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In this project we will be beginning November, 2014, the night after Hell in a Cell. NXT has been created as a ‘brand’ allowing us to run the NXT TV show on the WWE network each week. The results will not be written in full however the highest graded segment, no matter what it may be, will be given a full write up in weekly news.


As with our previous projects this diary is co-designed and co-written and we hope that you find it entertaining.

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November 2014 Champions


























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November 2014 Roster:




-Adam Rose

-AJ Lee

-Alicia Fox

-Bad News Barrett

-Big E Langston

-Big Show

-Bo Dallas

-Bray Wyatt

-Brie Bella

-Brock Lesnar




-Chris Jericho

-Curtis Axle

-Damien Sandow

-Daniel Bryan

-Darren Young

-Dean Ambrose


-Dolph Ziggler

-El Torito


-Erick Rowan

-Eva Marie




-Heath Slater


-Jack Swagger

-Jerry Lawler

-Jey Uso

-John Layfield

-John Cena

-Justin Gabriel


-Kofi Kingston



-Luke Harper

-Mark Henry

-Michael Cole

-Mr. McMahon


-Nikki Bella


-Paul Heyman

-Randy Orton

-Renee Young

-Rob Van Dam

-Roman Reigns

-Rosa Mendes




-Seth Rollins



-Stephanie McMahon


-Summer Rae


-The Great Khali

-The Miz

-The Undertaker

-Titus O’Neil

-Triple H

-Xavier Woods

-Zack Ryder

-Zeb Coulter



-Adrian Neville

-Aiden English

-Alex Riley


-Becky Lynch

-Byron Saxton


-CJ Parker

-Colin Cassady

-Corey Graves

-Enzo Amore

-Finn Balor

-Hideo Itami

-J Bronson

-Jason Albert

-Jason Jordan

-Jo Jo Offerman

-Judas Devlin


-Kevin Steen

-Konnor O’Brien

-Mojo Rawley

-Richie Steamboat

-Rick Viktor

-Sami Zayn

-Sasha Banks

-Scott Dawson

-Sin Cara

-Solomon Crowe

-Tye Dillinger

-Tyler Breeze

-Tyson Kidd

-William Regal

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Upcoming Pay-Per-View Schedule for the next year (to be shown on PPV and on the WWE Network):


WWE Survivor Series - Sunday Week 4 November, 2014

WWE TLC - Sunday Week 3 December, 2014

WWE Royal Rumble - Sunday Week 4 January, 2015

WWE No Way Out - Sunday Week 3 February, 2015 *

WWE Wrestlemania 31 - Sunday Week 4, March, 2015

WWE Extreme Rules - Sunday Week 3 April, 2015

WWE Payback - Sunday Week 2 June, 2015

WWE Money in the Bank - Sunday Week 3 July, 2015

WWE Summerslam - Sunday Week 4 August, 2015

WWE Night of Champions - Sunday Week 3 September, 2015

WWE Battleground - Sunday Week 3 October, 2015 **


*Replaces the WWE Elimination Chamber pay per view

**Replaces the WWE Hell in a Cell pay per view

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WWE Releases Several Talents, Rumors of NXT Call Ups


WWE has come to terms on the release of the following talents:


-David Otunga

-The Great Khali

-Heath Slater



Sources backstage say that NXT Women's champion Charlotte, Tyler Breeze, and Sami Zayn will be working dark matches before RAW and Smackdown over the next coming weeks. They will continue to appear on NXT as well.



Changes to Pay Per View Schedule, MITB


As has been noted, the Elimination Chamber and Hell in a Cell PPVs have been ended as the WWE moves away from gimmick based events. One survivor of these changes is Money in the Bank but that event as well will be changing. Sources in the creative team tell us that the next winner of the briefcase won't be winning a 12 month opportunity to cash in, and will instead be the #1 contender with a guaranteed World Heavyweight title shot the following month at Summerslam.



Health Concerns for Reigns, Bryan May Lead to Longer Stints on Medical Report


Following hernia surgery Roman Reigns has been making progress but very few backstage expect to see him back in the ring before the turn of the year. The news is worse for Daniel Bryan who appears headed to another surgery which may put an appearance at WrestleMania XXXI in jeopardy.

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Preview: The Aftermath of Hell


  • Following her defeat last night Brie Bella must now serve as personal assistant to her twin sister Nikki. This week Brie will have a front row seat for a WWE Divas title match as Stephanie McMahon announced this morning on twitter that she was naming Nikki Bella as the #1 contender for AJ Lee’s championship. The two dangerous Divas will square off tonight, Live on RAW.


  • Hell in a Cell saw John Cena defeat Randy Orton for the right to face Brock Lesnar for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. But before that Cena will appear on Chris Jericho’s Highlight Reel to discuss his victory and his plans for a second shot at the Beast in reclaiming his title.


  • Seth Rollins survived Hell in a Cell thanks to the mysterious Bray Wyatt’s entry into the cell and costing Dean Ambrose his shot at revenge. The WWE’s resident lunatic will be on hand this Monday night and whether it’s Bray Wyatt or Seth Rollins it’s a good bet that someone will pay the price at Ambrose’s hands.


Announced Matches:

Nikki Bella vs AJ Lee for the WWE Divas Championship

The Miz and Damien Mizdow vs Sheamus and Dolph Ziggler

Adam Rose vs Big E

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November, Monday Week 1

AT&T Center-----San Antonio, TX

13,400 (Sellout)



[A video plays to open the show replaying highlights from last night's Hell in a Cell event which closes with Bray Wyatt's surprise return and attack on Dean Ambrose. The normal RAW opening package then plays.]


Grade: 76




[When the show returns to the arena, Paul Heyman is already in the ring.]

Ladies and Gentlemen my name is Paul Heyman and I come here tonight not to bury John Cena but to praise him. Last night through extraordinary effort he defeated one of the most dangerous men in this company’s history to earn a shot at the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. So it is true, I will not bury John Cena here tonight because very soon the reigning defending WWE World Heavyweight Champion, BROCK LESNAR will handle those particular duties himself.


Tonight John Cena will be on Chris Jericho's Highlight Reel and he's going to tell you all how hustle loyalty and respect got him to this moment. But it got him to Summerslam too. We remember Summerslam don't we? That’s when my client, the CONQUERER vanquished the myth of John Cena. We remember Night of Champions too don't we?


Its where we learned John Cena's time is finally up. So whether it's tonight, next week, next month or WrestleMania XXXI, it doesn't matter, to quote another BROCK LESNAR wannabe, when John Cena gets that title shot. Because the result will be the same. They say insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. I'm not crazy John. I know the truth and deep down you know too. You can't beat Brock Lesnar. Nobody can. So don't feel bad about it. You fight, you scrap, you put your heart into every match. But its not good enough and John, neither are you.


So I’m going to offer you the out you need. The chance to back away and save what is left of your legacy because I promise you John that when you step into that ring and Brock Lesnar breaks you again, that will be how you’re remembered. Think about it.


Grade: 76






[bo Dallas is seen standing outside a children's hospital. He has a black eye and a neck brace and his arm is in a sling. The camera man asks him what he is doing and Bo says that though he is hurt from his brutal match last night with Mark Henry, he wants to go inspire some kids who have it worse than him.


The video cuts to a Dallas meeting with a bunch of injured kids, some bald, some looking quite sick. He gives tries to give them high fives but even the kids reject him though he seems to be unaware.


