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XDW 2014: Out of the yard and in your face!

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XDW: Out of the Yard and in your face!



Who would have thought me, Johnny Smith, of all people would be writing a book? Sure, the Idaho Punisher wrote one, but people actually cared about him. ME? I doubt anyone but the truly hardcore wrestling fan even knows who I am let alone what I look like. In fact, I have to be the single most unheard of owner in the history of wrestling. For those of you who picked this book up without looking at the cover or the blurbs on the back, I'm the owner of XDW and until a few years ago when I bought the rights to XDW and revived the company there wasn’t even much of a story worth telling. You see, in a weird way, XDW’s story is my story. Let’s face facts here…you didn’t pick this book up to hear about my childhood or what my parents were like, those of you who picked it up on purpose I mean. No, you bought this bad boy to learn about the events that brought about a brand new landscape in professional wrestling. Like most good stories this one took place on just a plain old average day…

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December 20th 2009


Some people will tell you things all changed the day XDW landed its first P.P.V. deal. Others will say it began when XDW held its 3rd annual King of the Yard Tournament, where a shocking arrival to the Yard thrust XDW into the minds of the public. Truth is…December Twentieth Two Thousand Nine, that was when it all changed…even if no one but me could feel the change happening.


I still remember the events of that day as if it happened just yesterday. After getting off of my flight from Australia I headed straight to the taxi cabs and quickly hopped in one. I told the driver to take me to my home and I leaned back to try to shake off some of the jet lag I was feeling. This might be a good time to go into a small tangent…For those who are not aware I was flying to the headquarters of everyone major wrestling organization trying desperately to get myself a job as a booker. I love wrestling, but one look at me will tell you I’m not cut out to be a wrestler, so I always figured being a booker was the next best thing. So, after being laughed out of every promotion in the U.S., I decided to try my hand at getting a job in another country. Mexico, Canada, Japan, Europe, The United Kingdom and even lowly Australia all had promotions that I knew I could help to build up…too bad none of the owners knew that. I wasn’t even allowed in for an interview in the bigger promotions and The Comedian himself chased me out of his shack in Sydney. To say I was dejected at this point in my life was an extreme understatment. By the way, get used to reading the word extreme, I tend to toss it around quite a bit. Even more so when I'm talking about XDW.


To get us back on track, I had just flown from Mexico to Canada to Britain to locals all over Europe to Japan then down to Australia and I was back in the United States. I was crushed, defeated, and tired as all hell. I just wanted to close my eyes and get a few moments of peace when fate intervened. The cab I was in blew a tire and as the cabbie tried to explain to me in his best broken English how long it would take to fix I heard a strange cheering sound. Looking around I noticed we were in a residential area so the noise seemed exceedingly odd. I tossed some money at the cabbie and headed toward the sound. After narrowly avoiding a ass kicking, how was I supposed to know tossing money at a cab driver only worked in movies, I headed toward the still growing noise. I'm not sure exactly why I was so intent on finding the source of the sound, I only know it was somehow very familiar to me. Soon walking was too slow and I began to run toward the noise. I ran down the street until I came upon a large bluish grey house. The noise seemed to be coming from behind the house so I started to walk back there when I heard a man’s voice yell out to me.


“Where you think your going for free?”


I turned around to see a large man holding a roll of tickets in one hand and a cigar in the other. I spoke rather hesitantly.


“I…was just wondering about the noise coming from back there.”


“You and a bunch of other people. Like I told them, you want to find out what’s going on, pay the cover price. Five bucks.”


I handed the man a ten and didn’t even bother to wait for my change. When I got to the backyard area I was shocked to see a wrestling ring had been set up. People were seated behind a crude wooden fence that had been constructed around the ring. There was almost twenty seven people sitting there watching two kids smash each other with light tubes. All the while the fans were chanting “XDW!” over and over. I stood there transfixed for a moment before sitting next to a pair of teens. I asked what was going on, but instead of an answer I got flipped off and told to shut my yuppie mouth. To this day that was the first and only XDW show I attended wearing a suit. I turned away from the kids to look at the action in the ring when a guy, who would later become one of my best friends, got up and sat next to me. He explained to me that XDW or, Xtreme Danger Wrestling, was the premiere backyard federation in operation. It folded in 2007 and today they were holding a free reunion show. It was going to be made into a resume tape for the big “5” of the fed. Before we go on, yes I paid ten dollars to some punk for a ticket to a free show. The guy told me that after this the big “5” were all going to try to get jobs with a real wrestling organization. They called it “The Quest” and whoever got a job first would declared the winner and sole owner of the XDW tape library.


