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The 90s need Honor

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Hey everyone. Long time player and reader, infrequent poster. Decided I wanted to do a diary. I used a 1997 mod for this diary (Montreal Screwjob, if I remember right), and tweaked a few things. Workers, companies, mostly to fit my own liking or opinion. For the purpose of this diary, I've modded in ROH to debut in December, 1997. A Small company on the verge of achieving Regional level resources, an unassuming broadcast journalism student tries to lead them through the murky waters of the late 90s.



Tuesday, December 2nd, 1997Officials called a press release today to announce the formation of new Tri State based wrestling promotion, Ring of Honor. With passion and fire, owner and booker Wade laid out his vision.


It is with great pleasure I stand before you today, announcing the future of the professional wrestling industry. This company be like no other, this is no "Main Event-lite" style wrestling. The greatest athletes and in-ring talent available will call Ring of Honor home, where we show RESPECT for WRESTLING.


When pressed on what kind of talent we can expect to see, Wade had no problem leaking the roster he's put together thus far.


My roster? How's this for a roster?!


Ace Steel

Nick Dinsmore

CW Anderson

Steve Armstrong

Ron Killings

Steve Corino

Adam Copeland

Yoshihiro Tajiri

Kaz Hayashi

Jamie Noble

Lance Storm

Matt Hardy

Jeff Hardy

Christian Cage

Mike Awesome

Jerry Lynn


This isn't hyperbole ladies and gentlemen. Not only will these young, hungry athletes be competing in Ring of Honor, but they'll be competing LIVE, Wednesday night, December 31st, at the A&M Schwartz Center in NEW YORK CITY! Get your tickets quick, folks. They won't last long.


With that, the press conference concluded as Wade was led away.

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The lights dim in the arena, before slowly rising up to show ready. Music hits the speakers while the ring remains empty.




A murmur slowly gets louder as a man approaches the ring. By the time he stands in the center, the 1,000 people packed into the A&M Schwartz Center in New York City sound more like 10,000.




Bruno Sammartino! Bruno Sammartino is in the building and he's reaching for a microphone!


Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to welcome you to the genesis, the genesis of Ring of Honor!


The crowd erupts in approval at the legend's presence and incluson in the product, showering the Hall of Immortal member with chants of "SAM-MAR-TI-NO, clap, clap, clapclapclap" for minutes on end.


We are here tonight to christen a new beginning. To earn the respect of you, the fans, by showing respect to the sport of professional wrestling.


The raucous crowd erupts again, with different sections chanting the names of their favorite wrestlers listed on the leaked roster.


I am pleased to announce an 8 man tournament in Ring of Honor, starting tonight. Eight of the world's best will be competing. The matchups are as follows.


Sammartino motions to the projector screen, as graphics appear showing the first round matchups.


http://i60.tinypic.com/6dst9i.jpg vs. http://i62.tinypic.com/34sf85f.jpg


http://i57.tinypic.com/2uhbted.jpg vs. http://i62.tinypic.com/357oyzp.jpg


http://i62.tinypic.com/am5enp.jpg vs. http://i61.tinypic.com/m93jpx.jpg


http://i57.tinypic.com/28br05v.jpg vs. http://i62.tinypic.com/25rctph.jpg


Plus two other matches for you tonight! I welcome YOU, to Ring of Honor!





http://i60.tinypic.com/6dst9i.jpg vs. http://i62.tinypic.com/34sf85f.jpg


Jerry Lynn extends his hand in a sign of respect for wrestling, and Daniels obliges. Lock-up in the center, Daniels transitions to the headlock. Lynn uses the ropes to work out, but Daniels has a hand-full of hair! Referee warning as the fans buy in to the heat. The action picks up, Lynn getting the upper-hand in a catch-as-catch-can display. Lynn tries for a clothesline, but Daniels ducks under, giving him the opening he needs for a chop block to the left knee. Daniels works over the knee viciously for several minutes, methodically grounding the high flyer. As Daniels prepares to set up his finisher, Lynn finds second wind. Back body drop out of the Angel's Wings and flying off the ropes for a cross body, Lynn picks Daniels up, scoops him into the Cradle Piledriver and covers for the 1, 2, 3. WINNER: Jerry Lynn. 52


Ace Steele and Steve Armstrong are seen backstage, psyching each other up.


Ace, you're the future, kid. You've got the look. You've got the build. And you can flat out GO in that ring. Now it's time to show the world.


Ace Steele nods approvingly, raising his head to make eye-contact with Armstrong.


