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MAW: As Fair as it gets! (2008 Mod)

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We were all over at Rip Chord's house, getting ready for the annual MAW New Year's Eve party. Night of Champions had just wrapped up the night before but the show was less than overwhelming. While the purists and die hard fans loved it, there just weren't as many of those as there used to be. Still the mood has light and most of the roster was enjoying the free food and drink. It was at that moment that Rip called me over. "Hey Jay, come walk with me for a sec, okay?"


"Sure boss, what's up?"


He shook his head and opened the door. I stepped outside into the cold December air, pulling my jacket close as Rip stepped through and shut the door behind him. We started walking, Rip looking as somber and dejected as I had ever seen him.


"We go way back Jay and I have to be honest with you. MAW is failing. We are losing money and losing attendance every month. At the current rate I am not sure how long I will be able to keep the promotion open."


I stared at him for a good while composing my thoughts. "Boss, the problem is we are stuck in the past. I know you had a vision for what you wanted MAW to be but the fact is what we offer isn't what the people want anymore. Even for smaller promotions we are a relic. If you want to survive you need to be willing to change with the times."


Rip Chord stopped and looked at me while scratching his chin. "Well what do you suggest we do then?"


"I suggest you find a new head booker. Jean is a great guy but he hates change almost as much as you do. Besides he is getting burnt out running things backstage, you can tell. What we need is a shake up, someone new and fresh."


A small smile crossed his lips, "I couldn't agree more. Well that is not entirely true. I think we do need a new vision, someone to take us in a new direction but I don't think we need someone from the outside. As a matter of fact I think that bringing in an outsider would be a mistake. I don't want to totally change MAW just freshen it up. I need someone who already knows the promotion and who knows the business."


I looked at him confused. "So who were you thinking of putting in charge? Marv? He has a good mind for the game but he is not very loyal."


Rip shook his head. "No, I was thinking I wanted you to do the job. Jay you have a load of experience. You have worked all over the country and with all sorts of companies. No one in MAW knows the business better than you. Besides I know that you will put your blood, sweat and tears into this company. The boys will see that, they will respond to you, they will trust you. That is what we need right now. So will you take the job?"


I was stunned, all I could do was mindlessly nod my head for a few moments before I collected myself. "Alright boss, I am not sure this is one of your best decisions but if you want me to run MAW for you, then I will!"

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First Day On The Job!


So it's the day after New Year's. The holidays are offically done and it is time to get back to work. Boy does that have a whole new meaning. Two days ago my boss, Rip Chord, promoted me to the position of Head Booker. Now I am sitting in my studio apartment looking over the promotion's roster and looking at the promotional flyer the marketing department put out. Luckily they were vague on specifics for most of the event. They even forgot to promote the Rip Chord Invitational, which actually works out because I decided to move it to July. But I digress. Back to the promotional flyer.


Only two solid booked matches. Let's see, hmmmm, Erik Strong vs. Citizen X for the Mid Atlantic Championship. Not my first choice but it's not terrible either. I can definitely work with that. And The Canadian Blondes vs. CV^2 for the Mid Atlantic Tag Titles. Okay, so the Blondes begin their second title defense against the upstarts. Actually that works out really well. What else do I got to deal with...hmmm...Mean Jean Cattley in one on one action, okay, vague but at least it gives me some freedom. Plus Antonio in singles action against a special guest. Wait! What? What special guest? I will have to figure that out soon.


Perusing over the rest of the roster. I still have Ricky Douglas, The Masked Patriot, Findlay O'Farraday to figure out what to do with. Okay, well let's see a couple of months back we made Ernest Forthdyke-Hume our on screen authority and since he manages Findlay, I can use Findlay as Hume's private enforcer. This might work out well especially since Hume and Strong have a budding feud going on.


