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WWF 2001: Diary Of A Madman

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"Then its official, we will be doing as need be to make this the absolute best we possibly can - no matter WHAT the cost. But let me be the first to fore-warn you: should this venture say.... Not turn out as planned, its on your ass Mr. Russo!"


With the recent monumental plummeting of the XFL, the last thing Vince McMahon needed was to buy out the AOL-Time Warner contracts of certain World Championship Wrestling mega-stars (such as Sting, Hogan and Goldberg) only to have it blow up in his face in any way, shape or form. He knew dealing with the likes of such talent would bring many more headaches and many more sleepless nights. He also knew however, that if he could keep them in check and things went as planned; he could have stumbled upon the single biggest angle in pro-wrestling history. And what filthy rich, self-righteous businessman could ever turn away from an opportunity such as this? Surely not this one, following a tad-bit of mind-altering swerving from Mr. Russo of course.


"Trust me boss, you wont regret this," he stated.


So there it is. The ever-so-dangerous McMahon/Russo tandem was back! Only this time, they had the entire industry in the palm their hands. With endless possibilities in sight, Vince Russo would immediately begin making calls, planning meetings and brainstorming like a madman. And here you have it: The Diary Of A Madman.



To be continued....

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"Greetings Mr. Russo, so nice of you to join us. And before we get started, lets acknowledge the elephant in the room first shall we? As both the owner of this great company AND a financially... well, 'stable' man to say the least, I've decided to open my mind up to a myriad of extravagant things in the near future. Especially, those that involve my recent purchase of World Championship Wrestling. However, please make no mistake about it, your good buddy Jeff Jarrett is NOT one of them," Mr. McMahon said firmly, whilst seated at the head of the board table.


Also in the room were quite a few agents and hands, but the only ones I felt posed any kind of threat were Vince (naturally), his son Shane, his daughter Stephanie, his two glorified lackeys; Patterson and Brisco (not that I was intimidated by either one of these two persay, but as previously stated: they were the boss's coffee runners, therefore I knew well enough to tread lightly... for the time being at least). And finally, much to my surprise, the man known on-screen as Triple H... but off-screen simply as Paul. Now I'd heard the swarming rumors like everyone else in the business throughout my tenure in WCW, but this was the first time I'd actually seen it with my own two eyes... and it was as real as can be. Stephanie and Paul, together. And not only were they an item both on and off camera, but the man already had a place at the table. I repeat, THE table.


"Yes sir, I figured as much. And trust me, I've long since learned from personal experience never to mesh good friendships with hard business. Albeit one helluva talent... you have my word that his name will never be mentioned here again. Well, not from my mouth anyway."


Vince nodded in approval, as did Triple H. Vince had then told Gerald Brisco to roll the footage. There was a television set up in the corner of the room on a wheeled-in stand, which still had a VHS player set up underneath. No one had ever accused him of being hip to the times though. After all, the man was still using the Hillbilly Jim gimmick in 1996 with Henry Godwinn. And the garbage man. And the plumber. Etc etc etc. Be that as it may, what was played for the room was nothing I hadn't seen before... but in hindsight it was just Vince being Vince, taking a small dig at first... then emphasizing his point towards me obnoxiously for all to see...



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"Funny guy you are, boss... funny guy."


After all the dust cleared, and by 'dust' I mean the 3rd grade laughing outburst by all, most of whom just faked through to please the hierarchy, we got straight to business.


Sidenote: One thing I did so-happen to notice at this point that Vince's own son Shane was one of the many that seemed to be putting on a fake laugh, while Triple H, his daughters boyfriend, had been the only one who legitimately seemed amused by his sick, childlike humor. Either that... or he was plain and simply a damn good actor.


Without giving too much detail away, we went on to discuss the ensuing WCW INVASION that was about to occur, assuming we can get our hands on the vast majority of the big stars that the company had to offer.


Triple H pushed for his nWo buddies and long-time friend, Diamond Dallas Page. Patterson and Brisco pushed for the franchise players, such as Sting and Flair. Shane pushed for quite a few as well, but specifically Booker T... which naturally, I had no qualms with whatsoever.


The look on Vince's face however, remained ice-cold throughout.


The only thing I knew for sure was that I somehow had to break the news to my dear friend Jeff that unless a small miracle were to occur, it was quite apparent that it wasn't gonna happen.



To be continued....

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That being said, we did have a live show to put on tonight in which I myself had very little input into, having just been re-hired. I did however, throw out a few ideas off the top of my head later on in that board meeting; some of which stuck and some of which didn't.


Fresh of the Backlash pay-per view, allow me to fill you in on some of the company info you just may be pondering about...








WWF Backlash 2001


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/ac0K4gARH-4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Last Night's Results From Rosemont, Illinois:



Sunday Night Heat


- Jerry Lynn def. Crash Holly © to WIN the WWF Light Heavyweight Championship.


