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WWE 2K14: Changing Of The Guard

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Smackdown Preview


Sheamus vs Jack Swagger



Finn Balor and Hideo Itami vs Los Matadores



Heath Slater vs Rusev



Brie Bella and Kaitlyn vs Nikki Bella and Paige



John Morison vs Bad News Barrett



Seth Rollins and The Miz vs Roman Reigns and Bray Wyatt



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Smackdown Preview


Sheamus vs Jack Swagger



Finn Balor and Hideo Itami vs Los Matadores



Heath Slater vs Rusev



Brie Bella and Kaitlyn vs Nikki Bella and Paige



John Morison vs Bad News Barrett



Seth Rollins and The Miz vs Roman Reigns and Bray Wyatt



Comments on previous show/dynasty in general: Looking forward to the Rumble

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As a quick question, does this mean things are suddenly looking a lot better for Daniel Bryan and he is returning to wrestling at the Royal Rumble (in your diary).


I don't give away secrets like that. :p


I will say, though, I've already booked up through the Royal Rumble in my game, and did so before last night's announcement

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Sheamus vs Jack Swagger

Comments: Sheamus is too strong


Finn Balor and Hideo Itami vs Los Matadores

Comments: Come on now...


Heath Slater vs Rusev

Comments: Read above...


Brie Bella and Kaitlyn vs Nikki Bella and Paige

Comments: I <3 Paige


John Morison vs Bad News Barrett

Comments: Tough one but I like Bad News


Seth Rollins and The Miz vs Roman Reigns and Bray Wyatt

Comments: Only because I hate The Miz


Comments on previous show/dynasty in general: I am still playing catch up with this and other diaries due to being busy at work but I like the CM Punk swerve in the last show and it'll be interesting to see how you book/write Cena in an I Quit match against perhaps the toughest person currently in WWE. Keep it up pal!

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Sheamus vs Jack Swagger

Comments: Sheamus is too strong


Finn Balor and Hideo Itami vs Los Matadores

Comments: Come on now...


Heath Slater vs Rusev

Comments: Read above...


Brie Bella and Kaitlyn vs Nikki Bella and Paige

Comments: I <3 Paige


John Morison vs Bad News Barrett

Comments: Tough one but I like Bad News


Seth Rollins and The Miz vs Roman Reigns and Bray Wyatt

Comments: Only because I hate The Miz


Comments on previous show/dynasty in general: I am still playing catch up with this and other diaries due to being busy at work but I like the CM Punk swerve in the last show and it'll be interesting to see how you book/write Cena in an I Quit match against perhaps the toughest person currently in WWE. Keep it up pal!


I'm glad it's got your intrigue. :D Without giving anything away, I intentionally wanted to book the hardest match to predict that I possibly could. Brock has been on a roll, and how can you predict against him? (very few people have, so far, in fact). But it's John Cena for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship in his home town, in a match he's never lost. I'm interested to see how the prediction results go on that one.

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Week 1 January from MI Van Andel Arena


Sheamus defeated Jack Swagger in a C+ match following a Brogue Kick. After he's won, he takes a microphone and cuts a promo saying that now that he's done with The Big Show, he's going to go on and win the Royal Rumble.


Bray Wyatt has a video package wherein he says that he's going to defeat The Miz and rid the WWE of his pride once and for all.


A video package airs for the John Cena vs Brock Lesnar title match at the Royal Rumble, including the announcement of John Cena that it will be an I Quit match.


Finn Balor and Hideo Itami defeated Los Matadores in a D match when Balor hit a double foot stomp on Diego. Afterwards, Balor takes a microphone and says that they're going to take the titles from Goldust and Stardust at the Royal Rumble.


Rusev defeated Heath Slater in a quick D+ match. Lana says that Christian doesn't know what he's gotten himself into, and Rusev isn't going to stop at just ending his career if they step into the ring again.


Randy Orton comes down to the ring and starts to tell the crowd about how he's going to win the Royal Rumble and take his rightful place back as the face of the WWE, until Chris Jericho interrupts him. Jericho says that there's no way that Orton can win the Royal Rumble, because Chris Jericho is going to win it. The two start to argue, but The Big Show comes down to interrupt, and say that they can't win, because it's The World's Largest Athlete's time to win the Royal Rumble. With the three going back and forth on the microphone, Bo Dallas comes down to the ring. He tells them that right now they're all losers, but they can win the "Royal Rum-bo," if they just Bo-lieve. He's hit with a KO punch from the Big Show, turns around into a Codebreaker from Jericho, and then eats an RKO from Randy Orton to finally put him down.


