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WWF 2001: InVasion

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March 26, 2001...the night professional wrestling changed forever, the last ever WCW Monday Nitro aired on TNT.

It was supposed to be the crowning moment for Vince McMahon as he killed off the only competition the World Wrestling Federation has ever had. Things unfortunately didn't go to plan as Shane McMahon turned up on the final Nitro, which was being simulcast on TNN on Monday Night Raw, and signed the contact to purchase World Championship Wrestling himself.


Since then, Shane McMahon has popped up on Raw is War and SmackDown to keep WCW at the forefront of his father's and the fans thoughts. However as of May, two months later, no television deal has materialized and no WCW wrestlers have appeared on WWF TV.


The main story at the moment is the continued dominance of WWF champion Stone Cold Steve Austin who, along with former rivals Triple H and the WWF chairman himself Vince McMahon have run roughshod over the entire roster, including the elimination of The Rock the night after WrestleMania X7, Austin's unprovoked assault of his former friend and announcer Jim Ross and their continued bullying of the Hardy Boyz and Lita while at the Backlash pay-per-view they won the WWF Tag Team titles from the Undertaker and Kane.





Stone Cold Steve Austin def. The Undertaker

Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit def. Edge and Christian, Hardy Boyz, X-Factor, Dudley Boyz, Radicalz and APA in a Tag Team Turmoil match


Kane def. Triple H


Chyna def. Lita


Rhyno def. Test and Big Show

Kurt Angle def. Chris Benoit in a Two out of Three Falls match for Angle's Olympic Gold Medals

William Regal def. Rikishi


With Judgment Day in the books, what is next for the World Wrestling Federation and World Championship Wrestling?

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Current Champions


World Wrestling Federation


WWF World Heavyweight Champion


Stone Cold Steve Austin


WWF Intercontinental Champion




WWF European Champion


Matt Hardy


WWF Light-Heavyweight Champion


Jerry Lynn


WWF Hardcore Champion




WWF Women's Champion




WWF Tag Team Champions


Stone Cold Steve Austin and Chris Jericho


World Championship Wrestling


WCW World Heavyweight Champion


Booker T


WCW United States Champion


Booker T


WCW Cruiserweight Champion


Gregory Helms


WCW Tag Team Champions


Sean O'Haire and Chuck Palumbo

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Raw is War - Week 4, May 2001



Live from Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Week 4, May 2001


Off the back of a spectacular Judgment Day, Monday Night Raw kicked off live Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Jim Ross and Paul Heyman discussed the events of the previous night and showed still photographs of the WWF championship match.


Suddenly the glass shattered and Stone Cold Steve Austin walked out laughing and flipped the bird to a fan with an Undertaker sign before entering the ring. Stone Cold told the fans and viewers that last night he killed off and buried the Dead Man once and for all, saying he did it all by himself and said he didn’t think we’d be seeing Undertaker around for a while. On commentary JR pointed out that Triple H and his sledgehammer were instrumental in Austin’s victory as Austin said he’s now beaten Undertaker at Backlash and now against at Judgment Day, saying he’s had his shot and he won’t be getting any more and that it’s time for a beer bash celebration. Austin demanded the timekeeper throw him some beer but as the first couple of cans were tossed in, the music of Chris Jericho hit and along with Chris Benoit, the returning Canadian heroes and No.1 Contenders for the WWF Tag Team titles walked out onto the ramp!

Stone Cold demanded that they leave because they weren’t invited to his celebration. Chris Jericho then congratulated him on beating the Undertaker, saying it was quite impressive that Austin considered both Triple H and the sledgehammer to be a part of him and then queried the relationship of the two men. Austin snapped back by feigning ignorance about the situation and again claimed he did it all by himself. Jericho taunted Austin by asking him when was the last time he won a match by himself without any weapons, Triple H or Vince McMahon? Jericho pointed out he could only beat the Rock at WrestleMania X7 when Vince gave him a steel chair. A deluded Stone Cold said that match was No DQ and it was all legal but Y2J retorted that “daddy Vince” changed the rules right before the match to suit him and that he bets Austin can’t do anything by himself, asking if Debra wipes his ass for him “or does Triple H help you do that too?” Stone Cold flipped and said he doesn’t need any help and does everything for himself so Chris Benoit struck and pointed out that they became No.1 Contenders to the WWF Tag Team titles last night so they want to cash in their shot tonight! Austin turned them down immediately but when Benoit asked if he has to wait to ask Triple H’s permission, Austin threw down his WWF Tag Team title belt and told the duo that he accepted the challenge! Jericho and Benoit smiled as Austin told them he didn’t need Triple H to beat both their asses!



