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WCW 94: Hogan vs. Flair and the future!

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WCW 1994:





Start Date: Bash at the Beach 1994 (Sunday, July 17)


This is something I've had in my head for a while, using the COTT database which starts in July 1994. My goal is to start Monday Nitro in early 1995 and give it my best at booking WCW.


Before I start, I want to let you guys know that I've been having a few health problems in my personal life which I'm recovering from, which is why I have been MIA for quite a while. All good though.


On a brighter note, I'm beginning a Sports course soon and I'm using this to get back in the swing of writing...that and I've been watching a lot of 90's wrestling on the Network.


Please note though, I'm not all that familiar with WCW at this time but I've seen Bash at the Beach 94 and the Clash of Champions before and after it. I also plan on watching a few more PPV's from the time.

Hopefully I can entertain everybody with a time period that is was a real life game changer and one that's very interesting.


My goal is to be different from other dynasties from the time and start with a run down of Bash at the Beach, with the shows afterward being the “true” start.







The state of WCW July 1994 before Bash at the Beach.


Owner: Ted Turner (TBS)

Head of Wrestling Operations: Eric Bischoff,

Booking Team: ???? ??????, Ric Flair, Nick Bockwinkle & Kevin Sullivan.

Road Agents: Dusty Rhodes, Jody Hamilton, Les Thatcher, Pez Whatley, Larry Hennig, Dory Funk Jr & Greg Gagne.


Television Shows:


WCW Saturday Night (Saturdays on TBS)

WCW Main Event (Sundays on TBS)

Clash of the Champions (Special)



Championships & Champions:


WCW World Heavyweight Championship: Ric Flair (Since unification with WCW International World Heavyweight.)

Began: April 21, 1994 Unified: June 23, 1994 Defeated: Ricky Steamboat/Sting

WCW United States Heavyweight Championship: “Stunning” Steve Austin

Began: December 27, 1993 Defeated: Dustin Rhodes


WCW World Tag Team Championship: Cactus Jack & Kevin Sullivan

Began: May 22, 1994 Defeated: The Nasty Boys


WCW World Television Championship: Lord Steven Regal

Began: June 23, 1994 Defeated: Larry Zbysko


Current Roll call of Champions:





WCW World Heavyweight Championship:




Hulk Hogan

Began: July 17, 1994 Defeated: Ric Flair


WCW United States Heavyweight Championship:




“Stunning” Steve Austin

Began: December 27, 1993 Defeated: Dustin Rhodes



WCW World Tag Team Championship:




Pretty Wonderful

Began: July 17, 1994 Defeated: Cactus Jack & Kevin Sullivan



WCW World Television Championship:




Lord Steven Regal

Began: June 23, 1994 Defeated: Larry Zbysko

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WCW Bash at the Beach


Dark Tag Team Match

Brad Armstrong & Brian Armstrong defeat Bad Attitude (Bobby Eaton & Steve Keirn)


Live PPV


WCW World Television Title Match

Lord Steven Regal © defeats Johnny B. Badd (10:40) to retain the WCW World Television Championship.


Singles Match

Vader (w/Harley Race) defeats The Guardian Angel by DQ (7:58)


Tag Team Match

Bunkhouse Buck & Terry Funk (w/Col. Robert Parker) defeat Arn Anderson & Dustin Rhodes (11:15)

Dory Funk jr attacked Dustin Rhodes behind the back of the referee


WCW United States Heavyweight Title Match*


Steve Austin © defeats Ricky Steamboat (20:06) to retain the WCW United States Heavyweight Championship.


WCW World Tag Team Title Match

Pretty Wonderful (Paul Orndorff & Paul Roma) defeat Cactus Jack & Kevin Sullivan (w/Dave Sullivan) © (20:11) to win the WCW World Tag Team Championships.


WCW World Heavyweight Title Match

Hulk Hogan (w/Jimmy Hart) defeats Ric Flair (w/Sensuous Sherri) © (21:50) to win the WCW World Heavyweight Championship!





WCW Saturday Night prediction Card.


Terry Funk vs. Hector Guerrero


Cactus Jack & Kevin Sullivan vs. The Nasty Boys


Special three man battle!

Ricky Steamboat vs. Jean-Paul Levesque vs. "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan


WCW World Television Title match

Lord Steven Regal © vs. The Patriot


How will Flair respond to losing the greatest prize in professional wrestling?