- Lita def. Molly Holly



WWF Backlash 2001


- X-Factor (X-Pac, Justin Credible & Albert) def. The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray, D-Von & Spike) in a Six-man tag team match.


- Rhyno © def. Raven in a Hardcore match to RETAIN the WWF Hardcore Championship.


- William Regal def. Chris Jericho in a Duchess of Queensbury Rules match.


- Chris Benoit def. Kurt Angle in an Ultimate Submission match.


- Shane McMahon def. The Big Show in a Last Man Standing match.


- Matt Hardy © def. Christian and Eddie Guerrero in a Triple Threat match to RETAIN the WWF European Championship.


- The Two-Man Power Trip (WWF Champion Steve Austin & Intercontinental Champion Triple H) (with Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley) def. Tag Team Champions, The Brothers Of Destruction (The Undertaker & Kane) in a Winner Take All tag team match for the WWF World Heavyweight, Intercontinental and Tag Team Championships.






World Wrestling Federation: Roll Call Of Champions










WWF World Heavyweight Champion:





"Stone Cold" Steve Austin


Date Won: April 1, 2001

Won From: The Rock

Event: WrestleMania XVII

Location: Houston, Texas











WWF Intercontinental Champion:





"The Game" Triple H


Date Won: April 16, 2001

Won From: Jeff Hardy

Event: Raw is War

Location: Knoxville, Tennessee











WWF European Champion:





Matt Hardy


Date Won: April 24, 2001

Won From: Eddie Guerrero

Event: SmackDown!

Location: Denver, Colorado











WWF World Tag Team Champions:





The Two-Man Power Trip

"Stone Cold" Steve Austin & "The Game" Triple H


Date Won: April 29, 2001

Won From: The Brothers Of Destruction (The Undertaker & Kane)

Event: Backlash

Location: Rosemont, Illinois











WWF Hardcore Champion:





"The Man Beast" Rhyno


Date Won: April 17, 2001

Won From: Kane

Event: SmackDown!

Location: Nashville, Tennessee










WWF Light Heavyweight Champion:





"The Dynamic" Jerry Lynn


Date Won: April 29, 2001

Won From: Crash Holly

Event: Sunday Night Heat

Location: Rosemont, Illinois









WWF Women's Champion:




"The 9th Wonder Of The World" Chyna


Date Won: April 1, 2001

Won From: Ivory

Event: WrestleMania XVII

Location: Houston, Texas

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World Wrestling Federation: Active Roster

As of April 30th, 2001.













Main Eventers


"Y2J" Chris Jericho

"The Big Red Machine" Kane

"Your Olympic Hero" Kurt Angle

"Stone Cold" Steve Austin WWF World Heavyweight Champion. WWF World Tag Team Champion.

"The World's Largest Athlete" The Big Show

"The Great One" The Rock

"The American Badass" The Undertaker

"The Game" Triple H WWF Intercontinental Champion. WWF World Tag Team Champion.






Upper Midcarders:



"The Rabid Wolverine" Chris Benoit


"Latino Heat" Eddie Guerrero


Jeff Hardy

Matt Hardy WWF European Champion.


"The Man Beast" Rhyno WWF Hardcore Champion.









Al Snow


"The One" Billy Gunn

Bubba Ray Dudley

"The Ice" Man Dean Malenko

D-Von Dudley


Perry Saturn

The Goodfather

Val Venis

William Regal







Lower Midcarders:


Crash Holly

Grand Master Sexay

Hardcore Holly

Justin Credible


"The Lethal Weapon" Steve Blackman

Steven Richards








"The Dynamic" Jerry Lynn WWF Light Heavyweight Champion.

Spike Dudley






Enhancement Talent:


Bull Buchanan

Sho Funaki

TAKA Michinoku






Women's Division:


"The 9th Wonder Of The World" Chyna WWF Women's Champion.



"Queen Extreme" Lita

Molly Holly

Trish Stratus






Occasional Wrestlers:


"The Face Of Terror" Haku

The Brooklyn Brawler








Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley







Tag Teams:


Edge & Christian - Edge and Christian.

Kaientai - TAKA Michinoku and Sho Funaki.

Suppley & Demand - The Goodfather and Val Venis.

The A.P.A. - Bradshaw and Faarooq.

The Brothers Of Destruction - The Undertaker and Kane.

The Dudley Boyz - D-Von Dudley and Bubba Ray Dudley.

The Goodfather & Bull Buchanan - The Goodfather and Bull Buchanan.

The Hardy Boyz - Jeff Hardy and Matt Hardy.

The Hollys - Hardcore Holly and Crash Holly.

The Two-Man Power Trip - Steve Austin and Triple H.

