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WCW 1996: The Last Ride of The Cowboy

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WCW 1996: The Last Ride of The Cowboy


Welcome to my latest attempt at a WCW dynasty. Some of what you read will be taken from the opening of my Cowboys Never Say Die dynasty, but mostly just the opening. If you haven't guessed by the title of the dynasty the main premise is Bill Watts has once again been given control of WCW as Ted Turner was not pleased with the proposed direction Eric Bischoff wished to take WCW. I am using the brilliant Burning Hamster 1996 Mod and Bill Watts is my avatar and WCW owner. As Bill Watts is a controversial figure in wrestling many events will begin to differ from true history due to his unique approach to the business and people's reactions to them.

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The 10 Commandments


Bill Watts


1: Thou shall keep Kayfabe!

(Any incident reports that can hurt the business will be dealt with in a sever manner!)


2: Thou art in a wrestling company!

(No Spot monkeys/pyschopaths/MMA crossovers)


3: Thou shall not be coddled!

(All incidents will receive stern warning or higher response)


4: Thou shall make it look good!

(No matches will be scripted on A shows or events)


5: Thou are not bigger than the business!

(No one gets creative control)


6: Thou are not special!

(Anyone who refuses to "job" will sit out the show)


7: Thou shall respect tradition!

(no edgy/offensive/sexual/graphic content)


8: Thou shall make it count!

(Special matches are for special occasions)


9: Thou art a hero or a villain but not both!

(Faces are good, heels are bad, no tweeners)


10: Thou are here to work!

(No one is hired/fired based on friendship status)

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WCW Roster as of May 1st 1996 {Blue = Face Red = heel}




Alex Wright

Arn Anderson Member of the 4 Horsemen

Big Bubba Rogers

Billy Kidman

Bobby Walker

Booker T ½ of Harlem Heat, managed by Sister Sherri

Brian Knobbs ½ of The Nasty Boys

Bunkhouse Buck ½ of Bunkhouse Buck & Dirty Dick, managed by Co. Rob Parker

Chris BenoitMember of The 4 Horsemen, ½ of Benoit & Malenko, managed by Woman

Chris Kanyon ½ of Men at Work


Dean Malenko ½ of Benoit & Malenko

Diamond Dallas Page

Dick Slater ½ of Bunkhouse Buck & Dirty Dick

Disco Inferno

Earl Rober Eaton 1/3 of The Blue Bloods

Eddy Guerrero

El Gato

Evad Sullivan

Hugh Morris Member of The Dungeon of Doom, managed by Jimmy Hart

Hulk Hogan

Ice Train ½ of Fire & Ice, managed by Teddy Long

Jerry Saggs ½ of The Nasty Boys

Jim Duggan

Joey Maggs

Johnny Grunge ½ of Public Enemy

Jushin Thunder Liger managed by Sonny Onoo

Kevin Nash ½ of The Outsiders

Kevin Sullivan Leader of The Dungeon of Doom, managed by Jimmy Hart


Kurasawa managed by Sonny Onoo

Lex Luger

Lord Steven Regal 1/3 of The Blue Bloods

Lt. James Earl ½ of The State Patrol

Maj. Craig Pittman

Marcus Bagwell ½ of The American Males

Mark Starr ½ of Men at Work

Meng Member of The Dungeon of Doom, ½ of The Faces of Fear, managed by Jimmy Hart

Mr. JL

Paul Orndorff

Prince Iaukea

Randy Savage

Ric Flair Member of The 4 Horsemen, managed by Elizabeth

Rick Steiner ½ of the Steiner Brothers

Road Warrior Animal ½ of The Road Warriors

Road Warrior Hawk ½ of The Road Warriors

Rocco Rock ½ of Public Enemy

Scott Hall ½ of The Outsiders

Scott Norton ½ of Fire & Ice

Scott Steiner 1'2 of the Steiner Brothers

Scotty Riggs ½ of The American Males

Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker ½ of the State Patrol

Shark Member of the Dungeon of Doom, managed by Jimmy Hart

1/3 of The Blue Bloods

Steve Doll

Steve McMichael managed by Debra McMichael

Stevie Ray ½ of Harlem Heat, maaged by Sister Sherri

The Barbarian Member of the Dungeon of Doom, ½ of The Faces of Fear, managed by Jimmy Hart

