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Non-Title Match

'The Greatest Man That Ever Lived' Austin Aries vs. Robbie E



Velvet Sky vs. Brooke Tessmacher



'The Fallen Angel' Christopher Daniels vs. Davey Richards



Bully Ray & James Storm vs. Hernandez & Gunner



Non-Title Match

Magnus vs. Manik



Kurt Angle & Abyss vs. Bobby Roode & Ethan Carter III


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  • Replies 225
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Non-Title Match

'The Greatest Man That Ever Lived' Austin Aries vs. Robbie E

Comments: Is this even in doubt?


Velvet Sky vs. Brooke Tessmacher

Comments: I think she's hotter


'The Fallen Angel' Christopher Daniels vs. Davey Richards

Comments: Daniels is amazing when he wants to be...


Bully Ray & James Storm vs. Hernandez & Gunner

Comments: I'm a Hernandez fan


Non-Title Match

Magnus vs. Manik

Comments: just guessing


Kurt Angle & Abyss vs. Bobby Roode & Ethan Carter III

Comments: Going with my gut

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Non-Title Match

'The Greatest Man That Ever Lived' Austin Aries vs. Robbie E

Comments: Robbie E isn't in Aries' league


Velvet Sky vs. Brooke Tessmacher

Comments: Sky wins from Rayne's distraction


'The Fallen Angel' Christopher Daniels vs. Davey Richards

Comments: I'd keep the teams pretty even heading into their first matchup


Bully Ray & James Storm vs. Hernandez & Gunner

Comments: I can't take Hernandez or Gunner seriously, but I think Storm pins Gunner in this one


Non-Title Match

Magnus vs. Manik

Comments: Please keep Magnus strong


Kurt Angle & Abyss vs. Bobby Roode & Ethan Carter III

Comments: Assuming these guys get separate matchups on the PPV, Angle and Abyss can get the win but eventually lose when it counts

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Impact Wrestling Predictions


Non-Title Match

'The Greatest Man That Ever Lived' Austin Aries vs. Robbie E



Velvet Sky vs. Brooke Tessmacher



'The Fallen Angel' Christopher Daniels vs. Davey Richards



Bully Ray & James Storm vs. Hernandez & Gunner



Non-Title Match

Magnus vs. Manik



Kurt Angle & Abyss vs. Bobby Roode & Ethan Carter III


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Non-Title Match

'The Greatest Man That Ever Lived' Austin Aries vs. Robbie E



Velvet Sky vs. Brooke Tessmacher



'The Fallen Angel' Christopher Daniels vs. Davey Richards



Bully Ray & James Storm vs. Hernandez & Gunner



Non-Title Match

Magnus vs. Manik



Kurt Angle & Abyss vs. Bobby Roode & Ethan Carter III


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IMPACT Wrestling

Thursday, Week 3, March 2014

Approximately 4,500 fans are in attendance at the Charles E. Smith Center!


'The Final Roundabout'


Before the show went live, our audience were given two dark matches, both tryouts.

The first saw Cody Hall fall to Knux in a pretty poor match. The second saw Jesse Sorensen put on a very impressive display, even though he was defeated by Kazarian.




Non-Title Match

'The Greatest Man That Ever Lived' Austin Aries vs. Robbie E

15 Minute Time Limit ~ Referee: Keith Harris


We kicked off the show with surprise, surprise... some actual wrestling! Taz explains that Robbie E asked for this match in light of Aries' victory over 'DJ' Zema Ion two weeks ago and thus here we are. For those of you with eagle eyes, you may not recognize the referee in this one, but it's Keith Harris, a new addition to IMPACT Wrestling to help ease the workload on Hebner & Son. He has his hands full early on, with Jessie and DJZ providing constant distractions, and they allow Robbie E to keep Aries exactly where he wants him. Harris eventually has enough and orders both of them to go to the back and get the hell out of here! The X-Division Champion rallies back, his offence too quick and too classy for the former Tag Champion and Aries' signature Brainbuster is followed up by his signature submission, the Last Chancery and Robbie E is left with no choice but to submit the match.


Winner: Austin Aries (9:03)

Rating: 53 (D+)


It's not Austin Aries' music that hits following his victory, it's the




"I have a feeling things are about to get interesting Mike, that's the Number One Contender!"


King is clearly not prepared for any physical action though, he makes his way out in a suit holding a microphone. Standing on the ramp, King tells Aries to be patient, because he has a few words to say. Last week was his first match since September. He had his forehead busted open badly and he had to go away. He had his X-Division title stolen from him not once but twice, first by Chris Sabin and then again by an imposter. He hasn't forgotten that, he hasn't forgotten that Aries left him seeing his own blood.


Kenny King:
"Sunday isn't just about the X-Division title, but Sunday is about revenge bro, it's about me putting an end to 'The Greatest Man That Ever Lived' once and for all."


Rating: 55 (C-)


We transition to the locker room where Davey Richards is lacing up his boots, clearly preparing for his match later in the night. Eddie Edwards comes in and pats his tag partner on the back before asking him where he was last week.




Davey apologises for his absence, but he's nearly finished his firefighting training and that was the reason he couldn't support his tag partner last week. Besides, sometimes being a tag team means you have to look after yourself from time to time. Eddie wonders if he's distracted and asks him if he'll ever miss another IMPACT and if this will get in the way come Sunday but Davey reassures him that they'll take care of Bad Influence together tonight and again on Sunday.


