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GSW: Can't Keep a Brother Down

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Brother Grimm is steady rolling in a tricked out El Camino with Boneyard riding passenger side as they roll through town on a lazy Sunday afternoon. Grimm rolls up next to the sidewalk when his phone starts ringing then picks it up.


BG: This is Grimm. Holla?




MCM: Mothaaaafuuuuuckaaaaaa! What up? I got some good news for ya, brotha.


BG: You are only makin' a good day better then. What you got?


MCM: Looks like Death Row appearing for the first time in awhile has garnered interest. That and most of IPW's matches were pretty bad off so it seems we be having some more people come around next month by my guess.


BG: Now that is what a brotha loves to hear. If anything changes you make sure I'm the first to know.


MCM: Well that ain't all the news. Got a call late last night. Fiasco Fierce be wanting to leave IPW and jump ship to us. I figure I would get a contract all sorted out fo-


BG: Hell nah. If he wanted to be with us he should have left with the rest. Let him simmer in that shithole.


MCM: Really? I figured it would be a good way to stick it to Nemesis.


BG: Shit, nigga. Think about it. I hire Fiasco Fierce. Then next thing you know we got others wanting to jump ship. Sounds good, but then Nemesis got free money. What's to say he doesn't get more talent that might be better?


MCM: Shit, never thought of it that way.


BG: This way we at least know what we have to compete against. We know we can beat them right now, right?


MCM: Brotha, this is why I am glad you the one running this shit and I am just along for the ride.


BG: It's all good. Keep up working with the media and dirt sheets, nigga. That is all I need ya to do.


MCM: Hell yeah I can do that. You have a good Sunday, my nigga.


BG: Peace out.


Grimm hangs up and just grins at Boneyard who raises a brow.


BG: You know what this calls for.


The big man just smiles and he reaches to pull out an cell that is way too small for his large, meaty hands and starts fussing. Grimm pulls out of the spot he was parked in and he turns out his car's sound system as he and Boneyard shout.


BG & BY:



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CC: Ahh hell. Here we go again, MC.


MCM: Got some crazy shit going on. Death Row are here and they made an impact at the end of the show last month.


CC: I hear they are wanting a match now. Ya think Grimm will give it to them?


MCM: Shit, no idea. I know we got seven other matches that are confirmed. Wanna talk about that shit?


CC: That's what we do, nigga.



GSW American Championship



Busta Capp © vs Mobstar


CC: Here I be thinkin' Dead Men Walking would be taking on the tag champs.


MCM: Mobstar been impressive for months now. His first real shot at the big title. Capp isn't getting easy opponents at all.


CC: Shit, nigga. There ain't no easy opponents here. We ain't IPW.


MCM: True that. This shit I think will be match of the night.



GSW Tag Team Championship



Mexican Hardcore Killers © vs Wigga Patrol


CC: I am glad Mobstar gettin' his props, but shit. I dunno about this one.


MCM: If anything we get to see Wigga Patrol get their ass beat.


CC: But can you imagine if they win this one? Those guys with our tag titles?


MCM: Shit, I am too sober to think about that stuff, Cliff.



GSW West Coast Championship



Cali Slick © vs Cheech Kong


CC: Well I'll be. It's Cheech. Where the hell he been?


MCM: Hah, nigga been livin' it up I bet. Good to see him back.


CC: Coming back to take on Cali Slick though. Nigga better be ready


MCM: If anything at least he be so stoned he probably can't feel the pain.


CC: Now that's some funny shit.



Teddy Powell vs Fro Sure


CC: So I guess we are gonna do a best of five series with PSW this year over on the West side.


MCM: Yeah? I can get behind that. Teddy Powell is an old DaVE homeboy, right?


CC: Hell yeah. He and Fro Sure are going to clash in what should be some good shit.


MCM: I am down with this. Fro! You better win my nigga. We need to start things on the right foot!


CC: Hell yeah. Go Fro!



Boneyard and Wrecking Machine vs Mexico's Finest and Brown Pride


CC: Huh, three on two? I think the Mexicans might need more than that.


MCM: Shiiiiit. Boneyard one scary ************ to begin with. Wrecking Machine with him? I don't wanna be in that ****ing alley.


CC: Brown Pride and Mexico's Finest are ex champions though. Can't be taken lightly.


MCM: That's true. The boss doesn't hire bitches to protect him though so I can't say it is easy to predict a winner here.



Hard-1 vs Gravedigga


CC: Mobstar get a shot at the gold, but his partner be takin' on the ever dangerous Hard-1.


MCM: This one is going to be some bloody shit. Both men don't give a **** and I am sure Hard-1 wants to bounce back from his loss.


CC: Gravedigga might make a case for a title shot himself if he wins. Imagine if Mobstar wins and might have to face him?


MCM: Sounds badass if you ask me, Cliff. Or what if Mobstar wins and Gravedigga gets the West Coast eventually?


CC: Nigga, now that be interesting.



Deaf Touch vs JOJI


CC: Don't know where the masked ****er be, but JOJI is back.


MCM: He won the crowd over facing Fro which isn't easy. He faces off against another fan favorite.


CC: Boy don't know English, but he is learning pain rather quickly, nigga.


MCM: Could be a show stealer, Cliff. JOJI and Fro did it last month.


CC: I won't complain. This card look off the ****in' chain.


MCM: People be nothing but bitches if they miss this. Don't settle for shit like IPW. Come to Tales from the Warehouse 2!


CC: Peace out!




Tales from the Warehouse 2 Quick Pick


GSW American: Busta Capp © vs Mobstar


GSW Tag Team: Mexican Hardcore Killers © vs Wigga Patrol


GSW West Coast: Cali Slick © vs Cheech Kong


PSW vs GSW: Teddy Powell vs Fro Sure


Boneyard and Wrecking Machine vs Mexico's Finest and Brown Pride


Hard-1 vs Gravedigga


Deaf Touch vs JOJI

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GSW American: Busta Capp © vs Mobstar


GSW Tag Team: Mexican Hardcore Killers © vs Wigga Patrol


GSW West Coast: Cali Slick © vs Cheech Kong


PSW vs GSW: Teddy Powell vs Fro Sure


Boneyard and Wrecking Machine vs Mexico's Finest and Brown Pride


Hard-1 vs Gravedigga


Deaf Touch vs JOJI

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I want to throw in a side note that I am humbled by the response and the positive comments thrown my way. I have just been in the zone this weekend in doing up posts for both this and my SWF diary so I figured it was easiest to give my thanks out into one fell swoop.


I am starting to remember why I like GSW too and why it was so fun to write the previous time. Already worked my way into March and I am having to keep myself from working too far ahead so I don't start forgetting what my plans were. I do think I will try to perhaps do a contest and tally things up every six in game months. Not sure what the prize will be, but I will figure it out when I get there.


Once again thank you all!

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GSW American: Busta Capp © vs Mobstar

From what I heard, Mobstar is decent talent but while he could become top player, he isn´t one yet so Capp retains.


GSW Tag Team: Mexican Hardcore Killers © vs Wigga Patrol

I don´t see Wigga Patrol becoming champs as there are better options available.


GSW West Coast: Cali Slick © vs Cheech Kong

No title change here either.


PSW vs GSW: Teddy Powell vs Fro Sure

With this being best of five, I could see this one going either way but I give it to Fro Sure since he´s one of your top guys and likely title challenger so he should stay strong.


