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World Wrestling Federation 1991: The Silver Age

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World Wrestling Federation: The Silver Age



(Note, this dynasty starts in May 1991, and Wrestlemania 7 has already happened.)





Starting in the mid 80's, the World Wrestling Federation, lead by Hulk Hogan, began an unparallelled growth, with Hogan's popularity growing beyond professional wrestling and into every day pop culture. Pro wrestling is as big as ever, led by Hogan, Randy Savage, and several other stars. Whether it's young talent such as Mr. Perfect, or seasoned veterans like Hulk Hogan, every star has something to bring to the table, as the WWF continues to grow after one of the most successful Wrestlemania's of all time which had a soldout crowd of 70,000 in Yankee Stadium, with several moments which will certainly live throughout the generations to come. Whether it was Undertaker slamming Andre the Giant, or Hulk Hogan defending America's honor against Sgt. Slaughter, this Wrestlemania was definitely one of the more memorable ones. But throughout the past several months, many superstars returned, like Rick Rude, and the current Intercontinental Champion, Ricky Steamboat, or debuted, like the flashy new tag team, Chris Jericho and Owen Hart, who are wowing crowds with their flashy moves. With the new talent, combined with established stars, the sky is the limit for where the WWF can go, and where it will go throughout 1991, and the years to come.






CPBHBK- He gave me my first real dynasty that was actually successful. Our 1998 dynasty got a ton of support, and through that, me and CPB have become pretty good friends, and he was the one who suggested this to me. If we hadn't gotten as far as we did in that, it wouldn't of given me the confidence to try again, because honestly, the rest of my dynasties before his were pretty bad.


Beejus: A great dynasty writer with his WCW 1994 game, and he got me interested in this time period.


Packerman120: This game was originally a split between me and him, and it really got me interested in the time period and kept me going, and now I really like this game.


Smasher1311: Smash gives me a ton of ideas for this game, and helps me when I don't know what to do with certain people


Wrestlemania VII Results


Randy Savage defeated the Ultimate Warrior © for the WWF Championship (99)


In a very intense rivalry, this began at the Royal Rumble in January, after the Ultimate Warrior defeated Sgt. Slaughter to retain his championship. Later in the same night, "Macho Man" Randy Savage won the 1991 Royal Rumble, earning him a match in the main event of Wrestlemania, against WWF Champion, Ultimate Warrior. After weeks on insults, trash talking, and ambushes, the two men finally met in the ring at the greatest Wrestlemania of all time, putting in an amazing performance, but in the end, "Macho Man" Randy Savage pulled out the victory, and became WWF Champion once again to close Wrestlemania VII.




Hulk Hogan defeated Sgt. Slaughter in a No Disqualification Match (99)

Starting in 1990, former patriot Sgt. Slaughter turned his back on America, becoming on Iraqi sympathizer, much to the dismay of the WWF Fans, until Hulk Hogan stood up for America's honor, telling Sgt. Slaughter that he will prove to him that he picked the wrong side in the war. As both sides battled for supremacy, Hulk Hogan was able to pick up the win in an epic match following a Leg Drop, getting revenge on the traitor, and successfully defending the United States at Wrestlemania VII.



The Undertaker defeated Andre the Giant. (64)

Returning at the Royal Rumble, Andre the Giant dominated the matchup from the get go, until another monster made his way to the ring, one who is immortal, according to Paul Bearer. In a true monster vs monster match, the Undertaker showed incredible strength, slamming Andre the Giant for a three count, earning him possibly his biggest win in his young career here in the World Wrestling Federation.




Ricky Steamboat defeated Mr. Perfect © for the Intercontinental Championship (86)

Making his return after several years in the Royal Rumble match, Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat proved that he hadn't lost a step, lasting nearly half an hour in the match up. On Superstars after the Royal Rumble, Steamboat earned a victory off the Intercontinental Champion, Mr. Perfect. As quickly as the three count was, the celebration was even quicker as Perfect quickly assaulted Steamboat, setting up this amazing match at Wrestlemania, where Ricky Steamboat earned the victory after nearly twenty minutes of nonstop action between these two tremendous athletes.



