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ECW iDomination

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This is going to be a ECW play through of iDomination. I am already 5 or 6 months into the game and from here on out I will be sharing my progress with you guys. I have signed and fired some workers so I will be revealing the full roster in a bit. This is my first attempt at a TEW dynasty or any type of dynasty for that matter. If you have any ideas, comments or tips, I would love to hear them. P.S I do have TEW 13 but I prefer my 2005, just because i'm a lot farther. Silytuck out.
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ECW Roster


ECW Roster



ECW World: Shawn Michaels


ECW Junior Heavyweight: Billy Kidman

ECW Television: Kevin Steen

ECW Tag Team: The New MCMG (Alex Shelley and Matt Sydal)


Main Eventers:

Abyss (Heel)

Baldo the Destroyer (Heel)

Chris Benoit (Face)

CM Punk (Heel)

Jeff Hardy (Face)

Kaz (Heel)

Matt Sydal (Face)

Mike The Miz (Heel)

Samoa Joe (Face)

Shawn Michaels (Face)

The Gallows (Heel)



2 Cold Scorpio (Face)

Alex Shelley (Face)

Delirious (Face)

Homicide (Heel)

Jay Briscoe (Heel)

Jimmy Yang (Heel)

Mark Briscoe (Heel)

Nicholas Dinsmore (Heel)

PJ Polaco (Heel)

The Sandman (Face)

Tommy Dreamer (Face)



Billy Kidman (Face)

BJ Whitmer (Face)

Eddie Kingston (Face)

El Generico (Face)

Joe Hennig (Heel)

Ruckus (Face)

Tyler Rollins (Heel)



Gabriel Reks (Heel)

Jimmy Jacobs (Heel)

Jon Ambrose (Heel)

Kevin Steen (Heel)



Roman Anoa'i (Face)



Joey Styles

Todd Grisham


Color Commentators:

Shane Douglas (Heel)

Rick Rude (Heel)



Aaron Mahoney

Bryce Remsburg


Owner/On-Screen Authority:

Paul Heyman


Road Agents:

Al Snow

Bill DeMott


Backstage Worker:

James Mitchell


Tag Teams:

Delireco (Face)

Dinsmore & Gallows (Heel)

S.I.N (Heel)

Scorpio and Ruckus (Face)

The Briscoe Brothers (Heel)

The New MCMG (Face)

TRG I (Ambrose & Rollins) (Heel)

TRG II (Rollins & Reks) (Heel)

TRG III (Ambrose & Reks) (Heel)

Whitmer & Jacobs (Tweener)



S.I.N (Heel):

Baldo the Destroyer


Joe Hennig


Nicholas Dinsmore

Paul Heyman (Leader)

The Gallows


The Rouges Gallery (Heel):

Tyler Rollins (Leader)

Jon Ambrose

Gabriel Reks



Kaz vs Michaels (ECW World)

Jeff Hardy vs Mike The Miz

Steen vs Kingston (ECW Television)

The New MCMG vs TRG II (ECW Tag Team)

Kidman vs Polaco (ECW Junior Heavyweight)

Dreamer vs Punk (ECW FTW)


sillytuck out!

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Okay sorry guys, i played a bit without telling you what happened so first off Rivalries:

Dreamer vs Punk (ECW FTW)

J.Hardy vs Abyss

Kidman vs Jacobs (ECW Junior Heavyweight)

Miz vs Joe

NMCMG vs S.I.N (Dinsmore and Hennig) (ECW World Tag)

Michaels vs Kaz (ECW World)


New Workers:

Mark Henry (Heel) (Midcarder)

Cor Von (Monty Brown) (Heel) (Midcarder)

Kofi Kingston (Face) (Midcarder)

**Chris Masters (Heel) (Main Eventer)

Vincent Butler (Heel) (Manager) (Clients: Baldo the Destroyer)


**= I need a name for him. If you have any ideas please post them.


sillytuck out!

