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WWF 1995: Fighting Back

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Savio Vega vs. Chris Benoit




The Undertaker vs. King Kong Bundy




Scott Steiner vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley




Rick Steiner vs. Steven Regal




Vader vs. Razor Ramon




Men on a Mission vs. The Warrior and Jushin Liger


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  • Replies 70
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Savio Vega vs. Chris Benoit




The Undertaker vs. King Kong Bundy

Comments: Although I predict big things for Bundy :p



Scott Steiner vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley




Rick Steiner vs. Steven Regal




Vader vs. Razor Ramon




Men on a Mission vs. The Warrior and Jushin Liger


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September 22nd, 1995

Held at: Rosemont Horizon (Great Lakes)

Commentary: Jim Ross and Gorilla Monsoon

Attendance: 13,586

Show Runtime: Two hours and 2 minutes

Rating: 80- This show increased our popularity in 9 regions.


[The show opens with no announcer introduction, just Mabel and Mo standing in the ring looking powerful; Mabel with his belt.]




Mabel: Who da World Champ? That's right, I am. I beat that sucka Diesel one-two-three last night in a match where that man had no chance. It's not the Diesel era, It's the era of a king. It's the era of Mabel and Mo, The Men on a Mission!


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/36OHZ51o2qo?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


[He isn't allowed to speak anymore as The Ultimate Warrior runs to the ring, shaking the ropes and getting the fans absolutely pumped up!]




Warrior: Who's hyped for The Ultimate Warrior! I'm making my point right here, right now, and I aint backing down to no man!




Mabel: Whoa whoa whoa there, who you think you talking to. I'm da WORLD CHAMPION! Me and my man Mo aint gonna stand down to your sorry ass.




Warrior: You see, this is why The Ultimate Warrior has made his return to the WWF, his purpose is to get rid of scum like you Mabel. Tonight I challenge you and Mo to a tag team match against me and my right hand man, my protege, Jushin Liger!



[Mabel does not respond vocally to Warrior's challenge, but he responds physically. He takes it to Warrior, laying him out. Bounces off the ropes, Mabel Squash! It is set in concrete, tonight; Men on a Mission vs. Warrior and Liger tonight on Monday Night RAW!]


Match #1



Non-Title Match

Savio Vega vs. Chris Benoit


In the first match of the evening, we saw the newly crowned European champion; "The Canadian" Savio Vega taking on a real Canadian in Chris Benoit. Benoit did NOT seem happy with Vega's recent antics, and he made sure to tell him that in this match. Benoit is wearing down Vega in every aspect, head, body, arms, legs, Vega has to be in extreme pain. Benoit climbs, diving headbutt! Taunting Vega to get up, goes for the Bridging Dragon Suplex, but it's reversed! Vega takes the advantage, although he looked to be weakened from Benoit's previous efforts. Sets Benoit up, Canadian Kick! Goes for the pin;




<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/tkbgtVFlyCQ?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


The pin is interrupted by Even Flow by Pearl Jam! It's Chris Jericho! Vega seemed distracted in the ring, recognizing one of his past foes in other companies. This is the oppurtunity Benoit needed!-- Rolls him up, 1-2-3! Benoit wins after a key distraction from Jericho!


Winner: Chris Benoit via Pinfall at 8:23

Grade: 56


[After the match, Jericho enters the ring and goes face to face with Benoit. He simply looks at him and smiles. Both men extend their hands and the handshake is accepted. What could this be between Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit, two true Canadians?]




[Next, we cut backstage to a dark room. We can see a furnace quietly humming in the corner. Rats scuttling around is heard quite frequently. The camera cuts to the left, revealing The Undertaker accompanied by Paul Bearer.]


Taker: Last night, my plan was perfect. I would take out both men. The referee would stop the match. The title would be vacated, and I would claim DOMINANCE over the WWF. But SOMEONE had to ruin my perfect plan. The Ultimate Warrior is his name. He hasn't been here for a while. He doesn't know the new generation of the WWF. The generation that is RULED by The Undertaker. Warrior, you stepped into the wrong part of town. You will be stopped, you will REST... IN... PEACE!