Rick Martel defeated Jake Roberts in a steel cage match (98)

In a battle that started before the Royal Rumble, Rick Martel cost Jake Roberts a match for the Intercontinental Title, and went on to brag about his good looks for weeks until Roberts finally snapped, assaulting Martel, hitting a DDT on the concrete outside the ring. As the feud continued, Martel continued to run away from Jake Roberts, until WWF Chairman Jack Tunney made this match a Steel Cage match, so there would be no running. In an epic contest, Martel eventually scored the win on Roberts.



Rick Rude defeated Jimmy Snuka in a retirement match 66)

Jealous about Snuka eliminating him in the Royal Rumble, the two men brawled and argued all the way until Wrestlemania, until finally agreeing that the loser would leave the World Wrestling Federation forever. In an emotional match, Rude picked up the win on Snuka, costing him his career in the World Wrestling Federation.



The Big Bossman vs the Mountie (67)

With each man claiming that they were a better police officer, this match was bound to be brutal, and it surely was as these two men brawled all around the arena, until Bossman was able to pick up the win at Wrestlemania VII in front of 70,000 people inside a soldout Yankee Stadium.




the Rockers defeated The Legion of Doom ©, the Hart Foundation and Demolition for the WWF Tag Team Championships (66)

With four excellent teams in this match, it was bound to be chaotic right from the get go, as the four teams wanted to prove who was the best, and become tag team champions. After several minutes of great action between the teams, Shawn Michaels was able to roll up Bret Hart from behind to allow him and his partner, Marty Janettey to become the new WWF Tag Team Champions.


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Official WWF Roster:



Main Eventers




Hulk Hogan, Jake Roberts, Mr. Perfect, Randy Savage, Rick Rude, Sgt. Slaughter, Stan Hansen, the British Bulldog, the Ultimate Warrior, and the Undertaker.





Upper Midcarders


Andre the Giant, Animal, Big Bossman, Earthquake, Haku, Hawk, Jim Duggan, Jim Neidhart, Rick Martel, Ricky Steamboat, Ted Dibiase, the Texas Tornado and Tugboat







Bret Hart, Brian Knobbs, Greg Valentine, Jerry Saggs, Marty Jannety, Nikolai Volkoff, Saba Simba, Shawn Michaels, The Barbarian, The Mountie, The Warlord, Tito Santana and Virgil




Lower Midcarders



Chris Jerico, Crush, Mike Sharpe, Owen Hart, Pat Tanaka, Paul Roma and Smash








Brooklyn Brawler, Koko B Ware, and Sam Houston

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Pay Per View Schedule of 1991:





The Royal Rumble






Wrestlemania VII





King of the Ring










Survivor Series





This Tuesday in Texas





Show Index




Current King of the Ring Standing



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WWF Superstars


  • Tonight, watch as the Ultimate Warrior speaks on his HUGE title rematch against the current WWF Randy Savage, in one month at WWF King of the Ring!
  • In a huge matchup, the current WWF Tag Team Champions the Rockers will take on the Legion of Doom, Animal and Hawk in a non title match tonight on WWF Superstars
  • Hulk Hogan will be in action tonight in front of the sold out crowd in Hawaii, while he will also have some words for his King of the Ring opponent, the self proclaimed "World's Most Dangerous Man" Stan Hansen.




Official WWF Superstars Card



The Legion of Doom vs the Rockers


Hulk Hogan vs the Genius


Rick Martel vs the British Bulldog


Mr. Perfect vs the Ultimate Warrior

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Official WWF Superstars Card



The Legion of Doom vs the Rockers

The LOD should win this,but the Rockers just winning the titles,somehow pick up the win


Hulk Hogan vs the Genius

The usual Hogan squash match


Rick Martel vs the British Bulldog


Mr. Perfect vs the Ultimate Warrior

With both men comming off a loss at Wrestlemania, both guys will be going at, but the Warrior has the upperhand on this one

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WWF Superstars

Thursday, Week 1, May 1991

Held from the Neal S. Blaisdell Center in Hawaii, in front of 9,071 WWF Fans





<iframe width="640" height="360" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/CbqjCT8Qmrs?feature=player_detailpage" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


After the opening video hyping tonight's action on WWF Superstars, we kick off Superstars in front of a hyped WWF crowd, who are ready to see their favorite superstars in action tonight. After a few moments, the camera cuts over to our announce team for WWF Superstars: the charismatic duo of Gorilla Monsoon, Bobby "The Brain" Heenan.




