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WWF 2002; A Time For Change. A New Beginning

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It's 2002 and the WWF needs to do something fresh to keep the audience tuning in.

After successfully buying out their biggest competition, WCW, the whole world assumed (Quite rightfully) that in the aftermath of the Monday Night War, this new venture would be the next thing to help propel WWF further into the stratusphere. The fans were excited, the roster should've been revitalised and creative had an unfathomable amount of avenues to explore from a storyline aspect to further continue the WCW vs WWF war. The stars aligned and everything should've been brilliant, especially with the addition of ECW talent into the mix. The top 3 companies and Rosters in America were piled together into 1 Powerhouse, all under the creative hood of the WWF team. It should've been perfect...


But it wasn't. The 'Invasion' angle was a failure. Frittering away into a rather tame ending at Survivor Series with the 'Invasion' team featuring 2 WWF superstars, Steve Austin & Kurt Angle, and the son of the owner, Shane McMahon. The only non-WWF stars of the Survivor Series Tag Team Match were Booker T and Rob Van Dam. Hardly an invasion... Not to mention most of the big superstars of WCW;

Bill Goldberg, Sting, Hogan, Hall, Nash, Hennig and Scott Steiner, to name a few, had absolutely no part in the 'Invasion'. So WWF dropped the ball. How do they pick it back up?


Top stars Triple H and Chris Benoit are injured. Stars like Austin and Angle's popularity has wained slightly. Very few new stars were created through the invasion. (Except for Rob Van Dam and, arguably, Booker T) Chris Jericho is currently enduring a rather tame and forgettable title reign as the Undisputed WWF Champion. Is the situation fixable? Is it too late to bring in these top former WCW stars to try and help steer the ship back on the right course creatively? Or do they look to their developmental ground with young guys like Brock Lesnar, The Prototype and 3rd generation star Randy Orton to come in and make some noise?

Whatever happens, 1 thing is for certain. Change needs to happen...


The Roster

Main Event;

The Rock (F)

Kane (F)

Steve Austin (F)

Chris Jericho (H)

Triple H (F)

The Undertaker (H)

Kurt Angle (H)

Big Show (F)


Upper Midcard;

Diamond Dallas Page (F)

Christian (H)

Edge (F)

Matt Hardy (F)

Rikishi (F)

Jeff Hardy (F)

William Regal (H)

Rob Van Dam (F)

Booker T (H)



Goldust (H)

Scotty 2 Hotty (F)

Raven (H)

Tajiri (F)

Test (H)

Al Snow (F)

Farooq (F)

Bradshaw (F)

Big Bossman (H)

Val Venis (F)

Billy Gunn (F)

Bubba Ray Dudley (H)

D-Von Dudley (H)

The Hurricane (H)


Lower Midcard;

Albert (F)

Perry Saturn (F)

Lance Storm (H)

The Godfather (F)

Spike Dudley (F)

Hardcore Holly (F)

Crash Holly (F)



Billy Kidman (F)

Stevie Richards (H)

Maven (F)

Chavo Guerrero Jr. (H)


Enhancement Talent;

Funaki (F)

Justin Credible (H)


Women's Divison;

Trish Stratus (F)

Lita (F)

Jacqueline (F)

Jazz (H)

Molly Holly (H)



Paul Heyman (H) Manages nobody

Paul Bearer (H) Manages nobody

Stacy Kiebler (H) Manages Bubba Ray & D-Von

Torrie Wilson (F) Manages Tajiri



Jim Ross

Michael Cole


Colour Commentator;

Jerry Lawler



Authority Figures/Personalities;

Vince McMahon

Shane McMahon

Stephanie McMahon

Linda McMahon

Jonathan Coachman

Ric Flair



Mike Awesome

Shawn Michaels

Chris Benoit





Tag Teams;

The Hardy Boys (Matt & Jeff)

The APA (Farooq & Bradshaw)

The Dudley Boys (Bubba Ray & D-Von)

The Hollys (Hardore & Crash)

The Zoo Crew (Albert & Scotty 2 Hotty)

Al Snow & Maven


I've been thinking about starting a diary for a long time but could never find a time period or game that I felt strongly enough about to warrant starting one. However, after being a long time reader of many brilliant diaries on here, I feel that hopefully I can now start one and have it be relatively sucessful. Criticism and comments are gladly welcomed. It's my first one so I don't expect it to be brilliant. I'll have prediction contests and try to keep track of everything. I think, to begin with the RAW's & Smackdown's will be in bullet point form. Just until I really get into it. However the PPV's will get a much fuller write-up. Especially given that the first one is the Royal Rumble.

Thanks and enjoy...


