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ECW On Sci Fi

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Well, here I am. In a position most writers in the WWE would be envious of, but I can't help but feel some trepidation about my new role in the WWE. Being made the head writer/booker of the new ECW is a fantastic opportunity, even if it means working with a less than pleased Paul Heyman..But did Paul really think Vince McMahon would give him free reign over ECW again, no, instead he puts me in as Paul's partner. Paul will be the on air authority with me and him as joint writing and booking partners.. meaning we both need to sign off on any decisions made.. I've never worked with Paul before but if we can make this work we could bring ECW back to it's best, however if we can't make it work... it could be the end of my career in the WWE.


At least Vince has given us a fighting chance. We have free reign to use any superstars from Raw and Smackdown in the first few months as long as it doesn't affect their storylines and gets signed off by Mr McMahon.


We also have a fairly decent roster, with Kurt Angle, RVD and Big Show being brought in as our main players, along with some midcard guys, some originals and a number of independent guys who i have high hopes for.


Plus the WWE title will be on our show for the near future at least after RVD's win at One Night Stand. So the first show is tonight, let's see if we can make a success of this.


ROSTER - Faces in BOLD, Heels in Italics




Balls Mahoney

Big Show

Blue Meanie

CM Punk

Danny Basham

Doug Basham

Hardcore Holly

Kurt Angle

Kevin Thorn

Little Guido

Mat Striker

Mike Knox


Rob Van Dam



Sean Morley (Val Venis)

Stevie Richards


Tommy Dreamer


Tony Marmaduke

William Regal





Kelly Kelly





Tag Teams


The Full Blooded Italians

The Basham Brothers

Tommy Dreamer & Sandman

RVD & Sabu




ECW One Night Stand Results


Tazz Def. Jerry Lawler


Kurt Angle Def. Randy Orton


The Full Blooded Italians Def. Tajiri and Super Crazy


Rey Mysterio Vs Sabu Ended in a No Contest


Edge, Mick Foley & Lita Def. Terry Funk, Tommy Dreamer & Beulah


Balls Mahoney Def. Masato Tanaka


Rob Van Dam Def. John Cena




ECW On Sci Fi Preview


After 5 long years of waiting ECW is back on cable television as ECW On Sci Fi makes it's debut on Tuesday night, and what a show we have in store for you.


At One Night Stand, Rob Van Dam won the WWE title by beating John Cena, with help from the rated R superstar Edge, who speared Cena threw a table.


This week on ECW, both RVD and Edge have promised to be in attendance and address the crowd, what will these two men have to say after Sunday's shocking events.


The Main Event for the evening will be an Extreme ten man over the top battle royal with the winner earning the right to a future shot at the ECW World title.


Also in action, ECW originals Tommy Dreamer & The Sandman team up against The Basham Brothers and Hardcore Holly takes on the ECW original Balls Mahoney.


All this and more on this week's ECW On Sci Fi.


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Haha, that is my bad... I wonder if I can work that into a gimmick for Tony.


To everyone reading this, it will be my first real attempt at a Diary, and the updates for the shows should be about 2/3 a week so I'm not going to be massively active with this.


1) Any advice or criticism is welcome, i'm a big boy.. I can take it.


2) If the layout could do with changing again i'm open to suggestions


3) Although the was a bit of a backstory on the 1st post I won't be going into any real detail about myself, rather it was just a way of explaining who I am in the game.. the main posts will be a preview and rumours page before each show and then the show itself.


4) Hope you enjoy, the show should be up shortly just finishing off now

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ECW On Sci Fi - Tuesday Week 1


The first ever ECW opens with Joey Styles and Tazz on the commentary. The show kicks off with Paul Heyman and Rob Van Dam making their way to the ring


Heyman - Ladies and Gentlemen. The most extreme, most unique, most intense wrestling promotion ever is back and I want to start by saying thank you..thanks to every last one of you, because without you I wouldn’t be standing here as the general manager of ECW.


Now, let me introduce you to the ECW World champion.. MR Rob Va…


RVD - woah woah Paul, as much as I appreciate the introduction. I have been having a little think.. You see, I know the original plan was that I vacated the WWE title, but i’ve been having a think. If I vacate this title i’m just handing it back to them.. where as if I keep it then their gonna have to come and get it from me, their gonna have to come to my house right here on ECW, i’ll be honest i’ve grown quite attached to it, and Paul.. don’t you think it will piss Vince McMahon off to know that his WWE title is at home right here on ECW?