The video ends with the kids reluctantly surrounding him and Bo announcing because those kids Bo-Lieve in him, he will be back in action next week...and he will do it for the kids. The video ends panning back from the hospital with Bo's voice being heard saying "all you gotta do is BOLIEVE"]


Grade: 30




Adam Rose vs Big E w/Xavier Woods and Kofi Kingston


Rose comes down with his entourage and is all fun and games until Big E flattens him with a clothesline. Not allowing his opponent a chance to regroup, Big E is on the attack and its not long before he hits the Big Ending for the victory.


Winner by Pinfall: Big E


Grade: 42





<iframe width="640" height="390" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/jKjxCjaGs8g" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>



Grade: 78






[When we return from the break Lana and Rusev are in the ring.]


Lana> (smiling sweetly) “Vnimanie. Rusev, the super athlete destroyed your American giant last night at Hell in the Cell. This is not a surprise, it is reality for all Americans who place their faith in anything but Rusev. We wish to announce that last night’s victory is dedicated to the world’s greatest leader….Vladimir Putin!




“And now, Rusev will crush again”


Grade: 44




Rusev w/Lana vs Zach Ryder


There's dominating performances then there's this. Rusev does anything he wants in this one and it ends when he...or actually Lana says so. The Accolade puts an end to Ryder.


Winner by Submission: Rusev


Grade: 29





<iframe width="640" height="390" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/FqtZMNAkLgE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>



Grade: 75






[Dean Ambrose is backstage in a secluded area, pacing back and forth, seemingly ready to pull his hair out.]


Ambrose> “When you walk into a Hell in the Cell match you know what you’re getting into. Carnage…..pain…suffering…I’m fine with that. Truth be told I was having a hell of a good time last night until….well, until I was rudely interrupted by you, Bray. I’m not a hard man to find Bray and if you wanted to have a little scrap or a few words you could walk up and do it to my face.


“Last night you cost me a chance to make Seth Rollins squeal like the pig that he is and that is something I cannot forget or forgive so mark my words, write them down, tattoo them in that diseased mind of your’s.


“You and I are going to be face to face someday soon and when that happens I’m going to take every ounce of frustration in every cell in my body and explode in a torrent of violence the likes of which you’ve never even fathomed. Be careful what you wish for Bray because when you wish for Dean Ambrose to kick your ass it’s bound to happen.”


Grade: 87






[Renee Young is standing by with Seth Rollins.]


Young> “Ladies and Gentlemen, my guest at this time…Seth Rollins. Seth, last night you were saved by Bray….”


Rollins> Far be it from me to correct someone as beautiful as you Renee but I simply must. I wasn’t saved by anyone. I walked into that cell and I walked out with my hand raised. It may be difficult for you and some of these people in the audience to understand but Dean Ambrose isn’t in my class and he’s not on my level. He’s unstable, he’s insane, he’s a lunatic I’ll give him all that but better than me? I was the Architect for a reason and last night Ambrose was reminded of that. Now if you’ll excuse me.”


[He walks off with Young looking more than a little annoyed.]


Grade: 41




The Miz and Damien Mizdow vs Dolph Ziggler and Sheamus


The Miz and his stunt double are in trouble from the beginning of the match and the two champions seem to be showing a cohesion but when it breaks down into a four man brawl, Sheamus throws Mizdown from the ring, then charges the Miz who is the legal man. Miz dodges the Brogue Kick which is planted firmly in Ziggler's face. Miz then dumped out the surprised and upset Sheamus before making the cover.


Winners by Pinfall: The Miz and Damien Mizdow


Grade: 62




[Following the match Ziggler and Sheamus get into a relatively heated argument about the loss but they don’t come to blows as Ziggler shakes his head in disgust and leaves the ring.]


Grade: 63





[A "Classic Survivor Series Moment" is re-lived.]


<iframe width="640" height="390" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/Ij4RluraYSo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>



Grade: 80




Cesaro vs Jack Swagger w/Zeb Coulter


Cesaro controls the majority of the match, though he nearly gets himself in trouble when Swagger puts him in the Patriot Lock. Unfortunately, an ill-timed distraction by Zeb Coulter as he shouts instructions to Swagger allows Cesaro to launch into his opponent with a jumping European uppercut, allowing him to stun Swagger which lead to the Neutralizer.


Winners by Pinfall: Cesaro


Grade: 56




[backstage Nikki Bella is warming up when Stephanie McMahon pops in and wishes her good luck. Then with a colder expression she reminds Brie, who is leaning back against the wall, that she expects her to do her duty out there tonight.]


Grade: 42








Grade: 70






AJ Lee © vs Nikki Bella w/Brie Bella


AJ doesn't seem like she wants to waste much time on this match and goes right for Nikki. Nikki spends most of the match on defense before Stephanie McMahon comes down to ringside with Kane at her side. They watch the match and eventually AJ locks in the black widow on Nikki and thats when they spring into action. Kane distracts the referee and while AJ is yelling at Kane. Nikki nails AJ from behind while Kane still distracts the ref. Stephanie grabs the belt and hands it to Brie screaming at her to "do your job". Nikki is yelling at her too and Brie, hesitant and with anguish on her face, has no choice. She simply hands the belt to Nikki who swings at AJ but AJ ducks and Nikki drops the belt. AJ drop kicks Nikki and grabs the belt about to wallop her, but Stephanie grabs the belt and when AJ pushes her down, Nikki rolls up AJ, holding her tights for the 1..2..3.


Winner by Pinfall and new WWE Divas Champion: Nikki Bella


Grade: 48




[A replay is shown of how Nikki Bella became the new WWE Divas Champion through the hesitant help of her sister.]


Grade: 34






[Coming back from the break, Renee Young tries to get a word in with AJ Lee who's storming out of the building, suitcase being pulled behind her. As Young asks questions about the match tonight and how she lost the title AJ ignores her, throwing her suitcase into the trunk, slamming the lid and driving off.]


Grade: 42




[Randy Orton is warming up when Kane and Seth Rollins approach. Kane says Triple H ordred them to accompany Orton to the ring. Orton says he doesn’t mind Kane but no way will Rollins be there. Kane says they’re just following orders and Orton can take it up with Triple H later. Orton is not happy and walks off as they slowly follow him.]


Grade: 73




[We have a glimpse of Big Show's locker room where he's warming up alongside his friend Mark Henry. Henry tells Show that you can't trust the Authority and he'll be in his corner tonight to make sure they stay out of it.]


Grade: 78






[backstage Nikki Bella is on cloud nine, hugging her new Divas title to her chest. She barks orders at her sister Brie to open the champagne which Brie does, bringing Nikki a tall thin glass filled near the top. Nikki takes a short sip, savoring it, before pouring the rest over Brie’s head.


Nikki> “Don’t ever give me the cheap stuff again.”


[she walks off as Brie silently fumes.]


Grade: 37




Randy Orton w/Kane and Seth Rollins vs The Big Show w/Mark Henry


Orton still obviously displeased with Rollins’ presence on the outside gets manhandled in the opening minutes as the Big Show takes out his own frustrations on the Viper. Big Show misses a charge into the corner and Orton goes on the attack. When Kane begins distracting the referee, Henry runs over and the two begin fighting, taking the attention of the ref. As Big Show slowly tries to stand up, Orton is ready to strike with an RKO but Rollins climbs to the top and leaps off with a huge curbstomp, knocking Big Show out cold. Orton is furious but is forced to make the cover, all the while staring angily at Rollins who’s smirking on the outside.


Winner by Pinfall : Randy Orton


Grade: 72




[backstage we see Chris Jericho walking, heading to the ring. The Highlight Reel with guest John Cena is next!


