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WWF 85: The Birth of WrestleMania

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WWF 85: The Birth of WrestleMania



Let's go back to the 80's. You may recognize the 80s based on the following hairstyle:





You also think of the 80's when you hear of names like Cyndi Lauper or Mr. T. TV Shows like the A-Team, The Cosby Show. And who can forget the 80's movies. Back to the Future, Ghostbusters, The Breakfast Club, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, or E.T to name a few.





However, what some people don't know is that in the 80's, wrestling was at it's prime. The industry, led by Vince McMahon's WWF and Jim Crockett's JCP. WWF is preparing for the biggest year of it's life. Led by stars like Hulk Hogan and Roddy Piper to the young stars like Bret Hart and Rick Rude. Three months away until the WWF breaks through. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the birth of WrestleMania!


OOC: This will be taking #1 priority over 95. Don't worry, as I still will be updating both. I've been excited for Risky Business since I joined this forum and bought TEW. I hope to go ways with this. I feel like the farther I go back, the more I can rebuild history, which is awesome.


Thanks to:


Matt Shannon

nGo Generations Creators


Predictors and Friends:







Anyone else I forgot to mention..




WWF Championship Wrestling Week 1:




-Welcome to 1985! WrestleMania is brewing in the mix, set to premiere in March. Rumor has it WWF has contracted young talent that will mix with the WWF classics to put on the show of a lifetime. It all starts here tonight with the first edition of WWF Championship Wrestling.


-The Main Event of the evening will see WWF Champion Hulk Hogan taking on the paid mercenaries; Nikolai Volkoff and The Iron Sheik, hired by Roddy Piper in a gauntlet match! Will Hogan prevail, or will the numbers game beat Hogan.


-Tonight also sees the debut of an electrifying new superstar. His name is Owen Hart. Owen is a young wrestler who comes from Canada with a Japanese wrestling style. He is also the brother of current superstar Bret Hart. Expect them to do some work soon.


-Last but not least, the co-main event of the evening will see two huge heels in Roddy Piper and Orndorff taking on the property made famous Brisco Brothers. Will the cheap heels win or will the veterans use their knowledge to overcome their toughest opponents yet.


-Andre The Giant, Bobby Heenan, Bob Orton, Bret Hart, and "Classy" Freddie Blassie are scheduled to appear as well. Make sure to catch WWF Championship Wrestling this Saturday on U.S Syndication!


Bob Orton Jr. vs. Blackjack Mulligan




Owen Hart vs. Rene Goulet




Andre The Giant vs. Brutus Beefcake




Roddy Piper and Paul Orndorff vs. The Brisco Brothers




Hulk Hogan vs. Iron Sheik and Nikolai Volkoff



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Title Holders:



WWF World Champion:


Hulk Hogan



Past Champions:






WWF Intercontinental Champion:


Greg Valentine



Past Champions:






WWF Women's Champion:


Wendi Richter



Past Champions:






WWF Tag Team Champions:


The North-South Connection



Past Champions:





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Bob Orton Jr. vs. Blackjack Mulligan




Owen Hart vs. Rene Goulet




Andre The Giant vs. Brutus Beefcake




Roddy Piper and Paul Orndorff vs. The Brisco Brothers




Hulk Hogan vs. Iron Sheik and Nikolai Volkoff


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Bob Orton Jr. vs. Blackjack Mulligan

Comments: Bob is a great hand to have around, I could potentially see him with a title here if given the right push.


Owen Hart vs. Rene Goulet

Comments: Go Harts!


Andre The Giant vs. Brutus Beefcake

Comments: Lance Storm scarred me for life when he posted an early Brutus vignette on his facebook page awhile back.


Roddy Piper and Paul Orndorff vs. The Brisco Brothers

Comments: Piper doesn't lose unless the man on the other side is Hogan.


Hulk Hogan vs. Iron Sheik and Nikolai Volkoff

Comments: Hogan doesn't lose, brother.

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Bob Orton Jr. vs. Blackjack Mulligan


Bob Orton has age on his side, he is in his prime. While Blackjack Mulligan is in his 40s and he is noway near has skillful has Bob Orton.