Heyman - You know what Rob, I like the sound of that even more. So i’ll tell you what i’m gonna do. Tonight’s main event will now be for the vacant ECW World title, and as for the WWE title. If anyone from Raw or Smackdown wants to come to the land of extreme to challenge for the title, then they are more than welcome..




The familiar music of Edge hits as the rated R superstar makes his way to the ring to a surprisingly positive reception from the crowd, most likely a result of his actions at One Night Stand.


once his music stops a ‘Thank you Edge” chant breaks out


Edge - Rob, Paul, congratulations on your “big moment” last Sunday, and to all the fans right now cheering my name, i just want you all to know that what happened on Sunday, i did purely for 1 person… and that person.. is ME.


Edge smirks as a 'f**k you Edge’ chant breaks out


Edge - You see, I did it for me and just me. I wanted to spear John Cena, I wanted to cost him the WWE title, and Rob I didn’t expect you to vacate that title tonight, but seeing as your only the champ because of me.. How about you give me first shot at your belt.


RVD and Edge square up to each other when out of nowhere comes John Cena, he charges to the ring and goes for both men. Edge is able to escape out of the ring as Cena goes for him first. Leaving RVD open to attack Cena, RVD gets the better off it but Cena reverses a Van Daminator into an FU to end the first segment with John Cena standing tall in the ECW ring, RVD down and out and Edge watching on from the entrance ramp.


— Break —



Tommy Dreamer & The Sandman Vs The Basham Brothers


The Basham’s are no match for the ECW originals here as the are dominated the majority of the match. The end coming when Doug Basham is taken out on the outside, leaving the Sandman to hit Danny with a Singapore Cane and Dreamer to hit a DDT for the 3 count.




After the match Dreamer gets on the mic


Dreamer - wow, I never thought I’d be standing inside an ECW ring again with Sandman here. We are two of the original guys but we know this is a new ECW and it’s not all about us. Paul has hired some of the best guys on the independent scene and over the next few weeks, we are going be watching these guys closing, trying to find the next guy worthy of being an ECW Wrestler.


Sandman - I need a beer




New ECW superstar William Regal appears on the titatron screen with a Union Jack flying behind him.


Regal - E. C. W.. What a wretched place for me to do my job, a promotion of alcoholics, freaks,deranged human beings fighting for something that died a long time ago.. I have no doubt that this freak show will be finished as soon as Vince McMahon gets bored of it, I also have no doubt that I am above everyone associated with this ‘brand’. Now I could disappear or push for a return to Raw or Smackdown, but instead I have decided to surround myself with people of my statue and intellect. I’m bringing some proper wrestlers to ECW, and we are going to clean up this stinking pile of burning rubbish you call ECW, and we are going to take over and at least try and make this a somewhat acceptable place to do business.


— Break —


Hardcore Holly Vs Balls Mahoney


Hardcore Holly, a man who made his name working in Hardcore matches but never wrestled in ECW, has quite a decent match with Balls Mahoney. Balls is able to be fairly competitive in this match but the end comes when Holly hits Balls with two consecutive chair shoots to the head and then an Alabama Slam for the win.




We head backstage to ECW interviewer Tiffany


Tiffany - I’m here with Mr ECW, Rob Van Dam. Rob what are you thoughts on what happened earlier tonight


Rob - Tiffany, my thoughts are very simple. What happened tonight is what I expected to happen. Edge, Cena, they know i’m the number 1 guy now. I’m the top dog and they need to come after me.. I know security has escorted them from the building tonight but next week on ECW, they are invited. As my guests. Come to my house and face me, in that very ring.



MAIN EVENT - Over the Top Battle Royal for the ECW World Championship.


