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GSW: Can't Keep a Brother Down

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GSW American: Rudy Velasquez © vs ???

Has Velasquez vs. Capp happened yet? No? Then Rudy will win this one.


GSW Tag Team: Death Row © vs Grimm Security

There are quite many teams I would rather see as your next champs than Grimm Security.


GSW West Coast: JOJI © vs Drop Kix

Kix has got a bit of a push but is it enough to beat JOJI? I´d say the answer is no.


Fro Sure vs Omar

Fro is still one of your top guys while Omar is just a solid midcard guy.


Gravedigga vs Deaf Touch

I don´t expect much from Gravedigga now that he´s program with Mobstar is over. Maybe he surprise me but until he gets a big win or two, I´m going to assume that he´s midcard gatekeeper at best.


ParaPhobia vs Mexican Hardcore Killers

I don´t see much benefit for Phobia joining Latino Pride as he would likely just be the fall guy there and in my books that really isn´t much better than being on jobber tag team. Who knows though, you could prove me wrong but my current assumption is that Phobia won´t join. Still, whatever will happen on that one, Killers will win the actual match possibly via somekind of cheating just to drive home the fact that they are heels now.

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It is early march and about a week before the next GSW show when Grimm is chillaxing in his office with Boneyard sitting on one of the plush couches off to the side.


BG: So yeah, there you have it. Talk about a prima donna.


BY: Yet you are still usin' him. He really feels that way about our roster?


BG: I sort of regret it, but the deal has already been made. I will make it work and I know not to have Mitch send his ass over here again.


BY: He never seemed too bad when I was over on the East side, but maybe because-


Boneyard is interrupted by a knocking followed by a man letting himself in. The big bodyguard starts to get up, but settles back down once he sees who it is.




RR: Grimm, you gotta hear this shit. Guess who called me seeing if we were hiring?


Grimm looks up from his laptop and raises a brow, slightly intrigued at what name might be giving GSW a call. Not every day someone actually seeks employment from him.


BG: Color me curious, nigga. Who is it?


RR: Lug Phelan of all people. Apparently he walked out on IPW last night and he was putting his name out that he is willing to work with us.


BG: Shit, really? Damn shame right now I can't afford more people. Any reason why he left other than Nemesis and Girl are ****heads?


RR: Guess he wasn't pleased about how the show was going to go down. He has been lobbying for a title run and they choose Kip to get the title off Henry last night instead of Lug.


BG: Kip has the gold huh? I guess anyone is an improvement from Henry. So Lug was legit pissed? I like the guy but I don't think he would be very happy starting in the middle of the pack here.


RR: Well I think it is more than that. Him and Masked Stranger have been at it for a few months too. Finally had enough of their shit and left.


BG: They seem to be losing people, but not really getting many. How many is that now?


RR: Lug and Moroi are the big ones. E-Storic left too.


BG: Hmm, I see. We better keep an eye on em, Roper. They seem to be opening spots to hire new faces. Might call Mitch to see if Nemesis or Gil has been trying to get any of his boys to work for IPW.


RR: It ain't no thang. You finally get thing sorted out wi-


BG: Was just talking to Boneyard about that. Don't worry. I got this.


RR: Well that is good to hear, boss. Gonna slip out and call up Lug. Will let him know we can't at the moment, but we got his name on the radar.


BG: You do that.


Roper leaves and Grimm slumps back in his seat. He looks down at his screen at the article he was reading then he looks to Boneyard.


BG: I guess that is a bit of good news, but not the best.


He just grins and turns the screen so Boneyard could take a look. The big man grins himself and he gives his boss a high five.


BY: Good shows, but they can't handle money, huh?


BG: Guess not. Nothing against, PWMax, but damned it will be nice to have some breathing room.


BY: Gonna buy them out?


BG: Hell nah, nothing worth adding from there. All those guys I could get under contract if I wanted and those titles would mean shit in a place like GSW. A shame, but at least that means Mobstar and Spade don't run the risk of being injured elsewhere.


BY: Guess so. This also why you think IPW might be holding back on spending?


BG: Nah, don't think they would buy out the place either. Anyways, lets go back to what we were talking about.


The conversation continues, but well...spoilers. You can't hear what they talk about.



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GSW Tales From the Warehouse 14


Friday, Week 2 March 2015


486 in Attendance




CC: Damn, MC. Look at all the people out here tonight. This place be poppin'.