Match #2



The Undertaker vs. King Kong Bundy


For those expecting a rematch from WrestleMania were caught off guard by this one. This was the complete opposite. Undertaker took the huge King Kong Bundy and made him look like a fool. Bundy was not able to get any offense in this match, and it was all controlled by the menacing Undertaker. Taker put the end to a close with a Chokeslam followed by a vicious Tombstone Piledriver to Bundy for the three.


Winner: The Undertaker via Pinfall at 4:37

Grade: 68


[We cut backstage to see Ted DiBiase walk around a corner and run into Bret Hart]


DiBiase: Sir, may I interest you in a very nice credit card. 90 percent interest rate! Great deals for a man of your caliber Mr. Hart!


Bret: Yeah, I don't think so DiBiase. I already got 4 credit cards from my previous marriages that are at 40 percent interest man. My credit rating can't afford it.


DiBiase: Well sir, I am sorry to hear this unconvenience.


[He is jumped from behind by the new Million Dollar Client, Razor Ramon! Ramon and DiBiase jump on Hart and attack him, leaving him down backstage. Razor and Ted walk away laughing and satisfied that they managed to trick another victim to a beatdown.]


Match #3



Scott Steiner vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley


This was the first of two matches of singles competition that would see a member of The Steiners take on a member of The Blue Bloods. This time, it was Scott Steiner vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley. This was more of a brawl, with Scott taking it to HHH for a large part of this match. However, HHH managed to keep in the match with his dirty tactics. There was no interference in this match by either wrestler's partner so this was a (mostly) clean wrestling match. HHH went for the Pedigree at the end of the match, but it is reversed! Frankensteiner! Steiner for the pin-- 1-2-3! Scott Steiner picks up the win for The Steiner Brothers!


Winner: Scott Steiner via Pinfall at 9:49

Grade: 72


Match #4



Rick Steiner vs. Steven Regal


This match started very familiar to the previous match, but the fans could tell that Regal knew a lot about his opponent. Whenever Steiner went for a suplex, Regal reversed it. This played a HUGE part in this match. Steiner used more of a brawler style, and Regal used technicality. Steiner goes for a Bulldog, he connects. Waits for Regal, goes for the Steiner Driver, but Regal reverses it! Regal uses his technical mastermind to wear down Rick in every way possible. Headlocks, chinlocks, ankle locks, whatever it took to wear down Rick Steiner. Once he believed he had Rick in a good position, he went for some big moves. Picks Steiner up, Regal Bomb! He converts this straight into a Regal Stretch, but as he sets up, Rick Steiner executes a reversal of his own! Locks in the Camel Clutch! Regal is miserable, nowhere near the ropes. Will the technical master Regal weasel his way out of this one. He fights--he fights-- he taps! Regal has tapped to Rick Steiner, making it 2 out of 2 for The Brothers!


Winner: Rick Steiner via Pinfall at 10:01

Grade: 68



[Rick Steiner cannot celebrate his win for long, as HHH is coming out to the ring, and he does NOT look pleased. Realizing this, Rick gets prepared for battle. HHH takes it to Rick, punching each other and trying to knock each other out. By this time, Regal has come to and has joined in the beatdown of Rick! But Rick won't be alone any longer, as here comes Scott! Scott makes the fight even, forcing The Blue Bloods to leave the ring, while they stand tall as RAW cuts to a message from the sponsors.]


Match #5



Vader vs. Razor Ramon


This match showed that money can indeed buy power. You may ask how this is possible? There was a new side of Razor this match, a dark side, a side that hasn't been seen since he was feuding with Shawn Michaels. A new seriousness was obvious in the way Razor wrestled. Instead of missing every move, he hit every move. Vader was not able to get any offense in this match. Dirty tactics were shut down by Razor as well, as Vader very unintelligently tried to attack Razor with his ultrasound machine. How he snuck one to ringside is beyond the company's concern. On top of destroying Vader's prized ultrasound machine, he destroyed Vader in the ring, finishing him off with a Razor's Edge.