I continue to glance over the roster, working out my first show. It has to be a good one. First issue is that Jean let Antonio start using that snooty Italian gimmick. It isn't very good but I can't have him change yet so I am stuck with it. Maybe I can have him feud with The Patriot. Yeah, that might work out well and I can use the new kid, McManus, to start it off. Second issue, I am not sure what to do with Jean, right now he just doesn't fit in anywhere. Oh well, I will just have him work against some of our midcarders and see if anything pops. Final thing is I need someone else to replace Eddie Howard, hmmm, I have heard good things about this kid out of Vegas, Jefferson Stardust, I think I will give him a call and see if he wants a tryout.So let's see, I think I got it.


Opening Match - Findlay O'Farraday vs. Curtis Jenkins

2nd Match - Antonio vs. Riley McManus

3rd Match - The Canadian Blondes vs. CV^2

4th Match - Huey Cannonball vs. Randy Maxx

5th Match - Ricky Douglas vs. Jefferson Stardust

6th Match - Mean Jean Cattley vs. The Masked Patriot

Main Event - Citizen X vs. Erik Strong


Yep that will be my first show - Brawl At The Hall!

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Opening Match - Findlay O'Farraday vs. Curtis Jenkins

2nd Match - Antonio vs. Riley McManus

3rd Match - The Canadian Blondes vs. CV^2

4th Match - Huey Cannonball vs. Randy Maxx

5th Match - Ricky Douglas vs. Jefferson Stardust

6th Match - Mean Jean Cattley vs. The Masked Patriot

Main Event - Citizen X vs. Erik Strong


This should be terrific. FYI: Mean Jean had only been booker for less than two years at game start, Karen Killer was MAW Booker from 2005-06.


Love what I've seen so far, this has to be my early favorite to nominate for October DOTM.

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Opening Match - Findlay O'Farraday vs. Curtis Jenkins

2nd Match - Antonio vs. Riley McManus

3rd Match - The Canadian Blondes vs. CV^2

4th Match - Huey Cannonball vs. Randy Maxx

5th Match - Ricky Douglas vs. Jefferson Stardust

6th Match - Mean Jean Cattley vs. The Masked Patriot

Main Event - Citizen X vs. Erik Strong

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Brawl In The Hall




The show opens with the lights dimming and Winter Cometh filling the arena. The blue lights start to come up and several blue smoke bombs explode, temporarily filling the arena with an eerie blue haze. After the smoke clears Ernest Forthdyke-Hume steps out from behind the curtain and swaggers to the ring. He climbs in and takes a hold of the microphone.


HUME: Welcome loyal subjects of Mid Atlantic Wrestling. In his infinite wisdom Mr. Rip Chord has decided to name me as interim commissioner of MAW while he is away working on other business ventures. And my first order of business is to DEMAND the presence of Erik Strong in this ring forthwith.


The speakers of Stanley Hall spring to life with Starstruck as Erik Strong makes his appearance. He looks annoyed as he slowly makes his way toward the ring.


HUME: Mr. Strong, to be honest with you I am tired of your utter lack of respect for my personage. In September I came to with an offer to assist you on your path to stardom but you chose to reject my generosity. The last month I came to you again to request a match for my client. Not only did you decide not to acquiesce to my request but you chose to bodily assault me as well. To be frank I am a bit put out by your Erik. But I am a forgiving man who does not hold a grudge and since I noticed that your ring work has become a bit sloppy as of late I decided to assist you by booking you in a warm-up match here tonight!


STRONG: What are you talking about?


HUME: This!


Findlay O’Farraday appears behind Erik Strong and delivers a hard running forearm smash that sends Strong sailing to the floor. Findlay follows up with a series of stomps and kicks and then drags Strong into the ring. He poses to the crowd, which draws a round of jeers, before he lifts Strong up and drives him into the mat with an Irish Carbomb! Findlay drops down into a cover and Hume leans over and counts..1..2..3.


HUME: Ladies and Gentlemen! Your winner! Findlay O’Farraday!

** Rating = E- **


Findlay O’Farrady vs. Curtis Jenkins


Findlay is dominant in this match. He opens with a brutal assault and had an obvious pin fall chance very early, which he pulls Jenkins out of. A brief but ineffective rally by Jenkins ends with a big boot to the face. Findlay delivers the Irish Carbomb and this match is over.

The winner is Findlay O’Farrady!