Big Show Vs Hardcore Holly Vs Kurt Angle Vs Rhyno Vs Sabu Vs The Sandman Vs Stevie Richards Vs Test Vs Tommy Dreamer Vs William Regal

An over the top battle royal featuring 5 ECW originals and 5 newcomers quickly turned into a war, as weapons were scattered around the arena and wrestlers had the freedom to head out and get them, to then return to the ring. Fairly quickly the were chair shots to the head, singapore canes to the back and even a table made it’s way into the ring. With Tommy Dreamer going to the top rope, aiming to land on Test who lay prone on the table, only to be pushed to the floor by the Big Show. Stevie Richards, Rhyno and Sandman also met their end at the hands of the Big Show. With Sabu seeing off William Regal and Kurt Angle getting rid of Hardcore Holly leaving the final 4 competitors as Big Show, Test, Kurt Angle and Sabu.


The 3 smaller men decided their best chance was to take down the Big Show, but he thought off a 3 on 1 attack to take control of the ring, however Kurt Angle was able to use all his ring nuance to eliminate The World’s Largest Athlete, pulling down the ring apron as Big Show charged across and sending him over the top rope.


The final 3 men continued to battle it out with Test hitting a big boot to both men, and then was moments away from eliminating Sabu before he was able to reverse it and send Test over the top rope.


The final 2 men battled it out to see who would be crowned the ECW world champion, and the finish came when Sabu was able to throw Angle over the ropes, only for him to land on the apron. As Sabu closed in to finish the job, Angle was able to reverse his attack and hit a Suplex over the ropes, and through a set of tables on the outside, sending BOTH men to the floor. A chant of ‘this is awesome” rang round the arena, with both men down and out and the first ECW show ending with no clear winner.





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On the game i'm booking all three (originally I did it with some friends and we had a brand each..they lost interest so I carried on all three but Definitely pay most attention to ECW)


I'm about 6 months in now but liked the idea of doing a diary for the storylines I have done.


For this diary my main focus will be ECW, but I will make mentions of anything I feel relevant on the other brands. I'll do this via a wwe news and Rumours Page I will write up every week with the preview.. Hope that clears things up

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WWE News and Rumours


After the big launch of ECW last week the has been some rumours running around the wrestling world as to exactly how ECW is going to run, with it being pretty clear now that the WWE intends to have ECW as it's own brand alongside Raw and Smackdown. Paul Heyman is now appearing in all WWE promotions as the GM of ECW.


Regarding Pay Per View's. wwe.com annouced this week that ECW will have it's own pay per view every 4 months. While also receiving at least 1 match on all other WWE PPV events. Meaning 3 ECW exclusive PPV's a year. It is thought an ECW World title match could be the chosen match at the upcoming PPV Vengeance.


With ECW currently only operating in a 1 hour time slot it may be hard to build up enough storylines to fill a PPV event so expect alot of cross brand action on ECW especially in the early weeks to help boost ratings. The are hopes a good start to ECW could see it move to an hour and a half time slot.


Quite alot of independent talent is being snapped up by ECW and you can expect debuts from those in the coming weeks, while some forgotten men have been moved across to ECW aswell (Val Venis is currently appearing on the ecw roster on wwe.com under his real name, Sean Morley)


Quite a lot to look forward to then for ECW, and let's not forget that the WWE title is currently appearing on the brand, with RVD expect to make appearances on Raw with the title in coming months. A Triple Threat match between RVD, Edge and John Cena for the title was announced earlier this week as the headline match for Vengeance, but I wouldn't expect the title to change hands again so quickly after RVD's famous victory at One Night Stand.








DX Vs The Spirit Squad (5 on 2 Handicap Match)


Rob Van Dam © vs Edge Vs John Cena - WWE Title Match


Unconfirmed ECW Match


Randy Orton vs Ric Flair




ECW On Sci-Fi Preview


Last Week's episode on ECW left us with more questions than answers, as the show went off the air with no clear winner in the ECW title battle royal. Paul Heyman has promised to open the show with a big announcement regarding the ECW title.


And in a huge main event. John Cena and Edge will be competing in a ECW ring for the first time, as tag team partners. It will be Edge and Cena Vs RVD and a partner of his choosing.


Also in action we will see the debut of a new tag team called London's Calling, managed by William Regal as they take on the F.B.I and Big Show faces off against ECW original Balls Mahoney.


All this and much much more on this week's ECW On Sci Fi






Edge and John Cena VS RVD and ????


Big Show Vs Balls Mahoney


London's Calling Vs The F.B.I

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ECW On Sci Fi - Week 2 Tuesday


ECW kicks off with the GM Paul Heyman already in the ring, looking to address the crowd.