Kaitlyn and Brie Bella defeated Paige and Nikki Bella in a D- match after Kaitlyn hit Paige with a Spear.


Before his match, Bad News Barrett tells Dolph Ziggler that he has some bad news for the Intercontinental Champion at the Royal Rumble, because he's going to lose his title to Barrett. Bad News Barrett defeated John Morrison in a C match after Morrison tried to hit a springboard kick, only to be countered with a Bull Hammer.


Backstage, Christian tells the audience that he's not going to let Rusev have his way with him next time, and he's going to put Rusev out once and for all.


Roman Reigns does a promo in the ring saying that ever since he split up The Shield, Reigns has wanted to get his hands on Seth Rollins. He says Rollins better fear him, because he's going to Superman Punch his face off. "Believe that." Roman Reigns and Bray Wyatt defeated Seth Rollins and The Miz in a B- match when Roman hit The Miz with a Spear. Before they're out of the ring, though, Rollins hits Reigns in the face with the Money In The Bank Briefcase before curb stomping his face into it.

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RAW preview


The Bolievers vs The Usos



Curtis Axel vs Christian



Randy Orton vs Adam Rose



Fandango and Tyler Breeze vs Finn Balor and Hideo Itami



Cesaro vs Kofi Kingston



Nikki Bella vs Rosa Mendes



Roman Reigns vs The Miz



Bad News Barrett vs John Cena



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RAW preview


The Bolievers vs The Usos



Curtis Axel vs Christian



Randy Orton vs Adam Rose



Fandango and Tyler Breeze vs Finn Balor and Hideo Itami



Cesaro vs Kofi Kingston



Nikki Bella vs Rosa Mendes



Roman Reigns vs The Miz



Bad News Barrett vs John Cena



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The Bolievers vs The Usos

Comments: If you know ANYTHING about me it is that I love Bo


Curtis Axel vs Christian

Comments: I could see you using Christian to put over youngsters but not yet and definitely not Axel...eww


Randy Orton vs Adam Rose

Comments: No comment necessary


Fandango and Tyler Breeze vs Finn Balor and Hideo Itami

Comments: Balor and Itami megapush please :)


Cesaro vs Kofi Kingston

Comments: This one is a coin toss, both deserve better IRL


Nikki Bella vs Rosa Mendes

Comments: Yup


Roman Reigns vs The Miz



Bad News Barrett vs John Cena

Comments: Purely wishful thinking here :p


Comments on previous show/dynasty in general: Good show. Loved that Bo got some time with the Main Eventers, didn't like the end result though :p

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This is both a last call for RAW predictions, as well as an announcement of sorts.


This dynasty will continue through Wrestlemania (game time) which will coincide approximately (either a few weeks before or after) Wrestlemania real-time. I'm going to continue the game as a non-dynasty game after booking Wrestlemania, and may revisit this in the future if there's enough interest in it post-Wrestlemania, but as for now, the tentative ending is Wrestlemania 31.

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Week 2 January 2015


John Cena comes down to the ring to open the show, talking about his I Quit match with Brock Lesnar at the Royal Rumble. He says that no matter what he's been through, he lives by two mottos: never back down, and never give up. And that will no doubt be tested in his final WWE World Heavyweight Championship shot, but he will not quit. Before he's allowed to talk too far, Bad News Barrett comes out on the stage. He says he has some bad news for John Cena, because Cena will not win the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at the Royal Rumble. However, Bad News Barrett will win the Intercontinental Championship at the Royal Rumble. The two argue for several minutes, with Cena challenging Barrett to prove his point in the main event tonight.


The Bolievers defeated The Usos in a C+ match following a Running Bodog to Jimmy Uso.


Christian comes out to the ring for his match, but before his opponent can be introducted, Triple H comes out. He tells Christian that if he wants to have any more matches in the WWE after what happened at TLC, he has to sign a waiver and relieve WWE of any liability for his condition. Christian takes the pen and clipboard that Triple H has in hand and signs it without hesitation. Christian defeated Curtis Axel in a C+ match following a Killswitch. As soon as the match is over, Rusev's music hits. Christian looks ready for a fight, but Rusev comes out through the audience instead, attacking Christian before locking on the Accolade while Lana looks on approvingly.


