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GSW: Can't Keep a Brother Down

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GSW American: Rudy Velasquez © vs Busta Capp

While I still believe there's a chance Rudy retains, I choose Capp.


GSW Tag Team: Death Row © vs C&C Violence Factory vs Deaf Fro

Streetz boys retains. For now.


GSW West Coast: JOJI © vs Deuce Deadline



Barbwire Steel Cage: Mobstar vs Gravedigga

Heel victory of the day


Mexican Hardcore Killers vs Grimm Security

I thinks there's a push for the belts for GS, so the big guys win.


Omar vs Moroi

Moroi's breakout match, maybe?


Drop Kix vs Top Dolla


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GSW American: Rudy Velasquez © vs Busta Capp

The rise and run of Busta Capp's storyline should equal a victory

GSW Tag Team: Death Row © vs C&C Violence Factory vs Deaf Fro

Death Row is ready for bigger and better things -- Deaf Fro will get the victory here, with an eventual split and feud after giving the roster solid basics.

GSW West Coast: JOJI © vs Deuce Deadline

JOJI will keep the title here

Barbwire Steel Cage: Mobstar vs Gravedigga

Mobstar will beat Gravedigga -- 'digga is horrible, Mobstar could get a victory

Mexican Hardcore Killers vs Grimm Security

Grimm Security will get the victory here, and enter the undeserved authority figure push, and a tag team title shot.

Omar vs Moroi

Night Terrors are among the greatest workers in the West Coast scene

Drop Kix vs Top Dolla

Can we make this a "loser leaves GSW" match and have it end in a draw? That would be best for business.

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GSW American: Rudy Velasquez © vs Busta Capp


GSW Tag Team: Death Row © vs C&C Violence Factory vs Deaf Fro


GSW West Coast: JOJI © vs Deuce Deadline


Barbwire Steel Cage: Mobstar vs Gravedigga


Mexican Hardcore Killers vs Grimm Security


Omar vs Moroi


Drop Kix vs Top Dolla

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<p>GSW American: Rudy Velasquez © vs <strong>Busta Capp</strong></p><p> </p><p>

GSW Tag Team: <strong>Death Row</strong> © vs C&C Violence Factory vs Deaf Fro</p><p> </p><p>

GSW West Coast: JOJI © vs <strong>Deuce Deadline</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Barbwire Steel Cage: <strong>Mobstar</strong> vs Gravedigga</p><p> </p><p>

Mexican Hardcore Killers vs <strong>Grimm Security</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Omar vs <strong>Moroi</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Drop Kix vs <strong>Top Dolla</strong></p>

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<p>GSW American: Rudy Velasquez © vs <strong>Busta Capp</strong></p><p> </p><p>

GSW Tag Team: <strong>Death Row ©</strong> vs C&C Violence Factory vs Deaf Fro</p><p> </p><p>

GSW West Coast:<strong> JOJI ©</strong> vs Deuce Deadline</p><p> </p><p>

Barbwire Steel Cage: Mobstar vs <strong>Gravedigga</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Mexican Hardcore Killers vs <strong>Grimm Security</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Omar vs <strong>Moroi</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Drop Kix</strong> vs Top Dolla</p>

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<p>GSW American: <strong>Rudy Velasquez ©</strong> vs Busta Capp</p><p>

<em>I could see Capp taking this one but I feel that it´s more likely for Spade to interfere and likely cost Capp this one.</em></p><p> </p><p>

GSW Tag Team: <strong>Death Row ©</strong> vs C&C Violence Factory vs Deaf Fro</p><p>

<em>Row starts to have enough defenses under their belts for me to consider title change and boy do this match have a potential to that. That said, I feel that both these teams are still bit too "green" to win the tag belts from established team like Death Row.</em></p><p> </p><p>

GSW West Coast: <strong>JOJI ©</strong> vs Deuce Deadline</p><p>

<em>Nope, Deuce´s time with this belt is over... at least for the time being.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Barbwire Steel Cage: <strong>Mobstar</strong> vs Gravedigga</p><p>

<em>Surely Mobstar is the one with brighter future and while Gravedigga might usually get some help from his stable mates, they do have a title defense later on so I doubt it will happen here either and on straight fight, Mobstar is likely to come ahead.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Mexican Hardcore Killers vs <strong>Grimm Security</strong></p><p>

<em>Killers seem to be on bit of a losing streak and while this is a match that they certainly could win, I think that you want Grimm´s bodyguards to look strong so I feel it´s another loss for Killers.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Omar vs <strong>Moroi</strong></p><p>

<em>Omar might have won the first encounter but I feel that Moroi has risen on ranks since then while Omar has perhaps slide down a bit (or at least been lost in shuffle) so Moroi seems to be the one with more momentum at this point.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Drop Kix</strong> vs Top Dolla </p><p>

<em>Errr... no idea here to be honest but guess that you might as well see what Kix can do in singles ranks after cutting his partner.</em></p>

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GSW Tales From the Warehouse 12


Saturday, Week 2 January 2015


234 in Attendance




CC: Happy New Year, my niggas!


