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WCW V.S. WWF Monday Night Wars 1998-????

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Traylor & Duggan V.S. The Enforcers (Adam Pearce & C.W. Anderson)

Juventud Guerrera V.S. (Debuting) Jerry Lynn

Dave Taylor V.S. Dean Malenko

Chris Jericho V.S. Chavo Guerrero Jr

Perry Saturn V.S. Ernest Miller

Disco Inferno V.S. Rick Martel

Wrath V.S. Goldberg

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Traylor & Duggan V.S. The Enforcers (Adam Pearce & C.W. Anderson)



Juventud Guerrera V.S. (Debuting) Jerry Lynn



Dave Taylor V.S. Dean Malenko



Chris Jericho V.S. Chavo Guerrero Jr



Perry Saturn V.S. Ernest Miller



Disco Inferno V.S. Rick Martel



Wrath V.S. Goldberg


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WCW Saturday Night


1. In a match with below average in-ring action Traylor & Duggan defeat the debuting Enforcers, Adam Pearce and C.W. Anderson. When Traylor hit a Sidewalk Slam on Pearce.


2. After the Match The Faces of Fear who beat Traylor and Duggan last week, attack them. Barbarian takes care of Traylor with a tongan death grip and Meng hits a big superkick on Hacksaw that knocks him out.


3. In a match with great ring action Juventud Guerrera beat Jerry Lynn after hitting a 450 Slpash on Lynn to get the win.


4. Once the match is over Larry Zybyszko gets up from the announce table picks up a microphone and challenges Konnan at Souled Out January Sunday week 4.


5. Dean Malenko then faces Dave Taylor and in a quick match Dean Malenko defeats Taylor after a very quick roll up.


6. After the match Regal starts yelling at Taylor, Regal then slaps him and when Taylor turns to leave Chris Adams Superkicks him. Regal then does the Regal stretch as Taylor screams out in pain. Once Taylor is knocked out the Blue Bloods leave.


7. When we comeback from a commercial we see Chavo go against Chris Jericho. With this match having great competition, Chris Jericho won with the Liontamer at 7:56.


8. Once the match was complete Eddy went to the ring and after yelling at Chavo, he starts assaulting him. After the damage is done Eddy drags the hurt body of Chavo Guerrero out of the ring and to the back


9. We then see a camera backstage where Saturn and Raven start talking about how Goldberg is a beast with no direction and that Goldberg needs Raven as his direction. With Raven as his direction they can be unstoppable.


10. Saturn then goes one on one with Ernest Miller. In a lop-sided match Saturn defeated Miller with rings of Saturn.


11. Rick Martel is now backstage as the guest of Gene Okerlund, Martel responds to the words of Booker T saying “I have experience yes but honestly my generation is still riding high and once I get a shot at the TV it’ll come to the rightful owner.”


12. Disco Inferno comes to the ring and he has a women by his side. He then introduces her as “Miss Funky” (Nora Greenwald) he says she’s his dancing partner. As they dance to much boos from the crowd Rick Martel’s music plays which ends the dancing. Once the match begins Martel gets an early lead and in the end Martel beat Disco.


13. After the match Booker T comes to the head of the stage and him and Martel have a stare down as Booker raises the TV Title high in the air.


14. As the show goes on, it is now time for the Main Event Goldberg V.S. Wrath. In a very equal match Goldberg puts his streak on the line against a very worthy opponent in Wrath. Wrath put on a very hard fought battle but Goldberg came out victorious after a Spear and a Jackhammer. As Saturday Night ends


Quick Results:


Traylor & Duggan def. The Enforcers


Juventud Guerrera def. Jerry Lynn


Dean Malenko def. Dave Taylor


Chris Jericho def. Chavo Guerrero Jr


Saturn def. Ernest Miller


Rick Martel def. Disco Inferno


Goldberg def. Wrath

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Starting off the show, Farrooq and Steve Blackman trade insults and agree to a match later tonight.