Ric Flair vs. The Guardian Angel


plus a Hulk Hogan press conference!

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Terry Funk vs. Hector Guerrero - Not sure how Hector was at this point. I could see Rhodes interfering though.


Cactus Jack & Kevin Sullivan vs. The Nasty Boys - good way to get them a win back


Special three man battle!

Ricky Steamboat vs. Jean-Paul Levesque vs. "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan - I prefer Steamboat, but JPL will rise soon enough I'm sure


WCW World Television Title match

Lord Steven Regal © vs. The Patriot - Leave it on Regal


How will Flair respond to losing the greatest prize in professional wrestling?

Ric Flair vs. The Guardian Angel - by beating The Guardian Angel.


plus a Hulk Hogan press conference! - I set the over/under on "Brother" at 15...


*I'm guessing Paul Heyman is the ? on the booking team.

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Always interested to see more takes on 94 :)


Terry Funk vs. Hector Guerrero


Cactus Jack & Kevin Sullivan vs. The Nasty Boys


Special three man battle!

Ricky Steamboat vs. Jean-Paul Levesque vs. "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan

"Hogan's friend" rule applies.


WCW World Television Title match

Lord Steven Regal © vs. The Patriot


How will Flair respond to losing the greatest prize in professional wrestling?

Ric Flair vs. The Guardian Angel

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I love me some historical WCW dynasties...


Terry Funk vs. Hector Guerrero

Gotta go with the bigger name...


Cactus Jack & Kevin Sullivan vs. The Nasty Boys

I HATE the NAsty Boys


Special three man battle!

Ricky Steamboat vs. Jean-Paul Levesque vs. "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan

Steamboat needs to get back in the World title picture


WCW World Television Title match

Lord Steven Regal © vs. The Patriot

Regal makes a great TV champ


How will Flair respond to losing the greatest prize in professional wrestling?

Ric Flair vs. The Guardian Angel

Bubba sucks....

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Terry Funk vs. Hector Guerrero


Cactus Jack & Kevin Sullivan vs. The Nasty Boys


Special three man battle!

Ricky Steamboat vs. Jean-Paul Levesque vs. "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan


WCW World Television Title match

Lord Steven Regal © vs. The Patriot


How will Flair respond to losing the greatest prize in professional wrestling?

Ric Flair vs. The Guardian Angel

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WCW Saturday Night

Filmed live from the Rupp Arena in Lexington, Kentucky

Fans in attendance: 17,906

Duration: 60 minutes Television time.


Announce Team: Tony Schiavone & Bobby “The Brain” Heenan


We open with the closing moments of Bash at the Beach showing Hulk Hogan become the NEW WCW World Heavyweight Champion! We also see the post match celebration featuring Hulk Hogan, Jimmy Hart, Mr. T and Shaquille O'Neal.


The opening WCW Saturday Night video plays and we then head to Tony Schiavone & Bobby “The Brain” Heenan.


Schiavone: Welcome fans to WCW Saturday Night! A capacity crowd is on hand for our very first broadcast since a massive, massive Bash at the Beach. We have a momentous night in store for you.


Heenan: Momentous night? I've heard that Ric Flair has a big announcement for us tonight, no doubt it's better than anything Hogan will tell us tonight.


Schiavone: I disagree Brain, in fact lets go to footage of Hulk Hogan's press conference from earlier today.


A video replay of the official Hulk Hogan championship press conference plays, set up in the style of an NBA press conference. Hogan is flanked by Jimmy Hart and WCW Commissioner Nick Bockwinkel.


Bockwinkel: Ladies and Gentlemen of the press, it is my honour to introduce you to our new WCW World Heavyweight Champion...HULK HOGAN!


~ We hear applause as Hogan acknowledges the crowd. ~


Hogan: Let me tell you something Hulkamaniacs, I'm honoured to be sitting here right now with the World Championship. Like I said to Mr. Bockwinkel, Brother I'm so proud, so proud that I've achieved this for all the Hulkamaniacs large and small..it doesn't get any better brother.


Reporter 1: Mr. Hogan, what does it mean for you to capture the prestigious WCW World Heavyweight Championship?


Hogan: It's an honor brother like I said, to win the World Championship in the greatest company in wrestling from a really tough opponent Ric Flair is really something special brother.


Hart: That's right Hulkster, such a great achievement.


Reporter 2: Can you give an any idea who you will face in your next title defence?


