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WWE 2004: Let the Worlds Collide

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It was late 2003, when Vince decided that he needed to improve his product, as he saw the reviews and they were not good. He thought that the best way to go around this would be by hiring a new head booker. For this he decided he needed to pick someone from his favourite video game, Extreme Warfare Revenge. He decided he needed Sophie. Sophie became the head booker of WWE by January. Now, let the Worlds of TEW & EWR collide. (For this mod I will be using the excellent mod, Ruthless Agression by Idolized.


Raw preview

1)Rene Dupree vs Heidenreich

2)Christian/Chris Jericho vs Hurricane/Rosey

3)Stevie Richards vs Test

4)Molly Holly vs Trish Stratus

5)Batista/Flair vs The Dudleys for the World Tag Team Championships


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Jim Ross: Welcome to Monday Night Raw. Tonight we are live from the Continental Airlines Arena. Tonight Batista & Ric Flair of Evolution defend their Tag Team Titles against the Dudleys.

Jerry Lawler: Yes we do. Also Theodore Long will call in a favour from Survivor Series. What will that favour be?

Jim Ross: Well let's head backstage to find out.


(The camera cuts to backstage where Theodore Long walks into Eric Bischoff's office.)

Theodore Long: I'm here to call in my favour.

Eric Bischoff: What would that favour be exactly.

Theodore Long: I would like to be named general manager for the night.

Eric Biscoff: (pauses) Ok. You can be general manager for the night.

Theodre Long: Thank you. The first match I am going to make is my man, Mark Henry vs Randy Orton for the Intercontinetal Championship.

(Steve Austin walks in)

Steve Austin: Did I just hear that you were making a match.(What!)Well the Sheriff of Monday Night Raw (What!) disagrees with your decision. (What!) So instead of your bogus match up (What!), Mark Henry will face Rob Van Dam (What!) in a number one

contender's match (What!) for the Intercontinental Championship (What!). And that's the bottom Line cause Stone Cold says so.

Rating: C-


(The camera cuts back to ringside).

Jerry Lawler: Steve Austin has no right to do that, Theodore is general manager, he can create any matches he likes.

Jim Ross: Well, Steve Austin is co-general manager of Monday Night Raw, he can do anything he likes.

Jerry Lawler: He is abusing his power, he should be removed.


('Final Force' hits and Rene Dupree comes out with Sylvian Grenier and Robert Conway to a chorus of boos)


Jim Ross: The fans clearly do not like La Resistance.

Jerry Lawler: Well, the fans don't know what is best for them, La Resistance are simply expressing there freedom of speach.

Jim Ross: As are the wwe fans. After the break Rene Dupree faces off against Heidenreich.




Rene Dupree vs Heidenreich

WWE returns as Rene Dupree is dominating Heidenreich, he quickly puts him away with a Death Valley Driver. Rating: D


Jerry Lawler: Great victory by Rene Dupree there.

Jim Ross: As cocky as he is, he sure has talent, particuarly for a 20 year old.


(Camera cuts backstage to Chris Jericho's locker room. Christian walks in.)

Christian: Sorry about last week, I crossed a line.

Chris Jericho: It's OK.

Christian: Yeah, well I got us a tag team match against Hurricane & Rosey, if you want it of course.

Chris Jericho: Ok, we can bring back the greatest tag team in the history of WWE for one night only.

Christian: That's more like it.

Chris Jericho: Tonight the Ayatollah of RocknRolla teams up with Captain Charisma to defeat 2 clowns, Hurricane & Rosey.

Christian: Let's go

(They leave the locker room, and the camera cuts back to the ring.

Rating: C


Jim Ross: After the break: Vitamin C faces Hurricane & his super-hero in training, Rosey.




Chris Jericho/Christian vs Hurricane/Rosey

The match began with some high-flying offence by Hurricane. Hurricane then tagged in Rosey, who got a couple of moves in,

but his inexperience cost him as Christian took control. Eventually, despite a slight comeback by Rosey, Christian & Chris

Jericho got the victory after an implant DDT by Christian to get the victory in just over 7 and a half minutes. Rating: B


Jerry Lawler: Great victory by Captain Charisma & Chris Jericho. Maybe this means Vitamin C is getting back together.

Jim Ross: Maybe so. Moving on, Goldberg has been dominant ever since he got here in WWE. Let us show you his incredible career so far.


(A video shows Golderb's career so far, including his opening feud with the Rock, his feud with Chris Jericho and his feud with Triple H over the World Heavyweight Championship). Rating: A


Jim Ross: Goldberg is here next week and will be facing Kane.




(Stevie Richards is in the ring with Victoria when 'This is a Test' plays and Test comes out. As he passes Victoria he starts yelling at her, but Stevie Richards attacks him and the match starts.


Test vs Stevie Richards

Test dominates this one but is distacted by Victoria, which allowed Stevie to roll-up Test and get a 3 count in 5 & a half minutes.


Jim Ross: Stevie Richards with an impressive victory here.

Jerry Lawler: Don't be ridiculous, Test was stiffed by Victoria

Jim Ross: He was the one who got distracted, Victoria didn't do anything.


('I won't do what you tell me' hits and Stone Cold Steve Austin comes out with a microphone).


Steve Austin: Now, the Royal Rumble is fast aproaching (what!), and we need a World title match (what!), and after much contemplation (what!), I have decided that since Shawn Micheals wasn't beaten last weak (what!), he deserves another shot. (Huge cheer from the audience). So, at the Royal Rumble, Triple H will defend his World Heavyweight Championship against 'The Heartbreak Kid' Shawn Micheals.


('Lines in the Sand' hits and Triple H comes out')


Triple H: Who in the hell do you think you are! You can't just make matches ...

Steve Austin: I am the sheriff of Monday Night Raw (what!), I will do what is required to uphold justice in WWE (what!), and if I decide that Shawn Micheals deserves a World title oppurtunity (what!), then he gets a World title oppurtunity and if I feel it is necessary to Stunner you (what!), than I will stunner you.

Triple H: How many times do I have to beat Shawn Micheals for everyone to finally understand that 'The Game' is better than him.


(Steve Austin stunners Triple H, to a huge cheer from the crowd.)


Steve Austin: And did I forget to mention, your match at the Royal Rumble will be a Last Man Standing match, and that's the bottom line 'cause Stone Cold says so.

Rating: B+




(We come back with Molly Holly & Trish Stratus in the ring)

Trish Stratus vs Molly Holly

Trish looked good in this one, but Theodore Long came out, while Trish & Molly were on the outside.


Theodore Long: Trish Stratus! A girl who thinks she is better than Jazz. Well Trish, I can certainly say that when Jazz comes back from that little dislocated shoulder, you will certainly feel her wrath. Jazz beats girls, just as Molly is going to beat you here.


While Theodore was saying this, Molly had rolled back in the ring, and the ref had kept counting, causing Trish Stratus to be counted out. Rating: C-


Jim Ross: Come on, that was a just a distraction to make sure that Trish didn't get a victory and a possible future title shot.

Jerry Lawler: Theodore was just airing his concerns, he must have forgotten that the ref was counting Trish out.


('Lines in the Sand' hits and Randy Orton comes out with Ric Flair. They go to the ring with a microphine)


Randy Orton: Tonight there is a number one contender's match for my Intercontinental Championship, but it doesn't matter who wins that match tonight, as, at the end of next week, Randy Orton will have retained his Intercontinental Championship and

Mick Foley will be at home watching, as everyone knows that Mick Foley, is afraid, of the Legend Killer.


('Lines in the Sand' plays again and Randy Orton leaves the ring and joins commentary.) Rating: B+


Jim Ross: Strong words from Randy Orton, the question is, can he back them up next week.

Randy Orton: What was that JR.

Jim Ross: I was just asking if you can back up those strong words

Randy Orton: Of course I can. I am part of Evolution for a reason you know.