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WWF Hardcore title

Rhyno vs. Big Show

Paul Heyman hyped up Rhyno as the last ever ECW champion and one of the most violent men he’d ever come across. JR recapped the Triple Threat Hardcore title match from Judgment Day and said that because it was Test that was pinned by Rhyno, Commissioner William Regal had granted Big Show a one-on-one match tonight. The usual hardcore hijinks ensued with trash cans, kendo sticks and stop signs being used throughout the contest. Rhyno tried to DDT the giant on a steel chair but Big Show back body dropped his way out of it and later on in the match, Show then attempted to deliver a chokeslam onto the same chair but Rhyno fought his way free and then out of nowhere nearly ripped Big Show in half with a massive Gore! This allowed Rhyno to get the pin and victory at 8:29 to retain the Hardcore title.


In the parking lot a limo was shown arriving and outstepped Triple H and Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley. Looking slightly worse for wear after losing his Intercontinental title to Kane last night in the Chain match, Triple H wasn’t amused when Kevin Kelly told him that Stone Cold had accepted Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho’s challenge to have their match for the WWF Tag Team titles tonight. Furious, Triple H muttered “Austin” and he and Stephanie stormed off.



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WWF European title

Matt Hardy vs. X-Pac

JR wondered what Triple H was going to do when he found Stone Cold but Paul Heyman reassured him that they are partners, allies, friends and that everything would be fine. With both competitors taking part in last night’s Tag Team Turmoil match, and the Hardy Boyz being eliminated by X-Factor via Albert’s interference, there was a lot of bad blood before the European title even entered the equation. The X-Factor leader was supported at ringside by both Justin Credible and Albert while Matt bravely (or naively) came alone and with these set of circumstances it was clear the match was never going to be a fair one-on-one contest and so it proved. Matt had X-Pac down on the matt after a Side Effect but stopped short of hitting a diving leg drop when Justin Credible taunted him from the outside and this allowed X-Pac to recover and nail a low blow followed by an X-Factor! The title looked won but Matt kicked out at 2.99999 so X-Pac then dragged Matt to the corner and administered a Bronco Buster. Matt then fought back and looked to be gaining momentum but it was killed when Credible tripped him, giving X-Pac the advantage again. Suddenly, out of absolutely nowhere Jeff Hardy appeared at ringside and dived off of the ringside barrier onto both Albert and Justin Credible! X-Pac was focused on the outside action and was spun around and nailed with a Twist of Fate for the three count, giving Matt the win at 8:53 that saw him retain the European title.


Backstage Triple H burst in to Stone Cold Steve Austin’s locker room, Vince McMahon ducked aside and the Game demanded to know why Austin accepted the match without discussing it with him first. Austin countered he doesn’t need to explain his actions to anyone, “I don’t need you to wipe my ass!” Vince and Triple H looked at each other for a second before Triple H said he’s beat up from last night and then demanded Vince call off the match but Vince said he won’t because Jericho and Benoit earned a title shot at Judgment Day and then told them both to calm down. Vince reminded Triple H that they are the WWF Tag Team champions and Stone Cold is the WWF champion, “besides, they’re just a pair of Canadians, EH”. Austin laughed by Triple H didn’t even crack a smile so Vince changed tack and said that Benoit had a gruelling 2/3 falls match with Kurt Angle and if anyone was feeling bad it’d be Benoit and promised Triple H that not only would they be easy pickings but that this Thursday on SmackDown, Triple H would have a rematch with Kane where he would reclaim his Intercontinental title. Triple H seemed to be appeased by this and agreed to both matches and warned Austin not to screw up before walking off with his wife.


Elsewhere Spike Dudley and Molly Holly were holding hands and Molly tells Spike she enjoyed their date earlier today and would like to go on another one soon. Spike reciprocated the feeling and said he hadn’t enjoyed himself so much for a very long time. The two then shared a cautious kiss as Raw returned to the ring.


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Jeff Hardy and Eddie Guerrero vs. The Radicalz

Eddie Guerrero put a line under his days with the Radicalz recently when he cost them a match against the Hardy Boyz. There are still questions to be asked about Eddie’s motives as Matt Hardy especially believes he’s just trying to get closer to his girlfriend Lita but for the time being anyway, the Hardyz and Eddie seem to have a loose alliance. After a back and forth contest that saw both Dean Malenko and Perry Saturn desperately try, and ultimately fail to get their hands on Eddie Guerrero it was Eddie that picked up the win at 5:32 following a Frog Splash.


In the office of the Commissioner William Regal, Vince McMahon walks in asks why Regal wanted to see him so urgently. Regal explains that nobody has heard from the Undertaker since Judgment Day and he’s a bit concerned that the Dead Man is going to want some retribution for what happened last night. Vince sighed and agreed, saying he doesn’t share Stone Cold’s confidence that Undertaker is finished and while he’s confident he won’t be here tonight, he has a feeling he’ll be at SmackDown on Thursday so Vince asks Regal to get some people to keep an eye on Austin. As if on cue, the WWF champion walked in and both Regal and Vince went quiet. Austin wanted to know what they were talking about so Regal improvised by saying they were both looking forward to seeing Austin and Triple H beat Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit. Austin accepted this and then walked off, leaving Regal and Vince utterly confused.


