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WWF 1994: The New Generation

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Week 3 Preview


Razor Ramon vs Shawn Michaels


WWF World Tag Team Title

Jarrett/Lawler vs The Headshrinkers


Undertaker vs R'N'R Express


Randy Savage vs Diesel




Lex Luger vs Debuting Superstar 1


Tatanka vs Debuting Superstar 2


Brian James vs Bob Backlund


WWF World Title Match

Bret Hart vs Crush


Bonus Question 1:Best Match of the Week- Razor Ramon vs Shawn Michaels


Bonus Question 2:Who are the Debuting Superstars(both men will be managed by Ted Dibiase Neither comes from WCW)(1pt each person)- Shane Douglas & Chris Candido

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Week 3 Preview


Razor Ramon vs Shawn Michaels

WWF World Tag Tem Title

Jarrett/Lawler vs The Headshrinkers

Undertaker vs R'N'R Express

Randy Savage vs Diesel


Lex Luger vs Debuting Superstar 1

Tatanka vs Debuting Superstar 2

Brian James vs Bob Backlund

WWF World Title Match

Bret Hart vs Crush


Bonus Question 1:Best Match of the Week Shawn Michaels Vs Razor Ramon

Bonus Question 2:Who are the Debuting Superstars(both men will be managed by Ted Dibiase Neither comes from WCW)(1pt each person) Waylon Mercy and Chris Jericho

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Razor Ramon vs Shawn Michaels

Shawn seems to have higher things in his sights.


WWF World Tag Tem Title

Jarrett/Lawler vs The Headshrinkers

I really think these two have a bright future as a team.


Undertaker vs R'N'R Express


Randy Savage vs Diesel

I'll say Shawn interference costs Savage the match.



Lex Luger vs Debuting Superstar 1

Tatanka vs Debuting Superstar 2

Brian James vs Bob Backlund

WWF World Title Match

Bret Hart vs Crush


Bonus Question 1:Best Match of the Week Savage vs Diesel

Bonus Question 2:Who are the Debuting Superstars(both men will be managed by Ted Dibiase Neither comes from WCW)(1pt each person) King Kong Bundy and Glen Jacobs

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Razor Ramon vs Shawn Michaels


WWF World Tag Team Title

Jarrett/Lawler vs The Headshrinkers

I think they'll lose the titles at a big PPV


Undertaker vs R'N'R Express

You need to keep momentum until the true Undertaker strikes back


Randy Savage vs Diesel

Good bye, Old times and Hello New Generation



Lex Luger vs Debuting Superstar 1

Tatanka vs Debuting Superstar 2

Brian James vs Bob Backlund

WWF World Title Match

Bret Hart vs Crush


Bonus Question 1:Savage vs Diesel

Bonus Question 2:Who are the Debuting Superstars(both men will be managed by Ted Dibiase Neither comes from WCW)(1pt each person) Ludvig Borga & Chris Benoit

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  • 4 months later...



Week 3 July 1994

Reunion Arena



Perfect: Boy Oh, Boy Its Monday Night and you know what that means McMahon.


Vince: It means it's time for Monday Night Raw!!!


JR: What a great show we have tonight.


Perfect: Tonight we see two former Intercontinental Champions Razor Ramon and Shawn Michaels go mano-e-mano.


Vince: We also have a Tag Team Title bout as The Headshrinkers defend against Jeff Jarrett and Jerry Lawler.


JR: And lets not forget tonight's Main Event as Diesel defends the Intercontinental Championship against former IC and World Champion The Macho Man Randy Savage!!!



Razor Ramon vs Shawn Michaels

These two men know each other very well as they clearly have a storied history including the epic Ladder Match at WrestleMania X. The two men went back and forth with neither man being able to secure the victory. Razor finally started to control the pace of the bout he hit a big Fallaway Slam and appeared to be well on his way to victory however it was not to be. As Razor lifted Shawn up for the Razor's Edge Shawn was able to slip out the backdoor Shawn shoved with all his might as he propelled Razor to the ropes were Diesel was waiting he drilled Razor in the back with the IC title Razor limped forward straight into Sweet Chin Music for the 1-2-3.