('MacMalintent' plays and Mark Henry comes out with Theodore Long)


Jerry Lawler: I think they are far more likely to be correct if RVD beats Mark Henry.


('One of a Kind' plays and Rob Van Dam comes out)


Mark Henry vs Rob Van Dam

At the beginning of the match, RVD used his speed to avoid Mark Henry, but eventually he got caught by a clubbing blow by Henry. Henry then used his power to dominate RVD as WWE went into a comercial break.




We come back and Henry is still in control, and is going for a military slam. However, RVD slipped of the back and connected with a huge kick to Mark Henry. He then hit a Rolling Thunder followed by a Fiver Star Frog Splash for a 3 count. Rating: B-


(Randy Orton leaves the commentary booth, and walks around the ring, clapping his number one contender).


Jim Ross: Great victory for Rob Van Dam. Next week, he will face Randy Orton

Jerry Lawler: I think RVD should have lost this one for his own good, Randy Orton is going to methodically tear him apart.

Jim Ross: I personally believe that it is going to be an even contest between 2 skilled compettitors.


('Out of the Fire' plays and Kane comes out)

Kane: At Survivor Series, I buried my brother, the Undertaker. He is not coming back. You know why I buried him, because he never cared out about me! Last year's royal rumble showed one of the many ways in which he didn't care about me. (A video shows the Undertaker eliminating Kane at last year's royal rumble). You know who got a World title match at my expense at Wrestlemania 19, Booker T. He didn't derserve to get it, I did. And this year, I will win the Royal Rumble and have a World title match. My brother cannot stop it, and neither can Booker T. (Kane begins manically laughing

(At this, Booker T came running down and him and they started brawling. Booker T clotheslines Kane over the top rope.)

Rating: B-


Jim Ross: If that happens at the Royal Rumble, Kane will be eliminated

Jerry Lawler: That was a sneak attack by Booker, that will not happen at the Rumble.

Jim Ross: Up next, King, The Dudleys face Batista & Flair for the World Tag Team Championships.




(We come back from the advert break and both teams are in the ring)

The Dudleys vs Batista/Flair [World Tag Team Championship]

Bubba Ray started the match here against Ric Flair. He brawled with him, punching him quite a lot. Eventually, he managed to tag out to Batista, who then took control, working on Bubba's lower back. He then tagged in Flair, who used several submission holds on Bubba's back, but Bubba refused to give up. He then went for a Figure Four Leglock, but Bubba countered and kicked him into corner allowing him to make a hot tag to D-von. D-Von then started smashing Batista, who had been tagged in by Flair. He signalled for 3D, but Triple H came out, distracting D-Von, Bubba and the ref. Flair got a chair and hit D-Von in the back. The ref turned round, to see Batista covering D-Von. Batista & Flair stole this one (JR's words). Rating:B


Triple H then turned around, having been sucessful in his task, only to now be face to face with Shawn Micheals. HBK nailed 'The Game' with some Sweet Chin Music. Rating: A


Jerry Lawler: Shawn Micheals just attacked Triple H from behind

Jim Ross: Yeah, after Triple H cheated the Dudleys out of the Tag Team titles.

Jerry Lawler: Next week, Goldberg faces Kane, and Randy Orton defends his IC title against Rob Van Dam.

Jim Ross: Until next time, goodnight!


Overall Rating: B+



Quick Results:

Rene Dupree bt. Heidenreich

Chris Jericho/Christian bt. Hurricane/Rosey

Stevie Richards bt. Test

Molly Holly bt. Trish Stratus

Rob Van Dam bt. Mark Henry

Batista/Ric Flair bt. The Dudleys


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Micheal Cole: Welcome to Thursday Night Smackdown.

Tazz: Last week Hardcore Holly destroyed The Big Show in an attempt to send a message to Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman. The Big Show has asked for a rematch, but we understand that it will be stipulated, what will that stipulation be?

Micheal Cole: Also last week, Chavo got extremely angry at his uncle Eddie Guerrero, and nearly started attacking him until Kurt Angle came down and calmed the situation.


('I Don't Suck' plays and Kurt Angle comes out to cheers from the WWE fans)


Tazz: Speaking of Kurt Angle, here he comes. I wonder what the Olympic Gold Medalist has to say


Kurt Angle: Last week, Eddie and Chavo had a falling out. Chavo got annoyed because Eddie lost the match. However, I am

pleased to say that Eddie and Chavo are beginning to patch their relationship. They have agreed they need some cooling down

time, so they won't be teaming together for a while, but in a few weeks they should be OK again. As for me, I will be one of



('I Don't Suck' plays and Kurt Angle leaves.) Rating: B-


Micheal Cole: Promising words from Kurt. Hopefully he is right and Eddie and Chavo will be able to team again soon.

Tazz: I wouldn't be so hopeful, your probably just going to be disappointed, Chavo was really mad last week, and that anger has been brewing for a few months ever since Los Guerreros lost the Tag titles.


(Basham Brothers come out with Shaniqua to boos from the WWE universe)


Micheal Cole Here comes the team Los Guerreros lost the titles to, the tag team champions, the Basham Brothers.

Tazz: They sure have been great champions.


('You can Run' hits, Billy Kidman and Paul London comes out)


Micheal Cole: Here come their oponents, Paul London & Billy Kidman. They are great cruiserweights, Billy Kidman is a former cruiserweight champions.

Tazz: Being a good cruiuserweight means nothing in the tag divison, this is all about tactics.


The Basham Brothers vs Billy Kidman/Paul London

London starts this match with some high-flying offence, including a very impresive leaing armdrag. He climbed up top but was distracted by Shaniqua, which allowed Doug to clombed him to the outside. From then on, the Basham Brothers were in control. They used some great tag teams move to ground Paul, but eventually, he avoided a clothesline and tagged in Billy Kidamn. Kidman flew all around the ring, but was caught by boot from Danny. Danny went for a powerslam, but slipped off the back, catching Danny with a rollup. The referee counted 1...2...3. Billy Kidman and Paul London celebrated their shock win. Rating: C-


Micheal Cole: Good victory, London & Kidman have to be in line for a Tag Team Titles shot now.

Tazz: The Basham Brothers probably won't agree, it was a cheeky roll-up.

Micheal Cole: Still a pinfall though. If the titles had been on the line, we would have new tag team champions.


('Whatever' plays and Chris Benoit comes out to cheers from the audience. He grabs a microphone and gets in the ring.)


Chris Benoit: Paul Heyman has been trying to stop me from winning the Royal Rumble, and he says he will do anything to make sure I don't. He says that the Rabid Wolverine is a menace, who cannot headline Wrestlemania. He says that Brock Lesnar is the best wrestler in WWE, and he doesn't want his prize possesion getting hurt. Well, Heyman, I can tell you that Chris Benoit will win the Royal Rumble, and Wrestlemania, if Lesnar stll has the belt, Brock is going to get hurt as I take the WWE title.


('Whatever' plays and Chris Benoit leaves.) Rating: B+


Tazz: Chris Benoit is clearly motivated, but should he cross the boss?

Micheal COle: Should Paul Heyman have crossed the Rabid Wolverine?

Tazz: After the break, we will have the Cruiserweight Champion, Rey Mysterio facing off against A-Train.


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Rey Mysterio vs A-Train

Rey Mysterio flies around the ring to start the match, but when he goes for a springboard crossbody, he is caught by A-Train who gives him a massive backbreaker. A-Train dominates Rey for several minutes. He gave him a huge superplex! Howver, as he picked him up for a Derailer, Mysterio kicked him in the stomach and gave him a hurricana onto the rope and gave him a 619 followed by a Droppin' da Dime for the 3 count. Rating: B


Micheal Cole: Great heart by Rey Mysterio. When A-Train lifted him up for a derailer I thought it was over but Rey battled back.

Tazz: Mysterio sure can fly. The question is will he be able to retain his title next week when Tajiri cashes in his rematch clause.


