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WWF (1994) - Bang the Doldrums

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<img src=https://theprowrestlingnerd.files.wordpress.com/2012/08/wwf-1995.jpg?w=510>

WWF (1994) - Bang the Doldrums


Its 1994. The WWF is in free for all. The 1980s Hogan fueled boom is a distant memory. Fans have been watching other forms of entertainment and while the WWF is still the preeminent destination for American professional wrestling, the gilded age of WWF dominance is waning.


World Championship Wrestling is Ted Turner's budding wrestling project amalgamated out of the shell of former Jim Crockett Promotions with the sole purpose of sinking Vince McMahon. The rivalry was birthed out of the WWF takeover of GFW nearly a decade sooner. Turner has his sights set on ruling the wrestling landscape.


WCW has made the big splash they were hoping for. Hulk Hogan, the star of the WWF sky, has jumped ship for a mind-boggling payday. Hogan will be strutting his stuff on the WCW stage as Turner's pet project gains steam.


Meanwhile, the WWF is wowing no one. The excitement seems to be gone. The wind out of the sails. And for a few years at that. Bret Hart dominates the scene but while his in-ring talent is unmatched his skills as an entertainer have left much to be desired. Diesel, Razor Ramon and Shawn Michaels represent a promising new breed of superstar. Lacking in ultiamte wrestling prowess but excelling in mic skills. Similar to the Hulkster of the eighties but with a harder edge.


What the WWF does have going for them however, a groundbreaking television deal. Monday nights are owned by the largest and only primetime wrestling program, WWF Monday Night Raw. A massive, shiny new contract with Viewers Choice pay-per-view and a large amount of income to spend on advertising and talent. Though admittedly that income pool is much smaller than it had been in the recent past. Not to mention that the WWF has recently taken a hit with the steroid and sexual harassment cases.


The fans have begun to lean away from the clear-cut face vs. heel divide. The superhero storylines are growing tiresome. Edgier superstars like The Undertaker and Shawn Michaels who blur the conventional good guy bad guy lines have picked up steam. To this point however, the WWF has been blind to the changes in fan preference. Believing the fans will come back around.


Can the WWF stem the bleeding? Can the WWF turn the tide and stave off the WCW push. Will they be able to do it without compromising Vince's vision of family friendly good guy-bad guy stories?


It's time for Vince to bang the doldrums. Time to shake things up.


Given Circumstances


It's July of 1994. The King of the Ring PPV has just finished. Owen Hart was a surprise entrant and ultimately won the tourney. Tired of being in his brother's shadow, Owen's heel turn and subsequent feud with Bret is the current top bill storyline for the company. The Million Dollar Corporation came to an end at King of the Ring as well.


Vince McMahon has stepped away from the broadcast table instead leaving the broadcasts in the hands of Jim Ross and new color commentating surprise, Billy Graham. Graham came back in emphatic fashion at the start of the King of the Ring to expose McMahon as the actual owner of the WWF and not a lowly play-by-play announcerand that furthermore . McMahon fessed up to the claims but asked Billy Graham what he was hoping to gain by returning to the company. Graham said he wantes Vince's job and if he didn't get it he'd release other secrets.


Near the pay per view's conclusion McMahon did make one last announcement, through his announcer Jim Ross, future monthly pay-per-views would follow the same supercard format and would all receive individual brandings. Reportedly the plan is to encourage higher buy rates and to drive falling revenue and ratings.



Main Eventers

Bam Bam Bigelow (H)

Bret Hart (F)

Diesel (H)

Jerry Lawler (H)

Lex Luger (F)

Owen Hart (H)

Randy Savage (F)

Razor Ramon (F)

Shawn Michaels (H)

Tatanka (F)

The Barbarian (H)

The Undertaker (F)

Yokozuna (H)


Upper Midcarders

Billy Gunn (F)

Bob Backlund (F)

Crush (H)

Irwin R. Schyster (H)

Jeff Jarret (H)

Jim Neidhart (H)

Johnny Polo (H)

Koko B. Ware (F)

Nikolai Volkoff (H)

Ricky Morton (F)

Sparky Plugg (F)

Typhoon (H)



1-2-3 Kid {F)

Adam Bomb {H)

Bart Gunn {F}

Bastion Booger (H)

Bushwhacker Butch (F)

Bushwhacker Luke (F)

Duke Droese (F)

Fatu (F)

JW Storm (H)

Kwang (H)

Mabel (H)

Pierre (H)