MCM: They know we are the best ticket in town and we are only going to get bigga, my nigga.


CC: We got at least six matches for you all tonight. I say six because it seems Spencer Spade is going to try and have one with that masked weirdo that has been skulking about.


MCM: Yeah, but will he answer? I think he just does what he wants. Maybe Grimm can finally get that bastard kicked out of here.


CC: Who, Spade or the masked guy?


MCM: Yes.






Mya is hot as hell once again and introducing Brother Grimm to the larger than normal crowd. Despite the big title match tonight his security team is still close by and seem on the look out for the masked man causing trouble the past few months. After a bit of dancing with Mya, Grimm takes the microphone and addresses the crowd.


BG: We have yet to find out who this masked man is that has been ****ing with my workers. It is something I hope to have resolved tonight and while I will not sanction the match, Spencer Spade is allowed to come out here and try to fight that freak. I don't think he will show, but whatever. It keeps Spade out of my hair. Now in regards to the title. After some thought I have decided to-


Grimm is cut off by some loud music that is unfamiliar to the crowd and a figure soon emerges dancing along to it.




Brother Grimm doesn't seem to be happy to see Grandmaster Phunk making his way to the ring. Phunk is all smiles as he produces a microphone of his own.


GP: Pardon this interrupton, Grimm. I know you weren't expecting to see me, but I keep hearing about you all so much I just had to come over here. You see I got some beef with you, Grimm. We have sent our best over here countless times. We even sent our champion out here to show how confident we are with our roster. You know who I haven't seen come over to your yard? Why that would be Rudy Velasquez.


BG: Nigga, what is your point? Are you trying to say I don't send my best over there? I have sent Capp over there. I have sent Mobstar, Fro Sure-


GP: But you haven't sent Rudy. That is my point. Do you have no confidence in your champion like we do ours? My point is this. I am here to challenge Rudy Velasquez. If you won't send him out to our house, then I am coming to your house.


Grimm is stone faced as he just stays silent and seems to be pondering things. Grimm Security look to him to see if he motions for them to remove Phunk from the ring, but he raises a hand to stay them.


BG: You want Rudy? You get a non title match. I am not a fool, Phunk. I heard you been claiming you were going to take the American title out East and never bring it back.


GP: So you are scared.


BG: No, **** you. I am a business man. Mitch didn't have Boone defend his against Capp or else you wouldn't have a PSW Champion right now. You want Rudy, you got him. Hope you are prepared to get your ass kicked. Now get the hell out of my ring.


Phunk just smirks, but he backs away and exits the ring. There is a unsettling grin on his face as he makes his way to the back.


BG: You all enjoy the show. I seem to have some business to attend to.


With that Grimm and Security leave as Mya gets ready to introduce the first match.


Rating: 63


CC: Grandmaster Phunk? Shit, I didn't expect that.


MCM: I don't like this. He is talking about taking our title and shit.


CC: I am confident Rudy can come out on top. And you heard Grimm. There will be no title on the line.


MCM: Yeah, that is good. Something is just rubbing me the wrong way I guess.


CC: Don't worry. Some violence will make you feel better, nigga.





GSW West Coast



JOJI © with Kammy Ling vs Drop Kix


Kix goes on the attack as if this might be his only chance at gold ever again. The match becomes a fast paced affair with both men using their high flying ability to the fullest to try to put away their opponent. Kix looks like he is about to upset several times, but JOJI manages to kick out at the last moment each time. Eventually JOJI hits a bit kick that downs Drop Kix and gives JOJI time to climb to the top rope and nail the JOJI Miracle Explosion.


Winner and still Champion: JOJI (Defenses: 5)


Rating: 46


CC: Damn good showing by Drop Kix there.


MCM: I thought he was going to do it. I like both of these kids and it was hard to root for just one.


CC: Well I think even in a loss here Kix is showing he isn't going to be easily pushed around from now on.


MCM: If he can keep that shit up he will get another title shot one day.







ParaPhobia is already in the ring ready for their match when all of Latino Pride emerge from the back and get in the ring. MexiCain gets himself a microphone and he wanders over towards Phobia.


MC: Yo man. Why are you hanging out with that loser when you should be with your bothers over here? We respect why you wear a mask and what it means to the Latino people. He probably thinks you just wear it because it is cool. So how about I give you a choice. Join us and beat down whitebread over there and become part of a revolution. I don't think you need me to tell you what happens if you say no.