('Heroes' plays and Charlie Haas comes out with Shelton Benjamin, to jeers from the audience (plus some 'we want Shelton' chants).)


Micheal Cole:The wwe fans here in attendence in Philidelphia clearly are not fans of the World's Greatest Tag Team.

Tazz: Not all of them don't like Shelton & Charlie, they are extremly good technical wrestlers.


('Protection' plays and Ron Simmons comes out with Bradshaw, to cheers from the audience)


Micheal Cole: Bradshaw is clearly out here to counterbalance Shelton Benjamin.

Tazz: I don't think either should be out here, they both have matches to prepare for.

Micheal Cole: They're part of tag teams, they look after their partners.


Charlie Haas vs Ron Simmons

Ron Simmons with some good brawling at the beginning of the match, but Charlie Haas turned it around after a distration by Shelton as we head into the advert break.


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Charlie worked on Simmons lower back, but Ron came back into it and nailed Haas with a powerbomb. He signalled for the Dominator, but Benjamin got up on the apron, distracting him. However, Bradshaw pulled him down and levelled him with a right hand. Haas ran at Simmons, who ducked. Haas ran into the ropes and came back only to get a spinebuster followed a 3 count.


Micheal Cole: Great victory by Ron Simmons.

Tazz: I'm hearing that an incident is taking place backstage.


(Camera cuts backstage where Matt Morgn is assualting Chris Benoit. He throughs him into a wall before finishing him off with a Vertical SUplex Side Slam through a table. The camera then cuts back to ringside.)Rating: C+


Micheal Cole: Brutal assualt by Morgan there. You can only imagine Paul Heyman was part of that.

Tazz: Don't jump to conclusions, Morgan could have another reason for attacking Benoit.


('Monster' plays and Rhyno comes out, and charges down to the ring.)


Micheal Cole: Here comes the Man Beast, Rhyno, he faces Bradshaw after the break.


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Rhyno vs Bradshaw

Brawl for the first 5 minutes. Bradshaw then took control. He hit a powerbomb followed by a Last Call. He looked to connect with a clothesline from hell, but Rhyno ducked and connected with a Gore on the rebound. He then nailed Bradhsaw with a piledriver to get the victory. Rating: C+


Tazz: The man beast looked good here, but I think Bradshaw lost this one because he came out earlier to support his partner Ron SImmons.


(The camera cuts to Paul Heyman's office.)

Paul Heyman: Tonight, The Big Show will dismantle Hardcore Holly and end his pathetic attempt to take the WwE title off Brock Lesnar. The question is, what kind of match will it be. The answer, a match where the Big Show can do whatever he wants to Holly. A STREET FIGHT!

(Camera comes back to the arena.)Rating: B-


Micheal Cole: What an announcement by Paul Heyman for our main event.


('Heroes' plays and Shelton Benjamin comes out with Charlie Haas.)


Tazz: The World's Greatest Tag Team are looking to bounce back from Charlie's defeat earlier tonight.


('Lie, Cheat & Steal' plays and Eddie Guerrero comes out, without his nephew Chavo.)


Micheal Cole: Here comes former US champion, Eddie Guerrero, but, unsurpirisingly, Chavo is not out here with him.


Eddie Guerrero vs Shelton Benjamin w/Charlie Haas

Eddie with some high flying offence at the beginning of the match, including a crossbody to the outside to take both members of the World's Greatest Tag Team, that putting WWE into an advert break.


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We come back with Shelton in control. He connects with a missile dropkick, but only gets a 2 count. SHelton then delivers several suplexes to Eddie. Shelton went for a superkick, but Eddie ducks and nailed Benjamin with a dropkick. Eddie then delivered the Three Amigoes. Afterwards, Charlie Haas jumped on the apron, only to be dropkick off by Eddie. However, Eddie turned into a kick by Shelton, which he caught, only to be nailed with a dragon whip for the 3 count. Rating: B-


(After the match, the World's Greatest Tag Team continue to beat down on Eddie, with Haas locking in Haas of Pain. Chavo then came running out, only to join with Shelton & Charlie in beating down Eddie, nailing his uncle with a Gory bomb.) Rating: C-


Micheal Cole: What! Chavo just betrayed his uncle. Why? Why would Chavo do that?

Tazz: I did say that I didn't think they would be able to team together, but I didn't think Chavo would go this far.


('Big' plays and the Big SHow comes put with Paul Heyman for a street fight. Just as he reaches the ring John Cena appears on the titantron.)


John Cena: Big Show, we're both in the Royal Rumble, a SmackDown guy will win the it, but it ain't you, you're a seven foot guit. Twenty men, and some idiots sent a mile, John Cena at the top of the pile.


(John Cena disappears from the titantron as 'How do you like me now' plays and Hardcore Holly charges down to the ring, surprising the Giant.)


Hardcore Holly vs The Big Show

This match goes all over the arena, with both sides switching control. Towards the end of the match, Holly chases Heyman away. However, Big Show capitalised on this distraction, nailing Holly with a chair. He continued to smash him him with the chair until the chair broke. Show then got a table, and looked to connect with a Show Stopper, but Holly countered it and somehow lifted Big Show up for a Hollycaust through the table to get the 3 count. Rating: B-


(After the match, Brock Lesnar runs down and attacks Holly, levelling him with an F5. Smackdown closes with Brock Lesnar holding him WWE title over Hardcore Holly.) Rating: A




Overall Rating: B


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  • 2 weeks later...

Raw Preview

1)The Dudleys vs Cade & Jindrak - "Get the tables"

2)Chris Jericho vs The Hurricane - In the face of all common sense - I believe in the Hurricane

3)Scott Steiner vs Val Venis - It's all about the largest arms in the world

4)Test vs Maven - The man who could have been Triple H will work his recent frustrations out on the JTTS

5)Randy Orton vs Rob Van Dam [intercontinental] - never bet against Randal Keith

6)Goldberg vs Kane - Fear the Spear

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  • 2 weeks later...



Molly Holly, Alexis Laree & Victoria beat Trish Stratus, Lita & Jaqueline

Matt Hardy/Christian beat Conway/Dupree and Stevie Richards/Jon Heidenreich




Jim Ross: Welcome to Monday Night Raw, and what a show we have line up for you tonight.

Jerry Lawler: Yes, tonight Randy Orton proves why he is the Intercontinental Champion and that leaping fool from Philidelphia isn't.

Jim Ross: I think Rob has a great chance of winning the match. Also tonight, Goldberg faces Kane and Scott Steiner faces Val Venis.


('Bombshell' plays and the Dudleys come out, clearly annoyed about what happened last week.)


Jim Ross: The Dudleys are clearly looking for revenge against Evolution, but tonight they will have to settle for Mark Jindrak & Garrison Cade.


(Garrison Cade & Mark Jindrak come out.)


Jerry Lawler: Here comes one of my favourite tag teams, after the tag team champions of course, Garrison Cade & Mark Jindrak.

Jim Ross: You may like them King, but the WWE universe are not as big fans.


The Dudleys vs Garrison Cade/Mark Jindrak

Bubba Ray Dudley punches away on Mark Jindrak. Bubba slams Jindrak down. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Bubba Ray tags out to D-Von. The Dudleys whip their opponent into the ropes and hit a double back elbow. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Big clothesline on Jindrak. However he manages to kick D-Von down low to reverse the momentum. D-Von walks into a side slam (talent!). Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Tag between Jindrak and Garrison Cade. Cade hits a vertical suplex. Pin : 1....2....no! They cut that one close. Big backdrop on D-Von, executed well. D-Von Dudley slips out the back of a Cade bodyslam. D-Von slams Garrison Cade down. D-Von tags out to Bubba Ray. Bubba hits some punches. Cade tags out to Jindrak. Bubba Ray slams them both. Jindrak is in big trouble...3D!! 1....2....3!


Jerry Lawler: Those Damn Dudleys got lucky there.