Grade: 73






[Chris Jericho’s music hits and he comes down to a big ovation. He goes through his obligatory catch phrases and then introduces his guest John Cena. Cena comes down and they talk about his victory over Randy Orton at Hell in the Cell. Jericho keeps pressing Cena about what Paul Heyman said earlier but Cena says Heyman gets paid to run his mouth, Cena gets paid for winning world titles, something he’s done fifteen times and when he gets in the ring with Lesnar again it’ll be sixteen.


Then Triple H’s music hits as he comes to the stage with the Authority as entourage. Triple H says that while Cena did win a shot at Lesnar, he doesn’t call his shot, the Authority does and Triple H says he’s unsure when Cena will get that title shot. But more importantly, in a few weeks we have Survivor Series and it’s best for business if the number one contender is fully warmed up for that big title match so at Survivor Series it’s going to be a special three on three elimination match with Randy Orton, Seth Rollins, and Kane against Cena. Sure, Cena could find two partners but who’s stupid enough to sign up against the Authority?


That’s when Jericho says he actually agrees that someone who did that would be totally insane. It’d have to be someone with nothing to lose and few bridges left to burn. He says it also sounds like a hell of a lot of fun so count him in. This news does not sit well with Triple H and as the show ends there is a tense standoff between Team Authority and the not-so-finalized Team Cena.]


Grade: 77


Overall: 68

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Preview: Ambrose's Dirty Deeds?


  • Ever since Seth Rollins stole a win inside Hell in a Cell, Dean Ambrose has been looking for an outlet for his rage. That outlet should take place on Smackdown when he goes one-on-one with the Authority's Director of Operations, Kane? Can the lunatic fringe take down the Devil's Favorite Demon or will Hellfire and Brimstone be his fat on Smackdown?


  • On Monday we learned the main event of Survivor Series: Team Authority versus Team Cena in a Traditional Elimination Match. John Cena only has a few weeks to find his third man. Cena will be at Smackdown but who can he find who will be willing to stand against the Authority and risk their wrath?


  • Speaking of that epic Survivor Series main event this week the captain of The Authority, Seth Rollins, must first enter the Hall of Pain. What will happen when Rollins fights Mark Henry on Smackdown?


  • In a shocking development, Nikki Bella captured the Divas Championship from AJ thanks to the Authority. Following the match AJ left the building without a word. WWE Principle Owner Stephanie McMahon will be on hand to address the state of the Divas Division.


  • Last Monday the Miz and his stunt double Damien Mizdow upset the team of Dolph Ziggler and Sheamus. This Friday night the Miz is holding something called his “Hollywood Casting Call.” Who will answer his challenge?




Announced Matches:

Kane vs Dean Ambrose

Seth Rollins vs Mark Henry

The Miz's "Hollywood Casting Call"

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November, Friday Week 1

Coors Event Center-----Denver, CO

11,064 (Sellout)



[A recap of Hell in the Cell and of the big moments from Monday’s RAW plays before moving to shots of the crowd and the welcome from the announcers.]



Grade: 77






Paige vs Natalya



A quality match between these two Divas, which went back and forth, finally spilling to the outside. Paying no attention to the referee’s count they exchange attacks. Natalya has a chance to get back in the ring but Paige shoves her face-first into the ringpost, sealing the double countout.



DRAW by Double Countout



Grade: 44






[Triple H is in his office and we see him finishing a conversation on his phone when Paul Heyman enters the picture. After exchanging pleasantries, Heyman suggests that it is in the best interest of so many if John Cena had some...warmup matches headed into Survivor Series. Triple H nods and says he can understand where Heyman is coming from. They exchange a smile and a handshake before Heyman leaves. When he's gone, Triple H's smile fades showing his disdain for the WWE World Heavyweight Champion's advocate.]



Grade: 69






[Following the break, the camera finds Seth Rollins and Randy Orton in a backstage dressing area. Rollins informs Orton that since Kane is busy tonight Triple H wants Orton to accompany him in his match against Mark Henry and mentions that the Big Show has been banned from the building. Orton protests saying not only is he not doing it, if he goes out there it won't end well for Rollins. Seth says for him to take it up with Triple H and Stephanie and walks out, leaving Orton seething.]



Grade: 79






#1 Contenders Match



Big E & Kofi Kingston vs The Usos vs Kalisto & Sin Cara



All three teams give their all to earn a shot at the WWE Tag Team Champions at Survivor Series. The Usos seem to have the inside track for another shot at regaining their titles but just as it appears Jimmy is lining up Kofi for a giant splash from the top rope, Sin Cara makes the tag, sprints across the ring and hits a big huricanrana off the top. He then climbs back up and lands a graceful moonsault onto Jimmy for the 1-2-3.



Winners by Pinfall: Kalisto & Sin Cara



Grade: 62






[backstage we see the WWE Tag Team Champions Goldust and Stardust watching a monitor as Kalisto and Sin Cara celebrate their win.]



Grade: 61






[When we return from the break, Dean Ambrose is anxiously pacing backstage when he’s approached by John Cena. They agree that the Authority is the worst thing going today in the WWE Universe and Cena asks Ambrose if he’d sign up to join Team Cena at Survivor Series. Ambrose says he’ll think about it but he has bigger demons to fry tonight.]



Grade: 81






[brie walks into Nikki Bella's locker room. The new Diva's Champion is looking at herself in a mirror with the championship.]




Brie> "You wanted me?"




Nikki> "Oh, Brie, yes. But first I have a gift for you...open it."




[brie grabs the box that Nikki hands her and cautiously opens it...inside is Brie's "Brie Mode" t shirt but the Brie is X’d out in tape and replaced in gold is the words "Nikki Mode". Brie glares at her sister.]



Nikki> "You are to wear that for now on. Now here, I have a few things I need you to go and get me."




[Nikki hands her a 3 page list. Brie looks at it with disdain.]



Brie> "You want me to go buy you ALL of this?”




Nikki> "Yes, Brie. I am the face of the Divas - I have needs. And as a celebrity I can't possibly be expected to go shopping for myself. (Hands her an envelope of money) Now I did the math and there should be $5 left over for you. Get yourself something, pretty.......and hurry, I want to be out of this god forsaken building in an hour."


[brie looks like she might smack her but reluctantly she takes the money and the list and the shirt and storms out with Nikki waving and smiling.]



Grade: 51






[stephanie McMahon comes down to the ring.



She says that last Monday night we saw a seismic shift in the Divas division when Nikki Bella ended the reign of AJ as the DIvas Champion. She goes on to congratulate Nikki for working so hard to achieve her goals and says she's sure that Nikki will be the role model the Divas have deserved but never gotten under AJ, in fact she is the face of the WWE Divas and rightfully so. Then before she leaves, she stops, and with a smirk says she does want to address the fact AJ ran away, saying she remembers someone else running out of the building and walking out on the WWE Universe and ends with a snarky 'I guess it runs in the family.' before leaving the ring.]



Grade: 82






[backstage John Cena and Chris Jericho look anxious and frustrated. Jericho wants to know if Ambrose will join them and Cena shoots back that he doesn’t know. They stare angrily for a moment before relaxing and realizing that the enemy is not inside that particular dressing room tonight.]



Grade: 89






[The Miz is in the ring and let’s everyone know that he’s holding this Hollywood Casting Call to find someone worthy of himself. Mizdow assures him no one is worthy which Miz agrees with and says let’s see who wants to be famous.]






<iframe width="640" height="390" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/YVs7DwPtCqo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>



[The Miz and Mizdow look pale as Ryback makes his way down to the ring, smiling a carnivorous grin. Miz reminds everyone that as the WWE’s true Hollywood star he will be invoking an important clause in his contract which allows for his stunt double. This causes Mizdow to slowly look at his boss wide eyed.]



Miz> “Go get’em Damien!”