** Rating = E **


((BACKSTORY: It seems that sometime in January Antonio received a large inheritance from a distant uncle that lived in Italy. As part of this inheritance there was a supposed document that stated Antonio was a direct descendant of Julius Caesar!))


Stanley Hall fills with red and gold light as Hail Caesar begins to trumpet over the speakers and Antonio dressed in a gold-trimmed toga and wearing a crown of golden laurels strolls slowly down the aisle, ignoring the jeers, as he waves to the crowd. He climbs into the ring and grabs a microphone.


ANTONIO: Plebeians of Mid Atlantic Wrestling. It has come to our attention that we are descendant from Roman imperial blood. We now decree that from this moment forward we shall be addressed as Antonius Caesar. Furthermore…


Antonius Caesar (Antonio) vs. Riley McManus

McManus interrupts Antonius’ speech and wastes no time taking the fight to Antonius. McManus counters Antonius’ offense very effectively and is in complete control of the match until uses an eye gouge. That leads to a school boy roll-up by Antonius, along with a handful of tights gets the three count.

Antonius Caesar is the winner!

** Rating = E+ **


Riley McManus is arguing his case to the referee while Antonius sneaks up behind him. Antonius blindsides McManus with the Italian DDT! He rolls out of the ring, grabs the ring bell, and slides back in. He raises the bell and waits for McManus to start to get up. Suddenly, The Masked Patriot races down the aisle. Antonius dives out of the ring and quickly retreats backstage, hurling threats and insults at The Patriot as he goes.

** Rating = E- **



((BACKSTORY: After a long feud the Canadian Blondes became the Mid Atlantic Tag Team champions when they defeated Natural Storm in a Loser Leaves Town Match at “Night Of Champions” when Oscar Golden hit Eddie Howard with a foreign object. As they left the ring CV^2 came out of the crowd and began to beat down Natural Storm. Suddenly the Canadian Blondes rushed back to the ring carrying chairs, but instead of joining in the attack on Natural Storm they drove off CV^2.))


The Canadian Blondes vs. CV^2

Oscar Golden and Cameron Vessey start off the match. The action is fast paced and back and forth early on. Then CV^2 manage to trap Golden in their corner and take control of the match. Golden hits a jaw jacker out of nowhere and makes the tag. Savage hits the ring with a lot of energy, sending Vessey to the concrete. The Blondes take advantage and execute the Blonde Bombshell. Oscar Golden covers Casey Valentine for the pin fall.

The Canadian Blondes are the winners and still MAW Tag Team Champions!

** Rating = D **


Huey Cannonball vs. Randy Maxx

Huey starts the match by ducking into the ropes every time Maxx gets close. Maxx begins to grow frustrated and makes a mistake that Cannonball capitalizes on. Huey presses his advantage but decides to go for a big move too soon and misses. Maxx counters and looks very good. However, Maxx tries to climb the ropes and gets knocked off. Huey does a crazy slingshot plancha onto the floor, which almost leads to a double count out. Cannonball manages to get Maxx into the ring, hits the Cannonball Run and scores the three count.

Huey Cannonball is the winner!

** Rating = E **


We see Mean Jean Cattley walking backstage. He walks up to Ernest Forthdyke-Hume.


MEAN JEAN: Since you’re the new man in charge around here I thought I would let you know that I deserve a shot at the MAW championship. That runt Strong has been ducking me since he won the title. He has never beaten me and he never will. He is a paper champion and I will prove it. So what do you say? Do I get my title match?


Hume slowly turns around and places his monocle in his eye.


HUME: You know Mr. Cattley you are right about one thing. I am the man in charge as you colonials say. And I do concur that Erik Strong is a paper champion as it were. So, yes I am inclined to grant your request. I will have one of my assistants draw up the contract. Do we have an accord?


Hume extends his right hand and after a moment’s delay reaches out and shakes it.

