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WWE 2004: Ruthless Agression

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January Week 1, 2004:


I was just warming up for my main event match with the Rock for my World Heavyweight championship on Raw. All of a sudden, my father in-law, Vince McMahon called me into his office. He informed me that he thought that I should take over the booking duties. I smiled, but inside I dreaded Vince going into the locker room and telling everyone that I would be booking my matches. Whenever Shawn or I were booked to win, people would think I was playing favorites. Vince then told me that we would go with the plans for Heat and Raw. He told me I would book Velocity and Heat. This is going to be a fun ride.


Later that day:


The announcement from Vince came sooner then I thought. Vince immediately went to the locker room and announced my new position. The first person to come up to me was Shawn. " Good luck, Hunter." That was all that Shawn said before walking away. I noticed that Steiner and a few others were looking at me like I was the person administering their execution. Vince then pulled me aside and said he would have goals for me tomorrow.

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Heat Preview:


Chris Jericho vs. ???




Batista and Orton versus Val Venis and Lance Storm




Kane versus D-Von Dudley




Goldberg versus Ric Flair




What will be MOTN?

Who will answer Y2J's open challenge?

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Heat Preview:


Chris Jericho vs. ???




Batista and Orton versus Val Venis and Lance Storm




Kane versus D-Von Dudley




Goldberg versus Ric Flair





What will be MOTN?JerichoVS???


Who will answer Y2J's open challenge? RVD

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Chris Jericho vs. ???



Batista and Orton versus Val Venis and Lance Storm




Kane versus D-Von Dudley




Goldberg versus Ric Flair





What will be MOTN?



Who will answer Y2J's open challenge? RVD

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January Week 1, 2004



The first show opened up with Y2J heading out to the ring. He started calling himself the best wrestler in WWE today. He said he was willing to prove it by issuing an open challenge. After a few minutes of waiting, Y2J started to head to the back. As he was going through the ropes, Stevie Richards’ music hit. He told Y2J that he would take him up on his open challenge.

Rating: 78


Y2J vs. Stevie Richards

We started off Heat with a really good match. Even though he was off his game, Jericho proved himself to be too much for Stevie Richards. In the early goings, Jericho played the heel really well, and avoided Richards at all costs. Whenever Richards went after Jericho, Jericho would run away. This caused Richards to get distracted. As soon as Richards took his eye off the ball, Y2J capitalized. At eight minutes in, Y2J locked in the Walls and forced Richards to tap.

Winner: Y2J

Rating: 72


Batista and Orton vs. Venis and Storm

From the onset of this match, everyone knew who would pick up the win. Batista and Storm were the two men who started out this match. Like any good tag team would, Batista and Orton isolated Storm and picked him apart piece by piece. Storm staged a mini comeback and tagged Val Venis in. Venis was in the ring no longer than 30 seconds, when Orton hit an RKO and sealed the deal.

Winner: Batista and Orton

Rating: 66


After the match, Orton was approached by The Fink. Fink asked him about his match with Bubba on Raw. Orton said he wasn’t worried because he had Evolution by his side. He also claimed that Batista would put D-Von away.

Rating: 70


D-Von Dudley vs. Kane

Once again, no one doubted the victor of this one. Kane absolutely tore Devon apart one night before D-Von’s match on Raw with Batista. He took out all of his recent anger out on D-Von. Throughout the match, Kane almost got himself disqualified multiple times.

Winner: Kane



Goldberg vs. Ric Flair

In a main event caliber match on Heat, Goldberg and Flair went toe-to-toe. Throughout the match, Flair kept looking to the ramp to see if any of his Evolution teammates would come to his aid. However, none ended up coming. Goldberg won it in 12 minutes with a brutal spear on Flair.

Winner: Goldberg

Rating: 82


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Congrats to daulten6 for winning the predictions for Heat.




Randy Orton versus Bubba Ray Dudley for the Intercontinental title




Kane versus The Hurricane




Batista versus D-Von Dudley




RVD versus Christian




Booker T versus Scott Steiner




Shawn Michaels versus Mark Henry




Triple H versus The Rock for the World Title




What will be MOTN?

Who interferes in Kane's match?

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Raw January Week 1, 2004


We start the show with Triple H in the ring. HHH starts by saying he guarantees that he will walk out of tonight with the World Heavyweight title no matter what. He then goes on to say he will make HBK plead for mercy at the Royal Rumble. After his name was mentioned, HBK came out to a huge ovation. He said he would be watching Triple H’s match tonight, and make sure HHH doesn’t cheat to win his match.

Rating: 96


Randy Orton versus Bubba Ray Dudley for Intercontinental title


Orton knew going into this that he would be faced with a challenge like no other. However, he had Evolution on his side, and Bubba Ray knew that going in. Orton was in trouble for the first four minutes, Halfway through the match, Flair tripped up Bubba, enabling Orton to make a comeback. At eight minutes in, Orton set up for and connected with the RKO, and thus retaining the title.


Winner: Randy Orton

Rating: 71


The Hurricane versus Kane


For the second night in a row, Kane absolutely dominated his opponent. Hurricane had no chance in this matchup, and he knew it. However, about three minutes in, Rock came out and distracted Kane for a second. Kane turned around to catch a flying Hurricane and delivered a chokeslam. To ensure his victory, Kane used the ropes for leverage.


Winner: Kane

Rating: 64

After Kane pinned Hurricane, Rock and Kane met in the middle of the ring. The fans were on the edge of their seat just waiting for Kane and Rock to fight. However, the fans were left upset as Kane and Rock only stared before Kane left the ring.

Rating: 86


Batista versus D-Von Dudley


Seeing as one half of each team faced off earlier in the night, it is fitting the other half of each team faced off. Batista had better luck then Orton did earlier in the night as he dismantled D-Von the whole match. At eight minutes, he put D-Von out of his mercy with a Batista Bomb.


Winner: Batista

Rating: 58


RVD versus Christian


RVD and Christian had a good match tonight. RVD and Christian both had times during the match in which they took control. However, RVD had control longer. The ending of the match consisted of RVD jumping and flipping around the ring. He eventually hit the Rolling Thunder and 5 Star Frog Splash to win the match.


Winner: RVD

Rating: 77


After the match, Christian’s partner, Chris Jericho came out and brutally attacked RVD. He seemed even cockier then before after his win on Heat over Stevie Richards. During the beat down, Christian looked on in awe, not knowing that Jericho has this mean streak in him.

Rating: 65

Booker T versus Scott Steiner


This would have been a better match then it was, if Triple H had not gotten involved. The match was even for thirteen minutes when Triple H came in and laid out Booker T. He then went after Steiner. Triple H didn’t stop until HBK’s music hit.


Winner: None

Rating: 78

After Triple H fled, HBK came out and found Triple H’s title in the ring. HBK then grabbed the belt and posed with it for the fans.


Rating: 91


HBK versus Mark Henry


In a nothing match, HBK put away Henry with a Sweet Chin Music.


Winner: HBK

Rating: 81

Triple H versus The Rock for the World Heavyweight Championship


Triple H and Rock both came out swinging for the fences. Hunter was in control for almost five minutes, when HBK came out. He went after HHH, who grabbed his belt and ran for the second time in an hour.


Winner and STILL World Heavyweight Champ: Triple H

Rating: 87




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Velocity Predictions:


Rikishi versus Matt Morgan




LonDrick versus The Basham Brothers for the WWE Tag Titles




Ron Simmons versus Tajiri




Hardcore Holly versus Rhyno




What will be MOTN?


One match will end in DQ. Which one is it?

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