Shawn Michaels def Razor Ramon B+



As we return from the commercial break we see Mr. Perfect has made his way inside the ring with a microphone.


Perfect: I was sitting in my locker room before the show when I received a phone call from a member of The WWF Board Of Directors and they have made a decision you see last week we ended RAW on a bit of a sour note and It got the Board OF Directors thinking and they have come up with an idea. You see in some parts of the world there is a match were when three or more people have a problem with each other they settle it in the ring but not one on one or two on two. Oh No they settle it every man for themselves and the first person to score a pinfall or submission wins the match. So they

have decided that the Main event of the first In Your House Extravaganza will be a Four Way Dance for the WWF World Heavyweight Championship and it be Bret Hart defending against Lex Luger, Bam Bam Bigelow and Owen Hart!!!!

Mr. Perfect Announces In Your House Main Event C




WWF World Tag Team Championship Match

The Headshrinkers vs The Memphis Mafia (Jeff Jarrett and Jerry Lawler)

The two teams go at it hard in a match much more suited the Mid South Coliseum then here on RAW. The four men brawl with the referee having very little control whenever the referee is able to gain control the two teams just break off again. Things finally settle down as Jarrett and Samu stay in the ring for an extended period Lawler and Fatu continue to brawl around the outside however the referee only appears to be focused on the two in the ring at this point however they do not stay in the ring long as they soon join the fray on the outside the referee gives both teams as much latitude as he is allowed however it eventually becomes clear this match is out of control as the teams have now made there way up the aisle and are headed towards the exit it as this point that the referee calls for the bell and rules the match a Double DQ.


Headshrinkers DRAW Memphis Mafia

Headshrinkers Retain Tag Titles C-


After the match has ended Jarrett and Lawler return to the ring and retrieve a microphone.


Jarrett: This is grade A bull-crap there was absolutely no reason for this match to end in fact we were well in control of the match and were on our way to winning the match and the belts.


Lawler: You got that right its not our fault these two Savages cant control themselves and loose like gentleman. So I'm challenging you to a rematch at In Your House and to make sure this doesn't happen again lets make it Memphis Rules Street Fight!!!!


The Headshrinkers nod approvingly as we head to commercial.


Lawler and Jarrett make Challenge C


We return from commercial for our next match.


The Undertaker vs The R'N'R Express

The Undertaker absolutely dominates the veteran team. Despite their speed advantage Taker is just to purely powerful and will not stay down. The Undertaker finally ends the struggle when he catches both Ricky and Robert and plants them with a Double Choke-slam.

Undertaker def R'N'R Express D+



As the arena is still shrouded in darkness the video screen comes on and the fans at home are faded to a beach were we once again find the beautiful Tammy Sytch this time she stands before a man with his back towards the camera.


Tammy: Dreamers and fans my beautiful body is not yours except in your deepest dreams which is the only place I would ever come anywhere near the unwashed masses that is the fans of the WWF. Next week this massive man and I will begin our Revolution and Oh MY The Revolution will be Terrible!!!!!





WWF Intercontinental Match

Randy Savage vs Diesel

Randy uses his veteran wiles to chop the big man down piece by piece. However Diesel was able to stay in the fight thanks to his superior size. Randy was forced to use speed but that was not always good as Diesel continues to stay strong. Finally Randy went up for his patented double axe handle however the big man was able to cut him off at the pass and toss him flying into the center of the ring. Diesel took over for a few minutes hitting randy with a big side breaker. As Diesel sent Randy hard into the corner Randy came charging back out and caught the big man off guard Randy was

able to battle his way back to center ring here he sent Diesel back towards the rope he quickly grabbed the big man by his long hair and quickly hopped over the top rope sending Diesel hard down across the top rope. Randy quickly mounted the top rope and waited for Diesel to stand he quickly dropped the hammer down on him with The Double Axe Hammer. Randy with everything in hand goes to lift the big man and after much struggle gets Diesel up and slams him down hard Macho has the match in hand and the title in sight as he makes his way up the top rope he points to the sky as he readies himself to drop the elbow however it is not be as Shawn Michaels

who has quietly snuck his way to ringside blindsides The Macho Man sending him down to ringside hard. HBK refuses to let up and immediately pounces on Randy. The referee is forced to disqualify Diesel and end the bout.


