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Do you edit the default database

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I always play with the default database, it's weird because in TEW I can't get into the cornellverse but in WMMA I love it.


Anyway I was wondering, do those of you who use the default database use it straight up as it was made or do any of you make some pregame edits?


In my GAMMA game I changed the contracts of the champions for SIGMA, BCF and FLB, making them all exclusive fighters (I also changed a couple of other fighters such as Affonso Villar). This was because I disliked the scramble at the start between ALPHA-1 and GAMMA where the three smaller companies lose all their stars at the start of the game. It's really improved it as these fighters have become available over time as and when their contracts expire.


I've had to rely a bit more on trying to build up lower ranked fighters and ALPHA-1 have done the same. It also makes it tense when someone does come up as you know it might be the only shot at signing a big name for a few months.


Just wondered if anyone else does anything like this?

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Database Edits


I also usually go through and change some of the contracts for stars at smaller promotions, because the initial talent raid is pretty aggressive.


Other edits:


I get annoyed with pre-fight injuries, so I have been editing the database so that all fighters start with 100% resilience. It doesn't eliminate it, but it does make it a bit more manageable.


When playing with GAMMA, I'll also occasionally add weight classes to XCC in order better develop talent in America at WW and higher.


Finally, I've done the painstaking edit of going through the free pictures and switching a majority of them to be used more than once. I'll also add some of the pics for retired fighters into the free pictures as well. There's a definite lack of pics for HW and SHW.

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I'm the same way. Playing the default TEW database I didn't really like it too much, I dabbled in it a bit but ended up always making Wrestlers that imitated real life wrestlers, so I always just ended going back to Modern Databases.


However in WMMA 4 I'm having a lot more fun in Cornelleverse.


I'm thinking it's because in TEW, you can use the Modern Database and basically try and out-book WWE in making superstars and making your favorite Wrestlers win Championships they may have ever had. And use the great talent they have today in the WWE in storylines you may think are better.


In WMMA 4, everything is almost randomized. Anyone can literally win a fight. But in the Modern Version you pretty much know who's going to win each match. It's still fun to play because you can do Dream Matches, but, in the Cornelleverse it's much more unpredictable.


That's how it is for me anyway.

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I've started to kind of flesh out the fight histories for some of my favorite/must-sign prospects so the immersion is a little better. I just search for people in the same area and weight class as them but with a few losses then paired them up in the editor.


I might go through and do this to the promotion I end up picking but then I would really just be eliminating potential matchups once I start the game. Unless I don't mind about seeing some repeat fights.

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If I don't like certain cosmetical things, yes. I also change some attributes if it fits better imo, but am not inclined to change major stuff like stats. If you start changing that, there's no way you can engage in meaningful conversation with the rest of the users. You need to have a common base. "This guy's become a major talent in my game" makes no sense if you've edited the stats.
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I'm not a fan of playing the Cornellverse or the CVE mod as it is so I always do some massive editing. Among many other things, I always get rid of the fighter records and simulate a few years into the game to give it some distinctiveness. Still, I feel we need another 800-1200 more fighters in the database but I don't render so I cannot complain, I can only hope.
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