Edit; I should also thank NWAvsWWF for use of his 2002 Mod which is updated from Genadi's. Also thanks to Genadi for use of his picture pack with the Mod. Also to all you Diary writers out there who fill these boards with your creativity which keeps us all reading on and being a part of your 'universe/story'.

Finally, thanks to RKOwnage whose "WWF '96: In Your House" diary's style I've basically borrowed from to create my own.


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Current Champions


WWF Undisputed Champion


Chris Jericho

Previous Champions

1.Steve Austin (6)

2.Kurt Angle (2)

3.Steve Austin (5)


WWF IC Champion



Previous Champions





WWF European Champion



Previous Champions


2.The Hurricane

3.Matt Hardy


WWF World Tag Team Champions


The Dudley Boys(6)

Previous Champions

1.The Hardy Boys (5)

2.Booker T & Test

3.Chris Jericho & The Rock


WWF Hardcore Champion


The Undertaker

Previous Champions

1.Rob Van Dam(3)

2.Kurt Angle (2)

3.Rob Van Dam (2)



WWF Cruiserweight Champion



Previous Champions

1.Billy Kidman (5)

2.X-Pac (2)

3.Billy Kidman (4)


WWF Women's Championship


Trish Stratus

Previous Champions



3.Ivory (3)


Up next, the 1st Raw & Smackdown's of 2002.

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The first Monday Night Raw of the New Year, live from MSG, New York.


RAW Card


The Dudley Boys vs The APA




DDP vs Test




Edge vs Raven




Hardcore Championship

The Undertaker vs Crash Holly




William Regal vs Jeff Hardy




Chris Jericho vs ???





What will be match of the night?


Who will Jericho's opponent be?

Comments and predictions are welcomed...

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Live from Madison Square Garden, New York

Attendance; 19,840

Rating; 81/B


Segment 1;

-JR & The King welcome us to the first Monday Night RAW of 2002, live from MSG, New York.

-They hype the upcoming show which will feature the return of Triple H.

-Vince McMahon's music interrupts. He appears to a chorus of boos. Says this 'consortium' nonsense needs to stop. The war was over. He won.

"How you people can still cheer and support that dinosaur Ric Flair is..."

-Ric Flair's music plays. He struts and "Woo's" in the usual Naitch fashion. Says this isn't about WCW vs WWF anymore. That's over. It's about him kicking McMahon's ass. He's got Shane's backing. McMahon says he's got his own support. Segment ends with Flair saying there should be 1 match for control of the company. Ric vs Vince. He woo's and leaves.



Segment 2; The Dudley Boys vs The APA

- Dudley's are making their entrance as they are set to face the APA in tag action.

-Solid in-ring action was complimented by a pretty hot crowd for these 2 teams.

-Very even between teams but Dudley's were playing to their own heel tactics.

-D-Von cleared Farooq from the ring. Bradshaw came thundering in for the Clothesline but D-Von ducked it. Caught Bradshaw coming back off the ropes to lift him in the air. Bubba Ray connected for the 3D and the victory.

Winners; The Dudley Boys (66/C+)


Segment 3;

-DDP is backstage with Kevin Kelly. Says all hasn't got as planned during his time in WWF but it's a New Year and things can change. That starts by winning tonight and then defeating Christian for the European Title. "And that's not a bad thing, that's... a good thing!" (70/C+)


Segment 4; DDP vs Test

-These 2 put on a below par match. Surprising given the 2 men involved. Test is showing real signs of becoming a big superstar, but tonight wasn't great.

-Crowd weren't involved but DDP, even at 45, still seems fresh in the ring.

-DDP looked to have the match won before Christian's music hit, but with no sign of the European champ. This caused enough of a distraction for Test to land a big boot and the 3 count.

Winner; Test (53/C-)


Segment 5;

-Kevin Kelly is backstage with The Rock, who is dressed casually.

-He's sorry to disappoint his millions... and millions of fans but he's not here to fight tonight.

-Claims his war with Jericho is far from over and it won't be til he wins the WWF Title which'll happen sooner rather than later... if you smell what he's cooking? (71/C+)


Segment 6; Edge vs Raven

-Another decent, but not great, match for the night.

-Both men are swiftly becoming ring generals. The fans weren't quite into it but it was a solid match.

-Good back & forth action, Edge picks up the victory with the Spear.

Winner; Edge (60/C)

-As Edge celebrates while making his way up the ramp Regal appears armed with Brass Knucks. He lands a clean shot on Edge with busts the IC champ open. Regal smirks before walking away. (60/C)


Segment 7;

-Paul Heyman appears on screen in video form.

-Says he'll return soon with a new client. A real force to be reckoned with. A real 'Beast'.

-He won't say when he'll appear but you'll definitely know about it when he does. You've been warned. (78/B)


Segment 8;

-Back to the announce desk with JR & King.