Bockwinkel: I'll answer that one, the WCW championship committee has decided to let Mr. Hogan decide his own challenger for the upcoming Clash of Champions!


Reporter 2: Any names pop up Hulkster?


Hogan: Let me tell you something brother, the quality of competition in the WCW right now means that I'm going to take some time to think brother. You know there's Sting, Hacksaw, Flair...just so many brother!


We cut back to the announce table with Tony Schiavone and Bobby Heenan:


Schiavone: Folks, Hulk Hogan the NEW WCW World Heavyweight Champion!


Heenan: Not for long I hope.


Schiavone: On a more concerning note, last night “The Natural” Dustin Rhodes along with “The Enforcer” Arn Anderson faced off against The Stud Stable duo Terry Funk and Bunkhouse Buck. I'm sorry to say that due to the attack after the match by the Funks, both Terry and Dory jr along with Colonel Robert Parker and Bunkhouse Buck that Dustin Rhodes has sustained a broken arm along with multiple contusions.


It may be some time before we see “The Natural” back in action, from all of us here at WCW we wish him a speedy recovery.


Heenan: They just wanted to keep Rhodes at arms length!


Match 1


Terry Funk w/ Col. Robert Parker vs. “The Mexican Bandito” Hector Guerrero


1 fall to a finish with a ten minute time limit.


Funk went in to deliver a beatdown from the get go, while Hector tried to evade the Funker with his wrestling. This match was crazy Terry Funk at his best, the referee came close to throwing the match out on several occasions due to the overzealousness of the man from the Double Cross Ranch. We had a brief flurry of offence from Gory Guerrero's second youngest son including a slingshot crossbody. It was not to be though and Funk regained control with an atomic drop followed by a brainbuster before finishing Guerrero off with a piledriver.


Winner: Terry Funk via pinfall.

Star rating: * 1/2

Duration: 4:48

Best Commentary Line: Heenan: Wow, that low blow will ensure the end of the Guerrero family legacy!


As Hector is being helped out of the ring by referee Nick Patrick, Funk takes a microphone:


Funk: Dustin Rhodes, you learned not to cross the Funks. Hopefully unlike your Daddy you won't even attempt to cross paths with me or the Stud Stable ever again.


My brother Dory hit you so hard that he gave himself a hernia! If you cross us again Dustin, I'll ensure that you are never able to compete in the ring again.


Now Arn Anderson, you had a chance to double cross young Rhodes but you couldn't do it. You know what that makes you...a sissy! And one thing that I cannot stand is a Sissy!!!


Next week if you have the guts the Stud Stable challenges you to a match....that's of course if you do have any guts.


Schiavone: Disgusting words there by Terry Funk, but we have to go to break!


Match 2


Cactus Jack & Kevin Sullivan w/ Dave Sullivan vs. The Nasty Boys (Knobbs & Sags)


One fall to a finish with a fifteen minute time limit.


A tag team match up is next as Cactus Jack and Kevin Sullivan renew their rivalry with the Nasty Boys. Sags quickly gets the upper hand for the Nastys, isolating Cactus Jack and pounding away on him. Knobbs is also frequently in the ring to distract the referee so his partner can use dirty tactics. Which in turn gets Kevin Sullivan into the ring and that allows more cheap shots on Cactus Jack from the Nasty Boys. However Cactus reverses an Irish whip on the now legal Knobbs hitting a clothesline and enabling him to tag in Kevin. Sullivan begins to clean house hitting finishing his rally with a devastating shoulder breaker on Knobbs. Cactus gets tagged in and is able to reverse a clothesline attempt into a Double arm DDT, meanwhile Sullivan takes Sags out with an elbow. 1...2...3 Cactus Jack gets the pinfall.


Winner: Cactus Jack & Kevin Sullivan via pinfall.

Star rating:***1/2

Duration: 8:29

Best Commentary: Heenan: I'm trying to work out who has the biggest IQ out of Cactus and the Sullivan brothers, I'd say Kevin but that shot brought it down!


Schiavone: What a match Cactus Jack and Kevin Sullivan getting the win. Doesn't Dave look excited!


Heenan: Ah, they're all idiots!


Schiavone: I'm getting word from the back that we have Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat standing by with Gene Okerlund..


The camera switches to the classic entranceway interview point:


Okerlund: It's my pleasure at this time to be speaking to Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat!