MCM: Time to kick off 2015 properly with some good old hardcore action straight from The Warehouse.


CC: And what a way to kick it off. We finally get Rudy and Capp facing one another. Capp finally gets a shot at what he says is still his title.


MCM: Rudy has been battle tested, but so has Capp since his return from an injury that kept him out for a bit.


CC: Not to take away from our other matches, mind you. We got some good shit for you all tonight.


MCM: And we kicking it off with Grimm right now!






Mya Catalan introduces Brother Grimm to start off the show once again. The owner of GSW as per usual is flanked by his bodyguards as he gets into the ring and takes the microphone from Mya.


BG: Make some noise my people! You better get excited, ************s, because we got the rematch you all have been wanting to happen. We got a mother****ing barbwire steel cage match. We got a triple threat tag title match. Now enough talk. Time to get to the violence! Just remember, I might just have some more surprises for you all tonight.


Grimm plays the audience a bit before he and his crew exit the ring and head to the back so the show can get started proper.





Drop Kix vs Top Dolla


The two youngsters battle it out and show no fear. Top Dolla even at one point performs one of his trademark balcony dives that almost gives him the victory as Drop Kix manages to kick out at the last possible second. The fight returns to the ring eventually and a bloodied Kix starts to fight back and nails a nice dropkick on a charging Top Dolla that cleans his clock. Kix climbs up and launches himself at Top Dolla, delivering a Cannonball Legdrop that scores him a victory.


Winner: Drop Kix


Rating: 31


CC: Hell yeah, good start to the new year for Drop Kix.


MCM: Sad to see Devyn Retribution go. Was interested in seeing if the two could gel a bit more, but life happens, Cliff.


CC: Well Drop Kix is back on his own and at least he starts off the new year on the right foot.


MCM: Time will tell if he can do more.





GSW West Coast Championship



Deuce Deadline vs JOJI © with Kammy Ling


The match is much like their last encounter where JOJI had to rely on his speed and catching the much stronger Deuce Deadline. Even then JOJI gets caught a few times and gets his clock cleaned. Deadline gets several close calls, but can't put JOJI away. Frustrated, Deuce goes to get a chair, but while he is doing that Kammy slips a chair into the ring for the recovering JOJI to grab. He nails Deadline when he is getting back into the ring and clocks him a second time before delivering the JOJI Miracle Explosion.


Winner and Still Champion: JOJI (Defenses: 3)


Rating: 37


CC: Well that is one way to retain.


MCM: Kammy usually lets JOJI do his own thing, but she must have had a real bad feeling when she saw Deuce go for that chair.


CC: I can't say I feel bad for Deuce. He has been a dick and I dislike him even more now that I know he is buddy buddy with Spencer Spade.


MCM: Where the hell is that bitch tonight anyways?


CC: Who cares? A night without him is a good one if you ask me.





Grimm Security vs Mexican Hardcore Killers


Grimm Security has the obvious size advantage, but the Killers can't be counted out just because of their tenacity. It seems their bad luck has put them in a foul mood and they are more than fine with using whatever weapons they can get their hands on to make up for the size disadvantage. It works rather well for awhile, but at one point E-Z went to dive outside onto Wrecking Machine only to be caught. He is hefted upwards and tossed through a table with ease leaving Villano trying to fight off both Boneyard and Wrecking Machine. He is defiant and takes swings at both, but the numbers game is too much and Boneyard manages to grab Villano and hits him with a chokeslam.


Winners: Grimm Security


Rating: 36


CC: Damn good attempt. I think if E-Z didn't wipe out there near the end they could have pulled this off.


MCM: Sometimes size does matter and I think this is a good case.


CC: Oh hell nah. What the **** is this? That's Brown Pride.


MCM: There goes the mother****ing neighborhood.






Grimm Security have already left as Sanchez Villano is helping E-Z up to walk him to the back when Brown Pride emerge. Villano looks ready to fight if need be but Brown Pride stay back and MexiCain raises a hand as if to stop Villano from coming forward while holding a mic with the other.


MexiC: Yo yo you, hold up. We aren't here to fight you. We are here because you are starting to see how ****ed up things are here. We got held down and now that Grimm thinks he found bigger, better people he is doing the same to you two. I say **** that. I want you two to think long and hard on how you have been treated as of late and I am just saying maybe it is time we fought back.


E-Z is still mostly out of it and Villano looks on dubiously. He says nothing and Brown Pride just give a nod and keep eye contact before backing away, leaving The Mexican Hardcore Killers to go to the back and also ponder about what was said to them.


Rating: 28


CC: They can't be seriously considering teaming up with Brown Pride, can they?


MCM: Shit, I hope not. I mean they have had bad luck, but that is bullshit about Grimm holding them down. They have had title shots. They have taken on teams and lost fair and square.


CC: Kinda bothers me, MC. I don't want to see the Killers become whiney bitches like Brown Pride.


MCM: Hopefully they realize it is a bad idea and ignore Brown Pride.