Spike Dudley was in the locker room when his brothers the Dudley Boyz appeared and cornered him. Bubba Ray told Spike that as their brother they were obligated to look out for him and tell him that Molly Holly is bad news and that he’d be better off without her. Spike said thanks but that he is happier than he has been for a while and that he wants to make his own choices. D-Von warned him to be careful what he wishes for and Bubba Ray says that tonight they’re going to break Hardcore and Crash Holly in half.


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Kane vs. Tazz

The new Intercontinental champion Kane took to the ring in a non-title match against the Human Suplex Machine Tazz. JR called Kane’s victory against Triple H “redemption” after all of the attacks perpetrated by the Two Man Power Trip. Kane was still wearing a bandage around his previously broken arm but it didn’t stop him making short work of Tazz as he nailed a chokeslam and won the match at 4:20.


Raw returned from a commercial break to find the ring decked out in red, white and blue with a podium situated in the middle of the ring then Kurt Angle’s music began playing, signalling the arrival of the Olympic hero who now, thanks to Edge and Christian, had been reunited with his beloved Olympic gold medals. Angle said it had been a long time coming but last night he proved that not only was he the best wrestler in the world, he was also smarter than Chris Benoit. Angle conceded that Benoit won the first fall but said it was “a fluke” because Angle wasn’t ready but then pointed out her won the “true wrestling” match when he made Benoit submit to the ankle lock. Angle said what happened afterwards showed his brains because Edge and Christian distracted Benoit to allow Angle to climb the ladder and win the match and get back his gold medals. He says Benoit would never have thought of that and said he out-wrestled Benoit and had no problem using the rules to his advantage. Angle then introduced a man who entered the ring as an “Olympic official” and said in honour of his victory last night he wanted to replicate the moment he originally won his gold medal back at the 1996 Olympics. Angle handed over his medals and then his music played again and as the “Olympic official” placed the medals over his head, Angle dropped to his knees and threw his arms in the air and yelled in celebration.

Angle’s music abruptly ended and was replaced by that of Rikishi! Paul Heyman was beside himself with fury about how Rikishi had the nerve to interrupt a true American hero. Angle was a mixture of fury and confusion and told Rikishi to come back in a little while because he was in the middle of something. Rikishi walked down the ramp and answered that he’d prefer to stick around because he’s recently had a change of heart and realised that the fans deserve better and said they don’t want to see Angle parading in the ring, they want to see Rikishi do to Angle he did to William Regal last night and to Stephanie a few weeks ago; give him a Stink Face! Angle nervously laughed and said the fans really don’t want that, however the chants of “Stink Face! Stink Face!” definitely showed their disagreement! Angle warned Rikishi that he won’t be held responsible for his actions to which Rikishi said “neither would I” and then the Phat man attacked! The two went toe-to-toe but when Angle failed to lift Rikishi up for the Angle slam Rikishi caught him with a savate kick and Angle fell down in the corner! The fans went wild as Rikishi warmed up the cheeks but at the last second Angle escaped and ran up the ramp, eyes wide, his nose held as Rikishi laughed and then danced in the ring.


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The Holly Cousins vs. The Dudley Boyz

Neither Molly Holly nor Spike Dudley accompanied their family members to the ring as the brutal feud heated up. JR said he didn’t understand either the Dudleyz or the Holly’s points and said if it’s what they wanted, they should let Spike and Molly be together. Paul Heyman disagreed and said that speaking as the former head of ECW, he knows the Dudleyz and says it might be tough love but Bubba Ray Dudley, the head of the family always has their best interests at heart and suggests Hardcore Holly is the same. During the match, unbeknownst to the competitors Molly Holly and Spike came out onto the stage holding hands. The four men left nothing in the locker room as they landed stiff blow after brutal slam until the Dudley Boyz had Hardcore Holly set up for the wasssup headbutt, D-Von’s attention was grabbed by Molly and Spike and Crash Holly took advantage of this distraction to enter the ring and low blow Bubba Ray, allowing Hardcore Holly to recover and hit the Alabama slam to pick up the surprise victory at 6:19.

Spike Dudley looked gutted but Molly quickly noticed her cousins coming up the ramp and pulled Spike to the back.


For the second time tonight, Raw headed to the parking lot where a black limousine pulled in and the camera panned down to reveal the number plate "WCW1" as WCW owner Shane McMahon stepped out!


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Chyna vs. Ivory

The match between Chyna and Lita last night at Judgment Day was a lot more one sided than many expected but as Lita joined JR and Paul Heyman on commentary she said that she's learned a lot from Chyna recently and says while it was an honour to face her last night, she promises that next time the result would be different. When quizzed by Paul Heyman about her relationship with Eddie Guerrero, Lita said she doesn't have one but suggested that her and the Hardy Boyz are beginning to trust him. In the ring, Chyna made very short work of Ivory and the match was done after 3:23 following a powerbomb.


Lita applauded Chyna on her win and entered the ring with a microphone and said that she wants a rematch for the Women's title. Chyna received a microphone and told Lita that while last night was great, she had had her chance and didn't live up to Chyna's expectations so because of that she's moved on and is looking for a new challenger. Chyna dropped the microphone and left the ring to a couple of boos from the fans as Lita looked on dejected.