-They review moments of the show so far. Trivialise over who Heyman could be referring to.

-Continue to hype the show including the main event of Chris Jericho vs an unknown opponent and the return of Triple H. (64/C)


Segment 9; Undertaker vs Crash Holly (Hardcore Championship)

-Crash Holly stands in the ring looking suitably unnerved

-The crowd 'pops' big for the arrival of The Undertaker. Revs bike, steps off and proceeds to chase Crash around the ring.

-Crash slips and is eventually caught. Tries to fight it but to no avail. Taker goes to work making use of the environment. Crash has a brief fightback with a low-blow but fails to capitalise.

-Match continues on but Crash can't mount much offense. One Last Ride later Taker gets the cover and retains his title.

Winner; The Undertaker (65/C)


Segment 10; Jeff Hardy vs William Regal

-Both men look ready for action. Jeff gets a big 'pop' from the New York crowd.

-A very solid match with a real mesh of styles. Regal's grounded mat work compliments Jeff's high-flying.

-Regal goes for a suplex but Jeff wriggles free, hits the turnbuckle and goes to land Whisper in the Wind but Regal pulls referee in the way. He then suplexes Jeff.

-Regal looks to put his brass knucks on but the crowd screams. Edge sprints to the ring. He's bloodied and stitched up from the Knucks shot earlier but is fired up. Hits the ropes and spears Regal. Jeff hits the Swanton and gets the 3 count. (73/B-)


Segment 11;

-Jericho is stood backstage with The Coach.

-Says it's just aswell that The Rock didn't hang around tonight or he would have lived to regret it.

-Tonight is no big deal. Just another match in the soon-to-be prolific World Title reign of Chris Jericho (82/B)


Segment 12;

-Jericho enters the arena. Plays and panders to the crowd, gloating and showing off his belt.

-Offers an open challenge to the roster. A real chance for someone to try to make an impact but fail. It's accepted by RVD. (80/B)


Segment 13; Chris Jericho vs Rob Van Dam

-Not the greatest main event in RAW history but these 2 have good chemistry and always put on a good show.

-Jericho claimed that RVD would fail, but Mr Monday Night put in a fair amount of offense. Swift kick and punch combinations were the order of the night as the fans rallied behind the fan favourite.

-RVD looked set for victory after a super kick followed by Rolling Thunder. He went up for the Frog Splash but Jericho managed to dodge it. The Champ hit the ropes for the Lionsault and could've got the 3 count but decided not to. Instead he locked in the Walls of Jericho and despite doing his best to fight it, RVD had to tap.

-Jericho celebrates, clutching his title. He shouts to the camera that The Rock should just forget even coming after him as he'll never... EVER win this title, again! (80/B)


Segment 14;

-The announce team plug the return of The Game.

-"Time to play the game..." His music hits and Triple H receives one of the loudest sustained ovations ever heard at any WWF event. The fans are rapturous.

-Triple H looks emotional but composes himself. Plays to the fans. Talks about his recovery process and how he's the game.

-Says this looks set to be the biggest Rumble in history but it just wouldn't be the biggest unless he was a part of it. He'll compete and win the Rumble match. (86/B+)


Segment 15;

-Kurt Angle interrupts. Stands in the ring face to face with The Game.

-Kurt says Triple H should stop bitching about his torn quad. Boasts about he won a gold medal with a broken neck. Says Triple H is just a moany, whining man child who won't win the rumble because he will.

-Triple H unloads with right hands as the 2 brawl. Angle tries to hit an Angle slam but it's reversed into a pedigree. Triple H is fired up. Tears his shirt off (unsurprisingly) and hits the turnbuckle posing for the fans.

-JR wraps up; "Ladies and gentleman, The Game, Triple H is back and he looks better than ever...!!" (78/B)


Overall Show Rating; 80/B

Notes; This show had no significant impact on popularity. Not an outstanding show, but a solid start to 2002 with the return of Triple H being well received.


Quick Results;

The Dudley Boys vs The APA

DDP vs Test

Edge vs Raven

The Undertaker vs Crash Holly (Hardcore Championship)

William Regal vs Jeff Hardy

Chris Jericho vs Rob Van Dam


Hope you guys enjoyed the first show. As stated before, comments and criticism are welcomed. This is my first ever diary so there's always going to be room for improvement.


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I'd love to see one of these diaries sustained. This is a good start, I'm excited to see where you go from here.

Cheers, dude. Appreciate it. Thanks go to you anyway as your diary served as part of the inspiration for this.

I'm hoping to be able to maintain it and keep it interesting. I've noticed that there are very few, if any, diaries on this time period. If I can get an audience out of it, well anythings a bonus.

Cheers, man.