Heyman - Ladies and Gentlemen, last week on ECW, the was an ending to our main event that left a lot of people wondering who was the new ECW World champion... Now the footage of the ending of that match has been reviewed and it cannot be determined who hit the ground first, Kurt Angle or Sabu... That is why, at Vengeance. These two men will meet 1 on 1 to crown the new ECW champion in an extreme rules match, and the will be a conclusive ending and a new ECW world champion.


Before Paul Heyman can carry on he is interrupted by the music of "The Wrestling Machine" Kurt Angle


Angle - Paul, last week in that battle royal it all suddenly became very real for myself. I saw first hands the things you need to do to make it somewhere like ECW, and you know what, I enjoyed every minute of it. And I know the are some pretty dangerous guys in ECW, and that Sabu may very well be the most dangerous of the lot, but that won't stop me. I'm still going to go to hell and back with Sabu in our match at Vengeance and I will walk out the new ECW world champion.


Next thing the lights go out in the arena and when they return Sabu is in the ring and in Kurt Angle's face. Both men have an intense stare down where nothing gets said, but Angle extend his hand and both men shake. I sign off respect between the two combatants.




We head backstage to find Tiffany with The Big Show.


Tiffany - My guest at this time is the World's Largest Athlete, The Big Show. Big Show, what are you thoughts on your match tonight with Balls Mahoney.


Big Show - my thoughts, my thoughts Tiffany are very simple. I should be the ECW Champion right now, that title should have been handed to me on a platter just for being on this joke of a show. Now I spoke to Paul Heyman and he told me that I won't be added to that ECW world title match at Vengeance. So I have decided as a personal vendetta against Mr Heyman. I'm going to go through every ECW original on the roster and leave them in a pile in my wake, and when I'm done Paul will have no choice but to give me a shot at that ECW world championship.


——— Break ———


Big Show Vs Balls Mahoney


This match isn’t even competitive with Big Show dominating Balls from start to finish and ending with a Chokeslam about 2 minutes in to the match.

Winner - Big Show


After the match ends Big Show drags Balls outside and gives him two more chokeslams. One onto the steel steps and one through a table. A destructive performance from the Big Show.




Backstage we got to Rob Van Dam talking to an unknown wrestler.


Rob - You see, I think tonight if we team up, we can take these guys. I know your not an ECW original but you embody the spirit of it. So what do you say? *Man’s shadow nods* hey that’s great news. I’ll see you out there…Partner


The camera pans round to show The Wrestling Machine Kurt Angle. RVD and Angle vs John Cena & Edge tonight in the main event.




Next up we head back to the ring where the F.B.I are already waiting in the ring. "Land of Hope and Glory" plays over the speakers as William Regal leads two men, draped in Union Jack gear to the ring for the following match. Before the match starts Regal gets on the mic


Regal - Ladies and Gentlemen, and believe me I use those two words very loosely. I spoke last week of surrounding myself with people of integrity, intelligence and a certain level of respect for themselves and their colleagues, and I have found two of those men and brought them here to ECW. Sir David Taylor, and Lord Douglas Williams are two men I have a huge amount of respect for, and collectively we are known as London’s Calling. Tonight marks the beginning of the end for ECW, as we begin our crusade to rid ECW of the sort of low life scum that it was previously associated with, such as these two men across the ring from us. Referee start the match, the sooner it starts the sooner we can end this.


London’s Calling (Sir David Taylor & Lord Douglas Williams) Vs the F.B.I (Little Guido & Tony Mamaluke)


A fairly decent match between the two teams but London’s Calling always looking in control. Their hard hitting style going over well with the crowd, and the disrespectful attitude less so. The end comes with Tony out of the equation after being thrown into the steel chairs by Taylor, leaving Guido down in the ring and open to Lord Douglas Williams who comes off the top rope with a flying knee drop for the 1, 2, 3.


Winners - London’s Calling


———— Break ————


Next up is a treat for all the fans in attendance with the debut of a segment called Kelly’s Expose. Young diva Kelly Kelly appears on the entrance way with a pole to dance around and spends the next minute or so entertaining all the men in the audience as she strips down to just her bra and panties.




Back to the ring and in the centre stands the man formerly known as Val Venis, now going by his real name Sean Morley.


