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Bully Ray & Mr. Anderson vs. The Bro-Mans

Comments: Bully and Anderson have too much star power compared to the Bromans


Kenny King vs. Petey Williams

Comments: Looks like Kenny has picked up my least favorite gimmick in wrestling- that guy on a losing streak. Petey takes it


Jay Lethalvs. Rob Terry

Comments: Jay's been doing well since his return. And Rob's been doing..... steroids?


Knux vs. Jesse Sorensen

Comments: Kinda out of left field, but Sorensen could be somebody eventually.


TNA X-Division Championship

'The Greatest Man That Ever Lived' Austin Aries © vs. Paul London

Comments: Personally feel like Aries is too good for the belt. He should be going after Styles shortly. London in an upset.


Beer Money Reunion

Bobby Roode & James Storm vs. Abyss & Gunner

Comments: And don't forget about that legendary tag team, Abyss and Gunner!


Also, on the TV title, I wouldn't mind seeing it return if it is given to upper midcard type guys. I feel that the X Division belt would be better suited for midcarders, and the TV belt can give guys like Magnus, Bully, etc. something to do while Styles is taking on others.

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For the TV title, I say go for it, because you'll book it correctly. :D


Bully Ray & Mr. Anderson vs. The Bro-Mans



Kenny King vs. Petey Williams



Jay Lethal vs. Rob Terry



Knux vs. Jesse Sorensen



TNA X-Division Championship

'The Greatest Man That Ever Lived' Austin Aries © vs. Paul London



Beer Money Reunion

Bobby Roode & James Storm vs. Abyss & Gunner


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Impact Wrestling Predictions

Bully Ray & Mr. Anderson vs. The Bro-Mans

Comments: Ugh, Bro-Mans. If I ever win a prize and it's to fire someone, they are gone!


Kenny King vs. Petey Williams

Comments: Seems like Kenny is taking a loss or two. Interference perhaps?


Jay Lethal vs. Rob Terry

Comments: Logic.


Knux vs. Jesse Sorensen

Comments: Only because of the Angle partnership.


TNA X-Division Championship

'The Greatest Man That Ever Lived' Austin Aries © vs. Paul London

Comments: Gotta rep Wisconsin here :D


Beer Money Reunion

Bobby Roode & James Storm vs. Abyss & Gunner

Comments: Again, logic.

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Bully Ray & Mr. Anderson vs. The Bro-Mans



Kenny King vs. Petey Williams



Jay Lethal vs. Rob Terry



Knux vs. Jesse Sorensen



TNA X-Division Championship

'The Greatest Man That Ever Lived' Austin Aries © vs. Paul London



Beer Money Reunion

Bobby Roode & James Storm vs. Abyss & Gunner


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Bully Ray & Mr. Anderson vs. The Bro-Mans


Kenny King vs. Petey Williams


Jay Lethal vs. Rob Terry


Knux vs. Jesse Sorensen


TNA X-Division Championship

'The Greatest Man That Ever Lived' Austin Aries © vs. Paul London


Beer Money Reunion

Bobby Roode & James Storm vs. Abyss & Gunner

Comments: Tag team experience matters.


Voted to return the TV title too. Company needs a secondary title to look bigger. X-Division is kind of a gimmicky title, like Knockout's strap. You signed a bunch of people, so roster gets bigger, which is nice and logical.

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Bully Ray & Mr. Anderson vs. The Bro-Mans



Kenny King vs. Petey Williams



Jay Lethal vs. Rob Terry



Knux vs. Jesse Sorensen



TNA X-Division Championship

'The Greatest Man That Ever Lived' Austin Aries © vs. Paul London



Beer Money Reunion

Bobby Roode & James Storm vs. Abyss & Gunner


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Bully Ray & Mr. Anderson vs. The Bro-Mans



Kenny King vs. Petey Williams



Jay Lethal vs. Rob Terry



Knux vs. Jesse Sorensen



TNA X-Division Championship

'The Greatest Man That Ever Lived' Austin Aries © vs. Paul London



Beer Money Reunion

Bobby Roode & James Storm vs. Abyss & Gunner


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Bully Ray & Mr. Anderson vs. The Bro-Mans

Comments: BRO, BRO...No.