Owen Hart vs. Rene Goulet


I've never heard of Rene Goulet until today



Andre The Giant vs. Brutus Beefcake


Let's face it, giants are big, giants are tall, but they aren't has good as Beefcakes



Roddy Piper and Paul Orndorff vs. The Brisco Brothers


I saw Roddy Pipers name



Hulk Hogan vs. Iron Sheik and Nikolai Volkoff


Whatcha gonna do brother when hulkamania runs wild on your sorry ass into that ring and buries you until your Damien Mizdow

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Bob Orton Jr. vs. Blackjack Mulligan

Comments: Orts still has some use. I'm not too sure about Mulligan.


Owen Hart vs. Rene Goulet

Comments: A nice win over the established Goulet here for Owen.


Andre The Giant vs. Brutus Beefcake

Comments: Squash.


Roddy Piper and Paul Orndorff vs. The Brisco Brothers

Comments: The Briscoes are nothing more than an afterthought at this point. Piper and Orndorff, however, are just beginning to party.


Hulk Hogan vs. Iron Sheik and Nikolai Volkoff


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Bob Orton Jr. vs. Blackjack Mulligan

Comments: Orton has more to contribute at this time than Mulligan.



Owen Hart vs. Rene Goulet

Comments: What better way to show off the new talent?



Andre The Giant vs. Brutus Beefcake

Comments: I'm going to say Andre gets the DQ win after a run-in by the Heenan Family.



Roddy Piper and Paul Orndorff vs. The Brisco Brothers

Comments: A good way to put Piper and Orndorff as a dangerous team by having them go over a well established team in the Brisco Brothers.



Hulk Hogan vs. Iron Sheik and Nikolai Volkoff

Comments: Sheik and Volkoff will get their share of offense in here, and it will look as though Hogan's ripe for the picking, but then he'll make the big comeback, brother!

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Bob Orton Jr. vs. Blackjack Mulligan




Owen Hart vs. Rene Goulet




Andre The Giant vs. Brutus Beefcake




Roddy Piper and Paul Orndorff vs. The Brisco Brothers




Hulk Hogan vs. Iron Sheik and Nikolai Volkoff


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Was gonna start a dynasty of this mod myself. Look forward to seeing how yours turns out... brother.


Bob Orton Jr. vs. Blackjack Mulligan

Comments: Strong start for the heel alligned with Piper


Owen Hart vs. Rene Goulet

Comments: Tough one to call. Rene on probably a severe decline. Owen with the roll-up.



Andre The Giant vs. Brutus Beefcake

Comments: Andre should win everything, ever.



Roddy Piper and Paul Orndorff vs. The Brisco Brothers

Comments: Hot Rod should also win everything, ever.



Hulk Hogan vs. Iron Sheik and Nikolai Volkoff

Comments: You know it, brother.

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Bob Orton Jr. vs. Blackjack Mulligan


Orton played a bigger part at this part then Mulligan.


Owen Hart vs. Rene Goulet




Andre The Giant vs. Brutus Beefcake




Roddy Piper and Paul Orndorff vs. The Brisco Brothers


Once again, SQUASH!!!


Hulk Hogan vs. Iron Sheik and Nikolai Volkoff

Comments: It's Hulkamania, BROTHER!

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WWF Championship Wrestling

Week 1, 1985

Eastern States Coliseum (New England)

MOTN: Hulk Hogan vs. Iron Sheik and Nikolai Volkoff (83)

Show Rating: 82



[Welcome to the first edition of WWF Championship Wrestling. We are welcomed in by the fabulous announce team made up of Gorilla Monsoon and Jesse Ventura! They talk about the biggest event in wrestling history, WrestleMania, hyping it up to be the biggest and the best of all time. They also talk about tonight's Owen Hart debut. Gorilla believes that Owen will be the next big thing, while Jesse says that he cannot live up to the hype of his brother. After an arguement, they hand over the talking to Hulk Hogan, who is in the ring with a mic!]




Hogan: Brothers, I got to tell you all something, to all my little Hulkamaniacs, eating their vitamins, saying their prayers, right here on Championship Wrestling brother! I want to send a message to everyone in the WWF locker room! I just wanted to remind you that no one, I say no one, can stop the Hulkamaniac revolution! I will win the Main Event of WrestleMania for all of the Hulkamaniac's in the world, brother! I will take this world title and defend it against anyone of the little punks in the locker room. Anywhere, anytime, Hulkamania runs strong through the blood of all the little Hulksters! Roddy, Paul, Bob, I'm talking to you especially. Anytime you want to come at these 24-inch pythons, I welcome you brother! Hulkamania will continue forever!