Rating: 43 (D)




Velvet Sky vs. Brooke Tessmacher

15 Minute Time Limit ~ Referee: Keith Harris


It's time for some Knockouts action! Always better than what they offer you on that other sports entertainment show... This is actually a surprisingly good match given the opponents, no disrespect to either of these two sexy ladies but I think even you'll admit they aren't exactly the most gifted wrestlers. But it's Tess that steals the victory reversing a In Yo' Face (Double Underhook Sitout Facebuster) attempt into a Jackknife Pin for the 1 - 2 - 3.


Winner: Brooke Tessmacher (7:14)

Rating: 48 (D+)


The camera goes to the parking lot showing a limousine arriving. Mike Tenay and Taz wonder who this could possibly be, but it's obvious...














It's Magnus! And he has the TNA World Heavyweight title draped over his shoulder!
The Champion swaggers his way down towards the locker room as Mike Tenay and Taz digest what we just saw.


Mike Tenay:
"So it was him that ordered the attack on Samoa Joe, I knew it!"

"The mystery thickens, there's more to this than meets the eye Mike, that's for sure."


Rating: 61 ©


It's JB! He's in that signature interview room as usual and this time, he's got Gunner with him!




Last week, things got out of hand when Gunner attacked James Storm and they're now facing off at Victory Road in a Street Fight. Borash asks for Gunner's thoughts ahead of the fight...


"I couldn't listen to Storm running his mouth last week. He crossed the line when he cost me my TNA World Heavyweight title, then he pokes his nose in my business again and I'm expected to play nice? I'm a man before anything else JB and I will not let anybody, come hell or high water, bully me and make me feel inferior. I survived thirteen weeks of brutal training in the Marines and if James Storm thinks that I'm just gonna lie down for him at Victory Road, he's got another thing coming. We're stepping into a war zone James and only one of us is walking out."


Rating: 49 (D+)




'The Fallen Angel' Christopher Daniels vs. Davey Richards

15 Minute Time Limit ~ Referee: Brian Hebner


Last week it was Kazarian that took the victory in singles action between The Wolves and Bad Influence, but this time the numbers are even at ringside. Edwards rallies the crowd every time Richards is in trouble and actually provides the adrenaline rush the Tag Team Champion needs to mount a comeback. Richards climbs up top and the Wolf is howling! But Kazarian grabs his foot… only for Eddie Edwards to charge around and take him out on the outside! Daniels goes for the Angels Wings but Richards rolls through and hits a DR Driver, Daniels' head hits the canvas hard as referee Brian Hebner counts the one, the two and the three!


Winner: Davey Richards (10:25)

Rating: 65 ©


We go to the interview room again as JB is standing by again, he welcomes the TNA Knockouts Champion, Madison Rayne!




Last week, Brooke Tessmacher sent a message when she cost Madison (and Velvet) their match against Gail Kim & Lei'D Tapa. JB asks for Madison's thoughts heading into her Knockouts title defence on Sunday and the Champion asserts her status as the number one Knockout in TNA and that's some achievement considering how competitive the division is. Madison concedes that Brooke is probably the sexier of the two, but that counts for nothing inside a wrestling ring. Rayne tells Brooke that whilst she was out posing for magazine covers and shaking her booty, Rayne was hustling away inside a wrestling ring and that's the only reason she's so damn good. She tells Brooke that after Sunday, not only will she be embarrassed at how badly she got beaten but that her TNA career will be over and she'd be lucky if Hooters took her back. "Some scathing words there", says JB as he throws the show back to Tenay & Taz.


Rating: 40 (D)


Mike Tenay and Taz run us through our upcoming tag team match, when all of a sudden
welcomes one of the local TNA favourites...






And Eric Young joins us for commentary!


Rating: 40 (D)




Bully Ray & James Storm vs. Hernandez & Gunner

15 Minute Time Limit ~ Referee: Brian Hebner


Hardly a match, this is just a wild fight that happens to be in the ring sometimes. Bully and Storm slow the pace and put a beatdown on Hernandez, much to Gunner's chagrin who is constantly stopped from entering the ring by referee Brian Hebner. EY remarks on commentary that you're seeing a vintage tag display from two of TNA's most successful tag wrestlers. Taz asks him why he's complimenting his opponent just days before they go one-on-one at Victory Road, but EY rebuts him by saying that although he respects Bully Ray, he's not intimidated by him and plans to beat him out of this recent mean streak.


Gunner tags in and goes after Storm but 'The Cowboy' wants none of 'Mr. Intensity' and tries to escape on the outside but Gunner catches him as the two exchange right hands on the stage! Bully Ray goes over to the announce desk and knocks Eric Young's headset straight off his head and before long, we have a all-out brawl on our hands between the two! Amidst the chaos, referee Brian Hebner says enough is enough and declares this one a no contest.


Winners: No Contest (10:17)

Rating: 56 (C-)


A flock of referees, road agents and production staff make their way down to try and break these two brawls up but all their efforts prove futile. Every time they seperate a pairing, they're at each other's throats just minutes later. It's not until a throng of security guards hit the ringside area that we restore some order - they force Eric Young, Hernandez and Gunner into the ring and eject Bully Ray and James Storm up the ramp. The three good guys celebrate in front of our capacity crowd as we go to a commercial break.


Rating: 49 (D+)


And we're back! In JB's interview room! This time he welcomes the 'Olympic Gold Medalist' Kurt Angle and 'The Monster' Abyss.