Phobia looks about and then to his partner. He sort of leans in and the two seem to say something and Phobia backs away. He looks as if he is about to side with Latino Pride when suddenly him and Paranoia dropkick the members of Brown Pride out of the ring and the match begins.


Rating: 29


CC: Ahahaha, good answer!


MCM: Three points, ************!





ParaPhobia vs Mexican Hardcore Killers with Brown Pride


ParaPhobia probably knew they were fighting a losing battle given this is essentially four on two, but they do their best to take it to Latino Pride as a whole. Phobia even at one point launches himself over the top rope and takes out all four members of Latino Pride for a short time. The numbers game is too much in the end and Latino Pride swarm and take out Paranoia while making Phobia watch before Phobia himself is taken out by a Villano Knee Connetion and pinned.


Winners: Mexican Hardcore Killers


Rating: 34


CC: That was pretty disgusting to watch.


MCM: Giving it up for ParaPhobia. They knew they were going to be beaten down by a gang and still put up a fight.


CC: Latino Pride is starting to look like they are going to just be another thorn in Brother Grimm's side.


MCM: Shit, as if he didn't have enough, right?





Fro Sure vs Omar


A nice mix of brawling and high flying between the two men. And while Fro has always been charismatic and entertaining, he has become much better in the ring over the past year which has just made him an even more well rounded guy. It is an exciting match with many near fall attempts before Fro Sure nails a Sure Thing out of nowhere that puts Omar down for good.


Winner: Fro Sure


Rating: 50


CC: Now that was some good stuff.


MCM: I do enjoy both of those guys. Even more so when they face off.


CC: Fro has been wanting to get some momentum going for him and challenge for the American title again at some point. Beating Omar is a good starting point.






Spencer Spade comes out with baseball bat in hand and looking ready for a fight. He gets a microphone and he looks around in a frantic manner and doesn't keep his back facing any single direction for too long.


SS: Okay you masked freak. You apparently want me so come and get me. I am here and ready to fight. I am not going down so easily like Busta Capp!


There seems to be no response which only seems to make Spade more irate. He looks ready to talk when suddenly there is a few shouts among the crowd where there are people clearing out quickly.




The masked figure slowly stalks towards the ring completely focused on Spade. Spade backs up as much as he can and waves the bat in a taunting manner. The masked man starts to get in the ring when suddenly someone comes out of the crowd and strikes.




Deuce Deadline jumps the masked figure and has the advantage for a moment before he is pushed back then hit hard in the jaw with a chained fist. The masked man slips into the ring and Spade goes at him only to get the bat knocked away before he can do damage with it. The masked man goes to town on Spade and lands a few stiff punches, but before he can do too much damage Deuce manages to grab Spade by a leg and drag him out of the ring. The two start to escape through the crowd. The masked man starts to follow, but then Grimm's music hits and he turns about to see the owner of GSW emerge from the entryway.


BG: Yo, you. Now that I got you in my ring need to know. What the **** is your deal? You can talk can't you?


The figure says nothing. He just stares on at Brother Grimm, but he makes no attempt to go after the man.


BG: Oh the big, silent type. Well apparently you like to fight and cause destruction. Whatever. I can live with that. I just can't have you randomly attacking my employees. You come to my ring next month I will give you a fight. You like that?


Once again there is no response, at least verbally. The masked man eventually gives a slow nod and points towards Spencer Spade and Deuce Deadline who are staying well away from him.


BG: Oh you don't pick, but I tell you what. I am sure Deuce Deadline would like some revenge. So next month come back and you two can duke it out.


Deuce Deadline has to be held back by Spade at this point and he is livid at what Grimm just said. He is shouting loudly as the masked man just gives another nod. He looks over to Spade and Deuce then makes a throat cutting motion before he exits the ring and starts to move through the crowd and to one of the exits. Grimm just watches until the masked figure is gone and leaves as well.


Rating: 59


CC: Oh hell no. I don't know about this. Grimm is going to let that guy compete here?


MCM: Well....if he is going to be here he may as be somewhere Grimm can keep an eye on him.


CC: What the ****? Why not have security remove him?


MCM: And risk getting more people injured? This does seem like some shady shit, but I trust Grimm.


CC: I just hope this time he didn't **** himself over.