Fans of XDW, or just wrestling in general, probably already know that Kid San Juan AKA Super Sonic won this little contest. This was probably a good thing for me as he sold me the rights to the tape library for next to nothing. Who knows if this book, the revived XDW, or any of the stunning changes the wrestling world experienced in the last twenty years would have ever took place if one of the other guys won The Quest. Anyway, for the about twenty minutes I sat in near silence as I saw a group of young kids do things that would make the most hardened Warrior Engine vet blush. I remember thinking if only XDW wasn’t out of business then a booker position with them would be a dream come true. I asked the guy who sat next to me if he could tell me more about XDW and he was more than happy to share the history of XDW with me. I told him what I could do with a group of guys like this. How I would lead these guys to take back wrestling from the suits like Cornell and Eisen. The guy just kept nodding and smiling until finally he excused himself as he said he had important business to attend to. I asked his name as he got up and he told me…


“The name is Kris Turkleton, but my friends just call me Fearless Blue.”

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March 11 2013


It was just one day after my birthday and I was not looking forward to going back to work. Back in that day I was just a regular bum working a dead end job. Just as I was getting ready to leave for another day cleaning office buildings I got a phone call from Fearless Blue. I can't say I remember the exact words of the conversation we had, a long night of drinking bears responsibility for that, but I know it ended with us deciding to give a big middle finger to the wrestling world and bring XDW back. Since me and Blue often had conversations like this one I still went to work and wondered how long it would take him to give up the XDW revival this time. His record until then was 3 days, but I should have known things were going to be different this time because he showed up at my work with a brand new XDW logo and a crazed look in his eyes. He then went on to tell my boss to go screw himself and threaten to...actually I don't think what he threatened can be printed but I can say it involved a goat, a pineapple, and an exit not an entrance. After security tossed us out we went about bringing XDW back to the world.


"Sir, you think my name is Turk Turkleton?"


I'll just call you Donald Faison if that's alright :p


Thanks for reading...btw I love scrubs!

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January 1 2014


Yeah, it took almost a full year before we could scrape together the means to relaunch XDW as a full fledged promotion. We were now operating out of a small office in Dallas with just over 50 grand in the bank. I had no idea how Kris got the bank to loan him the money but frankly I didn't care. Our dream of bringing XDW to the world was coming true and I was on top of the world. Funny thing about being on top of the world, if you fall, you're probably not going to survie. I wasn't even considering that as a possibility back then. No, I was optimistic and full of youthful exuberence. Its a good thing to, because those first few years were rough. I doubt that I have the strength or will power to go through that at this point in my life.


Now it was obvious that Kris was going to be a part of the new XDW roster but we had no idea if anhyone else was willing to compete in the type of enviroment we had in mind. I'm sure you've seen the DVDs, would you be willing to compete in a ring of fire or pirahna tankl match? Despite being very limited in who would even answer the phone for us we did manage to scrape together enough wrestlers to hold our first show, XDW: Rebirth by Fire! Now I will go into greater depth regarding that original roster, but first I want to talk about some of the pitfalls we faced just getting the show put together. First off, the main event Ring of Fire match was something that was never done before in wrestling. Warrior Engine held many matches that involved fire but never did they remove the ring ropes and put up steel cables wrapped in flaming cloth before we debuted the match. After the show was over Kris and I were one wrong move away from going to jail as the local fire marshall got wind of the match and almost shut it down midway through the fight. Thank God Joannna Silver was willing to... “distract” him long enough for us to finish the match and get the fire under control.

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Jan.15 2015


Fifteen days after XDW was formally re-launched I finally secured a roster large enough to allow us to put on our first show. They may not have been the best wrestlers available, nor did all of them stick around, but they were the guys to help launch a new age of wrestling...


XDW Roster as of Jan. 2014


Anders Thunder

The “Pride of Stockholm” is a throwback to classic '80's style power wrestlers and that is more than enough reason to have him here in XDW. Playing a “Swedish Superman” gimmick, Anders Thunder plays a flag waving patriot that does not claim superiority but rather wants to show the world the greatness of his homeland.