Last time out at Bash at the Beach you came up just short against “Stunning” Steve Austin, how do you intend to bounce back?


Steamboat: I tried an aggressive approach and while I make no apologies for that, I feel that I let my fans down. I'm not going to whine and complain about how Austin won, my goal is to use my match tonight to get back in the hunt for the United States Heavyweight title.


Okerlund: Classy as alwa...


~Before Gene can finish a blur appears and Steamboat collapses in pain~


Okerlund: Can we get security out here now!?


~The camera focuses on the assailant...it's Steve Austin! He continues laying hard shots into The Dragon with a wooden baseball bat talking trash as he does it. Eventually Doug Dillinger and his security team are able to break up the assault but not before Austin was able to leave Steamboat in a world of trouble.~


Schiavone: A disgraceful cowardly attack on Ricky Steamboat by Steve Austin, folks while The Dragon is receiving treatment we have to go to break!


When we are back from the break a sombre looking Eric Bischoff is in the ring...

Bischoff: Due to Steve Austin's attack on Ricky Steamboat, the medical crew here have taken The Dragon to the local hospital, as a result the matchup planned for tonight will be altered to a one on one contest between “Hacksaw” Jim Duggan and Jean-Paul Levesque.


Match 3


Jean-Paul Levesque vs. “Hacksaw” Jim Duggan


One fall to a finish with a ten minute time limit.


Duggan starts off with a USA chant as always, while Levesque looks disgusted. The two lock up to begin the match and Duggan shakes it off to exclaim “Hoooo” which was greeted by a rather un-aristocratic punch right to the face. Levesque takes control for most of the match, surprising the weird and wiley veteran with some good wrestling ability. Although on the back foot Duggan was able to get on an offensive run about halfway through, only the be hit with a pedigree 1..2..NO!

Hacksaw welled up all his remaining strength and kicked out!! Levesque looked on in disbelief, before raking Duggan's eyes and hitting a rather crude kick to the groin. That was enough to have this one thrown out and Hacksaw wins via disqualification.


Winner: “Hacksaw” Jim Duggan by disqualification.

Star rating:**

Duration: 7:07

Best Commentary: Schiavone: Hacksaw on fire with some unique offense to say the least.


As Schiavone and Heenan are giving their final thoughts on the match a huge cheer erupts and the camera pans to...HULK HOGAN! Who is making his way to the ring with speed.


Hulk: I've been given the honor of choosing my own opponent for Clash of the Champions, brother let me tell you something! I was appalled by the conduct of Terry Funk, I had Hulkamaniacs asking me left and right “Did you see Terry Funk? What a bad egg!”


Brother, I came to WCW to set an example for all the little Hulkamaniacs and what kind of example would I set if I let Terry Funk get away with his actions?!


At Clash of the Champions, August 24th brother in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.. I'm teaching Terry Funk a lesson he soon won't forget!


Terry Funk, watcha gonna do when Hulk Hogan runs wild on you!!


By some strange coincidence we see a pre tape hyping up Hulk Hogan's hotline, just remember to get your parents permission before ringing kids!


Match 4


Lord Steven Regal w/ Sir William vs. The Patriot w/ Marcus Bagwell


One fall for the WCW World Television Championship with a 15 minute time limit.


The crowd was firmly behind the Patriot in this contest with the British blue blood, this was a major factor in the early going. Regal clearly thrown off by the USA chants was second best all night, nearly losing his title to an Uncle Sam slam. Sir William used his cane to trip The Patriot and was chased away by Marcus Bagwell momentarily distracting the referee. That's all Regal needed and he was soon in control with a few underhanded tactics. The Patriot was able to get a late rally which sent Regal into the corner where he begged off, Patriot wasn't having any of it and went in to pick him up. Regal met him with a short punch which on replay looked to have been with brass knuckles sending Patriot to the canvas. The blue blood Regal pounced and got the 1...2...3!


Winner: Lord William Regal via pinfall

Star rating:**

Duration: 8:21

Best Commentary: Heenan: As much as I'm a patriotic American, I just can't stand this Patriot! Who is so passionate about his country that he wears a mask!?



After the break we see a back stage interview with Gene Okerlund grabbing a few words with “Nature Boy” Ric Flair.


Okerlund: Ric, last night you lost the World Heavyweight Championship to Hulk Hogan on his in ring return, what's on your mind?


Flair: Gene, Hulk Hogan thinks he won the Worlds Heavyweight Championship last night...NO!