** Rating = D **


Ricky Douglas vs. Jefferson Stardust

Ricky Douglas is all business in this match, he doesn’t even have entrance music. Douglas systematically applies hold after hold on Stardust and is in complete control of the match. He locks a standing arm scissors onto Stardust right in the middle of the ring and it appears that Stardust is ready to tap. However, Cat Jemson climbs on the ring apron drawing the attention of Jay Fair. Stardust uses this opportunity to use a low blow on Douglas. He takes control of the match and looks very impressive. He goes for the Stage Dive but Douglas rolls out of the way. Douglas is able to use the mistake to lock on the Figure Four right in the middle of the ring and Stardust quickly taps.

Ricky Douglas is the winner!

** Rating = E+ **


Red, White, and Blue lights fill Stanley Hall and Patriotic Rhapsody drones out of the speakers and the crowd cheers as the The Masked Patriot marches out the ring waving the American flag. He climbs into the ring and grabs a microphone.


The Masked Patriot: <places hand over heart> I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for…


Mean Jean Cattley vs The Masked Patriot

Mean Jean Cattley does not let The Patriot finish the pledge and this match starts with a series of great holds and counter holds with neither man able to gain the advantage. The match remains back and forth with neither man able to sustain any offense. The Patriot has the obvious size and strength advantage and begins to wear down Mean Jean with a series of high impact slams and suplexes. Mean Jean is able to deliver a chop block to the knee of the Patriot which leaves him hobbling around the ring. Cattley is relentless in his attack of the injured knee and takes charge of the match. He executes the Mood Swing and covers The Masked Patriot for the three count.

Mean Jean Cattley is the winner!

** Rating = C- **


Erik Strong vs. Citizen X

The match starts slowly with a feeling out period between the two men. It is Citizen X that takes the early advantage with some nice technical wrestling. As his momentum builds X hits a huge dropkick that sends Strong to the floor. Strong uses the break to gain his composure and goes on the offensive. Strong brings the crowd to its feet with a series of monkey flips that leave X dazed. Strong climbs the turnbuckle and nails X with the Strong Sault. Strong covers X for an apparent three count, however Ernest Forthdyke-Hume appears and states that the pin fall doesn’t count because the Strong Sault is an illegal move. He proclaims that Erik Strong cannot use the Strong Sault again and if he does he will be stripped of his title. He then orders the match to continue. Citizen X takes advantage of Hume’s interruption with a huge neck breaker. He presses the attack and has Strong reeling. Citizen X sets Strong up for the Flaming Anarchy, however, Strong counters with small package. The move surprises X and Strong is able to hold on for the pin fall.

The winner and still Mid Atlantic Champion is Erik Strong!

** Rating = D **

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Fair Statement


Well Brawl in the Hall went extremely well. I mean it had its problems for sure but we had 234 people show up for the event and it drew mostly positive reviews from all the internet blogs that usually follow us. So my next question is, “How do I follow that up?”


Looking over the roster and reviewing the match performances I really like what I see in that Findlay O’Farraday. I think that Jean was way under utilizing him. He and Ernest are a great team and together I think they could go far. I am seeing possible MAW champion in his future. Now I just have to figure out how to make him come out of this Hume/Strong feud looking good.


Another good pairing was Cannonball and Maxx. They really worked well together. I see both of them having a lot of success down the road but right now they really need to learn how to make matches flow. They need to pace themselves and set up those big moves. But they both have an array of jaw-dropping moves at their disposal.


The Mean Jean vs. Patriot match was the star of the show. Patriot definitely has the feel of a future champion. But he does need to learn to sell some more. Right now that superheroesque patriot gimmick lets him get away with it but that will only play with the fans for so long.


It has taken him a while to get going but Ricky Douglas finally looks like he gets it. His new ultra-serious no nonsense wrestler vibe works for him and he is really learning how to make those submission holds look painful. Plus he is no longer trying to be flashy, which doesn’t suit him at all. As a side note I need to keep in mind a possible tag team consisting of Douglas and Findlay.


Now what about this month’s show, because I need to get rolling so the marketing folks can print out some flyers and promotional posters. I need to build some intensity in the feuds so let’s see what we can do. Hmmm, I wonder how well Huey and Jeff will team together, I guess we shall see.