Winner: Razor Ramon via Pinfall at 9.99 (Actually 9:54)

Grade: 81


The Main Event



Men on a Mission vs. The Warrior and Jushin Liger


The main event of the evening featured the experienced Men on a Mission taking on the less experienced team compsed of The Ultimate Warrior and Jushin Thunder Liger. Men on a Mission took it to Warrior early, isolating him from Liger with various powerbombs and headbutts. It looked grim until Mo slipped on his foot fat and fell long enough until Warrior was able to tag in Liger. Liger goes to the top rope! Splash to Mo, left suplex, right punch, swinging neckbreaker to Mo. He goes to the top rope, flying crossbody! 1-2- Mo kicks out. Liger looks to hit a dropkick, but Mo grabs his foot and puts it in his mouth.... Liger is grossed out long enough that Mabel is able to make the tag. Mabel hits a big powerbomb on Liger, top rope elbow! Liger is down, Mabel looking for a squash. Mabel goes, but he misses! Liger tags in The Warrior, Warrior takes it to Mabel! Kick to the head, dropkick to the abdomen. He picks Mabel up, Gorilla Press! Warrior has super-strength, lifting the GIANT Mabel! 1-2, Mabel isn't done yet. Warrior is taunting, but Mabel pulls out a pair of brass knuckles! He punches Warrior in the face with them! He takes Warrior to the corner and he ties Warrior up in the corner in the ropes! He brings a shocked Liger in the ring, powerslams him down! Goes to the top rope, TOP ROPE MABEL SQUASH! Liger is hurting, there is no way he will come out of this the same as the fans are left wondering as RAW goes off the air.


Winner: Men on a Mission via Pinfall at 13:09

Grade: 73

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WWF Monday Night RAW Predictions: Week 1, October 1995


Razor Ramon vs. Barry Horowitz




Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Dean Douglas




Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Owen Hart vs. Scott Steiner




Rick Steiner vs. Steven Regal vs. Yokozuna




Diesel vs. Goldust




Bret Hart and The Ultimate Warrior vs. Mabel and Roddy Piper


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Razor Ramon vs. Barry Horowitz




Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Dean Douglas




Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Owen Hart vs. Scott Steiner




Rick Steiner vs. Steven Regal vs. Yokozuna




Diesel vs. Goldust




Bret Hart and The Ultimate Warrior vs. Mabel and Roddy Piper

Comments: Draw

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Razor Ramon vs. Barry Horowitz




Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Dean Douglas




Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Owen Hart vs. Scott Steiner




Rick Steiner vs. Steven Regal vs. Yokozuna




Diesel vs. Goldust




Bret Hart and The Ultimate Warrior vs. Mabel and Roddy Piper


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Razor Ramon vs. Barry Horowitz

Comments: No swerve here. Razor squashes.


Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Dean Douglas

Comments: SWEVE! Douglas is the long lost son of Frederick Douglas, and he bores Bigelow to sleep with a long-winded speech before getting the pin.


Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Owen Hart vs. Scott Steiner

Comments: Hunter tries to say that Scott submits in the Sharpshooter, having Earl Hebner ring the bell early, but it doesn't work. ATTEMPTED SWEVE!


Rick Steiner vs. Steven Regal vs. Yokozuna



Diesel vs. Goldust

Comments: SWERVE! Goldust tries to blow Diesel's horn in mid-match, leading to a Jackknife and the win.


Bret Hart and The Ultimate Warrior vs. Mabel and Roddy Piper

Comments: SWERVE! Bret only rates donuts as 4/10, and Warrior runs off into the night, leaving him for a handicap match.

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Razor Ramon vs. Barry Horowitz




Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Dean Douglas




Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Owen Hart vs. Scott Steiner




Rick Steiner vs. Steven Regal vs. Yokozuna




Diesel vs. Goldust




Bret Hart and The Ultimate Warrior vs. Mabel and Roddy Piper


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October 2nd, 1995

Held at: Hartford Civic Center (New England)

Commentary: Jim Ross and Gorilla Monsoon

Attendance: 15,000 (SELL OUT)

Show Runtime: Two hours and 2 minutes

Rating: 80- This show increased our popularity in 9 regions.