Sean - I want to take this time to introduce myself, my name is Sean Morley and I have worked for a long time in the WWE under a fake name. I was never taken seriously but during my time there I have always looked enviously at ECW, as i believed it was somewhere I could perform if given the chance. And that is all i’m asking for now, a chance.. a chance to prove myself to you ECW fans, and finally show what I can do.


a ‘f**k Val Venis” chant breaks out and it is hard to judge if the fans have accepted Sean’s rather heartfelt speech. He is interrupted by some unknown music of his opponent who makes his way to the ring. The man has long hair and a number of tattoos and causes quite a stir from some of the audience in attendance. Joey Styles tells us this man’s name is CM Punk.


Sean Morley Vs CM Punk


In a match that may very well steal the night both men go at it hell for leather, both feeling they have something to prove. After some high flying moves and a brilliant sequence of big hits a ‘This Is Awesome” chant breaks out. The finish comes when Morley goes to the top rope and hits a flying body splash (with no dance moves we should add) only for Punk to kick out a 2 and three quarters. Morley is able to lift Punk up and is going for a back suplex but Punk reverses, gets Morley up and hits a Go To Sleep for the 3 count


Winner - CM Punk


After the match both men have a handshake and embrace before taking in the applause of an appreciative crowd.




We head backstage to find Edge getting ready for his match, he turns round after sensing someone behind him and see's the man he partners with tonight, John Cena


Cena - Listen, I know we have never seen eye to eye, and the fact is i’d much rather I was facing you tonight than partnering up. But we are going into the lions den. RVD, Angle, these are two of the most dangerous athlete’s i know and the crowd are going to be all over us, it’s gonna be a war out there and we need to be on the same wave length. So tonight let’s make sure we are a team and get the job done, and then we can go back to hating each other after that


Edge - You don’t have to worry about me John… just make sure you don’t get in my way and the will be no issues, ok.


On that Edge leaves Cena on his own, that big main event is next.


——— Break ————


Main Event - Rob Van Dam & Kurt Angle VS John Cena & Edge

A main event that truth be told will hold it’s own on any PPV. Things start off at a frantic pace but eventually Edge and Cena are able to start to dominate as they isolate RVD. The two actually work well together but when Edge tags himself in and gets caught by a last ditch effort from RVD with a Van Daminator from no where the tide turns. RVD hot tags in Kurt Angle who goes to town on his two opponents and looks to swing the tide in favour of his team.


The dramatic end comes with Edge and RVD outside, Edge spears his opponent by running across 1 announce table and sending the two men through another one, leaving them both down. In the ring Angle is able to reverse an FU attempt and locks in the Ankle Lock on John Cena. Cena looks like he is about to tap when out of nowhere comes....




With a steel chair!!!!

He takes out Angle with 1 shot to the back and 1 to the head leaving Angle in pain on the mat. He gets to his feet just in time to walk into an FU from Cena for the 3 count. Sabu costs RVD and Angle the match


Winners - John Cena and Edge


Cena stands tall in the ECW ring but before he can celebrate he turns right into a Spear by Edge! ECW goes off the air with Edge standing over Cena in an ECW ring and RVD down on the outside after being sent through a table


End Of Show

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I've edited the formatting a fair bit on first two shows, I know have a style and font i'm pretty comfortable with but if anyone would like to see any changes let me know.


And for those wondering (or just reading) as regards to PPV. I will only go into detail about matches featuring ECW superstars and will just give the results and any noticeable notes about the other matches on the card.


The current PPV Schedule for WWE in my games is as follows


Backlash - 4th week of April - Raw


Judgement Day - 3rd week of May - Smackdown


One Night Stand - 1st Week of June - ECW


Vengeance - 4th week of June - Raw


Great American Bash - 3rd week of July - Smackdown


Hardcore Heaven - 2nd week of August - ECW


Summerslam - 4th week of August - Tri-Band


Unforgiven - 4th week of September - Raw


No Mercy - 3rd week of October - Smackdown


Survivor Series - 3rd week of November - Tri-Band


December to Dismember - 2nd week of December - ECW


New Years Resolution - 1st week of January - Raw


Royal Rumble - 4th week of January - Tri-Band


No Way Out - 4th week of February - Smackdown


Wrestlemania - 1st week of April - Tri-Band



Hope anyone reading is enjoying and again any comments/criticism/advice is welcome