Damien Mizdow vs Ryback



Miz leaves the ring, with Mizdow turning to beg him to return. All the while Ryback is warming up the Meathook. When Mizdown turns around he gets flattened by the big clothesline. A Shellshock follows a moment later. As Ryback celebrates his win, the Miz is safely up on the stage.



Winner by Pinfall: Ryback


Grade: 49






<iframe width="640" height="390" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/jKjxCjaGs8g" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>



Grade: 80






[Dolph Ziggler is interviewed by Renee Young about what happened in his tag match with Sheamus which ended with a loss thanks to an errant Brogue Kick. Before Ziggler can answer Sheamus enters and the two men are nose to nose. Sheamus says that what happened was an accident plain and simple but if Ziggler doesn't want to take him at his word maybe he wants to settle it another way. Ziggler says he'd love to and the scene ends without it going any further.]



Grade: 62






Seth Rollins w/Randy Orton vs Mark Henry



Rollins at first seems to enjoy Orton’s annoyance at being forced to be in his corner but that ends when Orton “accidentally” trips Rollins on an Irish Whip. Orton of course apologizes but at that point Rollins has one eye on his opponent and one on his Authority teammate. Henry’s strength is on full display but he makes a crucial mistake being distracted by Orton allowing Rollins an opening to hit a running kneelift to the back, sending Henry face first into the post, then he rolls him up using the ropes for leverage.



Winner by Pinfall: Seth Rollins


Grade: 68






[No sooner does the bell ring than Orton and Rollins are on the attack, stomping Henry and peppering him with punches. For once they show some teamwork battering Henry for several minutes then Orton gets a sadistic grin and retrieves a chair from outside, putting it under Henry’s head. Rollins gets the picture and climbs to the second rope, and when Henry begins to come to, Rollins jumps off and Curbstomps him down into the chair. The two Authority members have a rare moment of comradery and leave together.]



Grade: 82






<iframe width="640" height="390" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/FqtZMNAkLgE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>



Grade: 85






<iframe width="640" height="390" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/D3qkkjmX19g" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>



[bray Wyatt is shown in his rocking chair in a dark backstage area.]



Wyatt> Dean....I know you've got other things on your mind tonight like your match with Kane but I want you to know I haven't forgotten about you. No sir. I want you to know I'm going to be with you tonight in spirit, like an angel sitting on your shoulder and whispering the sweet gospel of Sister Abagail into your ear. You see it is the penitent man who accepts his faults and accepts his salvation. Others like Harper and Rowan have accepted that salvation and been transfigured into their new lives like a butterfly leaving a cocoon and some have closed their eyes and their souls to my truth and have fallen into oblivion. What will you do Dean? I do hope you accept the invitation to the dance because I promise you, that you will never regret it.



Grade: 66









Grade: 79






Kane vs Dean Ambrose



Kane controls the early moments but Ambrose strikes back with a flurry of wild attacks coming from very direction. Feeding off the crowd’s energy he’s about to set up Dirty Deeds when Orton and Rollins run down to the ring and break it up and causing the disqualification.



Winner by Disqualification: Dean Ambrose


Grade: 81






[The Authority are backing Ambrose into a corner, though he’s still willing to fight when Cena and Jericho sprint down to the ring sending the Authority packing after three brief skirmishes. As the Authority members regroup in the aisle Ambrose grabs a mic and says what while he has a beating with Bray Wyatt’s name on it, if Cena and Jericho still have a slot he’ll find time to kick the Authority’s ass too! Rollins nearly screams in frustration as Orton and Kane exchange concerned glances as the show goes off the air.



Grade: 84


Overall: 82

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Following the week of tv, here is the current card for Survivor Series:







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RAW scored a 7.51 on USA

Smackdown scored a 4.62 on SYFY




http://www.wrestle-zone.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/wwe-nxt-logo1-150x150.jpg Report



-Sami Zayn def Curtis Axle

-Kevin Steen def Finn Balor

-Adrian Neville def Tyler Breeze to retain the NXT Championship


According to WWE Network the highest rated segment was Zayn/Axle


Sami Zayn vs Curtis Axle


High energy from the opening bell as these two go move for move against each other which continues to build the audience's excitement. The crowd reaches a fever pitch when Zayn climbs to the top and hits a cross body block on Axle at ringside. He rolls Axle in and following a running neckbreaker, he patiently waits, flying off with a missile dropkick which earns the win.


Winner by Pinfall: Sami Zayn



News and Notes


-TNA went on a major pink slip spree which puts many of their known storylines in limbo. The most notable of the recently unemployed include EC3, Brooke Tessmacher, Robbie E, Jessie Godderz, Zema Ion, many members of the Menagerie, and Bram.


-Speaking of TNA James Storm won the World Title from Bobby Lashley this week on Impact.


-There are indications changes may be coming to both RAW and Smackdown though details are sketchy at this point.


-Jeff Jarrett's Global Force Wrestling signed the first of what is expected to be a slew of talents with Chris Sabin, Christopher Daniels, and Elijah Burke.


-WrestleMania XXXI tickets will go on sale this coming Thursday. The event is expected to easily sell out within minutes.


-During his weekly interview with Michael Cole on wwe.com, Triple H took credit for putting the NXT tag champs in the number one contender match saying that he has full faith in the NXT brand and he's looking forward to see if Kalisto and Sin Cara can carry two sets of belts after Survivor Series.

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*With Survivor Series three weeks away the Authority know time is running out to secure their victory in the main event. This week all three members of Team Authority and Team Cena will be in action and the goal is clear: Eliminate the enemy before the big event.


*Nikki Bella is the new Divas Champion and her sister Brie is entering week 2 of her indentured servitude. What will the face of the Divas division do this week to torment her personal assistant and how much can Brie take before she snaps?


*This past week saw the NXT Tag Team Champions earn a spot at the WWE Tag Team Championships at Survivor Series. The current champions, Goldust and Stardust have promised to send a message to Kalisto and Sin

Cara this week but what do the bizarre ones have in mind?


*On Smackdown Paul Heyman, the Advocate for the WWE World Heavyweight CHampion Brock Lesnar met with Triple H to discuss John Cena. Where the Advocate is, can the Beast be far behind and how can Cena focus on his match when he knows what's looming behind him?


*Bray Wyatt is also looming. Following his attack on Dean Ambrose at Hell in a Cell he's been cryptic about his plans for the Lunatic Fringe. With Ambrose facing a handicap match this week he can't afford to take his eyes off Rollins and Kane....but can he afford to ignore the Buzzards as well?


Announced Matches:


John Cena vs Cesaro

Chris Jericho v Randy Orton

Dean Ambrose vs Seth Rollins & Kane

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://www.wwe.com/f/show/subnav/20140819_PageHeader_NewRAW.png</span><p> <strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">November, Monday Week 2</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;"> Bojangles Coliseum-----Charlotte, NC</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;"> 9,605(Sellout)</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> [The show opens with a recap of last week's Highlight Reel which saw Chris Jericho join John Cena's team at Survivor Series]</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Grade: 82 </strong> </p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>----------------</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <iframe width="640" height="360" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/nxhRRQOrFRA?feature=player_detailpage" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> [Flair struts down to the ring as the crowd adores him and shows off for them a little before collecting a ringside mic.]</p><p> </p><p> Flair> Wooooooo! I am here in beautiful Charlotte, by God, North Carolina because in a few weeks we got something goin' on called the Survivor Series. Now you may be saying to yourself, Naitch, how can I see the Survivor Series. Luckily for all of you in the WWE Universe you can get signed up for the WWE Network and...... </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <iframe width="640" height="360" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/ebLU-SSnMKs?feature=player_detailpage" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> [Rusev comes down to the ring with Lana]</p><p> </p><p> Lana> Foolish old man. You come out here peddling your capitalist propaganda. The only thing that matters in WWE is Rusev! </p><p> </p><p> Flair> Hey there little lady. I didn't come out here to argue or to fight. But since I'm here...and you're here, how about we send the big boy to the back and I give you a guided tour of Space Mountain?</p><p> </p><p> Lana> (looking appalled) Rusev CRUSH!</p><p> </p><p> [Rusev begins to advance, boxing Flair into a corner when the Big Show comes running down to the ring. Rusev goes for a side kick but the Big Show catches it, and flings him to the ground and to the floor outside the ring. Show picks up the mic and says if Rusev wants to beat on someone he can get another taste of him at Survivor Series. Better yet, pick three teammates and let's have it old school. Rusev nods enthusiastcally as he and Lana go back up the ramp. Show and Flair exchange some hugs and we go to break with an emphatic WOOOOO!</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Grade: 63 </strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:14px;"><em><strong>COMMERCIAL BREAK</strong></em></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> [The Smackdown Rewind is shown reminding the audience of the Miz’s Hollywood Casting Call which was answered by Ryback.]</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Grade: 69 </strong> </p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>----------------</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38590" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">Paige and Layla vs Natalya and Naomi</span></strong><p> </p><p> Natalya and Naomi start off hot in this one but the underhanded tactics of Paige and Layla bear fruit half way through the match when a distraction from Layla allows Paige to shove Naomi face first into the corner. Stunned, she can't get out of the way of the Paige Turner. That secures the victory.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Winners by Pinfall: Paige and Layla</strong></span></p></div></blockquote> <p> </p><p> <strong>Grade: 71 </strong> </p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>----------------</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <iframe width="640" height="390" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/jKjxCjaGs8g" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Grade: 87 </strong> </p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>----------------</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> [backstage Renee Young is standing by with John Cena.]</p><p> </p><p> Young> My guest at this time…John Cena. John tonight you face Cesaro, no doubt thanks to Paul Heyman’s plan with Triple H and the Authority and this week on WWE.com, Triple H said he had another match in mind for you on Smackdown. Are you worried that you may not be able to make it to Survivor Series at this rate?</p><p> </p><p> Cena> Worried about Survivor Series? No. Concerned about schemes and conspiracies? Not a chance. This is what I do Renee. I show up, I look the man across the ring in the eyes and I put him down for the 1-2-3. Paul Heyman, Triple H, Vince McMahon, Wile E. Coyote and whoever else wants to put together a plan to derail me can try their best. At the end of the night I’ll be standing tall. </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Grade: 67 </strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:14px;"><em><strong>COMMERCIAL BREAK</strong></em></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38590" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">Sheamus vs Bo Dallas</span></strong><p> </p><p> It is all Sheamus from the opening bell and Dallas doesn't have a prayer. Sheamus lines up for the Brogue Kick when Dolph Ziggler's music hits and he comes walking down the ramp yelling for Sheamus' attention. Sheamus leaves the ring to confront Ziggler and it isn’t until the referee's nine count that Ziggler points in the direction of the ring to let Sheamus know he's about to lose. Sheamus sprints back to the ring but it’s a second too short and the referee calls for the bell.</p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">Winner by Countout Bo Dallas</span></strong></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <strong>Grade: 54 </strong> </p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>----------------</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> [sheamus looks like he’s doing to either have a stroke or kill Ziggler but the Intercontinental champion can’t stop laughing as he heads back up the ramp. Meanwhile Bo Dallas is running victory laps in the ring.]</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Grade: 64 </strong> </p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>----------------</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> [backstage we see the Authority all grouped together. They hype Survivor Series and tonight’s big matches. Stephanie says she’s got some inspiration from the plans to put Team Cena in their place and she’s going to handle some unfinished business in the ring…next!] </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Grade: 81 </strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:14px;"><em><strong>COMMERCIAL BREAK</strong></em></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <iframe width="640" height="390" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/YADzLiQBkEE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> [stephanie comes down to the ring playing to the crowd a bit.]</p><p> </p><p> Stephanie> A few weeks ago something stupendous happened in this very ring. Nikki Bella became the new WWE Divas Champion and in doing so became the face of the Divas Division. But afterward something else happened. Someone decided to take their ball and go home. Now for those of you in Chicago who are watching us live, my advice is to stick to bottled water because there is obviously something in the Chicago water that turns people into quitters.</p><p> </p><p> [she seems very amused by her own joke as the crowd picks up a CM Punk chant when....]</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <iframe width="640" height="390" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/i9p-f62bEiQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> [AJ comes skipping down to the ring, and around it in a lap as Stephanie eyes her coldly.]</p><p> </p><p> AJ> Well bosslady, first I do want to address this quitting thing. I'll admit it. I was really angry and really frustrated when I was cheated out of my title but then I came to think of two positives from the situation. First, I get a rematch for my title and I'll be putting in a request to have that rematch at TLC next month. Can I get that bosslady?</p><p> </p><p> Stephanie> I think that's a good idea.</p><p> </p><p> AJ> Great! The other thing I was thinking was we have Survivor Series coming up and so while we have big matches like Team Authority against Team Cena and we have a cross branded Tag Team Championship match let's do something big for the ladies, shall we? So how about we have Team Nikki versus Team AJ and the winning captain gets to pick the stipulations for our rematch at TLC?</p><p> </p><p> Stephanie> I don't know AJ, I mean....you're yesterday's news. Nikki is the future of the Divas. Why should I agree to your idea?</p><p> </p><p> AJ> You bring up a good point. I mean if Nikki wins, or you help Nikki win you could put me in a terrible match at TLC with odds stacked so high against me I'd likely be crushed right?</p><p> </p><p> Stephanie> That is a possibil.....</p><p> </p><p> [AJ rears back and slaps the hell out of Stephanie who looks stunned, her mouth still agape. as AJ drops the mic and skips around the ring before exiting up the ramp. By the time she's at the top, McMahon might as well be breathing fire.]</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Grade: 61 </strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:14px;"><em><strong>COMMERCIAL BREAK</strong></em></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> [A replay of what just occurred with Stephanie and AJ is shown with the announcers hyping their confrontation.] </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Grade: 77 </strong> </p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>----------------</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38590" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">Chris Jericho vs Randy Orton</span></strong><p> </p><p> These two ring veterans trade the momentum back and forth the entire match. The end comes when Jericho goes for the Lionsault but no sooner that he turned his back, Orton pops up and catches him with an amazing RKO. It’s elementary from there. </p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Winner by Pinfall: Randy Orton</strong></span></p></div></blockquote> <p> </p><p> <strong>Grade: 89 </strong> </p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>----------------</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <iframe width="640" height="390" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/E3gExu2Mk6o" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Grade: 79 </strong> </p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>----------------</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> [Renee Young is backstage with a pacing Dean Ambrose.]</p><p> </p><p> Young> My guest is….Dean Ambrose. Dean tonight you… </p><p> </p><p> Ambrose> Renee, you know sometimes life is like cutting down a tree. You pick up your axe and you whack and whack and whack and eventually that big tall tree goes….tiiiiimber. Sometimes it falls the way you want and sometimes it falls right on top of you. The Authority you see holds the axe and they whack and whack and whack trying to chop down anyone in their way but sometimes…sometimes that person they’re chopping down comes down on them like a three hundred foot redwood. I got problems Renee, you got problems…we all…got…problems but the Authority has a big one because they decided to make me a target last Friday night and tonight I got Rollins and Kane? Perfect. Picture perfect because I get to unleash on both of those sellouts and the best part is…they’re asking for it.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Grade: 67 </strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:14px;"><em><strong>COMMERCIAL BREAK</strong></em></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38590" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">Dean Ambrose vs Seth Rollins and Kane</span></strong><p> </p><p> Ambrose is a wildman as soon the bell ring and he isn’t picky about attacking Kane or Rollins. He has them on the ropes but eventually Kane is able to cause a distraction enough for the referee allowing Rollins to hit a low blow. Then it’s the Authority’s turn to lay out the punishment. Kane delivers two chokeslams but Rollins is screaming for the tag. Kane tags him in and he waits and waits and when Ambrose is about to get up….curbstomp. He makes a very cocky cover while the referee counts Ambrose 1-2-3.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Winner by Pinfall: Seth Rollins</strong></span></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <strong>Grade: 78 </strong> </p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>----------------</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> [backstage Nikki Bella is in the middle of her sister Brie painting her nails when a furious Stephanie McMahon barges into her dressing room. Stephanie tells Nikki that it’s time for AJ to learn her place. At Survivor Series it’ll be Team AJ vs Team Nikki so the Divas Champion better assemble the fiercest Divas team in history because there will be hell to pay if AJ wins.]</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Grade: 63 </strong> </p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>----------------</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> [Kalisto and Sin Cara are walking backstage when Goldust and Stardust creep up behind them, intent on attacking them. Instead the NXT champions dodge them and retaliate sending the WWE Champions running for the hills as Sin Cara and Kalisto shout likely derogatory things about them in Spanish.] </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Grade: 52 </strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:14px;"><em><strong>COMMERCIAL BREAK</strong></em></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y11/kimrok1982/TEW%20Diary/2015/smackdown/sdweek2nov2014preview_zps6bb16f3a.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Grade: 76</strong> </p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>----------------</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38590" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">John Cena vs Cesaro</span></strong><p> </p><p> Both men get to show off their strength but Cesaro continually keeps Cena on the defense, even hitting the ever-popular giant swing but Cena powers out of several pinfall attempts. Cesaro decides to go up to the top rope but Cena crotches him on the turnbuckle, then uses Cesaro’s delicate position to put him on his shoulders and deliver an Attitude Adjustment for the win.</p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">Winner by Pinfall: John Cena</span></strong></p></div></blockquote> <p> </p><p> <strong>Grade: 77 </strong> </p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>----------------</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> [Cena is in the ring in celebration mode when…..</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <iframe width="640" height="390" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/fouPpx9Rmw8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Cena is ready staring down the top of the stage when Lesnar hops the barricade behind the time keeper and slips into the ring. When Cena turns around he walks right into an F5. </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Grade: 88 </strong></p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>----------------</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> As the show ends, the WWE Champion has returned and laid waste to his number one contender, reminding everyone that Cena has more to worry about than Team Authority.] </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Grade: 76 </strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Overall: 74 </strong></p>
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*Last week the Miz's Hollywood Casting Call was ruined by the return of Ryback. Miz threw his stunt double, Damien Mizdow into the fire to save himself. This week we'll see a rematch and we'll learn how much Mizdow can take at the expense of his boss.