[The show starts in the ring with Bret Hart and The Warrior, each holding a mic]




Warrior: Bret, I've called you out here tonight to address your views on our enemies. We both know we want the World Title, held by the big oaf Mabel. You also have a problem with the Scottish donut hater Roddy Piper. What I say to you brother, is that we take on them tonight, and we assert the dominance of The Hitman and The Ultimate Warriorrrrr!



Bret: Now, Warrior, calm your doughnuts. I know you had some of those new Cinnamon Sugary Delight donuts (which are only 9.99), but you got to chill man. But I agree with you. I need someone to help me kick Rowdy Roddy's ass! He is my number one priority! Anyone looking to stop me is going to get taken out!


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/0VGD01VrjI4?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>





Piper: Alright you egotistical bitches, you all need to calm down. You both know deep down in your drug filled hearts that none of you can beat the Scotsman Roddy Piper! To answer your question Warrior, I am not a doughnut lover, I'm a bagel lover!


[The crowd seems shocked, including The Warrior. All of the members in the ring are wondering where they are going to go next. They don't have to think much longer, as this music plays--]


<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/LjlVqUpOdAM?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Mabel: Are you having a party without the pimp Mabel and his main man Mo? I don't know what you think, but that's not how things work round here anymore. Mabel is love, Mabel is life, Mabel is in everything! And if you ever think of double-crossing the main man Mabel, just ask Jushin Liger how he's doing.




[This sets the three wrestlers already in the ring over the edge, resulting in an all out brawl! Mabel brings a chair into the ring, smacks Warrior over the head with it! Hart grabs the chair, smacks Piper. Warrior gets up, Piper gets up. All four are tearing each other apart! They have a match tonight, what will happen when these men face, and it's perfectly legal?]


Match #1



Razor Ramon vs. Barry Horowitz


[Not much to say about this match. Since Razor beat the monster Vader last week, the majority assumed that Barry Horowitz would have no chance. The majority was unfortunately correct. Horowitz did look good in this match however. He managed to successfully wear Razor down with a Horowitz Cradle and damage him with a Winning Move, but at the end, Razor won after a devastating Razor's Edge gave the newest Million Dollar Client another win.]


Winner: Razor Ramon via Pinfall at 7:19

Grade: 58



[The camera cuts backstage, as we see The Bushwhackers doing their normal activities. That is of course whacking bushes. For some reason, there is a lot of bushes backstage. Who put them there? The world may never know. The Bushwhackers are causing no harm, but they are attacked from behind by Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko! There will be no more bushwhacking tonight as Benoit and Malenko stand over the fallen veterans.]


Match #2



Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Dean Douglas


[This was Bam Bam's first match since his eyes were "fixed" by Dr. Arnold Schwarzenegger. It appears that it worked. Bam Bam showed a new edge in this match that has not been seen since Sid's fake money exploded in Bigelow's eyes. However, Douglas managed to get in some offense in this match. Douglas had advantage for the early parts of the match. He managed to hit a big rope assisted dropkick followed by the Final Exam. Unfortunately for Douglas, it only scored a two count. It also appeared to be Bam Bam's waking call. Bam Bam took a big aggression on that Douglas could not handle. Bam Bam ended it with a Bam Bam Sault followed by a Wham, Bam, Thank You Ma'am for the win.]


Winner: Bam Bam Bigelow via Pinfall at 9:00

Grade: 72


[After the match, Douglas leaves the ring. However, Bam Bam stays, opting to grab a mic. All can wonder what is on Bigelow's mind.]



Bigelow: Woo! I'm back! Looks like that magic eye potion gave me a new beginning. I'm feeling good! I took care of Dean Douglas like he was nothing (which he is). Now that I'm back to normal, I've got some business to take care of. First off, I want MY shot at the Intercontinental title. HBK, where are you? I want that title around your waist! Second off, I'd like to address Sycho Sid. Sid, after what you did to me, costing me 30,000 canadian dollars, I want to attack you. I want to beat you. You will be my victim. So whenever you get the balls to stand up to me, I'll see to it that you'll never be in the WWF again!