Gorilla Monsoon: Welcome everyone to WWF Superstars, I'm Gorilla Monsoon, and next to me is Bobby "The Brain" Heenan. Tonight we have a HUGE main event for you coming later in the hour; It'll be two former champions going head to head: The former WWF Champion, the Ultimate Warrior, going one on one with the former Intercontinental Champion: Mr. Perfect!


Bobby Heenan: Well folks, sorry to spoil the main event tonight! While the Warrior might be Ultimate, he's not perfect like the man who's going to beat Ricky Steamboat at the King of the Ring and become a three time Intercontinental Champion, adding another achievement to the great Heenan Family!


Gorilla Monsoon: Well, be that as it may Bobby, I've just received word that the Ultimate Warrior is backstage, and apparently he has a few words for not just his opponent tonight, Mr. Perfect, but also his opponent at the King of the Ring, the WWF Champion, Randy Savage! Let's go take a look!



[Taking us into the backstage area, the Ultimate Warrior is turned away from the camera, while breathing very heavily and muttering quietly to himself.


The Ultimate Warrior: Randy Savage... You wanna say that you have conquered, that you have beaten the Ultimate Challenge at Wrestlemania VII?


[slowly turning around, Warrior does his trademark snort before shouting his next sentence]


The Ultimate Warrior: Well Macho! Lemme tell you something! This is only the beginning of the wild plane ride you and I will go on, and after we fly it all around the world, and crash it, there's going to be only one man left standing with his hand raised high! And that, will be the Ultimate Warrior! After I become a two time WWF Champion in front of all the little Warriors, that's when the Ultimate Challenge will be done Macho Man!


Grade: 86/B+



[As the crowd goes wild for the Ultimate Warrior, we return to ringside where the Legion of Doom, Animal and Hawk are already in the ring taking off their spiked shoulder pads. To a mixed reaction from both fans of the Rockers and the Legion of Doom, the WWF Tag Team Champions come running out, looking as energetic as ever as they get ready to what should be a difficult matchup between a team of speed and a team of pure power.]




http://i.imgur.com/9TNvE9i.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/dzh9ZJW.jpg V.S. http://i.imgur.com/ZpZbE8J.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/s2TWffb.jpg

The Legion of Doom vs the WWF Tag Team Champions, the Rockers



Starting off the match quickly, the face painted duo of the LOD quickly used their power game and tag team chemistry to take control of this match, just pummeling Marty Janetty with a series of power moves and strikes. After several minutes of domination by the Legion of Doom, Marty Janetty found an opening and began to use his quickness and agility to take back momentum on the slower Animal. After a few moments, Janetty still had enough left in him to make the tag to Shawn Michaels, who immediately hit a missile dropkick on Animal to a big pop from the Hawaiian crowd. After a few more minutes of back and forth tag team action between the two teams, Michaels managed to score the three count of Hawk following a roll up on the former tag team champion.


Winners: The Rockers

Grade: 74/B-


[As the Rockers continue to celebrate their big win with the fans in attendance tonight, we once again go backstage for an interview: This time with Iraqi sympathizer Sgt. Slaughter. Holding the Iraqi flag, Slaughter gets right to the point of his interview, leaving no time for anything else.]




Sgt. Slaughter: The professional wrestling business is a business of respect, a business of paying your dues. And I see this blonde haired freak Chris Jericho jumping around, doing monkey tricks like the maggot he is. You see, whether he's from Canada or the United States, it makes no difference. Every single one of you, especially the people here in Hawaii are the lowest of the low, pure scum! And I'm going to prove what kind of man he is when I make him tap out to the Camel Clutch, showing once again that Canada and America are inferior to me, and the greatest country in the world, Iraq! At King of the Ring, I'm going to teach Chris Jericho some respect for my country!


Grade: 68


[As the audience continues to boo the traitor Sgt. Slaughter, the heat turns into a huge flurry of cheers as we go to another interview area backstage with the American Icon himself: the Immortal Hulk Hogan who gets a tremendous response from the Hawaiian crowd, like he does everywhere else in the world. Accompanied by backstage interviewer, "Mean Gene" Okerlund, Hogan begins his promo.]





Gene Okerlund: Well Hulk Hogan, for weeks now, Stan Hansen and Bobby "The Brain" Heenan have both claimed for weeks now that Hulkamania will be crushed in four weeks at the King of the Ring following a huge Lariat! What're your thoughts on these comments by the self professed "World's Most Dangerous Man?"