Naturally, Angle does all the talking and Abyss just stands in the background looking intimidating and occassionally nodding in approval. Angle asks JB if he knew that Bobby Roode and EC3 were friends, but Angle rants away before he can even answer. Last week, they played the numbers game, attacking Abyss three-on-one, although Angle argues that Rockstar Spud doesn't count. Well tonight, it's tag team action, it's 2 vs. 2 and there isn't a shortcut in the world that Roode & EC3 can take. Angle says that being told to retire has lit a fire under him, he's more determined than ever to turn back the clock and he tells EC3 that at Victory Road on Sunday, it'll be you that will be retiring when I break your freakin' ankle.
Oh it's real, it's damn real!


Rating: 55 (C-)




Non-Title Match

Magnus vs. Manik

15 Minute Time Limit ~ Referee: Earl Hebner


As mentioned in the preview for this show, this was a great opportunity for Manik, the former X-Division Champion hasn't exactly gone from strength-to-strength since losing that title. But by god does he gives absolutely everything he has here... Magnus remains a step ahead, but even he's flustered at various moments during this one and only barely kicks out before the three count when Manik rolls him up with a Victory Roll from a Headscissors. After a Swinging DDT out of the corner, Manik climbs up top... and dives off with the Frog Splash but the TNA World Heavyweight Champion gets his knees up! The Magnus Driver (Michinoku Driver) connects shortly after and Magnus picks up the one, the two and the three.


Winner: Magnus (10:41)

Rating: 56 (C-)


Magnus is celebrating when all of a sudden, this
rings out to a roar from our capacity crowd...














And Samoa Joe makes his way hastily down the ramp!


Taz comments on the strapping that Joe has around his left leg as the camera shows a frozen-in-fear Magnus in the ring. The 'Samoan Submission Machine' enters, albeit fairly slowly, but he need not worry about being attacked, Magnus still hasn't moved. Joe stands nose-to-nose with the TNA World Heavyweight Champion who protests his innonence over last week's attack. Joe digests that fear, he basks in it, he smiles and enjoys seeing Magnus so petrified. Joe looks to the fans as the tension builds and raises his eyebrows, almost asking them if he should punish Magnus for last week - naturally, they cheer in approval. The two exchange verbals, Joe's major concern seems to be with regards who Magnus got his title back from, but then it gets harder to hear what's being said. Eventually, Magnus just chickens out and exits the ring as he makes his way up the ramp. Joe poses for the crowd once more, but he's interrupted...


Rating: 60 ©


By video footage of AJ Styles winning the TNA X-Division Championship at Unbreakable 2005. We flash through highlights of this three-way rivalry, also including Christopher Daniels of course. When it was time for singles action, Styles could never beat Joe, he lost to him at Turning Point 2005 and it took until early 2007 for Styles to actually score a singles victory over the 'Samoan Submission Machine'. Just a few months ago, AJ Styles walked out of TNA and returned only to defend his title against Magnus and get screwed by Dixie Carter and Bobby Roode. An AJ Styles voice-over explains that at Victory Road, neither Samoa Joe nor Magnus will know what to expect. The video ends and Joe scratches his head as we go to our last commercial break of the evening.


Rating: 68 (C+)




Kurt Angle & Abyss vs. Bobby Roode & Ethan Carter III

30 Minute Time Limit ~ Referee: Earl Hebner


This match was exactly what the show needed, none of the actual wrestling has been anything special so far but these four guys definitely put on a worthy IMPACT Wrestling main event. This one was quite formulaic, as tag matches often are. Angle and Abyss took the early advantage but it wasn't long before the 'Olympic Gold Medalist' was the face in peril. He found himself being worked over until he eventually broke free and made the tag. 'The Monster' entered like a house on fire and flattened both Roode and EC3 with big clotheslines. Towards the closing stretch this one became a little scrappy as all four guys were looking to put this one to bed. Rockstar Spud kept Angle pre-occupied on the outside as Abyss looked to be setting up for a Black Hole Slam on Roode, but then EC3 snuck in and low-blowed him from behind! Roode rolled Abyss up with an Inside Cradle and Earl Hebner picked up the one, two and three!


Winners: Bobby Roode & Ethan Carter III (14:58)

Rating: 74 (B-)


Angle looked on in disbelief as Roode, EC3 and a scruffy Rockstar Spud made their retreat up the ramp. Mike Tenay and Taz plugged Victory Road,


Mike Tenay: "The question remains Taz - can Roode & EC3 steal wins like that on Sunday in singles action?"

Taz: "These guys will do anything to win Mike, it wouldn't surprise me in the slighest if they had a little something up their sleeve."

Mike Tenay: "You're correct there Taz, I'm afraid that's all we have time for fans. I'm Mike Tenay, this is Taz, we'll see you at Victory Road this Sunday!"


Show Rating: 68 (C+)

TV Rating: 3.64

This show increased our popularity in 7 regions.

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Everybody did well this week with the 'ol predictions this week. Considering one match was ruled a no contest, I've awarded each of you a point irregardless of your prediction on that one. Once Victory Road is done I'm going to arrange the predictions thus far into a spreadsheet and hand out some prizes. Less of the nattering, let's see these results.


Blodyxe: 5/6

Captain2: 5/6

The Lloyd: 5/6

Warhawk8492: 4/6

LordJaguar: 4/6

Crackerjack: 4/6

Kijar: 3/6

Uncrewed: 3/6

Packerman120: 3/6


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TNA Victory Road Preview

Sunday, Week 3, March 2014


It's finally time. The Carolina Coliseum plays host to a three-way main event featuring the return of 'The Phenomenal One' AJ Styles as he battles against Magnus and Samoa Joe for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship.