Randy Savage def Diesel by DQ B

Diesel retains the Intercontinetal Title.


However the two are not down as they send Macho back into the ring and begin to tear Macho down All hope looks lost as Diesel lifts Macho up as HBK readies the Sweet Chin Music however he is unable to strike as Razor Ramon charges the ring. He peppers HBK with lefts and rights. Diesel drops the Macho Man and heads to help HBK however Razor is quickly on him as well Razor holds off the two long enough for Macho to regain his footing and balance and enters the fray. Razor and Macho send the HBK and Diesel scurrying like rats as they raise each others hands.


Vince: What a night of chaos and calamity. It is clear that The Macho Man has found himself a willing and able tag partner for In Your House. Which comes to you live in two weeks from The Greensboro Coliseum Tickets available at the box office and if you cant be there live remember to call your local cable or satellite provider and order In Your House for only $9.99!!!!

Razor Saves Macho from beatdown to end show B-


Final Show Rating: B-



WWF Superstars

Commentary Team: Lord Alfred Hayes Gorilla Monsoon Ravishing Rick Rude



The Show opens with Lex Luger making his way to ringside. Once inside Ted Dibiase enters with a microphone.


Dibiase: Lex I have spared no expense to bring in your opponent so without further ado I present to you form Sweet Water Texas Barry Windham!!!



Lex Luger vs Barry Windham

The two go back and forth in a great bout with good back and forth action. Lex picks up the win with the Torture Rack.

Lex Luger def Barry Windham B


Johnny Polo has purchased air time to take you on a tour of his home however well he is there a letter arrives. He accepts the letter thinking it to be good however when he opens it he immediately drops the letter and rushes the camera out of his home. D+


We return to see Tatanka in the ring for his bout. Ted Dibiase once again makes his way out.


Dibiase: Oh, Tatanka my native american friend. You see your friend Lex got the easy match but for you I have spared no expense and spent more money than you can imagine to woo this man out of his blissful retirement. You see he was once A Symbol Of Excellence and now he has come all the way from San Antonio Texas to destroy you and that is Tully Blanchard!!!!



Tatanka vs Tully Blanchard

Tully used every dirty trick he has ever learned to keep Tatanka under his thumb however the much younger Tatanka was able use his superior athleticism to stay in the bout. Tatanka finally appeared to be getting the upper hand when he went sprinting toward the rope however Dibiase was there to reach a hand in and trip Tatanka. Tully quickly capitalized on the action and immediately grabbed Tatanka up and placed him across the top rope rope before bouncing him up and over for a Slinghot Suplex. Tully quickly hooked the leg and scored the 1-2-3.

Tully Blanchard def Tatanka C-


When we return from commercial a new song is playing.



Gorilla Monsoon: I dont recognize this song I wonder who this could be?


Lord Alfred Hayes: I have no idea who this could be how bout you Rick.


Rick Rude: Well I don't know who it is but they have good taste in music.


With that a man walks through the curtain.


Gorilla Monsoon: What a minute I know who that is what is he doing in the WWF.


Lord Alfred Hayes: I don't know but I'm sure he is about to tell us.


Rick Rude: Would you two be quiet the man is about to speak.


With that the man grabs a microphone.


???: I'm sure some of you recognize me but I'm also sure that even more of you peons have no idea who I am well I am The Playboy Gary Hart.



Gary Hart: And I have a message for everyone in the WWF I am here and

I am not alone and I promise I will be bringing back the one thing this company so desperately needs and and that one thing has a promise violence is coming and we cant be stopped!!