Piper: Hogan, you say you will face anybody in the locker room. But will you face two against just you? Tonight you will. I have hired The Iron Sheik and Nikolai Volkoff to face you tonight in a gauntlet match in the main event! You better hope your Hulksters are saying their prayers, because tonight Hogan, you are going to need them. I'll see you later Hulk, you haven't seen the last of this rowdy Scotsman! Believe that, "brother".


What strong words by the Rowdy scotsman, Roddy Piper. Tonight we will see the WWF Champion, Hulk Hogan take on Piper's hired mercenaries in The Iron Sheik and Nikolai Volkoff in a gauntlet match in the main event. Will the Hulksters prevail, or will the numbers finally catch up to Hogan. Next we will see the first match of the year, with Bob Orton taking on Blackjack Mulligan!


Match #1


Bob Orton Jr. vs. Blackjack Mulligan



[Welcome to the first match of the first WWF Championship Wrestling! In this match we have top heel taking on a territory legend, Blackjack Mulligan. Mulligan takes the early advantage, chain wrestling Orton down to the ground and wearing him down with a variety of technical holds. Mulligan locks in a sleeper, but Orton escapes. Mulligan goes to the corner as he waits for Orton to get up, Lariat! Only a two for Mulligan. Mulligan grabs Orton for a suplex, but Orton hits a low-blow! Orton knocks Mulligan down and hits a bulldog! He waits for Mulligan to get up before he sets up a vicious suplex! But Mulligan reverses and knocks him down! Goes for the lariat but now Orton reverses, he knocks him down! Sleeper hold is locked in, Mulligan taps! Another win for the dastardly heels!]


Winner: Bob Orton

Grade: 72


Next, we will see Rene Goulet in action. He will face the exciting debuting rookie Owen Hart! We will go to that match now.


Match #2


Owen Hart vs. Rene Goulet



[in this match we saw the debut of the high flying Canadian Owen Hart. His opponent was the veteran in Rene Goulet. Rene took off at the start wanting to prove that the WWF isn't as easy as it looks. He looks to wear Owen down with his experience, as he out-wrestled Owen to the ground as he did many flashy moves showing that he still has it. Rene looked perfect for being 52 years old in this match. Everything was going perfect until Rene looked to lock in the Clawhold. Owen saw an advantage whilst Rene was taunting and he took it. Owen now took over and showed the WWF crowd what he can do. He wowed the crowd with his fast-paced wrestling. He simply made Rene's age catch up to him as he out-paced his opponent. He then took Rene to the ground and worked over Rene's legs with various submission maneuvers. Rene tried to get up, but his legs gave up. Owen then climbed to the top rope and hit a big missile dropkick for the three count against the veteran Rene Goulet.]


Winner: Owen Hart

Grade: 30


What an exciting debut! Rene Goulet's legs will be hurting for a while after Owen wore them down with his flashy moves. Next, we will see the main enemy of The Heenan Family, Andre The Giant, taking on Brutus Beefcake. Even though Beefcake is not part of The Heenan Family, Bobby Heenan will accompany him to ringside to try and wear down Andre for fellow family members Big John Studd and Andre's WWF SuperCard opponent Ken Patera!


Match #3


Andre The Giant vs. Brutus Beefcake w/Bobby Heenan



[This was a "giant" match to say the least. Bobby Heenan accompanied Beefcake to the ring to taunt The Heenan Family's main enemy Andre The Giant. As aforementioned, Andre will be facing Ken Patera at WWF SuperCard. Andre pretty much dominated Brutus the entire match. Andre repetitively body slammed Brutus and wore him down with bear hugs and big elbow drops. Brutus had one oppurtunity in this match. Andre was going for a clothesline, but Brutus moved and he clotheslined the ref! Heenan took the oppurtunity to throw a chair in to Beefcake! Brutus with the big chair shot to the 520 pound frame of the giant. However, Andre didn't even feel it! He throws the chair out of the ring into the crowd, hopefully not injuring a fan. He wakes up the ref. Andre hooks the arm, lifts him up, Double Underhook Suplex! 1-2-3! Andre with the easy win, looking strong as ever against The Heenan Family.]