Boneyard and Wrecking Machine vs Mexico's Finest and Brown Pride

This looks an interesting match. On one hand it looks like a match that was made to show how powerful Boneyard and Machine are but with Mexico´s Finest being in feud with Boneyard and just came out as winner against Hard-1 and with Brown Bride being a decent tag team and former tag champs they are quite tough opponents to take and I wonder if they would end up looking bit weak by losing this one. Personally, I think that Mexico's Finest and Brown Pride will win as otherwise it would be bit hard to continue the feud between Mexico´s Finest and Boneyard (why Mexico´s Finest would do any better in 1 vs. 1 match if he cannot beat Boneyard even with the help of a decent tag team and man advantage?). That said, somekind of shenigans or interference could easily give the other outcome without hurting the losing side too much but I still go with the side that has more to lose in my opinion.


Hard-1 vs Gravedigga

Gravedigga is the lesser guy on his tag team so I expect Hard-1 to get a bounce back win here.


Deaf Touch vs JOJI

JOJI will impress again, but this isn´t a match he would win.

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GSW American: Busta Capp © vs Mobstar

I'll pick Mobstar here -- he fits GSW Style much better than Capp, and he's a significantly better worker.

GSW Tag Team: Mexican Hardcore Killers © vs Wigga Patrol

Again, another lower level team -- which makes me think you're moving main eventers away from the titles, a good move.

GSW West Coast: Cali Slick © vs Cheech Kong

Slick retains here.

PSW vs GSW: Teddy Powell vs Fro Sure

Keep local talent happy.

Boneyard and Wrecking Machine vs Mexico's Finest and Brown Pride

I have to think after his first match, Finest is on his way out.

Hard-1 vs Gravedigga

Hard-1 gets picked up in any hardcore-diary I do. Dude is a +/+ worker and perfect for GSW. Maybe some of his work will rub off on Gravedigger.

Deaf Touch vs JOJI

This will be a surprisingly good match -- but no surprise as Deaf Touch takes this one easily.

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GSW American: Busta Capp © vs Mobstar


GSW Tag Team: Mexican Hardcore Killers © vs Wigga Patrol


GSW West Coast: Cali Slick © vs Cheech Kong


PSW vs GSW: Teddy Powell vs Fro Sure


Boneyard and Wrecking Machine vs Mexico's Finest and Brown Pride


Hard-1 vs Gravedigga


Deaf Touch vs JOJI


P.S. Where are my 3 $ & 50 cents? ;)

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Really liked your first show.


GSW American: Busta Capp © vs Mobstar


GSW Tag Team: Mexican Hardcore Killers © vs Wigga Patrol


GSW West Coast: Cali Slick © vs Cheech Kong


PSW vs GSW: Teddy Powell vs Fro Sure


Boneyard and Wrecking Machine vs Mexico's Finest and Brown Pride


Hard-1 vs Gravedigga


Deaf Touch vs JOJI

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GSW American: Busta Capp © vs Mobstar


GSW Tag Team: Mexican Hardcore Killers © vs Wigga Patrol


GSW West Coast: Cali Slick © vs Cheech Kong


PSW vs GSW: Teddy Powell vs Fro Sure


Boneyard and Wrecking Machine vs Mexico's Finest and Brown Pride


Hard-1 vs Gravedigga


Deaf Touch vs JOJI

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GSW Tales from the Warehouse 2


Friday, Week 2 February 2014


143 in Attendance




CC: It's almost Valentine's Day and what a better way to celebrate with yo woman than to bring her on down here for a great show?


MCM: Shit, I see why you don't have a girl right now.


CC: ************, I just don't have time. That's beside the point. Tonight we get to see what Brother Grimm thinks about Death Row and their appearance here at GSW.


MCM: Got some title matches too. Mobstar and Busta Capp baby. That is all I got to say. We also have Teddy Powell visiting from PSW as he takes on our boy Fro Sure.


CC: That's the start of a best of five series that will be happening this year. Most importantly we ain't IPW. We ain't a bunch of bitches like them.


MCM: Niggas be scared. Holding off on their show until they see ours. That fine girl Mya heading towards the ring so it looks like it is time to kick things off, Cliff.






Mya Catalan is once again dressed in something that gets all the guys cheering when she gets I the ring and gives the crowd a few poses along with a wink. She takes the microphone offered to her and waits for the catcalls to die down.


MC: Welcome to The Warehouse! Once again I am your hostess for the evening, Mya Catalan. Now will everyone please give a warm welcome to the one and only Brother Grimm!




Brother Grimm comes out on his on, a rare occasion as neither Boneyard or his newest bodyguard, Wrecking Machine, are anywhere to be seen. Even so he is calm and collected as he gets in the ring and murmurs something to Mya that makes the young woman blush before she gets out of the ring. Brother Grimm with microphone in hand steps to the middle of the ring and looks at the entrance ramp.


BG: Last month I had three men show up after a good main event. Their intention was to impress me and I have had a few weeks to think that over. Death Row, come on out right now.




Death Row come out led by the man that called himself Streetz. The latter has a smug grin on his face as he and the two big men he manages get into the ring. He pulls a microphone of his own from the pocket of his jacket. He is about ready to say something when Grimm holds up a hand right in Streetz' face to tell him to keep silence.


BG: My show, my rules. You talk when I let you, nigga. I know who your guys are. I know they some big boys that were in SWF a few years back. You talk about impressing me? What have your boys done lately? Last time I checked they got the boot from SWF in two thousand and ten.


Streetz doesn't seem to be too happy, but he doesn't speak just yet since it seems Grimm isn't fully finished speaking despite asking a question. Grimm just grins and nods.


BG: Your momma didn't raise no fool at least. You did learn quick. You want to be here and impress me? I am fine with that. You come in expecting me to lavish for past fame and just give you title shots? Nigga, you best go ahead and leave. If you stay, well I might have a match for your boys.


Streetz looks over his shoulders and towards both Knuckles and Shady K who just nod to him. Both men seem unbothered for being run down by the boss of GSW. If anything they are both looking amused.


ST: You want them to prove themselves? Fine, we got this shit. Bring out whoever you want.


Brother Grimm just nods and he looks between the three men. He starts to get out of the ring and he pauses after seeming to contemplate shortly.


BG: A'ight. I got someone for ya. Bring them out!


Grimm looks to be doing his best to avoid smiling too wide as he walks out. It certainly isn't one of the big name tag teams that come out to confront Death Row as Devyn Kix start towards the ring. Streetz looks annoyed while Knuckles and Shady K just seem to have an even wider grin.


Rating: 55


CC: I am more wondering what Devyn Kix did to deserve this?


MCM: Boys weren't doing anything else tonight. Grimm just giving them a match.


CC: Their loss is our gain I guess. We get to see Death Row in action.





Death Row with Streetz vs Devyn Kix


The match is about as brutal as one might expect. Devyn Kix are way out of their league once again and they are beaten and bloodied by GSW's newest tag addition. Drop Kix gets tossed into the time keeper's area and then Devyn Retribution is put away when Death Row deliver their combo finisher, Death Sentence.


Winners: Death Row


Rating: 38


CC: Shit, Death Row showing they ain't here to mess around.


MCM: About what I expected. I like the kids, but Devyn Kix kinda got thrown to the wolves tonight.


CC: If these guys are looking for tag gold I think the entire division has been put on notice.


MCM: I am sure the champs be watching this. I'm sure everyone was.


CC: Would be dumb not to.