Barbwire Steel Cage



Mobstar vs Gravedigga with Streetz


Nothing pretty about this match. Just two men that were once friends trying to destroy one another inside the crazy structure that is a barbwire steel cage. Streetz can do little to get involved as his new client is turned into a bloody mess and the pair use the cage to try and make ground beef out of one another. The brutal battle comes to an end when Mobstar bounces Gravedigga off the cage and then kicks him in the gut before nailing him with the Flattener DDT.


Winner: Mobstar


Rating: 48


CC: Shit, those niggas will never be the same again.


MCM: We have only used the cage a few times and it is easy to see why.


CC: Career shortening and possibly career ending.


MCM: Streetz has to be a nervous little **** right now too. One of his boys already lost and now his meal ticket will be defending their titles next.





GSW Tag Team Championship



Death Row © with Streetz vs C&C Violence Factory vs Deaf Fro


Death Row start out on the ropes as both other teams go right after the champs. It isn't an alliance that lasts long and once the champs are dumped out of the ring C&C and Deaf Fro do battle with one another. Something that might be a mistake as it lets the champs recover and get involved and start to dominate with their size and strength. Things get a bit crazy and bodies are all over the inside and outside of the ring. Eventually it ends up being Cheech Kong and Deaf Touch in the ring with Cheech out and about to fall victim to the Crooked Moonsault. Shady K then jumps onto the apron and shoves Deaf Touch off the top and to the outside before he slips in and picks up Kong. He delivers the K Killer for extra measure and wins the match for his team.


Winners and Still Champions: Death Row (Defenses: 5)


Rating: 44


CC: Damn, Shady K stole that shit.


MCM: I thought we were gonna have new champions, but the champs come out on top.


CC: Gotta give it to them. They did manage to take out two fine teams and keep their titles.


MCM: Hold up, what's this? I see a Brother Grimm!






Brother Grimm steps out and stops both Deaf Touch and Fro Sure from leaving as Death Row celebrates on the ring. Streetz finally seems to notice Grimm and his smile turns into a frown really quickly.


BG: Well congratulations on that win, Streetz. Your boys did it again, but I got to thinking. I think I know your next defense will be against the team you didn't pin. So next month we will have Death Row against Deaf Fro!


Streetz seems annoyed while Fro seems elated and looks to be trying to tell his partner what is going on. Grimm just grins and steps away as the champs don't seem as worried or angry as Streetz is.


Rating: 52


CC: Hell yeah!


MCM: Deaf Fro get another chance. I wonder if they can pull it off.


CC: Deaf Touch has never held gold, but he's no joke. And we got Fro who was our first GSW American champion. I am sure he would love to have gold around his waist again.


MCM: Between our main event tonight that is still to come and hearing about that match happening next month I am hyped as ****, Cliff.


CC: You and me both.





Omar vs Moroi


After two rather large brawls things shift to a match with more focus on athleticism and high flying. The pair work well together, but perhaps could use more time to properly get the crowd into things. An even bout where both men get several close falls and Moroi hits the Nightmare Scenario out of nowhere on a surprised Omar.


Winner: Moroi


Rating: 36


CC: Well shit, color me surprised.


MCM: Really? It was close last time so I had no idea who would win this to be honest.


CC: Oh I ain't mad or anything. I guess given Omar's recent performances he would pull this one out.


MCM: Moroi hasn't been a slouch as of late either, Cliff. I know I got a bit of a bias because he was with the bitches across town, but he is one of us now.


CC: True, he has proven he ain't here to sabotage shit.


MCM: And you ready for the main event? I know I....the ****?


CC: What?


MCM: What the ****!? That's Capp up there!






The crowd seems to have shifted their attention up to one of the empty balconies of The Warehouse where Busta Capp seems to be fighting with someone. He is a bloody mess and it is hard to make out the other figure, though he looks to be the same size, but when he throws another punch at Capp's face it seems said fist is wrapped with a chain. Capp keeps getting pushed back and then he gets one big push and goes over the balcony and falls into a pile of debris as people start to scramble to where Capp landed to check on him.




Grimm is out to check on Busta Capp as well while shouting for security to get up there and find the attacker. Finally stepping into the light just enough people can somewhat make out who was the one that assaulted Busta Capp.




The masked man spreads his arms wide and looks to the sky for a few moments before backing away into the shadows. Security eventually reaches the balcony, but the masked man is nowhere to be found. Grimm is livid as he sends someone to the back as Mya Catalan announces the main event has changed and will still happen. Capp isn't responding as medics tend to him.


Rating: 52


CC: What the ****!? Who the ****!?


MCM: Busta Capp just may have gotten killed by some weird ****er in a mask!


CC: But why? And who the **** is it!? I mean I never seen the guy.


MCM: Hey, you don't think....I mean he was in a mask.


CC: Think what? I don't know what you are talking about.


MCM: Spencer Spade hasn't been around and he wants the title. Just sayin'.


CC: Holy shit. I didn't even think of that. Well ****. Who is going to face Rudy?


MCM: I guess we will find out soon enough.