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WWF Smackdown - From the Wells Fargo Centre, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Match Card


Big Bossman vs Hardcore Holly




Cruiserweight Championship

Tajiri vs The Hurricane




Edge & DDP vs William Regal & Christian




The Undertakers Hardcore Championship Open Challenge

The Undertaker vs ???




Booker T vs Rob Van Dam




The Rock & Triple H vs Chris Jericho & Kurt Angle





What will be match of the night?


Who will answer The Undertakers challenge


Comments & Predictions are welcomed as always.

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WWF Smackdown

From the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Attendance; 19,519 (Sell out!)

Rating; 82/B


Segment 1;

-Cole & Tazz welcome us to the broadcast. The 1st Smackdown of 2002 and the road to the Royal Rumble continues.

-They hype tonights show and an apparent blockbuster Main Event that's yet to be announced

-On that note, The Game's music hits and Triple H appears. (81/B)


Segment 2;

-Triple H arrives to a big 'pop' from the Philadelphia fans.

-"It's damn good to be back". Claims his injury is behind him and, as seen on RAW, he's better than ever. Says a lot's changed, not always for the better, but he's here to fix it.

-"If you smell..." The Rock's music hits.

-Congrats HHH on his return but says he's all talk and no action. Says Triple H has always talked a big game, but has never really delivered like The Rock. "How dare you open The Rock's show... Despite how things have changed this is still and will always be The Rock's show!"

-The 2 staredown each other in the ring until... "No Chance...". Vince McMahon appears. (84/B+)


Segment 3;

-McMahon understands the gravity of this situation. The Rock & Triple H have mirrored each other's paths on the way to to the top. The rivalry will always be there. But they've both got bigger business to attend to.

-He announces that the blockbuster Main Event will see The Rock & Triple H team up against Chris Jericho & Kurt Angle. (86/B+)


Segment 4; Big Bossman vs Hardcore Holly

-These 2 ring veterans were both off their game. Both featured their stiff style but the fans couldn't get invested in this match up.

-Eventually Holly reigned supreme with the Alabama Slam and the 1, 2, 3.

Winner; Harcore Holly (44/D)


Segment 5;

-DDP & Edge are backstage talking. Both agree that they need to take care of business tonight as they've both been wronged. Will put away Regal & Christian (70/C+)


Segment 6; Tajiri vs The Hurricane (Cruiserweight Championship)

-A decent cruiserweight match-up between these 2. The Hurricane seems to have more fan support.

-Nothing special, but a good effort from both.

-The Hurricane goes for a flying clothesline from the top rope. Tajiri ducks it and as Hurricane lands and turns, Tajiri lands a buzzsaw kick to The Hurricane to retain the title.

Winner; Tajiri (Retains Title) (54/C-)


Segment 7;

-The Rock and Triple H are seen preparing backstage. Both stake their claim as being superior to the other.

-"The Rock says this, tonight, we put aside our differences to kick some some Olympic Ass and teach a lesson to that blonde poodle Chris Jericho. Once we've taken care of that business... then we can take care of this business"

-Triple H begrudgingly agrees. (78/B)


Segment 8; Edge & DDP vs William Regal & Christian

-A solid outing from these 4 and the best match of the 3 so far. An entertaining match-up that featured good action. Regal & Christian seem to have a good natural chemistry as a team.

-DDP puts Regal out of the ring as Edge lines up for a spear on his former partner, Christian. Charges for it but misses and hits the ringpost. As Christian turns to dodge the spear he's met with a Diamond Cutter followed by the 3 count.

Winners; DDP & Edge (62/C)


Segment 9;

-Following the match as DDP & Edge celebrate, Regal and Christian aren't done and attack. A brawl ensues before we're met with... "Well... Well it's The Big Show!"

-The Big Show looks angry. The brawl stops as the 4 look at each other as Big Show enters the ring. Regal steps up first and Big Show lands a big right hand to him. The other 3 attack but Big Show fights them all off to destroy them and leave them flat on their backs.

-He roars at the camera, showing his power and strength, and then leaves. (65/C)


Segment 10;

-The Undertaker heads to the ring on his motorcycle as the crowd are excited at the presence of The American Badass.

-Taker cuts a promo. Says ever since beating RVD for the belt, he's been bored and angry as there's no worthy challengers. He's fed up of holding the belt and, although it shows how unstoppable he is, it angers him that everyone else sucks.

-Says tonight, he's holding an open challenge with the title on the line. Says he expects a worthy challenger to appear

-Unfortunately, Spike Dudley appears. Spike sprints to the ring looking fired up as Taker just looks pissed. (78/B)


Segment 11; The Undertaker vs Spike Dudley (The Undertaker's Hardcore Championship Open Challenge)

-Spike was hyper and used to a quick advantage, hitting the ropes and landing a few quick fire moves on Taker to stun the Bad Ass. Spike lands a few kicks and punches to minimal effect before going to get a steel chair and placing it in the centre of the mat.