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Very Interested, keep it up cant wait to see what you do. Do you plan on giving out your save? I would love to focus purely on Smackdown....what mod are you using?


thanks mate appreciate the support. The mod was edited by a friend of mine from a wwe real world current day mode which he adjusted to the time for me purely because we fancied the idea of doing this game. I don't know how to upload it for people to download but if you pm me and show me how I will happily send to you (I just like playing the game it's my friend who is in to created databases and mods)

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WWE News and Rumours


With Vengeance looking to come together, wwe.com announced it’s updated PPV list earlier this week, a notable inclusion was Hardcore Heaven, an ECW exclusive PPV coming in August before Summerslam.


On Raw this past week RVD was at ringside in the singles match between John Cena and Edge, attacking both men with a chair and resulting in a no contest. Vince McMahon has since banned all three men from having any physical altercations until their match at Vengeance, and also informed RVD that the use of any weapons in the match at Vengeance will result in an immediate disqualification and he will be stripped of his title if the match ends this way.


ECW has picked up some good early ratings and are looking around the independent wrestling scene at more potential talent to add to their roster. They have high hopes for some of their debuting superstars, with London’s Calling and CM Punk creating the most buzz around the locker rooms.


The are also rumours that ECW has tried to recruit some more originals that haven’t yet returned to the company, more on this as we get it, but it would certainly help boost the credibility of ECW to fans of the original brand.






DX Vs The Spirit Squad (5 on 2 Handicap Match)


Rob Van Dam © vs Edge Vs John Cena - WWE Title Match


Kurt Angle Vs Sabu - ECW Title Match


Randy Orton vs Ric Flair


Johnny Nitro © Vs Shelton Benjamin & Carlito - Intercontinental Match


Kane Vs Umaga



ECW On Sci-Fi Preview

In just under two weeks, Rob Van Dam will be defending his WWE Title at Vengeance against John Cena and Edge, and although neither of those men will be on ECW, he still has his hands full as he takes on Test, in the non title match.


After last week’s attack by Sabu on Kurt Angle, things could very interesting on ECW this week as Kurt Angle and Sabu will have a contract signing for their ECW title match at Vengeance.


Also in action, The Big Show continues his crusade against ECW originals, taking on Stevie Richards. two new members of the roster look to kick start there careers in ECW when Hardcore Holly faces Sean Morley.


And after Tommy Dreamer and Sandman said a few weeks ago they are on the look out for the next generation, well they must have seen something in CM Punk because this week they pair with him against all three members of London’s Calling


All this and much much more on this week's ECW On Sci Fi





CM Punk, Tommy Dreamer & The Sandman Vs London’s Calling


Big Show Vs Stevie Richards


Sean Morley Vs Hardcore Holly


Rob Van Dam Vs Test

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ECW On Sci-Fi - Tuesday - Week 3, June


ECW kicks off with ECW Originals Tommy Dreamer and The Sandman teaming up with CM Punk to take on London’s Calling in a six man tag match.


CM Punk, Tommy Dreamer & The Sandman Vs London’s Calling (David Taylor, Douglas Williams & William Regal)


In an intriguing encounter London’s Calling are given their first real test by the ECW Originals and CM Punk. A competitive start see’s London Calling eventually taking over when they are able to isolate the Sandman. He battles back though and get’s the hot tag to CM Punk, in comes ECW’s newest superstar and he takes out all three members of London’s Calling, before eventually turning his focus on to the legal man, Douglas Williams and hits a Go To Sleep, only for Regal to break up the pin. This lead to each member of the teams coming in and taking one of the others until it’s left with Williams and Punk as the legal men and the rest battling on the outside. CM Punk is able to get Williams up for another Go To Sleep but he is able to slither out and roll up CM Punk, and with some help from the ropes he steals the win for his team.

Winners - London’s Calling




We head backstage to find Tiffany alongside ‘The Impact Player’ Test


Tiffany - Test, tonight you have a great chance to make an impact in ECW, when you take on the WWE Champion Rob Van Dam, What are you thoughts on the match tonight?