Kenny King vs. Petey Williams



Jay Lethal vs. Rob Terry



Knux vs. Jesse Sorensen



TNA X-Division Championship

'The Greatest Man That Ever Lived' Austin Aries © vs. Paul London



Beer Money Reunion

Bobby Roode & James Storm vs. Abyss & Gunner



I too voted to bring back the TV title.

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Impact Wrestling Predictions


Bully Ray & Mr. Anderson vs. The Bro-Mans

Comments: I want the Gay Mans to arse rape Ched Evans and let's see how he likes being raped.


Kenny King vs. Petey Williams



Jay Lethal vs. Rob Terry



Knux vs. Jesse Sorensen



TNA X-Division Championship

'The Greatest Man That Ever Lived' Austin Aries © vs. Paul London



Beer Money Reunion

Bobby Roode & James Storm vs. Abyss & Gunner

Comments: I like beer and I like money. No brainer for me.

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Impact Wrestling


Bully Ray & Mr. Anderson vs. The Bro-Mans



Kenny King vs. Petey Williams



Jay Lethal vs. Rob Terry



Knux vs. Jesse Sorensen



TNA X-Division Championship

'The Greatest Man That Ever Lived' Austin Aries © vs. Paul London



Beer Money Reunion

Bobby Roode & James Storm vs. Abyss & Gunner


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IMPACT Wrestling

Thursday, Week 2, April 2014

5,000 fans are in attendance at the sold-out Oakdale Theatre!




Before our full crowd had filed in, the early birds were treated to a decent little tag match pitting Bad Influence against the David and Goliath pairing of Cody Hall and Tigre Uno. In the end, the established team prevailed, Daniels' B.M.E. being enough to put Scott Hall's little boy away at around the 8 or 9 minute mark.


Tenay and Taz welcome us to IMPACT and we kick off with
Of Violence' introducing
Samoa Joe,
the #1 Contender to AJ Styles' TNA World Heavyweight Championship.




Microphone in hand, Joe first basks in that one-word chant that he gets almost every time he's out in the ring.
Joe! Joe! Joe! Joe!
Last week, Joe's victory was bittersweet, he recalls having his hand raised, seeing Magnus suddenly in his face before darting out of there, and the rest is kind of a blur. But he remembers vividly the helping hands of Austin Aries, and of all people, Bully Ray. Joe talks about his left calf, the target of Styles' assault, the achilles heel as it was. Joe then angrily calls out Styles and his cowardice, insisting that he respected the man more than maybe anybody he's ever wrestled with, but at Victory Road, Styles not only pissed him off, he disappointed him. Joe calls Styles out, he wants to talk to him face-to-face.


He gets his wish as
welcomes a lonely AJ Styles, accompanied only by his TNA World Heavyweight Championship.




Styles says he has no interest hearing from Joe any longer, it's time to listen now. At Lockdown, inside a steel cage, Joe will find out things about himself he didn't know, just how long can you fight on when you're getting the beating of your life? 'How long can you resist the pain of a torn calf muscle Joe?' Styles promises that outside interference won't be an issue, his boys will have gone through hell and back inside Lethal Lockdown, and although this seems like a detriment, it won't be because 'Joe, after Lockdown, you won't have any excuses.'


This angers the 'Samoan Submission Machine', he refers to Styles' explanation two weeks ago. He doesn't blame Styles for being ticked off at Dixie Carter and Magnus, as far as Joe's concerned, Magnus is out the picture now. Joe says that he didn't deserve what happened to him, he's not crying about it, but now he's crossed one of the most dangerous men in professional wrestling and Samoa Joe isn't forgetting that night, and he's not forgetting what happened last week. Styles took the easy way out, says Joe, he cheated and lied his way to Championship glory and without Lethal, Shelley and Sabin, he wouldn't even have that title.


At Lockdown, nobody is coming to Styles' aid and Joe gives him a taste of his own medicine.