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ECW Extreme TV (Saturday Week 1 October)



Cor Von defeated The Sandman in 7:52 by pinfall with a Pounce. Rating C+


Kevin Steen defeated BJ Whitmer in 7:56 by pinfall with a Package Piledriver. Kevin Steen makes defence number 5 of his ECW Television title. Rating B-


Announcers: Joey Styles, Rick Rude and Shane Douglas


(One for the Money by: Escape the Fate plays)

Styles: Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to ECW Extreme TV, We are here in The Cambria Country Memorial Arena in Johnstown, Pennsylvania in front of 4,380 hardcore fanatics and broadcasting on Urban America. I'm Joey Styles accompanied as always by "Ravishing" Rick Rude and "The Franchise" Shane Douglas, and man do we have a great show tonight!


Shane Douglas : And to kick us off we have our "champion" Shawn Michaels in the ring.


Michaels: I wanted to come out here tonight and talk to you about Kaz. (Mixed reaction) Kaz has been saying for the past month now that he's the best in ECW, except every time me and Kaz face off, I win. So, me, as your ECW World champion, am challenging Kaz to a non-title match tonight. Oh, and Kaz, The Gallows is a better wrestler than you. Rating: B+


Styles: Well, there you have Kaz vs Michaels 3 could happen tonight.\


Rude: I hope it does that way Michaels can teach all the "extremists" here, how to wrestle!


Styles: How can you say that ECW has an amazing roster full wrestlers.


Douglas: He has a point, Rick.


Rude: Just remember extreme is short for can't wrestle!


Styles: Anyways up next, Tommy Dreamer will be facing Baldo the Destroyer with Vincent Butler.


Baldo The Destroyer defeated Tommy Dreamer in 7:36 by pinfall following interference from CM Punk and Vincent Butler. Rating:B


Backstage Todd Grisham is with Mike the Miz


Grisham: Mike, last week you attacked Samoa j-


Miz: Todd, if your going to ask me "why did you do that" easy. Samoa Joe disrespected me. ME! of all people!


Grisham: Mike, why do you think he did that?


Miz: Because Joe knows he's nothing compared to the greatest thing in ECW history and because he knows that a savage like him could never beat an individual like myself.


Grisham: Thank you, Mike. Back to you Joey! Rating C+


Styles: Strong words there from The Miz.


Douglas: Well Samoa Joe should know his place!


Styles: You're unbelievable.


Douglas: What!? Its true!


Styles: Up next we have tag team contest seeing the ECW World Tag Champions The New Murder City Machine Guns against Tyler Rollins and Jon Ambrose of The Rouges Gallery.


TRG I defeated The New MCMG in 7:50 when Jon Ambrose put Matt Sydal down for a ten count. Rating B-


Styles: Ladies and gentlemen, we take you to Jeff Hardy in the ring.


Hardy: Abyss! Last week you said I was coming into ECW and taking the spots of "real" stars like yourself. Abyss, I'm more talented than you ever will be and I- (Down in the Catacombs hits and Abyss hist the ring)


He and Jeff brawl until Abyss gets a chair and rips into Hardy leaving him a bloody mess. Rating: B+


Styles: I'm sorry folks if I had known that was going to happen I would have told you to make the kids leave for a bit.


Rude: Yeah, they wouldn't have to hear Jeff Hardy whine like a 6 year old.


Douglas and see Abyss' ugly face!


Styles:(Laughing) Okay, guys that's enough up next #1 Contender for the ECW Junior Heavyweight championship, Jimmy Jacobs will face Eddie Kingston.


Jimmy Jacobs defeated Eddie Kingston in 8:08 by submission with an End Time. Rating:C


Kaz is seen in the back and he says Michaels your on! Rating:A


Styles: That's next!


Kaz defeated Shawn Michaels in 10:54 by pinfall by using underhanded tactics. Rating:A*


Final Rating:B+


If you have any questions,suggestions or tips, please post them.


sillytuck out!