GSW American Championship



Rudy Velasquez © vs Hard-1


Rudy is a bit of his game to start just because of what happened combined with the fact he is facing someone he wasn't prepared for as Hard-1 is quick to go on the attack and make the most of his opportunity. The veteran beats down the champ and looks on the cusp of winning the match when Rudy finally starts to fight back and find is swagger. The pair brutally beat on one another momentum shifts often until Rudy finally seems to get another surge of energy and he starts rolling and he eventually puts the veteran away with a Street Cutter.


Winner and Still Champion: Rudy Velasquez (Defenses: 7)


Rating: 59


CC: Daaaamn, I am still reeling from earlier, but that was a good ass match.


MCM: Hard-1 brought all he had and he almost became the GSW American champion.


CC: Grimm did good on thinking on the fly and grabbing a different opponent. I have gotten word Capp is conscious and being taken to the hospital nearby.


MCM: ************ has the worst luck. Get well soon, Capp. We want you and Rudy clash and hopefully find that bitch that jumped you so you can get paybacks.


CC: That is all for tonight folks.


MCM: Damn, just doesn't feel right ending it like this.


CC: What else can we do, nigga? We'll find out more when we announce our next card.


MCM: Yeah, guess so. Peace out, peeps.




Final Rating: 54


IPW's Divide and Conquer: 42


OOC: Obviously no worries from IPW once again. They pretty much alternate between the same three main events and always seem to hit around the same score these days. Have to also say I am happy about the main event. Hard-1 did his part and thankfully Rudy can pretty much carry a match with anyone these days it seems. Also want to thank those who voted for this diary on the DotM this time around. A lot of good diaries going on right now so always humbled when I get votes let alone nominated. Same thanks goes to those who have voted for my EFL diary as well. Enjoy!

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CC: Man, I am still pissed about last month. That was some bullshit.


MCM: I know, but what are we gonna do about it? We just two niggas in nice suits.


CC: We can't do shit, but maybe Grimm can find out who that masked bitch is and make him pay. I heard Capp is still not doing well.


MCM: He is one tough nigga. He'll pull through. He just may have the worst luck since losing his title.


CC: Shit, no argument there. So we got six matches we at least know of as of right now. Time to talk about them.



GSW American



Rudy Velasquez © vs Mobstar


CC: Mobstar got pretty ****ed up last month, but he defeated his old partner. It looks like Grimm has been impressed and has put him in the main event.


MCM: Rudy has pulled out some amazing wins, but his luck has to be running out.


CC: Hopefully some masked ****er won't ruin this match. I am really looking forward to what happens here.


MCM: You all won't want to miss this one. It is going to be off the chain.



GSW Tag Team Championship



Death Row © vs Deaf Fro


CC: Deaf Touch almost won the titles for Deaf Fro last month, but Knuckles manages to stop that shit and the champs managed to retain. This time Death Row will have to pin one of the members of Deaf Fro. I think we might finally see titles change here.


MCM: I would love to see it. Death Row have been tough sons of bitches since coming here and they don't lose often. Deaf Fro are my niggas, but I dunno. I am going to be optimistic.


CC: Yeah, that's the way to be, MC.



GSW West Coast Championship



JOJI vs Moroi


CC: I like the potential this one has.


MCM: These two can fly with the best and JOJI has proven to be a good champion. Never thought he would do so well let alone become a champ with us.


CC: Just proves anyone can come in here and make a name for themselves. JOJI has done it with hard work and a pretty infectious attitude.


MCM: Just wish he would learn English finally. Still have no idea what he says when talking to me.


CC: Other than the title matches we got three other ones going down.



Hard-1 vs Cheech Kong


CC: Hard-1 stepped up last month. When Capp went down he stepped up and gave Rudy one hell of a fight.


MCM: Cheech did well in his own title match, but his team came up short. This month he is in singles action. Can he take out one tough as nails veteran though?


CC: He has been working with Cali Slick on getting better so that is possible. He has done some surprises before. He might pull off another here.



Phobia vs Drop Kix


CC: Nigga, I don't know about this one.


MCM: They do have flashes of brilliance and they are both young. Kix got a win last month. Maybe he can get another win and continue onwards.


CC: Phobia might be looking for some traction here too. He has been in tag matches a lot recently so like Kix he has to get used to singles again.



Brown Pride vs Wigga Patrol


CC: ....Nigga why?


MCM: Shit, don't ask me. Grimm books this stuff. I am pulling for the wiggas here.


CC: Brown Pride continue to think they are being misused, but they need to prove that they deserve to get the title shots and shit that they want.


MCM: I wonder if we will find out Mexican Hardcore Killer's response this month as well.


CC: They are not scheduled to wrestle, but that never stopped them from showing up. I guess we will see.


MCM: Well there you all have it. Six matches and hopefully some ****ing answers about the masked man that took out Capp.


CC: See you all at the show!




GSW Tales from the Warehouse 13


GSW American: Rudy Velasquez © vs Mobstar


GSW Tag: Death Row © vs Deaf Fro


GSW West Coast: JOJI © vs Moroi


Hard-1 vs Cheech Kong


Phobia vs Drop Kix


Brown Pride vs Wigga Patrol

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GSW American: Rudy Velasquez © vs Mobstar

Rudy retains. Mobstar is getting closer to main event picture, but not yet.