Rick Martel (H)

Robert Gibson (F)

Samu (F)

Stan Lane (H)

Steven Dunn (H)

The Mountie (F)

Tom Pritchard (H)


Lower Midcarders

Abe Schwartz (H)

Barry Horowitz (F)

Jeff Hardy (F)

Jim Powers (F)

Jimmy Del Ray (H)

Matt Hardy (F)

Mike Sharpe (H)

PJ Walker (F)

Reno Riggins (H)

Timothy Well (H)

Vampire Warrior (H)



Barry Hardy (H)

Chris Kanyon (H)

Duane Gill (H)

Mike Maraldo (F)

Rich Myers (F)

Scott Taylor (F)

Tony Devito (H)


Managers and Personalities

Afa (F)

Bruce Prichard (H)

Chief Jay Strongbow (F)

Gorilla Monsoon (H)

Hugo Savinovich (H)

Linda McMahon (F)

Lou Albano (F)

Mr. Fuji (H)

Pat Patterson (H)

Paul Bearer (F)

Sgt. Slaughter (F)

Ted DiBiase (H)

Todd Pettengill (F)

Vic Venom (H)


Authority Figures

Howard Finkel (H)

JJ Dillon (F)

Shane McMahon (H)

Tony Chimel (F)

Vince McMahon (H)


Announcers and Color Commentators

Billy Graham (H)

Jim Cornette (H)

Jim Ross (F)

Lord Alfred Hayes (H)


Tag Teams

'The Executioners' - Duane Gill & Barry Hardy

'The Hardy Boyz' - Jeff Hardy & Matt Hardy

'The Headshrinkers' - Samu & Fatu

'The Heavenly Bodies' - Tom Prichard & Jimmy Del Ray

'The Quebecers' - The Mountie & Pierre

'Smoking Gunns' - Billy Gunn & Bart Gunn

'Well Dunn' - Timothy Well & Steven Dunn


Current Champions

<img src=http://www.thewrestlingmania.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/blackeagle-150x150.png>

WWF World Heavyweight Championship

<img src=http://tweezeit.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/Bret-Hart-Hitman-150x150.jpg>

Bret Hart


<img src=http://www.wrestlingshop.com/image.php?type=T&id=17734>

WWF Intercontinental Championship

<img src=http://i.imgur.com/tvb8CxA.jpg>



<img src=http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/ewrestling/images/9/92/Owaeurotitle.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width/150?cb=20130417092358>

WWF European Championship

<img src=http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110914012856/cybernations/images/5/55/Person_silhouette.png>



<img src=http://psd-dreams.de/data/thumbnails/5464/wwe_world__tag_team_title.jpg>

WWF World Tag Team Championships

<img src=http://i.imgur.com/DzXCakf.jpg> <img src=http://i.imgur.com/j9RDfRv.jpg>

The Headshrinkers


Current Storylines

Sibling Rivalry

After spending years in Bret's shadow, younger brother Owen is sick of playing second fiddle. He became a surprise entrant in the King of the Ring tournament and won himself an opportunity at big brother Bret's belt. The sibling warfare has consumed the company and the brother's battle at the top of the bill for supremacy. Can Owen successfully break the heart of the Hart Foundation?


A Big Deal

Since being ousted as WWF President, Gorilla Monsoon is on a rampage. Determined to restore his power he has amassed a grouping of the largest superstars on the WWF roster and they are wreaking havoc on the company. Too big to be stopped, or so they believe the group is calling themselves The Big Deal. When your stable has members as big as Yokozuna and Mabel and as mean as Bam Bam Bigelow and Typhoon, it's hard to imagine you wouldn't be able to call your own shots.






Journal Note:

(I got super pumped to do a 1994 dynasty when I found the mod. I loved the roster but didn't want to be bogged down with the storylines at the time. For instance I didn't want to deal with the Million Dollar Corporation so we're just going to pretend they ended in a nice little bow at the King of the Ring ppv immediately before the game started. I also fast tracked the individual branding and naming of the pay per views. I did this because TEW very much expects the kind of monthly supercard show that was presented by modern wrestling. Also, In Your House events didn't even begin until 1995 but I can't risk not running a pay per view every month when I know WCW will in game. So those will have to be fast tracked for those reasons.


