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ECW/ROH '94: Extremely Honorable

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Sorry for the delays. Had to work all this week. I'm hoping show will be up Monday, followed by The Era Of Honor Begins later in the week. I'm going to shorten the match write-ups for two reasons: I don't think I'm very good at them and I dislike writing everything but the big spots and finishes.


This is my 4th diary and I'm still trying to find a format that is visually appealing and I like. Ugh. Any suggestions?

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This is my 4th diary and I'm still trying to find a format that is visually appealing and I like. Ugh. Any suggestions?


What about a Sans Serif font instead of the Serif font you use at the moment?


Cactus Jack vs TBD



Mikey Whipwreck & TBD vs The Pitbulls

The Undefeated Mikey Whipwreck. He'll be ROH Champ soon.


Rocco Rock vs Terry Funk

Public Enemy are retaining (I think) so they can eat the singles defeat here.

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Tuesday, July 16th, 1994

Hammerstein Ballroom in New York City, NY

Live on SportsChannel



Damien Stone def. Rockin' Rebel via Sicilian Crab in 2:51

Grade: F+


Peaches handed out ROH shirts to fans in attendance.

Grade: D



Rather than the traditional hype video and Joey Styles introduction, the action immediately heads backstage...



...where Mikey Whipwreck enters what looks like a locker room. Inside is none other than...



...Jimmy Snuka.


Mikey Whipwreck: Mister Snuka, sir, I have a tag team match tonight and I was wondering, if you aren't doing anything else, if you would be my partner. I couldn't find anybody else.


Jimmy Snuka: Yes.


Mikey Whipwreck: Oh, that's okay, I'm sure I'll find somebody else...wait, you said yes?


Jimmy Snuka: Yes.


Whipwreck bear hugs Snuka, who looks mildly annoyed.

Grade: C


The pre-show video now plays showcasing the past few weeks of ROH action including Sabu, Tommy Dreamer, Jason, and The Tazmaniac facing off in the ring, Public Enemy putting Axl Rotten through a table, Cactus Jack having his hand raised after a match with The Sandman, and Shane Douglas holding the ROH World Heavyweight Championship in the air.



Joey Styles: Welcome back to New York City. Welcome back to The Hammerstein Ballroom. Welcome back to ROH TV! I'm Joey Styles. We are days away from The Era Of Honor Begins. One of the matches that's all signed, sealed, and delivered is the Public Enemy defending their titles against The Funk Brothers. And I caught up with Public Enemy before the show tonight.



Joey Styles: Guys, you have...


Rocco Rock rips the microphone away from Joey.


Rocco Rock: Ain't nothing to say Styles. Two old men think they know what it means to be hard.


Johnny Grunge: We're sending you boys back to your ranch. Putting you out to pasture. Because that's how Public Enemy rolls.

Grade: C+





Funk and Rock are already brawling as the interview cuts out.


Joey Styles: Public Enemy. Men of few words.


Funk fires off rights and lefts. Back body drop. Rock gets a shoulder up at two. Rock with a thumb to the eye screaming "We fight dirty" off mic. Bulldog by Rock also gets only a two count. Funk fights back, throwing Rock into each of the four corners.


Joey Styles: Terry Funk knows his way around a ring. So does Rocco Rock now.


Rock empties the tank. Goes for an elbow off the middle rope. Funk rolls out of the way. Rock rolls on the ground in pain. Leg drop by Funk. Elbow drop by Funk. Rock kicks out at two and a half. Funk drags Rock to his feet.


Joey Styles: PILEDRIVER BY TERRY FUNK! 1! 2! 3! That's it. All the momentum now with The Funk Brothers heading into the title match at The Era Of Honor Begins.


Terry Funk def. Rocco Rock via pinfall in 12:56

Grade: C-




The one, the only, Paul Heyman makes his way out to the ring, a microphone already in hand. The crowd jeers and chants "Paul's a b****" over and over.


Paul Heyman: I feel the same way about you guys.




Paul Heyman: Strength. Integrity. Intelligence. Passion. HONOR. These are the values which this company is supposed to represent. We have a champion who is the epitome of all these things. But, the challenger...the challenger, does not. Cactus Jack is an animal, a rabid dog that will bite and claw at everything in its path. He is a blight on this company's good name. His insanity, his unpredictability is why I'd like to introduce my personal security team, Mr. Hughes and Mr. Curtis...