GSW West Coast Championship



Cali Slick © vs Cheech Kong


Cheech hasn't been seen for a few months, but his ring work doesn't seem to have suffered. It could be his ring work isn't great to begin with so there wasn't much to lose. He proves to be more difficult to put down though and he actually has Slick reeling at times. It takes a Slick-Back delivered onto a stop sign to finally put Cheech down.


Winner and still champion: Cali Slick (Defenses: 3)


Rating: 37


CC: Not bad, Cheech. Not bad at all.


MCM: Wonder where that nigga had been. Not a bad showing, but not good enough.


CC: Keep up matches like that and he might get another chance eventually.


MCM: Unless he just decides to show up every few months.






After last month's dealings with Brown Pride, Mya Catalan plays it smart and just rolls the microphone into the ring instead of trying to get into with the duo heading her way. They get into the ring along with the large intimidation machine known as Mexico's Finest and MexiCain starts to speak on the microphone.


MCN: Last week not only did we get disrespected, but so did our boy Mexico's Finest. Brother Grimm just continues to show he discriminates against Latinos. Why not let Mexico's Finest fight Boneyard one on one? No, he needed some big monster to help by blindsiding our boy here. Well now the odds are even and after we win tonight we will get the respect we des-


???: Oh shut up and stop embarrassing our people!




The voice in question belongs to Sanchez Villano and he steps out on the entrance ramp with E-Z at his side. The three men in the ring don't seem too happy at all that they were interrupted.


SV: Seriously, just show up. You didn't lose due to disrespect or that Grimm has a supposed hatred for Latinos. You lost to us, man. We beat your ass all over The Warehouse to get these titles. Last time I checked you never asked for a rematch and instead went on your little 'crusade' against Brother Grimm.


MCN: I am not going to argue with you! We should be united. The five of us could run this place. No one could stop us. Just think about it.


SV: You might not want to argue with me, but I want to fight you. Show me some Latino fire man.


EZ: Bring it!


SV: You want a title match?


EZ: Bring it!


SV: Want to show you aren't pussies?


EZ: Bring it!


SV: How about you face us next month? Titles on the line if we still got them?


EZ: Bring it!


SV: If you can't understand my buddy then I will explain it to you in the best way possible. Fight us or be pussies. We out!


Brown Pride are irate while Mexico's Finest could seem to care less about the two men heading to the back. He just seems to be waiting for Boneyard and nothing more.


Rating: 45


CC: About time someone actually came out to shut them up.


MCM: Shit, and it was the tag team champs on top of it.


CC: Brown Pride had gold. We know they can be good. They just turned into bitches lately.


MCM: Well they got a challenge made. They best step up if they want to not look like pussies.


CC: That is if they live through this. Here comes Boneyard and Wrecking Machine.





Boneyard and Wrecking Machine vs Mexico's Finest and Brown Pride


The referee has no chance to keep any order here and he plays it smart by staying back. Boneyard and Mexico's Finest instantly go at one another and start flailing while Brown Pride look to double team Wrecking Machine to keep him from helping his partner. The result is the groups get separated and Mexico's Finest can't ever help his partners because he is too set on beating the hell out of Boneyard. Both men get bloodied, but it is Wrecking Machine that comes through for his team. At one point he lawn darts LatiNoFear into the audience and then hits MexiCain with a vicious spine buster he calls the Pancake Flattener.


Winners: Boneyard and Wrecking Machine


Rating: 26


CC: I got to say this, MC. Mexico's Finest beat the **** out of Boneyard and I think he would have one this if it was a singles bout.


MCM: Brown Pride got separated early on and LatiNoFear is still out cold buried in chairs. MexiCain just couldn't handle the beast Wrecking Machine on his own.


CC: Still doesn't solve anything between Boneyard and Mexico's Finest. Boneyard gets the win, but he got his ass beat.


MCM: Gotta think Grimm doesn't let it happen one on one because he don't want to be down a bodyguard.


CC: Shit, can't fault him for that. Nigga be popular.






Hard-1 vs Gravedigga


Hard-1 still doesn't seem to be happy he lost last month. Then again he never seems happy unless he is beating the hell out of someone. That someone ends up being Gravedigga who starts off strong, but ends up getting busted open by a baseball bat wrapped in barbwire. Hard-1 uses the bat to tear at Gravedigga's back and forehead before showing some mercy by delivering a piledriver.


Winner: Hard-1


Rating: 34


CC: Daaaayum. Gravedigga won't be forgetting this one I think.


MCM: Nigga gonna have scars to remind him. I can barely look at his back right now.


CC: Pretty nasty shit, MC. Mobstar I bet be hoping he fares better tonight.


MCM: Or if he gets tore up he can at least come out on top and get the gold.






Mya Catalan gets in the ring after the cleanup crew finish up. She tries not to look too much at all the bloodstains on the mat as she smiles and addresses the crowd.


MC: Tonight will be the first of five matches that will feature GSW taking on PSW. Representing GSW tonight, we have Fro Sure!




It isn't Fro Sure that comes out and the fans switch to booing when instead a smug looking Teddy Powell emerges and heads for the ring. He takes the microphone and shoos Mya out of the ring.


TP: So far I have to say I am rather unimpressed. Take this from a guy that worked for DaVE. There is more to hardcore than just swinging a chair or being able to bloody an opponent. Sometimes there is actu-


???: Hold up!




Finally Fro Sure shows up and he bounds to the ring. He gets a microphone of his own as he just smiles and looks over the dour looking Teddy Powell.


FS: Teddy, Teddy, Teddy. You got to first apologize to Miss Catalan over there. You didn't even hold the ropes for her. Second, I think you got us all wrong. Yes we love our weapons and blood, but I know you were about to say we can't wrestle. I will tell you how wrong you are and I will show you so. So stop with the smack talk and speak to me with yo moves!


Rating: 45


CC: That is why the fans love Fro. Nigga bleeds GSW.


MCM: Teddy Powell might think we got nothing but thugs, but we got boys that can wrestle and he is about to meet one of our best.


CC: Hope Fro can beat him. Send that bitch home to let PSW know we ain't no pushovers.


MCM: Well said, Cliff.





Teddy Powell vs Fro Sure


Sure enough Fro Sure starts off with more traditional wrestling to keep up with Teddy Powell. It ends up being Powell who brings weapons into the match out of frustration and the PSW alum sends Fro through a table on the outside, but can't get him back in and pinned in time. Fro fights back and eventually busts open Powell with a big running knee. It dazes Powell and allows Fro Sure to land Sure Thing and get the win.


Winner: Fro Sure (GSW leads series 1-0)


Rating: 44


CC: My nigga Fro!


MCM: Yeah, send that boy him a bloody mess. GSW in the house!


CC: We gotta keep that momentum. Hope our boys deliver again whenever match two goes down.


MCM: Not heard when that will happen yet. We got ten months to get four more matches in.


CC: Shit, hope we don't wait too long.


MCM: It's all good. Just keep cool, nigga.





GSW Tag Team Championship




Mexican Hardcore Killers © vs Wigga Patrol


Sanchez Villano ends up being the big factor in this match. His size and strength are just too much for the Wigga Patrol who rely more on their speed and flashy moves. D-Lux tried getting too fancy and it ended badly when E-Z ducks a crazy dive that results in D-Lux busting himself open on the barricade. It leaves Top Dolla having to try and overcome the odds. Instead he gets stuffed in a trash can and E-Z nails him with the Launch Pad Elbow Drop.