He's only holding it for me, Bash at the Beach I got some bad advice from Sensuous Sherri and I'll tell you something else...her head wasn't on straight after being taken to space mountain the night before!


Okerlund: Ric, a little decorum here!


Flair: Well Ric Flair doesn't except losing the Worlds Heavyweight Championship, changes have to be made! From now on Slick Ric..Wooo! Is walking that aisle solo, nobody is going to hold me back. HULK HOGAN, you can beat me once but as god as my witness you will not beat me again!


~With that Flair struts offscreen as Gene Okerlund finishes up the interview~


Our Main Event of the evening


“Nature Boy” Ric Flair vs. The Guardian Angel


One fall to a finish, with a twenty minute time limit.


The crowd was hyped up for this main event and it delivered. Guardian Angel brought pain to Naitch with a strong brawling style. He was however, facing Ric Flair and the dirtiest player in the game got back into the match. It's been said that Flair could have a great match with an inanimate carbon rod and on the evidence show here, that'd be accurate. Guardian Angel was able to muscle back control from Flair and went on a rally which was wildly cheered by the crowd. Flair was in classic form tonight, begging off and doing the Flair flop further exciting the crowd. Naitch mule kicked Guardian sneakily before hitting a chop block. Flair began to strut and locked in the figure four and it was soon all over as the Guardian Angel had to give in!


Winner: “Nature Boy” Ric Flair via submission

Star rating:****

Duration: 10:20

Best Commentary: Schiavone: I've got to say that punch is totally fair to Flair!


As Flair celebrates Schiavone announces that next week we will see Sting in action, Heenan replies with a sarcastic yay before Schiavone closes the show.





WCW Main Event taping results




Not taped for TV:


In a short match, Alex Wright defeated Sgt. Craig Pittman in 5:19 by submission with a STF. * ½


TV Show


Highlights of the massive match up between Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair on Bash at the Beach last week.


In an extremely short match, Diamond Dallas Page defeated Terry Taylor in 2:52 by pinfall with a Diamond Cutter. **


Eric Bischoff provides us with an update on Dustin Rhodes.


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Stars 'n' Stripes defeated Bad Attitude in 8:09 when Marcus Bagwell defeated Steve Keirn by pinfall with a Yellow Jacket Suplex.



Following his loss to Hulk Hogan last week, Ric Flair gets on the microphone and cuts a promo on Hulk Hogan saying that while Hogan may have won, next time will be a different story.


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Ron Simmons defeated Larry Zbyszko in 6:11 by pinfall with a Dominator. **1/2


A replay of last nights attack by Steve Austin on Ricky Steamboat backstage, which leaves him down and out.


Brian Pillman defeated Stevie Ray in 10:01 by pinfall with the Air Pillman. ***

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Thanks for the predictions guys, I have a busy weekend planned but with any luck I'll have the next week's card up featuring the Stinger!




*I'm guessing Paul Heyman is the ? on the booking team.


D'oh! I was hoping that would remain a secret for longer. :p Heyman is the user avatar but at this point he is part of a booking team and won't have free reign.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>WCW Fan Newsletter</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b484/Heelzilla/WCWBullseye_zpsa23454aa.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>New faces in WCW!</strong></p><p> </p><p>

At WCW we are proud to announce some new signings to our roster, along with Hector Guerrero we welcome: Charles Wright, Chris “Lionheart” Jericho, Christopher Daniels, Dean Malenko, Dave Finlay, Rick Martel and Lance Storm. </p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b484/Heelzilla/BritishBulldog2_zpsc7da7ac2.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

Deserving of his own column in the newsletter, WCW have agreed to sign Davey Boy Smith!</p><p>

The British Bulldog will be plying his trade in our ring, we cannot be more excited to welcome Bulldog to World Championship Wrestling.</p><p> </p><p>

We also have to announce the departure of Mr. T, Terry Taylor, Shanghai Pierce and Erik Watts, although valued competitors for us at WCW it's been decided to go our separate ways.</p><p> </p><p>

Unfortunately we have to announce the departure of Sherri Martel who has decided to leave WCW and sign for the WWF. We thank Sherri for her time in WCW and wish her well for the future.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>WCW Saturday Night fan pick-em contest.</strong></p><p>

<em><span style="font-size:10px;">*In response to various letters, we reveal participants will lose no points for the changed Three person match. However those who tipped Hacksaw Jim Duggan as the winner will get a tie breaker point.</span></em></p><p> </p><p>