Meanwhile, wars will be waged and scores will be settled. Has EC3 been right all along about Kurt Angle? Will Eric Young humble Bully Ray? Will Bobby Roode step over Abyss enroute to a title shot? Who will walk away from Gunner and James Storm's street fight? We'll find out.


If that's not enough, we also have three championship matches in the midcard. Kenny King is out to avenge some demons when he takes on Austin Aries for the TNA X-Division Championship. Brooke Tessmacher is looking to usurp Madison Rayne as the Queen of the Knockouts Division when those two do battle and Bad Influence are looking to cut short the Tag Team title reign of The Wolves. And, in a previously unannounced match, a 'multiple-time Tag Team Champion' will face Tigre Uno.


Order #VictoryRoad from your local Pay-Per-View provider right now!


Victory Road Predictions


Street Fight

'Mr. Intensity' Gunner vs. 'The Cowboy' James Storm



Tigre Uno vs. ???



TNA Knockouts Championship

Madison Rayne © vs. Brooke Tessmacher



TNA X-Division Championship

'The Greatest Man That Ever Lived' Austin Aries © vs. Kenny King



Bully Ray vs. Eric Young



TNA World Tag Team Championships

The Wolves © vs. Bad Influence (Daniels & Kazarian)



'The Undefeated' Ethan Carter III vs. 'The Olympic Gold Medalist' Kurt Angle



'The IT Factor' Bobby Roode vs. 'The Monster' Abyss



TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Magnus © vs. AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe



Bonus Questions (worth 1 point each)

1. Who will take the pinfall in the three-way main event?

2. Who is the mystery opponent?

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Victory Road Predictions


Street Fight

'Mr. Intensity' Gunner vs. 'The Cowboy' James Storm



Tigre Uno vs. ???



TNA Knockouts Championship

Madison Rayne © vs. Brooke Tessmacher



TNA X-Division Championship

'The Greatest Man That Ever Lived' Austin Aries © vs. Kenny King



Bully Ray vs. Eric Young



TNA World Tag Team Championships

The Wolves © vs. Bad Influence (Daniels & Kazarian)



'The Undefeated' Ethan Carter III vs. 'The Olympic Gold Medalist' Kurt Angle



'The IT Factor' Bobby Roode vs. 'The Monster' Abyss



TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Magnus © vs. AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe



Bonus Questions (worth 1 point each)

1. Who will take the pinfall in the three-way main event? Magnus

2. Who is the mystery opponent? Ricochet

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Street Fight

'Mr. Intensity' Gunner vs. 'The Cowboy' James Storm



Tigre Uno vs. ???



TNA Knockouts Championship

Madison Rayne © vs. Brooke Tessmacher



TNA X-Division Championship

'The Greatest Man That Ever Lived' Austin Aries © vs. Kenny King



Bully Ray vs. Eric Young



TNA World Tag Team Championships

The Wolves © vs. Bad Influence (Daniels & Kazarian)



'The Undefeated' Ethan Carter III vs. 'The Olympic Gold Medalist' Kurt Angle

Comments: Kurt Angle is in Trouble,Trouble,Trouble,Trouble :p


'The IT Factor' Bobby Roode vs. 'The Monster' Abyss



TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Magnus © vs. AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe



Bonus Questions (worth 1 point each)

1. Who will take the pinfall in the three-way main event?- Magnus

2. Who is the mystery opponent?- Alex Shelley

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Street Fight

'Mr. Intensity' Gunner vs. 'The Cowboy' James Storm



Tigre Uno vs. ???



TNA Knockouts Championship

Madison Rayne © vs. Brooke Tessmacher



TNA X-Division Championship

'The Greatest Man That Ever Lived' Austin Aries © vs. Kenny King



Bully Ray vs. Eric Young



TNA World Tag Team Championships

The Wolves © vs. Bad Influence (Daniels & Kazarian)



'The Undefeated' Ethan Carter III vs. 'The Olympic Gold Medalist' Kurt Angle



'The IT Factor' Bobby Roode vs. 'The Monster' Abyss



TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Magnus © vs. AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe



Bonus Questions (worth 1 point each)

1. Who will take the pinfall in the three-way main event? Magnus

2. Who is the mystery opponent? Petey Williams

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Victory Road Predictions


Street Fight

'Mr. Intensity' Gunner vs. 'The Cowboy' James Storm

Comments: Sorry 'bout Gunner's damn luck!


Tigre Uno vs. ???

Comments: Love Tigre Uno, although ??? usually wins....


TNA Knockouts Championship

Madison Rayne © vs. Brooke Tessmacher

Comments: I like Madison more...


TNA X-Division Championship

'The Greatest Man That Ever Lived' Austin Aries © vs. Kenny King

Comments: Kenny aint ready yet....


Bully Ray vs. Eric Young

Comments:Have you seen the man's calves?


TNA World Tag Team Championships

The Wolves © vs. Bad Influence (Daniels & Kazarian)

Comments: Love Bad Influence, not familiar with the Wolves


'The Undefeated' Ethan Carter III vs. 'The Olympic Gold Medalist' Kurt Angle

Comments: Angle's on his way out....EC3 by hook or by crook to build him up


'The IT Factor' Bobby Roode vs. 'The Monster' Abyss

Comments: Abyss aint no monster


TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Magnus © vs. AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe

Comments: He's phenomenal


Bonus Questions (worth 1 point each)

1. Who will take the pinfall in the three-way main event? Magnus

2. Who is the mystery opponent? Blue Demon Jr

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Victory Road Predictions


Street Fight

'Mr. Intensity' Gunner vs. 'The Cowboy' James Storm

Comments: Babyface losing in a blow-off match? Storm may be the favorite here, but this fight could elevate Gunner a lot. I suppose James is past his prime, so a new face in the main event is needed. Gunner gets more from the victory than Storm, so I'll pick him.