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Ahmed Johnson defeated Kama Mustafa in 6:45 following a spinebuster. (59)


In a match that had solid in ring action but non existent crowd heat, The New Blackjacks defeated 8-Ball and Chainz in 7:49 following Bradshaw hitting a powerbomb on Chainz. 46


Backstage, Rock insulted Farrooq while "encouraging" him for his match tonight, telling him to show Blackman what "The Rock taught him Jabroni" (84)


Backstage, Michael Cole interviewed Steve Blackman on his match later tonight, who said that the Lethal Weapon will destroy Farrooq tonight! (29)


In a very short short match, Kurrgan defeated Bob Holly in 2:31 following the Claw. (32)


After the match, Kurgann continued to beat down Bob Holly. (30)


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Farrooq defeated Steve Blackman in 6:24 following the dominator. (53)


After the match, the Nation of Domination celebrated together to close the show. (57)


Overall grade: 62



Quick Results:

Ahmed Johnson defeated Kama Mustafa


The New Blackjacks defeated 8-Ball and Chainz


Kurrgan defeated Bob Holly


Farrooq defeated Steve Blackman

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WCW Monday Nitro preview


• Kevin Nash and Scott Hall after seemingly leaving the NWO after that new member that is yet to be revealed cost both of them there matches. We look to catch a word with both Outsiders on WCW Nitro Monday. Also with them being kicked out who knows if anyone inside the NWO will be upset about this. As the tensions in the NWO rise one has to wonder how much longer they’ll be here.


• Last week WCW President JJ Dillon said that when someone is picked to be the poison of Scott Hall or Randy Savage that they must face them. The Giant did not face Macho Man when Hall requested and therefore JJ Dillon will be dealing out a proper punishment to the Giant which he announced a few days ago.


• Sting has some mistrust against his best friend and his World Title challenger at Souled Out Lex Luger, after He thought Lex hit him with a baseball bat last week. On Nitro we’ll be able to see how strong the mistrust is as Luger and Sting will team up against the team of Hollywood Hogan and Randy Savage.



• This week on Nitro we will also see the United States Champion Diamond Dallas Page in action against the beast called Wrath. Will the Nature Boy Ric Flair who is number one contender for the U.S. Title try to get involved to get payback for DDP Diamond Cuttering him last week on Pipers Pit?


Confirmed Show


Rey Mysterio Jr & Chris Jericho V.S. Eddy Guerrero & Chavo Guerrero



Rick Martel & ??? V.S. Booker T & Barry Darsow



Scott Norton V.S. Marty Janetty



Rick Steiner V.S Scott Hall



Wrath V.S. DDP



Hollywood Hogan and Randy Savage V.S. Sting and Lex Luger




Bonus Question:


Who is Rick Martels Partner?



Comments on last weeks Nitro:

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Rey Mysterio Jr & Chris Jericho V.S. Eddy Guerrero & Chavo Guerrero

Comments Lie Cheat Steal


Rick Martel & ??? V.S. Booker T & Barry Darsow



Scott Norton V.S. Marty Janetty



Rick Steiner V.S Scott Hall



Wrath V.S. DDP



Hollywood Hogan and Randy Savage V.S. Sting and Lex Luger




Bonus Question:


Who is Rick Martels Partner? Goldberg



Comments on last weeks Nitro:

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Rey Mysterio Jr & Chris Jericho V.S. Eddy Guerrero & Chavo Guerrero



Rick Martel & ??? V.S. Booker T & Barry Darsow



Scott Norton V.S. Marty Janetty



Rick Steiner V.S Scott Hall



Wrath V.S. DDP



Hollywood Hogan and Randy Savage V.S. Sting and Lex Luger




Bonus Question:


Who is Rick Martels Partner? Goldberg

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WWF Monday Night Raw Preview

Week 3



  • Shawn Michaels and the rest of D-Generation X have announced that Shawn will finally make a statement regarding the vicious beatdown he will received from the monster Kane. What will the WWF Champion have to say? Find out on Raw!
  • Following last weeks announcement regarding the Light Heavyweight Tournament, Vince McMahon has said that one member of it will be revealed tonight. It's said that this wrestler is a top international star.
  • Shamrock says he is tired of being sneak attacked by the Rock, so he challenged the leader of the Rock's faction, Farooq in the Nation of Domination in 1 on 1 action tonight! Who will come out on top, and will the Intercontinental Champ get involved in the match?