A true hardcore maniac willing to do just about anything to entertain the crowd, he was hired because he has yet to meet a match he refused to take part in. His “sociopathic pain worshipper” gimmick is as unique as the wrestler portraying it.


Canadian Executioner

The masked Canadian Executioner is the oldest member of the XDW roster and our most menacing. His claims of ties to the Canadian Mafia have yet to be confirmed, but those who have looked into it have met with unfortunate “accidents” so there may be something to his claims after all. He plays a “hired gun” gimmick, although he has yet to reveal who has hired him to take out the XDW roster...


Captain Morgan

The best independent wrestler to never catch a break, Trademark Thomas Morgan has traded his suit and tie in for an eye patch and penciled in stubble. In a company that is gritty and edgy, his “drunk pirate” gimmick stands out as something different and Morgan may have just found his niche.


Cip Conduit

A graduate of the Piledriver School of Wrestling, Cip went looking for a promotion that values good old fashioned brawling and lucky for him XDW is just such a place. His “brawler” gimmick may be generic, but the fans seem to enjoy it.


Fearless Blue

The man who helped build XDW into what it is today was just a young punk with little to no skill back in January 2014. His gymnast background allows him to do many fantastic looking dives that both wow the crowd and shorten Blue's career at the same time. His “People's Yard Tard” gimmick is pretty popular with the fans and pretty much an extension of Blue's own personality.


Iron Mike O'Haire

Although he plays a doctor down south in Mexico, the truth is he is just a motorcycle driving madman from Canada. The fans love his “biker” gimmick and since he is the second best talker on our roster they might be seeing quite a bit of Iron Mike.


Joanna Silver

A wrestler/manager, Joanna Silver is a sexy young worker with very few inhibitions. Her willingness to do just about anything, in or out of the ring, is exactly why she was hired. The fans may not like her wrestling talents but they lover her “sexy pirate queen” gimmick and the outfits she wears to go along with it.


Mack Daddy Mortimer

A journeyman from the south, Mack Daddy's biggest claim to fame so far was being the only wrestler to get fired from both SCCW and TWL. His “lounge lizard pimp” gimmick is a hit with our fans so Mack Daddy may become a cult figure in the near future...


Penfold Perdition

This massive 410lb. Hawaiian is a graduate of the DeColt Power House and on of the few DeColt trainees to not get a job with CGC. He was hired in hopes of getting some of that DeColt knowledge spread among our other workers, though I doubted Penfold actually remembered much of what he was taught. The whiney “man baby” gimmick I gave him was very reminiscent of Joe Besser's comedy style.


Simony Sentinel

The purple haired pixie Simony Sentinel is another worker picked up simply for the fact she is very attractive and willing to do a variety of sexy matches. She plays a “spunky brat” gimmick but the fans don't really seem to buy it.



The mysterious masked man called Spyke is the only worker on the roster who the fans know less about than me. He guards his identity so secretly that he offered me a discount if I was willing to pay him in cash. His “mysterious” gimmick is quite a hit with the fans so expect to see quite a bit of not seeing Spyke!


The Pilgrim

Another graduate of the Piledriver School of Wrestling, Pilgrim looks just like your average chubby brawler. His look has really helped his “underdog” gimmick and the fans seem to love him despite his lack of skill or in-ring success.



A native of Vancouver, Trauma's early career was spent doing hardcore matches that would be right at home in XDW. He had tried to give up competing in such brutal affairs due to the wear it put on his body but with no other companies offering him a job he accepted my offer of employment and returned to doing insane matches for little pay. I slapped a “bitter hardcore icon” gimmick on him in hopes of getting the fans to hate him.


XDW Staff


Archie Judge

A former TCW road agent, Archie is the biggest name on our roaster and possibly the only reason we were able to sign several of the other workers. Chances are the young guys wanted to learn from a brawling legend. Despite being our road agent Archie also agreed to be out part time Authority figure with a “bitter brawling legend” gimmick.


Coach Norman

One of the least skillful referees around, Coach Norman was only hired due to his cheap price tag and young age. Hopefully he improves at a rate which will allow us to take advantage of his cheap price tag while not dragging our matches down due to his lack of referee skills.


Dharma Gregg

This former stripper turned wrestler turned wrestling promoter turned manager is not only the best in ring worker but our best talker! Currently she manages Fearless Blue with a “bubbly vixxen” gimmick that the fans just eat up.