The Booty Man managed by The Booty Babe

The Gambler

The Giant

The Mauler

The Renegade managed by Madusa

V. K. Wallstreet


Tag Teams


American Males

Benoit & Malenko

Bunkhouse Buck & Dirty Dick

Fire & Ice

Harlem Heat

Luger & Sting

Men at Work

Nasty Boys

Public Enemy

Road Warriors

State Patrol

Steiner Brothers

The Blue Bloods

The Faces of Fear

The Outsiders




The Dungeon of Doom

The Four Horsemen




Bobby Heenan, Eric Bischoff, Mike Tenay, and Tony Schiavone


Authority Figures/Personalities


Bill Watts, Chris Cruise, Dusty Rhodes, Gene Okerlund, Larry Zbyszko and Lee Marshall

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WCW Championship Roll Call


WCW World Heavyweight Championship


Current Champion:

The Giant


Past Champions in this dynasty:


WCW World Tag Team Championship


Current Champions:

Lex Luger & Sting


Past Champions in this dynasty:


WCW US Championship


Current Champion:



Past Champions in this dynasty:


WCW World TV Championship


Current Champion:

Lex Luger


Past Champions in this dynasty:

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WCW Presents Monday Night Nitro for Week 1 of May 1996


Eddy Guerrero VS Jushin Thunder Liger

Nasty Boys VS The Faces of Fear

Diamond Dallas Page VS Jim Duggan

Bunkhouse Buck & Dirty Dick VS Lex Luger & Sting

Randy Savage VS V. K. Wallstreet


Bill Watts speaks out on the New Era in WCW

The Giant reveals his new manager

We hear from Hulk Hogan

and so much more!


Super Fun Time Prediction Sheet


Eddy Guerrero VS Jushin Thunder Liger



Nasty Boys VS The Faces of Fear



Diamond Dallas Page VS Jim Duggan



Bunkhouse Buck & Dirty Dick VS Lex Luger & Sting



Randy Savage VS V. K. Wallstreet


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Eddy Guerrero VS Jushin Thunder Liger



Nasty Boys VS The Faces of Fear



Diamond Dallas Page VS Jim Duggan



Bunkhouse Buck & Dirty Dick VS Lex Luger & Sting



Randy Savage VS V. K. Wallstreet


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Super Fun Time Prediction Sheet

Eddy Guerrero VS Jushin Thunder Liger

Comment: Love Liger, but Eddie is your best bet here.


Nasty Boys VS The Faces of Fear

Comment: With lots of collusion!


Diamond Dallas Page VS Jim Duggan

Comment: Time to build.


Bunkhouse Buck & Dirty Dick VS Lex Luger & Sting

Comment: ...Come on.


Randy Savage VS V. K. Wallstreet

Comment: Again... Come on.

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I really don't feel the need to comment on these, as all of them are fairly straightforward. I am however interested to see where you (a.k.a. Watts) takes WCW here.


Eddy Guerrero VS Jushin Thunder Liger



Nasty Boys VS The Faces of Fear



Diamond Dallas Page VS Jim Duggan



Bunkhouse Buck & Dirty Dick VS Lex Luger & Sting



Randy Savage VS V. K. Wallstreet


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With those rules...well, that roster will get trimmed soon enough. :D


Eddy Guerrero VS Jushin Thunder Liger

Nasty Boys VS The Faces of Fear

Diamond Dallas Page VS Jim Duggan

Bunkhouse Buck & Dirty Dick VS Lex Luger & Sting

Randy Savage VS V. K. Wallstreet

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I almost forgot to post this, but here are the storyline recaps which will lead into the first Nitro under Watts, which will be posted up shortly.



World Title Quest


The current WCW World Heavyweight Champion The Giant has recently broken away from the Dungeon of Doom after Kevin Sullivan's ringside brawl with Chris Benoit cost him a match against Randy Savage. Savage used this win as leverage to get himself named Number 1 contender to the World Heavyweight Championship. The Giant responded with a promise to end Savage's title hopes as well as his career. Despite being the champion, The Giant's youth and inexperience has made him the underdog in many people's eyes, but he vows to change this when he introduces his new manager on Monday Nitro.


The WCW US Title belongs to America!


After winning the WCW US Championship from One Man Gang in January, Konnan has taken on all challengers, however Diamond Dallas Page has expressed anger toward the fact a foreign wrestler holds the US title. Several times Page has demanded a US title shot but the WCW Championship committee has yet to grant him such an opportunity.


Look into the Faces of Fear!


Sting and Lex Luger are the reigning WCW World Tag Tem Champions and have defended the belts against several big name teams such as the Road Warriors. However the biggest threat the duo faces is the newly dubbed Faces of Fear team of The Barbarian and Meng who won a number 1 contender battle royal at last week's Monday Nitro.