And you, you, Steve Armstrong, are one of the best damn wrestlers this world's ever produced. You're a freakin Armstrong, damnit! Let's kick some ass!


The team heads out from the curtain, smiling at the crowd and playfully engaging some of the children nearby, when two men come flying in from out of the crowd and begin working the two over stiff, mocking the kids as they stomp at their heads and backs.




http://i62.tinypic.com/j66ef4.jpg & http://i57.tinypic.com/2dmikwh.jpg vs. http://i59.tinypic.com/10z4i1x.jpg & http://i58.tinypic.com/2m49mbc.jpg


Adam Copeland and Christian Cage roll Steele and Armstrong into the ring, demanding along the way that referee Jack Doan ring the bell. Once inside, it doesn't take long for Copeland to cutoff Steele from the ring in his own corner. Quick tags and impressive teamwork shown early from Copeland and Cage, with double-team moves coming frequently and fluently. Steele gets the crowd behind him as Cage works a shoulder lock, manages to get to his feet and knock Cage off his with a clothesline. Steele is crawling to his corner for the hot tag, stretching out for Armstrong... who is yanked off the apron by Copeland! Clubbing forearm to the back of the head followed by an irish whip into the post leaves Armstrong down and out. Copeland laughs at Steele, who realizes he's now all alone. Turning around he finds Cage waiting for him, hitting an impressive enziguiri into a spear from Copeland. It's elementary at this point, 1, 2, 3. WINNERS: Adam Copeland & Christian Cage. 34


Copeland reaches for a microphone as Cage takes a chair to Armstrong, who hasn't moved a muscle since hitting the post hard.


So this is it, huh? The "homeland" for the best wrestlers around? Where "Honor" and "Respect" are more than just words? Hah! Here's some words for you: Kiss my ass!


The crowd boos and hisses in disapproval, mocking the relative unknown young lion with chants of "Who are you? Who are you? Who are you?" and "Bring back Jer-ry clap, clap, clapclapclap". Cage grabs the mic while Copeland turns his attention back to Steele, kicking him outside the ring and following him to the floor with stomps.


There's only one thing to respect around here. The Future Vision of the tag team division in this industry, Christian Cage & Adam Copeland!


Cage & Copeland taunt fans at ringside as they make their way backstage.


Once backstage, we find Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy talking with some of the female fans they picked out of the crowd. Reminded he's a part of the 8 man tournament, he hurriedly rushes to the ring.




http://i57.tinypic.com/2uhbted.jpg vs. http://i62.tinypic.com/357oyzp.jpg


Despite hitting the ring hot with dropkicks and cross body's off the ropes, the (overwhelmingly) male population of the crowd aren't buying in to Matt Hardy's gimmick right away, and they let it be known with chants of "Pretty Boy! Pretty Boy! Pretty Boy!" Steve Corino is using every heel trick to try and get the crowd to turn on him, but it's only mildly effective. Eye gouge, raking the back. It takes a blatant low-blow to get the crowd feeling for Hardy. Corino's still in control, however, as he places Matt on the top rope for a superplex. Matt comes to life, working right hands into the ribs of Corino and pushing him off the second rope. Matt climbs to the top, raises his hands in an odd gesture, and hits an impressive flying legdrop! Here's the cover, 1, 2, 3! WINNER: Matt Hardy. 44


The announcing team of Owner and Booker Wade and colour commentator Dutch Mantell is shown on the projection screen, discussing the eight members of the tournament during intermission.


We come back from intermission to find Kaz Hayashi and Ron Killings already in the ring, waiting and ready to go.




http://i58.tinypic.com/2qko1ao.jpg vs. http://i57.tinypic.com/15ga44j.jpg


Killings wins over the crowd early with some dance moves and a freestyle verbal beatdown of Kaz Hayashi. "I'm sorry dawg, most say that I'm nice, but you gotta go back home, I ain't servin up rice! It's just beatdowns on the menu, 212 you know that I'm reppin', time to whoop this kid's ass, Ron K said it and he meant it!" The crowd buys in to the energy Killings has and is quick to turn on Hayashi when he gets to work before the bell rings. The ref pulls Kaz out of the corner and allows Killings to his feet. Killings comes at Hayashi hard and fast, getting the upper hand until Hayashi sees a discus clothesline coming. Ducking under and hitting the ropes for a springboard DDT, Hayashi is quick to his feet and eyes the fallen Killings. Crouched in the corner, waiting for him to stand, Hayashi hits his patented Hayashi Cutter and slides in for the easy 1, 2, 3. WINNER: Kaz Hayashi. 36