'How will you feel when I throw you face first into a steel cage wall? Huh? How will you feel when I wrap my arms around your neck and squeeze every - last - breath out of your cowardly little body?' Styles interrupts and tells Joe that his time is over, he's heard enough now. He tells Joe he can continue to speak if the fans want to listen to him, but he doesn't care about them, he's done. 'There's two weeks left till Lockdown and it's now my perogative to make sure that you don't even get there Joe, have fun in your living nightmare' Styles finishes before heading back behind the curtain as we go to commercial with Joe staring coldly down the ramp, looking like he could explode at any minute.


Rating: 70 (C+)




There's a slightly odd dynamic at work here, the fans don't really know whether they should cheer or boo
Bully Ray
, and obviously
Mr. Anderson
isn't exactly the most over babyface in the world.
The Bro-Mans
put the always-outspoken Anderson through his paces, all the while being a little apprehensive whenever they started encroaching Bully Ray's personal space. Eventually Bully tagged in and all seemed well for the strange bedfellows (love that phrase), but before they could put this one away,
Chris Sabin, Alex Shelley and Jay Lethal
hit the ring to attack Mr. Anderson as Bully Ray left them to it; and referee Keith Harris was forced to throw this one out.


Winners: Mr. Anderson & Bully Ray (10:02)

Rating: 47 (D)


Instead of continuing their beatdown,
Sabin, Shelley and Lethal
simply slip away through the crowd, leaving Mr. Anderson a little puzzled on the ropes. He then realises that Bully bailed on him and runs towards the locker room irate in pursuit of his former rival whose allegiance and motive are still unclear.


Rating: 56 (C-)



We head into the backstage corridor where
Bad Influence
knock on
office and enter as expected.




MVP tells Bad Influence that the contracts have been signed, should they lose at Lockdown to
The Wolves
, their TNA contracts will be considered null and void. The gravity of this statement hits Daniels and Kazarian a little bit, who look a little flustered, but MVP isn't done there. He tells the pair that considering they could be history in two weeks time, it's in his best interest to get the most out of them before they're gone. That's why next week,
will take on
Kurt Angle
and the week after
Christopher Daniels
will take on
Samoa Joe.
Bad Influence protest, but to no avail, the matches have already been signed.


Rating: 50 (D+)




Back to the ring now, where
Kenny King
is jobber entranced for his match against
Petey Williams.
Neither guy performs to the level they can, so the match is obviously quite average. King seems distracted once again, constantly looking the crowd for that over-eager fan, but he can't seem to find him. Petey fights back and looks to be in control and he sets up for the Canadian Destroyer, but that over-eager fan grabs his foot from the outside and buys just enough time as Kenny King hits the Royal Flush and puts an end to his three match losing streak.


Winner: Kenny King (8:04)

Rating: 47 (D)


We hop into our interview room where
Desmond Wolfe
is shouting at a production assistant for giving him cold tea when
walk into frame as expected.




It's actually a surprisingly decent promo - Gunner tells Storm he won't find a lucky Last Call when they face off at Lockdown and he will prove once and for all that he was never in Storm's shadow. After picking up a victory over Roode last week, Gunner tells Wolfe that he plans to face the winner of Styles vs. Joe after he beats Storm at Lockdown. Wolfe asks Abyss about costing Roode his match last week and simply says that he doesn't tolerate ambushes and would help Team TNA with Styles and his invaders if it wasn't for Roode having such a fierce vendetta against him. 'The Monster' will face Roode at Lockdown and he wants a Monster's Ball.


Rating: 62 ©




Jay Lethal's
first match since returning to TNA is actually a total after-thought.
Rob Terry
dominates the early exchanges, but Lethal rakes his eyes and then puts him away in short order with a Lethal Injection. Post-match, Lethal walks up the ramp and tells our audience that they can say goodbye to Rob Terry, and come Lockdown, they'll be saying goodbye to Austin Aries. Moving on.


Winner: Jay Lethal (2:58)

Rating: 30 (E+)


To the backstage area once more where
Desmond Wolfe
welcomes the reigning TNA X-Division Champion,
Austin Aries!