Winners and still champions: Mexican Hardcore Killers (Defenses: 4)


Rating: 29


CC: I sometimes wonder if we should be taking bets on which Wigga gonna get himself killed.


MCM: D-Lux looked dead out there for awhile. Medics finally taking his ass to the back.


CC: Killers got themselves the titles still. Guess we might see them against Brown Pride next week over the gold.


MCM: If LatiNoFear is good to go that is. He got carted out too, nigga.


CC: Shit, that's right. Guess we gotta see if a month is enough time to heal.





JOJI vs Deaf Touch


JOJI looks a bit less crisp than his first appearance, but still good enough to get the crowd into the match. He and Deaf Touch might just be having a hard time communicating given Deaf is well....deaf and JOJI doesn't speak English anyways. The result is a few blown spots, but the match is still watchable. Deaf Touch ends up winning the relatively short bout with a Crooked Moonsault.


Winner: Deaf Touch


Rating: 36


CC: Not a bad outing again. Guess JOJI just ain't a one hit wonder.


MCM: Kid gonna win sooner or later. He been up against two of our best is all.


CC: Fans be into him too. Pretty impressive thing to do when you are facing off against Fro and Deaf Touch.


MCM: Yeah. Oh shit, you know what time it is now, nigga?


CC: Hell yeah I do. We got the main event coming on up.






Mya Catalan once more enters the ring and struts her stuff to get the male side of the audience into a bit more of a frenzy.


MC: It is almost time for the main event. Before things start let me introduce to you your GSW American champion....BUSTAAAAAA CAAAAPP!




Capp comes out with Kandii on his arm. He seems to take the boos he gets with a grain of salt on his way to the ring where he just grins and takes the microphone without doing too much looking over of Mya this time around.


BC: Shit, here we are again. I still got my gold as much as some of you all hate it. That fine. That hate drives me to do better. Mobstar? He a tough nigga. I know that. I don't take anyone lightly now that I am at the top. I got to be hungry to stay here. I....




Busta Capp trails off when Mobstar starts down towards the ring. He slips in and he just stares down Busta Capp who eventually offers the challenger the microphone. Mobstar looks at it then takes the microphone as he steps back.


Mob: Fans don't know you like I do, Capp. We been here from the start and even before that we worked for that ****er Nemesis. I know what you can bring to a match and you damn well better know what I bring. I just want to tell you one thing, nigga. Sorry. Sorry I gotta take the title from you tonight. I am ready to get it on so lets do this!


Capp smirks some and nods. He holds the title up high and points to it then himself, mouthing the words 'mine, bitch' to his opponent as he hands the title to Kandii and sends her out of the ring.


Rating: 41


CC: These boys be ready! This is going to be great.


MCM: This is what every person in GSW wants. A chance to be in that spotlight and fight for the American title.


CC: We got two of our best in there right now too. Shit, people don't know the talent we got.


MCM: Well if they seeing this for the first time they are about to find out how good some of our boys be.





GSW American Championship



Busta Capp © with Kandii vs Mobstar


Another brutal affair that sees both men getting bloodied early on in the matchup. Mobstar just seems on the top of his game and has the crowd behind him, but can't seem to keep Capp down for the count. His mounting frustration causes a few mistakes to be made and Capp is quick enough to capitalize on it. He throws a chair at Mobstar at one point and when Mobstar catches it he soon finds it driven into his face by a Mafia Kick from the champ who then quickly covers Mobstar for the win.


Winner and still champion: Busta Capp (Defenses: 5)


Rating: 47 (MotN)


CC: It may be early in the year, but damned if that ain't the best match we had yet if you ask me.


MCM: Shit was pretty hype. Niggas had me on the edge of my seat. I couldn't tell who would win there.


CC: Mobstar shows he can hang with the champ. I think he will get that gold one day.


MCM: Might be awhile. The line ain't exactly short.


CC: Shit, no kidding. Hell, Fro hasn't even gotten his rematch yet and that has been months.


MCM: Well maybe he gets it next month. We gotta go for now, nigga.


CC: Peace out!




Final rating: 46


IPW Bloodstained: 36

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It's about a week after the events of the last show when Rumble Roper decided to make a meeting with Brother Grimm. Once again the pair had been scouring a bit after the success of their first two shows of the year and it seems Roper was somewhat excited to meet up with the boss. Grimm is lounging in a hot tub in his mansion when Rumble is ushered in and he looks a bit unsure where he should it or stand.


BG: Ease up, nigga. We brothers. And it ain't like I am naked and shit. You wanted to show me stuff?


RR: Right. *Pause* Oh, I didn't find much worth bringing up, but I solved two minor problems.


BG: Yeah? Well go ahead and show me. Wait, what minor problems? People been causing shit again behind my back?


RR: What? Oh hell no. Nothing like that, Grimm. It was more I think I found a tag partner for Phobia and someone that can help out JOJI.


BG: I didn't plan to put Phobia in a team, but whatever. I'm game. Who did you get to help with JOJI?


Roper pulls out his phone and he fusses with it a bit before he finds a picture to show to Grimm who ends up letting out a low whistle at what he sees.




RR: Kammy Ling. Don't expect the girl to be a talker, but she fine. And to boot she was raised over here so she speaks Japanese and English.


BG: I am never against more eye candy, but the translator thing. Nigga, that ain't a bad pick up at all. What else you got?


Some more fiddling is done and another picture produced. Grimm seems less impressed, but also doesn't seem annoyed or angered.


BG: Okay so why this guy and why team him with Phobia?




RR: Came out of CZCW so a high flier like Phobia. Calls himself Paranoia. Figure we can call their team ParaPhobia or some shit. He was apprehensive at first though.


BG: Shit, did you show him Phobia videos or something?


RR: Well no, but one of his good friends works at IPW. Not wanting to hurt friendships and such. His other real good friend somehow got hired by MAW.


BG: Shit, could care less about his friendship. If he works here I'm not saying he can't hang with his friend. If Nemesis be petty like that it ain't my problem. And MAW? What is the name?


RR: Ahh...Ash Barnaby I want to say. Used to go by Paradigm or some shit.


Brother Grimm nods a bit and hmms. He shakes his head and gives a helpless shrug before reaching for is glass of cognac and takes a sip.


BG: I hired someone from MAW. Not that guy though. Don't think I saw him.


RR: Nigga whaaaaa? Who the hell be working at MAW that catch your eye.


Grimm looks around then wipes his hands on a nearby towel before grabbing his own phone. He takes a few moments, but eventually produces a short video beating up THE ARCHITECT.




RR: That's a big ass honky.


BG: Deuce Deadline is what he goes by. He be trained by a guy like Sam Keith, but he wants to go somewhere where he can cut loose and be more himself.


RR: Really? Shit, you never figured you find something like that in a place like MAW.


BG: Not sure what I want to do for sure with him. I figure we use him for a tryout before next month's show. Oh, we running on Saturdays now.


RR: Huh? Why we changing? Friday is doing us well.


BG: It's my other signing. Works over on the East Coast on Friday so needs time to catch a flight and get some rest before wrestling here.


RR: One of the PSW boys or some shit? I thought we were just trading talents and stuff.


BG: FCW actually. I won't say any more than that.


RR: Always got to be mysterious huh? Well last time you were we got Wrecking Machine and Death Row so I know you know what you are doing. I just help when I can.


BG: Get contracts written up for your finds. Make sure they ready for next month.