Hulk Hogan: Well lemme tell you somethin' "Mean Gene!" Just like Hulk Hogan is immortal brother, Hulkamania is the same! Hulkamania will never die, no matter what kind of challenge Bobby "The Weasel" Heenan puts against me! No matter how many cheap tricks Hansen has up his sleeve, no matter how many times he hits me, I'll get right up, and once again Hulk Hogan will get the win for all the Hulkamaniacs at King of the Ring, Brother! Now in just a few minutes, I'm going to find a way to outsmart the Genius, so stay tuned! But before we head to commercial, I have just one question! Stan Hansen, Bobby Heenan, the Genius... What'ya gonna do, when Hulk Hogan and the 24 inch pythons run wild on you?!?


Grade: 76


[As Hulk Hogan begins to walk out of the interview area, his entrance music begins to play as WWF Superstars goes to commercial. Next, it'll be Hulk Hogan vs the Genius!]


http://i.imgur.com/BU408AA.jpg .V.S. http://i.imgur.com/Cfuw8rX.jpg

Hulk Hogan vs the Genius



From the get go, Hogan dominated the Genius with power moves and strikes, as Genius tried his best to escape the "24 inch pythons" After a few minutes of pure domination by the Hulkster, Hogan finished up the match up after he hit the Genius with his trademark combination of a big boot and an Atomic Leg Drop.



Winner: Hulk Hogan

Grade: 71/C+


[With Hogan celebrating to Real American, Bobby Heenan is in the backstage area with his newest client, Rick "The Model" Martel who defeated Jake Roberts last month in a Steel Cage Match. Looking as cocky as ever, the two men just smirk at Gene Okerlund as he starts the interview.]





Gene Okerlund: Bobby Heenan, Rick Martel, what are your thoughts on your two big matches in the new future? The first being in just a few minutes against the British Bulldog, Davey Boy Smith, the second being against your Wrestlemania VII opponent, Jake "The Snake" Roberts!


Bobby Heenan: Well Okerlund, Martel's going to a part of my 3-0 at the King of the Ring! You see, once again, the Heenan Family will have an Intercontinental Champion, when Mr. Perfect beats Steamboat. Then, Stan Hansen, the World's Most Dangerous Man, he's going to knock Hulk Hogan's head right off his shoulders! And to put the icing on the cake, Martel is going to get strike three, when he kills that snake! And his next match against the Bulldog, that's going to be just a warmup for the Model!


Grade: 81/B


[As Heenan finishes his sentence, the British Bulldog comes walking out with the British Flag to a big pop from the crowd. When Martel comes out, he gets the exact opposite, getting pelted with trash and garbage as the match begins between the two competitors, who have tons of momentum going into this matchup.

http://i.imgur.com/3OElSAc.jpg .V.S. http://i.imgur.com/frtSpXu.jpg

The British Bulldog vs Rick Martel


Both showing their athletic prowess from the beginning of the match up, neither Bulldog nor Martel were able to get the advantage until Bulldog started using his power. But it seemed like for every move Bulldog did, Martel had an answer for all these two men just went all out, trying to out do the other man. Bulldog nearly had it after he lifted up "The Model" for a Powerslam, but Martel raked the eyes of the British Bulldog. In the end, Martel was able to score a rollup of the former tag team champion.


Winner: Rick "The Model" Martel

Grade: 71/C+




With the fans booing and throwing garbage at Heenan and Martel, WWF Superstars goes to commercial. When we return, it will be time for our HUGE main event of the hour: Two former champions going head to head: Mr. Perfect against the Ultimate Warrior!]

http://i.imgur.com/t5UcBII.jpg .V.S. http://i.imgur.com/vjhvJmI.jpg

The Ultimate Warrior vs Mr. Perfect



When the match began, Perfect was surprisingly able to slow down the Ultimate Warrior, taking him down with several technical moves. Quickly breaking out however, Warrior began to attack with his arsenal of power moves, but Perfect was able to keep momentum throughout the match, neither man truly dominating the match up. After several minutes of amazing WWF action, the Ultimate Warrior ran off the ropes, seemingly going for his trademark body splash, when out of no where, Randy Savage ran in, hitting the Ultimate Warrior with a steel chair!