Jim Ross: I have no idea what your talking about King, the Dudleys were the better team and won fair ans square.

Jerry Lawler: They were not the better team.


('Time to Rock & Roll' plays and Trish Stratus comes out.)

Trish Stratus: Over the past few weeks, Chris Jericho has been helping me, and I think he might be telling the truth, but the problem is, after what he did last time, I can't trust him, what do you think I should do?

('MacMillant' plays and Mark Henry comes down to the ring, threatening Trish.)

He grabs her by the arm, with a murderous look in his eye, but then...

('Break the Walls down' plays and Chris Jericho comes running down)

Mark Henry looks like he is about to fight Jericho, but then decides he knows better, and gets out of there. Rating: C+


Jim Ross: After the advert break, Chris Jericho faces off agaisnt the Hurricane.




Chris Jericho vs The Hurricane

Jumping DDT by Hurricane. Flying elbow off the top rope. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Y2J blocks a punch. Stiff Enzugari on Hurricane by Chris Jericho. Lionsault by Y2J. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Diving Crossbody by Chris Jericho. Pin : 1....2....kick out! A split-second away from a three. Calf Kick by Chris Jericho to the face. The Hurricane reverses a Chris Jericho hammerlock. Spinning bulldog in the corner, Y2J is down. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Springboard blockbuster! Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up! That was close. Flying elbow from Hurricane. Standing leg lariat by Hurricane on Y2J. Chris Jericho dropkicks Hurricane as he goes for a splash. Y2J uses a basement dropkick to the knee. Lionsault! Chris Jerico grabs his legs and locks in the Walls of Jericho! Hurricane taps. Rating:B


Jim Ross:Great victory by Jericho there.

Jerry Lawler: Yeah, and if he wasn't distracted by Trish, he could become World Champ.

Jim Ross: Don't be ridiulous King, Trish has no impact on whether he becomes World Champ.


('Big Puppa Pump' plays and Scott Steiner comes out, working his arms.)


Jim Ross: Steiner is so arrogant. Why isn't he focusing on his upcoming match.

Jerry Lawler: Steiner's so good, he doesn't need to focus.


('Hello Ladies' plays and Val Venis comes out)


Scott Steiner vs Val Venis

Steiner takes a headbutt from Venis. Big Puppa Pump counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Gutwrench into a powerbomb, Val hits hard. Steiner taunts Val as we head into the advert break.




Venis is in a sleaper hold as we come back from the advert break. Val uses all of his strength and escapes the hold. Clotheslone, followed by a Powerslam. Venis goes up top, and signals for Money Shot. However, just as he leaps, Steiner rolls out of the way! Steiner picks Val up and powerbombs him into the corner. Scott Steiner locks him into Steiner Recliner!!! Val Venis taps out!


(Steiner leaves the ring, shortly followed by Venis. 'I won't do what you tell me' plays and The Sheriff of Raw comes out)

Steve Austin:Last week, the Dudleys were screwed out of the Tag Team Titles(what!) by Triple H and Evolution(what!). So, I have decided that at the Royal Rumble(what!), the Dudleys will get a rematch againast Evolution(what!) in a steel cage match(huge cheer). And that's the bottom line becuase Stone Cold says so.





Test vs Maven

Test slams Maven. Test uses a forearm to the face. Running knee lift from Test. Another knee lift from Test. Maven ducks a clothesline attempt. Maven hits a dropkick on Test. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Maven only gets knees on a splash. Hard slam by Test. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Maven reverses an irish whip. RUnning Big Boot by Test! Maven is down and hurt. Test hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up! That was really close. Test misses a clothesline. Dropkick by Maven connects, Test goes down. Maven drops an elbow...but misses. Flying shoulder tackle by Test sends Maven to the mat. Maven is in trouble. Here it comes - Pumphandle Slam. 1....2...3, it's finished. Rating: C


(We cut backstage where Gene Oakerland is standing by with Rob Van Dam)

Gene Oakerland:With me at this time, Rob Van Dam. How are you feeling ahead of this big match up?

Rob Van Dam:Well, I feel confident that I can defeat Randall and take back by my Intercontinental Championship.

Gene Oakerland:Aren't you worried Evolution might be a factor?

Rob Van Dam:I spoke to Steve Austin, and he has personally guaranteed that Batista, Flair and HHH are banned from ringside. At the end of tonight, the Intercontinental Champion will be Rob....Van....Dam.

Rating: C


(We cut back where 'Lines in the Sand' is playing and Orton comes out.)


(When Orton reaches the ring, 'One of a Kind' plays and RVD comes out.)


Randy Orton vs Rob Van Dam

Suplex by Randy Orton, RVD hits hard. Randy Orton misses a big kneedrop. Standing leg lariat by Rob Van Dam on Orton. RVD misses a clothesline...and takes out the referee by mistake. Superkick by RVD. Rolling Thunder! Pinfall attempt, but the referee is out. Randy Orton pulls a clothesline out of nowhere. He poses as we go into Advert Break.




Orton hits a dropkick on Rob Van Dam. RVD walks into a backbreaker. Cover! 1....2...kick out. RVD is thrown over the top rope. Spike DDT by Randy Orton. Pin : 1....2....kick out! A split-second away from a three. RVD counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Split-Leg Moonsault in the corner, Orton is down is down. Pin : 1....2....no! They cut that one close. Rob Van Dam goes for a Five Star Frog Splash. Orton gets his knees up! Rob Van Dam is in trouble. Here it comes - RKO. 1....2...3, it's finished. Rating: B


(Randy Orton is just about to leave when Mick Foley appears on the titantron)

Mick Foley:Randy, Randy, Randy.I know I kind of chickened out from you a few weeks ago, but I have though about that and I am accepting your challenge. You have one week, and then I am coming to kick your ass.



Jim Ross:Strong words from Foley there, Orton is probably quaking in his boots.

Jerry Lawler:Are you kidding me? Orton just put in a great performance against Rob Van Dam, and you think he is worried about a washed up legendsuch as Mick Foley.

Jim Ross:I wouldn't be so sure.


(Flair comes to the ring ans calls out Shawn Micheals.)

As Shawn Micheals comes out, Orton jumps him. Triple H and Batista quickly come out to join him. Orton lifts him up, RKO! Batista picks up HBK and feeds him to Triple H, Pedigree! Evolution stand tall as we cut to the break. Rating: A




Kane vs Goldberg

Goldberg clothesline Kane. Goldberg slams Kane. Fallaway slam by Goldberg. Flying shoulder tackle by Goldberg sends Kane to the mat. Kane slips out the back of a bodyslam. Uppercut by Kane puts Goldberg down. Powerslam from Kane. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Goldberg reverses a hip toss. Powerslam. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Massive lariat. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up! That was close. Kane counters a sleeper hold by turning it into a jaw breaker. Kane slams Goldberg. Kane goes up top, Flying Clothesline. Kane locks Goldberg in an armbar. Goldberg is strugling, but escapes. Goldberb charges, Running Big Boot by Kane. Kane gets ready for a Chokeslam. Booker T comes running down the aisle and onto the apron! Kane turns...and is dropped throat-first onto the top rope by Booker! He has left Kane in big trouble. Goldberg spears Kane! Here it comes...Jackhammer! 1....2....3, it's over. Rating: B


Jim Ross:Great victory by Goldberg, he certainly looked impressive.

Jerry Lawler:What! Kane was cheated by Booker T.


Final Rating: B+



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  • 2 weeks later...

Smackdown Preview


1) Akio vs. Rey Mysterio - The ultimate underdog is actually the favourite - but what a fun match to watch


2) John Cena vs. Shelton Benjamin - The Dr (of Thugganomics) is in


3) Chavo Guerrero vs. Paul London - My head says Chavo, but my heart says London. Never go against your heart kids.


4) A-Train vs. Bradshaw - both men coming off a loss, but I think the clothesline from hell trumps the Derailer here, especially with Simmons in his corner.