TV Title 3way


Lex Luger won the TV title from Johnny B. Badd on March 6, but he has yet to defend the title on WCW TV. The Championship committee has threatened to strip Luger of the title if he fails to defend it within the next 2 weeks. Meanwhile, both Eddy Gurerrero and Lord Steven Regal have expressed interest in facing Luger for the title with neither man being named number 1 contender as of yet.


3 Horsemen?


After Brian Pillman left WCW the Horsemen were reduced from the standard 4 down to just 3, however none of the member of the Horsemen have expressed any interest in adding a 4th member to the group. Despite this many fans and wrestling columnist believe a 4th member will eventually emerge with candidates ranging from Chris Benoit's tag partner Dean Malenko to Ric Flair's old friend Roddy Piper. Whoever they get to join the group will have a huge legacy to live up to.


Over a Woman!


Recently Chris Benoit and Kevin Sullivan have been engaging in several wild brawls throughout the arenas WCW has been in. Early reports are that Sullivan has taken exception to Benoit's treatment of Benoit's valet Woman, but no one has any idea why this is a concern of Sullivan's. Whatever the reason for Sullivan's involvement, it has already cost him 1 member of the Dungeon of Doom and if things continue it could be the end of the group he brought together to destroy Hulk Hogan.

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WCW Presents Monday Night Nitro for Week 1 of May 1996

Live from the Myriad Convention Center in front of 14,811 fans!

With your WCW Announcers Eric Bischoff, Mike Tenay, and Bobby Heenan


Here comes The Cowboy!


WCW Monday Nitro kicks off with Cowboy Bill Watts in the ring holding a microphone. He fans seemed somewhat shocked by the sudden appearance of The Cowboy and they begin to chant his name as he motions them to settle down.


Bill Watts: Well, I must say I believe you fans remember who I am. For those of you too young to know me, I don't have enough time to tell you why these people are so damn excited to see me out here. I will say this, I may be the most hated, loved, and respected man in this industry and the reason for the mixed bag of emotions is all the same...I am a believer in real down and dirty wrestling! [crowd pops]


Now then, let it be known that I am the new President of WCW, appointed by Ted Turner himself. What that means is all decisions around here about who faces who will be made by me. With that in mind I have dissolved the WCW Championship Committee. Title shots will no longer be handed out by a faceless group of suits behind closed doors. I will decide who has earned a title shot and if any one has a problem with that they know exactly where to find me! The last thing I have to say is this, from this day forward we are a new WCW with one goal in mind, becoming the number 1 wrestling organization on the planet. After all, we are the best damn wrestling company in the USA already, despite what those entertainers up in New York try to tell you. Now enjoy the show and God bless.


Eddy Gurerrero defeated Jushin Thunder Liger w/Sonny Onoo


This match was full of back and forth action, with both men displaying reversals and counters not seen before on US TV. Despite the great show in the ring the announcers are still talking about the shocking revelations from Bill Watts and this takes a bit away from an otherwise great match. The match ends after Eddy counters a Liger Bomb attempt then lands a Frog Splash.


What a rush!


Backstage The Road Warriors are just about to deliver a promo.


Road Warrior Hawk: Why is it the most dominant tag team on the planet is once again watching the action from back here? Are the “big boys” of WCW afraid to step into the ring with pure destruction?


Road Warrior Animal: Damn right they are Hawk. Why else would the WCW booking committee fail to give us a match on the biggest wrestling show of all time? Now though, our good buddy Bill Watts is in charge Hawk...


Road Warrior Hawk: Bill get ready to unleash the dogs of war and pray for the first team you put on the sacrificial alter.


Road Warrior Animal: We are prepared to snack on destruction and dine on death!


Road Warrior Hawk: Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat a ruuuush!


The Faces of Fear w/Jimmy Hart defeated The Nasty Boys


This was less of a wrestling match and more of a pier 6 brawl. The Nasty Boys put up a valiant fight but as soon as Meng locked Brian Knobbs in the Tongan Death Grip the match was all over. The announcers questioned whether or not Sting and Luger would have what it takes to stop these two animals when they meet for the WCW World Tag Team Championship.


The Hulkster is here!


Hulk Hogan came out to the ring to a huge pop from the crowd. The fans were on their feet as Hogan went through his usual routine of pointing at the crowd, holding his hand to his ear, flexing, then ripping his shirt off. When things settled down he was handed a microphone and he began to speak to the crowd full of Hulkamaniacs.