Confirmed Card:


Savio Vega vs Ahmed Johnson


Ken Shamrock vs Farrooq w/ The Nation of Domination


The New Blackjacks vs the New Age Outlaws


Marc Mero vs Owen Hart


Jeff Jarrett vs Hawk


The Rock vs Cactus Jack




Bonus Questions:


Who will be the first announced wrestler in the Light Heavyweight Tournament?


What will be MOTN?


What will be the worst match of the night?



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Savio Vega vs Ahmed Johnson


Ken Shamrock vs Farrooq w/ The Nation of Domination


The New Blackjacks vs the New Age Outlaws


Marc Mero vs Owen Hart


Jeff Jarrett vs Hawk


The Rock vs Cactus Jack




Bonus Questions:


Who will be the first announced wrestler in the Light Heavyweight Tournament? Jushin THUNDER Liger


What will be MOTN? The Rock vs Cactus Jack


What will be the worst match of the night? Savio Vega vs Ahmed Johnson

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Savio Vega vs Ahmed Johnson


Ken Shamrock vs Farrooq w/ The Nation of Domination


The New Blackjacks vs the New Age Outlaws


Marc Mero vs Owen Hart


Jeff Jarrett vs Hawk


The Rock vs Cactus Jack




Bonus Questions:


Who will be the first announced wrestler in the Light Heavyweight Tournament? TAKA


What will be MOTN? The Rock vs Cactus Jack


What will be the worst match of the night? Savio Vega Vs Ahmed Johnson

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Rey Mysterio Jr & Chris Jericho V.S. Eddy Guerrero & Chavo Guerrero

Comments: Guerreros unite!


Rick Martel & ??? V.S. Booker T & Barry Darsow

Comments: I'm crossing my fingers for Chico!


Scott Norton V.S. Marty Janetty

Comments: I predict pain.


Rick Steiner V.S Scott Hall

Comments: Rick is a JTTS when not allied with Scott.


Wrath V.S. DDP

Comments: Wrath wasn't on his way up until a year later. Page rolls over the stalled monster.


Hollywood Hogan and Randy Savage V.S. Sting and Lex Luger

Comments: Sting and Lex should both stay strong here.


Bonus Question:

Who is Rick Martels Partner? Tito Santana!




Savio Vega vs Ahmed Johnson

Ken Shamrock vs Farrooq w/ The Nation of Domination

The New Blackjacks vs the New Age Outlaws

Marc Mero vs Owen Hart

Jeff Jarrett vs Hawk

The Rock vs Cactus Jack

Ahmed and Shamrock can still be potential players in 98, if saved from the mediocrity they experienced eventually. I don't see many teams beating the Outlaws on their way up the ladder. Owen and Aztec Jarrett are a much bigger players than Mero and Hawk at this point, and Rocky over Jack I say mostly to give him some major bragging over Faarooq for not winning his match.


Bonus Questions:

Who will be the first announced wrestler in the Light Heavyweight Tournament? Taka.

What will be MOTN? I'm going with Mero vs Hart.

What will be the worst match of the night? JJ vs Hawk.

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Confirmed Card:


Savio Vega vs Ahmed Johnson


Ken Shamrock vs Farrooq w/ The Nation of Domination


The New Blackjacks vs the New Age Outlaws


Marc Mero vs Owen Hart


Jeff Jarrett vs Hawk


The Rock vs Cactus Jack




Bonus Questions:


Who will be the first announced wrestler in the Light Heavyweight Tournament? Taka


What will be MOTN? Main event


What will be the worst match of the night? opening match

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WCW Nitro Pre-Show


Jackie Moore V.S. Miss Funky w/ Disco Inferno


In a match with below average in-ring action and dead heat Jackie Moore picked up a win over Miss Funky after a Tornado DDT.


Rated 28


The Public Enemy V.S. Ultimo Dragon & Super Calo


The Public Enemy had the experience advantage over Calo and Dragon, but both Calo and Dragon still showed great chemistry as a team. This led to a victory by the cruiserweights after Dragon hit the Asai DDT on Rocco Rock.


Rated 48


Nitro and Raw will be up today or tomorrow.

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