*On RAW John Cena was paid a visit by WWE World Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar. A reminder that though Cena has his sights set on the Authority at Survivor Series the Champion looms. This week the Captain of Team Cena faces the Captain of Team Authority. Will either man even make it to the Fall Classic?


*Dean Ambrose, another member of Team Cena, has found himself pulled in different directions as of late. His obligations for Survivor Series and his desire to exact vengeance on Bray Wyatt for last month's Hell in a Cell. This week Ambrose faces the Swiss Superman Cesaro but Bray Wyatt has promised to send a message to Ambrose. What does WWE's Sadistic Savior have in mind?


*With only two weeks to go until Survivor Series the COO of the WWE will be on hand to address the WWE Universe about this titanic clash and what it will mean for all involved.



Announced Matches


-John Cena vs Seth Rollins

-Dean Ambrose vs Cesaro

-Damien Mizdow vs Ryback

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November, Friday Week 2

Cassell Coliseum-----Blacksburg, VA

10,052 (Sellout)




[The opening video package is shown, reminding the audience of last week’s Smackdown which saw Dean Ambrose join Team Cena cementing the two sides for Survivor Series.]


Grade: 89




[Triple H is introduced and comes down to the ring.]


Triple H> In little more than two weeks we’ll be at the Suvivor Series. This is one of the preeminent events in the WWE calendar. It’s one of the Big Four. It’s seen debuts from people like Kurt Angle…and the Undertaker…it’s seen moments like Montreal and the end of the Alliance during the InVasion. This year you’re all going to see another ending. John Cena could have had it made. He’s got it all right? He’s got the looks, the career history, he’s got it all…except friends in high places. John I could have been the best friend you’d ever have. You could have been champion again. Instead you cling to Hustle, Loyalty, and Respect. And now you surround yourself with a washed up has been would-be singer and a lunatic. Across the ring? The Viper, the Devil’s Favorite Demon, and the future of the WWE..Seth Rollins.


Then last week you got a wakeup call didn’t you John? Brock Lesnar laid you out cold. He’s still hunting you too. Caught between the Authority and Brock Lesnar..I really don’t envy you. But then again I don’t envy anyone because I’m the boss and I make the rules around here. Let me show you an example. In your match tonight against Seth Rollins…you’re going to have a special referee……



<iframe width="640" height="390" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/QT21CEy9lzs" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>



[Orton comes down to the ring, and shakes hands with Triple H as Cole complains about how unfair this is as we go to break.]


Grade: 80






[backstage the Authority are gathered in their office and all seem to be in a great mood. They say Team Cena ends tonight and won’t make it to Survivor Series.]


Grade: 88




[Following Rusev’s attempted attack on Ric Flair and the save by the Big Show, a graphic is shown to announce the teams for Survivor Series. Big Show along with Mark Henry and the Usos will take on Rusev, Bo Dallas, the Miz, and Damien Mizdow.]




Grade: 74




Sin Cara w/Kalisto vs Stardust w/Goldust

A lot of fast paced action between these two as Sin Cara continually keeps Stardust on his heels, frustrating him more than once and sending him to the outside to be advised by his brother. Using some underhanded tactics he gains the advantage and almost has a victory but when Sin Cara ducks a clothesline, he bounds off the ropes, jumps up and hits a DDT/cradle combo for the 1-2-3.


Winner by Pinfall: Sin Cara


Grade: 58





<iframe width="640" height="390" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/jKjxCjaGs8g" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>



Grade: 79






[The RAW Rebound is shown, highlighting the return of WWE Champion Brock Lesnar when he attacked John Cena at the end of RAW.]


Grade: 78




[When we return from that video Paul Heyman is backstage looking smug.]


Heyman> Ladies and Gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman and if you didn’t know already I am the advocate for the reigning defending WWE World Heavyweight Champion BROCK LESNAR. Since his encounter with John Cena at Night of Champions many have wondered where my client was. The question was answered last Monday night when the BEAST returned and left John Cena laying unconscious at his feet. This is a message and it’s a preview. I’ve said week after week that all John Cena has to do is relinquish his right to face Brock Lesnar one more time. Avoid one more loss. Avoid one more beating. I don’t know if John Cena is determined or foolish but he seems to be on a course of no return. Some would call it a death wish. John, you want the Champ? You want the Beast? You want the Conqueror? You’re going to get him and when it’s all done you’ll beg for mercy and plead for release and you will find neither at the hands of BROCK…..Lesnar.