Death Row soon comes out with a cocky looking Streetz leading the way. They certainly seemed to wait a few moments to make sure the masked man wouldn't be coming back before making their way out.


STZ: It is a good day to be me. The man that manages the most dominate tag team in GSW history as well as the next big thing in Gravedigga. It will be even better once I take down some of Grimm's favored boys like his security team and that fool Deaf Touch afterwards. Get used to this image. Last year was great, but this year will be the year of Streetz!


Rating: 52


CC: Nigga sure does love to hear himself talk.


MCM: Maybe Grimm Security will come out and make it to where he can't talk by the end of the match.


CC: Wishful thinking, but I like it.






GSW Tag Team Championship



Death Row © vs Grimm Security


It is rare that Death Row doesn't easily overpower the team they are facing. If anything it seems they are the ones being overpowered at the start and have to retreat to the outside to regroup. Things start to get pretty nasty as the match pretty much turns into one big brawl that embodies the GSW spirit. If there is a weapon to be used, it is being used. Even Streetz is getting involved and getting some hits in when he thinks he can get away with it.




That is until Brother Grimm takes out Streetz with a chairshot when he was distracted. Knuckles sees this and instantly goes after Grimm only to be grabbed by Boneyard and tossed about and then into the ring. Wrecking Machine manages to keep Shady K out of the ring as a bloodied Boneyard wraps his hand around Knuckles throat and hefts him up. Choke Slam! Shady K can't break free! New champs!


Winners and NEW Champions: Grimm Security


Rating: 39


CC: They mother****ing did it!


MCM: Sure Grimm helped in a way, but he really did just even the odds. Streetz was busy gloating and he got a chair to the head for it.


CC: Since June of last year Death Row has dominated the tag division, but finally they have lost the titles. This is the first time Boneyard and Wrecking Machine have held gold in GSW.


MCM: And to think if Death Row were that hard to topple. What about Grimm Security?





Gravedigga vs Deaf Touch


Streetz isn't around for obvious reasons, but that doesn't seem to phase Gravedigga. This bout is every bit as violent as the last and both men are less worried about finesse and more determined to bust one another open.

An error on Gravedigga's part is all Deaf Touch needs to help set up a win. He gets out of the way when Digga jumps from the ring to dive outside and he crashes into the barricade. Touch rolls him back inside and then climbs up top to deliver the Crooked Moonsault.


Winner: Deaf Touch


Rating: 42


CC: Nice win by Deaf Touch there.


MCM: Hey, Gravedigga did well too, but you know what? **** him for turning his back on Mobstar to join Streetz.


CC: Yeah, he has talent, but I don't really have respect for him. Maybe one day he will earn it back.


MCM: For now....**** him.





Rudy Velasquez vs Grand Master Phunk


Grandmaster Phunk starts off not taking this match too seriously, but Rudy makes him pay for that. He is outsized, but that has never stopped Rudy before and he uses his speed to really take it to Phunk. The PSW alum does finally start to make a comeback and once he grounds Rudy it allows him to use his bigger frame to overpower the GSW champ. Phunk really takes over for a good amount of time and he uses everything he can put his hands on to lay Rudy out. Even so he can't get that elusive three count and even at his weakest Rudy gives a middle finger to Phunk in defiance before getting a cheese grater dragged over his forehead. Phunk looks to have it in the bag when Rudy starts to give one more attempt at a comeback. He gets a few moves in and looks like he might start rolling, but then a sickening chair shot to the top of the head leads to him crumpling to the ground. Another is delivered even though it wasn't needed and Phunk claims victory.


Winner: Grandmaster Phunk


Rating: 66


CC: Fuuuuuck! You got to be kidding me.


MCM: Shit, nigga tried to kill Rudy. He wanted to make a statement and he is just trying to say PSW is better than us.


CC: **** that. If they were so much better why didn't they win the tournament or the best of five series last year?


MCM: Gotta give it to Rudy. It too a lot to keep him down.


CC: Oh what is this shit?!






Grandmaster Phunk is jawjacking the fans and having a grand time when he spies Rudy's title still by timekeeper and Mya. He goes over to grab it and lifts it high over his head and starts proclaiming it as his prize. He looks like he is about to leave with it, but he seems to have forgotten about something.