Tigre Uno vs. ???

Comments: The unknown side wins. That mystery gives some hype to the man, so him losing to someone like Tigre is dumb. Or not?


TNA Knockouts Championship

Madison Rayne © vs. Brooke Tessmacher

Comments: I don't feel that you must change this title's holder yet. A lot of girls are better than Brooke, so champ defends.


TNA X-Division Championship

'The Greatest Man That Ever Lived' Austin Aries © vs. Kenny King

Comments: Aries could be too big for the title, but he's not losing it right now. I want to see Aries busy, so he retains the strap too.


Bully Ray vs. Eric Young

Comments: EY is cool, but Bully is so much better. Can't imagine Eric making an upset.


TNA World Tag Team Championships

The Wolves © vs. Bad Influence (Daniels & Kazarian)

Comments: I want to see a long feud between these two teams, like Beer Money - MCMG. I think Bad Influence steals it in this one, just to continue the rivalry. Also, you have to keep your tag division strong, so "open" matches could decorate it.


'The Undefeated' Ethan Carter III vs. 'The Olympic Gold Medalist' Kurt Angle

Comments: I don't understand the hype around EC3, and I hope Kurt won't lose too much popularity after this one. Undefeated streak can be broken by someone who is younger than Angle.


'The IT Factor' Bobby Roode vs. 'The Monster' Abyss

Comments: Abyss is wasted, and I don't think he's that strong. Bobby Rooooo for the win!


TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Magnus © vs. AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe

Comments: AJ wins, pins Magnus. Joe needs to stay strong, so yeah, Magnus takes the fall.


Bonus Questions (worth 1 point each)

1. Who will take the pinfall in the three-way main event? Magnus.

2. Who is the mystery opponent? It must be a surprise, why not... Sharkboy?

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Street Fight

'Mr. Intensity' Gunner vs. 'The Cowboy' James Storm

Comments: Could go either way. I just prefer Storm more so I'll vote that way.


Tigre Uno vs. ???

Comments: Always go with the question marks. Although It could turn into an epic sibling battle when Tigre Dos makes his debut.


TNA Knockouts Championship

Madison Rayne © vs. Brooke Tessmacher

Comments: Brooke's got a lot of upside to her but mostly I see her working out as a face. I make my choice based on the fact she's a heel.


TNA X-Division Championship

'The Greatest Man That Ever Lived' Austin Aries © vs. Kenny King

Comments: "THE GREATEST MAN THAT EVER LIVED". What person with that title loses on their first time out.


Bully Ray vs. Eric Young

Comments: Despite his main event run I don't think Eric has ever truly been above the midcard. Here he hasn't even had that run.


TNA World Tag Team Championships

The Wolves © vs. Bad Influence (Daniels & Kazarian)

Comments: OH MY GOD *cue beats*


'The Undefeated' Ethan Carter III vs. 'The Olympic Gold Medalist' Kurt Angle

Comments: I think its safe to say that Angle's in trouble trouble trouble trouble trouble trouble trouble. Edit: Damn you uncrewed!


'The IT Factor' Bobby Roode vs. 'The Monster' Abyss




TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Magnus © vs. AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe

Comments: Magnus is gonna get his neck broken!


Bonus Questions (worth 1 point each)

1. Who will take the pinfall in the three-way main event? Magnus I assume

2. Who is the mystery opponent? Yoshi Tatsu

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Victory Road Predictions


Street Fight

'Mr. Intensity' Gunner vs. 'The Cowboy' James Storm

Comments: Never liked Gunner, and I don't think he's ready for higher spot yet


Tigre Uno vs. ???

Comments: The Mystery Man always wins


TNA Knockouts Championship

Madison Rayne © vs. Brooke Tessmacher

Comments: As much as I love Brooke's butt, Madison keeps the gold.


TNA X-Division Championship

'The Greatest Man That Ever Lived' Austin Aries © vs. Kenny King

Comments: The feud should continue though


Bully Ray vs. Eric Young

Comments: Bully takes this one, but I think EY should keep crawling up the card


TNA World Tag Team Championships

The Wolves © vs. Bad Influence (Daniels & Kazarian)

Comments: I'm not a fan of tossing the titles around, but This feud could run for a long time so BI get the belts


'The Undefeated' Ethan Carter III vs. 'The Olympic Gold Medalist' Kurt Angle

Comments: ECIII clearly has more going for him


'The IT Factor' Bobby Roode vs. 'The Monster' Abyss

Comments: Bobby Roooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Magnus © vs. AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe

Comments: I wouldn't mind Magnus keeping the belt, but AJ could produce better matches and better feuds for you. But keep Magnus around


Bonus Questions (worth 1 point each)

1. Who will take the pinfall in the three-way main event? Magnus

2. Who is the mystery opponent? Could be anyone, but I'm going with John Hennigan/Morrison/Mundo

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Street Fight

'Mr. Intensity' Gunner vs. 'The Cowboy' James Storm



Tigre Uno vs. ???



TNA Knockouts Championship

Madison Rayne © vs. Brooke Tessmacher

Comments: As much as I like Brooke, I don't think she's going to win here.


TNA X-Division Championship

'The Greatest Man That Ever Lived' Austin Aries © vs. Kenny King



Bully Ray vs. Eric Young



TNA World Tag Team Championships

The Wolves © vs. Bad Influence (Daniels & Kazarian)



'The Undefeated' Ethan Carter III vs. 'The Olympic Gold Medalist' Kurt Angle

Comments: ECIII to pick up the big scalp.