With that Gary throws the microphone to the canvas and leaves ringside.

Gary Hart Debuts B



Brian James vs Bob Backlund

Despite the wily veterans best intentions he was just simply unable to match the younger James. He used his youth and agility as well as a large helping of questionable tactics to soundly defeat Backlund in 6 mins and 30 seconds with the Pumphandle Slam.

Brian James def Bob Backlund C+


After the last match we are joined at ringside by the WWF Word Champion Bret Hart.


Bret Hart: I'm not happy that I have to get in this ring at In Your House and face off against my own flesh and blood. But I'll do what I have to do to keep this belt around my waist! But I'm not here to talk about my brother I'm here to introduce two men who have worked very hard to get to were they are in this business. Both men come from my father's dungeon back home in Calgary Alberta Canada. It is with great pleasure that I introduce to you The Lionheart Chris Jericho and Lance Storm, The Thrillseekers!!!!!



The two men make there way to ringside they enter and shake hands with the Champion Bret Hart before waving to the crowd and heading back as Bret prepares for his main event title defense.


Bret Hart introduces The Thrillseekers C+



WWF World Championship

Bret Hart© vs Crush

Crush attempted to use superior size and strength to his advantage however Bret was able to capitalize on his technical ability to slowly chop the big man down focusing on the legs allowing him to easily apply the Sharpshooter and force Crush to give up.


Bret Hart Def Crush to Regain WWF World Title B

Final Rating: B-

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The World Wrestling Federation has come to terms with Bam Bam Bigelow and The Rock 'N' Roll Express on contract extensions that will see them exclusivly work with the WWF.


The WWF have released Virgil from his contract and wish him well in his future endeavours.



A weird situation has occured this week as our insider reports that Vince McMahon had just finalized a contract with Virgil that would see him remain with the WWF however later that day he was released from his contract before the ink even had a chance to dry. It is currently unknown who made the call however Virgil has since spoken out against a member of the creaitve team claiming they are soley responsible we have yet to confirm this.


In other news WCW has extended the contracts of Erik Watts and Shanghai Pierce. Pat Tanaka, Al Snow and El Bronco #1 have all joined WCW.



WCW held Bash At The Beach this week live from the Hartford Civic Center to a sold out house of 15,000.


Steve Keirn def The Gambler D-

Jean-Paul Levesque def Bunkhouse Buck C-


Bobby Eaton and Pat Tanaka def Erik Watts and Steven Regal C

Dave Sullivan def Mark Starr E

Ron Simmons and Craig Pittman def Terry Taylor and Brad Armstrong C-

Meng def Kevin Sullivan C+

Sting Confronted the recently turned Hulk Hogan B

Dustin Rhodes def Booker T C

Stars 'N' Stripes def Pretty Wonderful to retain WCW Tag Team Titles C

Brian Knobbs def Stevie Ray to retain WCW TV Title C

Steve Austin def Johnny B Badd to retain WCW US Title B-

Ricky Steamboat and The Guardian Angel def The State Patrol C

Hulk Hogan and Jim Duggan def Sting and Arn Anderson B+

Final Rating: B



Week 4 Preview


Tatanka vs The Undertaker

Bret Hart/Randy Savage/Razor Ramon/Lex Luger


Owen Hart/Diesel/Shawn Michaels/Bam Bam Bigelow



123 Kid/Jinsei Shinzaki/Hayabusa


Rick MArtel/Heavenly Bodies

Brian James vs Typhoon

Well Dunn vs The Thrillseekers

Bob Backlund vs Tammy Sytchs's Mystery Man


Bonus Questions

1. Who is Tammy Sytch's Mystery Man

2. Who will take the fall in the main event

Prediction Standings

CPBHBK 21/24 +8

Bad Feminist 8/24

Daulten6 13/24

Uncrewed 20/24 +7

solidliquid777 7/24

packerman120 5/24

Beejus 20/24 +6

jaded 10/24 +5

LordofGustav 14/24 +4

Warhawk8492 7/24


CPB clinging to a 1 point lead heading into the final week of the month.