Desmond asks about what Bully Ray did earlier in the night, walking out on Mr. Anderson, but Aries tells Wolfe he doesn't want to talk about that, instead, he wants to talk about Styles and his invaders. They ambushed him backstage, they tried to injure Joe and now they're trying to play mind games with Mr. Anderson and Bully Ray. Aries doesn't yet have a fourth man, Lethal does. That man is Paul London, and tonight he gets his shot at the TNA X-Division title. Aries says that unlike Styles, Lethal, Sabin and Shelley - all members of the TNA roster in the earlier days, London is little more than a tag-along and to borrow a line from Ric Flair… 'Paul, tonight, you're gonna find that jumping on - is a lot easier than jumping off.'


Rating: 66 (C+)




We jump back to the ring where
Ethan Carter III
joins us on commentary as
Jesse Sorensen
goes head-to-head with
EC3 presumes that Knux will make short work of Kurt Angle's protege, but that doesn't prove to be the case, although the big man does control the early proceedings and fittingly keeps control thanks to his size advantage. EC3 mentions that he spent Spud on a goose chase earlier looking for Kurt Angle, and found out that MVP gave him the night off to cool off after last week's tag team match defeat. But enough of EC3, back to this match, that appears to be coming to a close - Sorensen connects with a Dropkick followed by a Diving Crossbody before a Shooting Star Press brings the one, two, three.


Winner: Jesse Sorensen (5:47)

Rating: 40 (D-)


Sorensen is celebrating post-match, when, predictably…




jumps in the ring and takes him out from behind. Kurt Angle's protege is alone and virtually helpless as EC3 drops him head first into the canvas with the One Percenter and then locks on a Rear Naked Choke. Sorensen is unconscious, but Carter refuses to break the hold despite Brian Hebner's protestations. Satisfied with his work as a host of security guards hit the ring, Carter grabs a nearby microphone and lets Angle know that come Sunday, that will be him -
'lifeless and unconscious, crying on the canvas'.


Rating: 56 (C-)


Back to
Desmond Wolfe
again, who welcomes Packerman120's favourite, the always beautiful
Velvet Sky.




Wolfe takes us back to last week where Velvet left Madison Rayne high and dry in their tag match against Gail Kim and Lei'D Tapa. 'Why?' asks Wolfe. Velvet explains that the tag match was all about Madison and Gail Kim, about their on-and-off rivalry and that Madison believes she's the best Knockout in the division. Velvet summarises that nice people don't get anywhere, especially in such a competitive locker room. She lays down the challenge, at Lockdown, she wants Madison Rayne and she doesn't care if it's a three-way match with Gail Kim because
'Velvet Sky is walking out your new TNA Knockouts Champion'.


Rating: 47 (D+)






It's time for a rare IMPACT championship match, as
Austin Aries
defends the title many believe he has eclipsed against TNA newcomer
Paul London.
This match, in a nutshell, is the X-Division. Good wrestling action between fast-moving high-flyers, but neither of these guys can be considered up-and-comers, which is what the X-Division prided itself on for many years. London works like a natural heel, shouting abuse at the fans inbetween each move, like Aries needs any more support from the TNA faithful… 'The Greatest Man That Ever Lived' is also one of the most over and answers all of London's questions - countering a Frankensteiner attempt and turning it into an STF and then Aries rolls out of the way of a 450 Splash attempt, before he hits his signature Brainbuster and then a 450 of his own to put London away, and retain his title.


Winner: Austin Aries (13:08)

Rating: 65 (C+)


Before the show can progress any further, we're interrupted by




And he doesn't look in the best of moods as he paces directly to the ring, asking for a microphone on his way. EY wastes no time cutting to the chase, he's a wrestler first and foremost, and although his new TV show,
No Limits
starts airing on Animal Planet on May 30th, he's here in TNA to compete and win championships. He calls out MVP on why he's getting the short straw, having only been booked to wrestle once since Dixie Carter was exiled from the promotion, and that was against an angry Bully Ray at Victory Road, a match he went out of his way to get. Young wants to know why nobody has called on him for Lockdown, but before he can continue...






interrupts. Similar to EY, Magnus complains about his rotten luck, first being forced to defend his TNA World Heavyweight Championship in a three-way, and then being forced into such an important match against Samoa Joe as such short notice. Magnus describes his next statement as doing EY a massive favour, as he offers to face him one-on-one next week. Magnus claims he'll win, obviously, but just being in the ring with a superstar like him will do wonders for EY's stock in TNA.