I may, or more likely may not, post cards in advance. If I do feel free to make predictions. Moreover, please feel free to make comments. Feedback, suggestions, thoughts anything. Seeing you guys post lets me know you're reading. So that's cool. If I do post cards in advance it'd likely be for ppv's. This will be a side project to my current WMMA 4 dynasty. If I start having more fun with this than I'll update it more. Right now I'll update it weekly at minimum, maybe more often if I get the urge. I expect the updates to be in-depth. I intend on telling a story.)[/Quote]

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<img src=https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-INCO8HzlZ0w/URwCTTGkoiI/AAAAAAAAAQY/XsZQl9AvAqM/s150/WWF+Monday+Raw+3.jpg>

WWF Monday Night Raw

First Monday in July 1994


<img src=http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA-2/jimross2.jpg> <img src=http://i588.photobucket.com/albums/ss322/FCDiary/TFCTGA/BillyGraham.jpg~original>

Jim Ross: Welcome to WWF Monday Night Raw here on the USA Network! I’m Jim Ross alongside my brand new partner, The Superstar Billy Graham. Boy I guess you could say this is the start of a new era of sorts right, Billy?


Billy Graham: You’re absolutely right Jim, this is going to be fun!


Jim Ross: And not just because of switch-ups here at the announcers table neither. If you didn’t get a chance to see the King of the Ring pay-per-view you sure done missed a lot. Superstar here next to me came out and revealed that long time announcer Vince McMahon was actually the President of the WWF! Gorilla Monsoon was just a puppet.


Billy Graham: It’s something a lot of us here at the company assumed for some time, Jim. That weasel was hiding right under our noses trying to pretend he wasn’t the head honcho!


Jim Ross: Well don’t you think that’s a little harsh Billy? Vince hardly done nothing wrong? He’s been a good man to all of us.


Billy Graham: Hey, Vince and I have had differences over the years but we’ve worked past that. He did me a favor by giving me this gig and I did him a favor by not ripping his arms off.


Jim Ross: Well alright then Bill, but man Owen Hart made a surprise entrance into the King of the Ring tournament to replace an injured Nikolai Volkoff. And boom! He’s now hunting down his brother’s belt.


Billy Graham: Well you know brotherly love is in short supply between those two right now, I’ll tell you that.


Jim Ross: No doubt and we also were told of a new monthly supercard format. So if you missed all that excitement during the King of the Ring don’t you fret. Instead of waiting several months for the next major pay-per-view the WWF has decided to bring you a big card every month. That’s right, one massive hoopla every month full of your favorite superstars meeting in the squared circle. Don’t think that’ll lessen the importance of events like SummerSlam however, it promises them to only be bigger. Oooh boy it sure is shaping up to be a great second half of 1994 here at the World Wrestling Federation.


Billy Graham: Would you expect anything less from the greatest wrestling spectacle, the largest physical contest, the most impressive feats of strength and the most talented wrestling company in the universe?


Jim Ross: Well wait a minute Billy. It seems like we have a bit of a gathering here in the middle of the ring. Is that Gorilla Monsoon?


Billy Graham: It sure is Jim, I wonder what he’s doing back here.


<img src=http://i588.photobucket.com/albums/ss322/FCDiary/TFCTGA/GorillaMonsoon.jpg~original>

Gorilla Monsoon stands in the center of the ring with a bunch of large superstars surrounding him. Monsoon has the microphone and surrounding him in the ring is Yokozuna, Mabel, Bam Bam Bigelow, Bastion Booger, JW Storm, Typhoon and Jeep Swenson.


Jim Ross:I’m not sure Billy but he’s surrounded by a proverbial army!


Gorilla Monsoon: Heheheh. Hellllloooo. What did you miss me already? Haha, you thought I was going somewhere because that washed up never was over there…


Billy Graham: What does he mean never was?! I’ll come in there right n…


Gorilla Monsoon:…outed me. What is that supposed to make me? Some kind of phoney? A sell-out? Oh no no ladies and gentlemen. I’m a man who wants success. And I’ve had it at all levels. I got to pull the strings in my old role. You think I’m going to give that up easy do ya? Well I ain’t! I’m a big guy. I was the first big guy. Before your Andre’ the Giants and your Diesels I was the big guy. And I have always been a big deal. And that ain’t about to change no time soon, ya got it? So what am I doin’ here? Why am I in the ring with these behemoths behind me? Well because what I’m saying is a big deal. And these big guys behind me are tired of being treated like little guys. We’re here to demand more respect, more attention. We want more power. We want to control things, ya know what I’m saying. And we’re the biggest men to walk this planet, who’s gonna stop us, huh? Ohhh you better believe we’re a big deal. THIS is a big deal. We are The Big Deal. And from now on we’re gonna stop letting ourselves get pushed around by the little guys. I’m putting everyone on notice back there. These guys here are going to be coming after you. I may not be President of the WWF but I’m sure as heck going to try and keep calling the shots. Let’s just see if anyone can stop us.