Hulk Hogan: What's up brothers? [crowd pops] First off let me say it is great being here at the Myriad Convention Center. [another pop from the crowd] Now then, after defeating the Alliance to End Hulkamania the fans have been dieing to know what is next for the Hulkster? Well, I plan on doing everything in my power to regain that WCW World Heavyweight Championship! [the crowd pops once again] Now Giant I know you are set to face The Macho Man Randy Savage and I for one believe he has what it takes to defeat, but if you somehow manage to retain that title then I will take it from your big fat fingers. However, if Randy does indeed win the belt, well then I guess the fans will get to see The Madness and Hulkamania clash one more time. Only this time it will be for the biggest prize in wrestling brother.


Diamond Dallas Page defeated Hacksaw Jim Duggan


Page was like a man possessed as he dismantled Hacksaw Jim Duggan. The announcers speculated that Duggan may be a few years past his prime and retirement might be his only option. Despite this assessment from the announcers Duggan was able to score some good offense and several near fall. The match ended when Page nailed Duggan with a Diamond Cutter and made the pin.


Not looking for a 4th...


Ric Flair walks out to the ring and receives an ovation only slightly less than the one Hogan got earlier in the night. Flair waste no time and addresses the crowd.


Ric Flair: First off let me address Mr. Bill Watts. Bill, me and you go way back so I know you are a straight shooter who does the right thing. Well, the former WCW Championship Committee decided to disregard my status as Number 1 contender to the Giant's WCW World Heavyweight Championship and award the Macho Man a match instead. Now, this is no knock on Randy Savage, but he isn't the Nature Boy. Woo! So Bill, I expect you to rectify this mistake and rename me the next opponent to face the Giant for that title.


Now then, on to more pressing business. The Horsemen are not looking for a fourth member despite rumors to the contrary. Stop faxing me resumes, stop sending me letters, and for God sake stop calling my phone! If you were meant to be a Horsemen you would already be one. WOO! The Horsemen are the best of the best, the most elite wrestlers to ever lace up a pair of boots and as far as I'm concerned I don't know of anyone who deserves to stand next to myself, Arn Anderson, and Chris Benoit and hold up these fingers! [Flair makes the Horsemen sign] WOOO! Wooo! WOOOOOOOOOOOO! All night long baby...[pointing at a young lady in the crowd] you know what I mean honey. Now then I have more important matters to attend to...


Lex Luger & Sting defeated Bunkhouse Buck and Dirty Dick Slater w/Col. Robert Parker


This match was almost completely one sided as the WCW Tag Champions put on a clinic. All the typical heel/face spots were hit and the match ended after Lex put Dick Slater in the Torture Rack of Doom and made him tap out. The announcers noted how great the best friends looked teaming together and expressed doubt that even the Faces of Fear could dethrone the tag champs.


Who is that Outsider?


As the camera goes to the ring for the next match a man dressed in a jean vest and blue jeans walks out of the crowd and produces a microphone from his vest pocket.


Mystery Man: You people... you know who I am. But you don't know why I'm here. Where is Billionaire Ted? Where is the Nacho Man? That punk can't even get in the building. Me? I go wherever I want, whenever I want. And where, oh where, is Scheme Gene? 'Cause I got a scoop for you. When that Ken doll lookalike... when that weatherman wannabe comes out here later tonight, I got a challenge for him, for Billionaire Ted, for the Nacho Man. And for anybody else in uh...


[country hick voice]


Mystery Man: WCW.


[stereotypical redneck laugh, then back to normal]


Mystery Man: Hey, You wanna go to war? You want a war? You're gonna get one.


Security rushes the ring but the man, now identified as Scott Hall, gets out of the ring and flees through the crowd. The announcers are dumbfounded as to what they have seen and heard.


Randy Savage defeated V. K. Wallstreet


In another one sided match Randy Savage dominated V. K. Wallstreet until The Giant made his presence known. The Giant attacked Savage causing the DQ win for Randy. Wallstreet left the ring as The Giant continued his assault before security forced him out of the ring.


Meet the brains behind the brawn!


The Giant walked up to the entrance ramp and then stopped and stared at the ring. From out of the back came Lanny Poffo with a microphone in his hand. The announcer note that Lanny is the brother of Randy Savage.


Lanny Poffo: Randy, you may be dad's favorite, but it is I who contols the WCW World Heavyweight Championship! With the Giant as my client I promise that you, or anyone else for that matter, will never take the belt from him. With his brawn and my unmatched brain there is no wrestler The Giant can't beat!


Nitro goes off the air with a shocked Randy Savage looking on in disbelief as the announcers contemplate whether or not Lanny is indeed correct.