RR: Yeah, sounds good. Hey, how did we do against IPW? I hear they ran a show like two days after us.


Brother Grimm just grins wide when asked that.


BG: Everyone been saying we were better by a long shot. Hustle Muvva and Fiasco Fierce in the main event and it did worse than both of their other title matches which ain't saying much. Masked Stranger and Lil Henry was their bout of the night.


RR: Shit, Henry? Never thought I would hear that. Guess it helps he had Stranger.


BG: Either way we gotta keep this up. Now get goin', nigga. I got stuff to get ready for.


RR: Sure thing, boss. See you later!


Grimm just watches as Roper heads out and he goes back to relaxing in his tub. He reaches for the cognac again and empties the contents before letting out a small chuckle.


BG: Damn it's good ta be gansta.



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A few random thoughts mostly because I am at work and rather bored.


I have booked the third show and already simulated up until the day of show number 4. I must say a few surprises happened before show four. Stuff that will be fun to write. One thing I am noticing is GSW is actually a bit easier to book this time around. I don't know if it is because I have experience with them now or what. It might be a combination of that and a few workers actually got better since the 2013 data. Not many mind you, but it makes a difference when guys I remember like Mexico's Finest and Drop Kix got fans crapping on them don't get a negative reaction now.


Also a bit less bothered by the new roster additions that happened between 2013 and 2014. I wasn't fully sold on Omar/Jeremiah Moose, but he is proving to be a good guy to help improve the skills of those around him. D-Lux I admit would be gone if not for the fact he is a extremely positive influence. That alone helps him keep a job until he probably overdoses.


Only surprise of the new additions for me is Wrecking Machine. Used him in some hardcore diaries before and he has always done fine. GSW fans actually give him shit, but I think that will remedy itself sooner than later. If I remember right he isn't good at selling and that is probably where the negative reaction is coming from. I admit I am not too knowledgeable about how the negative reaction works, but I want to say it is based on Basics, Psych and Selling and I know he is Better than probably half the roster in the first two categories.


Also color me surprised I have seen I have at least two that fall into the 'Next Big Thing' category. One is usually Upper Midcard so I found that out by a fluke. He is also one of the most talented workers in GSW so I am not surprised by his inclusion. The other is someone I like, but would have never guessed to see show up there. It is actually someone I want to push in the near future so I will be keeping a close eye on him.


I also think I am done with new names to bring in for a few months. I want to develop the roster and unless I see a really big name that fits GSW come available you have seen everyone on the roster aside from the mystery guy that will show up in March's show.


End of rambling. ;)


Edit: Next card up tonight or tomorrow. Then a small break most of next week because I will be moving.

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CC: Is it really already March? Nigga, times be flyin' these days.


MCM: Shit, we just getting old, Cliff. But it being March also means we got another show. You ready to look at the matches Grimm has us calling?


CC: What we got on tap? Looks like we got seven matches once again in total, but who knows what surprises we might have in store.


MCM: Nigga not been short on surprises. That is for sure. Looks like we got some good ass matches too.



GSW American Championship



Busta Capp © vs Fro Sure


CC: Boom! Reason enough to be watching this show.


MCM: Fro Sure finally getting his rematch. Looks like him setting Teddy Powell straight earned him a nice reward.


CC: He is only one of two men that have held the title in this company. Fro looking to be two time champion now.


MCM: Busta been on a roll too lately too. Nigga has good momentum so it hard to pick who might win.


CC: I don't care who wins. It will be a damn fine match.



GSW Tag Team Championship



Mexican Hardcore Killers © vs Brown Pride


CC: This match was gonna go down if Killers kept their belts last week or not. They seem to be tired of Brown Pride's bitchin'.


MCM: Time for Pride to put up or shut up. Mexican Hardcore Killers aren't ducking any fights.


CC: This could maybe be the shot in the arm Brown Pride needs. Get their swagger back and such if they win.


MCM: Shit, if anything at least they might stop complaining if they get the titles.



GSW West Coast Championship



Cali Slick © vs Boneyard


CC: It was Boneyard that helped Cali win this title a few months back. Looks like he wants it for himself now.


MCM: Slick is in for his toughest challenge yet. Boneyard is one mean ************.


CC: Nigga about twice Slick's size too. The champ is going to be at the top of his game.


MCM: He might have a chance. Boneyard ain't exactly popular himself right now so he will be watching his back.



Wrecking Machine vs Mexico's Finest


MCM: Shit, nevermind. Looks like he has his fellow bodyguard taking care of Mexico's Finest.


CC: I wonder if he got Grimm to do this as a favor? Shit, why am I wondering? I know he did.


MCM: Well whatever works. Finest might be too beat up to cause any problems for Boneyard.


CC: Unless this match is after the West Coast one.


MCM: Damn, never thought of that one.



Death Row vs ParaPhobia


CC: They found some honky crazy enough to team with the masked guy?


MCM: Money makes people do weird shit.


CC: Hope he is insane as his partner. They gonna need it if they want to beat Death Row.


MCM: Among other things.


CC: Hah, no kidding. Good luck you two crazy ************s.



Hard-1 vs Deaf Touch


CC: Tough call here, MC. I like em both.


MCM: Both these niggas near the top of the food chain. Hard-1 might need the win more. Could maybe give him a shot at the champ if he does.


CC: Deaf Touch also needs it. He lost to Capp in January, but bounced back much like how Hard-1 did. Both gonna be goin' all out


MCM: Wouldn't want it any other way, Cliff. This one might be a show stealer if ya ask me.



JOJI vs Devyn Retribution


CC: Huh, interesting shit here. JOJI been hanging with the big boys. Not saying Devyn be bad, but he ain't no Fro or Deaf Touch.


MCM: Been awhile since he been in singles action too. Devyn might be looking to give his singles career a boost. JOJI might be winless, but he has impressed to where a win here would do Devyn good.


CC: JOJI gonna win sooner or later I think. This be his best chance to date.


MCM: We'll see in a few weeks. Don't any of you all think about missing out on this to go see those bitches in IPW.


CC: Hell yeah. GSW is where it is at and we will prove it once again at Tales from the Warehouse 3. Come get some!


MCM: We out!




Tales from the Warehouse 3


GSW American: Busta Capp © vs Fro Sure


GSW Tag Team: Mexican Hardcore Killers © vs Brown Pride


GSW West Coast: Cali Slick © vs Boneyard


Wrecking Machine vs Mexico's Finest


Death Row vs ParaPhobia


Hard-1 vs Deaf Touch


JOJI vs Devyn Retribution

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GSW American: Busta Capp © vs Fro Sure

I could see this one going either way but to me, Fro Sure is the most likely next champ so I actually go with title change here.


GSW Tag Team: Mexican Hardcore Killers © vs Brown Pride

Brown Bride lost a handicap match last month and didn´t exactly came out strong there so I´d say they fail to but their money were their mouth is.


GSW West Coast: Cali Slick © vs Boneyard

I could actually see title change happening here but I think that there´s better options than Boneyard as next champ.


Wrecking Machine vs Mexico's Finest

Mexico's Finest has feud with Boneyard, not Machine so I would assume he goes over here espesially after losing his match last month.


Death Row vs ParaPhobia

Not much question here.


Hard-1 vs Deaf Touch

Bit of a coin flip here so I just go with personal preference.


JOJI vs Devyn Retribution

JOJI has been far more impressive so far.