Camera moves back to the announcers table as Gorilla Monsoon and The Big Deal leave the ring


Jim Ross: What do you think of that Billy? It seems Gorilla still means business


Billy Graham: Where does he get off calling me a has been? He’s more washed up than I am! I have a good mind to get over there and cause him some pain.


Jim Ross: Settle down Superstar, that’s probably a bad idea. He’s got some big bodyguards.


Billy Graham: I tell you Jimmy, I’m not sure many guys can stand up that Yokozuna let alone all those men.


Jim Ross: Certainly, right about that Bill. They’re not small fellas. We’re going to take a quick commercial break but when we get back you’ll have your first in ring action of this first ever 90 minute broadcast of WWF Monday Night Raw.


----Commercial Break----


Jim Ross: Welcome back to Monday Night Raw. We’re ready for action in the ring as Barry Horowitz will take on The Vampire Warrior.


Billy Graham: Barry’s a nice guy Jimmy, but Vampire Warrior is something else. The guy’s just not human, Jim he’ll kill him.



<img src=http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c179/stephslips/EWR%20Pics/Barry_Horowitz2.jpg> <img src=http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/brettney1980/More%20Pics/Gangrel.jpg>

Vampire Warrior really plays up his vampire gimmick to the crowd, they seem to enjoy it. The bout had solid in-ring action but not a lot of heat. Vampire Warrior defeats Barry Horowitz after 6:21 via clean pinfall


Jim Ross: I’ll tell you Bill I thought Barry was gonna win that.


Billy Graham: I told ya t the top ya big dummy. That Vampire Warrior just has too much to him. He’s a strange fella, I wonder if he has anything to do with The Undertaker.


Jim Ross: Don’t lump those two together, The Undertaker and Paul Bearer while strange don’t seem nearly as evil as that guy.


Billy Graham: You’re right I bet he’d take him.


Jim Ross: Well next up should be a bout between KoKo B. Ware and Irwin R. Schyster. Here comes IRS now.


Billy Graham: Well here comes a real man’s man.


Jim Ross: What? A real what now?


Billy Graham: A man’s man! You got lint in your ears there Jimbo?


Jim Ross: Oh will you stop calli…what to do you mean a man’s man? He’s a scumbag!


Billy Graham: This country is built off your taxes Jim. Seriously who do you think pays for the roads and the bridges and hospitals? No free lunch here, he’s making sure people pay their way.


Jim Ross: You’re unbelievable you know that. You admire a tax man?


Billy Graham: It’s an honest profession, Jim!


Jim Ross: Oh phooey. Well here’s IRS…how come we haven’t seen…wait we’re being told to cut backstage


Camera cuts to the locker rooms backstage. Gorilla is standing in front of the camera with a microphone. Down behind him you can just see KoKo B. Ware’s head. He appears to be unconscious


Gorilla Monsoon: I’m baaack. Haven’t forgotten me yet have you?


Jim Ross: Well good gracious he’s back already…what’s tha…Superstar I think that’s KoKo B. Ware down in the background behind Gorilla.


Gorilla Monsoon: I’ve been telling everyone that we’re a big deal haven’t I? Irwin you have a new opponent tonight. It wasn’t who you were expecting, little man.


Jim Ross: Well for crying out loud…


Billy Graham: Gorilla and I might have our differences but I’ll tell you one thing, he is really making this an exciting night.


Bastion Booger’s music sounds and he begins his entrance to the ring. IRS looks concerned


Jim Ross: Well that doesn’t look good.


Billy Graham: IRS better find himself a way out of this one. He needs a loophole Jimmy


Jim Ross: Well I’m not sure he’s gonna find one Superstar.


<img src=http://i.imgur.com/A25sLBW.jpg> <img src=>

Bastion Booger enters the ring and the bell sounds. In a short match Booger practically dominates his opponent. For a while midmatch IRS was able to even things up but it ended quick after that. Booger ragdolled him. Bastion Booger wins by clean pinfall at 7:15


Jim Ross: Well good grief Billy, Gorilla’s group really seems to be a Big Deal.