The two huge men lumber out to the ring, surrounding Heyman.


Paul Heyman: These two men will be in charge of protecting myself and your champion, Shane Douglas.


The crowd pops as the familiar music of Cactus Jack echoes throughout the arena and sure enough...




...the challenger appears at the top of the ramp. He points his finger guns at Mr. Curtis and Mr. Hughes.


Cactus Jack: Bang bang.


Paul Heyman: See? Do you people see what I'm talking about? You can't just go around threatening people JACK!


Cactus Jack: Paul. E. Paul E. You don't tell me what to do! Heh. Heh. I'm a little messed up. Who isn't?


Paul Heyman: Actually I can tell you what to do. I don't own this company, but Mr. Gordon allows me to make sure things are running smoothly. You're making that very difficult.


Cactus Jack: I've heard that before.


Paul Heyman: Get your ass in this ring. You have a match that starts right now. Against who? How about Mr. Hughes and Mr. Curtis here.


Cactus Jack: Why should I?


Paul Heyman: If you don't, the match with Douglas is off.


Cactus Jack: Bang bang.

Grade: C-





Jack sprints to the ring as the bell rings. He almost gets his hands on Heyman, who narrowly avoids him by diving from the ring. Curtis and Hughes go to work on Jack. Big clothesline from Curtis. Suplex from Hughes. They don't even bother going for the cover.


Joey Styles: THIS IS NOT HONORABLE. That's one man against two in there.


Right hand to Hughes. Left hand to Curtis. Jack goes from the Double Arm DDT, but a big boot from Hughes stops Jack in his tracks. Hughes chucks Jack from the ring. Heyman gets right in Jack's face and laughs.


Joey Styles: Come on Paul!


Jack looks out of it. Heyman continues to scream at him.




Jack suddenly awakens. He grabs Heyman by the throat. Hughes and Curtis rush to protect Heyman. Jack lets go of Heyman. Hip toss to Hughes into the barricade. Low blow to Curtis. Jack rolls Curtis back in the ring.


Joey Styles: Cactus Jack might do it. DOUBLE ARM DDT!


Jim Molineaux makes the three count as the crowd goes ballistic.


Cactus Jack. def. Mr. Curtis & Mr. Hughes via Double Arm DDT in 15:15

Grade: D-


Joey Styles: What a performance by the challenger. He fended off two, THREE men if you include Paul Heyman, and found a way to pick up the victory.






"The Franchise" Shane Douglas makes his way out, still clapping in the direction of Cactus Jack.


Shane Douglas: You know why humans eat animals. Because we're smarter. I'm smarter. All that rage won't help you against me. Nothing will help you against me. Enjoy tonight, Cactus Jack, because after The Era Of Honor Begins, you'll be back where you belong: in the mud and dirt with all the other animals.



Grade: C+



A video begins to play. It starts with Paul Heyman listing off the names Sabu, Tommy Dreamer, The Tazmaniac, and Jason. Joey Styles' voice comes over images of Jason preening in the ring...


Joey Styles: "The Sexiest Man" Alive.


...Sabu performing a suicide dive through the ropes.


Joey Styles: Suicidal.


...The Tazmaniac cinching in his Tazmission on an unsuspecting victim...


Joey Styles: Brooklyn's Finest.


...and finally Tommy Dreamer nailing a perfect DDT.


Joey Styles: Tommy Dreamer. Four men who all want to be Ring Of Honor's Next Big Thing. The battle starts at The Era Of Honor Begins.

Grade: C-


Joey Styles: And what a series of matches that's going to be. At The Era Of Honor Begins, the first matches will Sabu going up against The Tazmaniac and "The Sexiest Man Alive" Jason versus Tommy Dreamer. I CAN'T WAIT!




Whipwreck and Pitbull #1 start off, the smaller man easily brutalized by the larger Pitbull. Backbreaker from Pitbull #1. Tag to Pitbull #2. Double clothesline to Whipwreck. The Pitbulls turn to Snuka and bark at him. Snuka tries to get into the ring, but is held back by referee John Finnegan.


Joey Styles: Snuka not taking too kindly to that gesture.


Whipwreck with a drop kick out of nowhere. And another one. Hot tag to Snuka. He clears house, sending both Pitbulls to the floor. Whipwreck runs along the apron, comes off with a moonsault that sends both Pitbulls into the barricade.