GSW Tag: Death Row © vs Deaf Fro

Since this is wrestling, Death Row can find another way to retain the belts -*cough*Gravedigga*cough- but I really want my two favorite GSW playas to win.


GSW West Coast: JOJI © vs Moroi

Moroi is putting some work, but JOJI looks so cool with that belt...


Hard-1 vs Cheech Kong

The vet retains, 'cause Kong is the less over of the C&C Violence Factory


Phobia vs Drop Kix

Same to JOJI/Moroi. Phobia is improving, but Kix is more over


Brown Pride vs Wigga Patrol

One word: Uuuuuuuuuuuughhhhhhhh!


While I'm having shenanigans with my TEW 2013 game, it's good to watch your dynasty. Looking forward to see who's that "Jason".

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GSW American: Rudy Velasquez © vs Mobstar

Rudy going to keep the belt until the unavoitable clash between him and Capp happens.


GSW Tag: Death Row © vs Deaf Fro

I´m bit unsure on this one but for some reason I think that challengers will take this.


GSW West Coast: JOJI © vs Moroi

Moroi could well be the next guy to hold this particular belt but I doubt JOJI drops it just yet.


Hard-1 vs Cheech Kong

Hard-1 gets a win back after dropping the title shot opportunity last month.


Phobia vs Drop Kix

Is Kix getting a push here? I´m not sure but Phobia is certainly someone he could beat so I go with that.


Brown Pride vs Wigga Patrol

Neither team haven´t done much lately but based on their last shows appearance, it looks like Brown Pride now has a storyline to go with, something that I doubt Wigga Patrol would ever have.

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GSW American: Rudy Velasquez © vs Mobstar

I think Rudy retains here, there could be some interference from Capp, or even Spade, but I don't think Mobstar should get the belt, just because you have a lot of better choices to be champion

GSW Tag: Death Row © vs Deaf Fro

As much as I believe that Death Row will be losing their titles soon, I would be really disapointed if you put Fro Sure in the tag division.

GSW West Coast: JOJI © vs Moroi

Maybe Moroi could win here.... and I'm a huge fan of him.... But no. I don't think Moroi is at that level yet, even though I think JOJI is nothing special either

Hard-1 vs Cheech Kong

As much as I dislike Hard- 1, he's way above Cheech Kong on the ladder

Phobia vs Drop Kix

Kix is a jobber, as is Phobia, but I always liked Phobia while Kix was kind of just a certified jobber to me

Brown Pride vs Wigga Patrol

Both these teams are low on the food chain. D-Lux is dreadful and Top Dolla isn't much better, Brown Pride are much better and deserve a win here to get them back on track

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GSW Tales From the Warehouse 13


Friday, Week 2 February 2015


317 in Attendance




CC: Here we go again, my people!


MCM: GSW back in the saddle again and we got some big time action and an overdose of violence for all of you.


CC: Some big time title matches and hopefully we will find out what the hell is going on with the masked bitch that took out Capp.


MCM: I am sure Grimm is going to get to the bottom of things and he is going to do it right the hell now.






Mya Catalan introduces Grimm to start things off, but instead of his usual more upbeat demeanor, the look on Brother Grimm's face is stone cold serious. Both Boneyard and Wrecking Machine are checking about ringside as Grimm gets in and takes the microphone from Mya.


BG: I want to thank Hard-1 for stepping up last month at the last minute. With that out of the way I want to see Spencer Spade and Deuce Deadline out here right now. I want some ****ing answers and I think you two have them!




Spencer Spade steps out on his own and he doesn't look like his usual cocky self either. He has his own microphone and he is holding a hand up to try to silence the rowdy crowd that is booing him.


SS: I know what you are going to accuse me of and I am going to tell you that is Bullshit! I don't need some masked freak to do what I can do on my own. I could care less who won that match because I know I will get the title doing what I do best, wrestling.


BG: Yeah I call bullshit back at you, Spade. You have made no bones about it that you want to **** with my company and ruining my main event was a good way of doing so. It seems like spite for being left off the card and when I think about it that mask could have covered up the face of you or your buddy Deuce rather well. Speaking of which, where is Deuce?


SS: I have no idea. We arrived together and then he went off to do his own thing I guess. He is a loner.


Grimm isn't looking sold on this at all and he just shakes his head.


BG: Well while you are here I may as well put you in a match so I can keep my eye on you. Later tonight you will be taking on Cali Slick. Now get your ass out of here.


Spade looks furious but he starts to turn and leave. That is until a bloody figure is pushed out from the entrance ramp and slams into Spade and sends the pair tumbling.




A battered, bloodied and unconscious Deuce Deadline sprawls on top of a surprised Spencer Spade who starts to get up and out from under his beaten up cohort, his eyes go wide as a figure emerges from the entrance.




The masked figure from last month points to Spade then makes a throat cutting motion. His hands are wrapped in chains which are covered in what is most likely the blood of Deuce Deadline. Grimm is shouting and pointing as Grimm Security start to go towards the masked man. He spreads his arms wide and looks skyward once more before ducking back into the entrance way as Boneyard and Wrecking Machine give chase. Spade just looks horrified and frozen in place.