Billy Graham: Well that’s the whole dang point. They ARE The Big Deal. I’m not sure many of the guys backstage are going to be a threat. And if what happened to KoKo is any indication, I’m not sure anyone wants to try.


Jim Ross: Don’t go anywhere we’ll be back with more action here on WWF Monday Night Raw on the USA Network.


----Commercial Break----


Jim Ross: Welcome back to Monday Night Raw. I’m Jim Ross alongside The Superstar Billy Graham and we’ve had an exciting night already Bill.


Billy Graham:We sure have Jim. It’s been a wild one. And from my understanding we’ve got the pipsqueak backstage with my man Owen Hart?


Jim Ross: The pip…oh hush. You’re man Owen Hart?


Billy Graham: Oh I love the Big O


Jim Ross: Todd Pettengill is backstage with Owen Hart, Todd.




<img src=http://i.imgur.com/g34yZAN.jpg> <img src=http://static.quoteswave.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Owen-Hart-150x150.jpg>

Todd Pettengill: Thanks guys, I’m Todd Pettengill and I’m here backstage with the 1994 King of the Ring winner Owen Hart. Owen it’s my understanding you have a few words regarding your brother?


Owen Hart: That’s right, Todd. I have something to say to my brother. You think this is a joke big brother? I’m not laughing. Don’t you think for a second that I won’t come for that belt. Don’t you think that I won’t storm down into that ring and take it right from you.


Todd Pettengill: Well Owen, where did all this come from?


Owen Hart: Since birth Todd, since birth. He’s the star child. He’s the prodigy. He was always the one who was supposed to be the future. The freaking prince. Well you know what Todd, I’m just sick of it. I don’t have time for it. It’s over. And I’m not so little anymore Bret, and you better believe I’m coming for you. I can take you in that ring and I can take you anywhere else to. I will pin you in that ring, 1-2-3. And then it will be all over. The prodigal son will have fallen.


Todd Pettengill: When do you plan on getting your hands on Brett, exactly? President McMahon hasn’t been seen since the King of the Ring and Gorilla Monsoon is running some type of renegade operation. How are you going to get to Bret and when?


Owen Hart: Tonight, Todd. Tonight. Bret…you’re mine.


Todd Pettengill: Well there you have it guys. Owen Hart wants to take out Bret and he wants to do it tonight. Back to you J.R.


Jim Ross: Thanks, Todd.


Billy Graham: J.R., huh? I like that.


Jim Ross: Oh what are you on about this time?


Billy Graham: You didn’t hear pipsqueak call you J.R.?


Jim Ross: Well yeah, it’s hardly the first time I’ve heard it.


Billy Graham: It’s your new nickname, Jimbo. I’m gonna call ya J.R.


Jim Ross: If it gets you to shut up


Billy Graham: How about you start calling me The Super Stud instead of the Superstar?


Jim Ross: I think I’m going to start ignoring you. Rumor has it at some point tonight we will be seeing an appearance from our Intercontinental Champion, Diesel.


Billy Graham: How about calling me The Big S?


Jim Ross: I wonder if he will be issuing any proclamations or challenges, or maybe he has thoughts on The Big Deal?


Billy Graham: J.R. and The Big S


Jim Ross: Well, Big S we have a matchup between Shawn Michaels and Thurman “Sparky Plugg” coming up.


Billy Graham:Hey! I knew it’d stick!


Jim Ross: Nothing has stuck to nothing now can you focus on the match please?


Billy Graham:[/b You know this “Heartbreak Kid” reminds me a lot of myself.


Jim Ross: Oh yeah and why is that?


Billy Graham: Well he’s a heck of a wrestler and he ain’t too bad with the ladies.


Jim Ross: You are a wonder Mr. Graham.


<img src=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v260/Frontiergfx/WWF%201994%20Diary/SparkyPlugg-1.jpg> <img src=http://s3.amazonaws.com/readers/2011/09/28/shawn-michaels-7_1.jpg>

The match is pretty even for the majority. Sparky is keeping up with the former intercontinental champion. After a back and forth flow to the bout which garners a lot of heat from the crowd, Sparky Plugg gets hit by a dropkick from Shawn Michaels that knocks him into the ref putting them both down. Michaels hits hard though and he’s also slow to get up. Suddenly, barreling down the ramp is Diesel. Diesel slides into the ring and begins to attack Sparky Plugg adding hurt to the already downed worker. He picks Plugg up and hits him with a jackknife powerbomb that shakes the ring. Michaels stumbles to his feet during this and shares a nod with Nash. Nash runs over to wake the fallen official and as he does Michaels goes for the cover. Fight over


Shawn Michaels: I owe this man a lot. And we are the real Big Deal in this organization, believe it. Me and the guy right here will be the ones to worry about in the future. Shawn Michaels Out.