Backstage Lilian Garcia introduced the No.1 Contenders for the WWF Tag Team titles, Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit. Lilian asked Benoit about his physical condition after last night and Benoit admitted to not being 100% but said he knows that neither Triple H or Stone Cold would be either so that evens things up. Jericho said there here in Canada, their home country and said that tonight in front of their home fans that not only were they gonna win the WWF Tag Team titles, they were gonna beat Stone Cold and Triple H so badly that, "they would never eeeeeever, be the same, again!"


Live in the arena the fans were still cheering for Benoit and Jericho when "Here Comes The Money" hit over the PA system and Shane McMahon shockingly walked out! Paul Heyman raged that he can't be here, this is WWF Raw, not WCW Nitro but Shane walked down unopposed. Shane smiled as he was handed a microphone and said that he knows that everyone is wondering why he hasn't been attacked by 100 members of security and kicked out of the arena and Shane explains that he's been given a 5 minute slot by one of the owners of the World Wrestling Federation to promote his company; WCW. "No, not Vince...my mom Linda McMahon," and Shane apologised to the fans because like them, he was looking forward to the main event but said he had an announcement to make and that he'd been away for a little while dealing with "business" but now he's back and WCW will be soon. He tells everyone to watch this space because we'll be seeing a lot more of him and WCW over the coming weeks.

"No Chance" then hit and out walked Vince McMahon, but he wasn't alone as Edge and Christian stood on either side. Vince told Shane that if he thinks he's ever stepping foot in his ring ever again he had another thing coming and then sent Edge and Christian after him! Shane quickly left the ring before they could anywhere near it and had disappeared into the crowd before they knew it!



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WWF Tag Team titles

Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin and Triple H

There was absolutely no doubt as to who the Calgary crowd was backing here. Triple H and Stone Cold Steve Austin's music were drowned out by the deafening boos of 11,000 Canadian's who switched to the some of the loudest cheers ever heard in the history of the WWF at the entrance of Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit. Stone Cold and Y2J started the contest with the WWF champion taking control in the early going with right hands forcing Jericho against the turnbuckle, but Jericho fought out with right hands and knife edge chops of his own, sending Austin across the ring to the opposite corner! Jericho, urged on by the support if his home country had an answer for all of Austin’s offense and he and Benoit made several tags, working over the WWF champion. Benoit even managed to lock Austin in the Crippler Crossface but Triple H broke it up with a kick to the side of Benoit’s face. Benoit took Austin down with a duo of German suplex but Austin blocked the third and behind referee Earl Hebner’s back caught Benoit with a low blow. Austin tagged in Triple H and at that moment, the tide turned in their favour. The WWF Tag Team champions were able to work over Benoit while making regular tags and taunting the locals. Triple H signalled the end and locked up Benoit for the Pedigree but the Rabid Wolverine countered out with a back body drop and went for the tag but Triple H cut him off and dragged him back into the centre of the ring. Triple H stomped and punched away but Benoit caught his arm and tried to lock in the Crippler Crossface but this time Triple H countered out and went for a spinebuster, that was countered and Benoit connected with an enziguri! The fans went wild as Benoit crawled to the corner and got the hot tag to Chris Jericho…but Earl Hebner didn’t see it as Austin had entered the ring! With Hebner caught up with Austin, Triple H grabbed Benoit and dragged him across the ring and eventually tagged in Stone Cold who went to work on Benoit, stomping a mudhole in the corner. Austin picked up Benoit, flipped the bird to the crowd and then Benoit and kick wham Stunner…no! Benoit blocked and hit a big German suplex, dropping Austin on his neck! Benoit then struggled across the ring…tag to Jericho! Y2J had been waiting for ages to get into the match and it showed as he connected with Austin, then Triple H then Austin again and then knocked Triple H to the apron where he took him down to the floor with a springboard dropkick. Benoit followed Triple H to the outside and the two men fought in front of the announce table which Benoit slammed Triple H face first into. Back in the ring, Jericho hit a bulldog and then went for the Lionsault only for Austin to get his knees up and block it for a two count. Austin connected with several stomps and then a Lou Thesz press and then went for a Stunner but Jericho blocked it and tripped the champion before locking in the Walls of Jericho! Outside Triple H had given Benoit a spinebuster and now had a hold of a sledgehammer and this move had Hebner trying to wrench the weapon from his hands as Austin reached for the ropes…but then tapped out wildly! Jericho had it still held for several seconds before he realised the referee wasn’t turning around, he then released the hold and pulled Hebner back into the ring where he attempted to lock in the Walls of Jericho again but this time Austin was able to kick Jericho away right into a right kick from Triple H who then nailed the Pedigree! The Game was quickly pulled under the second rope by Benoit and the two proceeded to brawl like crazy, meanwhile in the ring the Rattlesnake slowly, slowly crawled over and threw his arm across Jericho…one…two…thr, NO! Jericho kicked out the last millisecond! Just like everyone in the arena, watching at home and on commentary Austin though that was the match won! Both Austin and Jericho struggled to their feet and exchanged right hands until Austin went for a Stunner, blocked by Jericho who spun Austin around…STUNNER! Austin finally nailed it at the fourth or fifth attempt and made the cover…1…2…diving headbutt from Benoit!!! Where did he come from!?! The Rabid Wolverine came out of nowhere but before he could capitalise, Triple H entered the ring and the two men went flying over the top rope after a clothesline. Benoit got to his feet and tossed Triple H into the ring steps while Jericho somehow managed to get to his feet and with his last effort ran to the ropes and connected with the Lionsault! Jericho managed to hook Austin’s leg…1…2…3!!! We’ve got new WWF Tag Team champions!