Winner: Andre The Giant

Grade: 78




Heenan: Alright Andre, you may have been lucky this time. You have won a battle, but you have not won the war. And you never will. The Heenan Family is unstoppable. No matter how hard you try, it is impossible to stop us. Try as hard as you can Andre. If you are part of The Heenan Family, you will rise to the top. But if you go against us, you will never be heard from again!


Strong words there from Bobby Heenan, especially after Andre demolished Brutus Beefcake, an opponent who is nothing to laugh at. What will happen in the future. Is Heenan telling a lie? Or is The Heenan Family truly impossible?


Match #4


Roddy Piper and Paul Orndorff vs. The Brisco Brothers



[in our co-main event of the evening, we see top heels Roddy Piper and Paul Orndorff taking on the experienced Brisco Brothers. Piper and Jerry began the match, with Piper taking the early advantage. Piper wore down Jerry, hitting a bulldog followed up by a quick inverted atomic drop for the two count. Piper continues to work over Jerry. However, as Piper looks to lock in his sleeper, Brisco reverses it into a sleeper hold of his own! This gives Jerry enough time to tag into his brother Jack. Jack looks for the clothesline but Piper shuts it down with a vicious single leg trip. Piper tags in Orndorff. Paul looks to attack the legs of Jack Brisco. He hits a big diving knee drop, followed by a top-rope elbow attack. He picks Brisco up, german suplex! For good measure, he hits another elbow drop straight to the head of Jack. That HAS to be illegal. Piper is tagged in. Piper hits a leg drop; possibly insulting his enemy Hulk Hogan. Piper goes for the sleeper to the injured neck of Jack Brisco. Brisco looks to escape, but he simply can not do it. He taps out to the sleeper of Piper after a vicious illegal elbow to the throat!]


Winner: Roddy Piper and Paul Orndorff

Grade: 82




<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/wyz_2DEah4o?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


It's Mr.T and Jimmy Snuka! They come to the ring, the A-Team theme song blaring on the speakers! They each take either Piper or Orndorff to put them in their place! The brawl ensues! The fighting rages on, as Mr.T and Jimmy Snuka knock their oponents down. Mr.T then grabs a mic, the fans roaring their excitement. He says that at SuperCard, he will take down Paul Orndorff in a mixed-gender tag team match! Himself and Wendi Richter, accompanied by Cyndi Lauper will take on Paul Orndorff and The Fabulous Moolah! As if on cue, Girls Just Want to Have Fun plays as Wendi Richter and Cyndi Lauper come out!




<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/cMWWBigvbkY?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Cyndi: That's right boys. At WWE SuperCard, I will be taking two of the greatest stars in the world; Mr.T and Wendi Richter to the ring. They WILL be facing the universally hated Paul Orndorff and our biggest enemy The Fabulous Moolah. Wendi, T, and I are going to go kick some heel ass!



What strong words now said by pop sensation Cyndi Lauper. What a match has been scheduled for SuperCard, as we will Mr.T and Wendi Richter taking on Paul Orndorff and The Fabulous Moolah! The build and excitement towards SuperCard continues, as next, we have a gauntlet main event pitting Hulk Hogan against Nikolai Volkoff and The Iron Sheik!


Match #5


Hulk Hogan vs. Nikolai Volkoff and The Iron Sheik w/"Classy" Freddie Blassie


[Welcome to the main event of the evening! The first competitor in this match against Hulk Hogan is Nikolai Volkoff. Hogan begins to take the early advantage in this match. Hogan uses his pythons, brawling with Volkoff before knocking him down with a big powerbomb! Hogan goes for the big boot, he connects! Hogan waits, he waits. Goes for the Axe Bomber Lariat, but Volkoff reverses! Volkoff on the attack. The Russian goes to attack the big arms of Hulk Hogan. Volkoff knocks him to the ground with a double leg trip followed by a big elbow drop to the muscled up back of Hogan. Volkoff goes for the Boston Crab, but Hogan grabs his head and throws it to the mat. Hogan climbs and he hits the big elbow! Hogan bounces off the ropes, he's hulking up! HE HITS THE BIG LEG! 1-2-3! Hogan has taken down his first opponent, but will he be able to take down The Iron Sheik?