Jim Ross: There you have it Billy, The Heartbreak Kid and Diesel arm-in-arm again as they leave the ring.


Billy Graham: You want to talk about two dominant superstars it’s those two right there. Seriously, they are a force.


Jim Ross: It’s a shame for Sparky, he really looked to be gaining momentum against one of the bigger stars.


Billy Graham: He should stick to driving his hick cars


Jim Ross: Well that’s just uncalled for, Billy. A lot of people watch NASCAR. It’s the largest spectator sport in the world.


Billy Graham: Well that’s because the people that watch NASCAR have nothing better to do. What else were they going to do, read a book?


Jim Ross: Pure class Billy. We’ll be back with more Monday Night Raw on the USA Network.


----Commercial Break----


<img src=http://tweezeit.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/Bret-Hart-Hitman-150x150.jpg>

Bret Hart is standing in the center of the ring with a microphone and his belt, the crowd sporadically cheering him.


Bret Hart: Let’s get something straight. I love Owen. I have nothing against him. Why would I? How crazy is this? He’s my brother. This is crazy. Look, Owen. I know you’re back there and I know you’re listening. I’m not going to fight you. Period. What would our parents think? We’re blood.


Owen’s music sounds and he enters the arena with a microphone in hand


Owen Hart: You really think I won’t just come in there and take it from you?


Bret Hart: That’s not the point. I’m not going to fight you


Owen Hart: So you’re afraid?


Bret Hart: No! What is wrong with you?


Owen Hart: I’m tired of being second fiddle!


Bret Hart: Look maybe I was rough on you when we were younger. Call it tough love. You wouldn’t be here without me looking after you.


Owen Hart: There you go again! Taking credit for what I am. What I’ve become. Telling me I wouldn’t be here with you, are you kidding me? Do you not even see what you are saying Bret? I think you’re just too afraid to tussle with your little brother. Afraid you’ll get beat.


Bret Hart: I’m just trying to protect you, Owen! I don’t want you to get hurt.


Owen Hart: Don’t want me to get hurt? You’re the one who is going to get hurt.


Owen storms the ring and a brawl ensues. The two battle for about twenty seconds before road agents and other wrestlers flood the arena to break the two apart.


Jim Ross: Well it looks like this sibling rivalry is a really big problem


Billy Graham: It looks more like Bret is too afraid to face his brother is what it looks like


Jim Ross: Well like it or not he won’t have much of a choice. Owen won the King of the Ring and he has a title shot against Bret even if Bret doesn’t want it to happen.


Billy Graham: I think Bret might be dealing with more than he’ll be able to handle.


Jim Ross: Well we’ll see what the champion does in time, but next up we have Razor Ramon taking on The Barbarian in tonight’s main event. The two powerhouses duke it out to help establish their pecking order in the Main Event scene, as Owen Hart isn’t the only one who wants a shot at our current champion.


Billy Graham: Well Bret has to realize when you’re champion you have a target on your back. You need to be ready for anybody to come out of that locker room and give you a run. Regularly you’ll have matches between top contenders as they jockey for that #1 spot.


Jim Ross: We’ll be right back with your Main Event of the evening here on Monday Night Raw.


----Commercial break----


Jim Ross: Welcome back to Monday Night Raw we have your main event set to get underway. In the ring Razor Ramon and The Barbarian.


<img src=http://ftrsports.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/razor_ramon-0-150x150.jpg> <img src=http://i674.photobucket.com/albums/vv106/GabrielJericho/The_Barbarian.jpg>

Razor Ramon and The Barbarian lock into a battle. The battle is back and forth with a ton of fan reaction. About five minutes into the contest Bam Bam Bigelow and Typhoon storm the ring. Bam Bam and Typhoon start to attack both competitors. They assault each one before tossing both out of the ring. They raise their hands in the air and the camera pans over to reveal Gorilla Monsoon laughing and clapping at the top of the ramp.


Jim Ross: My god, Billy. Gorilla Monsoon has gone off his rocker.


Billy Graham: He was out to show he’s a big deal. He certainly did that tonight.


Jim Ross: Who can put this to an end?


End of Show


Final Rating: 81

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