Rudy has recovered enough to see what was going down and he climbed to the top of the ropes and launched himself into Phunk. Phunk goes scrambling, surprised to see Rudy is already standing and he moves out into the crowd. Rudy is staggering a bit, but manages to pick up his belt and he holds it high as the fans cheer. Phunk seems displeased but he decides not to take the chance of trying to take the belt again and instead leaves through the crowd.


Rating: 55


CC: Damn right. You show him who is boss, Rudy.


MCM: He may have lost the match, but Rudy isn't going to let that nigga leave with his title.


CC: I am sure Grimm would have stopped Phunk....at least I hope he would. Even so it is good to see Rudy doing it without help.


MCM: He is a bloody mess, but dammit, he is our champ and he did well even if he lost.


CC: Now the question is who does he face next?


MCM: Capp still isn't back so **** if I know. We will have to wait and see. We are out of time!


CC: Peace out!




Final Rating: 59


IPW's End of Days 2: 44


OOC: Well Phunk is a good worker, but not a good option if I want him to lose. I figured if Boone was okay losing to someone like Capp that Phunk would easily take a loss to Rudy if I kept him strong. Ahahahaha, nope. Either way I was able to work around it and it could have been much worse. Also want to thank everyone who voted for this diary on the Cverse DoTM poll again. Always cool to be nominated and to be there with some great names. I have pondered taking a short hiatus for a month or so after this show, but still not sure. I enjoy writing GSW, but I almost feel like I am about to hit burnout with it if I don't take a small break. I guess I will ponder it over and decide where to go with it. For now, enjoy the show!

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Well, from 78 attendants to 486 in 1 year and half, that's some good progress!


* Such a shame Phunk didn't wanted to take a fall, but I should expect that since this happened at my saved game. Some guys have such a giant ego...


* I still haven't figured it out who's the masked guy. Must be a major name, just waiting to be revealed, for great impact.


* Grimm Security winning gold? BONEYARD WINNING GOLD? That was a shocker, but I kinda liked it. Did the crowd stopped crapping on Boneyard as they did at the start?


* Nice grade to Drop Kix vs JOJI, being a tag team jobber is finally paying off. My suggestion: give him a mouthpiece, put him in a one-on-one feud with a midcarder and then give him the West Coast belt.


All in all, great show! can't wait for the next!

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* Grimm Security winning gold? BONEYARD WINNING GOLD? That was a shocker, but I kinda liked it. Did the crowd stopped crapping on Boneyard as they did at the start?


Oh they still crap on him, but oddly he has been gaining pop quite well and is actually one of the more over guys on the roster. Unlike a few guys he will probably forever be crapped on because his selling will never reach the level it needs to be for the fans to stop.

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CC: It's April and you know what that means.


MCM: Brother Grimm's birthdaaaaaaaaaay is this month.


CC: Big dog will be turning thirty-nine this year and he ain't slowing down anytime soon.


MCM: Just like GSW, Grimm is just getting better with age.


CC: We got six matches coming up this month. You ready to take a look at them?


MCM: Hell yeah. Lets do this!



GSW American Championship



Rudy Velasquez © vs Spencer Spade


CC: It doesn't feel like it, but Rudy has had that title for almost a year.


MCM: He may have been knocked down a peg after last month though. It could have been bad if Phunk actually could have won that title.


CC: I guess Spencer Spade is smelling blood and he manages to snake his way into the main event. He failed last time, but he came close.


MCM: This time I don't think Deuce will be getting involved given what he has to do earlier in the night.


CC: And no word on Capp yet either too.



GSW Tag Team Championship



Grimm Security vs Brown Pride


CC: Brown Pride get a title match. Funny how they bitch about never being given chances and how Grimm is keeping them down.


MCM: I am so tired of their shit. I am more worried this is going to be a four on two fiasco once again.


CC: At least Boneyard and Wrecking Machine can probably handle things well enough. They got the size and the power, but the numbers game can be a pain in the dick.



GSW West Coast Championship



JOJI © vs Hard-1


CC: JOJI has been rolling steady with that West Coast title for awhile now.


MCM: He faces one feisty veteran in Hard-1.


CC: JOJI does have a victory over Hard-1 back from last year, but that was also the loss that seemed to kickstart a more vicious streak in Hard-1.


MCM: This guy took Rudy to the limit not long ago. Can JOJI win again or will Hard-1 finally get his first taste of gold here in GSW?


CC: I am just ready for a damn fine match.


MCM: Hell yeah, Cliff. Me too!