5) Rikishi vs. The Big Show - he makes the Kish look little, and the Kish doesn't have much more than size.


6) Brock Lesnar/Rhyno vs. Hardcore Holly/Kurt Angle - Holly may have beaten the Big Show, but he won't beat the beast, even with an Olympian in his corner. Add in Rhyno's love of violence and no one comes out of this match unscathed.

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(‘Next Big Thing’ plays and Brock Lesnar comes out with Paul Heyman.)

Paul Heyman :Hello and welcome to Thursday Night Smackdown. My client, Brock Lesnar, has a message he would like me to deliver to Hardcore Holly. Would Mr. Holly please want to come out.

(‘How do you like me now’ plays and Hardcore Holly comes out)

However, as soon as he comes out he jumped by Rhyno. He beats him down to the ring and is about to throw him in to Brock when 'Medal’ plays and Kurt Angle comes running out to even the numbers. Heyman retreats up the ramp. With All four men brawling, Heyman grabs a microphone.

Paul Heyman : Break it up, Break it up! If you 4 want to fight so much, wait until tonight’s main event where Brock Lesnar will team up with Rhyno to face Hardcore Holly and Kurt Angle. When Brock Lesnar’s team wins, Lesnar doesn’t have to defend his title at the Royal Rumble and Rhyno will get the number 30 spot in the Rumble. If Holly’s team somehow gets lucky and wins, Holly gets to face Brock Lesnar and Kurt Angle will get the number 30 spot.

Rating: B


Micheal Cole : Hello, and what a show we have for you tonight.

Tazz : Your right there Cole. The US Champion will face Rikishi.

Micheal Cole: Not only that, but as we just found out, WWE Champion Brock Lesnar will team up with the Man Beast to face Hardcore Holly and The Olympic Hero, Kurt Angle. That match will have huge royal rumble implications.

Tazz : Starting off tonight however, we have some cruiserweight action as Rey Mysterio faces Akio of the Japanese Mafia.


(‘Who’s that jumping out of the sky?’ plays and Rey Mysterio springs out, to massive cheers from the WWE fans)


Micheal Cole : Here comes the Cruiserweight Champion, the high-flying Rey Mysterio.


(‘Midnight Maximum’ plays and the Japanese Mafia come out, to boos from the audience.)


Rey Mysterio vs. Akio

In a high-flying match up, Rey wins with a Droppin’ Da Dime after a 619. Rating: C


Rey Mysterio starts celebrating but is jumped by Tajiri and Sakoda. They stomp on him and Akio gets up and joins in the beat down. Ayo Dai pick up Rey and Tajiri blasts his head off with a Buzzsaw Kick. The Japanese Mafia pose as we go into commercial break. Rating: D




Shelton Benjamin vs. John Cena

Back and forth. Highlights include Five Knuckle Shuffle by Cena and a huge Super kick, which nearly got a 3 count. At end, Cena picks Benjamin up for a AA, when The Big Show comes out, distracting him. Benjamin slips off the back and when Cena turns round he is hit by a T-Bone Suplex. Rating: C


(As Shelton celebrates, a new theme plays and Chavo Guerrero comes out with a microphone. He gets in the ring to boos from the crowd.)

Chavo Guerrero : Hello (boo!), My name is Chavo Guerrero (boo!) and last week I disposed of the trash known as Eddie Guerrero (We want Eddie! We want Eddie!). You can want Eddie all you want, he is not coming out. Hey, I’ll challenge Eddie to match right now, he has 10 seconds. 1.....2.....3.....4.....5.....6.....7.....8.....9.....10. What a surprise, he didn’t come out. That is because Eddie is a coward. Well, can my opponent please come out so I can prove my in ring superiority over my ‘uncle’.

(‘Rocker’ plays and Paul London charges towards the ring) Rating: C+


Chavo Guerrero vs. Paul London

London controls at the beginning, but is caught by a dropkick by Chavo when he went up top, meaning Chavo was in control when the advert break began.




Chavo still control, as we come back, London makes a comeback, but Chavo hits an Eye Poke followed by a Gory Bomb for the 3 count. Rating: D+


As Chavo leaves the ring, the Basham Brothers come out and start stomping on London. They pick him up and are about to deliver a Ball and Gag to London, ‘You can run’ plays and Billy Kidman rushes towards the ring. He fights off Danny and Doug for a while but eventually succumbs to the numbers. They give Kidman a Ball and Gag. London is just getting up so they give him a Ball and Gag too. They leave with London and Kidman down and out. Rating: D-


(We cut backstage where Tony Chimel is interviewing Paul Heyman and Matt Morgan)

Tony Chimel : Err, Paul, last week Matt Morgan assaulted Chris Benoit Why?

Paul Heyman : It’s quite simple Tony, to make a statement. Chris Benoit was in the wrong place at the wrong time and Matt Morgan proved he is the strongest, toughest man on Smackdown.

Tony Chimel : So it wasn’t anything to do with your feud with Chris Benoit.

Paul Heyman : Are you accusing me of something.

(Matt Morgan walks towards to Chimel and stands menacingly over him.

Tony Chimel : No sir, nothing of the sort.

(We cut back to the ring) Rating: B-


Micheal Cole : Paul Heyman is abusing his power, he just intimidated Tony Chimel

Tazz : I wouldn’t speak out against him, or he might set Big Show, Brock Lesnar or Matt Morgan on you.


(‘Derailed’ plays and A-Train comes out.)


Micheal Cole : After the break, A-Train faces off against Bradshaw




A-Train vs. Bradshaw

A-Train dominates early goings, but Ron Simmons helps Bradshaw get back into it. He goes for Clothesline for Hell, but A-Train dodges and then squashes Bradshaw with a Derailer.. Rating:C


Tazz: A-Train looked like a different man to the person who lost to Rey Mysterio last week. He just flattened Bradshaw with that Derailer.


(‘Show Time’ plays and The Big Show comes out, to boos from the Crowd.)


(‘U look Fly today’ plays and Rikishi comes, dancing his way down to the ring.)


Micheal Cole : This match is sure to be hard hitting. If Rikishi can pick up the victory here, he has to be considered as a contender for the US Title.

Tazz : Your right there Cole.


The Big Show vs. Rikishi

This match was surprisingly good. Despite Rikishi’s best efforts, Big Show won this one with a Show Stopper. Rating: B-


Micheal Cole : After the break, is our main event. All parties involved will really want to win that match.




Brock Lesnar/Rhyno vs. Hardcore Holly/Kurt Angle

Brock Lesnar and Rhyno control Kurt Angle for most of match, but he refused to quit. When Rhyno went for a Gore, Angle got out of the way, Belly-to-Bellied him and made a tag to Hardcore Holly. Holly came in like a house on fire and Rhyno ran off and tagged in Lesnar. It was brutal at this point. Lesnar took control thanks to Rhyno and went for an F5, but Angle distracted him allowing Holly to slip off the back and hit Lesnar with an Alabama Slam and pick up a huge victory. Rating: B


Tazz : Huge victory for Holly and Angle there.

Micheal Cole : We have some huge news for the Royal Rumble. Kurt Angle will get the number 30 spot and Hardcore Holly will have a chance to take the title off Brock Lesnar.

Tazz : Well, what a great show, good night.


Final Rating: B-



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Raw preview


1)Rene Dupree vs Val Venis - The Ego has landed


2)Trish Stratus vs Miss Jackie - Even Teddy can't save Miss Jackie from defeat


3)Scott Steiner vs Stevie Richards - I think Victoria might distract the big bad booty daddy and allow Big Stevie Cool another win.


4)Goldberg vs Matt Hardy - Matt Fact Even the Sensei of Mattitude should fear the spear.


5)Christian vs Lance Storm - "If I can be serious" I can see Y2J costing his 'good buddy' the win against Capt Canada.


6)Triple H vs Booker T - another reason to hate the game, it's going to be rigged against the master of the spinaroonie.