Rating: 58


CC: ************! It was him again!


MCM: This time it is Deuce Deadline that is the victim. You know what this means? Our theory just got ****ed. It wasn't Spade or Deuce!


CC: What the hell is going on? Who the **** is this guy?


MCM: It seems now he is after Spencer Spade. I am not sure what this guy wants, but it seems no one is safe. I hope Grimm Security can find him.


CC: Can we let him get Spade first?


MCM: Nah, **** that man. Who knows who he might attack before he gets Spade.





Brown Pride vs Wigga Patrol


It is surprisingly even match up to the start. It changes quickly when two other faces make their presence known and they start to cause trouble for the Wigga Patrol.




Much to the fans dismay it looks like The Mexican Hardcore Killers seemed to have joined forces with Brown Pride. They aren't physically getting involved, but they are good enough distraction to allow Brown Pride to get the advantage. LatiNoFear scores a Ghetto Kick on D-Lux and picks up the win for his team.


Winners: Brown Pride


Rating: 29






The crowd boos as MexiCain gets himself a microphone and Brown Pride is joined in the ring by The Mexican Hardcore Killers.


MC: Brother Grimm, I want you to look. Today you see for men united as one to take on the machine. You have mistreated us all for too long and we will continue to grow in power and show you we will not be held down by you. We are no longer just Brown Pride. The four of us are Latino Pride!


Rating: 27


CC: Shit, I don't like how things are going so far this year.


MCM: Calm down, Cliff. We got some good things happening. We just off to a rocky start.


CC: The Mexican Hardcore Killers lost their damn mind. Drinking some of that Kool-Aid if you ask me.


MCM: Not liking it either, but what can we do?


CC: Hope the next match gets our mind off all the negatives.





GSW West Coast Championship



JOJI © with Kammy Ling vs Moroi


For the first time since Grimm stepped out the fans start to get more into the show as the high flying pair of JOJI and Moroi put on a flashy show to wow everyone and get the crowd rowdy once again. The two get several close falls against one another, but the champ gets a lucky kick to the side of Moroi's head as a counter that stuns the masked wrestler long enough for JOJI to hit the JOJI Miracle Explosion.


Winner: JOJI (Defenses: 4)


Rating: 43


CC: There we go. I know I feel better now.


MCM: Yeah, me too. At least a little bit. Good win there from JOJI and he continues to impress.


CC: I didn't expect him to remain West Coast champ for this long, but I have been pleasantly surprised.


MCM: Hell yeah, He doing well with that belt and he seems like he will hold onto it for awhile if he keeps this up.





Cheech Kong vs Hard-1


Cheech continues to show more and more promise, but he is against a vicious veteran that isn't in a good mood after coming close from winning the GSW American title. Kong gets a few nice shots in, but for the most part it is Hard-1 that is getting in the most of the offense and he almost takes Kong's head off with a high impact Mafia Kick.


Winner: Hard-1


Rating: 41


CC: Well shit. Thanks for coming out, Cheech.


MCM: He has been doing pretty good in the tag ranks, but perhaps he has a long ways to go in the singles division.


CC: Having Cali helping him out has to be a bonus. A bonus he didn't have and it showed.


MCM: Hard-1 looking good and perhaps wanting to show he is deserving of some future title shots.





GSW Tag Team Championship



Death Row © with Streetz vs Deaf Fro


The crowd is behind the challengers who start out on fire and have the champs on the ropes. Death Row seems to have no answers and it takes Streetz getting involved by distracting Fro Sure and allowing the champs to get back in control. Several devastating moves lead to pinfall attempts, but they just can't seem to put Deaf Fro away. The challengers finally start to regain momentum and start making a comeback. Knuckles and Fro Sure go tumbling out of the ring and Deaf Touch nails a lovely dropkick to take out Shady K. He starts to up top, but Streetz is involved once again and he shoves Deaf Touch off. Shady K recovers and hits the hurt Deaf Touch with the K Killer. Fro tries to break up the pin, but Knuckles manages to hold him back.


Winners and Still Champions: Death Row (Defenses: 6)


Rating: 49


CC: Dammit! I thought they were going to win it.


MCM: So damn close. Streetz saves his meal ticket once again.


CC: Death Row might never lose the titles at this rate. This has been crazy.






Streetz is hopping about in excitement that his men have retained again. He eventually gets a microphone and he begins to gloat to the booing fans.


STZ: Take that, Brother Grimm! You keep thinking you can outsmart me and look where it gets you? Death Row is the greatest team around and there is nothing you can do to get the titles away from them!




It probably isn't the best day to get on Brother Grimm's bad side. He isn't looking happy after the events from earlier and he narrows his eyes at Streetz.


BG: I have more important things to deal with tonight, but if you want to talk shit and think I can't throw someone else at you. **** it. Next month you get Grimm Security. You think you are the only big guys around here? Well prepare to get ****ed.


Streetz looks to have had the wind taken right out of his sails and Grimm doesn't even give the trio a second look as he moves to the back probably to resume his search for the masked man that has been causing trouble.