Okay I think I got it. Our February show will be called Capitol Punishment. And the line up goes something like this:


Findlay O’Farraday vs. Riley McManus

Simply Awesome (Cannonball & Stardust) vs. The Canadian Blondes

Citizen X vs. The Masked Patriot

Curtis Jenkins vs. Mean Jean Cattley

Casey Valentine vs. Randy Maxx

Cameron Vessey vs. Ricky Douglas

Antonius Caesar vs. Erik Strong

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  • 2 weeks later...

Capitol Punishment




The Stanley Hall lights dim and some red and yellow smoke bombs explode as Rock God fills the arena. Jefferson Stardust and Cat Jemson stroll out from behind stage.


STARDUST: Mid Atlantic Wrestling, I have come out here tonight to let you know that I have heard your plea. I know your pain. I know you suffer from having to watch boring and lifeless tag team wrestling. So, because I love all of you adoring fans, I have decided to fix this for you. I came out here to announce that I will be teaming with the only other member of the MAW roster capable of giving you what you want…exciting tag team wrestling. Please welcome my new partner…


Lady Killer begins to thump out of the speakers as Huey Cannonball saunters to the ring. He and Stardust give each other a hug.


CANNONBALL: That’s right Jefferson and thanks to the fact that we are Simply Awesome, we have secured a title shot here tonight. Finally the MAW fans will have tag team champs worthy of respect and I know that they all agree with me that will be SIMPLY AWESOME.

** Rating = E+ **


Findlay O’Farrady vs. Riley McManus


Riley McManus starts this match off as a ball of fire, however, his offense seems to do very little damage to the big Georgian. Findlay fires back with some simple punches and strikes but staggers McManus. McManus tries to counter but is stopped with a couple of big clotheslines. Findlay follows with a couple of big power slams then finishes McManus off with the Irish Carbomb!

The winner is Findlay O’Farrady!

** Rating = E+ **


The Canadian Blondes vs. Simply Awesome

Stardust starts off against Savage and opens with a furious attack. However, Savage counters and the Blondes execute some swift and smooth tags and manage to keep Stardust trapped in their corner. Stardust finally manages to escape following a cheap shot and tag in Cannonball. Huey lights up the ring hitting some big spots but the Blondes experience allows them to recapture momentum. Golden nails Cannonball with the Blonde Bombshell but Cat Jemson distracts referee Jay Fair, delaying the pin count. This allows Cannonball to kick out, then escape to make the tag. Stardust comes in and momentarily takes control, but a tag to Savage turns the tide. Savage locks Stardust in the Canadian Crab right in the center of the ring. Stardust wastes no time in tapping out.

The Canadian Blondes are the winners and still MAW Tag Team Champions!

** Rating = D- **


As the match ends Cameron Vessey and Casey Valentine rush the ring from backstage. The two men double body slam Flash Savage over the top rope and send him crashing hard onto the concrete floor. Golden tries to come to the aid of his partner but Vessey and Valentine viciously assault him before delivering the Flying V. Leaving Golden down and out. The two men add a few more kicks and stomps for good measure before retreating backstage.

** Rating = E- **


Citizen X vs. The Masked Patriot

X opens the match by asking for a test of strength, when The Patriot agrees X delivers a cheap shot. X quickly presses his advantage with some hard chops, elbow smashes, and forearm uppercuts. He then delivers a mean DDT and goes for the cover. The Patriot just barely kicks out. X again tries to go on the offense but The Patriot counters with some nice technical wrestling that frustrates X. The Patriot then hits a couple of big body slams that leads to a powerbomb. Citizen X manages to reach the rope to break the pin fall attempt. The Patriot begins to deal out more punishment until X hits a dropkick to the knee from out of nowhere. He follows up with a springboard knee lift. The Flaming Anarchy follows and Citizen X makes the cover for the three count.

Citizen X is your winner!