Haley Buck

The insane Haley Buck is a bitter jilted bride looking for her ex-fiancee in XDW. She is a decent talker and just the right amounts of pretty and crazy to be very attractive. Her “jealous ex-girlfriend” gimmick is a huge hit probably because it is just Haley being herself.


Johnny Smith

You bought this book which is all about me so I don't need to do a description here!


Mac Smith

The “Mouth from the Far South” is a decent young color commentator who has a good amount of charisma and mic skills. The fans really love when he comments on finishing move by saying “Looks like he just put another shrimp on the barbie with that move!


Samuel Curran

The voice of XDW ever since Lee Bambino turned us down, Samuel is by far a much better announcer than Lee ever was. The fans love his knowledge of all things hardcore and his ability to hide the flaws of the XDW workers with his great verbage.


Sweet Tabitha

This lovely young lady was brought in to be a pretty face that riles up the crowd before a show. Quickly that idea was abandoned when I decided to let her try her hand as the executive assistant to commissioner Judge. Her “sexy executive assistant” gimmick is a huge hit and I may have to think of more announcements for her to come out and read...well not read because she can barely do that.

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Jan.18 2015


Three days after finally getting my roster together I was able to book the first card of the new wrestling era XDW: Rebirth by Fire! Our main event would feature a match we would be unable to recreate for another 3 years, the infamous Ring of Fire match! The flyers may have been cheap, the roster my have been the most useless group of workers ever assembled, but the show will never bee forgotten.


XDW: Rebirth by Fire


Captain Morgan w/Joanna Silver VS Mack Daddy Mortimer in a XDW rules match


Anders Thunder VS Iron Mike O'Haire in a XDW rules match


Spyke VS The Canadian Executioner in a XDW rules match


Joanna Silver VS Simony Sentinel in a bra and panties match


Fearless Blue VS Trauma in a XDW ring of fire match!

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<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="left">XDW: Rebirth by Fire!!!</marquee>

Live in front of 9 screaming fans at the Colorado Springs Bar!


DVD Extras/Pre-Show


The Pilgrim defeated Cip Conduit {F}

This match was done just to get the crowd familiar with a couple of the younger guys. I didn't expect much from it and it didn't disappoint.


Brimstone defeated Penfold Perdition {F}

I booked this match to get an idea on just what Brimstone could do against a bigger opponent, turns out it isn't much. Another match that, for lack of a better term, sucked a d*ck.


Joanna Silver and Simony Sentinel came out teased the crowd with a few flashes of the sexy ring gear for their match later tonight! {D}

Even without actually showing much, the ladies were able to get the crowd all riled up and ready for the show proper to start.


Main Show


Mack Daddy Mortimer defeated Captain Morgan w/Joanna Silver {E-}

Captain Morgan's style doesn't really fit XDW so I made this match to get him a little brawling experience while also letting Mack Daddy brush up on his basics. Despite the loss the fans actually seem to have gotten a little bit behind the Captain.


Iron Mike O'Haire came out a called Anders Thunder a juice up joke. He went on to say he would defeat the blonde b*tch because bikers were the toughest people around! {D-}

Iron Mike delivered a solid promo getting the fans all hyped up for his upcoming match. Not only that, it also set up our first rivalry.


Anders Thunder defeated Iron Mike O'Haire {F+}

Despite a good showing from Iron Mike, Anders Thunder takes the win in this match. The fans didn't think too highly of either worker and our first rivalry starts with a whimper and not a bang.


The Canadian Executioner came out to the ring with a mannequin wearing a Spyke mask, only $9.99 on the XDW website, and proceeded to demonstrate what he was going to do to the real Spyke in a few moments. The segment ended with the Canadian Executioner ripping the head off the mannequin and tossing it to the crowd of rowdy teens. {C-}

The crowd loved this segment and it ma just become a regular thing in XDW. Despite his age and Canadian-ness The Canadian Executioner is able to pull off that menacing look very well.


Spyke defeated The Canadian Executioner {F}

Despite the best efforts of The Canadian Executioner the Mysterious Spyke picked up the win, in what was the first not absolutely terrible match of the night.


Joanna Silver and Simony Sentinel came out and showed the crowd the sexy ring gear for their match! The crowd went wild for the teeny, tight outfits! {D}

If I thought the crowd went wild for the tease I was wrong because when they reveled their ring gear the crowd went nut!