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  • 3 weeks later...


Jim Ross : Welcome to Monday Night Raw. What a show we have for you tonight.

Jerry Lawler : For once I actually agree with you JR, we do have an amazing show lined up .

Jim Ross : Mick Foley will get his hands on Randy Orton, who has been calling Foley a coward for weeks.

Jerry Lawler : No, Randy will finally get his hands on Foley, he did dodge him at Armageddon.


(‘I won’t do what you tell me’ plays and ‘The Sheriff of Monday Night Raw’ Steve Austin.)


Steve Austin : Now (what!), in my infinite power and wisdom (what!), I have decided that for the next month (what!), we will have superstars be able to make matches for their rivals (what!). Tonight, we will have the number one contender to the World Heavyweight Championship (what!), Shawn Michaels; make a match for Triple H (Yeah!). What will that match be (what!), you’re just going to have to wait and find out (what!), as will you Hunter.

Rating: A


Jim Ross : What an announcement by Steve Austin there. I wonder who Shawn Micheals will pick to face Triple H

Jerry Lawler : I hope Austin consulted his co-general manager Eric Bischoff before coming up with the idea, it is getting ridiculous.


(‘Final Force’ hits and Rene Dupree comes out, accompanied by Robert Conway who is waving a French flag)


Jim Ross : After the break, Rene Dupree faces off against Val Venis.



Rene Dupree vs. Val Venis

Rene showed his full arrogance in this one, and this nearly cost him when he went for an Au Revoir, he taunted the fans which allowed Val to get up and make a comeback. When he went for a Money Shot however, Rob Conway distracted him allowing Rene to smash his head against the turnbuckle, which knocked Val clean out, giving Rene a tainted victory. Rating: C


Jim Ross : That was outrageous; who do La Resistance think they are.

Jerry Lawler : That was simply taking advantage situation. You would know this if you ever wrestled.

Jim Ross : I simply can’t understand why they think they can break the rules.


(‘Wreck’ plays and Mick Foley comes out to the ring where he grabs a microphone)

Mick Foley : Randy, come out. (Randy doesn’t come out). Come receive your beating right here in Stillwater. (Randy still doesn’t come out). You’ve had a week. Be a man. (Randy still doesn’t come out). Fine, if you’re not coming out, I’m going back there to get you.

(Mick Foley runs back down the ramp and into the back) Rating: B+


Jim Ross : Who is the coward now? Why won’t Randy face Foley?

Jerry Lawler : Randy doesn’t have to answer to anyone, he is his own man.

Jim Ross : Why does he hide behind Evolution then?

(‘Time to Rock N’ Roll’ plays and Trish Stratus comes out)


Jim Ross : After the break, Trish Stratus faces Miss Jackie



Trish Stratus vs. Miss Jackie

Trish dominates this one, putting Miss Jackie away with a Chick Kick. Rating: C-


After the match, Mark Henry comes down and flattens Trish with a clothesline. He lifts her up for a World’s Strongest Slam, but Y2J comes down and makes the save. He hits Henry with a dropkick, then a Lionsault, sending Mark Henry packing. Rating: C+


(The camera cuts backstage where Shawn Micheals is standing in Steve Austin’s office)

Shawn Micheals : Tonight, I can make a match for ‘The Game’ Triple H. He is my former best friend, I know how he wrestles, and he knows how I wrestle. So, in order to entertain you, the WWE fans, the most, I have decided that in tonight’s main event, Triple H will face the 5 time, 5 time, WCW champion, Booker T.

(Booker T walks on screen)

Booker T : Can you dig that, Sucka.

(Mick Foley sticks his head in to see if Randy is in there)

Rating: B


(The camera comes back with Stevie Richards (without Victoria) in the ring)


(‘Holla if you hear me’ plays and Scott Steiner comes out, flexing his arms, totally ignoring his opponent)


Jim Ross : Scott Steiner is so arrogant, he thinks Stevie is dirt

Jerry Lawler : We’ll find out that he is right when he puts Richards down.


Scott Steiner vs. Stevie Richards

Richards controls beginning. He goes up top and goes for a crossbody, but Steiner catches him and delivers a massive backbreaker. He poses as WWE goes to commercial.



Scott Steiner is still in control when WWE returns. However, when he went for a Steiner Recliner, Richards rolled over and pinned Steiner. Rating: C-

As soon as the match finished Richards rolls out of the ring and heads up the ramp, only to be nailed by a Test Running Boot. Test throws Stevie in the ring and Steiner starts stomping away on Richards. He locks him in the Steiner Recliner. After 5 seconds, ‘Tattoo’ plays and Maven comes running out with a steel chair. He levels Steiner with it, and swings at Test, who only just rolls out of the way. Rating: D+


Jim Ross : Stevie Richards was saved by Maven there.

Jerry Lawler : Stevie Richards deserved that punishment, what was Maven even doing

Jim Ross : What are you talking about King?

Jerry Lawler : Winning like that, costing the WWE fans a chance to see a clean finish.


(With JR and King arguing, the camera cuts backstage, to Evolution locker room, Batista and Flair are standing in front of the camera. Randy Orton can just be seen fleeing from the camera.)

Ric Flair : Dudleys we have a message for you. At the Royal Rumble, you are looking to take our tag team titles from us. But I can assure you that the Stylin’, Profilin’, World Tag Team Champions have other ideas. We will leave you battered and broken. We will escape the cage and retain our Tag titles.

Batista : Come Royal Rumble, we will destroy you.



(WWE returns from commercial with Matt Hardy in the ring, with an e-sign which read “Matt Fact: Matt Hardy is the greatest wrestler in this company.)


(‘Invasion’ plays and Goldberg comes out, looking fired up)


Jim Ross : I have a sneaking suspicion that Matt might just be proved wrong


Goldberg vs. Matt Hardy

Goldberg crushes Hardy at beginning, throwing him around the ring like a ragdoll. Matt takes control via the poking of Goldberg’s eye. Matt controls for a few minutes, grounding the powerhouse. However, Goldberg inevitably comes back into it. Goldberg then goes for a spear, but Matt pulls the ref in front of him and saves himself. Matt then goes for his e-sign(which says ‘Matt Fact: Goldberg is afraid of Matt Hardy), and tries to nail Goldberg with it, but he ducks, flies off the ropes and flattens Hardy with a spear. Goldberg then picks Matt up and levelled him with a Jackhammer. He covers, a new ref comes down, and he gets a 3 count. Matt Fact: Goldberg has won this match. Rating: B


(The camera instantaneously cuts backstage where Mick Foley is beating the living daylights out of Randy Orton in Evolution’s locker room.)

Flair tries to drag Foley off but he is levelled with a right hand. He goes back to punching Orton. Batista then tries to drag Foley off, but Foley this time gets Mr. Socko out and puts it down Batista’s gullet. Orton looks like he is about the escape, when Foley yet again charges at him and spears him into the shower room. Triple H then come into the room, sees the destruction and goes to save Orton. He pulls Mick off and fights him off long enough to allow Orton to escape, before running off himself. Rating: B+


(The camera cuts back to commentary team)

Jerry Lawler : What right does Mick Foley have to destroy the Evolution locker room?

Jim Ross : If Randy hadn’t been calling Mick a coward for weeks, then not chickened out tonight, and then it wouldn’t have happened.


(‘Just close your Eyes’ plays and Christian comes out)


Jim Ross : After the break, Captain Charisma faces Lance Storm




(WWE return with Christian and Lance Storm in the ring ready to square off)

Christian vs. Lance Storm

In a technical match up, Christian won with an Unpretier. Rating: C+


Jerry Lawler : What a victory by Christian, he just proved why he is one of the best wrestlers in the WWE.

Jim Ross : Christian was impressive, but take nothing away from a very game Storm.