Randy Orton is interviewed backstage about his loss to John Cena last week on RAW. Orton says that Cena isn't worthy of another shot at Brock Lesnar at the Royal Rumble, but when Randy wins the Royal Rumble, he'll prove that he's worthy of being the WWE World Heavyweight Champion.


Randy Orton defeated Adam Rose in an easy C match following an RKO.


Paul Heyman gives a pre-taped promo hyping up "The Final Confrontation" between Brock Lesnar and John Cena. He says that there is no way for John Cena to walk out of the TD Garden in his hometown of Boston on his own power, and there's even less chance that he walks out with the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.


Hideo Itami and Finn Balor defeated Fandango and Tyler Breeze in a D match with a double foot stomp to Breeze. Afterwards, the tag team champions Goldust and Stardust attack their Royal Rumble opponents from behind and beat them down into the mat.


Roman Reigns is asked by Renee Young about his feelings towards Seth Rollins. Roman calls Rollins a sellout and says that it's about time he gets his face punched in. He says he's going to destroy Seth for Dean Ambrose, since Dean can't do it himself.


Kofi Kingston defeated Cesaro in a C- match with Trouble In Paradise, which the announcers say is the most powerful kick in the company.


Nikki Bella defeated Rosa Mendes in a D- match while Kaitlyn watched on from the commentary table, saying that she won't do the same to her at the Royal Rumble.


Bo Dallas talks to Tyson Kidd backstage, saying that he's so glad he's been able to lead Kidd back to success and a winning streak in their tag team. He tells Kidd that maybe he can even be the runner-up in the "Royal Rum-bo," which Dallas of course says he's going to win.


The Miz defeated Roman Reigns in a C+ match when he hit a Skull-Crushing Finale onto the Money In The Bank briefcase, thanks to a distraction from Seth Rollins. Unfortunately for The Miz, though, the lights go out and Bray Wyatt appears behind him, hitting Sister Abigail before leaving just as abruptly.


John Cena says before his match that tonight, he's going to deliver some Bad News to Barrett, but at the Royal Rumble, he's going to give some bad news to Brock Lesnar, when he makes Lesnar say "I quit" and give up his WWE World Heavyweight Championship. John Cena defeated Bad News Barrett in a B- match, when he hit the Attitude Adjustment. To add insult to injury, Dolph Ziggler shows up at the end of the show to give a Zig-Zag to his Royal Rumble opponent, ending the broadcast celebrating with John Cena in the ring.

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Smackdown Preview


Non-Title Match

Finn Balor and Hideo Itami vs Stardust and Goldust



Rusev vs Darren Young



Cesaro vs The Great Khali



Randy Orton vs Damien Sandow



Sheamus vs Chris Jericho



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Finn Balor and Hideo Itami vs Stardust and Goldust

Comments: Gotta keep em strong


Rusev vs Darren Young

Comments: ...


Cesaro vs The Great Khali

Comments: See above


Randy Orton vs Damien Sandow

Comments: I'd love to see Sandow win though :p


Sheamus vs Chris Jericho

Comments: Tough one

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Smackdown Preview


Non-Title Match

Finn Balor and Hideo Itami vs Stardust and Goldust



Rusev vs Darren Young



[/b]Cesaro[/b] vs The Great Khali



Randy Orton vs Damien Sandow



Sheamus vs Chris Jericho



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Week 2 January 2015


Roman Reigns comes to the ring to start the show, and says that Rollins' time on top of the company is up. He says that if Rollins wants to get involved in Roman's business, he's more than welcome to do that, but he recommends for Seth to do it like a man, one-on-one, in the middle of the ring. Seth Rollins comes out to the ring, and argues with Reigns, saying that he has no business being in the same ring as Rollins, nevertheless the same company. The two argue back and forth until they start to brawl, with security eventually breaking it up and holding them apart.


Finn Balor and Hideo Itami defeated Goldust and Stardust in a C- match. When the match was over, Balor took a microphone and challenge Goldust and Stardust to a match at the Royal Rumble for the tag team championships...inside of a steel cage!


Rusev defeated Darren Young in a C- match by submission with The Accolade. He refuses to let it go even after Darren taps out, but eventually he breaks the hold when Christian's music hits, leaving the ring before Captain Charisma can get his hands on the undefeated Russian.


Cesaro defeated The Great Khali in a D+ match following an impressive Neutralizer.


Despite his opponent putting up a big fight, Randy Orton defeated Damien Sandow in a B- match, following an RKO. When Orton set up for a punt on Sandow, Damien sprung into action and tackled Orton to the mat, beating him down. Orton is able to get away from Damien and escape the ring, with Sandow inviting him back as he retreats up the ramp.