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Tatanka vs The Undertaker

Bret Hart/Randy Savage/Razor Ramon/Lex Luger


Owen Hart/Diesel/Shawn Michaels/Bam Bam Bigelow

I figure the heels can pick up this win, leading to the faces getting it back at IYH.



123 Kid/Jinsei Shinzaki/Hayabusa


Rick Martel/Heavenly Bodies

Brian James vs Typhoon

Well Dunn vs The Thrillseekers

Bob Backlund vs Tammy Sytchs's Mystery Man


Bonus Questions

1. Who is Tammy Sytch's Mystery Man: If Tammy Sytch is in the house, Chris Candido typically isn't far away... :p

2. Who will take the fall in the main event: Savage

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  • 3 months later...

Week 4 Preview


Tatanka vs The Undertaker

Bret Hart/Randy Savage/Razor Ramon/Lex Luger


Owen Hart/Diesel/Shawn Michaels/Bam Bam Bigelow



123 Kid/Jinsei Shinzaki/Hayabusa


Rick MArtel/Heavenly Bodies

Brian James vs Typhoon

Well Dunn vs The Thrillseekers

Bob Backlund vs Tammy Sytchs's Mystery Man


Bonus Questions

1. Who is Tammy Sytch's Mystery Man: Candido

2. Who will take the fall in the main event Bam Bam

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Tatanka vs The Undertaker

Bret Hart/Randy Savage/Razor Ramon/Lex Luger


Owen Hart/Diesel/Shawn Michaels/Bam Bam Bigelow



123 Kid/Jinsei Shinzaki/Hayabusa


Rick MArtel/Heavenly Bodies

Brian James vs Typhoon

Well Dunn vs The Thrillseekers

Bob Backlund vs Tammy Sytchs's Mystery Man


Bonus Questions

1. Who is Tammy Sytch's Mystery Man- Chris Candido

2. Who will take the fall in the main event- Razor Ramon

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Week 4 July

Rosemont Horizon


Commentary Team: Vince McMahon, Jim Ross, Mr. Perfect


McMahon: Welcome everyone everyone to another star studded edition of Monday Night Raw!!!


Ross: We are coming to you live tonight from the Rosemont Horizon here in Chicago Illinois.


McMahon: We have a huge 8-Man tag match tonight as your main event which will see current WWF World Heavyweight Champion Bret Hart team up with Randy Savage and Razor Ramon and rounding out the team is one of the men who will challenge Bret this Sunday at In Your House Lex Luger.


Perfect: But far more likely to succeed are the four men on the other side a near Perfect Team of the current Intercontinental Champion Diesel, Shawn Michaels and joining them are the other two members of this Sundays title match Bam Bam Bigelow and if you ask me the next World Champion Owen Hart.


Ross: That's not all we have tonight as Tatanka looks to defeat the man that Ted Dibiase claims is the one true Undertaker.


With that we send it to The Fink for the first match of the night.



Undertaker W/ Ted Dibiase vs Tatanka

Tatanka was able to handle the strength advantage held by the Deadman through most of the bout by staying mobile and just out of the big mans reach well attempting to chop him down. However Ted Dibiase's ringside presence was just insurmountable as every time The Native American Warrior seemed to swing the tide in his favor he made his presence felt at ringside. Tatanka finally was felled by the big man after Dibiase got up on the ring apron one too many times as Tatanka grabbed him around his shirt collar while The Undertaker stalked up behind him pulled him up and planted him down with the Tombstone for the easy 1-2-3.

Undertaker def Tatanka C+


After the bout Dibiase grabbed a ringside microphone.


Dibiase: What you see before is proof of the power of the almighty

dollar. For I the richest man in WWF has managed to convince even this man before you that some mystical urn is not as powerful as what I have in abundance.*reaches into coat and pulls out a wad of cash* This right here is more important than anything else and this man right here is more powerful than any man in the WWF. I don't care what Paul Bearer has to say about anything this is the One And Only Undertaker the man from Death Valley. And now now he like everyone else is powered by the green just like you and you *points around the crowd* And with this man I will Rule the WWF forever!!!!!HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!