Rating: 57


CC: You talk shit and this is what you get, Streetz.


MCM: I sometimes think he is more trouble than help for the champs.


CC: Shit, they won't be able to toss Boneyard and Wrecking Machine about like most of the other teams. That's for sure.


MCM: But they do have experience as well as Streetz. Grimm Security will have to be careful. Not to mention they have to worry about doing their job and be on the ball in case that masked freak shows up.





Cali Slick vs Spencer Spade


It would be assumed Spade would be looking really off due to his earlier encounter and the fact he might be the next man on the masked freak's hit list. Instead he comes out looking more intense than he has ever been in GSW and he goes right after Cali Slick. This is less of a wrestling match that Spade tries to keep things to, but instead he shows a vicious streak and he is not shying away from bringing weaponry into the match to use on his opponent. Cali fights back several times, but he looks to be knocked into a different world when Spade nails him right on the top of the head with a chair and busts Slick open. It isn't even needed, but he hits Slick with a Supreme Stunner.


Winner: Spencer Spade


Rating: 66






Spade kicks the downed Cali Slick a few more times and he calls for a microphone. He looks like he may have snapped at this point as he looks furious and completely different than his usual calm and cocky demeanor.


SS: I see what is happening. They want to blame me for this masked guy that has come around and really I bet this guy works for Grimm just to make people hate me more. Well you wanted to see the violent side of Spencer Spade? You ****ing got it. Next month I will be in this ring and I don't care if this guy works for Grimm or not. You want me, masked man? I will be in the ring with a baseball bat waiting for you! I won't be a victim!


He tosses the microphone away and he is irate as lashes out at fans and almost takes a swing at them.


Rating: 50


CC: I don't like Spencer Spade, but I kind of like this side of him.


MCM: Really? Thinking Grimm is using this masked ****er to ruin Spade? Spade ruins himself.


CC: Well he is taking things into his own hands. He has called out our mystery man. Will he appear?


MCM: **** if I know, nigga. He comes and goes like a ghost or some shit. Who knows when and where he will pop up next.





Drop Kix vs Phobia


A bit sloppy given who is involved, but the two speedy fighters deliver a few nice big spots in a short match that allows both men to showcase their offense. Phobia ends up being his own worst enemy and a missed shooting star press knocks the air out of him when Kix moves out of the way. Kix goes to the top and hits the Cannonball Legdrop and picks up the win.


Winner: Drop Kix


Rating: 35


CC: Another win for Drop Kix. It is looking like a good 2015 for the kid.


MCM: He had a rough year last year and I don't remember if Devyn Kix ever won a match to be honest. Yet here he is two months into 2015 and he has two wins.


CC: It isn't top competition, but at the same time can't take it away. You got to start somewhere.


MCM: True dat. Time will tell what will become of Kix.






Rudy Velasquez steps out with the belt wrapped around his waist and carrying a microphone as he slowly steps towards the ring.


RV: I am not one to really talk, but I feel like I should mention something after the events of last month. To be denied the match I have been wanting for months is frustrating. I don't know who this man in the mask is, but I think he has done something he is going to regret. Capp will be back and I hate to be whoever is behind that mask. I have seen how obsessed he is for revenge and I just won a normal match. You tried to end his career. I actually pity you. If you want some sound advice I would say get the hell out of California and never look back. And Capp, I'm still waiting. I will wait as long I have to for that rematch.


Rating: 52


CC: Now that is what a rivalry should be. Respect.


MCM: Rudy makes a point. Once Capp is back I would not want to be that masked bitch. Capp is going to go all out to make sure his life is hell.


CC: Speedy recovery for our homeboy, Busta Capp. We be waiting for you to come back, nigga.





GSW American Championship



Rudy Velasquez © vs Mobstar


A brutal match that has everyone in the crowd into it. Both men hold nothing back and everything, including a kitchen sink, end up being used by the pair as they look to keep the other down long enough for that elusive three count. The pair are covered in crimson and looking like they might pass out at any moment with each move delivered. Mobstar hits the Flattener DDT on a STOP sign and he looks to have won it only with Rudy to kick out at the last possible second. Mobstar is irate and goes for a second one, but Rudy reverses and hits the Street Cutter out of nowhere!


Winner and Still Champion: Rudy Velasquez (Defenses: 8)


Rating: 65


CC: God damn, what a match.


MCM: Rudy does it again. We talk about Death Row being unstoppable, but what the ****? Can anyone keep Rudy down?


CC: He ain't a big guy, but he has so much fight in him. Damn this just makes me want to see him and Capp even more.


MCM: Well there we have it folks. We still haven't found out who this masked ****er is, but hopefully next month we will.


CC: Peace out!




Final Rating: 57


IPW's Bloodstained: 47


OOC: IPW's best show still is the worst show that happened over in the South West. Managed to beat out AAA as well and GSW seems to be establishing itself as a solid third place among the crowded region. Thanks to all who voted for this diary last month as well as the nomination once again this month. Glad to see people are still enjoying things. I am sorry it has been a bit slow at times, but it has become a busy period again so shows aren't going to be consistently posted for awhile. Hope you all enjoy!