Young retorts, without Dixie Carter and outside interference, Magnus can't win a match now, he doesn't believe in himself. But EY does, and next week he'll see Magnus in the middle of this ring and prove once and for all that he should never be overlooked, not by MVP, not by Austin Aries and most certainly, not by Magnus.


Rating: 64 ©


Before our main event, we have a video package, chronicling the now intertwined rivalries of
but we also see old footage of Beer Money and their dominance over the tag division for many years. In pre-recorded interviews, Gunner wonders if Beer Money can even co-exist given their past. Roode and Storm talk about being on the same page, they tagged in the first Impact of 2014, so why wouldn't they be able to tag successfully now? They claim that they are simply doing each other a favour to get rid of Gunner and Abyss. At the end, both Roode and Storm wonder if this reunion could be a one-off, or could it be permanent...?


Rating: 55 (C-)




A great IMPACT Wrestling main event, this was exactly what this show needed. Naturally,
Beer Money
absolutely dominate this one with quick tags, stiff strikes and energy-sapping submission holds.
is the face in peril,
is the man on the outside, willing his man on to the make the tag and encouraging the fans to give him a hand. Abyss eventually tags in and rallies back. If this was that company up north, the match would end here... but Abyss tires pretty quickly and now it's his and Gunner's time to enjoy some control. They work over Storm, but Roode fools the referee into stopping Abyss from entering as he clobbers Gunner from behind and reseizes the iniative for Beer Money.


We're back where we started, Abyss once again gets the crowd on his side as Roode tries to silence them on the outside. Gunner fights away from Storm and then puts Roode's spine on the pine with a Spinebuster before making another hot tag to 'The Monster'. Abyss cleans house and Gunner starts brawling on the outside with Storm. With the referee distracted by that, Roode gives Abyss a punishing low blow from behind and rolls him with a small package, adding further insult to injury by pulling Abyss' tights as referee Earl Hebner counts the one, the two and three.


Winners: Beer Money (18:04)

Rating: 74 (B-)


Gunner loses the little scrap on the outside of the ring when Storm deposits him face first into the steel turnbuckle post, as Abyss slowly rises to his feet and then makes his way after a celebrating Roode, who is then clotheslined over the top rope to the outside. But Abyss turns around right into Storm, who smashes his beer bottle over his head! Beer Money continue their beatdown together on Abyss, as Gunner slips his way into the ring in a feeble attempt to make a save, only to find himself the victim of some vicious Beer Money boots. Satisfied with their work, Storm and Roode celebrate together as we fade to black.


Rating: 56 (C-)


Show Rating: 69 (C+)

TV Rating: 4.75

This show increased our popularity in 7 regions.

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And this week's prediction results... Welcome aboard Snyder!





Comments: I want the Gay Mans to arse rape Ched Evans and let's see how he likes being raped.

Ugh, don't even get me started on him... He wants to play football again, but still maintains he's innocent and won't apologise for what he did and won't condemn those that are abusing the rape victim.


He makes me sick, but onto the wrestling and TNA stuff...


Been reading along with this and it's a pretty cool read Mootinie.


One thing about the poll, I'd bring back the TV title but make it under strict rules like 10 minute time limits. Make it unique instead of just another belt.

Thank you! It's always great to know veteran members like yourself are appreciating a little guy's work like mine. With regards the time limit idea, that's definitely interesting. I agree with you that it needs to be unique, but I'm not entirely sure how I'll do that yet.

Comments: Negative crowd reaction to Jessie

He's fourth on my Hot Prospects. The future is bleak. :o

Comments: Looks like Kenny has picked up my least favorite gimmick in wrestling- that guy on a losing streak. Petey takes it

It's my least favourite gimmick too, hence why I ended it on this show.

Comments: Kinda out of left field, but Sorensen could be somebody eventually.

He's on my Next Big Things. I'm in no rush with him but a win here and there will do him good. I released Knux after this show haha. :p

Also, on the TV title, I wouldn't mind seeing it return if it is given to upper midcard type guys. I feel that the X Division belt would be better suited for midcarders, and the TV belt can give guys like Magnus, Bully, etc. something to do while Styles is taking on others.