After a gruelling match that lasted 20:31, Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit, the home town heroes win the championships with Y2J pinning the WWF champion Stone Cold Steve Austin! Jericho and Benoit celebrated at the top of the ramp, but in the ring Stone Cold ordered the referee to hand him his WWF title which he proceeded to cradle as Raw faded to black.

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SmackDown! - Week 4, May 2001



Taped from Anaheim, California

Week 4, May 2001


SmackDown kicked off with WWF champion Stone Cold Steve Austin, one-half of the deposed WWF Tag Team champions coming to the ring. Austin immediately placed the blame for the defeat on Raw on his partner, Triple H. Austin said it was all his fault he lost and said being Tag Team champions is about teamwork and having each other’s backs, saying he was there for Triple H the entire time but where was he when Jericho had him in the Walls of Jericho, “oh yeah, getting your ass kicked by a toothless Wolverine”.

This quickly brought out the Game, Triple H who was accompanied as ever by his wife Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley and the duo joined the WWF champion in the ring. Triple H ripped into Austin and mocked his comments about “always having his back”, asking how smashing him in the face with a steel chair at Judgment Day was “having his back”. Austin shot back that it wasn’t his fault that Kane moved! Triple H then pointed out that it was Austin, not he who got pinned and lost the titles.

“No Chance” sounded out in the arena in the WWF chairman came out to try and calm down his two charges. Vince said that everyone makes mistakes and everyone gets lucky and says that at Judgment Day, Austin’s mistake allowed Kane to win the title and on Raw, Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit got lucky. Vince tells Triple H that he has the opportunity to rectify the mistake when he gets back his Intercontinental title from Kane. Vince reassures Austin that the most important thing is he is still WWF champion but this only pisses off Triple H who says maybe he should scrap his match with Kane and give him a WWF title shot instead! Austin and Triple H get in each other’s faces as Vince and Stephanie try to pull them apart.

But then the new WWF Tag Team champions walk out onto the stage! Benoit mocks the “lovers tiff” in the ring and reminds them that he and Jericho are the new champions. Jericho mocks the argument, saying they are acting like little girls but the only girl he sees is Stephanie. Jericho corrects himself and says Stephanie isn’t a girl, she’s a “filthy, dirty, disgusting, brutal, bottom-feeding trash bag ho!” Triple H wants to lash out but Vince holds him back and threatens Jericho that nobody disrespects his little princess like that. Jericho says he reckons there are about a hundred guys in this arena who have “disrespected” her today alone! Triple H gets even madder but Jericho just laughs and says he heard Vince call them lucky so he and Benoit are willing to give Austin and Triple H a rematch tonight! Triple H agrees with them and wants a fight but Austin doesn’t and so it seems does Vince, who rejects the match, saying Triple H is already booked before telling the champions he has a better idea. Vince says Jericho and Benoit will defend the titles tonight against Edge and Christian…and the Hardy Boyz…and the Dudley Boyz…in a Tables, Ladders and Chairs match!!! Vince tells them that their luck just ran out but Benoit and Jericho just look at each other and nod in agreement.


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Dean Malenko w/ Perry Saturn and Terri vs. Eddie Guerrero

Tazz called Eddie Guerrero a traitor for turning on his partners, “his brothers” Perry Saturn and Dean Malenko to go after Lita. Michael Cole disagreed with Tazz’s assessment but did question Eddie’s motives towards Lita. Eddie accidentally hit the referee with Dean Malenko as he suplexed him and this meant there was nobody around to count the pin. Eddie shook the referee but this only served to distract Eddie from Perry Saturn who decked him with a clothesline and then hit his swinging cradle suplex. Saturn helped up Malenko who capitalised on the situation by locking in the Texas Cloverleaf and with the referee now recovered it looked all over for Eddie. But suddenly Lita ran down the ramp, headed to the top rope and dove right onto Perry Saturn! Lita quickly ran up the ramp as Malenko released the hold to check out what had happened, allowing Eddie to roll him up and get the shock pinfall!

Winner: Eddie Guerrero via pinfall at 4:11

Eddie quickly vacated the ring but didn’t seem to know what had happened until he saw the replay on the OvalTron, drawing a happy smile from him.