** Rating = D+ **


Mean Jean Cattley vs. Curtis Jenkins

An angry Mean Jean opens with a flurry of punches and chops that leaves CJ reeling. Mean Jean follows up with a series of hard forearms to the back. CJ tries to counter but is sent into the ropes and rebounds into a hard belly to belly suplex. Mean Jean presses the offense even more and CJ looks completely dazed. Cattley goes for the cover but CJ manages to get a foot on the bottom rope. Mean Jean continues to press the attack and drives CJ to the mat with a huge DDT. A groggy CJ gets to his feet and walks into the Mood Swing. Cattley covers CJ and Jay Fair counts the three.

Mean Jean Cattley is your winner!

** Rating = D+ **


Backstage Antonius Caesar bumps into The Masked Patriot. Antonius mocks The Patriot for his loss and tosses out a couple of anti-American insults. The Patriot retaliates with a punch to the mouth. The two men end up in a slug fest throughout the backstage area before it is broken up by arena staff.

** Rating = E-**


Casey Valentine vs. Randy Maxx

Randy Maxx surprises Valentine with some high flying moves right out of the gate. Valentine can’t seem to get his bearings and Maxx takes advantage with a tornado DDT. However, Maxx presses his luck a little too much climbing to the top turnbuckle for a frog splash but Valentine rolled out of the way. Valentine presses the attack now with a series of headbutts then follows with a double chicken wing, trying to force a submission. Maxx makes it the ropes to break the hold and begins to fight back with a series of clotheslines that levels Valentine. But Maxx misses an elbow drop and Valentine wastes no time delivering the Deep Impact. Valentine hooks the leg and gets the pin fall.

Casey Valentine is the winner!

** Rating = D **


Cameron Vessey vs. Ricky Douglas

The match starts with a quick series of holds and counter-holds and neither man can seem to get the upper hand until Vessey is able to deliver a wicked knee to the midsection. Vessey presses his attack eventually driving Douglas into the corner where he delivers a series of chops across the chest. For some reason the crowd yells “WOOOO” after every chop. Douglas manages to fight back and is able to wrap Vessey in a waistlock which he follows up with a series of rolling German suplexes. There is the pin fall attempt but Vessey escapes after two. There is another exchange of holds and counter-holds by the two men. Vessey again gains the upper hand and after a pair of body slams is able to execute the Vessey Driver. He covers Douglas and is able to hold on for the three count.

Your winner is Cameron Vessey!

** Rating = D- **


Welcome to the Machine roars through the speakers and Mean Jean Cattley stalks his way to the ring.


CATTLEY: At Brawl In The Hall I was promised a title shot and lo’ and behold here we are I didn’t get no title shot. Well don’t worry MAW fans I knows that you’n want to see me and Erik Strong go one-on-one and you are going to get yours wish. You see it is only a matter of time before I catch up with Strong and whens I do. Bam! Mood Swing and the MAW title will be back arounds my waist where it belongs. Make nos mistake about it, I will be the next Mid Atlantic champ and there ain’t nothing you or anyone, even Erik Strong can do about it.


Cattley drops the microphone and stalks backstage.

** Rating = D- **


Erik Strong vs. Antonius Caesar

“Hail Caesar” fills the arena and Antonius struts to the ring. He grabs the microphone.


ANTONIUS: Plebians of MAW I have a royal decree given to me by your illustrious monarch, Lord Hume. It is to remind the official of this contest that Mr. Strong’s finisher, the Strong Sault, is still considered an illegal move and to use it in the match is grounds for disqualification.


The match starts off with Erik Strong taking the fight to Antonius. Strong has Antonius reeling and finally drives him to the mat with a vertical suplex. After a big leg drop Strong goes for the cover but Antonius kicks out. Strong again goes on the offense but Antonius counters and begins to gain momentum. He whips Strong into the corner and follows with a running knee that levels the champ. An elbow drop and another and a third and Antonius with a cover of his own, Strong kicks out. Antonius attempts a body slam but Strong slides down the back and runs Antonius into the ropes. Antonius holds on and Strong rebounds right into Jay Fair, knocking the referee out. Antonius goes for a springboard dropkick but Strong sidesteps it. Strong with a DDT! He climbs the turnbuckle and comes off with the Strong Sault! Strong checks on the referee then makes the cover. There is the three count!

The winner and still Mid Atlantic Champion is Erik Strong!

** Rating = D- **

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