Match #3



Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Owen Hart vs. Scott Steiner


[This week, we will show two triple threat matches featuring members of The Blue Bloods, the tag team champions, and The Steiners. This match was evenly balanced between the three competitors, who wrestle three different styles. HHH is more of a weasel, Hart a technician, Steiner a brawler. In this match, all three used their styles to their advantage. Hart managed to wear the other two competitors down with holds, and it took a toll on them in the long run. Steiner managed to beat down HHH with punches and powerbombs, completely focusing his efforts on HHH. HHH was the one here to pick up the win, as he managed to divert a Frankensteiner from himself to Owen then hitting a low-blow on Scott for the win.]


Winner: Hunter Hearst Helmsley via Pinfall at 12:51

Grade: 72


[before our next match, we see a music video playing on the mini-tron. It shows Marty Janetty in his time with HBK as The Rockers. It briefly recaps Janetty's career before cutting to the following two words; Coming Soon]


Match #4



Rick Steiner vs. Steven Regal vs. Yokozuna


[While this match may not have been as good as the last one, it still featured good action. From the beginning, you could tell that Yokozuna was the dominant man. A temporary alliance was formed between Steiner and Regal, but it fell into shambles quickly, as Regal went for the Regal Stretch on Steiner. After this, it was Yoko's time to shine. He absolutely manhandled the two wrestlers, tossing them around the ring like they were ragdolls. The fateful end came when Yoko threw Regal out of the ring, followed by a devastating Banzai Drop to Steiner for the three count.]


Winner: Yokozuna via Pinfall at 8:09

Grade: 71


Match #5



Diesel vs. Goldust


[This was the in-ring return of Diesel. He has not been seen since losing the title to Mabel. The fans in attendance noticed that something was off in this match. Diesel insisted on looking behind his back during the match, as if he was expecting someone. Otherwise, he looked pretty good in the ring. He had a close near fall after a big Jackknife to Goldust, but it only resulted in a two count. Diesel continued his offense until Goldust was able to weasel out of the ring and smack Diesel over the head with his puppy. Goldust was then able to hit a Shattered Dreams, resulting in a two. The end came when Diesel looked behind his back at the wrong time, allowing Goldust to hit a Shattered Dreams for the three count.]


Winner: Goldust via Pinfall at 10:50

Grade: 69


[After the match, a clearly frustrated Diesel grabs the mic and begins to address the crowd.]


Diesel: Now, you may be wondering why I was looking behind my back. I'll tell you why right here. The reason is because I don't want that goddamned Undertaker to sneak up behind me like he has the last month, that little weasel. So Taker, how you doing? You wanna fight Big Daddy Cool? I'll see you soon pal.


Main Event



Bret Hart and The Ultimate Warrior vs. Mabel and Roddy Piper


[Tonight's main event saw a tag team match combing two feuds, even though all four men didn't take a liking for each other. The beginning of the match saw a technical battle between Bret Hart and Roddy Piper, both being locked in the other's finishing submissions; the Sharpshooter and the sleeper hold. Piper managed to low-blow Hart and tag in Mabel, who was able to wear down Bret, hitting a big squash for the two. Hart gained the advantage again after suplexing Mabel then locking him in the sharpshooter. After this, both men tagged out, now seeing Warrior and Piper in the ring. Warrior looked ready to go, taking the offense to Piper early. Warrior hit not only one, but TWO Gorilla Press' but it only got a two. This seemed to bring the inner fire out in Piper, as a new aggression overcame him. Piper took the corner turnbuckle pad off and proceeded to slam Warrior's head in it, resulting in a nice scolding from the ref. Warrior then went into a Hogan style comeback, knocking Piper down and tagging in Hart. Hart was finally able to capitalize on Piper. It was evident by the way Piper moved that he was in pain, from the two Gorilla Press' and the submission holds. Hart then knocked down Piper with a running clothesline, while Warrior distracted Mabel. Hart then locked in the sharpshooter for the big main event win for Hart and Warrior, considered to be a dream team by some.