Lance Storm is shown warming up backstage, the crowd cheers the well known technical ring worker. Storm makes his way through the curtain and eyeballs the crowd, specifically a fan holding out a picture and a marker. Storm grabs the picture and marker, looks at it, and rips it in half in front of the fan! With a smirk on his face, he darts the marker at the fan's face and makes his way to the ring, where Yoshihiro Tajiri awaits.




http://i62.tinypic.com/am5enp.jpg vs. http://i61.tinypic.com/m93jpx.jpg


Tajiri gets to work early with kicks to the legs and body of Storm. Storm is fighting back, but is struggling with the speed of Tajiri. Tajiri goes to the well one too many times with the kicks, as Storm catches and quickly uses a Dragon Whip to bring Tajiri to the mat. Storm floats over into a headlock, working the neck before transitioning to a shoulder lock. From there he floats back for an STF, wrenching on the martial artist as he taunts the crowd. "Who's cheering now, ya fat slobs?!" he shouts as Tajiri struggles in the hold. Storm to his feet, isolating a hand and stomping at it. Bringing Tajiri to his feet, hits a Northern Lights suplex, and locks in the Canadian Maple Leaf to earn the submission win. The bell rings, but Storm continues to wrench on the hold long after the match is over, forcing referee Mark Johnson to get involved and break the hold.WINNER: Lance Storm. 48


The screen shows Bruno Sammartino backstage talking with the competitors from our main event, Mike Awesome and Marty Jannetty.


Alright guys. We've had a great show so far. Everyone in the ring has brought it. I'm asking you guys to bring it, too. Respect each other, and earn their respect.


Jannetty nods his head and shakes Bruno's hand, while Awesome rolls his eyes and walks away.




http://i57.tinypic.com/28br05v.jpg vs. http://i62.tinypic.com/25rctph.jpg


Jannetty uses his speed early to get the advantage over Awesome. Moving quickly off the ropes and from hold to hold, arm drag to drop kick, drop toe hold to elbow drop. Awesome rolls outside as the crowd serenades Jannetty. Marty off the ropes, goes for a plancha over the top but whiffs big time as Awesome rolls away. Quick to seize the opportunity, Awesome throws Jannetty into the steps, then back in the ring. Showing his strength, Awesome hits a gutwrench suplex. Then a german suplex. Then an overhead belly to belly suplex. Finally, he mercilessly picks Jannetty up and hits him with the Awesome Bomb for the 1, 2, 3.WINNER: Mike Awesome. 52


The announcers remind everyone to log-on to ROHisWrestling.com to find out the details of the 2nd round match-ups as the lights fade out in the building.



Show Rating: 50

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ROHisWrestling.com provided us with the following press release today:


After putting on a memorable display of hard-hitting action and high quality wrestling in front of a jam-packed A&M Schwartz Center in New York City, we here at Ring of Honor have heard your demands! We're coming BACK for Round 2 of the 8 man tournament, as well as the returns of Marty Jannetty, Steve Corino, The Future Vision Adam Copeland & Christian Cage, and many more!


Advertised matches for the Friday, January 8th, 1998 show are as follows:


Marty Jannetty vs. Steve Corino

Jamie Noble vs. Steve Armstrong

The Future Vision (Adam Copeland & Christian Cage) vs. Ace Steele and Yoshihiro Tajiri

Christopher Daniels & Kaz Hayashi vs. Nick Dinsmore & Ron Killings

Jerry Lynn vs. Lance Storm (Round 2 Match)

Matt Hardy vs. Mike Awesome (Round 2 Match)




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Today on ROHisWrestling.com, we take an in-depth look at the roster of Ring of Honor.



Mike Awesome

Lance Storm

Marty Jannetty

Jerry Lynn



Christopher Daniels

Matt Hardy



Adam Copeland

Yoshiro Tajiri

Steve Armstrong



Christian Cage

Jeff Hardy

Kaz Hayashi



Ace Steel

Jamie Noble

Ron Killings



C.W. Anderson


Owner/Booker Wade has teased some signings to be announced at Ring of Honor's next event, ROH Proving Ground, this Friday night, 01/08/98 at the A&M Shwartz Center. Three new wrestlers will be confirmed live at the show, and we've gotten a shortlist of wrestlers rumored to be the new signings.




Tommy Rogers

Mikey Whipwreck

Mascara Sagrada

Chris Benoit

James Maritato

William Regal

Rob Van Dam

Jushin Liger

La Parka

TAKA Michinoku


Who will be the three new wrestlers in Ring of Honor? Meet us down at the A&M Schwartz Center on Friday the 8th to find out.


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