Grade: 85




Non-Title Match

Dolph Ziggler vs Bo Dallas


Ziggler and Dallas have a nice match, trading momentum back and forth but Ziggler’s athleticism really shows through. Ziggler climbs to the top, ready to strike when Sheamus’ music hits and the United States Champion comes down to the ring. Distracted, Ziggler doesn’t see Dallas who shoves him off to the outside where he strikes the barrier before hitting the floor in a lump. Sheamus silently mimics the referee’s count and by the time it hits ten, Ziggler is just pulling himself up the apron.


Winner by Countout: Bo Dallas


Grade: 50




[Following the match Ziggler and Sheamus are loudly arguing when Kane comes out to the stage. He says that its clear there is a disagreement as to who is the better man and the better champion . So at Survivor Series it’ll be one on one, champion versus champion in a title unification match. Ziggler and Sheamus exchange a silent stare as we go to break.]


Grade: 72






[Chris Jericho is talking to Natalya and Eva Marie when they suddenly scream and run. Jericho turns around into a big clothesline from Kane. The Director of Operations continues his attack, throwing Jericho into a wall, before picking him up and chokeslamming him through a nearby table. Medical officials tend to Jericho as Kane just smiles and straightens his tie before moving away.]


Grade: 71




Another famous Survivor Series moment is relived: The Montreal Screwjob



<iframe width="640" height="390" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/OwMOtdNnWYY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>



Grade: 73




Ryback vs Damien Mizdow w/The Miz


You almost feel bad for Mizdow in this one. Ryback is rearing to go and it doesn’t take long for a few power moves, a Meathook, and then the Shellshock.


Winner by Pinfall: Ryback


Grade: 54




[As Ryback celebrates, the Miz slips into the ring with a chair and blasts him across the back. He continues with the attack and eventually Mizdow is up and he helps. Before the officials and referees can intercede, Miz puts Ryback’s arm on top of another chair, then smashes it with his own chair. Ryback howls in pain, rolling around and holding his arm as the Miz and his stunt double leave the ring very pleased with themselves.]


Grade: 43






[Renee Young is backstage with John Cena]


Young> John, we’ve just witnessed Kane attacking Chris Jericho. Is the Authority right? Will Team Cena be destroyed tonight, two weeks from Survivor Series?


Cena> No Renee, they’re dead wrong. You can jump a man from behind. You can slip in Randy Orton as my referee tonight. You can play all the games you want but that doesn’t change the fact that in two weeks it’s going to be three on three. Triple H likes to do his talking with a suit on these days. He used to have a set but these days if he wants to see his balls he opens his wife’s purse. So this is how he gets off—stacking the deck. Well Hunter you stack that deck and deal the cards however you want because at the end of the hand you’re the one who’s busted.


Grade: 67




Dean Ambrose vs Cesaro


A fantastic back and forth affair with both men getting in a ton of offense and having the other on the ropes. The action spills to the outside where they both do damage and Ambrose is nearly counted out but he makes it back in. Cesaro is setting up for the Neutralizer when Ambrose bulrushes him into the corner, throws some shoulders into his midsection and in a flash hits Dirty Deeds for the win.


Winner by Pinfall: Dean Ambrose


Grade: 53




[As Ambrose is in the ring, the lights go out and Bray Wyatt is on the screen.]


Wyatt> Congratulations Dean on a hard fought victory. Oh, you remember me don’t you? I feel like you’ve forgotten me Dean. You’ve moved on to Survivor Series and your big match. But I haven’t forgotten Dean. I haven’t forgotten how I stripped victory against your former brother right out of your hands. I haven’t forgotten the sound of our bodies hitting like two freight trains. (chuckles). You can’t ignore me Dean, you can’t close your eyes and hope that I’ll go away like the monster at the end of your bed when you were eight. You must realize that we are on the path to salvation you and I. Accept and be saved…..deny…and embrace oblivion. Look around you Dean…look at the soul lights all around….


[Ambrose does a 360 as the arena is dotted by pinpricks of light from the crowd]


They have accepted the salvation. We are one….we are legion.



<iframe width="640" height="390" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/D3qkkjmX19g" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>



Grade: 72






[Cole and JBL hype this Monday’s pre-announced main event. John Cena and Chris Jericho against Seth Rollins and Randy Orton inside a steel cage.]




Grade: 77




John Cena vs Seth Rollins


The dislike is evident as both men carefully approach each other. Rollins controls most of the early match and every time Cena has a chance to pounce Orton steps in shielding Rollins, no pun intended. This causes Cena to grow more and more frustrated. Late in the match Rollins whips Cena into the ropes but Cena reverses and sends him straight into Orton, knocking the referee from the ring. Cena goes on the offense, hitting shoulder blocks and the Five Knuckle Shuffle. He’s seizing Rollins up for the AA when Orton returns with a chair and blasts him in the back. Rollins joins in and soon Kane, Noble, and Matthews are involved. Triple H comes down to enjoy the scene.


No Contest


Grade: 77




[Cena makes a last attempt when he launches himself at Rollins and is quickly overwhelmed by Rollins, Kane, Orton, Matthews, and Noble as Triple H calls the shots from ringside. Cena is chokeslammed, RKO’d and then with the aid of Kane and Orton, Curbstomped. Triple H enters the ring and orders his men to form a line and as the show ends, Team Authorty has their arms jointly raised over the fallen Captain of Team Cena.]


Grade: 85


Overall: 72

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RAW scored a 7.55 on USA (+.4)

Smackdown scored a 4.80 on SYFY (+.18)




http://www.wrestle-zone.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/wwe-nxt-logo1-150x150.jpg Report



-Charlotte def Sasha Banks to retain NXT Women's Title

-The Ascension def CJ Parker and Jason Jordon

-Adrian Neville and Sami Zayn def Tyler Breeze and Tyson Kidd


According to WWE Network the highest rated segment was a video package hyping the NXT Women's Title match between Charlotte and Sasha Banks which highlighted their long friendship and current animosity.


News and Notes


-As evidenced by the NXT report the show is severely lacking at the moment and with WWE consistently preoccupied with gaining network viewers they can't afford for one of the fresh items on the Network to flounder. Vince McMahon was said to be visibly agitated when watching it so expect next week's show to look a little more...enthused.


-Ryback was reportedly called into the office following what is suspected to be a failed drug test. No word if his 'injury' on SD is a cover to excuse him being punished or not.


-Matt Hardy reportedly walked out on TNA just one day before Turning Point following disagreements about its creative direction.


-Drake Weurtz, a referee with NXT has been terminated following "poor performance."


-Charlotte, Sami Zayn, and Tyler Breeze have concluded a 2 week stint with Raw and Smackdown where they worked dark matches. It's said that they did very well and elevated themselves in the eyes of many. Next up: Sasha Banks, Richie Steamboat, and Corey Graves.


-WWE may be thinning the TV ranks of NXT and sending several performers back down to the Performance Center.

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Two weeks away from WWE's Fall Classic and things are heating up on Monday Night RAW.


*For weeks John Cena has walked the tightrope between keeping his eyes on the Authority and Brock Lesnar at the same time. Last week Lesnar got the upperhand through a blindside attack. Then on Smackdown, Cena was the victim of a brutal beatdown. This week he teams with Chris Jericho to face Randy Orton and Seth Rollins. What kind of shape is he in and what can we do to avoid another mugging?


*At Survivor Series we'll see Team AJ versus Team Nikki with the rights to name the stipulations for their rematch at TLC on the line. This week AJ goes one on one with her former frenemy Paige. Can she take care of business or will the Bellas prove to be a double distraction?


*For the first time ever the NXT Tag Champions will challenge for the WWE Tag Team Championship. On Smackdown Sin Cara came away with an upset of Stardust. This week the other men in the match will give it a go as Goldust meets Kalisto. Can the Bizarre One stem the tide and put momentum back with his team?