After the commercial break, Lita was walking backstage when Matt Hardy confronted her and wanted to know why she helped Eddie Guerrero win. Lita explained that Eddie had helped them win a bunch of times but Matt sighed and said he doesn’t trust Eddie and neither should she. Lita apologised to Matt and said doesn’t trust him, not completely anyway and then gives Matt a kiss for good luck ahead of the TLC match.


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X-Factor w/ Albert vs. The A.P.A.

They may have been mismatched size wise but as Tazz pointed out, X-Factor beat Bradshaw and Faarooq in Tag Team Turmoil at Judgment Day. When Michael Cole made a comment that Albert played quite a big role in that, Heyman said the only thing that matters is the 123. The A.P.A. were certainly looking for revenge because at Judgment Day they were on a role after dominating wins over both the Radicalz and the Dudley Boyz before Albert’s trip signalled their defeat, and they dished out their customary stiff offence against Justin Credible and X-Pac. Albert got involved again and it looked as though it would be a repeat of Sunday night but with a wild brawl happening outside between X-Pac, Albert and the A.P.A., Raven took the opportunity to hit the ring and land the Raven Effect DDT on Justin Credible. Bradshaw returned to the ring and covered for the pin and win

Winners: The A.P.A. via pinfall at 5:31.


Michael Cole and Tazz hyped the main event TLC match when “Rollin” hit the PA system and Undertaker rode down the ramp to the ring. Heyman wondered why Undertaker never showed up on Raw Monday night as the Deadman waited out the cheers before he began to speak. Taker explained that he was at home Monday and he heard Stone Cold say that he had had his shot and that he’d never get another rematch. Undertaker laughed and said that at Judgment Day, Austin would’ve been dead and buried if it wasn’t for Triple H and Undertaker vows that Austin hasn’t seen the last of him because he’s coming for the WWF title again.

Suddenly the lights went out and the OvalTron kicked in with grainy camera footage outside someone’s house. A heavily modified voice wonders out loud where they were and then when they got closer to the house they focused on a woman inside and the voice said “she’s a fine piece of ass”.

The video cut out and Undertaker looked shocked, angry and perhaps even a little bit scared before running up the ramp, leaving his motorcycle behind in his haste.



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WWF Light-Heavyweight title

Crash Holly w/ Hardcore Holly vs. Jerry Lynn ©

The reigning Light-Heavyweight champion Jerry Lynn, despite his questionable attitude has actually been a fighting champion. Lynn continued in the same vein against Crash Holly, who was accompanied by Hardcore Holly, but no Molly Holly as noted by Michael Cole. Lynn was obviously the more technically proficient wrestler but Crash more than made up for it in heart as Crash gave Lynn a good match. Unfortunately Crash’s heart couldn’t help him when Bubba Ray and D-Von Dudley ran out and gave him a 3D in plain sight of the referee drawing the disqualification.

Winner: Crash Holly via DQ at 5:30 (Jerry Lynn retains the WWF Light-Heavyweight title)

Hardcore Holly entered the ring to join the fight and held his own against both Dudleys but he too succumbed to a 3D to Bubba Ray and D-Von standing tall ahead of their involvement in the TLC match later tonight.


Triple H was taping his wrists in the locker room ahead of his Intercontinental title match with Kane when Undertaker kicked in the door and grabbed him by the throat, lifting him off his feet in the process! Triple H struggled for air and Stephanie screamed as Undertaker reminded him that he warned him about going near his family and asked if he remembered what he would do to him if he ever came near them. Triple H gasped and muttered “not…me” so Undertaker loosened his grip for him to cough before saying he doesn’t know anything about and pointed the finger of blame at Austin, saying maybe he knows about it. Undertaker tightened his grip and lifted him even higher before saying, “if I find out you’re lying, I’ll be back and you’ll wish I finished you off right now.” Taker dropped him and left as Stephanie came over to check on her husband.


The three Dudley Boyz were standing around in the backstage area ahead of the big TLC match later in the evening. Bubba Ray asked Spike if he saw what happened to the Hollys earlier, Spike said he had and Bubba continued that that is what they do, they don’t cavort with trash. Spike got in his brothers face and said Molly isn’t like her cousins, she’s nice. D-Von interjected and said it was hers and Spike’s fault they lost last week and asked Spike who’s side is he on? Spike said he’s on theirs but Bubba said D-Von was asking whether he’s on their side or Molly’s! Spike couldn’t answer so Bubba told him to hurry up and decide and not to come anywhere near their match tonight before he and D-Von walked off, leaving Spike to contemplate the difficult situation he had found himself in.


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Grandmaster Sexay vs. Kurt Angle

After both men made their entrance, Rikishi’s music hit and the big man decided to join Michael Cole and Tazz at the announce table. Angle wanted to know why Rikishi was here and because of this he was distracted when the bell rang, allowing Grandmaster Sexay to get a quick roll-up for a near fall. Tazz wanted to know why Rikishi has beef with Kurt Angle and Rikishi says it’s nothing personal, he’s just giving the fans what they want and they all want to see Rikishi gives Angle the Stink Face. After the early set back, Angle was able to connect with the Angle slam but instead of making the pin, Angle just locked in the Ankle lock and within seconds Grandmaster Sexay tapped out.