Beejus 4/4 (1 tiebreaker)</p><p>

CQI13 4/4</p><p>

LordJaguar 4/4</p><p>

Taylor22 3/4</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>WWF Raw results</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Nikolai Volkoff beat 1-2-3 Kid</p><p>

Kwang beat Mike Sharpe</p><p>

Alundra Blayze beat Bull Nakano</p><p>

Randy Savage beat Yokozuna</p><p>

Owen Hart beat Lex Luger</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>WCW Saturday Night prediction Card</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Sgt. Craig Pittman vs. “Lucky” Christopher Daniels</p><p>

Guardian Angel vs. “Suave” Rick Martel</p><p>

Total Domination (Ron Simmons & Charles Wright) vs. Cactus Jack & Kevin Sullivan</p><p>

Terry Funk vs. “Flyin” Brian Pillman</p><p>

Sting vs. “Stunning” Steve Austin</p><p> </p><p>

Plus the Debut of not only The Iron Sheik but The British Bulldog Davey Boy Smith!!</p><p> </p><p>

Tiebreaker: Who will the Iron Sheik align himself with? Hint only match participants are eligible.</p>

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<p>A good first show, really liked the Flair promo, and I lol'd at Hogan calling Funk a "bad egg".</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Sgt. Craig Pittman</em> vs. “Lucky” Christopher Daniels</p><p>

Guardian Angel vs. <em>“Suave” Rick Martel</em></p><p>

<em>Total Domination (Ron Simmons & Charles Wright)</em> vs. Cactus Jack & Kevin Sullivan</p><p>

<em>Terry Funk</em> vs. “Flyin” Brian Pillman</p><p>

<em>Sting</em> vs. “Stunning” Steve Austin</p><p> </p><p>

Tiebreaker: Who will the Iron Sheik align himself with? Hint only match participants are eligible. <em>Pittman is the only one I can really imagine.</em></p>

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<p><strong>Sgt. Craig Pittman</strong> vs. “Lucky” Christopher Daniels - Daniels is too green.</p><p> </p><p>

Guardian Angel vs.<strong> “Suave” Rick Martel</strong> - Hopefully Guardian Angel gets back on the winning track, but not here.</p><p> </p><p>

Total Domination (Ron Simmons & Charles Wright) vs. <strong>Cactus Jack & Kevin Sullivan</strong> - Not sure where you're going with either team.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Terry Funk</strong> vs. “Flyin” Brian Pillman - Keep him strong for Hogan.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Sting</strong> vs. “Stunning” Steve Austin - I'll say Sting since it's not for the belt.</p><p> </p><p>

Tiebreaker: Cactus Jack & Kevin Sullivan - not likely, but would be an interesting take on the crazy heels.</p>

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<p><strong>Sgt. Craig Pittman</strong> vs. “Lucky” Christopher Daniels</p><p>

Guardian Angel vs. <strong>“Suave” Rick Martel</strong></p><p>

Total Domination (Ron Simmons & Charles Wright) vs. <strong>Cactus Jack & Kevin Sullivan</strong></p><p>

<strong>Terry Funk</strong> vs. “Flyin” Brian Pillman</p><p>

<strong>Sting</strong> vs. “Stunning” Steve Austin</p><p> </p><p>

Tiebreaker: Sgt. Craig Pittman</p>

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WCW 94 The Tag team division





Pretty Wonderful ("Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff & "Pretty" Paul Roma)





The Chasing Pack:


Cactus Jack & Kevin Sullivan



Stars 'n' Stripes (Marcus Bagwell & The Patriot)



Harlem Heat (Stevie Ray & Booker T)




The Nasty Boys (Sags & Knobbs)



The Stud Stable (Terry Funk & Bunkhouse Buck)




Managed by: Col. Robert Parker




Total Domination (Ron Simmons & Charles Wright)




Managed by: Theodore Long




The State Patrol (Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker & Lt. James Earl Wright)



The Armstrongs (Brad Armstrong & Brian Armstrong)




Bad Attitude (Bobby Eaton & Steve Keirn)



High Energy ("Das Wunderkind" Alex Wright & "Hard Target" Rob Van Dam)








Thanks for all the predictions so far, still time to get yours in if you haven't already.


Also, don't be shy, tell me what works, what doesn't work as I value the feedback.

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