Grade: 80/B



With Perfect now on his feet, it was a two on one assault as both men just began beating down the Ultimate Warrior. After about a minute of the assault, the crowd erupted as the Intercontinental Champion, Ricky Steamboat came running out, dodging a chair shot from Savage and knocking him out of the ring! Now on his feet, Warrior managed to gather enough strength to lift Perfect up, and throw him over the top rope right onto Randy Savage to close off an excellent WWF Superstars!


Grade: 88/B+


Overall grade: 81/B



Any comments and feedback would be appreciated :o


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WWF Superstars

Thursday, Week 1, May 1991

Held from the Neal S. Blaisdell Center in Hawaii, in front of 9,071 WWF Fans





<iframe width="640" height="360" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/CbqjCT8Qmrs?feature=player_detailpage" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


After the opening video hyping tonight's action on WWF Superstars, we kick off Superstars in front of a hyped WWF crowd, who are ready to see their favorite superstars in action tonight. After a few moments, the camera cuts over to our announce team for WWF Superstars: the charismatic duo of Gorilla Monsoon, Bobby "The Brain" Heenan.




Gorilla Monsoon: Welcome everyone to WWF Superstars, I'm Gorilla Monsoon, and next to me is Bobby "The Brain" Heenan. Tonight we have a HUGE main event for you coming later in the hour; It'll be two former champions going head to head: The former WWF Champion, the Ultimate Warrior, going one on one with the former Intercontinental Champion: Mr. Perfect!


Bobby Heenan: Well folks, sorry to spoil the main event tonight! While the Warrior might be Ultimate, he's not perfect like the man who's going to beat Ricky Steamboat at the King of the Ring and become a three time Intercontinental Champion, adding another achievement to the great Heenan Family!


Gorilla Monsoon: Well, be that as it may Bobby, I've just received word that the Ultimate Warrior is backstage, and apparently he has a few words for not just his opponent tonight, Mr. Perfect, but also his opponent at the King of the Ring, the WWF Champion, Randy Savage! Let's go take a look!



[Taking us into the backstage area, the Ultimate Warrior is turned away from the camera, while breathing very heavily and muttering quietly to himself.


The Ultimate Warrior: Randy Savage... You wanna say that you have conquered, that you have beaten the Ultimate Challenge at Wrestlemania VII?


[slowly turning around, Warrior does his trademark snort before shouting his next sentence]


The Ultimate Warrior: Well Macho! Lemme tell you something! This is only the beginning of the wild plane ride you and I will go on, and after we fly it all around the world, and crash it, there's going to be only one man left standing with his hand raised high! And that, will be the Ultimate Warrior! After I become a two time WWF Champion in front of all the little Warriors, that's when the Ultimate Challenge will be done Macho Man!


Grade: 86/B+



[As the crowd goes wild for the Ultimate Warrior, we return to ringside where the Legion of Doom, Animal and Hawk are already in the ring taking off their spiked shoulder pads. To a mixed reaction from both fans of the Rockers and the Legion of Doom, the WWF Tag Team Champions come running out, looking as energetic as ever as they get ready to what should be a difficult matchup between a team of speed and a team of pure power.]






[As the Rockers continue to celebrate their big win with the fans in attendance tonight, we once again go backstage for an interview: This time with Iraqi sympathizer Sgt. Slaughter. Holding the Iraqi flag, Slaughter gets right to the point of his interview, leaving no time for anything else.]




Sgt. Slaughter: The professional wrestling business is a business of respect, a business of paying your dues. And I see this blonde haired freak Chris Jericho jumping around, doing monkey tricks like the maggot he is. You see, whether he's from Canada or the United States, it makes no difference. Every single one of you, especially the people here in Hawaii are the lowest of the low, pure scum! And I'm going to prove what kind of man he is when I make him tap out to the Camel Clutch, showing once again that Canada and America are inferior to me, and the greatest country in the world, Iraq! At King of the Ring, I'm going to teach Chris Jericho some respect for my country!


Grade: 68


[As the audience continues to boo the traitor Sgt. Slaughter, the heat turns into a huge flurry of cheers as we go to another interview area backstage with the American Icon himself: the Immortal Hulk Hogan who gets a tremendous response from the Hawaiian crowd, like he does everywhere else in the world. Accompanied by backstage interviewer, "Mean Gene" Okerlund, Hogan begins his promo.]