Yeah. That sounds like a great idea if I'm being honest. I'd probably book like ECW's TV title, long reigns and guys moving on straight to World title shots immediately after. I'm not entirely sold on the idea of a TV title being defended monthly on PPV as opposed to TV, but then again the Intercontinental title isn't exclusively the only title defended in different continents, so...

For the TV title, I say go for it, because you'll book it correctly. :D

Haha, thank you!

Comments: Ugh, Bro-Mans. If I ever win a prize and it's to fire someone, they are gone!

I might start feeding you the results via Skype just so I have an excuse to fire them :rolleyes:

Comments: Tag team experience matters.

I agree 100%.

Voted to return the TV title too. Company needs a secondary title to look bigger. X-Division is kind of a gimmicky title, like Knockout's strap. You signed a bunch of people, so roster gets bigger, which is nice and logical.

X-Division is on my list of things to repair, but I think it's simply too damaged at this point. It's like the World Heavyweight Championship that WWE used to have. No matter what you say, no matter how important you make it look, Jack Swagger has still held it. Same for my X-Division, too many reigns, too many chumps.

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  • 3 weeks later...



IMPACT Wrestling Preview

Thursday, Week 3, April 2014


We're coming at you live from the Massari Arena in one of the largest steel-producing cities in all of the United States: Pueblo, Colorado!


We have an official contract signing on our hands as AJ Styles and Samoa Joe put pen to paper and etch our Lockdown main event in stone. Will things turn violent? Well, hell if I know, but probably. Will Mr. Anderson find Bully Ray and make him sorry for his walkout last week? Will Aries steady the ship? We don't know, the only thing we do know is that our IMPACT Wrestling main event will see Kurt Angle taking on one half of Bad Influence, Kazarian! We're not letting that dastardly Christopher Daniels slip through our fingers either, he'll have the impressive Jesse Sorensen to deal with tonight.


Eric Young and former TNA World Heavyweight Champion, Magnus will both look to improve their fortunes and impress Austin Aries and/or Jay Lethal when they clash one-on-one in our semi main event and Gail Kim will look to book a Knockouts title match against Madison Rayne when she looks to humble Velvet Sky.


All this and more on #IMPACTonSPIKE this Thursday night!


IMPACT Wrestling Predictions


Non-Title Match

The Wolves vs. Sonjay Dutt & Petey Williams



Manik vs. Robbie E



Christopher Daniels vs. Jesse Sorensen



Gail Kim vs. Velvet Sky



Eric Young vs. Magnus



Kurt Angle vs. Kazarian



Brucie Bonus Question Worth 1 Point

What will be the match rating (number, not grade) for Angle vs. Kazarian?

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Non-Title Match

The Wolves vs. Sonjay Dutt & Petey Williams

Comments: I'll go with the upset since it's a non-title match.


Manik vs. Robbie E

Comments: Not sure, so, what the heck.


Christopher Daniels vs. Jesse Sorensen

Comments: Big night for Bad Influence?


Gail Kim vs. Velvet Sky

Comments: Kim FTW!


Eric Young vs. Magnus

Comments: Seems like Magnus is being somewhat kept at the top of the card.


Kurt Angle vs. Kazarian

Comments: Guess not. Kaz goes down.


Brucie Bonus Question Worth 1 Point

What will be the match rating (number, not grade) for Angle vs. Kazarian? 72

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Non-Title Match

The Wolves vs. Sonjay Dutt & Petey Williams



Manik vs. Robbie E



Christopher Daniels vs. Jesse Sorensen



Gail Kim vs. Velvet Sky



Eric Young vs. Magnus



Kurt Angle vs. Kazarian



Brucie Bonus Question Worth 1 Point

What will be the match rating (number, not grade) for Angle vs. Kazarian? 84

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Non-Title Match

The Wolves vs. Sonjay Dutt & Petey Williams

Comments: Close call.