'The IT Factor' Bobby Roode vs. 'The Monster' Abyss



TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Magnus © vs. AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe



Bonus Questions (worth 1 point each)

1. Who will take the pinfall in the three-way main event? Magnus

2. Who is the mystery opponent? Gonna second packerman's guess and go for Ricochet/Prince Puma


Loving your work so far on this!

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Was going through the Active Diary Index


And remembered that I had been meaning to read this for a while now. Just finished getting caught up and I'm on board for as long as you keep this going. Interested to see how you manage to make TNA respectable.


Street Fight

'Mr. Intensity' Gunner vs. 'The Cowboy' James Storm


Tigre Uno vs. ???


TNA Knockouts Championship

Madison Rayne © vs. Brooke Tessmacher


TNA X-Division Championship

'The Greatest Man That Ever Lived' Austin Aries © vs. Kenny King


Bully Ray vs. Eric Young:


TNA World Tag Team Championships

The Wolves © vs. Bad Influence (Daniels & Kazarian)


'The Undefeated' Ethan Carter III vs. 'The Olympic Gold Medalist' Kurt Angle


'The IT Factor' Bobby Roode vs. 'The Monster' Abyss


TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Magnus © vs. AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe


Bonus Questions (worth 1 point each)

1. Who will take the pinfall in the three-way main event?

AJ Styles

2. Who is the mystery opponent?

John Morrison sounds good to me...



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TNA Victory Road

Sunday, Week 3, March 2014

Over 11,500 fans are in attendance at the Carolina Coliseum!


Before the show went live, Petey Williams attempted to lead Jesse Sorensen and Cody Hall to victory against 'DJ' Zema Ion, Robbie E and Jessie but was unsuccessful in what was said to be a half-way decent match.




Street Fight

'Mr. Intensity' Gunner vs. 'The Cowboy' James Storm

15 Minute Time Limit ~ Referee: Keith Harris


We kicked off with a match that probably should have been better, the animosity between these two called for weapons and they enjoyed the freedom of trashcan lids, steel chairs and all kind of miscellanous objects intended to do harm. The intensity was such that Gunner delivered an F5 onto a steel chair but was so hurt himself that he had to delay the following cover and Storm was able to kick out. But 'Mr. Intensity' went from strength to strength and looked to be coasting towards a victory, he picked up a steel chair and turned around right into a Last Call superkick! Foot hits chair, chair hits face and Gunner was down and out as Storm draped an arm over and picked up the one, two, three.


Winner: James Storm (11:17)

Rating: 56 (C-)


Writer's Note: I chuckle to myself writing this knowing that the mystery opponent is not some major star as most of you predicted. :p

















Taz: "Hey, it's Paul London! Alright!"




Tigre Uno vs. Paul London

15 Minute Time Limit ~ Referee: Keith Harris


A former three-time Tag Champion in WWE and a former Tag Team Champion in PWG, among various other promotions, Paul London is quick out the starting block during this one and showed some villainous tendencies early on. He stamps away at Tigre, he shouts at the ref and even tries to pull his opponent's mask off. Tigre is completely unprepared for his opponent, but he does rally back with a Hurricanrana that sends London packing to the outside before he flattens him with a Suicide Dive. But London regains the initiative with a Pop-Up Dropkick, and then a Shooting Star Press puts this one to bed.


Winner: Paul London (7:56)

Rating: 57 (C-)






TNA Knockouts Championship

Madison Rayne © vs. Brooke Tessmacher

15 Minute Time Limit ~ Referee: Keith Harris


There's no time to be wasted, we dive straight into our first title match of the night. Madison takes the lead in this one and she has the crowd in the palm of her hands, playing them masterfully as Brooke basks in the heat, enjoying every minute of the crowd's utter disapproval of her antics. Madison rallied back, the two exchanged signature moves before the Rayne Check bought the Champion a successful title defence. Formulaic, maybe, but the crowd clearly enjoyed this decent little match.


Winner: Madison Rayne (7:51)

Rating: 58 (C-)


We break away from the in-ring action as Mike Tenay and Taz hype TNA Lockdown, taking place next month at the iWireless Center in Moline, Illinois! They hype the sequence of house shows taking place the week before, the Lockdown tour and a special press conference that will take place on the day before the big event.


Mike Tenay: "Tickets are selling fast so get on over to http://www.impactwrestling.com and get your hands on some before its too late!"






TNA X-Division Championship

'The Greatest Man That Ever Lived' Austin Aries © vs. Kenny King

30 Minute Time Limit ~ Referee: Brian Hebner


If Kenny King wasn't a heel before this match, he most certainly is now. He jumps Aries before the bell and gives him one heck of a beating on the outside of the ring, leaving an exclamation mark when he tosses Aries into the guardrail then proceeds to just wedge his opponent's head through the gap as he stomps away at him. But for the most part, this match was nothing too special, the fans didn't really buy that Kenny King could win this one. The pace picked up towards the end as King looked for a Royal Flush but Aries countered it with a DDT. He followed that up with his signature Corner Dropkick, a Brainbuster and then the Last Chancery bought the submission victory and another successful title defence for 'The Greatest Man That Ever Lived'.


Winner: Austin Aries (11:55)

Rating: 64 ©




Bully Ray vs. Eric Young

30 Minute Time Limit ~ Referee: Brian Hebner


This is one of those matches where you can't help but feel sorry for one of the participants, because Eric Young never really stood any chance here. His underdog schtick gains him some support but Bully constantly quenches any chance of the comeback happening. EY looks for a roll-up, trying to surprise Bully but again, no such luck. After a Bully Bomb and a Bully Cutter, it's lights out for EY and the one, two, three all but a formality.