Gene Okerlund: Well Hulk Hogan, for weeks now, Stan Hansen and Bobby "The Brain" Heenan have both claimed for weeks now that Hulkamania will be crushed in four weeks at the King of the Ring following a huge Lariat! What're your thoughts on these comments by the self professed "World's Most Dangerous Man?"



Hulk Hogan: Well lemme tell you somethin' "Mean Gene!" Just like Hulk Hogan is immortal brother, Hulkamania is the same! Hulkamania will never die, no matter what kind of challenge Bobby "The Weasel" Heenan puts against me! No matter how many cheap tricks Hansen has up his sleeve, no matter how many times he hits me, I'll get right up, and once again Hulk Hogan will get the win for all the Hulkamaniacs at King of the Ring, Brother! Now in just a few minutes, I'm going to find a way to outsmart the Genius, so stay tuned! But before we head to commercial, I have just one question! Stan Hansen, Bobby Heenan, the Genius... What'ya gonna do, when Hulk Hogan and the 24 inch pythons run wild on you?!?


Grade: 76


[As Hulk Hogan begins to walk out of the interview area, his entrance music begins to play as WWF Superstars goes to commercial. Next, it'll be Hulk Hogan vs the Genius!]



[With Hogan celebrating to Real American, Bobby Heenan is in the backstage area with his newest client, Rick "The Model" Martel who defeated Jake Roberts last month in a Steel Cage Match. Looking as cocky as ever, the two men just smirk at Gene Okerlund as he starts the interview.]





Gene Okerlund: Bobby Heenan, Rick Martel, what are your thoughts on your two big matches in the new future? The first being in just a few minutes against the British Bulldog, Davey Boy Smith, the second being against your Wrestlemania VII opponent, Jake "The Snake" Roberts!


Bobby Heenan: Well Okerlund, Martel's going to a part of my 3-0 at the King of the Ring! You see, once again, the Heenan Family will have an Intercontinental Champion, when Mr. Perfect beats Steamboat. Then, Stan Hansen, the World's Most Dangerous Man, he's going to knock Hulk Hogan's head right off his shoulders! And to put the icing on the cake, Martel is going to get strike three, when he kills that snake! And his next match against the Bulldog, that's going to be just a warmup for the Model!


Grade: 81/B


[As Heenan finishes his sentence, the British Bulldog comes walking out with the British Flag to a big pop from the crowd. When Martel comes out, he gets the exact opposite, getting pelted with trash and garbage as the match begins between the two competitors, who have tons of momentum going into this matchup.





With the fans booing and throwing garbage at Heenan and Martel, WWF Superstars goes to commercial. When we return, it will be time for our HUGE main event of the hour: Two former champions going head to head: Mr. Perfect against the Ultimate Warrior!]



Overall grade: 81/B



Any comments and feedback would be appreciated :o



Not enough "brother" during Hogans promo IMO

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WWF Superstars


  • In a huge tag team main event tonight on WWF Superstars, the WWF Champion Randy Savage will team with former Intercontinental Champion, Mr. Perfect to take on former WWF Champion, the Ultimate Warrior, and the current IC Champion, Ricky "The Dragon Steamboat" With two stacked teams, there is no easy guess as to who will turn out the winners!
  • In our co main event, the "Immortal" Hulk Hogan will take on "Ravishing" Rick Rude in a huge match up!
  • Stan Hansen is in the arena tonight along with manager Bobby "The Brain Heenan" who both say they have a response to Hogan's insults to the "World's Most Dangerous Man" on last week's edition of WWF Superstars. What controversial statements will the evil duo have this week for Hulk Hogan?




Official WWF Superstars Card



Bret Hart vs Greg Valentine



Jake Roberts vs Brian Knobbs



Rick Rude vs Hulk Hogan



Mr. Perfect and Randy Savage vs The Ultimate Warrior and Ricky Steamboat




Comments on last week's show:

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Bret Hart vs Greg Valentine



Jake Roberts vs Brian Knobbs



Rick Rude vs Hulk Hogan



Mr. Perfect and Randy Savage vs The Ultimate Warrior and Ricky Steamboat

Comments: Tough one but going with my alltime fave Macho Man...Ohhhhhhhh Yeaaaaaaaaaaah


I haven't read the first show yet and I am at work but I will when i get a chance

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