The Undertaker: REST IN PEACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


With that the Undertaker and Ted Dibiase leave the ringside area.


Undertaker and Ted Dibiase cut a promo B


As Dibiase and Undertaker leave the ringside area the Video screens come to life as we head back to the beach were we have seen Tammy Sytch. The Camera follows her as she walks into a building with her mystery man with his back once again towards the camera.



???: For far too long the fans of the WWF have been denied the talent that has Revolutionized this business, now I am here to lead the change. I am here to present a Revolution and it begins NOW!!!!!!


The man turns to face the camera.



Shane Douglas: This Sunday at In Your House The Revolution will begin its invasion!!


Shane Douglas debuts C


As we return from commercial we see Jim Cornette in his Locker Room talking to a man off camera.



Cornette: All you need to do is sign this contract and before you know it you will be WWF World Champion. I dumped that fat slob Yokozuna to get you now please you need to sign this and let me be your manager. Let me put the Power of Camp Cornette behind you!


The camera zooms out to show him talking to Owen Hart and Jim Neidhart.



Owen: Look Jim, I told you I'm not looking for a manager just a Consultant and Ill gladly sign that contract but I know my Brother Jim here is in need of your services so you sign him as a client and Ill gladly join Camp Cornette.


Cornette: I think we can do big things together Big Jim.


Owen: That's not all I have a friend who might be flying into the WWF soon and I have a feeling you'll enjoy him and someone to keep him from going off might be good for all of us. Let me tell you about him.


With that Owen wraps his arm around Cornette as they walk out of frame well Neidhart stands stroking his beard.


Owen Hart and Jim Neidhart join Camp Cornette B

We now go to the ring for the main event of the evening.





Bret Hart/Randy Savage/Lex Luger/Razor Ramon


Owen Hart/Shawn Michaels/Diesel/Bam Bam Bigelow


The 8 men showcased their skill and talent as they fought hard nearly for 30 minutes with no one being able to secure a victory for their team. The match began to turn towards chaos as the match wore on. Bam Bam appeared to be the man to beat as he used his size to control the flow however Lex caught up to him sending him sailing over the top rope to the floor, it was at this point that the match would descend into anarchy as all 8 men entered the ring the ref lost all control as six of the competitors took the action outside leaving Owen and Bret inside the ring it was here that the two brothers stood toe to toe inside the squared circle Owen attempted to gain the advantage however he couldn't seem to control Bret for long this lasted until Jim Cornette had skulked his way ringside tossed his Racket into Owen who took a wild swing at Bret however unknown to Owen, Randy Savage had re-entered the ring he shoved Bret quickly aside and Owen collided the racket with Diesel who now stood on the apron. Randy tackled Owen through the ropes. Bret slid Diesel under the rope and into the ring were he covered the big guy for the purely academic 1-2-3.


Bret Hart/Randy Savage/ Lex Luger/Razor Ramon


Owen Hart/Diesel/Bam Bam Bigelow/Shawn Michaels



The camera shows the winning team inside the ring raising there arms as we fade to black.


Final Rating: B+



WWF Superstars

Week 4 July

Rosemont Horizon



Commentary Team: Rick Rude, Gorilla Monsoon, Lord Alfred Hayes





123 Kid/Hayabusa/Jinsei Shinzaki


Rick Martel/Heavenly Bodies


This match was purely a showcase for the younger smaller team. Rick Martel grew fed up of his partners and abandoned them at ringside to deal with the three speedsters. Tom Pritchard was dispatched of to the outside. 123 Kid leveled a hard Roundhouse Kick to the side of Jimmy Del Ray's head he was captured by Shinzaki who hit the Praying Powerbomb as Hayabusa ascended the top rope were he hit a picture perfect Phoenix Splash for the easy 1-2-3.