Winner: Kurt Angle via submission at 5:39


The bell rang but Angle didn’t release the hold sold Rikishi threw off his headset and ran into the ring to drive off Angle and save his old Too Cool buddy. Once he checked on Grandmaster Sexay, Rikishi taunted Angle by pointing at him and then pointing at his overlarge derriere!


In William Regal’s office, Edge and Christian thanked WWF chairman Vince McMahon for making the TLC match tonight and putting them in it. Christian said it was “totally awesome” but Vince said as long as they win the match and titles he’ll be happy. Edge said he has nothing to worry about because they’re going to become 8-time WWF Tag Team champions and then asked if they could do anything else for him. Vince thought for a minute and said there was something and told them that the Undertaker is on a warpath tonight and said even though neither he or Stone Cold knows anything about this stalker, he thinks Undertaker will be after Austin next so he tasks them with standing guard outside Austin’s locker room. The happiness drained from Edge and Christian’s faces who pointed out that Undertaker was angry and “really big” and then offered their services as butlers instead! Vince smiles and tells them that they always crack him up before turning away, leaving Edge and Christian slightly terrified.


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Hardcore match

Albert vs. Raven

This match came about as the result of several run-ins over the past few weeks but more specifically during tonight’s tag team match between X-Factor and the APA. As is par for the course with a Hardcore rules match, mayhem ensued and all manner of weapon’s were brought into the fray and used by both competitors. Raven slammed a trashcan onto the big bald head of Albert and lashed him three times with a stop sign. He then pulled the trash can off the groggy Albert’s head and went for the Raven Effect DDT but Albert grabbed the ropes and Raven caught his own head on the fallen sign. Albert moved quickly to pick Raven up to his feet and then by his throat before slamming him back down onto the stop sign with the Baldo Bomb! This was enough to give the big man from X-Factor the victory.

Winner: Albert via pinfall at 4:46


A video began playing hyping the return of…WCW! The video showed classic moments from the past such as Hulk Hogan turning on WCW to form the nWo and Ric Flair’s many battles with Sting then focused on the present and highlighted the rise of Diamond Dallas Page, Lance Storm, Mike Awesome, Chuck Palumbo and Sean O’Haire before settling on the reigning WCW champion Booker T. The video ended with the line “WCW: Where The Big Boys Play…Coming Soon.”


The camera switched to the parking lot and was following Vince McMahon as he kicked open the door to the production truck and raged at the technicians there. He demanded to know who had played the video and a young man named Dave admitted it was him but as Vince dragged him off his chair and threatened to kill him, he said he was given strict instructions to play it by “Mrs McMahon” and quickly rummaged in his pockets, produced a note and handed it to Vince. Vince read it, his eyes widened and he said one word, “Linda” before storming off.


Elsewhere backstage, the Undertaker was walking with a purpose and found the locker room of WWF champion Stone Cold Steve Austin, guarded by a nervous looking Edge and Christian. Undertaker demanded they get out of his way but Edge stammered a refusal, so Undertaker said “fine” and slammed Edge into the door, punched Christian but before he could turn the door handle he was taken out with a big Gore from Rhyno! With Undertaker struggling to his feet and holding his ribs, the door opened and out walked Stone Cold who in no uncertain terms told Undertaker he knows absolutely nothing about this stalker who’s watching his wife, saying he’s moved on and suggests Undertaker keep a better watch on Sara before returning to his locker room where he slammed the door. Rhyno, Edge and Christian left the area just as Undertaker, fuming, got to his feet.



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WWF Intercontinental title

Triple H vs. Kane ©

Just a few weeks removed from their violent Chain match at Judgment Day, Kane put his Intercontinental title on the line in his first defence against the former champion Triple H. During the early moments of the match, Michael Cole confirmed that Undertaker had left the arena and he and Tazz speculated who was stalking Undertaker’s wife Sara, assuming both Triple H and Stone Cold were telling the truth. Tazz said that they were both truthful men so it must be someone else but had no idea who would be stupid enough to go after the biggest dog in the WWF. Kane’s arm wasn’t 100% and Triple H targeted it during the match, but for the most part Kane managed to protect it and keep the Game away. However Triple H finally was able to take advantage of Kane’s soft spot when Kane threatened to chokeslam him from the ring to the floor but the Game was able to fight out, land on the apron and then leapt to the floor pulling Kane’s arm hard against the top rope. Triple H’s Cerebral Assassin moniker shone through as he worked over the arm again, enough so that’s Kane’s attempt at a chokeslam fell flat when he couldn’t lift Triple H up and was then dropped with a single-arm DDT. Later in the match Triple H rolled out of the ring and threw a steel chair into the ring but when referee Mike Chioda stopped him from using it and took it back outside, Stephanie slid in the sledgehammer which Triple H brought down hard upon Kane’s injured arm! Chioda returned and made the academic count…1…2…kick out! The Big Red Machine lives! Triple H was furious and went for a Pedigree only for Kane to back bodydrop him and then with his arm dangling uselessly at his side, Kane delivered several clotheslines but again his attempt at a chokeslam failed and Triple H capitalised this time with a double A spinebuster. Triple H signalled something to Stephanie who caught the referee’s attention as Triple H untied to padding on one of the turnbuckles. Triple H dragged Kane over to the corner and attempted to slam him face first but Kane blocked it but his resistance was short lived as Triple H punched the injured arm and tossed him arm first into the exposed steel. Triple H backed away and ran at Kane…only for the champion to drop to the mat out of the way and send the Game face first into the steel! A now bleeding Triple H turned around and Kane, using his other arm lifted up the Game and delivered a massive one-handed chokeslam! Kane made the cover…1…2…3, Kane retains!

