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Total Extreme Wrestling 2013 on Mac (Wine, Parallels, VmWare)

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I know this question has been asked several times before but in all the searching I've done I still can't find a solid answer as to whether or not TEW 2013 can be run on a Mac.


I've been a long time player of TEW 2005 using Wine and so when I finally bought the 2013 edition I was disappointed to see that Wine couldn't run the game due to an 'unresponsive ActiveX component' (Error 1053), which of course I have no idea how to fix.


I'm no computer genius but I can follow instructions, so if anyone out there could give me a hand with either fixing the Wine problem or any info on how to run TEW2013 on a different Windows sim that would be great!



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I just managed, after a boatload of trial and error, to get TEW 2013 to run on Mac. Basically, I used the Winetricks VB6Run, Jet40, and IE Explorer(I think there's 6, 7, and 8 on Winetricks, I grabbed them all.)


Hope this helps. Try the demo of course before you buy the game, that's what I did, and if the demo works, when you download the full game you'll need to run the Winetrick "override DLL's" to get the main game to work.


Hope this helps!


EDIT basically I followed this guide for getting it to work on Linux, except that, rather than entering in the commands in a command prompt like the guide says, I just ran the Winetricks from the tab that drops down when you click the Wineglass at the top of the screen: http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=66646


Again I should say that this got the demo to work for me, but it wasn't until I ran the Override DLL's winetrick that the full game would work.

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Ah you're a star! I'll give that a try, hopefully I can make it happen.


I actually had the TEW2013 demo a few months back and I ran it in Wine without a problem so I was doubly bummed out when I tried the full version and it wouldn't work. Thanks!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I play in Parallels as well these days, but before I got Parallels (because I really wanted Microsoft Office as well on my Mac Pro) it was working fine on Crossover. It's a cheaper alternative to Parallels, some instructions on getting it to work below:


Also works fine in CrossOver, see the following (this should also work for Linux too):


Create a WinXP Bottle.


Install the following from the Library List of software (some of these may not be needed but I installed them anyway as they may be useful for other stuff):


Runtime Support Components:

Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0

Microsoft Visual Basic 6 Service Pack 6 runtime

Microsoft JET 4.0 Service Pack 8


Community Supported Applications:

Microsoft Visual C++ 4.0 Redistributable

Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 (10.0) Redistributable


Then, install TEW and enter your Order ID for the game if you bought it, or just the demo to try it out


To install TEW, you choose:


"Other Application"


and choose the installer.exe manually.


You'll get a administrator warning but this won't apply as you're running under XP effectively.


If you are using WMWare or Parallels for Mac then it is just like installing TEW on a Windows machine, no special instructions needed.


Hope that helps :)

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