X-Factor - X-Pac and Justin Credible.








Team Xtreme - Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy and Lita.

Team RECK - Rhyno, Edge, Christian and Kurt Angle.

The Radicalz - Eddie Guerrero, Perry Saturn and Dean Malenko.

The Right To Censor - Steven Richards, Val Venis, The Goodfather, Bull Buchanan and Ivory.

X-Factor - X-Pac, Justin Credible and Albert.

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"You may be wondering exactly whats going on in the world of wrestling, so allow me to fill you in.


Consider this your official background summary/Raw is War preview."



- On the March 26th, 2001 edition of Raw is War, it was announced via split-feed segment that Vince McMahon had purchased World Championship Wrestling. He went on to state that a mere six days later at WrestleMania X-Seven (live on pay-per-view), he would put the official stamp of approval on it. But a short while there-after, his own son Shane appeared on Nitro... only to inform his father that he had finalized the deal himself, and it was SHANE McMahon who now owned World Championship Wrestling, not Vince. However, up to this point; no official announcement had been made on its fate, or anything surrounding it.


- Not only did "Stone Cold" Steve Austin defeat The Rock for the WWF World Heavyweight Championship at WrestleMania X-Seven, but he'd also done the unthinkable and aligned himself with demonic long-time nemesis, Mr. McMahon! Upon turning his back on the masses, the duo then proceeded to join forces with the World Wrestling Federation's own studded power couple, Triple H and Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley. The two mega-stars (now known simply as The Two-Man Power Trip) are doing nothing less than SHREDDING through the competition here in the World Wrestling Federation, as they are currently in possession of all major titles, with Austin holding the World... Triple H holding the IC... and the two fresh off their HUGE win at Backlash just last night over The Brothers Of Destruction, in the Winner-Take-All tag match... where they captured the Tag Team Titles as well! Needless to say, Kane and The Undertaker are none-too-thrilled and have vowed they shall seek vengeance right here tonight!


- Elsewhere, both Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit seem to be outright obsessed with just who exactly is the best pure-wrestler in the business today. Last night at Backlash, they went toe-to-toe in an Ultimate Submission match, in which 'The Rabid Wolverine' prevailed... but not without a plethora of surrounding controversy. With time ticking away and the score all nodded up at three a piece, Angle had the Ankle Lock synched in tight; victory well in-hand... but it wouldn't be until a mere MILLI-SECOND after the final buzzer that Benoit would eventually tap. Furthermore, this would force not only a break of the hold, but also a short breather followed by a sudden death over-time period! In over-time, it would be Chris hooking the Cross Face, virtually outta nowhere, leaving Angle with no choice but to submit! Kurt himself however, seems to be singing to a different tune, claiming on a local radio station interview earlier today that in a TRUE Olympic Ultimate Submission match, the rules state clearly that sudden death begins IMMEDIATELY after regulation, in which case he defeated Benoit, being Benoit had tapped. Not vice-versa.


- Also, "Y2J" Chris Jericho has been a big-time thorn in the side of WWF Commissioner, William Regal as of late. But on the other hand, its been Regal throughout this raging conflict who's been using every last ounce of his corporate power to make Jericho's life a living hell! Doing such dastardly things as pitting him in handicapped matches against the likes of: himself and Kurt Angle, the entire Right To Censor, and even against The Dudley Boyz (in a Tables match, naturally) to name a few. Some would even argue that Regal was solely responsible for his most recent Intercontinental Title run coming to a crashing halt. Even just last night, in the Duchess Of Queensbury Rules match, where every time Jericho would score the fall, the rules would miraculously change until finally... following multiple chair shots... The Commissioner would be the one to reign supreme. That being said, both men will be under the same roof tonight, and Y2J has guaran-damn-teed that this one is far from over!


- In other news, rounding things up elsewhere; this past week on SmackDown!, Matt Hardy became the NEW WWF European Champion when thanks to his girlfriend Lita, he was able to put away former champ, Eddie Guerrero. But for some odd reason, the Latino Love Machine has been acting awfully nice towards all of Team Xtreme. Could he truly be being sincere? Or is it all part of the master-plan, spawning from whatever his personal agenda could really be? "The Man Beast" Rhyno has been running roughshod over the Hardcore division as of late, decimating everyone and everything in his path. Can anyone in the business today actually lay to waste the final ECW Champion? Only time will tell...


- Newcomer Jerry Lynn captured the Light Heavyweight Title on last nights edition of Sunday Night Heat from Crash Holly, just prior to the pay-per-view extravaganza and Chyna rules in the land of the she-wolves as of late, claiming that the current line of competition is nothing to write home about. She ended the near five-month reign of Ivory at this years WrestleMania and in her own words; has been "kinda bored" ever since. Now I dont know about you guys, but that sounds a lot to me like an open challenge of sorts!