123 Kid/Hayabusa/Jinsei Shinzaki


Rick Martel/Heavenly Bodies



Johnny Polo joined us at ringside.


Polo: I'm sure that last week you all saw that I received a letter. Well what you don't know is that I AM BEING FRAMED!!!!!! I didn't knowingly partake in any insider trading and I promise.......


Johnny is interrupted as a handful of Chicago's Finest come out from the crowd and place Johnny in handcuffs and carry him out of the building kicking and screaming.


Johnny Polo gets Arrested C-



Typhoon vs Brian James

Brian simply outshines Typhoon in this brief encounter as he handily dominated the encounter before finally hitting the Pumphandle Slam to win the bout.


Brian James def Typhoon C


Gary Hart joins us at ringside were he preaches much of the same as he has since debuting however this time he promises that whoever leaves Greensboro this Sunday will have a very Violent end to their first Monday Night Raw after In Your House.


Gary Hart Promo A



Well Dunn vs The Thrillseekers

The young duo was truly to much for Well Dunn to handle. Chris Jericho hit Timothy Well with a springboard moonsault he calls The Lionsault as Lance Storm applied a Half Crab to Steven Dunn as he gave up ending the bout.


Thrillseekers def Well Dunn D+



Ted Dibiase came out with The Undertaker, Tully Blanchard and Barry Windham. "This Sunday we will put Paul Bearer in his place and prove once and for all the there is only one Undertaker and he is standing right here in the ring."


Ted Dibiase cuts a promo B-


Gorilla:This brings us to our main event of the evening, featuring the in-ring debut of The Franchise Shane Douglas as he takes on the wily veteran Bob Backlund.


Rude: Let me tell you something Gorilla, I see a lot of good things coming about this kid and he's gonna wipe the mat with that red-headed has been.



Shane Douglas w/ Tammy Sytch vs Bob Backlund

Despite his best efforts to have a scientific match with the newcomer it much closer resembled a fight. Shane used every trick in the book to hold down Backlund but he could not secure the victory until Tammy Sytch climbed up on the ring apron and began dancing much to the chagrin of Backlund who like any man was easily distracted by the feminine wiles of Sytch which allowed Douglas to apply a textbook Belly to Belly Suplex for the easy 1-2-3.


Shane Douglas def Bob Backlund B-


Final Rating: B-



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The WWF hotline has only featured stories and updates regarding this Sundays landmark first In Your House PPV available for only $9.99!



It has been reported that WWF brass has been in contact with several companies in the international community regarding talent sharing opportunites it is believed that several big name companies including NJPW and FMW in Japan and both CMLL and AAA in mexico have agreed to enter this pact as it were. It is being refered to as the Friends of WWF initiatve.


We have reports that the WWF plans to do a cleaning house of sorts after In Your House it is reported over a dozen members of both the roster and staff have been informed that there services will no longer be needed after this Sunday. We are told that several talents who have appeared on tv under this new leadership are included in the cull.


WCW has come to terms with Ron Simmons and Mr T regarding contract extensions. Honky Tonk MAn, Greg Valentine, Chicky Star and El Bronco #1 have signed contracts to join WCW.


WWF In Your House I


WWF Heavyweight Championship

4 Man Sudden Death MAtch

Bret Hart


Owen Hart


Lex Luger


Bam Bam Bigelow


Diesel/Shawn Michaels vs Razor Ramon/Randy Savage


WWF Tag Team Championship

Memphis Street Fight

Memphis Mafia vs The Headshrinkers


Rock and Roll Express vs Two Newest Members of The Revolution


WWF Women's Championship

Alundra Blayze vs Luna Vachon


Shane Douglas vs Tatanka


Bonus Questions

1. What Will be MOTN

2. What will be the worst match on the card

3. Who are the two new members of the revolution(Bonus tip: Neither are Chris Candido but they are an established tag team)

4. Who will take the fall in the main event.

5. On the pre show there is a 20 man battle royal who will win. (bonus tip: this person has been heavily featured on tv during the month of July)

Prediction Contest Standings

CPBHBK 21/32

Bad Feminist 8/32

Daulten6 13/32

Uncrewed 24/32 +4

solidliquid777 7/32

packerman120 9/32 +4

Beejus 24/32 +4

jaded 10/32

LordofGustav 14/32

Warhawk8492 7/32


CPB took a hit by missing week 4 allowing Uncrewed and Beejus to pull into a tie for the lead heading into In Your House.


