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I find the worst part sitting down for 2 and a half hours just for not even one show to take place. :/


Well you can download the mod and book the exact same show. But knowing the way that TEW works it's not going to grade very well.


That's one of the advantages of having his teacher be someone who doesn't really know the game well. He can let Russo book the show his way rather than trying to exploit game mechanics.


The game isn't going to capture Russo's built in-heat based in his capacity as head booker and it isn't going to add the built in heat between David and Ric Flair. The game also isn't going to take into account Russo's cliffhanger angle structure.


But this is pretty much going to confirm that the game can't support Russo's angle heavy style.

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I think you guys are being a bit hard on the teacher. I think he did fine for a crash course. When teaching a 5 year old how to play basketball (the equivalent of teaching anyone to play TEW cold), do you teach them the ins and outs of every rule or do you keep it simple enough for them to understand without getting frustrated or bored?


His mistake was not coaching him beforehand and being forced to quickly explain things on the fly so as to not disrupt the stream too much. Russo however will either quickly learn that his booking style won't work in this game and adjust, or WCW will go out of business; as it would have under him anyway.

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I would love to see the mod he is using, as its not the 2000 one that was made awhile ago by NAWF. But my issue was just to much Russo on the show, but sadly watching Russo book the show was better than watching actual RAW. I do think an angle heavy style can work, depending I use two angles for every one match in my sports entertainment companies and I do well. Sometimes I can use several small angles as one segment in my mind.
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Best quote was "There's no twenty minute matches on Vince Russo's shows" haha.


I think the best was "I never cared about freakin' titles, they mean nothing to me." I know he wasn't talking about that kind of title, but I could hear David Arquette laughing in the distance.

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I think you guys are being a bit hard on the teacher. I think he did fine for a crash course. When teaching a 5 year old how to play basketball (the equivalent of teaching anyone to play TEW cold), do you teach them the ins and outs of every rule or do you keep it simple enough for them to understand without getting frustrated or bored?


His mistake was not coaching him beforehand and being forced to quickly explain things on the fly so as to not disrupt the stream too much. Russo however will either quickly learn that his booking style won't work in this game and adjust, or WCW will go out of business; as it would have under him anyway.


Nah, I really think the criticism is fair.


Although what makes you think his booking style won't work ;)

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I think you guys are being a bit hard on the teacher. I think he did fine for a crash course. When teaching a 5 year old how to play basketball (the equivalent of teaching anyone to play TEW cold), do you teach them the ins and outs of every rule or do you keep it simple enough for them to understand without getting frustrated or bored?


His mistake was not coaching him beforehand and being forced to quickly explain things on the fly so as to not disrupt the stream too much. Russo however will either quickly learn that his booking style won't work in this game and adjust, or WCW will go out of business; as it would have under him anyway.


I have sympathy with the player, as TEW has a pretty steep learning curve. I will give one tip: it would be much easier to create a custom angle for each segment instead of trying to shoehorn the angles into TEW's default. It solves the notable problem with the "name" dialogue length that the player struggled with, and it fits to Russo's somewhat bizarre booking style. It might be easier not to try to use the video as a tutorial, but instead accurately reproduce Vince Russo's booking style.


I'm not sure Russo's style would be too bad for running 2000 WCW in TEW. A majority of angles based on overness works to the benefit of limited, older talent, especially if one or more of the roster members is on time decline. He has a fair amount of money, and even if he books D+ or below shows he can't fall below Cult, and the game is fairly forgiving to cult promotions.


I think with the product and the overness bonus, it'll be difficult to churn out lower than a C/C- grade consistently as long as Hogan/Flair/Sting/Piper are featured. With 10 million in the bank, WCW is unlikely to go bankrupt under his watch, so I think he can safely complete at least a year. He probably is going to get a prestige bonus for Nitro and a few PPVs (Starrcade for one, if he continues the series into December), so that will limit the damage per show.


I don't think he'll do well, but I don't see him going bankrupt either.

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Personally I think Russo makes a good point when he talks about cliffhangers and how it keeps the TV audience engaged in the product. I was noticing the same thing when I watched an episode of RAW for the first time in I think 8 years. Theres nothing to keep you interested. Not saying I like the way he does things in general because the fact that he doesnt care about titles is dumb. I can understand the mid level titles but to undermine the World titles is dumb. Why are the guys wrestling if theirs nothing to fight for in the grand scheme of things.
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  • 6 months later...

Finally checked this out today. I thought it was interesting. Fun little thing to listen to. I think they should have gone over the way the game works before going at it with Russo. Or modifying some of the rules to fit the way Russo wanted to book (play). They wasted so much time going over the storylines. I thought it was hilarious when Russo said, "what's a storyline?" :p


Russo was right though. The point of this video was really to show Russo booking WCW in January 2000. It wasn't really him playing the game, so they shouldn't have even bothered him with the little things in TEW. I would have skipped right to Nitro and had him book the show. I would have input the storylines prior to running the show and while putting everything in, explain to Vince why any of it matters.


Maybe I'm old-school, but I never cared for the Hardcore titles or divisions. I was fond of ECW because my older brother used to buy tapes in the 90's. I enjoyed seeing hardcore elements to matches but it didn't need to be its own thing in my opinion. The only reason I bring this up is because Russo wanted to get rid of the TV title. I would have done the exact opposite.


I think the entire thing shows what's wrong with Russo's vision. All he wanted to do was be just like Vince McMahon on-screen and off-screen. It was like he had some sort of pissing match with McMahon that Russo concocted in his head and McMahon knew nothing about. :eek:


Seemed like the guy running the video (Chris) clashed with Russo multiple times throughout the video and it was obvious. Probably why the entire thing ended.

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Finally checked this out today. I thought it was interesting. Fun little thing to listen to. I think they should have gone over the way the game works before going at it with Russo. Or modifying some of the rules to fit the way Russo wanted to book (play). They wasted so much time going over the storylines. I thought it was hilarious when Russo said, "what's a storyline?" :p


Russo was right though. The point of this video was really to show Russo booking WCW in January 2000. It wasn't really him playing the game, so they shouldn't have even bothered him with the little things in TEW. I would have skipped right to Nitro and had him book the show. I would have input the storylines prior to running the show and while putting everything in, explain to Vince why any of it matters.


Maybe I'm old-school, but I never cared for the Hardcore titles or divisions. I was fond of ECW because my older brother used to buy tapes in the 90's. I enjoyed seeing hardcore elements to matches but it didn't need to be its own thing in my opinion. The only reason I bring this up is because Russo wanted to get rid of the TV title. I would have done the exact opposite.


I think the entire thing shows what's wrong with Russo's vision. All he wanted to do was be just like Vince McMahon on-screen and off-screen. It was like he had some sort of pissing match with McMahon that Russo concocted in his head and McMahon knew nothing about. :eek:


Seemed like the guy running the video (Chris) clashed with Russo multiple times throughout the video and it was obvious. Probably why the entire thing ended.


iirc the two had a falling out over russo owing him some money

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