Which team breaks up tonight? (They are in a tag match on the show)

New Blackjacks


2. Which match ends in a Draw on the card?


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WWF Monday Night Raw Preview: April Week 1



Pre-Show: Savio Vega vs Al Snow



Faarooq vs Bob Holly




New Age Outlaws vs The New Blackjacks




Ahmed Johnson vs Flash Funk




Road Warriors vs Samoan Swat Team




Triple H vs Steve Blackman




WWF Intercontinental Title Match:

Ken Shamrock vs © Owen Hart







1. Which team breaks up tonight? The New Blackjacks (They are in a tag match on the show)



2. Which match ends in a Draw on the card?Triple H vs Steve Blackman

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WWF Monday Night Raw: April Week 1



Pre-Show: Savio Vega vs Al Snow (D+)



Vince McMahon makes his way to the ring (to a course of boos) and he grabs a microphone, and then enters the ring. Vince begins to say “Last night, we saw history made as we have a New WWF World Champion. His name is “Stone Cold” Steve Austin and that we have past Wrestlemania, it’s time to look to the future of the WWF. (Just as Vince keeps talking, we hear the glass break over the PA that means Austin)

Steve Austin makes his way out to the ring right now with a microphone in hand and he tells Vince to shut up. Austin Continues “Vince you say it’s time to look to the future of the WWF, right now you have your eyes locked on the eyes of the future of the WWF. Because don’t count on losing this championship anytime soon. And that’s the bottom……(Vince interrupts Austin, which doesn’t make Austin happy.)

Vince says “Steve you can make history tonight just like you did at Wrestlemania, you can make history tonight by becoming the first corporate champion. Now you don’t have to give me an answer tonight, think about it and give me an answer next week. Now that you hold that title, you have to act in a certain way and be different, be more respectable because you set the standard in this company. Just think about it Steve, that’s all I ask, is for you to just think about it.” (B+)



Bob Holly vs Faarooq (D+)

Two of the top brawlers in WWF today, but like some other people they lack direction in the company at this point. Faarooq wins via the Dominator



The announcers hype an appearance by The Undertaker for later tonight



New Age Outlaws vs The New Blackjacks ©

Looking to regain some momentum after losing at Wrestlemania to Mankind & Terry Funk; Outlaws are pissed. Blackjack Windham turns on Blackjack Bradshaw during this match leaving him in the ring for a Handicap Match. Billy Gunn wins after a Fame-Asser.


Post Match: Road Dogg grabs a microphone and says “Last night at Wrestlemania you people saw a fluke when we lost our Tag Team Titles. Funk & Mankind you have something that belongs to us and we will be back and we will be taking back our titles. Finally we will be taking what’s ours back and we will be sending you both to retirement homes where you belong. One more thing Road Dogg adds, Ladies and Gentleman, boy and girls, children of all ages the WWF proudly brings to you……. Your Next WWF Tag Team Champions of the World…….. Road Dogg Jesse James & Bad Ass Billy…… The New Age Outlaws!!!!!!! (D+)



Flash Funk vs Ahmed Johnson (C-)

Nothing more than a squash match for the new European Champion to show his stuff right now. Ahmed wins via the Pearl River Plunge.



Video airs highlighting the history between The Undertaker & Kane (B-)



Legion of Doom vs Samoan Swat Team (C-)

Tonight the Samoan Swat Team are making their debut in the WWF and they have a tall order against one of the most legendary teams in history. LOD wins via the Doomsday Device on Samu.



Backstage: Owen Hart is shown getting ready for his match against Ken Shamrock later tonight, when out of nowhere The Rock attacks Owen. Rocky decimates Owen who never saw the attack coming, The Rock proceeds to slam on the floor and then The Rock whipped him with his belt. Just as The Rock was going to continue some agents and other officials ran over to break things up. (B-)



Triple H vs Steve Blackman (B)

Like certain other people Hunter is trying to regain some momentum that was lost at Wrestlemania. Blackman on the other hand is looking to keep his momentum going after a solid win in a Battle Royal at Wrestlemania. Triple H wins via the Pedigree.