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WWF Heavyweight Championship

4 Man Sudden Death MAtch

Bret Hart


Owen Hart


Lex Luger


Bam Bam Bigelow


Diesel/Shawn Michaels vs Razor Ramon/Randy Savage


WWF Tag Team Championship

Memphis Street Fight

Memphis Mafia vs The Headshrinkers


Rock and Roll Express vs Two Newest Members of The Revolution


WWF Women's Championship

Alundra Blayze vs Luna Vachon


Shane Douglas vs Tatanka


Bonus Questions

1. What Will be MOTN- Four Way Main Event

2. What will be the worst match on the card- Blayze vs Vachon

3. Who are the two new members of the revolution(Bonus tip: Neither are Chris Candido but they are an established tag team)- The Eliminators: John Kronus & Perry Saturn

4. Who will take the fall in the main event.- Bam Bam Bigelow

5. On the pre show there is a 20 man battle royal who will win. (bonus tip: this person has been heavily featured on tv during the month of July)- Brian James

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WWF Heavyweight Championship

4 Man Sudden Death MAtch

Bret Hart


Owen Hart


Lex Luger


Bam Bam Bigelow

As long as Luger doesn't have well, no chance for him to become WWF Champion.


Diesel/Shawn Michaels vs Razor Ramon/Randy Savage



WWF Tag Team Championship

Memphis Street Fight

Memphis Mafia vs The Headshrinkers

Jarrett and Lawler will help you to build new tag teams, if that's your plan.

Rock and Roll Express vs Two Newest Members of The Revolution

News Headlines: A Revolution destroyed an Express


WWF Women's Championship

Alundra Blayze vs Luna Vachon

You need a better heel than Vachon to become the next Women's Champion.


Shane Douglas vs Tatanka


Bonus Questions

1. What Will be MOTN? 4 Man Sudden Death Match

2. What will be the worst match on the card? Blayze vs. Vachon

3. Who are the two new members of the revolution(Bonus tip: Neither are Chris Candido but they are an established tag team) Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko.

4. Who will take the fall in the main event? Owen Hart

5. On the pre show there is a 20 man battle royal who will win. (bonus tip: this person has been heavily featured on tv during the month of July) Brian James

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WWF Heavyweight Championship

4 Man Sudden Death MAtch

Bret Hart


Owen Hart


Lex Luger


Bam Bam Bigelow

Bret vs Owen should be an obvious match for Summerslam, and I just can't see it not being for the title. The only way I could see Lex picking up the belt is if you have him turn with DiBiase, but barring a huge pickup from the indy scene or WCW, I can't see who he could feud with if that were to happen. So I'll just go with Bret retaining.


Diesel/Shawn Michaels vs Razor Ramon/Randy Savage

Heels cheat to win, making them look better and gives the faces a reason for another match at Summerslam.


WWF Tag Team Championship

Memphis Street Fight

Memphis Mafia vs The Headshrinkers

Just can't see a title change on this show.


Rock and Roll Express vs Two Newest Members of The Revolution


WWF Women's Championship

Alundra Blayze vs Luna Vachon

As LoG said, as much as I like Luna, it's going to take a bigger threat to get the title from Alundra.


Shane Douglas vs Tatanka

A huge win for the new debut.


Bonus Questions

1. What Will be MOTN Diesel/Shawn vs Razor/Savage

2. What will be the worst match on the card Blayze vs Luna

3. Who are the two new members of the revolution Benoit and Malenko

4. Who will take the fall in the main event. Bigelow

5. On the pre show there is a 20 man battle royal who will win. The Underfaker

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