-He goes for the Dudley Dog but as he hits the top turnbuckle Taker launches him to the outside putting him through the announce table as the crowd 'pops'.

-The Bad Ass looks angrier than ever, grabs a steel chair and lays heavy shots into Spike. One Last Ride onto the chair later and it's over.

Winner; The Undertaker (Retains Title) (63/C)


Segment 12;

-Not satisfied with just finishing it there, Taker continues to land more heavy chair shots into Spike. Dudley looks lifeless as Taker sets up a table and chokeslams the 150 pounder through it.

-Grabs his title and leaves on his bike as EMT's attend to Spike and stretcher him out. (66/C+)


Segment 13; Booker T vs Rob Van Dam

-A good match from these 2 that the crowd seemed to be quite invested in. A few nights removed from main eventing RAW, RVD seemed more sluggish than usual but still hyped.

-Booker proved the stronger of the 2 for the most part of this match with only ocassional flurries coming from RVD.

-Booker T set up RVD and landed his Scissor Kick before firing up for a spinaroonie, but as he hit the ropes for the Scissor Kick he accidentally knocked into the ref sending him out to the floor. The crowd 'pops'. Booker ignores the 'pop'and the ref and starts his spin as we see Steve Austin appear from through the crowd and in the ring. As Booker finishes spinning, he stands, turns and is greeted with a Stone Cold Stunner. Austin alerts RVD and leaves as RVD goes for the Frog Splash. He makes the cover as the ref crawls into the ring and counts to 3.

Winner; Rob Van Dam (71/C+)


Segment 14;

-We're backstage with Angle & Jericho, moments away from the Main Event. Angle assures Jericho that, although their teaming tonight, he will win the rumble and be coming for Jericho's title.

-Jericho laughs and points out that Kurt couldn't take down a guy who just returned from a career threatening leg injury, why would he think he could win the title.

-The 2 continue their discussion as they leave the locker room and head to the ring. (70/C+)


Segment 15; The Rock & Triple H vs Chris Jericho & Kurt Angle

-All 4 men appear to big ovations from the crowd. Especially The Rock who at the moment seems to be the most popular guy in the company.

-The match goes for 14 minutes but it only feels like 2 with the way in which these 4 went to work. There was real 'heat' to this one as the crowd really got into it.

-The match descended into chaos as all 4 were in the ring laying into each other. Triple H clotheslined Jericho over the top as Rock fired Angle into the ropes and caught him coming back with a spinebuster. As Triple H looked on, The Rock threw his elbow pad into the crowd and went for the People's Elbow. Once he hit the 2nd rope he was met with Jericho flying through the air and taking The Rock down with a steel chair shot. The ref called for the bell.

Winners; The Rock & Triple H (via DQ) (85/B+)


Segment 16;

-Once landing the chair shot Jericho ran to the outside, grabbed his title and ran to the back.

-Triple H went to pick up Angle, who was playing possum, and Angle quickly grabbed Triple H's ankle locking in the Ankle Lock whilst simultaneously stomping at Triple H's previously injured leg.

-Seeing The Rock get to his feet, Angle let go of the Ankle Lock and lined up to go or the Angle Slam. The Rock countered this into a Rock Bottom. He helped up Triple H. HHH fired himself up, picked up Angle and hit the Pedigree.

-Triple H hit the turnbuckle and roared and posed for the crowd as The Rock poised himself. As Triple H stepped down he turned and found himself being Rock Bottomed by the People's Champ.

-The Rock hits the turnbuckle and poses for his millions of fans.

-End show... (84/B+)


Overall Show Rating; 82/B

Notes; The show increased our popularity in 11 regions.

Pat Patterson noted that both teams of William Regal & Christian plus Triple H & The Rock showed excellent chemistry in teaming together. However it has been noted by the 'higher-ups' that Cole and Tazz, although proving a good combination, aren't quite at the level required yet to broadcast alone and so may need some help.


Quick Results;


Big Bossman vs Hardcore Holly

Tajiri vs The Hurricane

Edge & DDP vs William Regal & Christian

The Undertaker vs Spike Dudley

Booker T vs Rob Van Dam

The Rock & Triple H vs Chris Jericho & Kurt Angle


2nd show done. Write-ups are taking slightly longer than I thought, but am enjoying this so far. I imagine this'll be the format for both TV & PPV's.

But yes, enjoying this so far. Hope you all are aswell.

Don't be scared to let your voice be heard and comment. Raw Match Card should be up soon.