Undertaker makes his way to the ring and his give a microphone to speak. Undertaker begins “Last night I did something I never thought I would do and that was go head to head against my little brother Kane. But after Paul Bearer and Kane almost ended my career there was nothing else I could do but finally face my brother. Now that I have defeated my brother it is time to move to other things….. (Kane’s music begins to play but no Kane instead Paul Bearer comes from behind the curtain) (A)

Paul stands on stage and says “Dead man you really think this is over, you really thought that Wrestlemania would be the last you saw of your brother. Well you were wrong Undertaker, you were dead wrong things aren’t over between you and your brother until one of you is no longer in the WWF. I swear to you Undertaker you will regret crossing me and you will never escape your brother. Never!!!!!! (Kane’s pyro goes off in the ring but nothing, but an evil laugh from Paul Bearer) (D+)



Ken Shamrock vs Owen Hart (Draw)

This should be a good match between two solid mat wrestlers in the WWF. Owen is riding the wave off a win at Wrestlemania and so is Shamrock. Matches ends in a Double DQ when both Rocky & Jarrett interfere in the match. (C+)




1. Which team breaks up tonight? The New Blackjacks (They are in a tag match on the show)



2. Which match ends in a Draw on the card? Owen Hart vs Ken Shamrock

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WWF Monday Night Raw Preview: April Week 2



Pre-Show: Papa Shango vs Prince Albert



Marc Mero vs D'Lo Brown




Savio Vega vs William Regal




Legion of Doom vs Headbangers




Dustin Rhodes vs Bob Holly




Steve Blackman vs Blackjack Windham





Ahmed Johnson vs Rikishi Fatu





Shawn Michaels vs Taka Michinoku








Get Your Predictions in Now.

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Pre-Show: Papa Shango vs Prince Albert



Marc Mero vs D'Lo Brown




Savio Vega vs William Regal




Legion of Doom vs Headbangers




Dustin Rhodes vs Bob Holly




Steve Blackman vs Blackjack Windham





Ahmed Johnson vs Rikishi Fatu





Shawn Michaels vs Taka Michinoku


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WWF Monday Night Raw Preview: April Week 2



Pre-Show: Papa Shango vs Prince Albert



Marc Mero vs D'Lo Brown




Savio Vega vs William Regal

Comments: He's a man Such a man



Legion of Doom vs Headbangers




Dustin Rhodes vs Bob Holly




Steve Blackman vs Blackjack Windham





Ahmed Johnson vs Rikishi Fatu





Shawn Michaels vs Taka Michinoku


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WWF Monday Night Raw: April Week 2



Pre-Show: Papa Shango vs Prince Albert


The Announcers hype an Appearance from Vince McMahon and they also Steve Austin’s decision to become a corporate champion or not.


Marc Mero vs D’Lo Brown (45)

Mero looks to get back on the winning track in his first match back on Raw in quite a while. Mero wins after the Shooting Star Press.


Backstage: Steve Austin is seen making his way into the arena from the parking lot. Just as he enters the building someone out of the picture takes him out from behind knocking down the camera man in the process. This leaves the identity of the attacker unknown for now. (80)


William Regal vs Savio Vega (45)

In his official debut on WWF programming Regal will challenge WWF veteran Savio Vega. Regal wins via submission.


Backstage: Ken Shamrock is getting interviewed about his issues with Jeff Jarrett over the last few weeks. “At Wrestlemania I beat Jeff Jarrett but it was a non-title match and I haven’t gotten a title match against him for that title. Jeff, look to your mates and then look in the mirror and kiss your ass good bye.” (74)


Headbangers vs Road Warriors (59)

Showing the depth of the WWF Tag Team Division with these two teams going up against one another. Road Warriors win via Doomsday Device.