(The camera cuts backstage where Eric Bischoff can be seen complaining to someone. As the camera revolves around, we can see it is Vince McMahon)

Eric Bischoff : ...getting ridiculous. Steve is acting like I’ve got no power, it is like he thinks he is the greatest person alive and no one else matters. You’ve got to control him; he is beginning to ruin the show.

Vince McMahon : Enough, Eric, enough. I cannot change Austin being co-gm, Linda has already made that happen. What I can do however is make sure that next week, you get to make half the matches and get to name the person/people who make the main event. Are you Happy?

Eric Bischoff : Yes that will do. That will do very nicely.

(The camera comes back to the arena) Rating: B+


Jim Ross : There goes Eric, whining as always


(‘Lines in the Sand’ plays and Triple H comes out)


Jim Ross : Next, we have our main event where Triple H faces Booker T




Triple H vs. Booker T

Back and forth match up. For finish, Triple H went for a Pedigree, Booker reversed into a backdrop. Booker then hit HHH with a super kick. Booker then picked Triple H up and set him up for a Book End, when ‘Out of the Fire’ plays and Kane comes out. Kane got into the ring, Booker attacked him but Kane pushed him away and then caught him with a Big Boot, causing a disqualification. Rating: B+


Kane continues to assault Booker after the bell has gone. He gets a chair and smashes Booker in the ribs with it. He then picks Booker up and Powerbombs him onto the chair, causing Booker to roll around in pain. Kane then rolls Booker out of the ring and then throws him into the barricade. Kane then strips the announce table and pulls Booker over. He grabs him around the throat and Chokeslams him through the announce table! Rating: B-


Jim Ross : Kane is so sadistic. I can’t believe he just chokeslammed him through the table.

Jerry Lawler : Tune in next week when Evolution take on Shawn Micheals, Rob Van Dam, Booker T (if he can) and a returning Mick Foley.


(The Show ends with Kane manically laughing)


Final Rating: B+


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<p><strong>Matt Morgan</strong> vs. Funaki - Funaki makes people look good, and the DNA of TNA needs to look good.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Chavo Guerrero</strong> vs. Ron Simmons - both men have a win, but I think "cheat 2 win" may just pull it out.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Japanese Mafia</strong> vs. Rey Mysterio/Kidman & London - I think the Mafia need a win, and Taijiri can beat anyone with that Buzzsaw kick. Hopefully it's not London eating the pin.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rhyno</strong> vs. Rikishi - Rhyno is riding high at the moment, and I think the Gore can beat even the big man.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>A-Train</strong> vs. John Cena - Cena eats a beating well, and A-Train needs another win to get his momentum going. Post match the Doctor can get his heat back with a promo.</p><p> </p><p>

Big Show vs. <strong>???</strong> - classically this type of challenge never goes well for the named guy, so I'm going to have to back the Phantom Stranger. Who is he - I'm guessing the Canadian Crippler</p>

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  • 2 weeks later...



(‘Medal’ played and Kurt Angle came out.)

Paul Heyman : As an Olympic Gold Medallist for our country, I am very proud to announce that, due to my victory last week, I have got the number 30 spot at the Royal Rumble. This puts me in a very good position to win the match and headline Wrestlemania. However, it doesn’t matter whether I am number 30 or number 1, I will win the Royal Rumble anyway, Oh It’s True, It’s True.

(‘Medal’ played and Kurt Angle left

Rating: B-




Micheal Cole : Hello, and what a show we have for you tonight.

Tazz : Your right there Cole. We have the contract signing for the WWE Championship match between Brock Lesnar and Hardcore Holly. What a hard hitting affair that will be.

Micheal Cole: Not only that, but Big Show is announcing an open challenge and John Cena faces the monstrous A-Train.

Tazz : Starting off tonight however, Matt Morgan faces Funaki


(‘Alien Works’ played and Matt Morgan came out, too boos from the WWE fans.)


(‘Evil Indeed’ played and Funaki came out with a frightened look on his face)


Matt Morgan vs. Funaki

If Funaki though he had a glimpse of a chance at beating Matt Morgan, he was quickly proved wrong. Morgan eventually put Funaki away with an F5. Rating: D-




(The camera cut backstage, where Big Show was walking. He was suddenly attacked by Cena, who was clearly looking to get a piece of the US Champion. Officials rushed to the scene and pulled Cena off the Big Show. Rating: C






Chavo Guerrero vs. Ron Simmons

Very back and forth matchup. Chavo looked good, as did Simmons. For finish, Simmons went for Spinebuster but Chavo got an eye poke to reverse, he then hit Ron with a Gory Bomb for the victory.

Rating: C-




(Chavo Guerrero got a microphone, to boos from the crowd.)

Chavo Guerrero : Hello (boo!), My name is Chavo Guerrero (boo!) and I am the nephew of the injured, untalented, good for nothing Eddie Guerrero (Come on Eddie! Come on Eddie!). You know what – I’m going to call Eddie out. Eddie, you have 10 seconds to get out here. 1.........2.........3.........4.........5..........6..........7.........8..........9......... (‘Viva La Raza’ played and Eddie came out – to the shock of Chavo.) They brawed and Chavo was left running with his tail between his legs, Eddie celebrating with the fans in the ring. Rating: C




Japanese Mafia vs. Paul London/Billy Kidman/Rey Mysterio

Billy Kidman controlled Akio at the beginning, but was caught by a dropkick by an interfering Tajiri, meaning the Japanese Mafia were in control when the advert break began.




Mafia still control as we came back. Kidman managed to make a comeback, and tagged in Mysterio while Akio (who was in the ring) tagged in Sakoda. Mysterio then took it to Sakoda, hitting the Droppin’ Da Dime. Rating: C




(‘U look fly tonight’ plays and Rikishi dances his way down to the ring)


(‘Monster’ plays and Rhyno charges to the ring, clearly in the mood to fight Rikishi)


Rhyno vs. Rikishi

This was a very brutal match. For the finish, Rikishi nailed Rhyno with a Super kick, he then went up top for the Bonsai Drop, but pandered to the fans for a little too long, allowing Rhyno to dodge his 400lbs frame when he dropped. Rhyno then went to the corner and, waited for Rikishi to get up. When Rikishi got up, he quickly got Gored by Rhyno, who picked up the 3 count. Rating: B-




(We cut backstage where Tony Chimel was interviewing the World’s Greatest Tag Team)

Tony Chimel : I have the so-called ‘World’s Greatest Tag Team’ with me here.

Shelton Benjamin : That is the World’s Greatest Tag Team, Tony. It’s not a name, it’s a fact.

Tony Chimel : So, what are your plans for the Royal Rumble

Charlie Haas : Our plans? That is to eliminate 28 other men, then fight it out and see who gets to main event Wrestlemania, where one of us will become WWE Champion

Tony Chimel : I wouldn’t be so confident; there are some very talented wrestlers in the Rumble.

Shelton Benjamin : We are the most talented wrestlers in the WWE, it isn’t even a contest.

Tony Chimel : What about the number 30, your trainer, Kurt Angle.

Charlie Haas : Kurt Who? You know what, how about we prove how good we are by facing Angle and a partner of his choosing next week.

Tony Chimel : That sounds like a challenge. Well, back to ringside.

(We cut back to the ring) Rating: C-


Micheal Cole : The World’s Greatest Tag Team are so arrogant.

Tazz : To be fair, they are some of the best athletes in the WWE.




(‘Basic Thuganomics’ played and John Cena came out.)


Micheal Cole : After the break, John Cena faces A-Train, in what can only be assumed to be a punishment match




A-Train vs. John Cena

A-Train dominated early goings, but Cena made a comeback. He went for his patented Five Knuckle Shuffle, but A-Train rolled out of the way. He charged at Cena, but Cena picked him up and hit an FU on A-Train to pick up a 3 count. Rating: C+


Tazz: John Cena looking good there, he could be considered a contender to the US championship




(Speaking of the US Champion, ‘Show Time’ played and The Big Show came out with Paul Heyman, to boos from the Crowd.)