The Miz hosts MizTV with his guest Bray Wyatt. He says that Bray is the master of mind games and sneak attacks, but he's never going to be able to get one up on The Miz when he comes face-to-face with The Moneymaker. The lights go out and suddenly Bray Wyatt is in the ring, staring The Miz down. Bray takes the microphone out of Miz's hand and starts to cut a promo, letting Miz know that he's being targeted for his pride. He tells Miz that Bray is on the rise, while the Miz is nothing but a cocky has-been trying to hold on to his former fame. Wyatt says fame is fleeting, but infamy is forever, and Bray Wyatt will be forever. Miz tries to attack Bray, but Wyatt ducks Miz's attack and turns it into Sister Abigail, kneeling above The Miz to end the segment.


Sheamus defeated Chris Jericho in a hard-fought B match, following a Brogue Kick.


John Cena takes to the ring, and hypes up his match with Brock Lesnar. He promises that no matter what happens, come his hometown, he is not going to lose to Lesnar, and he is not going to quit. He looks dead in the camera and makes the promise again, repeating solemnly "no matter what."

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RAW Preview


Goldust and Stardust vs The Wild Riders



Kane vs Roman Reigns



Royal Rumble Preview Battle Royal

Bo Dallas, Fandango, Tyler Breeze, Adam Rose, Tyson Kidd, Big Show, Darren Young, Jack Swagger, John Morrison, Ryback



Kaitlyn and Dolph Ziggler vs Nikki Bella and Bad News Barrett



Big E vs Bray Wyatt



Seth Rollins vs The Great Khali



Randy Orton vs Damien Sandow



Cesaro vs John Cena



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RAW Preview


Goldust and Stardust vs The Wild Riders



Kane vs Roman Reigns



Royal Rumble Preview Battle Royal

Bo Dallas, Fandango, Tyler Breeze, Adam Rose, Tyson Kidd, Big Show, Darren Young, Jack Swagger, John Morrison, Ryback

Comments: I Bolieve


Kaitlyn and Dolph Ziggler vs Nikki Bella and Bad News Barrett



Big E vs Bray Wyatt



Seth Rollins vs The Great Khali

Comments: Do I get the points for the last Khali squash match, because I mistyped


Randy Orton vs Damien Sandow

Comments: Maybe Sandow eliminates him in the Rumble


Cesaro vs John Cena



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Week 3 January 2015


Goldust and Stardust defeated The Wild Riders in a C+ match, following a Disaster Kick. Afterwards, they take a microphone each and accept the challenge to put their titles on the line at Royal Rumble in a steel cage against Hideo Itami and Finn Balor.


Roman Reigns defeated Kane in a B- match. He invites Seth Rollins out to prove who's the bigger man of the remaining Shield members, but nobody comes out to answer the challenge.


Darren Young walks into Christian's locker room and warns him about the dangers of wrestling Rusev with an injury. He says that if anybody can stop Rusev, he believes it's Christian, though, and Christian thanks him for the support.


Backstage, Renee Young asks John Cena about his WWE World Heavyweight Championship I Quit match against Brock Lesnar. Cena basically says that he's never given up, and he never will. He says that he will do whatever it takes to walk out of his hometown as the WWE World Heavyweight Champion, and that's that.


Tyson Kidd won the Royal Rumble Preview Battle Royal, which was rated a C. Kidd and Bo Dallas were the last two left, and Kidd acted like he was going to eliminate himself before tossing Bo over the top rope.


Before his match, Bad News Barrett says that he has some bad news for Doph Ziggler, because Barrett is going to walk out of Royal Rumble with the Intercontinental Championship. Kaitlyn and Dolph Ziggler defeated Nikki Bella and Bad News Barrett in a C match, when Kaitlyn speared Nikki.


Tyson Kidd and Bo Dallas get into an argument backstage when Dallas asks Kidd why he did that in the battle royal earlier. Kidd simply says that at the Royal Rumble, it's going to be every man for himself, no mentors, no teammates, and no friends. Kidd says there are no hard feelings, he's just learned to Bolieve in himself.


Bray Wyatt defeated Big E in a C match following Sister Abigail. As soon as the referee rings the bell, the lights cut out, and The Miz is behind Wyatt, laying him out with a Skull-Crushing Finale.


Darren Young is walking backstage, when he's jumped by Rusev. Lana encourages Rusev, as he lays Young out following a violent attack.