Whipwreck rolls Pitbull #1 back inside. Snuka with a chop to the back. And another. Irish whip. Back body drop. Snuka climbs to the top rope.


Joey Styles: NO! One of the Pitbulls hit a low blow on Jimmy Snuka.


Both Pitbull #1 and Snuka struggle to make it to their corners. Hot tags to both partners. Whipwreck and Pitbull #2 rush at each other. Whipwreck dodges a big boot. Roll-up. 1...2...3!


Joey Styles: IT'S OVER. Mikey Whipwreck pulls a victory out of his hat. How did he do it? HOW?


Jimmy Snuka & Mikey Whipwreck def. The Pitbulls via roll-up in 16:38

Grade: C-



Joey Styles: We are out of time! The Era Of Honor Begins is just days away. Shane Douglas defending his ROH World Heavyweight Championship against Cactus Jack. Two matches with the Next Big Thing competitors. Public Enemy against The Funk Brothers for the ROH World Tag Team titles. It's going to be a hell of a show. We hope to see you there. We'll be back next week, same damn place, same damn time. Good night!



Attendance: 2,000

Grade: C-

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Hel-lo callers, once again it's the voice of Ring Of Honor, Joey Styles. A little less than a month ago, this company was born on the strength of rebellion, on the strength of a belief in the purity of wrestling. This Friday night, at Viking Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, you will see exactly how strong we've become in just a short time when THE ERA OF HONOR BEGINS! There will be action, drama, and hell maybe even a little bit of romance.


Three titles will be on the line at Viking Hall this Friday including what many are calling a tag team dream match. Public Enemy have reigned over the division for the past several months, their brash attitude and violent tendencies proving to be too much. One team, though, has stepped up. Two weeks ago, The Funk Brothers, living legends Terry and Dory Jr. made a challenge that Public Enemy couldn't refuse. It's a clash of two generations when Johnny Grunge and Rocco Rock put the ROH World Tag Team Championship on the line against the challengers. You better believe this will be a Funkin' war.


Paul Heyman, my sometimes partner in commentary, and general overlord of the daily goings-on here in ROH, believes in the future. For all his faults, he is not a man content to rest on his laurels. That led to the creating of what he called 'The Next Big Thing'. Not a tournament, not a title, it's really more of a nickname, a spoil from the battles these four men will have to go through. And to the winner goes the ultimate prize: a shot at the ROH World Heavyweight Championship. And what better way to start 'The Next Big Thing' than at The Era of Honor Begins! He's the self-proclaimed 'Sexiest Man Alive' and the dark horse in this little competition. But, nobody can deny his swagger and his charisma. And, on Friday, Jason will meet his total opposite. Nobody will use the words 'swagger' or 'charisma' when talking about Tommy Dreamer. But, nobody works harder. Nobody has the will to win that Dreamer possesses. One man will pick up a big victory and get a step closer to that title shot.


In the other 'NBT' (that's my new abbreviation, folks) match, fireworks are sure to go off. They are two of the most exciting wrestlers in the world today. They are 'Suicidal' Sabu and The Tazmaniac. Many inside Ring Of Honor believe these are the two favorites to walk away with the big prize, and during the tag match earlier this month, they seemed to have a familiarity with each other in the ring. But, only one can pick up a big first win, while the other has to hope that he can win his final two matches.


One match that might not be as competitive is a bout that has not been announced yet...until now. I learned from none other than Steve Richards, himself, that he wants a piece of Damien Stone. Who? Well, Stone took on Shane Douglas two weeks ago and didn't totally embarrass himself. That's about it. Why Richards feels the need to call out a relative rookie like Stone remains to be seen. Did these two have bad blood before they arrived in ROH?


The ROH World Television Championship is viewed as a stepping stone to the top rung of the company by many wrestlers. Not the two guys who will be going after it this Friday at Viking Hall. Pitbull #1 lost the belt to Mikey Whipwreck before Ring Of Honor existed. After Whipwreck defeated his partner on television, Pitbull #1 wanted another shot at the belt. Be careful what you wish for! Mikey Whipwreck may not be the most physically imposing guy in the locker room, but he always seems to pull out the victory. He'll have to or The Pitbulls will be celebrating with gold once again.