Sheik enters the ring, hitting a big clothesline to Hogan. He turns around, he clotheslines the ref! The ref is down! Blassie is outside the ring, he grabs the ring bell and Hogan's title belt and throws them to Sheik. Sheik lifts Hogan, puts the bell underneath his body. He climbs to the top, stomps Hogan onto the ring bell! The ref wakes up, taking the belt and the ring bell out of the ring. He checks on Hogan, but Sheik continues the fight. Sheik picks up a stunned Hogan, dropkick! He's taunting Hogan, he's going to lock in the Camel Clutch!




Hogan wakes up with a new rush of energy! Clothesline! Snap suplex! Sheik is down, Hogan climbs, he hits the big elbow! The crowd is electric! Hogan points to the crowd, points to Sheik. He bounces on the ropes, bounces again, HE HITS THE BIG LEG!









Hogan has conquered all odds! He has beat not one, but two opponents tonight! That's all for the first edition of WWF Championship Wrestling!


Winner: Hulk Hogan

Grade: 83






Week 2 predictions will be up tomorrow most likely. If you would like to see the results of All-Star Wrestling, they are located here: http://gyazo.com/e5226e572718850911e6c3f98ed09399







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That was a good first show. I do have a couple of pieces of constructive criticism to offer:


1) You reference the tap out for submission wins, but that didn't become a thing in wrestling until the late 90's.


2) There was a 'WWE' slipup. Just one, during the Cyndi Lauper promo, but it was there. Understandable; I wouldn't be surprised if there were a WWE reference or two that slipped through the cracks in my own WWF 80's dynasty. Just something to watch out for in the future.


Obviously neither of these things are gamebreakers, but they did hurt my immersion in the setting even if it was just for a moment. Other than that, I thought this was a solid start. I'll be interested to see how Mania shapes up. You start early enough that you could branch out in different directions with some of the major story lines if you choose, but you may decide not to tinker. Either way I'll be following along, even if I don't manage to predict on every show. Good luck!

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That was a good first show. I do have a couple of pieces of constructive criticism to offer:


1) You reference the tap out for submission wins, but that didn't become a thing in wrestling until the late 90's.


2) There was a 'WWE' slipup. Just one, during the Cyndi Lauper promo, but it was there. Understandable; I wouldn't be surprised if there were a WWE reference or two that slipped through the cracks in my own WWF 80's dynasty. Just something to watch out for in the future.


Obviously neither of these things are gamebreakers, but they did hurt my immersion in the setting even if it was just for a moment. Other than that, I thought this was a solid start. I'll be interested to see how Mania shapes up. You start early enough that you could branch out in different directions with some of the major story lines if you choose, but you may decide not to tinker. Either way I'll be following along, even if I don't manage to predict on every show. Good luck!


Thank you for the advice TFC! I'm not exactly an 80's wrestling expert, considering I wasn't even alive at the time, so I didn't know about the tap out. I'll just use he submits to his opponent or something like that. With the WWE slipup, it's weird to write WWF since it's been like 12 years since the change. Teaches me I should double check my shows. As for my plans, I'm going to leave you all hanging on those. One thing I will say however, is that the ME of WM will NOT be the same as real life. Thanks again for the advice and I hope you enjoy.

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WWF Championship Wrestling Predictions: Week 2


-In the main event of the evening, we will see a huge #1 Contender Match for Hulk Hogan's world title! It will be fought between Bob Orton, Tito Santana, Paul Orndorff and Junkyard Dog. Who will face Hogan at SuperCard?


-We have gotten word that Don Muraco has signed a written deal with Crockett. We will see his final match here tonight. It is no small one, as he faces world champ Hulk Hogan!


-Finally, we will see the in-ring debut of Mr.T! The A-Team star looks to prove to Orndorff that he isn't just an actor, but also a bad ass. He will face George Steele, a veteran of the industry in his first match.


-Also slated to appear are the first match together of The Hart Brothers, Roddy Piper vs. Jimmy Snuka, and Mr. Fuji! We hope you tune into WWF Championship Wrestling Saturday on U.S Syndication!