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WCW Presents Saturday Night for Week 1 of May 1996


Public Enemy VS Fire & Ice w/Teddy Long

Mr. JL VS Disco Inferno

Cobra & Maj. Craig Pittman VS Bunkhouse Buck and Dirty Dick Slater w/Col. Robert Parker

Billy Kidman VS V. K. Wallstreet

The Faces of Fear w/Jimmy Hart VS The American Males

WCW TV Title Match

Lex Luger VS The Mauler


Super Fun Time Prediction Sheet


Public Enemy VS Fire & Ice w/Teddy Long



Mr. JL VS Disco Inferno



Cobra & Maj. Craig Pittman VS Bunkhouse Buck and Dirty Dick Slater w/Col. Robert Parke



Billy Kidman VS V. K. Wallstreet



The Faces of Fear w/Jimmy Hart VS The American Males



WCW TV Title Match

Lex Luger VS The Mauler


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Mighty good Nitro, can't wait to see where you go with Hall. It looks a lot like the nWo, but with Watts in charge instead of Eric, will we still see the same events? TUNE INTO NITRO TO FIND OUT!


Public Enemy VS Fire & Ice w/Teddy Long

Mr. JL VS Disco Inferno

Cobra & Maj. Craig Pittman VS Bunkhouse Buck and Dirty Dick Slater w/Col. Robert Parker

Billy Kidman VS V. K. Wallstreet

The Faces of Fear w/Jimmy Hart VS The American Males

WCW TV Title Match - Lex Luger VS The Mauler

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Public EnemyVS Fire & Ice w/Teddy Long


Mr. JL VS Disco Inferno


Cobra & Maj. Craig Pittman VS Bunkhouse Buck and Dirty Dick Slater w/Col. Robert Parker


Billy Kidman VS V. K. Wallstreet


The Faces of Fear w/Jimmy Hart VS The American Males


WCW TV Title Match

Lex Luger VS The Mauler

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WCW Presents Saturday Night for Week 1 of May 1996


Public Enemy VS Fire & Ice w/Teddy Long

Mr. JL VS Disco Inferno

Cobra & Maj. Craig Pittman VS Bunkhouse Buck and Dirty Dick Slater w/Col. Robert Parker

Billy Kidman VS V. K. Wallstreet

The Faces of Fear w/Jimmy Hart VS The American Males

WCW TV Title Match

Lex Luger VS The Mauler

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Public Enemy VS Fire & Ice w/Teddy Long



Mr. JL VS Disco Inferno



Cobra & Maj. Craig Pittman VS Bunkhouse Buck and Dirty Dick Slater w/Col. Robert Parker



Billy Kidman VS V. K. Wallstreet



The Faces of Fear w/Jimmy Hart VS The American Males



WCW TV Title Match

Lex Luger VS The Mauler


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Public Enemy VS Fire & Ice w/Teddy Long

Comment: I know it's a long shot


Mr. JL VS Disco Inferno

Comment: I hope Jerry Lynn gets a better push than he really did


Cobra & Maj. Craig Pittman VS Bunkhouse Buck and Dirty Dick Slater w/Col. Robert Parke



Billy Kidman VS V. K. Wallstreet

Comment:My money is on Wallstreet


The Faces of Fear w/Jimmy Hart VS The American Males

Comment: FOF seem to be the better team


WCW TV Title Match

Lex Luger VS The Mauler

Comment: Don't see Luger dropping the belt here

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Super Fun Time Prediction Sheet


Public Enemy VS Fire & Ice w/Teddy Long



Mr. JL VS Disco Inferno



Cobra & Maj. Craig Pittman VS Bunkhouse Buck and Dirty Dick Slater w/Col. Robert Parke



Billy Kidman VS V. K. Wallstreet



The Faces of Fear w/Jimmy Hart VS The American Males



WCW TV Title Match

Lex Luger VS The Mauler


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Super Fun Time Prediction Sheet


Public Enemy VS Fire & Ice w/Teddy Long

Comment: Youd don't even know the love I have for Ice Train, and Scott Norton, but I think it goes Public Enemy here.


Mr. JL VS Disco Inferno

Comment: Deesco Deesco Deesco


Cobra & Maj. Craig Pittman VS Bunkhouse Buck and Dirty Dick Slater w/Col. Robert Parke

Comment: I think they get one back after the loss.


Billy Kidman VS V. K. Wallstreet

Comment: Same as above.


The Faces of Fear w/Jimmy Hart VS The American Males

Comment: Lets build to the epic battle shall we.


WCW TV Title Match

Lex Luger VS The Mauler

Comment: It is 6:05 on Saturday... Ain't nobody losing no title tonight bubba.

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