Joanna Silver defeated Simony Sentinel in a bra and panties match {F+}

This match had terrible wrestling but let's face it wrestling wasn't why people liked it. Until we get better or more famous workers it looks like this might just be a staple of the XDW show.


Fearless Blue defeated Trauma in a XDW ring of fire match! {F+}

I can't legally describe the events of this match, but let's just say it was awesome!


Fearless Blue celebrated his victory by going into the crowd and giving the fans high fives. {F}

Our fans, all 9 of them, all were very excite to have Blue join them in the crowd,


Overall Show Rating = E!

Our first show, not great but just barely not terrible...damn we have a long way to go.

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<p>Feb. 1 2014</p><p> </p><p>

Our first show was pretty bad, but it at least got people talking about XDW. The nine people that attended our show tweet4d pics and posted all over the internet how awesome things were and we picked up a little momentum in the process. With that in mind I reached out to a hardcore icon and was pleasently surprised to hear he was interested in joining our rag tag group of wrestlers. His shocking arrival would be the first of many surprises to show up in XDW. With our big surprise all set to debut we booked a show that featured a Tazer on a Pole main event match. The advertisements for the show looked like this....</p><p> </p><p>

XDW Presents Shock treatment!</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">Captain Morgan</span> w/<span style="color:#0000FF;">Joanna Silver</span>VS <span style="color:#FF0000;">Brimstone</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">Spyke</span> VS <span style="color:#FF0000;">Mack Daddy Mortimer</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">The Pilgrim</span> VS <span style="color:#FF0000;">Trauma</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">Joanna Silver</span> VS <span style="color:#0000FF;">Dharma Gregg</span> in a Bra and Panties Match</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">Fearless Blue</span> w/<span style="color:#0000FF;">Dharma Gregg</span> VS <span style="color:#FF0000;">Iron Mike O'Haire</span> in a Tazer on a Pole Match</p>

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I'm a fan of this keep it up


Glad to have a fan and I will try not to disappoint you...





Feb. 2nd 2014


I just got caught up with all the news happening around the rest of the wrestling world and boy were there some crazy things taking place in January. The most important and most shocking stories for January 2014 were as follows...


  • Citizen X defeated KC Glenn to win the 9th Annual Rip Chord Invitational Tournament! Rumors are already floating around that big things are in store for Citizen X.
  • Seiji Jimbo took control of PGHW after his uncle Sadaharo Jimbo retired from the business. Siji is said to want to make PGHW something everyone could enjoy.
  • IPW and GSW continue to steal talent from each other as Fiasco Fierce, Hustle Muva, Frantic Ali, and The Masked Stranger move from IPW to GSW.
  • Speaking of GSW, they have moved up in popularity and are now considered a Small promotion.

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<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="left">XDW: Shock Treatment!!!</marquee>

Live in front of 14 screaming fans at the Colorado Springs Bar!


DVD Extras/Pre-Show


As Cip Conduit stands in the ring The Canadian Executioner comes out with a Cip mannequin and rips the head off in front of the screaming crowd before getting into the ring. {C}


Anders Thunder comes out next and he flexes his muscles for the crowd as Cip and Canadian Executioner look on with apathy. {D+}


Penfold Perdition comes out last and tries to look tough but falls over the top rope causing his opponents and the crowd to laugh at him. {D}

All three of these segments were done to get the crowd a bit more familiar with our two menacing brutes and the big goof ball Penfold. All in all I think it went pretty well.


The Canadian Executioner defeated Anders Thunder, Cip Conduit, and Penfold Perdition in a XDW Fatal Fourway match! {F}

This was a terrible match with the crowd hating just about all of the worker's lack of wrestling talent. Iron Mike coming out and attacking Anders as he was about to pin Penfold, leading to the win by The Canadian Executioner over Cip did help move the Iron Mike/Anders Thunder feud along, so it wasn't a total loss.


Main Show


Brimstone defeated Captain Morgan w/Joanna Silver {E-}

The crowd hated Brimstone despite the fact he is more of a hardcore wrestler than Captain Morgan. Wrestling fans continue to confound me as they want a hardcore product but expect the workers to have good wrestling skill on top of that.


Mack Daddy Mortimer defeated Spyke {F+}

Another match the fans hated do to bad wrestling action. At least they sort of popped when The Canadian Executioner came out and drove Spyke through the announcer table, costing Spyke the match.