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Weekly News Round-Up;

*WWF has parted ways with Terri Runnels, former wife of Dustin Rhodes. Rumour has it that the company is looking to bring in Dusty Rhodes to work with backstage and development talent and, for sake of ease, Terri Runnels was let go as an incentive to bring Dusty in.


*Rumour has it that WWF has had a lot of negotiations ongoing this week in what is sure to be a big month of comings and goings. It seems they are in talks with company alumni as former in-ring and backstage talent's names have been mentioned. With the Royal Rumble looming large, it could be that company legends are being called upon to make surprise entrances to really give it the feel of being 'The Biggest Royal Rumble ever'. With regards to the actual wrestlers, rumours are rife about the company being in talks with former WCW men aswell as their own former talent, but no official word as of yet.


*Finally WWF have officially announced the signing of 4 young indie workers to their development territories. These names are Carly Colon, AJ Styles, CM Punk & Beth Phoenix.


*Away from WWF, companies that were without a booker or booking committee can rest easy as positions have been filled. Dory Funk Jr. has join IWA Mid-South Wrestling and Dutch Mantel has joined NWA:Wildside, respectively.


*Finally, big news from the Land of the Rising Sun. AJPW's King Road New Sun PPV saw the 3 big titles all change hands. The most notable of which saw the former WCW star, Bill Goldberg, become AJPW's Triple Crown Champion. He defeated Satoshi Kojima to become champion.

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WWF MONDAY NIGHT RAW live from the Philips Arena in Atlanta, Georgia

Match Card


The Hardy Boyz vs The Dudley Boys




Cruiserweight Championship

Tajiri vs Chavo Guerrero




William Regal vs Rikishi




No.1 Contender's match for the WWF Women's Championship

Lita vs Molly Holly




Hardcore Championship

The Undertaker vs Rob Van Dam



Steve Austin vs Kurt Angle




Tonight will see the return of a WWF Legend in an on-screen capacity. Who?;

The views are adding up so thanks for reading, people, even if there is nobody commenting. S'all good in the hood.

Feel free to comment if desired. Otherwise stay tuned for RAW going up soon.

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The Hardy Boyz vs The Dudley Boys

Comments; Bigger fan of them.


Cruiserweight Championship

Tajiri vs Chavo Guerrero

Comments; Let Tajiri run with it a bit.


William Regal vs Rikishi

Comments; Push!!


No.1 Contender's match for the WWF Women's Championship

Lita vs Molly Holly

Comments; Face/heel rules.


Hardcore Championship

The Undertaker vs Rob Van Dam

Comments; Give 'Taker a nice win.


Steve Austin vs Kurt Angle

Comments; Stop jobbing out Angle :mad:


Good SmackDown! I'm liking the progression on the way to the Rumble.


EDIT: Oh and the legend is Mick Foley :)

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The Hardy Boyz vs The Dudley Boys

Comments: Boyz beat Boys


Cruiserweight Championship

Tajiri vs Chavo Guerrero

Comments: Buzzsaw!


William Regal vs Rikishi

Comments: Brass Kncukes are very effective against everything


No.1 Contender's match for the WWF Women's Championship

Lita vs Molly Holly

Comments: I think your saving Lita till Wrestlemania


Hardcore Championship

The Undertaker vs Rob Van Dam

Comments: Deadman is gonna kill you!


Steve Austin vs Kurt Angle

Comments: Austin is Austin, Angle isn't.


Tonight will see the return of a WWF Legend in an on-screen capacity. Who? 'Big Daddy Cool' Diesel


Like the good start. Triple H's return was well written.

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http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b488/Steven_Whyte/WWERaw2_zps44446800.jpg January, Week 2



Live from the Philips Arena in Atlanta, Georgia.

Attendance; 18,545 Sell Out!

Rating; 83/B+


Pre-Show; The Zoo Crew vs Lance Storm & Test

-The team of Albert & Scotty 2 Hotty weren't a match for Storm & Test. The match did what it intended and warmed the crowd up for the main show.

Winners; Lance Storm & Test (56)


Segment 1;

-JR & The King welcome us to Monday Night Raw in Atlanta, Georgia. They hype the show in the usual fashion

-Put over the fact that we're seeing Stone Cold in action for the first time this year, tonight. Hype the upcoming road to the Royal Rumble.

-"Woo!" Ric Flair's music plays. He decides to open the show and plays to the fans. Says he has a lot of history in Atlanta and plans to make history in the WWF by taking over the company.

-"No Chance!" Right on cue, Mr. McMahon appears. Another verbal showdown with these 2 occurs. McMahon says that Flair's suggestion of 1 match for control wasn't a bad idea, but wasn't a great idea. The 2 continue to talk until... (77/B)


Segment 2;

-The sound of screeching brakes and car crashing plays out as everyone in the arena rises to their feet in applause. Mick Foley is back! Flair & McMahon both look stunned.