Paul Heyman : My client, the Big Show, would like to declare an open challenge to the Smackdown locker room, as he feels like he needs a challenge. (A ‘We Want Cena’ chant begins). This challenge is not available to those who have already competed tonight, such as John Cena. So come on out, anyone who feels like they could present a challenge to the Giant.


(A momentary pause was followed by the distinctive tune of ‘Whatever’. Chris Benoit ran down with an official, and the match begun.) Rating: B




The Big Show vs. Chris Benoit

This match was back and forth. Benoit started in control, working on Show’s arm. However, a distraction from Heyman. Show then hit several power moves. After that, he grabbed Benoit by his throat and lifted him up for Chokeslam, but Benoit slipped off the back. Benoit then made a comeback. Kick! Kick! Kick! Big Show went for a punch but Benoit ducked and went behind him. He grabbed him around the waist and managed to pick him up for a German Suplex, and he held on! Another German followed, for which Benoit still managed to hold on. Benoit then hit a final German Suplex, before covering, 1....2.... Big Show kicked out. Benoit then went up top and hit Show with a Diving Headbutt. He tries to lock him in the Crippler Crossface, but Show powered out. Show then speared Benoit out of his boots. He picked up Big Show and went for a Chokeslam again, however Benoit reversed it into a Crossface. Show tries to reach the ropes, but to no avail, and had to tap out. Rating: B-


Micheal Cole: What a match!

Tazz : I agree Cole, a great performance by the Canadian Crippler. After the advert break, the contract signing for the WWE Championship match at the Royal Rumble between Brock Lesnar vs. Hardcore Holly.






After the advert break, the table for the contract signing was set up and Micheal Cole was in the ring with the microphone.

(‘Next Big Thing’ played and Brock Lesnar came out with his WWE title)

(After that, ‘How do you like me now?’ played and Hardcore Holly charged towards the ring)

Micheal Cole: With me now are Brock Lesnar, signing the contract for their match at the Royal Rumble. Brock, please sign the contract.

Lesnar signed the contract.

Micheal Cole: Holly, please sign the contract

Holly signed the contract. As soon as he has finished, Lesnar pushed the table into Holly’s ribs. They brawled, with Lesnar gaining the upper hand. He picked Holly up on his shoulders, before driving him through the table with an F5. He picked up his title and posed with it to end the show. Rating: B-


Final Rating: B-



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  • 2 months later...

This dynasty is actually back. Having it got lost due to me being busy/disinterested, I have decied to bring it back. The format for the shows will be slightly different, but that is only a small, time saving change. So, onto the Raw preview:


1)Val Venis vs Robert Conway


2)Trish Stratus vs Stacy Kiebler


3)??? vs Randy Orton


4)The Dudleys vs Cade & Jindrak [Cage]


5)Royal Rumble preview battle royal.


Bonus questions:

1)Who will accept Randy Orton's open challenge to legends?

2)Who will return?

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1)Val Venis vs Robert Conway - going to go with Val getting revenge on the Conman, but it might be by DQ or CO. No way this issue is settled this quickly.


2)Trish Stratus vs Stacy Kiebler - Stratusfaction over legs.


3)??? vs Randy Orton - Legend Killer keeps his streak alive


4)The Dudleys vs Cade & Jindrak [Cage] - Dudleys won last time, I'm thinking they'll win again.


5)Royal Rumble preview battle royal. - Kurt Angle to continue his push with victory in the battle royale.


Bonus questions:


1)Who will accept Randy Orton's open challenge to legends? - I'm thinking Rowdy Roddy might answer the challenge


2)Who will return? - Jesse 'the Body' Ventura

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Raw opened with Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler at the commentary booth. They ran down the card, including the main event, which was a battle royal featuring the 15 men from the Raw brand in the Royal Rumble. They were interrupted by Eric Bischoff, who grabed a microphone and went on a rant about how Steve Austin is ruining the show, and his choice of superstars making matches is an example is an example of this. He continued, saying that this is why this week; Ric Flair will be making a match for the Dudley Boys. After the promo by Bischoff, Val Venis took on Robert Conway of ‘La Resistance’. The match was even, with Val Venis looking like he was going to take the contest when he knocked Conway down and ascended to the top rope, but he was never given the chance to hit the Money Shot as Rene Dupree attacked him with the French Flag, causing a disqualification. They aren’t done they though, as Rene Dupree hits Val with an Au Revoir.

Rating: 65/100

The cameras cut backstage to Evolution’s locker room. Ric Flair announced that The Dudleys Boys will take on Cade & Jindrak... in a steel cage match. Flair then went on a long promo about how gruelling a cage match is, so the Dudleys are going to need all the practise they can get. Trish Stratus then took on Stacy Kiebler. Trish looked like she was about to win, when Jazz came out to the surprise of everyone, including Trish. When Trish finally turned around, she was met with a spinning heel kick from Stacy, who picked up the victory. After the match Jazz came into the ring and started beating Trish down. She picked her up, and locked her in the Bitch Clamp. This brought out Chris Jericho who ran to the ring, only to be taken out by Mark Henry. Henry picked him up and hit Y2J with a World’s Strongest Slam. After much persuasion by referees, Jazz eventually threw an injured Trish to the floor. This lead to an advert break.

Rating: 59/100

Randy Orton was in the ring with a microphone. He claimed that Mick Foley is a legend, but that doesn’t matter to him, because he is a legend killer. To prove this, Orton challenged any WWE legend to face him. Sgt. Slaughter’s theme played, to cheers from the audience, but those cheers quickly turned to boos when Rico came out dressed as Sgt. Slaughter. The match between Orton & Sgt. Rico was short, Orton picking up the victory after a few minutes with an RKO. After the match, RVD came out and cut a promo stating that he will win the Royal Rumble this Sunday and go on to headline Wrestlemania.

Rating: 58/100

After the break, the cameras cut backstage where Booker T was backstage with Jonathan Coachman. Booker talked about how this Sunday; he will throw 29 other suckers, including Kane, over the top rope. The cameras returned for the cage match. The Dudleys looked like they were experienced in the cage, throwing Cade & Jindrak all around it. However, a low blow from Cade to D-Von, followed by a Lariat, allowed Cade & Jindrak to isolate Bubba. However, D-von eventually recovered and the Dudleys made a comeback. They hit both Cade and Jindrak with 3D before escaping the cage to gain victory.

Rating: 71

Following an advert break, Shawn Micheals came to the ring and said that at the Royal Rumble, he would be the last man standing and would walk out with the World Heavyweight Championship. This brought out Triple H and they brawled, having to be separated by officials. After this was the main event, the battle royal. Everyone jumped on Mark Henry, Kane and Goldberg as soon as the match begun, but they threw them off. Scott Steiner got the first elimination, sending Hurricane packing. However, as he taunted, Maven dropkicked him over the top rope. The next elimination was Matt Hardy, who got speared by Goldberg and then removed from the ring. Then Mark Henry eliminated both Stevie Richards and Maven thanks to a distraction by Steiner. Test was the next man to go, being powered out of the ring by Goldberg. Rene Dupree was next, eliminated by Vitamin C. Mark Henry charged Jericho, but Christian pushed Y2J out of the way, and Henry was gone. However, this sent Jericho into Orton, who hit him with an RKO. Orton tossed Y2J and he was out. Orton then got a Chokeslam by Kane and went. Christian brawled with Booker, only to receive a big boot from Kane over the top rope. This left Kane, Goldberg, Booker T and RVD. Kane brawled with Booker while RVD went at it Goldberg. RVD went for a super kick, only for his leg to be caught by Goldberg and flipped out of the match. At the same time Kane managed to power Booker out thanks to a thumb to the eye. Kane and Goldberg then went at it, and Kane went for a Chokeslam, only for Goldberg to power out and hit Kane with a Jackhammer, before throwing him out. Goldberg celebrated as Raw came to an end.

Rating: 90/100


Overall Rating: 85


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