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GSW American: Busta Capp © vs Fro Sure

- Busta retains


GSW Tag Team: Mexican Hardcore Killers © vs Brown Pride

- Hardcore kills the Pride


GSW West Coast: Cali Slick © vs Boneyard

- Slick retains


Wrecking Machine vs Mexico's Finest

- Machine wrecks the Finest


Death Row vs ParaPhobia

- Death Row wins, but Paranoia impresses


Hard-1 vs Deaf Touch

- The Deaf Guy!


JOJI vs Devyn Retribution

- JOJI!!!!!

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GSW American: Busta Capp © vs Fro Sure


GSW Tag Team: Mexican Hardcore Killers © vs Brown Pride


GSW West Coast: Cali Slick © vs Boneyard


Wrecking Machine vs Mexico's Finest


Death Row vs ParaPhobia


Hard-1 vs Deaf Touch


JOJI vs Devyn Retribution

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GSW American: Busta Capp © vs Fro Sure

In a vacuum, I'd say that Fro Sure goes over, but I pick Capp because I don't see two title changes at the same show (see below).


GSW Tag Team: Mexican Hardcore Killers © vs Brown Pride

Brown Pride lost two matches in a row. I'd be surprised if they beat the champions. But maybe it's just me being too reasonable in a hardcore wrestling environment.


GSW West Coast: Cali Slick © vs Boneyard

Boneyard and Mexico's Finest need something to fight for.


Wrecking Machine vs Mexico's Finest

He needs to look strong after last month's loss.


Death Row vs ParaPhobia

No way are Paraphobia going over. Easy win for Death Row.


Hard-1 vs Deaf Touch

This is a very close one. I'll go with Hard-1 so that he can go on to challenge Busta Capp, which Deaf did already.


JOJI vs Devyn Retribution

He finally gets his first win.

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GSW American: Busta Capp © vs Fro Sure

I think Sure takes this one: He's too good to hold a belt here.

GSW Tag Team: Mexican Hardcore Killers © vs Brown Pride

Brown Pride may not be the worst team in the CVerse, but they're pretty close to it.

GSW West Coast: Cali Slick © vs Boneyard

It'll be a surprise, for sure, but Boneyard has improved since the games' inception, and Slick is too good for the West Coast -- he's a Main Eventer in GSW

Wrecking Machine vs Mexico's Finest

No reason for Machine to lose after last week.

Death Row vs ParaPhobia

Big fan of Death Row, and I think they'll get a shot at the straps next.

Hard-1 vs Deaf Touch

Hard-1 is the best worker in GSW IMO, and I know the Fro Sure-Hard-1 feud is money, because I've played it before as GSW

JOJI vs Devyn Retribution

JOJI will get a needed win here after looking strong for a while

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GSW American: Busta Capp © vs Fro Sure


GSW Tag Team: Mexican Hardcore Killers © vs Brown Pride


GSW West Coast: Cali Slick © vs Boneyard


Wrecking Machine vs Mexico's Finest


Death Row vs ParaPhobia


Hard-1 vs Deaf Touch


JOJI vs Devyn Retribution

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GSW Tales from the Warehouse 3


Saturday, Week 2 March 2014


125 in Attendance




CC: He we be again, MC. We ready to do this shit?


MCM: Of course I am. We moved to a Saturday so I think we lost a few people that confused on the date. We sorry for the confusion and will be remaining on the second Saturday of each month now.


CC: Grimm does like to change things on the fly. Sometimes it works out for us.


MCM: Niggas can sleep in on Sunday now after being here all night partying.


CC: True, true. Speaking of Grimm I think he has something to say.


MCM: More surprises? Shit, I wonder what it is.






Mya Catalan is in the center of the ring smiling and looking good once more for all the guys gathered to watch the show. She has a flirtatious look playing across her features as she takes the microphone and welcomes everyone.


MC: Welcome once again to The Warehouse! I am your hostess Mya Catalan and I would like to bring out the owner and operator of GSW, Brother Grimm!




Grimm comes out on his own and has some swagger in his step. In fact a rather big grin is seen on his face when he gets in the ring. He whispers something to Mya before taking t he microphone from the young lady who then leaves the ring.


BG: Everyone know I give people a fair shake. Brown Pride can whine all they want about it, but you all seen the truth. I don't care if you black, white, Hispanic, or even a crazy ************ wearing a mask and likes to light himself on fire. I have guys from across the US, Mexico and even Japan. All I want are fearless ************s that are willing to perform in this sort of environment. Now I am sure ya all wondering what this all about. I bring this up because I got someone here who has done well over on the east side in Puerto Rico, but now he is wanting to come out West and show us all what he's god. So how about you give him some applause. My brothers and sisters....Rudy Velasquez.




With a sneer on his face and a baseball bat in hand Rudy Velasquez comes into the ring. Brother Grimm just nods to the man and they both shake hands before the microphone is handed over to the newest GSW star.


RV: Yo, for those who don't know me I am Rudy Velasquez and I have spent ten years doing what I do. I have proven wherever I go I am not one to be messed with. I show it isn't the size of the damn dog that you got to worry about. I came here because I heard there are some mean and downright crazy ************s who wrestle here and I want to take on every damn one of them. I don't care who you throw at me because in a place like GSW *raises bat* there are some great ass equalizers. So I am gonna stop talking now and show you why I am to be feared. Bring out my opponent.


Rating: 51


CC: Shit, I have to say I wasn't expecting that.


MCM: Guy just wrestled in Puerto Rico last night from what I understand and he is here ready to start some shit. I can respect that.


CC: Know much else about him? I must admit I only know him in name.


MCM: Not too much, but we gonna get to see him in action so I guess it is a learning experience for both of us.


CC: This kinda learning I can get behind.





Rudy Velasquez vs Omar


While the baseball bat is introduced at the start of the match, the majority isn't the usual bloody brawl everyone is used to. Both men show they can keep the fans entertained with quick high flying moves and exciting spots. Rudy takes the match in the end as he hits Omar with the Street Cutter.


Winner: Rudy Velasquez


Rating: 49 (MotN)


CC: Holy shit that was pretty damn amazing. I like this guy.


MCM: Our boy Omar isn't some pushover either. Strong showing and I am ready to see what he does next month.


CC: Grimm strikes again with a nice pickup. This why we work with him and not that bitch Nemesis.


MCM: Damn straight!





GSW West Coast Championship



Cali Slick © vs Boneyard


Cali Slick is prepared for the big man and has brought a trashcan full of various plunder to use. Even then it is an uphill battle due to just the sheer size and strength of Boneyard giving him the advantage. It look like the big man is ready to claim his first title in GSW when finds himself attacked from behind.




Mexico's Finest has a steel pipe and he lays into the big man with several big shots. Slick stands back unsure what to do, but Mexico's Finest slams Boneyard down after another big shot from the pipe and he steps back, motioning for Cali to make the pin.


Winner and Still Champion: Cali Slick (Defenses: 4)


Rating: 42


CC: Good god. Nigga finally got what was coming to him I guess.


MCM: Mexico's Finest gettin' his revenge and I don't think he is done.






Cali Slick is quit to exit the ring and Boneyard is just starting to move when Mexico's Finest resumes his attack. He brutalizes the big man and when all is said and done Boneyard finds himself being powerbombed through a table and being left one giant, bloody mess as Mexico's Finest finally seems to be done inflicting pain on the big man.


Rating: 70


MCM: I must say I don't think I have seen Mexico's Finest that mad before. Pretty impressive given he's mad all the time.