-Foley soaks in the chants and adulation for a moment, then speaks;

"It seems to me that you 2 ladies have yourselves in quite the predicament. I have experience in solving disputes given my history as a comissioner... so maybe I can fix this one, right here, in Atlanta, Georgia. "*Cheap pop*

-Foley goes on to announce that, via Linda, he's been hired to come back in a comissioner/general manager role to fix things.

-He announces that there'll be a best of 3 series. 1 match at each of the next PPV's culminating at Mania. A variety of matches that he'll determine. So the 2 men best start forming alliances to call upon for help... as it'll involve more than just them. (87/ B+)


Segment 3; The Hardy Boyz vs The Dudley Boys

-Both teams come out to strong support from the crowd. The fans are always excited when these 2 teams clash.

-They've had better matches in the past, but it was still a good one. The Tag Champs had the upper hand for the most part really going to work on the high-flyers. Eventually though the Hardys reigned supreme with Jeff landing the swanton on Bubba Ray. A big non-title victory here for the Hardys.

Winners; The Hardy Boys (65/C)


Segment 4;

-Vince is backstage in his office speaking to Angle. Says he can't believe that Foley is back and making up the rules.

-Taker walks in. Says if Vince needs allies he's there, but he wants something in return. Vince says that he can't make promises, but he'll make it worth Taker's while. (85/B+)


Segment 5; Tajiri vs Chavo Guerrero (Cruiserweight Championship)

-A solid match from these 2 cruiserweights. Guerrero pedigree vs a Japanese Buzzaw for gold.

-Guerrero had his chances to put Tajiri away but couldn't. As Chavo hit the top rope to go for a frog splash on the prone Tajiri, the buzzaw sprung to his feet to land a brutal mid-air kick to Guerrero to allow him victory.

Winner; Tajiri (Retains Title) (61/C)


Segment 6; William Regal vs Rikishi

-Edge joined JR & King at the commentary table for this one. The IC champ clearly wanted to scout his main rival Regal.

-Hardly a MOTY candidate from these 2 ring veterans, but their hard-hitting style will have appealed to some in the crowd.

-Rikishi posed a threat to Regal as he looked to insert himself into the IC Title picture, however Regal's grounded style proved too tough for Rikishi and Regal picked up the victory forcing Rikishi to tap out to the Regal Stretch.

Winner; William Regal (55/C-)

-Regal celebrates his victory as he stares down Edge. Edge leaves the announce table and simply walks up the ramp, holding his title aloft (63/C)


Segment 7;

-Coach is backstage with Austin. Coach asks Austin about his actions on Smackdown last Thursday and his upcoming match with Angle tonight.

-Austin says that he hasn't forgotten about Booker T costing him winning the Undisputed Title. Eventually Booker will get what's coming to him. (78/B)


Segment 8; Lita vs Molly Holly (#1 Contender's match for Women's Championship)

-The first Diva's match this year on WWF TV and it was an OK effort from these 2. The women in the company have real potential to be brilliant, they just need the audience to catch on.

-A solid outing, even if the fans weren't too excited about it, saw Molly Holly pull out the victory with the Molly-Go-Round. She'll meet Trish Stratus at the Rumble.

Winner; Molly Holly(45/D)


Segment 9;

-Taker bumps into Foley backstage. Says that even with their storied history and the respect he has for Foley, he'll never answer to the 'Comissioner'. Foley says he's gonna have to as he's made a few changes.

-"You see, Taker, all I've been hearing about is you whining about being too good for that belt. Or everyone else being inferior to you so I've made a change. You wanted a challenge, well tonight you'll get one. If you head out to the ring, you'll defend your belt against Rob Van Dam. Oh, and 1 more thing. Since things are too easy I'm reinvoking an old rule. You'll need to defend that belt 24/7. And that's... final!" (81/B)


Segment 10; The Undertaker vs Rob Van Dam (Hardcore Championship)

-The last time these 2 met, Taker defeated RVD for the hardcore title. Here's the rematch and what a great match it was. Taker was intent on making this a real hardcore brawling fist fight, where-as RVD wanted to use his aerial prowess to his advantage.

-RVD whipped Taker into the barricade corner, grabbed a steel chair and went to the top turnbuckle. Going for the VanDaminator to the outside was a real risk that didn't pay off as Taker moved. This was all the advantage the Bad Ass needed. A chokeslam onto the barricade was brutal as he looked to break RVD' back. The 3 count followed and Taker reigns supreme. Although this was his toughest test yet, we're seeing a viciousness to Taker that we've never seen before.

Winner; The Undertaker (Retains Title) (76/B-)


Segment 11;

-Taker stands recovering in the ring, but a host of superstars run down the ramp. Raven, Crash Holly, Spike Dudley, Billy Gunn & Perry Saturn layed into the hardcore champ as they all look to take advantage of the 24/7 rule.