Winner: Bully Ray (12:11)

Rating: 67 (C+)


As if the commanding, easy victory wasn't enough, Bully puts the boots in post-match and prolongs the punishment even further. EY claws back once again, refusing to back down, but Bully stops him dead in his tracks. Having seen enough...














... Hernandez hits the ring! And Bully is out of there!


He might have halted further damage, but Hernandez was simply too late, even if EY clearly appreciates the sentiment.


Rating: 50 (D+)


It's time for tag team action! Mike Tenay and Taz run us through this one briefly, complete with some short highlights of the last few weeks. Kazarian beat Eddie Edwards thanks to an assist from his tag partner, but Christopher Daniels had no such luck the following week against Davey Richards. Bad Influence wanted a shot and nobody had any qualms, so here we are.






TNA World Tag Team Championships

The Wolves © vs. Bad Influence

30 Minute Time Limit ~ Referee: Brian Hebner


Daniels & Kaz aren't messing around here, they come in fully clad rocking pink leather jackets and one young fan is a little surprised when he receives a pair of sunglasses from Daniels at ringside. This match is everything it was expected to be, just fast paced, crisp action from the get-go with lots of double team moves, both teams have fantastic chemistry together. The action really picks up towards the close - Kazarian hits a Fade To Black on Eddie Edwards only for Davey to break up the pin. Equally, Davey hits a DR Driver on Daniels only for Kazarian to break free of Edwards' clutches and break up that pinfall. We get to that period where both teams know they're just a move away from the win and it's The Wolves that dispatch of Daniels with two Diving Double Foot Stomps before a Force Of Nature leaves Kazarian down and out for the 3, The Wolves retaining in a very good match.


Winners: The Wolves (13:39)

Rating: 77 (B-)




'The Olympic Gold Medalist' Kurt Angle vs 'The Undefeated' Ethan Carter III

30 Minute Time Limit ~ Referee: Brian Hebner


This show is full of surprises and here's another, this match was far better than it had any right to be. The story is simple, EC3 thinks Angle is over the hill and he's out to prove it, even berating Angle whenever he's in control during this contest. Rockstar Spud likes what he sees, but Angle fires back and locks on an early Ankle Lock only for Carter to take evasive action... and then be clocked by a clothesline on the outside! EC3 constantly looks for the One Percenter, a Headlock Driver, but Angle's veteran instinct finds a counter, a swift leg takedown into another Ankle Lock but EC3 kicks him away again. Another One Percenter attempt is countered by an Angle Slam and the straps come down! Spud jumps on the apron but is swiftly decked by Angle for his troubles and a third Ankle Lock is applied! Spud has seen enough, he hops in and clobbers Angle from behind as the referee calls for the bell, EC3 is disqualified.


Winner: Kurt Angle (14:18)

Rating: 80 (B)




Spud stands in the middle of the ring, frozen. He's like a statue until Angle grabs him by his collar...


Only for EC3 to strike from behind with a clothesline to the back of the head! The two of them stomp away at Angle's surgically repaired neck before EC3 locks on a mean looking Rear Naked Choke, Spud continuing the stomps on Angle's stomach and chest. Angle tries to fight out but he's virtually helpless. Finally a host of road agents and referees hit the ring and break up the submission. Angle regains consciousness and soaks up the adulation of our capacity crowd before departing up the ramp.


Rating: 47 (D+)

Stupid Spud and his 20 overness!




'The Monster' Abyss vs. 'The IT Factor' Bobby Roode

30 Minute Time Limit ~ Referee: Earl Hebner


From one surprisingly good match to another, there's hardly a back story to this one besides Abyss maybe costing Roode a shot at the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. Craving championship opportunities, Roode shows some good early focus, but this is like one of those boxing matches where an opponent knows the other dude has a killer right hand, so the fight is all about him trying to avoid it. Sadly for Roode, he doesn't do a very good job of avoiding Abyss' most damaging moves, the Shock Treatment picking up a close 2-count. 'The IT Factor' regains the initiative and even manages to get Abyss on his shoulders for a Roode Bomb but 'The Monster' kicks his legs and escapes before catching a hasty Roode charging in with a surprise Black Hole Slam and with it, a victory that can only be described as a real upset.


Winner: Abyss (15:54)

Rating: 80 (B)


It's time for our main event! We jump straight into a video package, detailing Magnus' rise and his victory over AJ Styles in January. This was of course followed by AJ Styles leaving TNA as Magnus defended his belt against Gunner, and then Samoa Joe made the challenge. Joe would steal the TNA World Heavyweight title, only to be taken out backstage by a person(s) still unnamed. We flash through the promos and clips of these events with constant narration by both Magnus and Samoa Joe but the video closes with a still of AJ Styles clasping his hands together to create the P1 symbol before the entrances begin...


Rating: 58 (C-)


Samoa Joe is sporting a taped left leg, but shows no sign of a limp. Magnus is second out and he opts to steer clear of the ring, wanting very little of Samoa Joe's personal space. AJ Styles' triumphant return is a little underwhelming, he refuses to even show his face, keeping his hood up and his head bowed. But it's time for the official introductions.


Jeremy Borash:
"Introducing first, standing in the corner to my left. He weighed in this morning at 289lbs, from The Isle Of Samoa! He is a former TNA World Heavyweight Champion and a four-time TNA X-Division Champion, ladies and gentlemen, he is the Samoan Submission Machine... SAMOAAAAA! JOEEEE!"