- And finally, rumor has it that neither Shane McMahon nor The Big Show will be in attendance at The Palace tonight due to the magnitude of injury sustained by each last night, following their Last Man Standing match, in which (much to everyone's surprise) Shane triumphed, thanks to his good buddy Test... and a near sixty-foot suicide dive off the titan-tron!


- Big news on The Rock tonight as well, who was abruptly suspended by The Chairman himself, shortly following WrestleMania X-Seven!










Live from The Palace Of Auburn Hills in Auburn Hills, Michigan

April 30th, 2001



Quick Picks:


WWF European Championship:

Edge Vs. Matt Hardy ©


X-Pac Vs. Spike Dudley


WWF Hardcore Championship:

Hardcore Match

Al Snow Vs. "The Man Beast" Rhyno ©


The Hollys (Hardcore Holly and Crash Holly) Vs. The A.P.A. (Bradshaw and Faarooq)


"Your Olympic Hero" Kurt Angle Vs. "Y2J" Chris Jericho


WWF World Heavyweight Championship:

"The American Badass" The Undertaker Vs. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin ©

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WWF European Championship:

Edge Vs. Matt Hardy ©


X-Pac Vs. Spike Dudley


WWF Hardcore Championship:

Hardcore Match

Al Snow Vs. "The Man Beast" Rhyno ©


The Hollys (Hardcore Holly and Crash Holly) Vs. The A.P.A. (Bradshaw and Faarooq)


"Your Olympic Hero" Kurt Angle Vs. "Y2J" Chris Jericho


WWF World Heavyweight Championship:

"The American Badass" The Undertaker Vs. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin©


Liking the build up so far, good write ups.

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WWF European Championship

Edge vs Matt Hardy ©


X-Pac vs Spike Dudley


WWF Hardcore Championship

Hardcore Match

Al Snow vs "The Man Beast" Rhino ©


The Hollys (Hardcore Holly & Crash Holly) vs APA (Bradshaw & Farooq)


"Your Olympic Hero" Kurt Angle vs "Y2J" Chris Jericho


WWF World Heavyweight Championship

"The American Badass" The Undertaker vs "Stone Cold" Steve Austin ©


I like where this is going!

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WWF European Championship:

Edge Vs. Matt Hardy ©


X-Pac Vs. Spike Dudley


WWF Hardcore Championship:

Hardcore Match

Al Snow Vs. "The Man Beast" Rhyno ©


The Hollys (Hardcore Holly and Crash Holly) Vs. The A.P.A. (Bradshaw and Faarooq)


"Your Olympic Hero" Kurt Angle Vs. "Y2J" Chris Jericho


WWF World Heavyweight Championship:

"The American Badass" The Undertaker Vs. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin ©

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WWF European Championship:

Edge Vs. Matt Hardy ©


X-Pac Vs. Spike Dudley


WWF Hardcore Championship:

Hardcore Match

Al Snow Vs. "The Man Beast" Rhyno ©

The Hollys (Hardcore Holly and Crash Holly) Vs. The A.P.A. (Bradshaw and Faarooq)


"Your Olympic Hero" Kurt Angle Vs. "Y2J" Chris Jericho


WWF World Heavyweight Championship:

"The American Badass" The Undertaker Vs. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin ©

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WWF European Championship:

Edge Vs. Matt Hardy ©


X-Pac Vs. Spike Dudley


WWF Hardcore Championship:

Hardcore Match

Al Snow Vs. "The Man Beast" Rhyno ©


The Hollys (Hardcore Holly and Crash Holly) Vs. The A.P.A. (Bradshaw and Faarooq)


"Your Olympic Hero" Kurt Angle Vs. "Y2J" Chris Jericho


WWF World Heavyweight Championship:

"The American Badass" The Undertaker Vs. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin ©

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WWF European Championship:

Edge Vs. Matt Hardy ©


X-Pac Vs. Spike Dudley


WWF Hardcore Championship:

Hardcore Match

Al Snow Vs. "The Man Beast" Rhyno ©


The Hollys (Hardcore Holly and Crash Holly) Vs. The A.P.A. (Bradshaw and Faarooq)


"Your Olympic Hero" Kurt Angle Vs. "Y2J" Chris Jericho

WWF World Heavyweight Championship:

"The American Badass" The Undertaker Vs. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin ©

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Liking the build up so far, good write ups.


I like where this is going!


Thanks a bunch guys. I think I have some pretty wild shit in store for this one, and hopefully I do justice to what we all had hoped the InVasion angle coulda been.


Just to let everyone know: I will be running some kind of prediction contest, in which I'll post as soon as I iron out all the logistics and what not. Should be out sometime before the show's posted.


Big thanks to all who have predicted so far!

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