*Bray Wyatt has been a thorn in the side of Dean Ambrose since Hell in a Cell and though Ambrose is a member of Team Cena, Wyatt has lurked in the shadows. This week he comes into the light when he faces Jack Swagger but will the WWE's Sadistic Savior have another message to send to Ambrose?



Announced Matches


-AJ vs Paige

-Bray Wyatt vs Jack Swagger

-Goldust vs Kalisto

-John Cena and Chris Jericho vs Randy Orton and Seth Rollins

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November, Monday Week 3

i Wireless Center-----Molina, IL

12,000 (Sellout)



[The show begins with a video highlighting last week's events, capped off with the return of Brock Lesnar and his attack on John Cena. This is followed by the normal video opening package.]


Grade: 84




[Dean Ambrose is headed into the building when he's met with Security and Director of Operations, Kane. Kane informs Ambrose his services are not needed tonight and he's banned from the building. Ambrose and Kane jaw back and forth a little before Ambrose gets back in his car.


Grade: 74




[The Authority, minus Kane are in their locker room. All of them are very confidant tonight and jubilant about how they destroyed Cena last week on Smackdown. Tonight, Triple H notes, Orton and Rollins will finish the job.]


Grade: 84




Cesaro vs Zack Ryder


Cesaro is dominant from the opening bell. Ryder doesn't get much if any offense in and before long the Neutralizer puts Ryder away.


Winner by Pinfall: Cesaro


Grade: 50






[A video package highlights the ongoing issue between Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler and United States Champion Sheamus and then Kane's announcement that the two will meet at Survivor Series, winner take all.]


Grade: 64




[The announcers are discussing the title for title match when…..]



<iframe width="640" height="390" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/KrMotdTWNAU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>



Grade: 56




Goldust w/Stardust vs Kalisto w/Sin Cara


The veteran Goldust controls the match by using his size to keep Kalisto grounded with some close falls but the masked man fights back and eventually takes the momnetum, flooring Goldust with a series of dropkicks. He goes to the top but behind the referee's back, Stardust shoves him off, landing in a heap. Goldust recovers and when Kalisto staggers to his feet, he hits his old friend, the Curtain Call for the 1-2-3.


Winner by Pinfall: Goldust


Grade: 50




[After the match, Goldust and Stardust quickly swarm Kalisto, and when Sin Cara tries to help they double team him too, launching him over the ropes. They turn back to Kalisto and as Stardust holds him down, Goldust retrieves a can of gold spray paint from below the ring and they begin to paint Kalisto's white mask Gold, finally leaving him on his face in the ring.]


Grade: 39






[Another big moment in Survivor Series History is shown: The end of the Alliance.]



<iframe width="640" height="390" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/1dTluITDmks" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Grade: 74




AJ vs Paige


A quality match between these two as it goes back and forth. Nikki and Brie on commentary ringside do their best to distract AJ but she's smart enough to keep her focus on Paige and it pays off when she locks her into the Black Widow and gets a tap out for her troubles.


Winner by Submission: AJ


Grade: 78




[Now AJ is ready for the Bellas and goes straight for Nikki but Brie gets in the way and keeps her focus, allowiing Nikki to run, but she actually runs around the ring and when she comes back to the table, she clobbers AJ in the back of the head with the DIvas championship. Niiki mocks her and Brie looks a little unsure about the whole situation before they leave.]


Grade: 74




[backstage Stephanie is all smiles as she watches what happened with AJ on a television in her office. Triple H comes in and they share their hopes about tonights main event especially with Ambrose gone. Triple closes with a quip about loving when a plan comes together.]


Grade: 82






[The Smackdown Rewind is shown reminding the audience of Bray Wyatt's words for Dean Ambrose. Cole, Lawler, and JBL all hype the ongoing Wyatt-Ambrose saga.]


Grade: 70




Bray Wyatt vs Jack Swagger w/Zeb Coulter


Wyatt goes on the offensive early but Swagger fights back. Unfortunately for Swagger, he's never able to do much more than stun Wyatt who always bounces back to take control back from him. Not even Coulter's directions from the outside can stop Swagger's inevitable meeting with Sister Abagail.


Winner by Pinfall: Bray Wyatt


Grade: 55




[Following the match, as the arena goes dark except for a solitary spotlight and the cell phone lights dotting the audience, Wyatt falls to his knees and retrieves a folded picture of Dean Ambrose from his back pocket. From his front pocket he takes out a lighter and with a maniacal smile he burns the picture.]


Grade: 69





<iframe width="640" height="390" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/FqtZMNAkLgE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Grade: 76






[backstage Renee Young is standing by with Paul Heyman.]


Young> Paul, last week Brock Lesnar returned and attacked John Cena from behind. Will he be appearing tonight to maybe look Cena in the eye?


Heyman> No Renee, the reigning defending WWE Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar is not here tonight. He shows up when he wants to and that’s usually for two reasons. Either he has a fight or he has a message. Last week the message was sent crystal clear to John Cena. You can look to Survivor Series. You can keep your eyes on Triple H and the authority but when you do that you open yourself to the wrath of the Beast. Should John Cena be looking over his shoulder tonight? Sure. And at home. And at the grocery store. And out at dinner. And at the gym. You see Renee there is no place which is safe for John Cena because he continues to reject my compassionate offer for him to renounce his upcoming title match with Brock Lesnar. So no Renee, Brock Lesnar isn't here.....probably.


[Heyman smiles, quite full of himself, as Young just shakes her head at him.]


Grade: 82




Big Show and the Usos vs Rusev, the Miz, and Damien Mizdow


The good guys control most of the match before Rusev takes over against Jey. They tease a hot tag to the Big Show for several minutes before it happens and then he and Rusev collide. Miz makes a bling tag and attacks the Big Show from behind...which was a mistake. Show dominates him, planting him with a chokeslam. He then tags Jimmy and helps launch him off the top with extra height for a huge splash for the win.


Winners by Pinfall: Big Show and the Usos


Grade: 64




[After the match Rusev and Lana make a quick exit but when Mizdow comes in to retreieve his boss, they're caught by all three men.....Show then hits a big right hand on Miz, knocking him cold. Mizdow notices this and then flops as if he was unconscious as well. The heroes kind of shrug and celebrate their victory as Rusev scowls on the stage.]


Grade: 56




[backstage Cena and Jericho are in a dressing room talking over their streategy for the match. Cena says not to worry because he has a plan and tonight the Authority are going to get a taste of their own medicine.]


Grade: 80






<iframe width="640" height="390" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/jKjxCjaGs8g" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Grade: 79




[Cole hypes this Friday Night when Smackdown will host the WWE Chairman!]



Grade: 76




[Orton and Rollins are in the cage awaiting their opponents when Cena's old Thuganomics music hits and he and Jericho come down to the ring, Cena complete with chain and padlock. But before they get into the cage they stop and begin fishing under the apron before pulling out matching pipes. Orton and Rollins did not expect this and as Jericho and Cena enter Rollins puts on a brave face, trash talking his opponents. But when he turns to get backup from his partner, Orton is already over the top of the cage. Rollins looks deflated and when he turns around, Jericho cracks him with the pipe. Meanwhile Cena turns and using the chain and padlock, seals the cage door. As Kane and the new age Stooges run down to the ring, Rollins is getting the hell beat out of him and when they try to climb the cage Cena or Jericho will bat them down with the pipes. FInally they deliver an AA followed by the Walls of Jericho. As the show ends, Cena is taunting the Authority to come into the Cage as Rollins furiously taps out.]


Grade: 80


Overall: 79

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