Winner: Bret Hart and The Ultimate Warrior via Pinfall at 14:27

Grade: 82









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WWF Monday Night RAW Predictions: Week 2, October 1995


The RAW where ALL of the matches are triple threat matches!



WWF European Title:

Savio Vega © vs. Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit




The Blue Bloods vs. Owen Hart and Yokozuna vs. The Steiners




Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Diesel vs. Roddy Piper




Bret Hart vs. Razor Ramon vs. Shawn Michaels




Mabel vs. The Undertaker vs. The Ultimate Warrior


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WWF European Title:

Savio Vega © vs. Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit

Comments: Benoit hits a headbutt on the floor, Jericho trips on him and Savio retains!



The Blue Bloods vs. Owen Hart and Yokozuna vs. The Steiners

Comments: Gotta build them up to face Diesel and Shawn.



Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Diesel vs. Roddy Piper

Comments: Gutzy feelingz rulz.



Bret Hart vs. Razor Ramon vs. Shawn Michaels

Comments: Pretty unpredictable here, IMO.



Mabel vs. The Undertaker vs. The Ultimate Warrior


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WWF European Title:

Savio Vega © vs. Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit

Comments: All the daaays of my life



The Blue Bloods vs. Owen Hart and Yokozuna vs. The Steiners

Comments: After the match. Yoko and Hart becomes The Lonely Harts. A poetic while being pretentious tag team.



Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Diesel vs. Roddy Piper

Comments: BAM! BAM!



Bret Hart vs. Razor Ramon vs. Shawn Michaels

Comments: They join hand and become the nWo with Diesel



Mabel vs. The Undertaker vs. The Ultimate Warrior

Comments: No Comment

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WWF European Title:

Savio Vega © vs. Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit




The Blue Bloods vs. Owen Hart and Yokozuna vs. The Steiners




Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Diesel vs. Roddy Piper




Bret Hart vs. Razor Ramon vs. Shawn Michaels




Mabel vs. The Undertaker vs. The Ultimate Warrior


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WWF European Title:

Savio Vega © vs. Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit

Comments: The only SWERVE is the champion retaining.


The Blue Bloods vs. Owen Hart and Yokozuna vs. The Steiners

Comments: SWERVE! Rick turns on Scott!


Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Diesel vs. Roddy Piper

Comments: Piper is the only one with a major feud going on...


Bret Hart vs. Razor Ramon vs. Shawn Michaels

Comments: SWERVE! Dibiase pays off Shawn's strippers, so he and Ramon team up to beat Bret!


Mabel vs. The Undertaker vs. The Ultimate Warrior

Comments: No swerve, only Mabel.

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WWF European Title:

Savio Vega © vs. Chris Jerichovs. Chris Benoit




The Blue Bloods vs. Owen Hart and Yokozuna vs. The Steiners



Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Diesel vs. Roddy Piper




Bret Hart vs. Razor Ramon vs. Shawn Michaels




Mabel vs. The Undertaker vs. The Ultimate Warrior


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What's Going On:


Last week, I said to expect the show by the weekend. As you all can see, that is not the case. I would love to write the show, believe me I would. Unfortunately, right now I am in a writing dead phase. This basically means that no matter how much I WANT to write, my brain just can't get around to it. I don't know how long it will last, but I just felt the duty to let you all know. Once I'm motivated again, this will be better than ever. For now though, just hang in there and this dynasty will return as soon as possible. Thanks for the support :D

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  • 2 weeks later...


October 9th, 1995

Held at: FleetCenter (New England)

Commentary: Jim Ross and Gorilla Monsoon

Attendance: 15,000 (SELL OUT)

Show Runtime: Two hours and 2 minutes

Rating: 80- This show increased our popularity in 9 regions.




[Tonight's show begins as the fans in attendance are treated with a sit-down confrontation. We see The Undertaker and The Ultimate Warrior in the ring, a true clash of two generations.]