A video airs showing the history between Owen Hart and The Rock (72)


Bob Holly vs Dustin Rhodes (54)

The new and improved Dustin Rhodes working his new self under the guidance of Jim Cornette. Dustin wins via pin fall


Backstage: Barry Windham is shown talking to someone about how he screwed Bradshaw and how he never saw it coming. From out of nowhere Blackjack Bradshaw runs in and attacks Windham, before he can get many shots in a host of agents and security break them up. (36)


Barry Windham vs Steve Blackman (59)

In his first appearance under the guidance of Jim Cornette, Barry looks to make an impact. Steve Blackman wins after a distraction caused by Bradshaw.


A video airs hyping all the accomplishments of Shawn Michaels in WWF (87)


Ahmed Johnson vs Rikishi Fatu (66)

Ahmed is looking to keep the momentum going that he has mounted the last few weeks since winning the title. Ahmed wins via the Pearl River Plunge.


Backstage: Vince McMahon asks what his thoughts were on the attack of Steve Austin earlier tonight. All Vince says is “Steve Austin made a mistake and that person was obviously just giving him an opportunity to rethink his decision. That’s all I have to say about that.” (82)


Shawn Michaels makes his way to the ring grabs a microphone and says “If it I said it once I said it a thousand times, a boxer shouldn’t be in wrestling. Tyson you didn’t belong here and you don’t belong in pro-wrestling; you are the reason why I don’t have my WWF World Championship. You’re not a boxer, you are a loser, and you tried to steal my spotlight by coming were you were not wanted. Tyson, I can speak for everyone in this building when I say we don’t ever want to see you in this ring again.” (95)


Shawn Michaels vs Taka Michinoku (78)

Here is a challenge for Taka to see how the kid can do against the top guy in this one. If he does good against Shawn could mean bright things for Taka in the future. Michaels wins via the Sweet Chin Music.

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Prediction Contest Update:



1. CPBHBK (47)


2. Satyr24 (40)


3. Daulten6 (21)





Thanks to everyone who predicts on the dynasty. I just want to apologize guys I have been really busy over the last few weeks, but now that everything is slowing down hopefully I can get back on track.

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Monday Night Raw: April Week 3



Pre-Show: Brian Christopher vs Masked Assassin #1

Pre-Show: Mike Awesome vs Al Snow



Samoan Swat Team vs Barry Windham & Dustin Rhodes




Vader vs Marc Mero




William Regal vs Terry Funk





NWA North American Championship Match:

Blackjack Bradshaw vs © "Double J" Jeff Jarrett




WWF European Championship Match:

© Ahmed Johnson vs Faarooq





Steve Austin vs Ken Shamrock









1. Which match on the card ends in a Draw? (Just one does)





Get your Predictions in Now!!!!!!

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Pre-Show: Brian Christopher vs Masked Assassin #1

Pre-Show: Mike Awesome vs Al Snow


Samoan Swat Team vs Barry Windham & Dustin Rhodes




Vader vs Marc Mero




William Regal vs Terry Funk





NWA North American Championship Match:

Blackjack Bradshaw vs © "Double J" Jeff Jarrett




WWF European Championship Match:

© Ahmed Johnson vs Faarooq





Steve Austin vs Ken Shamrock


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WWF Monday Night Raw: April Week 3



Pre-Show: Masked Assian #1 vs Brian Christopher (D)

Pre-Show: Al Snow vs Mike Awesome (D)



Samoan Swat Team vs Barry Windham & Dustin Rhodes w/ Jim Cornette (D+)

With the NWA Stable finding their tag team and they look to start a wave of momentum and ride it as long as they can. Rhodes pins Samu after the Running Bulldog.