Prediction Listing:


The Hart Brothers vs. Rene Goulet and Buddy Rose




George Steele vs. Mr.T




Hulk Hogan vs. Don Muraco




Jimmy Snuka vs. Roddy Piper




#1 Contender for WWF Championship Match

Paul Orndorff vs. JYD vs. Bob Orton Jr. vs. Tito Santana


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I'm intrigued to see that TFC also shares my slight pet peeve about people writing "tapped out" :p Always remember kids, Ken Shamrock brought "tapping out" to mainstream pro wrestling in 97. Unless you're talking ECW, in which case it was Taz. Had TFC not mentioned it, I'd have mentioned it, lol. Otherwise, nice show, glad to see this off to a good start.


The Hart Brothers vs. Rene Goulet and Buddy Rose

Comments: Interesting to see you go with the Brothers instead of the Foundation.


George Steele vs. Mr.T

Comments: T needs to look badass.


Hulk Hogan vs. Don Muraco

Comments: Dude.


Jimmy Snuka vs. Roddy Piper

Comments: Snuka can job, Piper doesn't.


#1 Contender for WWF Championship Match

Paul Orndorff vs. JYD vs. Bob Orton Jr. vs. Tito Santana

Comments: My logic is that we're only coming up on a supercard; Orndorff should be saved for, say, The Big Event. So Bob takes this one.

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It's not easy writing a dynasty/diary, dude. But a solid outing for the first show (Minor slip-ups aside)


The Hart Brothers vs. Rene Goulet and Buddy Rose

Comments: Rene is done, Owen needs to keep up the momentum to become relevant. Easy.



George Steele vs. Mr.T

Comments: Has to.



Hulk Hogan vs. Don Muraco

Comments: No winning farewell for Muraco, brother.



Jimmy Snuka vs. Roddy Piper

Comments: Much like Beejus said, Piper doesn't job.



#1 Contender for WWF Championship Match

Paul Orndorff vs. JYD vs. Bob Orton Jr. vs. Tito Santana

Comments: Hardest to predict as it'll either be Orndoff or Orton. I'll opt for Orton.

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Comments: Bret didn't really take off until he hooked up with Jim Neidhart and Jimmy Hart.


Comments: I predict this is the worst match.

Hulk Hogan

Comments: No one beats Hogan.

Roddy Piper

Comments: I agree Piper doesn't job.

Bob Orton Jr.

Comments: Orndorff could win but I think you will wait to pull the trigger on that match.

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The Hart Brothers vs. Rene Goulet and Buddy Rose




George Steele vs. Mr.T




Hulk Hogan vs. Don Muraco




Jimmy Snuka vs. Roddy Piper




#1 Contender for WWF Championship Match

Paul Orndorff vs. JYD vs. Bob Orton Jr. vs. Tito Santana


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The Hart Brothers vs. Rene Goulet and Buddy Rose




George Steele vs. Mr.T




Hulk Hogan vs. Don Muraco




Jimmy Snuka vs. Roddy Piper




#1 Contender for WWF Championship Match

Paul Orndorff vs. JYD vs. Bob Orton Jr. vs. Tito Santana


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The Hart Brothers vs. Rene Goulet and Buddy Rose




George Steele vs. Mr.T




Hulk Hogan vs. Don Muraco




Jimmy Snuka vs. Roddy Piper




#1 Contender for WWF Championship Match

Paul Orndorff vs. JYD vs. Bob Orton Jr. vs. Tito Santana


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The Hart Brothers vs. Rene Goulet and Buddy Rose


Harts will forever win.


George Steele vs. Mr.T




Hulk Hogan vs. Don Muraco




Jimmy Snuka vs. Roddy Piper




#1 Contender for WWF Championship Match

Paul Orndorff vs. JYD vs. Bob Orton Jr. vs. Tito Santana


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The Hart Brothers vs. Rene Goulet and Buddy Rose




George Steele vs. Mr.T




Hulk Hogan vs. Don Muraco




Jimmy Snuka vs. Roddy Piper




#1 Contender for WWF Championship Match

Paul Orndorff vs. JYD vs. Bob Orton Jr. vs. Tito Santana


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