Warrior: Whose a ready for The Ultimate Warrior Show! I've got a treat for you today. I got some doughnuts, here ya go, here ya go! And I got a special one for you Undertaker. We have our new Cinnamon and Apple spread over a sugary doughnut! Here you go, ya stupid oaf!


Undertaker: Who the f**k do you think I am? You think I like doughnuts. I'm more of a danish man myself. Who do you think I am Warrior? I am not an oaf, I am a monster. I eat wrestlers like you for breakfast. This isn't the age of old sellouts like Hulk Hogan. This is the new generation! I am in charge here, and don't you dare cross me.


Warrior: Wait wait wait, you like DANISHES!? What kind of man likes danishes?? I need to teach you a lesson, and that lesson starts right now! Featuring The Ultimate Warrior as your teacher!


[Warrior now takes to the attack on Taker. He is seen trying to stuff a doughnut into Undertaker's mouth. The crowd begins laughing hysterically as Warrior looks legitimately concerned that The Undertaker does not like doughnuts. However, as Taker is the KING of the new generation, he fights back. He lays Taker out with a Chokeslam! He is seen placing a danish on Warrior's body! Warrior will not like this when he regains consciousness!]


Match #1



WWF European Championship

Savio Vega © vs. Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit


[This match was contested between three Canadians, featuring Savio Vega, Chris Jericho, and Chris Benoit. Jericho and Benoit worked on Vega from the beginning, taking an aggressive slightly illegal approach. They exposed the turnbuckle and rammed Savio into it several times before Vega's head burst open causing the ref to pull them off of Vega. The two Chris' did not let this stop them, as they proceeded to beat down on Vega. Jericho picks Vega up, Codebreaker! Vega is down, Benoit locks in the Crippler Crossface! Will Vega tap! He moves his arm down, he taps, but the ref didn't count it! They instead were concerned by this!


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/XMPnoEcq_T8?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


It's Bret "The Hitman" Hart! Hart gets in the ring, he takes out Jericho, he distracts Benoit! Canadian Kick to Benoit! Vega for the pin, 1-2-3! Vega retains with help from Bret Hart. Now we see Bret extend his hand to Vega. Vega accepts! Bret Hart has joined Vega in the fight against Jericho and Benoit!]


Winner: Savio Vega via Pinfall at 6:19

Grade: 55


[After the match, we see Jim Ross catching up with Savio Vega.]


JR: Savio, great job retaining your title tonight. However, why is Bret Hart helping you? What did you do to get him on your side?


Savio:Eh JR, you don't need to worry about this business! All you need to know is that I am the European Champion. Actually, while I'm at it, i'd like to announce something! I am renaming the European title belt..... the WWF Canadian Championship! Eh!]


[savio then breaks out singing O Canada in an offpitched tone that made front row fans ears bleeding. But don't worry it's not our fault, we made them sign a liability waiver. "Remember, it's never our fault"- Gene Snitsky]


Match #2



Owen Hart and Yokozuna vs. The Blue Bloods vs. The Steiner Brothers


[What a match for the fans to experience here tonight. Three great tag teams all in the ring at the same time. Remember, these teams will be facing at IYH 4 in almost two weeks. This was a back and forth match, with the fans mainly seeing Owen Hart, Regal, and Scott in the ring. Regal and Owen formed a shaky alliance to take out the Steiners. The alliance was successful as they were able to eliminate Rick with a Regal Stretch after a big Northern Lights Suplex from Owen Hart. However, the alliance soon fell apart and turned into an all-out brawl between all four remaining members. Yokozuna sees an oppurtunity and jumps outside the ring and grabs the bell. He brings it in the ring, smacks Regal! He smacks HHH! Owen goes to pin Regal, 1-2-3! Will we see the same come In Your House 4?]


Winner: Owen Hart and Yokozuna by Pinfall at 11:28

Grade: 78


[Once the ring is cleared, we hear the sound of Razor Ramon's music, as he comes to the ring with his manager; The Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase!]




DiBiase: Tonight, my client Razor Ramon has some choice words to say to all of you ignorant people. If you develop the skills to listen, I would recommend you listen to the greatest man in the business, Razor Ramon!