Backstage: A camera pans through the bowls of the building then they find The Undertaker. Whose asked by JR his thoughts on the statement Paul Bearer made two weeks ago on Raw. Undertaker answers “Well Paul, you got me in the ring against my brother which is something I never thought I would ever do. But now you say I will never escape my brother, and the WWF is only big enough for one monster to inhabit it and you might be right. For the last 6 months now I have had my brother try to end my career and I finished it at Wrestlemania, now it’s time to move forward.” (B)


Marc Mero vs Vader (C+)

Both men in this match have struggled to find some direction thus far this year and now maybe management kills two birds with one stone. Vader wins after a thunderous Power Bomb.


Backstage: Mankind is walking to the locker room down a hallway, but from out of nowhere The New Age Outlaws run in and attack Mankind from behind. Road Dogg rams Mankind head first into the cement wall a few times and Billy Gunn slams Mankind on the floor. Before they could do anymore damage they are pulled off by some agents not before both Outlaws get some lasting boots in on Mankind. (C+)


Backstage: Then a camera pans up to find Terry Funk completely unaware that his Tag Partner got attacked, warming up for his upcoming match. (C-)


Terry Funk vs William Regal (C-)

Talk about a clash of styles in this match between the brawler and the mat specialist. Regal wins this one off a distraction from the New Age Outlaws.


Shawn Michaels is being interviewed and is asked his thoughts on a rumored return from Mike Tyson at Unforgiven on Sunday. Shawn says “I have said it before and I will say it again some people don’t belong in a pro-wrestling ring, because not everyone can be as gifted and talented as the Heartbreak Kid. Tyson you are no different, you might be a “legend” in the boxing world but your nothing when you step between those ropes. Therefore you had no business being the referee for my World Title match at Wrestlemania; it’s because of you that I don’t have the WWF Title anymore. I don’t take to kindly to nobody’s screwing Shawn Michaels out of what is still rightfully mine. Tyson I swear you haven’t seen the last of the Heartbreak Kid.” (B+)


Steve Austin makes his way to the ring with his microphone in hand and says “This Sunday, I make my first defense with this title on the line, and Vince is trying to play mind games by not telling me my opponent. Only one problem with that Vince, which is I don’t give a damn who you put me in the ring against either way I will give them the ass kickin of their life. Vince you better get used to seeing me with this title because it’s going to be around the waist of the “Texas Rattlesnake” for a long time. And That’s the Bottom Line Cause Stone Cold Said So!!!!! (B+)


NWA North American Championship Match:

© Jeff Jarrett vs Blackjack Bradshaw (C-)

This should be nothing short of a good ole knock down drag em out brawl. Jarrett wins off a distraction from Barry Windham.


The Rock is out following the commercial and he says “Wrestlemania proved nothing, other than the fact that Owen Hart still has some good luck left. But everybody knows that Owen Hart can’t really beat The Rock and that Wrestlemania was just a fluke. Because everyone in this arena and you jabronis watching at home know that The Rock is the Greatest Intercontinental Champion. That is why The Rock is challenging that backwards, second rate family member, who’s degrading The Rock’s championship to a match This Sunday on PPV.” (C+)

Unexpectedly, Owen Hart’s music begins to play (The King says “Looks like Rock might get an answer now.”) Owen comes on the stage and has a microphone in his hand and says “Rock, though I am sick and tired of you making fun of my family the truth is you don’t deserve another shot. Honestly you should go to the back of the line, but I am feeling a little generous so I have an idea. This Sunday how about we have a #1 Contender Match to figure out who will face me for this title. You might like it but that’s the only way you get another shot against me for this championship.” (C+)


WWF European Championship:

© Ahmed Johnson vs Faarooq ©

These two probably have one of the most deep seeded histories in the WWF and they lock up tonight for the European Title. The match ends in a draw setting up a rematch at the PPV.


Backstage: Mankind and Terry Funk are seen arguing backstage about the earlier happenings between them and the New Age Outlaws. We hear Funk say “On Sunday we will kick their asses all over that building.” (B-)


Steve Austin vs Ken Shamrock (B)

Shamrock has been in limbo since January when he was the #1 Contender for the WWF title and since then hasn’t really done too much good in the ring. Austin wins via the Stunner.