Test - Tiffany, the is a reason they call me ‘The Impact Player’, I make my mark, I give these people something to talk about when they go back home to their depressing families and boring friends, I add a bit of excitement to these guys pathetic lives. Tonight, I take on the WWE champion, Mr ECW. well that’s just great because the is no better Impact than beating the top dog in the business. I just feel bad for all those people who have paid money for Vengeance in a few weeks, because after I hit Rob with a big boot… knock out a few teeth.. And slam him into the mat a few times, and then I hit the big elbow drop right across his chest.. he is going to be in no condition to defend that title at Vengeance. That is the impact I am going to make TONIGHT!!


——— BREAK ————


We come back from the break for another edition of Kelly’s Expose. With Kelly entertaining all the men in the audience with her strip tease on centre stage. This time she goes one step further and takes her Bra off, covering her breasts with both hands and leaving most of the audience breathless.




We head backstage to find Mat Striker ready to address the ECW universe, with Layla El at his side.


Striker - it's true class, your favourite teacher is here on ECW. I'm going to be educating the people who watch this show, the wrestlers on this show and everyone out there tonight. Vince McMahon has recognised that ECW needs a calming hand on the cane, so has named me an executive general of ECW. And with my lovely Assistant Layla by my side, we have been given the authority to make any decision on behalf of Vince McMahon that Paul Heyman is incapable of. He knows from my years of high quality teaching and time in education that I have the discipline to lead ECW to the top and will give my upmost to make sure ECW passes the test.




Big Show Vs Stevie Richards W/ Nova & Blue Meanie

Big Show puts in another dominate performance that doesn’t last long, with Stevie maybe doing slightly better than Balls last week (Only Slightly) but he eventually falls to two consecutive choke slams.


Winner - The Big Show


as soon as the match ends Show’s eyes lock on the two men on the outside, he hunts them down and gives them a viscous beating with a steel chair. Hitting both men multiple times before choke slamming both men threw an announce table each.


———— BREAK —————


Hardcore Holly Vs Sean Morley


Both men look to be trying to find their feet in ECW after there opening few matches, but the fans seem to get behind Morley and his new persona, and this stirs him on to turn the match in his favour, eventually hitting a top rope body splash for the 1, 2 3 and the impressive victory.

Winner - Sean Morley




Backstage to Tiffany again, this time she is with the WWE Champion, RVD.


Tiffany - Rob, we spoke to Test earlier about your match tonight and he had some interesting opinions on your match later, what are you thoughts going in to tonight’s main event.


Rob - Tiffany, I heard what Test had to say, and like I told you a few weeks ago, i am the top dog in this company, the number 1 guy and I know people are going to target me. Test thinks he can beat me then great, bring it on, let’s settle this in the ring… But he needs to know that if he thinks he is taking me on at a good time because of my match at Vengeance, he has another thing coming. I am 100% focused on my match tonight, and when I deal with Test, then i’ll move on to my title defence at Vengeance.




Up next the ring has been set up with a table in the middle of the ring, Paul Heyman is in the ring with the contract for the ECW title match in his hands


Heyman - Ladies and Gentlemen. I hold in my hand the Contract for the ECW Championship. Now I want you all to know that the stipulations of this contract are that this and all future ECW championship matches will be Extreme Rules matches. That means weapons are totally legal. Which means that that the two men about to come out here, know they are going to have to put their bodies on the line to walk out of Vengeance as the ECW World champion.


On that note the entrance music of Kurt Angle hits and he makes his way to the ring, he is in the ring but before he can talk Sabu’s music hits and he also enters the ring. The two men stand either side of the table, staring at each other intently. Angle breaks the ice first


Angle - Last week, I stood in this ring with you, and I shook your hand man to man, and I had respect for you. Then later on you attacked me in this very ring, cost me my match. and you know what.. I still respect you. I respect what you have done for this company, and what you still do to this day, and if that attack was your way of letting me know what I’m in for, don’t worry I already know.. The question is do you know what your in for? I am a Wrestling Machine, I am an olympic gold medalist and a multi time world champion, hell i may be the best damn competitor ever to set foot is this ring. So if you was trying to prepare me for our match at Vengeance, thanks, but I don’t need preparing… I know what’s going to happen.


With that Kurt signs the paperwork, he then walks around the table and gets face to face with Sabu, before handing him the paper and pen. Sabu stares intently at the contract infront of him. He pulls Angle’s mic up.


Sabu - You say you're prepared??….. GOOD!!