And, finally, the one match everybody's been waiting for. He's the man who launched Ring Of Honor. The man who holds the ROH World Heavyweight Championship. He is "The Franchise". He is Shane Douglas. This Friday, he will face his first and maybe what will end up being his stiffest challenge. His name is legendary all over the world as a symbol of insanity and violence. Cactus Jack. Paul Heyman has made it his mission to make sure Cactus Jack never gets his hands on the symbol of greatness that the title represents. With ROH's current 'code', however, Heyman can't directly interfere in the match's proceedings. And there's been nothing to indicate he will be stacking the desk against the challenger. Which means you, the fans, will get to see Shane Douglas and Cactus Jack face off, 1 on 1, for the belt. Who wins in this one? We all do.


ROH World Heavyweight Championship: "The Franchise" Shane Douglas © vs Cactus Jack

NBT Match #1: "Sexiest Man Alive" Jason vs Tommy Dreamer

NBT Match #2: "Suicidal" Sabu vs The Tazmaniac

ROH World Television Championship: Mikey Whipwreck © vs Pitbull #1

ROH World Tag Team Championship: Public Enemy [Rocco Rock & Johnny Grunge] © vs The Funk Brothers [Dory Jr. & Terry]

Steve Richards vs Damien Stone

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ROH World Heavyweight Championship: "The Franchise" Shane Douglas © vs Cactus Jack

Dog Food Dean Douglas Deserves to Drop This

NBT Match #1: "Sexiest Man Alive" Jason vs Tommy Dreamer

Jason is Terrible, Dreamer Drops him for the Dubya

NBT Match #2: "Suicidal" Sabu vs The Tazmaniac

Sabu is probably more over in the area, coin flip

ROH World Television Championship: Mikey Whipwreck © vs Pitbull #1

Unless the Pitbulls split and feud, they will never touch singles gold

ROH World Tag Team Championship: Public Enemy [Rocco Rock & Johnny Grunge] © vs The Funk Brothers [Dory Jr. & Terry]

Don't think the brothers funk stick around long enough to hold belts

Steve Richards vs Damien Stone

Richards is better and more over, this is his to lose.

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ROH World Heavyweight Championship: "The Franchise" Shane Douglas © vs Cactus Jack

NBT Match #1: "Sexiest Man Alive" Jason vs Tommy Dreamer

NBT Match #2: "Suicidal" Sabu vs The Tazmaniac

I hope you change it to taz soon never liked tazmaniac

ROH World Television Championship: Mikey Whipwreck © vs Pitbull #1

ROH World Tag Team Championship: Public Enemy [Rocco Rock & Johnny Grunge] © vs The Funk Brothers [Dory Jr. & Terry]

Steve Richards vs Damien Stone

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ROH World Heavyweight Championship: "The Franchise" Shane Douglas © vs Cactus Jack

NBT Match #1: "Sexiest Man Alive" Jason vs Tommy Dreamer

NBT Match #2: "Suicidal" Sabu vs The Tazmaniac

ROH World Television Championship: Mikey Whipwreck © vs Pitbull #1

ROH World Tag Team Championship: Public Enemy [Rocco Rock & Johnny Grunge] © vs The Funk Brothers [Dory Jr. & Terry]

Steve Richards vs Damien Stone

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  • 4 weeks later...

So, I feel really bad about this, but I'm not going to continue this. My laptop crapped out on me and I have the hard drive backed up, but as I got going on this project, I didn't feel the same enthusiasm as I've had in the past.


That's two in a row now that have died early deaths, so I'm going to really think about what I want to do for my next diary (which hopefully will launch in the next couple of weeks). Thanks to everyone who read this and made predictions and nominated it for DOTM.


Also, for those who are curious, here was my plan going forward:


Douglas would've beat a series of challengers including Cactus Jack, Jimmy Snuka, and Tommy Dreamer before dropping the belt to somebody new most likely. Foley accepted a written offer from WCW and was leaving shortly anyways.


Richards was the only guy on the roster tapped as a NBT and was going to get a monster push. You could probably tell, but his character was going to attack underdogs to prove he wasn't one. After beating Stone, he'd attack Whipwreck and eventually win the TV title.


Dreamer was going to win the Next Big Thing tournament with a victory over Taz and would've started a slow burn to turn Taz heel and have a lengthy feud with Sabu.

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