The next show will be Unforgiven so get ready for the Pay-Per View Live from the Idaho Center in (North West).

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Pre-Show: Flash Funk vs © Taka Michinoku vs Brian Christopher for the Light Heavyweight Title.



Kane vs Al Snow & Bob Holly in a Handicap Match




WWF European Title Match:

© Ahmed Johnson vs Faarooq




#1 Contenders for the Tag Team Titles Four Way Dance:

The Godwins vs Road Warriors vs Headbangers vs Windham & Rhodes




WWF Tag Team Title Match:

© Hardcore Icons vs New Age Outlaws




#1 Contender to the Intercontinental Title:

Vader vs The Rock




Triple H vs ???




WWF World Title Match:

© Steve Austin vs Yokozuna







1. Which member of the current roster will accept Triple H's Open Challenge?

(hint: Upper-Midcard/Main Eventer)




2. Which Match ends in a Draw? (Only one match does)





Get Your Predictions in Now!!!

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Pre-Show: Flash Funk vs © Taka Michinoku vs Brian Christopher for the Light Heavyweight Title.



Kane vs Al Snow & Bob Holly in a Handicap Match




WWF European Title Match:

© Ahmed Johnson vs Faarooq




#1 Contenders for the Tag Team Titles Four Way Dance:

The Godwins vs Road Warriors vs Headbangers vs Windham & Rhodes




WWF Tag Team Title Match:

© Hardcore Icons vs New Age Outlaws




#1 Contender to the Intercontinental Title:

Vader vs The Rock




Triple H vs ???




WWF World Title Match:

© Steve Austin vs Yokozuna


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Pre-Show: Flash Funk vs © Taka Michinoku vs Brian Christopher for the Light Heavyweight Title.



Kane vs Al Snow & Bob Holly in a Handicap Match




WWF European Title Match:

© Ahmed Johnson vs Faarooq




#1 Contenders for the Tag Team Titles Four Way Dance:

The Godwins vs Road Warriors vs Headbangers vs Windham & Rhodes




WWF Tag Team Title Match:

© Hardcore Icons vs New Age Outlaws




#1 Contender to the Intercontinental Title:

Vader vs The Rock




Triple H vs ???




WWF World Title Match:

© Steve Austin vs Yokozuna




you forgot the bonus questions.

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Pre-Show: Flash Funk vs © Taka Michinoku vs Brian Christopher for the Light Heavyweight Title.



Kane vs Al Snow & Bob Holly in a Handicap Match




WWF European Title Match:

© Ahmed Johnson vs Faarooq




#1 Contenders for the Tag Team Titles Four Way Dance:

The Godwins vs Road Warriors vs Headbangers vs Windham & Rhodes




WWF Tag Team Title Match:

© Hardcore Icons vs New Age Outlaws




#1 Contender to the Intercontinental Title:

Vader vs The Rock




Triple H vs ???




WWF World Title Match:

© Steve Austin vs Yokozuna







1. Which member of the current roster will accept Triple H's Open Challenge?

(hint: Upper-Midcard/Main Eventer)

Ken Shamrock



2. Which Match ends in a Draw? (Only one match does) Triple H vs ???

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News Worthy




If I have learned anything from those who are apart of the wrestling business, it is that is you never lie to those who spend the time to watch or read your show. It's not so much that I have been lying but I still haven't been totally honest and since I have waited till the end of the month at least.


As of right now I am two months of ahead of where I am in the dynasty. I still can't figure it out but I so how went out of business with the WWF. So now it's time to move on and to those who followed this dynasty from January I thank you for the support and I hope you continue to support my next dynasty.



Follow the new dynasty as I try an pick up the pieces of at one point the most powerful Family in Wrestling.



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