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CC: Is it just me or does it feel like Grimm has his hands full these days?


MCM: Shit has been pretty chaotic. His birthday is coming up soon too so I am sure he would love to give himself the gift of a less crazy GSW.


CC: Still no word on Capp as well. Looks like that masked ****er did a good number on him.


MCM: Really hate to hear that. Hope we will get Capp back eventually. For now we got some matches to talk about.


CC: Six in total with a possible seventh depending on if Spade's challenge is answered.


MCM: If Spade even shows. He showed a more violent side, but I think he is scared of that masked ****er.


CC: Shit, I know I am.



GSW American Championship



Rudy Velasquez © vs ???


CC: Grimm has a tough choice here. Rudy has pretty much taken on everyone and aside from that rematch with Capp who else is left?


MCM: I am sure there are a few names he has in mind. You know how Grimm is. He likes to surprise people.


CC: True dat. Either way I am sure it will be a poppin' match. Rudy never seems to fail to deliver.



GSW Tag Team Championship



Death Row © vs Grimm Security


CC: Normally Death Row have a size advantage. Not this time.


MCM: Grimm Security I think have the best shot of taking those titles. If they can't do it then I don't ****ing know who will.


CC: Streetz will of course be at ringside and who knows if Gravedigga will be out there to help.


MCM: Gravedigga got other things to worry about. Hell, we don't even know what shape he is in after Mobstar ****ed him up in the cage.



GSW West Coast Championship



JOJI © vs Drop Kix


CC: Bit early for Kix to be getting a shot, but I guess Grimm sees differently.


MCM: Kid has looked good so far this year. Why not give him a chance?


CC: Interesting note. The previous two champs each had four defenses before they lost the title. JOJI has four defenses under his belt.


MCM: To be fair Slick gave up the title. Who knows how long he would have had it.


CC: Nigga, I am trying to bring some intrigue into this bitch. Get off my dick.


MCM: My bad.



Fro Sure vs Omar


CC: Fro has been in tag action for awhile, but it is back to the singles life at least this month as he takes on Omar.


MCM: I like this match up. I think these two can steal the show if given time.


CC: Both could use a win here. Fro would love to become the first two time American champion and nigga needs some wins if that is going to happen.



Gravedigga vs Deaf Touch


CC: We haven't seen Gravedigga since Mobstar beat him up. He gets to come back and face the always dangerous Deaf Touch.


MCM: Streetz is once again going to play a factor here. I am sure he won't stand by and do nothing.


CC: At least he can't shout to distract Touch in this case.


MCM: Nigga, that is funnier than it should be, but we know Streetz isn't against getting physical.


CC: Maybe Deaf will get his hands on the little shit.



ParaPhobia vs Mexican Hardcore Killers


CC: Word is MexiCain wants to invite Phobia to his little gang.


MCM: Shit, really? Hopefully Phobia has a brain under that mask.


CC: I used to think the Mexican Hardcore Killers had one, but they seemed to have bought into MexiCain's words. I am sure Latino Pride won't be playing fair this match at all.


MCM: A damn shame too. Not like the killers need help from their fellow stablemates.


CC: Well there you got it. That is the shit we got confirmed.


MCM: Spencer Spade has called out that masked lunatic that has been around since the start of the year, but nothing confirmed. I sure as hell ain't going out to look for that weirdo to find out if he is accepting the match or not.


CC: No kidding. I think I will stay with you were it's safe, MC.


MCM: See all you people at the show!




GSW Tales from the Warehouse 14


GSW American: Rudy Velasquez © vs ???


GSW Tag Team: Death Row © vs Grimm Security


GSW West Coast: JOJI © vs Drop Kix


Fro Sure vs Omar


Gravedigga vs Deaf Touch


ParaPhobia vs Mexican Hardcore Killers

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CC: Nigga, I am trying to bring some intrigue into this bitch. Get off my dick.


this... just this :D



GSW American: Rudy Velasquez © vs ???


GSW Tag Team: Death Row © vs Grimm Security


GSW West Coast: JOJI © vs Drop Kix


Fro Sure vs Omar


Gravedigga vs Deaf Touch


ParaPhobia vs Mexican Hardcore Killers

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I have to say, I'm really enjoying this "mystery guy" storyline. It adds some interesting intrigue I haven't seen on small fed dynasties around here.


GSW American: Rudy Velasquez © vs ???

I bet the mystery guy is Spencer Spade, unless somebody show up to change the main event again...


GSW Tag Team: Death Row © vs Grimm Security

GS are improving, but they still aren't at Death Row's level.


GSW West Coast: JOJI © vs Drop Kix

Drop kix returning to singles action helped his momentum, but still is not his time.


Fro Sure vs Omar

Fro Sure is love, Fro Sure is life


Gravedigga vs Deaf Touch

Streetz finds a way to give the W to his client. Sorry, Deaf Touch.


ParaPhobia vs Mexican Hardcore Killers

I'm sensing a swerve outta nowhere from Phobia... but is he mexican? I don't know. Anyway, non-jobbers win.

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