Razor: Ah, thank you Ted! All appreciated. I do have words for someone tonight. These go out to my old enemy, Shawn Michaels. Shawn, right now you are in the back wearing my title! The one I won, and you cheated to get back! Why Shawn why? Are you not confident in yourself. I'm confident in myself. Are you a man Shawn? Or do you just have really small t**s that you hide in your matches? Shawn, I'm going to cut to the point. I want the IC Title. I don't care when, but I want it. You know where I am Shawn, come and get me. Razorrrrr out!


Match #3



Roddy Piper vs. Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Diesel


[What has happened to Diesel? He goes from the world champ to being in a match with a 40 year old Scotsman and a guy with flame tattoos. Not that this is a bad thing, but Diesel feels he deserves better. During the match, Diesel acted as if he didn't care. Bam Bam took offense to this, as he ended up knocking out Diesel with a Bam Bam Sault, followed by a elbow drop through the Portuguese announce table! (Why do we have a Portuguese announce table again?). It is safe to say that Diesel is out of the match now for good. Piper and Bam Bam go back and forth. Bam Bam picks up Piper, throws him into the ringpost, Piper is cut open. This enrages Piper, as he looks to end Bam Bam's life. He grabs Bigelow and locks him in a vicious sleeper hold! Bam Bam is turning purple as he taps to Piper!]


Winner: Roddy Piper via Pinfall at 12:09

Grade: 74


[After the match, Piper gets hype duty as he taunts Bret Hart. To sum it up briefly, it was nothing much more than some choice words insulting Hart's mother. Yes, he went that far. Next match please.]



Razor Ramon vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Bret Hart


[Holy moly, what a match. Some say this could main event a PPV. Instead, it was the semi main event of RAW. This was a back and forth contest, said to be the best of the triple threat matches of the night. Each man had their moments. We have to admit, seeing Razor and Bret leap across the ring and punch each other mid-air, proceeding to land on HBK was pretty cool. HBK almost won after a well-timed Sweet Chin Music to Razor after he had just Razor's Edged Hart. But he kicked out. Hart almost won after lifting one leg of each other competitor, making it look like a Double Sharpshooter! However, it was only a Double Single Leg Boston Crab, and unless your playing a WWE video game, no one taps to that. Razor won after a beautiful outside dive to Bret Hart followed by a Razor's Edge to HBK onto his own title for the wonderful pin capping off an excellent match.]


Winner: Razor Ramon via Pinfall at 16:45

Grade: 81


<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/iHxLJlJQhqo?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


[We see Mabel coming to the ring next. He appears to be sizing up the three men in the ring, as they may be his future opponents. This is the WWF after all, anything can happen!]


Main Event:



Mabel vs. The Ultimate Warrior vs. The Undertaker


[The main event tonight was a good one for the fans in attendance. All three of these men wanted to physically hurt each other, and they got the chance too in this match. Alliances were formed, broken at the beat of a heart, a single second. Each men hit his finisher on the other two at least once, and all three men looked gruesome in pain. Taker managed to pull thorough, hitting a Chokeslam on Warrior. He attempts the pin, but Warrior hulks up Hogan style, an irony regarding to Undertaker's comment earlier in the night. Warrior then hit a big Gorilla Press on Taker, attempting to pin him.




The match continues, Mabel squashes Warrior! He attempts to squash Taker, but Taker gets up! He waits and waits as Mabel gets up. He grabs Mabel's throat! CHOKESLAM! The pin, 1!









Undertaker wins! He picks up the huge win over the World Champion. However, the fight is not over! Warrior gets up, he hits the Gorilla Press on Undertaker! He goes to the top rope, Double Elbow to the Gut! He then goes to ringside, as Taker is convulsing in the ring. He carefully takes a Cinnamon Sugar donut and places it in Taker's mouth, proceeding to feed Taker as if he was a baby. Undertaker may have won the match, but it is THE ULTIMATE DONUTS that runs strong tonight!]


Winner: The Undertaker via Pinfall at 13:10

Grade: 71

All matches are non-title unless stated otherwise.


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