Deaf Touch vs Mobstar


CC: Speaking of damn fine matches.


MCM: Two of GSW's favorites face off and I think we won't be disappointed.


CC: Mobstar fell short on his title shot and doesn't want to lose again, but Deaf Touch is looking to get some momentum to where he might get a shot of his own.


MCM: Really tough to decide here. I like both guys. Good luck to them both.



Fro Sure vs Gravedigga


CC: Not a good month for Slick in March.


MCM: Nigga shouldn't have been talking trash. Got what he deserved.


CC: Well Gravedigga is a good talent, but we are talking about mother****ing Fro Sure


MCM: Fro has looked good lately. I think he is really wanting to be American champion again.


CC: May happen sooner than later.



Deuce Deadline vs That Masked ****


CC: And this isn't why I think Deuce is going to be helping out Spade in the main event.


MCM: He tried to help his buddy out last month and it seems Grimm is giving Deuce a chance at revenge for the beating he took two months ago.


CC: I don't think Deuce really wants a part of this guy anyways. I don't think anyone does.


MCM: Time to see this bitch in action. Still not sure I am keen on Grimm doing this.


CC: Maybe he thinks this is a way to control him. I guess we'll find out.


MCM: And you all can find out in a few weeks! Come on and see the best thing going on in the West Coast!


CC: Peace out!




Tales From the Warehouse 15


GSW American: Rudy Velasquez © vs Spencer Spade


GSW Tag: Grimm Security © vs Brown Pride


GSW West Coast: JOJI © vs Hard-1


Deaf Touch vs Mobstar


Fro Sure vs Gravedigga


Deuce Deadline vs That Masked ****

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GSW American: Rudy Velasquez © vs Spencer Spade


For some odd reason a lot of people on this board are not fond of Rudy, I used to get complaints about him as the main champion in my old diary. Maybe he should retain here just to tick people off.


GSW Tag: Grimm Security © vs Brown Pride


GSW West Coast: JOJI © vs Hard-1


I dislike JOJI, yes I actually dislike a fake wrestler...


Deaf Touch vs Mobstar


Fro Sure vs Gravedigga


Deuce Deadline vs That Masked ****

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The fact that the announcers are talking bout Grimm's birthday makes me think something will happen to him at the show.


GSW American: Rudy Velasquez © vs Spencer Spade

Spade is getting close, but Rudy retains 'til Capp's payoff


GSW Tag: Grimm Security © vs Brown Pride

I can't believe that I'm going to say this but... Boneyard and WM reatins


GSW West Coast: JOJI © vs Hard-1

You know what? I think it's time. I like JOJI (smh BHK1978) but I want Hard-1 to win the belt once.


Deaf Touch vs Mobstar

I'm a DT mark, but anything can happen here.


Fro Sure vs Gravedigga

The best hair wins.


Deuce Deadline vs That Masked ****

PLEASE, keep this at his official ring name. Also, RIP in peace Douche Deadline

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GSW American: Rudy Velasquez © vs Spencer Spade

Spade could well get the belt here but I still think that Rudy vs. Capp needs to happen first so I go with Rudy winning, possibly via interference from Capp in order to keep Spade in the title hunt as well.


GSW Tag: Grimm Security © vs Brown Pride

Wasn´t expecting them to get the belts but now that they have those, I doubt they drop it on the first defense.


GSW West Coast: JOJI © vs Hard-1

This would be a big win for JOJI and likely sign that Hard-1 is sliding down on pecking order. However, I´m not so sure that´s the case so I have Hard-1 go over instead.


Deaf Touch vs Mobstar

Both are good talents, but I think Mobstar is the one with bigger upside.


Fro Sure vs Gravedigga

I´m just not bying Gravedigga as more than solid midcard guy and those won´t go over established main event stars like Sure.


Deuce Deadline vs That Masked ****

If the masked guy is Martyr, then he likely isn´t all that over so loss is actually possible here for him but still, I think we see a debut win considering of how he has been booked in angles so far.

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Wow, I just found out about this GSW reboot and read the whole thing in one clean swoop :D


Great work as always Voelzwagon!



GSW American: Rudy Velasquez © vs Spencer Spade


GSW Tag: Grimm Security © vs Brown Pride


GSW West Coast: JOJI © vs Hard-1


Deaf Touch vs Mobstar


Fro Sure vs Gravedigga


Deuce Deadline vs That Masked ****

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