After the match The Canadian Executioner continued his assault on Spyke by beating him with a steel chair before power bombing Spyke on to it. {E+}

Thank God the fans love violence! This was the fourth highest rated segment of the night and it is in no small part to that fact. Also it helped continue the Spyke/Executioner feud.


The Pilgrim defeated Trauma {F+}

A standard crappy XDW match. Trauma is starting to show signs of his injuries taking a toll so it might be the end for him soon...


Prior to their match, Dharma Gregg and Joanna Silver showed off the sexy ring gear to the excited all male audience of 14. {D+}

The only thing the fans love more than violence is hot babes and that is why this was the segment of the night!


Joanna Silver defeated Dharma Gregg in a XDW Bra and Panties Match {E}

The fans finally stopped caring about the lack of wrestling skills on display and just enjoyed the match. Simony Sentinel added quite a bit on commentary but the big moment was Haley Buck coming out of the crowd and stripping Dharma costing her the match. The announcers noted that Haley was in the audience last week during the Fearless Blue/Trauma match.


Haley Buck grabbed a microphone and began to run down Dharma Gregg as a no talent gutter slut. Haley then told the XDW audience that Dharma stole Fearles Blue away from her 2 months ago and now Haley's here to get payback. Haley ended her tirade by warning Fearless Blue that her new boyfriend would be coming by to pay him a visit later. {D}

Our first big feud was set in motion with this segment and the fans seemed to be into it. Haley is not just a pretty face, she is also a good talker and quite the actress. I almost believed her crazed ex-girlfriend routine myself and I booked the angle!


Fearless Blue defeated Iron Mike O'Haire in a Tazer on a pole match {F+}

This was less a wrestling match and more of a straight up fight. Mike was a great sport and allowed himself to get tazed twice before Blue pinned him with a Blue Baller {Sky Twister Press}. The boyfriend of Haley Buck may have shown up too late to stop the pinfall but he sure made an impact!


Dangerous Doug Peak assaulted Fearless Blue with a steel pipe before tazering Blue several times. Security and the referee tried to get Doug off of Blue, but he continue the assault until Haley Buck came out and planted a huge kiss on his crazed lips. {E+}

I know I said the first show kicked off the new era of wrestling but truthfully this was the moment people began to take notice of XDW. I must note that the security guard who got tazed was not supposed to have gotten into the ring so his lawsuit was thrown out due to his not following the script. It did make for a great replay though! With the appearance of Doug Peak as Haley's new boy toy XDW was ready to begin the storyline that would sweep the wrestling world up.


Overall Show = E

Our show scored the same grade as last month, but I think it was better despite the fans hatred of most of the action. Doug Peak agreeing to sign with us was a huge shock to me and the wrestling world and I think it helped us gather a little momentum, leading us to get a deal with another shocking signing. We even managed to add 5 extra fans to the show so things are looking up!

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March 1st 2014


We were able to increse our fan base in February although we still lost over $3500! There is no way we can continue losing so much money and become the biggest company in wrestling. With Doug Peak joining us we could at least look forward to an increased attendance at the next which I already have all booked...


XDW Presents Bloody Payback!


Dharma Gregg VS Haley Buck


Anders Thunder VS Iron Mike O'Haire


Joanna Silver VS Simony Sentinel


Spyke VS Brimstone VS The Pilgrim VS Mack Daddy Mortimer


Fearless Blue VS Doug Peak in a First Blood Match

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March 2nd 2014


February 2014 was a huge month for wrestling news and I had a very hard time piking out just the most interesting and noteworthy events that took place.


  • USPW fell to Cult size, many are blaming the lackluster title reign of current USPW Champion Tyson Baine
  • BHOTWG added quite a bit of American talent to their March Tour with American Elemental, Matthew Keith, Greg Gauge, and KC Glenn all signing up in February.
  • Nicky Champion left USPW for 3 months to star in X-Men 4 as the Native American mutant Warpath.
  • Giant Brody defeated Matt Hocking for the FCW People's Championship
  • USPW continues their back luck when Charlie Thatcher ruptured his spleen during the 3rd week of February
  • In a bit of odd news Frankie Perez signed a deal to join IPW, leading many to wonder if IPW will soften their ultra hardcore style
  • Love is in the air in RIPW as Kristen Pierce and Raphael began dating in February
  • Jesse “the Power” Christian announced that he would be returning to the world of wrestling during a press conference held on the last week of February. Many insiders believe a bidding war for Jesse's services will kick off quite soon.

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