Sabu signs the paperwork and slams it on the table.. Both men are face to face.


Angle - it’s official, it’s on, and I know what’s ahead of me, don't worry about that. In this match, all weapons are legal, such as Ladders, chairs… or this table right here


On that note Angle grabs Sabu and hits a belly to belly suplex, sending him crashing through the table. Angle stands over Sabu as Paul Heyman looks on in shock.


——— BREAK ———


Main Event - Rob Van Dam Vs Test


A real Test (sorry for the pun) for RVD here, as he takes on a man who has high ambitions and believes this may be his chance to prove he can hang with the big boys. Both men have shown they are willing to take big bumps and the first of those came early on when Van Dam flew from the top rope to the outside, only for Test to move out of the way at the last moment, resulting in Van Dam hitting the ring barrier. Test proceeded to take over and use the environment and extreme rules to his advantage as RVD ended up tossed into the corner post, the steel steps and the ring apron. Test is in control of this match but RVD is able to start a comeback. He battles back well and is able to get Test in place for a Rolling Thunder, but at the last minute Test rolls out of the way, is quick to his feat and hits a massive big boot on RVD.


Test signals this is the end of Van Dam. He heads to the top rope and looks for the big elbow drop, which he connects with. The leg is hooked and the ref counts








RVD at the very last second gets his shoulder up. A clearly shocked Test goes outside to grab a steel chair and brings it into the ring. Test again goes up on the ropes for an elbow drop, this time onto the chair but RVD is able to roll out. He is up quick aswell and he throws the chair to a rising Test who catches it but receives a Van Daminator for his troubles. Test falls with the chair across his sternum and this invites RVD to jump onto the ropes and hit a Frog Splash onto Test with a chair in between.. He hooks the leg and gets the 3 count. A great win for the champion but Test pushed him all the way

Winner - RVD


ECW goes off the air with RVD celebrating his victory.


End Of Show

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WWE News and Rumours


We are just one week out from Vengeance and things are heating up in the WWE. this past week on Raw, the 3 competitors in the WWE title match drew lots and was able to pick each other’s opponents. John Cena drew Edge and put him in a match with Intercontinental Champin Johnny Nitro, in which Edge came out on top. RVD then appeared on Raw and put Cena in with the monster Umaga which ended in a No contest when Edge and RVD got involved. Edge will be on ECW this week when he picks RVD’s opponent.


The also seems to be some buzz around the ECW title match which is a real pick em match. Some people believe Sabu deserve the title as an ECW original while the obvious choice would be Angle due to his popularity and experience as a main event title holder.


Those in the know expect Big Show to start a long standing feud with an ECW original soon based around his attacks, pretty soon he is going to run out of lower card guys to go through and will need a challenge.


The are also some big plans coming together already for ECW’s Hardcore Heaven. Expect alot of variants of hardcore matches in this one.


Any more news and rumours be sure that you will get it here, first!






DX Vs The Spirit Squad (5 on 2 Handicap Match)


Rob Van Dam © vs Edge Vs John Cena - WWE Title Match


Kurt Angle Vs Sabu - ECW Title Match - Extreme Rules


Randy Orton vs Ric Flair - 2 Out of 3 Falls Match


Johnny Nitro © Vs Shelton Benjamin & Carlito - Intercontinental Title Match


Kane Vs Umaga


Mickie James Vs Lisa - Women’s Title Match




ECW On Sci-Fi Preview


The final ECW On Sci - Fi before Vengeance promises to be a huge event. Edge will appear on the show after he was given the right to pick RVD’s opponent for the night. He will make that announcement to start the show.


After two consecutive weeks of attacking each other, Kurt Angle and Sabu will be forced to team up as they have been put in a match together as partners against the undefeated team of London’s Calling. How will they co-exist just 5 days before there ECW title match.


Also in action, a giant of a man who goes by the name of Mike Knox has been on wwe.com this week, promising to go all the way to the top of ECW. He makes his in ring debut against the impressive, CM Punk. And ECW originals Rhyno and Tommy Dreamer will be going at it 1 on 1


All this and much more on ECW On Sci-Fi






RVD Vs ????


Tommy Dreamer Vs Rhyno


CM Punk Vs Mike Knox


Kurt Angle & Sabu Vs London’s Calling

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