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ECW Extreme TV (Saturday Week 2 October)


Pre-Show: Cor Von and Mark Henry defeated Scorpio and Ruckus in 7:31 when Mark Henry defeated Ruckus by pinfall with a World's Strongest Slam. Rating: C+


The Master (Chris Masters) defeated BJ Whitmer in 7:52 by pinfall with a Piledriver. Rating: C+


(One for the Money by: Escape the Fate plays) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3V_oUjHjag

Styles: Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to ECW Extreme TV, We are here in The Reitz Arena in Baltimore,Maryland in front of 2,000 proud ECW fans and broadcasting on Urban America. I'm Joey Styles accompanied as always by "Ravishing" Rick Rude and "The Franchise" Shane Douglas, and now we take you to Paul Heyman, ECW Owner in the ring.


Heyman: Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm here to make it official at our PPV we will see CM Punk defend his ECW FTW championship against The ECW Original, Tommy Dreamer in a Falls Count Anywhere match! Rating: C


Rude: Great, another match where these "wrestlers" can hide their lack of in-ring ability!


Douglas: Hey, CM Punk at least knows what a headlock is!


Rude: Suuuuuure...


Douglas: You wanna bet old man!


Rude: Your just as old as me!!


Styles: Will you guys cut it out! Up next we have Billy Kidman taking on Tyler Rollins.


Tyler Rollins defeated Billy Kidman in 8:26 by pinfall with a God's Last Gift. During the match we also had Jimmy Jacobs run in and attack Billy Kidman. Rating: C+


Douglas: Welcome back everybody, Mike the Miz is in the ring and he apparently has a message to Samoa Joe


Miz: Joe! You savage son of a bitch! Last week I bashed you and you did what? NOTHING! So now I'm out here to get you to fight me! So Joe, get your fat ass out here and meet your maker!


(Nation of Violence hits)


Joe: Mikey boy, there's a reason I didn't come out last week and even acknowledge you, and that's because your not worth my time! So kid, go back to the locker room, learn some mic skills and how to wrestle, and then maybe, just maybe I might take you seriously.


Joe turns to leave but gets blind sided by Miz. Miz, thanks to the surprise attack, beats Joe down to mat. After the assault ends Miz grabs and says


Miz: Joe, you better take me seriously because I'M THE MIZ!! AND I'M THAT DAMN GOOD!!


(I Came to Play hits)

Rating: B


A promo video plays of Abyss' attack on Jeff Hardy last week Rating:B


Abyss defeated Jeff Hardy in 7:47 by pinfall with a Black Hole Slam . Rating:



Abyss goes outside the ring and reaches under and pulls out a chair. He goes back into the ring and beats the hell out of Jeff Hardy with it. Rating: B


S.I.N defeated The New MCMG in 8:03 when Homicide defeated Matt Sydal by pinfall after using a foreign object. Rating: C+.


Todd Grisham is backstage with CM Punk talking about Tommy Dreamer.


Grisham: Punk, can we get a word?


Punk: Why not, Todd, whats up?


Grisham: Well Punk, you heard at the start of the show tonight you vs Tommy Dreamer, Falls Count Anywhere, ECW FTW championship. How do you feel about this?


Punk: I want to answer a question with a question. Why did Paul give the shot to Tommy Dreamer, of all people that has-been is the last person I would chose. Oh, and Dreamer if you think you can beat me, your wrong because I'm the Best In The World and no one can beat me.


Grisham: Thank you Punk. Back to you Joey.

Rating: C+


Styles: Ladies and Gentlemen up next our main event, Kaz vs The Sandman.


The Sandman defeated Kaz in 8:24 by pinfall following interference from Shawn Michaels. Rating: B-


Show Rating: B-


Just an FYI some of our ratings are lower than normal because i'm attempting to create popularity in other parts of America.


If you have any questions,suggestions or tips, please post them.


sillytuck out!

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End of October Week 2 News


We have successfully signed Chris Hero and Tony Schiavone.

We have released Todd Grisham due to Schiavone taking his place.

Chris Hero will be working as a Face Upper Midcarder.

We have a new tag team Cor Von and Mark Henry, now know as The Greater Force.


sillytuck out!

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