Seth Rollins defeated The Great Khali in a C+ match with a curb stomp. He calls out Roman Reigns, saying that he's going to prove to Reigns who the bigger man is on his own terms. However, when Reigns comes out to the ring, Seth takes off out through the back of the ring and up the ramp, waving goodbye to Reigns.


Damien Sandow defeated Randy Orton in a C+ match when he countered an RKO into a schoolboy roll-up. After the match, Orton attacks Sandow, beating him down into the mat and hitting several RKOs in a row.


Before the main event, Cesaro takes a microphone and tells the WWE Universe that he's not only going to defeat John Cena tonight, he's going to win the Royal Rumble and take on Brock Lesnar for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at Wrestlemania 31. John Cena defeated Cesaro in a B match after an Attitude Adjustment. As Cena celebrates, though, familiar music hits. Brock Lesnar comes out to the ring and circles it as Cena looks ready for a fight. Lesnar and Cena explode in a wild brawl, with neither one able to gain a decided advantage before security and officials break them up to end the show.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://stream1.gifsoup.com/webroot/animatedgifs1/1668649_o.gif</span><p>

<strong>Week 3 January 2015</strong></p><p> </p><p>

As we head towards the Royal Rumble, Smackdown kicks off with tag team action. <strong>The Bolievers defeated The Wild Riders</strong> in a C match, when Tyson Kidd made Justin Gabriel tap out to the Sharpshooter.</p><p> </p><p>

The camera cuts backstage, where <strong>Goldust and Stardust</strong> are beating down <strong>Finn Balor and Hideo Itami</strong>, after having attacked them from behind.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rusev defeated Darren Young</strong> in a C match with The Accolade. Afterwards, he refuses to let the submission go. <strong>Christian</strong> runs down to the ring to save Young, but he's taken out by a kick from Rusev, who poses over his fallen body with the Russian flag in the background.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Tamina and Nikki Bella defeated Kaitlyn and Naomi</strong> in an E+ match when Nikki pinned Naomi with a Rack Attack.</p><p> </p><p>

A camera catches <strong>Zack Ryder</strong> backstage on his cell phone. He's talking to somebody, that is apparently going to be joining him soon. Ryder seems excited by the news before hanging up.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Damien Sandow</strong> finds <strong>Randy Orton</strong> in another part of the backstage area, and attacks him. The two brawl wildly in the hallway, as referees and road agents rush to break them up.</p><p> </p><p>

With <strong>Dolph Ziggler</strong> on commentary,<strong> Bad News Barrett defeated Mark Henry</strong> in a C- match. Afterwards, Barrett and Ziggler exchange heated words at the announce table, only for Barrett to attack Ziggler and leave him unconscious on the floor.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Bray Wyatt</strong> enters the arena for a match, but when the lights come on as he sits in his rocking chair at the ramp, <strong>The Miz</strong> is standing right there and attacks Bray! Miz beats Bray down, culminating with a Skull-Crushing Finale on the steel ramp.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Seth Rollins</strong> comes out to the ring to cut a promo on Roman Reigns. He says that he's already taken out Dean Ambrose from the WWE, and next up on his list is his other former stablemate, Roman Reigns. But he does things on his own time, at his own pace. <strong>Roman Reigns</strong> comes down to the ring, obviously not wanting to wait, but Rollins again escapes from the ring before Reigns can get his hands on him.</p><p> </p><p>

Backstage, <strong>John Cena</strong> is asked by Renee Young about his brawl with Brock Lesnar following his match with Cesaro on RAW. Cena says that Cesaro put up a hell of a fight, and he's looking forward to the rematch almost as much as he's looking forward to making Brock Lesnar quit at Royal Rumble and walking out as the WWE World Heavyweight Champion.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>John Cena defeated Cesaro</strong> in a B- match with an Attitude Adjustment, and Cena celebrates in the ring to end the show.</p></div><p></p><p></p>

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>RAW Preview</p><p> </p><p>

Goldust, Stardust and Kane vs Hideo Itami, Finn Balor, and Zack Ryder</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

The Bolievers vs The Usos</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Bray Wyatt vs Bad News Barrett</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Tyler Breeze vs The Big Show</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

John Morrison vs Rusev</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Alicia Fox vs Kaitlyn</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Damien Sandow vs Randy Orton</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Seth Rollins vs Roman Reigns</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Comments on previous show/dyasty in general:</p></div><p></p><p></p>

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