Manik vs. Robbie E



Christopher Daniels vs. Jesse Sorensen



Gail Kim vs. Velvet Sky



Eric Young vs. Magnus



Kurt Angle vs. Kazarian



Brucie Bonus Question Worth 1 Point

What will be the match rating (number, not grade) for Angle vs. Kazarian? 80

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Non-Title Match

The Wolves vs. Sonjay Dutt & Petey Williams



Manik vs. Robbie E



Christopher Daniels vs. Jesse Sorensen



Gail Kim vs. Velvet Sky



Eric Young vs. Magnus



Kurt Angle vs. Kazarian



Brucie Bonus Question Worth 1 Point

What will be the match rating (number, not grade) for Angle vs. Kazarian?


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IMPACT Wrestling Predictions


Non-Title Match

The Wolves vs. Sonjay Dutt & Petey Williams

Comments: Nice opener, should get a good grade.


Manik vs. Robbie E



Christopher Daniels vs. Jesse Sorensen

Comments: Smart match, Jesse will improve after this match for sure.


Gail Kim vs. Velvet Sky



Eric Young vs. Magnus



Kurt Angle vs. Kazarian

Comments: Tap out victory.


Brucie Bonus Question Worth 1 Point

What will be the match rating (number, not grade) for Angle vs. Kazarian? 73

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Non-Title Match

The Wolves vs. Sonjay Dutt & Petey Williams



Manik vs. Robbie E



Christopher Daniels vs. Jesse Sorensen



Gail Kim vs. Velvet Sky



Eric Young vs. Magnus



Kurt Angle vs. Kazarian



Brucie Bonus Question Worth 1 Point

What will be the match rating (number, not grade) for Angle vs. Kazarian? 78

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Non-Title Match

The Wolves vs. Sonjay Dutt & Petey Williams

Comments: I wouldn't imagine the Wolves falling to two guys that are pretty much thrown together


Manikvs. Robbie E

Comments: Robbie's been doing jobs for a while now, I'd imagine that would continue


Christopher Daniels vs. Jesse Sorensen

Comments: Never liked Sorensen, and he's not ready to go over Daniels yet


Gail Kim vs. Velvet Sky

Comments: Honest Toss-up. Madison probably plays a part in the finish though.


Eric Young vs. Magnus

Comments: By roll-up or something. I could see the two going at it again soon


Kurt Angle vs. Kazarian

Comments: Via EC3 run in.


Brucie Bonus Question Worth 1 Point

What will be the match rating (number, not grade) for Angle vs. Kazarian?70

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Non-Title Match

The Wolves vs. Sonjay Dutt & Petey Williams



Manik vs. Robbie E



Christopher Daniels vs. Jesse Sorensen



Gail Kim vs. Velvet Sky



Eric Young vs. Magnus



Kurt Angle vs. Kazarian



Brucie Bonus Question Worth 1 Point

What will be the match rating (number, not grade) for Angle vs. Kazarian?- 76

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IMPACT Wrestling Predictions


Non-Title Match

The Wolves vs. Sonjay Dutt & Petey Williams



Manik vs. Robbie E



Christopher Daniels vs. Jesse Sorensen



Gail Kim vs. Velvet Sky



Eric Young vs. Magnus



Kurt Angle vs. Kazarian



Brucie Bonus Question Worth 1 Point

What will be the match rating (number, not grade) for Angle vs. Kazarian? 84

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IMPACT Wrestling Predictions


Non-Title Match

The Wolves vs. Sonjay Dutt & Petey Williams



Manik vs. Robbie E



Christopher Daniels vs. Jesse Sorensen



Gail Kim vs. Velvet Sky



Eric Young vs. Magnus



Kurt Angle vs. Kazarian



Brucie Bonus Question Worth 1 Point

What will be the match rating (number, not grade) for Angle vs. Kazarian? 82

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Non-Title Match

The Wolves vs. Sonjay Dutt & Petey Williams



Manik vs. Robbie E



Christopher Daniels vs. Jesse Sorensen



Gail Kim vs. Velvet Sky



Eric Young vs. Magnus



Kurt Angle vs. Kazarian



Brucie Bonus Question Worth 1 Point

What will be the match rating (number, not grade) for Angle vs. Kazarian? 79

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Eric Young vs. Magnus



Kurt Angle vs. Kazarian



Brucie Bonus Question Worth 1 Point

What will be the match rating (number, not grade) for Angle vs. Kazarian?- 84

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