CC: Boneyard cost him the West Coast title and in turn Finest returns the favor. I doubt this is the end of this, MC.


MCM: Shit, I think the only way it ends is if someone leaves in a body bag.


CC: Finest still wrestles at some point too. I wouldn't want to be Wrecking Machine tonight.


MCM: Have to say I am curious about that bout. I don't think we will have to worry about interference from Boneyard at this point.





JOJI with Kammy Ling vs Devyn Retribution


JOJI comes to the ring with some nice arm candy this time around. Devyn doesn't seem to care and goes right after the Japanese star and looks to work over the legs. JOJI ends up recovering and his face paced offense overwhelms Devyn and leaves him prone in the middle of the ring. JOJI climbs to the top and nails him with a big splash dubbed The JOJI Miracle Explosion.


Winner: JOJI


Rating: 24


CC: Damn that is a fine girl JOJI has with him.


MCM: Grimm brought her in to be his translator. Lucky damn kid.


CC: Shit, you aren't kidding. Got himself a nice girl to help him out AND he got his first win. Things looking up for this one.


MCM: Interested to see where he goes from here. Two good matches with some of our best and now his first win.


CC: Can only get better for him.....maybe.





Hard-1 vs Deaf Touch


Both men good right at it and a hard hitting match unfolds. Both men showcase what they bring to the table as the veteran Hard-1 shows even as he is growing older he still can run with the younger boys. The match has it all. Brawls in the crowd, weapons, actual wrestling and big time spots. The end has Hard-1 laid out on a table in the ring as Deaf Touch leaps off the top rope for his Crooked Moonsault and smashes Hard-1 right through the table.


Winner: Deaf Touch


Rating: 40


CC: Now that was a match, MC.


MCM: Niggas busted their ass. Both of em deserved the win, but only one can get it.


CC: Deaf Touch is trying to regain his momentum. Hard-1 slips a bit with another loss, but he impressed enough I don't think it hurts him that much.


MCM: We'll see. We don't decide that sort of thing. Grimm might see shit differently.


CC: True dat. Guess we will find out when we see Hard-1's next few matches.






Mya Catalan looks like she was about to get in the ring to make an announcement, but quickly changes her mind when Brown Pride's music hits. She has a bit of a disgusted look as MexiCain says some rather unpleasant things to her before taking the microphone and getting in the ring.


MexiC: Nice speech earlier, Grimm. Think what you want, but we know we are getting screwed over by you. I am surprised you even gave us this title shot. But now that we got it we are gonna take what we deserve and make Sanchez and E-Z regret getting on our bad side.


Rating: 31


CC: Shit. Grimm probably just gave them the match just so they get they ass beat by the champs.


MCM: I won't lose any sleep if they do. If anything they might be more annoying if they get the titles.


CC: I don't want to hear that shit, nigga. Now you got bad thoughts in my head.





GSW Tag Team Championship



Mexican Hardcore Killers © vs Brown Pride


Brown Pride surprisingly start off strong and manage to isolate E-Z and lay him out with a thorough beating. Despite being busted up and looking out of it E-Z has enough wits about him to break free and eventually tag in the much bigger Sanchez Villano. Things do downhill from here for Brown Pride and MexiCain eats a Villano Knee Connection and gets pinned.


Winners and Still Champions: Mexican Hardcore Killers (Defenses: 5)


Rating: 35


CC: Pretty good showing from Brown Pride to be honest.


MCM: They wanted the belts. They just didn't have an answer for Sanchez. The big man laid them out.


CC: Mexican Hardcore Killers been having a pretty impressive run if you ask me.


MCM: How long that lasts no one knows. I wanna see them and Death Row go at it.


CC Oh hell yeah. I be down with that shit.





Wrecking Machine vs Mexico's Finest


Mexico's Finest continues his rampage from earlier, but Wrecking Machine proves to be quite the challenge since he is at full strength unlike Boneyard earlier. The two big men brawl all over the place for several minutes. Mexico's Finest eventually stuns Machine with a chair shot which is just enough time for him to follow it up with a Hard Times to put the other big man away.


Winner: Mexico's Finest


Rating: 41


CC: Mexico's Finest be on fire tonight. Makes me glad we aren't close.


MCM: Boneyard got his shit beat and Wrecking Machine couldn't get the job done.


CC: Glad we aren't going to see Finest again tonight....or at least I hope. He might go on another rampage and I wouldn't wanna be the guy or guys in the ring when he does.


MCM: Shit, least it ain't us, nigga.





ParaPhobia vs Death Row with Streetz


ParaPhobia catch the bigger men by surprise for the fact the two smaller competitors are fine with using their bodies as a weapon and both have a rather unorthodox style. Of course Phobia at one point crash and burns when he misses a big spinning dive out of the ring and lands in the crowd. Paranoia is left on h is own and he is quickly laid out by Death Row who use the Death Sentence to put Paranoia out of his misery.


Winners: Death Row


Rating: 37


CC: The crazy ones tried, but too much muscle in that ring.


MCM: Death Row lookin' good again. They might be in the title hunt.


CC: Shit yeah. I want to see that title match. Going to be off the chain if you ask me, MC.


MCM: Give it time, Cliff. I am sure Brother has an idea on what he wants to do.






Death Row roll Paranoia out of the ring, but remain there as Streetz talks to Mya and gets the microphone from her. He slips into the ring and congratulates his clients before he speaks up to the crowd.


STz: Okay we are a bit tired of playing your game, Grimm. Another week and you give us a 'challenge' like this? We came here wanting the best of what you could do. I wanted my boys to prove they could beat any team you threw at them. We want the likes of Dead Men Walking and Mexican Hardcore Killers. Not this shit. I-



He is cut off by the music of Brother Grimm. He doesn't seem amused as he gets in the ring and eyes Streetz who doesn't look to be intimidated by Grimm. Grimm extends his hand as if wanting the microphone and Streetz surrenders it.


BG: You don't feel challenged? Very well. I will give you one and from there we will see what happens. Next month PSW is sending some of their best. You beat them and make me a happy man. What do you think.


Streetz seems a bit dubious, but Knuckles and Shady K seem to be all grins as they nod and seem fine in accepting the challenge even if Streetz isn't so eager.


BG: Looks like your boys like the idea. Now get out of my ring. We got a title match to do.


Rating: 52


CC: Snap, son. Death Row will represent GSW on match number two. Not a bad choice if you ask me even if Streetz seems unsure.


MCM: I wonder who PSW be sending over. I hear they got some pretty baller tag teams.


CC: Better be good. That's for sure. Death Row ain't gonna be a pushover.


MCM: Hell nah. I like our chances at going up two to nil.





GSW American Championship



Busta Capp © with Kandii vs Fro Sure


A big rematch that delivers for the fans. Both men give it there all, but the fans are firmly behind the challenger. Busta doesn't let it get to him and he controls a good amount of the early bout. Each Fro Sure comeback gets the fans in a frenzy only for the boos to get louder each time the champ regains control. Fro ends up giving one big rally late in the match and he busts Busta open with a street sign. He looks for the Sure Thing, but Busta looked to be playing possum to an extent. He dazes Fro with some stiff strikes then takes him out with the Mafia Kick much to the fan's dismay.


Winner and Still Champion: Busta Capp (Defenses: 6)


Rating: 48


MCM: Busta Capp retains again. Looks like he just has Fro's number.


CC: Nigga came close, but he couldn't finish off the champ. I am getting kind of used to seeing Busta with that gold. Could be a good long run at this rate.