Winner and still WWF Intercontinental champion: Kane via pinfall at 12:17


Triple H was helped out of ring by Stephanie with a glazed look in his eye and Michael Cole speculated that the Game may have a concussion.


The camera cut to focus on the WWF Tag Team champions Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit as they made their way to the ring as the title match was up next!



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WWF Tag Team titles


Edge and Christian vs. The Hardy Boyz vs. The Dudley Boyz vs. Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit ©

For the first time ever, four teams competed in Tables, Ladders and Chairs, the most brutal match in all of professional wrestling and sports entertainment. Tazz called Edge and Christian favourites due to them winning the first two TLC matches as well as the Triangle Ladder Match back at WrestleMania 2000 and said that he would say Benoit and Jericho have the least chance tonight due to the gruelling match from Raw three nights ago. As soon as the bell sounded the fight was on as all eight men went hell for leather inside and outside the ring! Edge and Christian tried to sneak an early win by climbing half way up a ladder but they were quickly knocked off due to dropkicks from Jeff Hardy and Y2J. Matt threw a ladder at Bubba Ray and D-Von returned the favour by picking it up and throwing it back at Matt before he was smacked in the back with a steel chair wielded by Edge. Moments later Chris Benoit delivered a snap suplex on Jeff onto the recently tossed around ladder before he too was taken down, this time with a 3D from the Dudley Boyz! The match continued in this crazy vein for several minutes with E&C attempting to climb the ladder again, only to be thwarted by Jericho pushed them off and sending them hard to the mat. They both rolled outside and Jericho went for a high risk dive off the top rope but E&C moved out of the way and Jericho went crashing chest first through a table! After a minute, Tazz left the announce table to check on Jericho who wasn’t moving at all and soon after paramedics came to check on him and attempted to take him to the back but Jericho pushed them away and returned to the action! Meanwhile with a ladder set up in the corner of the ring, Benoit climbed it and after Jeff Hardy hit Bubba Ray with an inverted Twist of Fate he dove off and connected with a 10-foot high diving headbutt! The effort of these eight men were appreciate by chants of “holy s***” from the crowd but as Benoit attempted to climb the ladder he was cracked in the back with a steel chair courtesy of Christian who was quickly joined by Edge for a con-chair-to as Benoit crumpled to the mat. The madness continued in and out of the ring as a clearly injured Jericho fought with D-Von on the outside and fell victim to a 3D through a table while in the ring while inside Christian and Matt climbed up a ladder and fought at the top only for Matt to give Christian a Twist of Fate off the top of the ladder to the canvas below! Michael Cole and Tazz pointed out the bodies lying everywhere as Tazz switched his prediction to the Hardy Boyz, only for Matt to be then flipped over and given a Wassup headbutt from D-Von as he dove from half way up a ladder! Tazz then decided the Dudley Boyz were now his favourites. Bubba Ray climbed the ladder and his fingers on the championships when out of nowhere Edge jumped off another ladder and slammed Bubba Ray hard with a Spear! Christian was down, Bubba Ray was down, Jericho was down and outside the ring D-Von and Chris Benoit fought. Edge joined the fray with a clothesline to Benoit and followed with another Spear to D-Von, who he then set up across two tables only to be smashed over the back with a chair wielded by Benoit. Benoit then climbed to the top rope where he prepared for a diving headbutt only to see that Jeff Hardy had climbed a 20-foot high ladder and then launched himself off with a Swanton Bomb that broke the table and the bodies of D-Von and Edge! This spectacle of insanity didn’t put off Benoit who dove off and landed a diving headbutt onto all three men! The “holy s***” chants continued but in the ring and up the ladder, despite the odds and his clearly injured ribs, Y2J Chris Jericho reached out and pulled down the WWF Tag Team championships to the joy of the fans as one of the most amazing matches in SmackDown history concluded.

Winners and still WWF Tag Team champions: Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit at 20:38


Chris Jericho climbed down a few steps where he then fell to the mat clutching both belts as his music played. Benoit managed to enter the ring and helped his partner to his feet and the two men hugged in the ring before raising their titles to the sky as SmackDown went off the air.

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