Jeremy Borash:
"Introducing second, standing in the corner to my right. He weighed in this morning at 238lbs, from King's Lynn, England, he is the reigning and defending TNA World Heavyweight Champion... ladies and gentlemen, this... is... MAGNUSSSSS!"




Jeremy Borash:
"And finally, making his triumphant return to TNA. He was the first TNA Triple Crown Champion and the inaugural TNA X-Division Champion. He is a six-time TNA Tag Team Champion and a five-time TNA World Heavyweight Champion! He is known to many as 'Mr. TNA' and he hails from Gainesville, Georgia, weighing in at 217lbs, he is 'The Phenomenaaaaal One!' A! J! STYLESSS!"




Rating: 58 (C-)






TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Magnus © vs. AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe

30 Minute Time Limit ~ Referee: Earl Hebner


Before a move has even been done, an audible 'Welcome Back!' chant is directed AJ Styles' way. Magnus hops to the outside as Styles and Joe kick us off with some early chain wrestling, which finishes with a stalemate but Magnus hops back in just to blindside Joe. Styles take exception to this and helps Joe take out the trash as the two of them get back to wrestling, something they happen to be really good at. Magnus is plucky and opportunistic, knowing he can't out-wrestle neither Joe nor Styles, he simply picks his time to do the most damage. Eventually the pace quickens up, with Magnus and Joe hammering away at each other on the outside, Styles breaks out the Fosbury Flop taking out both of his opponents.


The pinfalls get closer to the three and Styles thinks he has the match won when he locks on the Calf Killer on Joe's injured left leg but Magnus breaks it up... with his title belt! But the referee can't disqualify him, it's a three-way match after all. Magnus sets up for a shot on Joe and nails him as the Samoan Submission Machine falls to the outside in a heap. The Champion takes a minute to taunt, but it's not long before he and Styles are going back and forth in the ring. When all of a sudden, Joe is attacked on the outside... two guys clad with leather vests hammer away at his left leg with steel pipes and then turn towards the camera...











Mike Tenay:
"What?! It's Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley!"

"What are they doing here?! Why have they taken Samoa Joe out?!

Mike Tenay:
"Were they the ones responsible for what happened two weeks ago?"


But the carnage isn't over yet, another person slides in the ring, this time it's an African-American wearing a leather vest with a hood covering most of his head. He handsprings off the ropes and jars Magnus' jaw with a Stunner. Pulling off the hood, we see that it's a very familiar face...












Jay Lethal?! Is this all one big elaborate set up by AJ Styles?!"

Mike Tenay:
"It seems so Taz, this makes me sick!"


With Joe completely helpless on the outside and Magnus laid out from what we can now call the Lethal Injection. Styles heads to the top rope and breaks out the Spiral Tap, crushing Magnus' ribs in the process and picking up the now somewhat tainted one, two, three as the crowd have no idea how to react.


Winner: AJ Styles (23:31)

Rating: 81 (B)


Some boo, some cheer, others look on in sheer disbelief as Shelley, Sabin, Lethal and Styles celebrate together in the ring. Magnus is assisted to the back and Joe, equally, needs medical attention as paramedics help him to the back.


Mike Tenay: "Well, ladies and gentlemen, there's only thing that's for sure. AJ Styles is the new TNA World Heavyweight Champion and he sure has some explaining to do this Thursday. I'm Mike Tenay, this is Taz, thank you for watching, and good night!"


Show Rating: 77 (B-)

PPV Buy Rate: 1.92

This show increased our popularity in 27 regions.

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First of all, yeah, radical shift in direction. I actually hate how I did the title match but I was planning it for a while and it was too late to change the plans but this should be a fun ride, you'll see where I'm going with this soon. I have to apologize for the delay, this took way longer than expected to get up, this last week has been a real killer and I've been spending my spare time away from anything even remotely resembling work. But it's up now, that's all that matters. I'll now be writing shorter recaps for Impacts, I simply cannot write shows like this week in, week out. Nobody guessed the mystery opponent, which was funny because it was a total non-event hahaha. But yes, talking of unpredictability, let's take a sneaky peek at those prediction contest results.


Kijar: 7/9 (+1)

I have some stuff in store for Manik though, don't worry.


Unwound: 7/9 (+1)

Second person to predict Ricochet, time to listen to my audience ;)


LordJaguar: 6/9 (+1)

Blue Demon Jr. was an interesting pick. That reminds me, I need to watch Lucha Underground.


Packerman120: 6/9 (+1)

Ricochet is definitely somebody to look at.


Uncrewed: 6/9 (+1)

Good close shout on predicting Shelley.


Warhawk8492: 6/9 (+1)

I have an idea for Petey, but it's not time for that yet.


Captain2: 6/9 (+1)

Tatsu is still at WWE :(


Crackerjack: 6/9 (+1)

Morrison has star power, but there's a time and a place to bring him in and that time is not now.


Blodyxe: 5/9 (+1)

I love Shark Boy!


Smwilliams : 6/9

The only person to not predict Magnus taking the fall hahahaha! Morrison is, once again, a very strong shout.


I should do mystery opponents every show. :D

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Great show, the ending was interesting.


I'm glad it wasn't a total flop haha! I feel like Russo over here so thank you :)


Nice show, and yeah... Sharkboy is the man. :D


Thank you! I might actually re-sign him you know... Shark Boy vs. Curry Man for Slammiversary? ;)


And I guess Wolves vs. MCMG is something to look for in the future, right?



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