MCM: Not sure who is going to....what the? Ain't that Cali's music playing?






Busta Capp and Kandii are celebrating in the ring when Cali Slick makes his way to the ring. He stares down Capp for a short bit and raises his own title as he takes the microphone from Mya Catalan.


CS: Yo, Busta, my nigga. You one mean ass ************ and you got what I want. This title I have gave me my first taste as a singles champion. I got to say I like it and I am hungry for me. I know I can beat you, Busta. I know I can become the top dog around here. I had to make a deal with Grimm to do so. So next month it will be me and you in that ring. Nigga, bring yo A game. I have to give up the West Coast title to get this shot. I got that confidence and swagger. Next month you'll be my bitch.


Busta Capp looks far from pleased but he doesn't look like he is going to back down. He just raises his own title high as he looks at Cali Slick who is still outside the ring. The two continue to exchange some words before Cali finally leaves.


Rating: 38


CC: Holy shit! Slick is on the prowl and he got Busta Capp right in his sights.


MCM: Ballsy move if you ask me. Boy giving up his West Coast title for that shot. If he loses he'll have not a damn thing.


CC: Makes him a desperate man. Busta Capp better do what Slick said. Bring his A game because we know Cali Slick will.


MCM: Nigga, this is almost too much. Got Death Row against PSW boys next month. We got Rudy Velasquez now and now we got a ****ing awesome main event.


CC: I know what you mean, MC. We be out of time for now though. we got a few weeks to recover and we be back here to see the chaos.


MCM: Peace out!




Final Rating: 49


IPW's End of Days 1: 40

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Brother Grimm is lounging in his office with Boneyard seated near the door making sure no one comes in without permission. The pair are idly listening to some dope beats when the phone starts to go off.


BG: This is Grimm, holla.




RR: Hey, boss. Heard from MC we made IPW our bitch again.


BG: Shit, it ain't that hard. Problem is they still drawing a bigger crowd. We gotta do something about that.


RR: We keep this up we will have more peeps in no time. Got some contracts coming up. I didn't want to be making an extensions without your approval.


BG: That time already? Well who all is coming up for new deals?


RR: Well me for one. Don't worry though. I don't really want a raise. We cool with just doing same pay?


BG: Hah. Nigga, I will come up with something for you. Just take care of the others and I'll take care of you.


RR: Well we got Kandii, both Mexican Hardcore Killers and Fro.


BG: *Low whistle* Kandii we keep on the cheap. I guess the others deserve a bit of a pay bump. See about slipping them an extra hundred over their current deal. See how long they will agree to. The more years the better.


RR: I'll see what I can do, boss. Uh, no new signings or anything right? And who you bring over from PSW?


BG: No one new for awhile. We paying out a lot more than we makin' right now. I'm bringing over Steven Parker and Ash Campbell.


RR: .....you sure the last one is a good idea? I mean his dad is-


BG: Nigga, I know what I am doing. The kid is working for Mitch, not his pop. I fully expect him to be professional.


RR: He ain't exactly the one I am worried about when it is about being professional.


BG: I will talk with everyone. I don't want them starting shit just because who Ash's dad is.


RR: You got it. Need anything else just give me a call. I will start seeing about these contracts.


BG: Don't overwork yourself, nigga.


Grimm hangs up the phone and shakes his head. He just looks to Boneyard who gives a helpless shrug and seems not to really care about what the conversation could be about. Grimm himself just leans back in his plush office chair and taps his fingers together as he gets to planning his next move.



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CC: It is the first of April, but we ain't foolin' with ya all. We here to talk about our next show.


MCM: It is the West Coast's worst kept secret. GSW be ballin' this year and if you still watchin' IPW over us then you just a bitch.


CC Hell yeah, but being you are looking up to see what we have in store I think ya all know where it's at.


MCM: Enough of that shit, Cliff. Time to talk about the matches.



GSW American Championship



Busta Capp © vs Cali Slick


CC: This one interests the hell out of me. Slick be giving up the West Coast title to move on to bigger things.


MCM: But what if he loses? Nigga won't have anything then.


CC: The boy is stepping up. I like his swagger. Confidence is sky high for Cali Slick to be doing this.


MCM: Busta Capp been dropping bodies everyone though. Look at who he has beaten so far? Slick be good, but his statement win was against Boneyard and Mexico's Finest did help with that.


CC: Gonna be good no matter what.



GSW Tag Team Championship



Mexican Hardcore Killers © vs Dead Men Walking


CC: Dead Men Walking were the first champs here in GSW. Looks like they get a chance to be a two time champ soon.


MCM: This shit is going to be a hard hitting and crazy affair. Always love it when these two share the ring.


CC: Mexican Hardcore Killers been rollin' steady. No one has managed to topple them yet. Could be set for a nice long run.



GSW West Coast Title



Cheech Kong vs Devyn Retribution vs Drop Kix vs D-Lux vs Top Dolla


CC: That a shit load of people going for one title.


MCM: Five guys that want to make a name for themselves. My bet is on my nigga, Cheech Kong


CC: Why you think that? I see Top Dolla to be honest. Boy be crazy and willing to do anything.


MCM: Cheech the only one without a tag partner at the moment. He won't hesitate to punch a bitch.


CC: Well I think with gold on the line there ain't really any teams, MC. I get what you mean though.



Boneyard vs Mexico's Finest


CC: Well it be about time. Word is Grimm has plans for these two.


MCM: He wants this shit to end I think. What he is going to do about it I don't know.


CC: It might be the most brutal match of the night. These two legit hate one another.


MCM: We might see a straight up murder that night.




Death Row vs Next Gen


CC: Shit, do my eyes need correctin'? We got Ash appearing?


MCM: IPW so shitty even Nemesis' own son staying the hell away. He knows where it's at.


CC: Heard this team is good. I say Death Row is better. We got this shit. Two to nothin' in the bag.


MCM: Not even gonna need five matches to spank these boys from the East.



Deaf Touch vs Rudy Velasquez


CC: Rudy wants to make a mark. This is where to start. Deaf Touch is one of the best we got.


MCM: I know Rudy be legit, but can he beat an OG like Deaf Touch? I guess we find that one out soon.


CC: If Rudy wins I say he will put people on notice.



Omar vs Fro Sure


CC: Fro gotta be looking for a way to bounce back tonight.


MCM: Fro not the only nigga looking to do that. Omar has had some luck since joining us, but this year has started out bad for him.


CC: Both coming off of tough losses. Comes down to what nigga can step back up and find his groove again.



Phobia vs JOJI


MCM: This one might be a surprise. Been impressed with both so far.


CC: Phobia has yet to find a win, but he has shown he is one crazy ************. He might get one here.


MCM: JOJI just finally got himself a win last month. I am sure he would like to get a streak going. No easy task I think this case.


CC: Shit, just looks like another good show for us to commentate, MC.


MCM: I can't wait. We be seeing you all at The Warehouse in a few days. Until then peace out my niggas!




Tales from the Warehouse 4


GSW American: Busta Capp © vs Cali Slick


GSW Tag Team: Mexican Hardcore Killers vs Dead Men Walking


GSW West Coast: Cheech Kong vs Devyn Retribution vs Drop Kix vs D-Lux vs Top Dolla


Boneyard vs Mexico's Finest


GSW vs PSW: Death Row vs Next Gen


Deaf Touch vs Rudy Velasquez


Omar vs Fro Sure


Phobia vs JOJI

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