-An explosion lights up and echoes through the arena. The Big Red Machine is here. The crowd are fired up, ready to see brother and brother go at it in the name of hardcore. Kane hits the ring and stands face to face with Taker as the others surround them. The 2 nod to each other and then start to lay into the other superstars, clearing house. RVD re-enters but is met with a Double Chokeslam by Taker & Kane. The Brother's of Destruction are back together but his time for Evil rather than good! (86/B+)


Segment 12;

-The Olympic Fanfare plays out as Kurt Angle enters the arena to resounding chants of 'You Suck'. He brushes them off as he warms-up in the ring. He's lost his last 2 matches so is keen to win 1 here to gain momentum heading to the rumble.

-The Glass Shatters and out comes Stone Cold to a tremendous ovation. Climbs the 4 ring posts but as he descends the 4th, Angle trips him and locks in the Angle lock as the bell rings to start the match. (80/B)


Segment 13; 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin vs Kurt Angle

-Angle has it locked in as Austin is already screaming in pain. He's fresh though so makes a quick crawl to the ropes. Hebner breaks it up.

-Angle never gave Austin a chance to settle, going to work using locks and holds utilising his superior mat techinique. The fans rallied behind Austin but Angle was too tough for a while.

-He fired Austin into the ropes but the rattlesnake bounced back with the Lou Thez press and a forearm to the face. Stone Cold is energized and puts the boots to Angle.

-The fans were really into this one as the near falls came. The 2 stood toe-to-toe swinging right hands as Booker T came through the crowd. A strong right hand floored Angle. Booker entered the ring but before he could cause damage he was met with a stunner. The crowd rose to their feet in cheers. As Austin flipped the bird to the floored Booker T, Angle came behind, hit the Angle slam and picked up the 1, 2, 3 to a chorus of boos.

Winner; Kurt Angle (85/B+)


Segment 14;

-Angle exits the ring and begins to celebrate as he walks up the ramp. The crowd cheers again as The Game ambushes Angle from behind sending him back to ringside.

-A few more right hands stun the Gold Medallist as Triple H tosses him into the ring to the waiting Austin as Booker rolls out. (76/B-)


Segment 15;

-Austin & Triple H take turns in laying right hands into the Olympian. Austin hits the stunner but Angle is still on his feet. He turns and walks into the pedigree but before The Game could hit it he's floored from a chair shot by Booker T.

-Austin goes for the clothesline but Booker jams the chair into the ribs of Austin. He places the chair under the Rattlesnake who is hunched over and he hits a scissor kick planting the rattlesnake into the steel chair.

-Booker grabs Angle and heads back up the ramp leaving the downed Triple H and bloodied Stone Cold lying lifeless in the ring as RAW ends... (88/B+)


Overall Show Rating; 83/B+

Notes; The show increased our popularity in 13 regions. Booker T seems to be getting over with the fans. The Heel turn of Kane was well received as fans look to be excited seeing the Brothers of Destruction back together. Gerald Brisco noted that Austin, inparticular, performed well tonight.



Quick Results;

The Hardy Boyz vs The Dudley Boys

Tajiri vs Chavo Guererro

William Regal vs Rikishi

Lita vs Molly Holly

The Undertaker vs Rob Van Dam

Steve Austin vs Kurt Angle

Tonight will see the return of a WWF Legend in an on-screen capacity. Who? Mick Foley


Thanks for the comments/predictions RKOwnage & Bad News Fryer. Appreciate it. Hope everyone enjoyed the show. Feedback is appreciated.



RKOwnage= 6/7

Bad News Fryer= 5/7

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WWF Smackdown - From the Pepsi Center in Denver, Colorado


Match Card


Diamond Dallas Page vs William Regal




Edge vs Test




Trish Stratus vs Lita




The Hardy Boyz vs The APA




Kane vs Rob Van Dam




Triple H vs Booker T






Comments & Predictions are welcomed as always. Any feedback on the shows so far and what improvements could be made to the format or anything are welcomed.

As said before, this is my first effort at a diary so the more feedback i get the better. I want to make it a good un'. :D

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Diamond Dallas Page vs William Regal

Comments:The power of the punch


Edge vs Test

Comments: Edge is the better wrestler


Trish Stratus vs Lita

Comments:Give the champion momentum


The Hardy Boyz vs The APA

Comments:Not very close


Kane vs Rob Van Dam

Comments:Give the Brothers of Destruction some momentum


Triple H vs Booker T

Comments:Trips refuses to lose feuds on Raw and Smackdown


Like the format. Maybe put winner (not just the word 'winner) in bold aswell to make clearer, but that is minor.

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